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02x07 - Episode 7

Posted: 01/21/24 10:12
by bunniefuu
There is a reason you covet
this n*gro so well, Governor?

The others look up to Pedro.

England craves tobacco.

Imagine when our fields
are full of men such as Pedro.

Yesterday you laughed once.

Today... you laughed twice.

In one year, you will love me.

You will tell me the dealings you've had

with the captain of the Royal Moon.

The arrangement that you made
with him for our tobacco

never to reach England.

I did come here to ruin you

but when I saw a man so distressed,

what I felt was pity.

A widow's life is short, Jocelyn.

It is not possible for a woman to
remain here unaided.

Without a husband, a woman simply
has no position in Virginia.

Let us go forth
with this cross to remind us

we serve God's purpose here.

What a wondrous day it is, Alice,

to bring the message of the cross.

So that no more evil shades might
trespass upon our settlement.

We could meet in the woods.

- For kissing?
- If that's what you want.

That's what I want.

What are we to do with all this
land, Pedro?

- Farm it, sir.
- True. True.

And true again.

This means, Governor, that every man
shall have a piece of earth

to plant as his own.

We will need more souls
if we are to conquer it.

I hope that you will...
breed with Maria?

I know how you like to please me.

Let's hope you give Maria a child,
and soon.

Know thyself. Know thyself.

What do you suppose you're doing?

Massinger owes us a debt
for what he stole.

We're taking payment.

Make your claim and the court will
deal with it.

We predict that all of this will
fall into Yeardley's hands.

So, he's the man that can agree to
settle what is due to us.

If you take these labourers,
it'll be considered a theft.


When you speak with the doctor,

I hope you will receive
his proposal well.

Dear Governor,
I implore that you pity me.

I live in a world where the most
handsome man is already taken.

Authority, courage, experience.

The most manly man.

Is it any wonder
that others blemish before you?

The Sharrows have taken every last
n*gro from Massinger's farm.

They claim them as their right

in payment for Massinger's theft
of their tobacco.

They've got brimstone in their
liver those two, let's give them that.

We will make them kneel before
the seat of judgment, sir.

Let us be in no hurry to have
every ounce of business

regarding Massinger's land
and labour recorded.

I'll deal with the Sharrows.

I was hoping that you would walk me
home, dear Governor.

Your charms, Jocelyn, cannot erase
the common tradition.

If a widow does not remarry,

then her reputation
might meet with public sanction.

Their lives will be better here, Alice,

than ever they were
at Master Massinger's.


you have never stopped
trying to prove yourself to me.

Every day a little bit, a little bit...

until I trust you.

You are the most beautiful.

Whenever I see you walking,

your left foot is more lovely
than your right but...

No, but they are both...

No more talking.

Marshal, I couldn't help
but overhear your conversation

with our Governor.

When a landowner such as Massinger
dies, he has no wife, no children...

Is there no pie you do not seek to
dig your finger into?

The Sharrows have taken possession
of Massinger's negroes

- in payment for their losses.
- Widow. Widow.

The more you meddle,
the more I am amused.

But the land, sir, will it be
returned to the company?

Jocelyn, might I speak with you?

Yes, dear Christopher, perhaps tomorrow.
I'm just about to leave.

Jocelyn, are you avoiding me?

I don't know why you say such a thing.

Well, I dare not put off what
I have to say for one day more.

Our Governor spoke to me...

Ma'am? Ma'am?

It's the chill, sir, or the damp.

Or perhaps something else altogether.

Come on. Pull!

Pull! Pull!

Pull! Come on.


Do not push a man to the ground
because you believe you own him.

I prod him as I was prodded
so the work might get done.

I see only you taking
another living soul to the ground

because you are a brute

who needs to crush every living thing.

Alice, we've lost a whole year's crop.

You've never forgiven me, have you?

- Why should I?
- You were meant to be my wife.

I have named my regret.

It was never true remorse,
not from you. Never.

What will it take, Alice?

Must I swallow my last breath
for you to cease hating me?


- To have children is God's work.
- Yes, ma'am.

- Mistress Sharrow is...
- No, I mean you, Maria.

It's a holy purpose that my husband
told Pedro to breed with you.

Did the Governor...

tell you to breed with me?


No, my eyes have always seen
a most beautiful woman.

Answer me.

Answer me.

He did.

I trusted you.

Maria... Maria...

What brought the woman to attack Pedro?

Maria has always had the fiercest humour.

Well, I hope that Pedro did not tell her

that I instructed him to breed with her.

I could not hear the matter of it.

I was not close by, I...

but I don't believe
that she meant to harm him so...

The man is dying.

She plunged a knife full into his gut.

Of course she meant to harm him!

I will set every man to search for her.

Then she will tell us.

Pedro looks fearfully sick, Doctor.

What hope does he have?

If the bleeding doesn't k*ll him,
then the fever will.

You have blood on your Holy book.

If we let one of their kind run,
then others will do the same.

The blackamoor will be caught
and her return and punishment

will show all who see it that
attempting escape is a fatal decision.

You Sharrows
are known as masterly hunters.

We are blessed to know
that you will track the n*gro down.

And once this matter is sorted,

I will have time to consider your claim
for Massinger's negroes.

I suggest you show loyalty to me
at every opportunity,

if you wish me to favour your petition.

There needs to be order
for farms to prosper.

When we were tenured men,
we laboured our time.

If we had run, then we would
have been called deserters

and hanged if we were caught.

It's the same, Alice.

If we do not help search,

then the Governor will count that
against our right to Massinger's men.

You talk like Henry does.

I hope it is not your intention to
aid the runaway, Mistress Rutter?

But if I might chance upon Maria, sir,

I could persuade her
to return and face justice.

Why do you have food?

I plan to leave it for her to find,
Secretary Farlow.

Then it might give her strength to
submit herself to the authorities.

And why are you searching at this spot?

Is there some godless
enchantment at work here?

I see nowt but a few scraps of nothing.

- Why would you do such a thing?
- Because it pleases me.

Ma'am, when that cross was stood up...

the sun dazed me...

and a voice came to me.

It said...

"Know thyself." That's all.

It brought tears into my eyes.

Know thyself. What does it mean, ma'am?

Know thyself.

There's plenty about Meredith Rutter
ain't worth discovering.

Lies, deceits... cowardnesses...

I don't want to know myself.

I don't want to know myself.

Is there an echo in here?

I keep hearing my own words
coming back to me.

Well, where am I to find an answer
to such thoughts as these, ma'am?

God's book is where the word lives.

My mistress is sick, sir.

Yes, and I'm her doctor
so I wish to attend her.

- But she's of her bed, sir.
- Mercy, if you let me in,

then I can examine
Mistress Castell of her bed

so that I might determine what ails her.

Surely, sir.

Why she lay there smit with
affliction only moments ago.

Secretary Farlow.

I am glad to see you so restored, sir.

After your encounter with roughhouse.

A pleasantry from you
makes my bowel shiver.

What do you want?

I want Master Massinger's land.

See how the air itself
sparkles to life

when true nature is expressed.

I have the cause and the justification.

Massinger k*lled my husband.

What I do not yet have
are the means to persuade...

the Governor
to sign the contract over to me.

I want you to persuade our governor.

I have no misgivings about this
course except one.

It would make me an ally to you

and that thought puts yesterday's
breakfast back into my throat.

Do you think I would make
such an approach

without naming a benefit
and a business for you?

I would own the land,

I would profit from its yield

and you will be my secret partner
in the enterprise.

What percentage would I have?


If I were to help you
gain the plantation,

why should I trust you
to keep your word?

But, sir, I see that
the possibility of dark dealings

and political betrayal are already
intoxicating to your senses.

I will consider your proposal.

- What's the matter with your ale?
- I don't like the taste of it.

What are you doing with the Bible?


What could you seek in
the pages of a book, you wantwit?

You can't read.

I can't seem to
shake them words out of my brain.

Know thyself.

Know thyself.

I have to follow it where it takes me.

She was here.


We might be seen to search

but not well enough that we find Maria.


Alice will settle.

Our family have known peace.

We will know it again.

I don't blame Alice.

She's not the only one
who can't forgive me.

If your own soul torments you...

Not me, brother...




It was me who said to bring her here.

You did right, Pepper. Take her inside.

You have black men in your field.


Yes, we do.

Chacrow, I know it was you
who returned my baby to me

and now you bring Maria here.

I will repay you if I can.

Silas says Sharrows owe no more
debts to Pamunkey.

Then I say to you that I do.

I am ready to repay you.

A woman, a blackamoor...

took a knife to my valuable servant.

A witless girl and yet you huntsmen
failed to scout her out.

Is your manhood so weak?

Perhaps she's been given shelter.

I have good reason to inspect the tavern.

How many miles of wilderness
are there out there?

She might keep going
till she's never seen again.

- Deserters are punished.
- Most of them dead.

What about the naturals?
Could she be with them?

The signs we saw were that she
rested close by in the woods.

If she intended to go as far as
the mountains, she'd keep moving.

I'd say she was confused, afraid...

didn't know what she was doing.

Find her.

You're safe here, Maria.

I don't know how but we will help you.

I k*lled Pedro.

- I saw so much blood.
- Pedro is not dead.

He may not live but he's not dead yet.

Why, Maria?

Why did you do it?

The Governor told
Pedro he must breed with me.

I believed that Pedro was lying with me

because the Governor told him to.

There is no reason to defy the Governor.

We've a chance, do you not see,
to get back what we have lost.

To keep Massinger's men.

How long can she hide like this?

- A day? A week? A year?
- What would you have me do?

Hand her over when you know what
will happen to her.

She took a knife to a man.

So did I once!

And I was lucky my strength failed me.

I only cut him. I could not
plunge it into him as I wanted to.

I will not give Maria up.

Do you hear me?

I refuse.

If you were a runaway, Secretary Farlow,

would you hide yourself in the tavern?

Even my own softbrain of a husband
would gallop

until he had no feet left on him.

What are you doing, Rutter?


You're a man of the Bible.

Since I have no reading,

might you answer me a question
of this book?

- Know thyself.
- That is the question?

As my tongue is in my soul, sir.

Do I see that you are sober, Rutter?

The heart is deceitful
above all things...

and desperately wicked...

who can know it?

The heart is deceitful above all things

and desperately wicked...

who can know it?

It must have been most distressing
for you, Temperance,

to have witnessed such savagery.

To have blood on your hands
and your dress...

And yet, there is a shroud of...

what is it, concealment about you.

If I lose Pedro,

I'll be robbed of more
than just sweat and labouring hands.

The man has a purpose for me.

To teach others like himself
that they belong.

To persuade them
to toil without question...

Do not talk.

Did you tell Maria that I instructed
Pedro to breed with her?

No. No. No.

I did not know. No, I promise you.
I promise you.

Then all is well.

And all is well.


I have a glass of wine ready for you.

If you are to obtain Massinger's land,

I must warn you, it cannot be
achieved with cunning.

It can only be accomplished by
direct confrontation with Yeardley.

Widow, is it that you fear
the pale life of a doctor's wife

that makes
you resist remarrying so resolutely?

Tell me how I might possess the farm.

The previous Governor, Argyle,

sold the land to Master Massinger

without the permission of the company.

Yeardley knows that.

Should this fact be exposed, the
Virginia Company will reclaim it all.

Should the corruption
remain out of view...

Yeardley might concoct a contract
between himself and Massinger

and the entire transaction
would remain out of view.

This gives you the means
by which to challenge Yeardley.

Now you must find the courage.

Are you certain, madam,
that you do not wish to remarry?

I will not be owned, possessed,
confined or determined by wedlock.


Did you tell him? Did you?

- I told him nothing.
- You leave her be.

- This is my home and you will... Don't!
- Alice.


The heart is deceitful above all things

and desperately wicked, who can know it?

The heart is deceitful above all
things and desperately wicked...

Master Rutter...


What was it you wanted?

Might you explain to me...

The heart is deceitful above all
things and desperately wicked...

who can know it?

Thank you, Master Rutter...

for coming to...

to speak with me.

But what does it mean?

It is an instruction
that we do not set our course

by our own terrible wishes.

For we will suffer the more.

It was kind of you to bring
such a pillow for Pedro.

I might feed on this book
and be fat with grace.

What have you done, girl?

What have you done?

- Pedro!
- Maria!

There ain't a settlement
along the river you can go to,

won't turn you in to Governor Yeardley.

Your only possibility is the naturals.

I must see Pedro first
to tell him I am sorry.

It's a risk, girl,

especially since he...
might not live to hear it.

You came looking for me with food.

Why would you help me when I took
a knife to a man? Your friend.

You would come to my aid
if it was me who used the blade.

I kept that knife in my hand
for so long.

It was like it was part of me.

Because I knew I would use it.

The day would come.

But I didn't know it would be Pedro.

He told you?


Pedro has run.

I want you to ask Maria
where he would go to.

James Read,

there's not a shadow that moves
in this town that don't catch your eye.

You have that... shrine...

secret place by the Black River.

He'll look for her there.

James Read.

What are you doing sitting there, Henry?

Searching for the runaway negroes.

It's a very Henry Sharrow
way of hunting.

There's a time when a man
might look more keenly with his mind

than his eyes and legs.

Come closer that we might speak.

Have you been out seeking Pedro?

If he isn't found soon, he won't live.

You know, I never thought
I'd see the day that Henry Sharrow

was doing the Governor's dark work for him.

There speaks the man
who made the chains.

What have you beneath those
blankets, James Read?

Provisions, tools, weapons...

Let me take a look, will you?

You can search the woods and
the river all you wish, Henry,

but you won't give me the offence
of searching my boat.

Pedro. Talk to me. Please talk to me.

Pedro, why did you not tell me
what the Governor said to you?

I woke up in the night
and you were kissing me.

Do you suppose I had any
thoughts about our master?

Maria, we have to go back.

Yeardley will never let us escape.

He will hunt us forever.

And Maria...

if Master Yeardley sees us
walk back to him...

I will speak to him, plead with him...

We are too valuable to him.

He will not k*ll us.

We will go back.




We Sharrows have shown ourselves to
be loyal to you.

Can we suppose that the earlier
matter between us, our claim,

to take the negroes
from Massinger's farm,

that that issue is now settled?

Governor. Governor, I spoke to Maria.

She was intent on returning to face
justice. I swear to you, sir.

Dear Governor, Maria ran away
because she was afraid, sir.

I went to find her, to explain to her,

to tell her that when she spoke to you,

when she tells you how this came about,

that you would be merciful...

This accident is my doing.

I was pushing Maria, sir, fighting
with her, playing, sir.

- An accident?
- Yes. Yes, sir.

I was some distance but, yes...

perhaps it was play that I saw.

Pedro, if I discover that you have
been lying to your master,

I will have to punish you.


What becomes of a servant who seeks
to run away from their master?

The crime must never be forgotten,

The guilt of it must always be visible.

They were going to give themselves up.

Would you have the Governor believe you

caught them for your own advantage?

And why did you put them in chains?

Perhaps so you might see it, Alice.

Now, I know you believe I'm a man
beyond salvation...

So, let me prove it to you
with my every breath.

You are right.

Well... But that's worse.

It's the worst.

To cruelly use
another soul to punish me.

Like a coward's way.

A coward and you are the king of
fear, Henry Sharrow.

Deny it. Deny it.

I've listened to you.

You see eternal summer over the horizon.

Well, it in't there.


Because we're all human beasts.

Do you tell yourself you're
untouched by all of this?

Look at your own land
and see how it's worked now.

Do you really suppose it's possible
to live here

without being tainted?

I hope you will be kind to us,
Lady Yeardley.

Shall we meet in the woods again, Mercy?

I ain't so sure.

I keep looking up above me
for fear another person

might fall down onto me.

Then, let's meet in the rushes.

The skimmington...

Rough music...

to shame you

for failing to remarry.

Let me walk alone... please.

Shame! Shame! Shame!


- Harlot!
- Shame!

Shame! Shame! Shame!

I thought your legs
might buckle beneath you

as you walked down that street.

The more they seek to shame me...

the more I refuse to be tamed.

A widow knows a man.

She's no longer... immaculate.

She is milked flesh.

And I will be the peach that they fear.

I will be as open as I wish to be.




- You've made an enemy of the Governor.
- He has made a foe of me.

You only have to wave your arm, sir,

and I'll put together an attack force.

Fight with me.

Sharrow, give yourself up!

I'm sorry it's come to this, Alice.