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03x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 01/21/24 10:16
by bunniefuu
This blood is English blood.

Each new generation will bring endless expansion across this country.

You take our land, our bloodlines.

What kind of friends are we? I will not be owned, possessed, confined or determined by wedlock.

I would own the land and the profit from its yield, and you will be my secret partner.

It is the judgement of our governor to compensate the widow Castell by the granting of all lands that belonged to Master Massinger.

Every week she grows in strength and position.

Then we must cut her down.

A fire.

What a splendid spectacle to welcome the widow into the world of being a landlord.

I was told by the Chickahominy, Silas Sharrow gives information to the Pamunkey.

They'll blame you for this, they know you aided the naturals.


You must forget about me, Alice.

Everything is broken.

Silas Sharrow Here, like this.

I believed I would never know true beauty till I set my eyes on my own Virginia.

Thank you! What news have you brought, James Read?
- There ain't no news for you, Alice.

- I'm not asking you.

- I know you will not lie to me, James.

- I saw Silas.

- How is he?
- He is Pamunkey now, Alice.

- But you did bring a message.

- He wants to meet with Henry.

- I'll go with you.

- He didn't ask to bring you.

Would you prevent me from going to the husband I've not seen for many months? Suppose the sight of you is a torment to him, did you think of that? I want him back.

Silas gave English secrets to the naturals.

If he comes here, they'll cut his throat.

Don't you ever bow to what's done, Alice? No.


Dear Christopher, what a treasure it is to see you returned.

Do you have it? Ah, Jocelyn I have missed your glorious self

Yes, I have brought what you asked for.

Don't you want to comfort me after such an arduous journey?
- Don't you want to know my news?
- Of course of course.

England is raw
-cold, oppressed with debts, and I am to marry.

Oh In the time I was away, Lettice has grown into a woman.

- And will Lettice come to live here?
- Or I might return to England.

- It is yet to be decided.

- Lettice, Lettice The little Wonderling spared your heart, Christopher.

Be careful you do not trip over your own giddy step.

Was ever a mortal more contrary to nature? Master Crabtree has a bent back, sir.

It is no more than human affliction.

Where's your courage gone, woman? If you let this moment pass, and not ask him to speak to Silas, then it's time you gave him up for good.

How Wasn't I this minute standing by the river? How is it I'm home? He often thinks he's been away and back again.

I'm married to a man with dust beneath his skull.

Alice, you must find a reason for Henry to take you with him.

Of the territories that we took from the naturals over the past years, Arrohattoc, Quiyoughcohannock, Nansemond, Paspahegh and Warraskoyack, those newly taken will be granted by the company Will it be our governor's true heart that parcels them out? Well, none will be sold to you, Sharrow.

We may as well give the land back to the Pamunkey as do that.

Mistress Costello, you cannot interrupt the Burgesses.

Sir, I'm not here to disrupt.

I'm here to join you.

I am a landowner, a working, prospering farmer, as each man is here.


A windmill.

I simply wish that a woman came and showed you leaking kettles what progress truly looks like.

Widow, if you insist on remaining then we shall leave.

It is not possible to conduct governance under the whiff of perfume.

When I sleep I have such night visions.

I dreamt I found a key, and then when I woke It is no more than coincidence, Maria.

You must put aside such devil
-touched thinking.

You are Christian now.

I do not know how, but I believe it is the key to your house in Jamestown.

Maria, come help a man that has lost his shoe, eh? Lady Yeardley, I saw in my sleep the Governor with an axe held in one hand, and a human head held in the other.

I dreamt that the fields tended themselves, as we sat in the shade and drank and laughed all day long.

Madame, my ancestors bring this to me to warn me of what is coming.

Such things cannot be true.

Hush, Maria, hush! Do you hear me? Try it.

See if it is true.

It is our bounden duty to deliver the naturals from eternal damnation by bringing them to God's truth.

But we have found that Silas Sharrow has made a heathen of himself and lives like a beast.

Henry, any word of your brother? You don't need me to assist you gentle sirs, since you have your own informers.

And will your own child soon be baptized? Your affection for my baby is most welcome, Secretary.

But I don't need your prodding to take her to church.

Sharrow, you have means of passing a message to the Pamunkey.

Let your brother know that since he stands in the way of our Christian purpose, I will have his head on a spike.

My hope is for Lettice to come to Virginia.

Thank you
- Stop
- Mercy.

Has Pepper ever discussed marriage with you? No, ma'am.


Not a word of it.

Only in whispers.

It is not possible, do you understand? When she takes a position, a maid marries herself into service.

- Yes, ma'am.

- You must tell him.

Make clear to Pepper you are never to be married.

Do it quickly, so he carries no hopes about him.

Yes, ma'am.

I will.

I want a father for my son.

You have as many suitors as any woman might wish for.

I promised the Lord I would love the man I married in that church.

Did Silas not commit treason against our settlement, Alice? Suppose Silas was baptized again, before the eyes of every soul here.

Would that not be a service to our country, an advantage to the Governor? Silas would be an example to the Pamunkey that they might renounce their religion, join the Christian faith.

Why do you bring your scheme to me? I do not believe you wish to see your husband put my husband's head onto a spike.

I have a promissory note for you, Nicholas.

A handsome profit.

I have proven myself a farmer can build a fortune from ashes.

You are a little too public for my rather secretive tastes, Jocelyn.

Oh, but, sir, isn't the risk of making a pigeon of our governor the most appealing part of the entire enterprise? Why must you rile and rattle him so? I know it was he who had my crops b*rned to the ground.

He shames me for remaining unmarried.

He sits upon this colony like a cruel Caesar.


Let our governor build the first windmill.

You do wish to return to his good regard, then? I'm not the one offering this gift.

You are.

Tell him you confiscated it from me.

As I came into the Burgesses, I heard of new land to be distributed, and I want some of it.

Yeardley would never grant it to me, but he might to you, if you please him.

We must disguise any possibility of conspiracy between we two, so I will present to you another opportunity to att*ck me.

Maria, did you take the key to my house and pretend you had found it? Why do you ask this when you do not believe that I am deceiving you? My whole faith demands I cannot believe you but I must.

Have you seen such visions before, Maria? Because you have dreamt this, is it certain to happen? Was it Silas Sharrow's head that you saw? I do not know if it can be stopped, ma'am.

Everything I tell you is true.

Lady Yeardley, please do not tell the Governor.

- He will punish Maria.

- We will build a windmill, Temperance.

The plans were gained for me by Secretary Farlow.

He claims he commanded them from the widow.

Do we believe he conquered her so easily? My dear, suppose you could turn Silas Sharrow's pagan beliefs to your advantage so that he might help to convert the naturals to Christianity.

Every corner of my eye sees enemies, threats, conspiracies.

Is it any wonder that my mind is in constant alert? Perhaps you might find one path to peace.

Will you speak with Alice Sharrow? It is an ample trade that you have already with the farms upriver, sir.

Willmus Crabtree, respected and venerated factor, sir.

Permitted by the Company to market goods at swollen prices.

Secretary Farlow, if a man wished to open a trading post here on the settlement, how might he achieve it? The proposal must go first through the Burgesses, then the Governor.

You misunderstand me, sir.

I meant we settle it, here and now, between you and I.

Suppose some of the best goods I ship here catch your eye, master.

It might please me to please you.

Over a cup of sack, sir, you could suggest to me a suitable premises.

Secretary Farlow Never mention the possibility of marriage, it is forbid.

Don't you want to? I prayed for such happiness but if God wanted us to wed he would not have my mistress refuse it.

If you so much as speak to me, I will have you tried for striking an official of the Company.

I know my husband did a great wrong.

Will Henry take you to him? Is that what's arranged? Sir, if you grant this possibility, I promise you that Silas will publicly avow his loyalty to you and be baptized to the true God.

If your husband returns, he must denounce all Pamunkey blasphemes and subject himself to punishment.

But he will not be k*lled.

We Sharrows will be faithful servants.

Henry, I'm coming with you.

You tell her we were leaving today? I have an offer from our governor to take to Silas, that he might return.

You trust Yeardley? It's not for you to decide, Henry.

Let me ask Silas that.

Those to be granted land along the river are Robert Nabb Adam Varr Sir, I beg your indulgence.

If you men would walk from a gathering of the Burgesses because a daughter of God sits amongst you, each woman of Jamestown will spurn this assembly until that justice is rectified.


Widow! I shall see you cast into jail, should you offend our governor.

Do you consider yourself above the law, you vile wildcat?! Ladies.

Pepper Take a look along the shoreline, see if anyone's followed us.

Thank you, Henry.

Henry Wait here.

Oh Why are you here? Where is Henry? Is Silas nearby? Chacrow, I've been a friend to you.

I must speak with Silas.

Please, Chacrow, I have a message for him!
- Winganuske, where you going?
- Wait.

Silas I miss you every day.

Never stopped hoping.

I wanted to I wanted to meet with Henry, to tell him that I am going to live in the faraway mountains.

Oh My Silas I'm sick with love for you, Alice.

It possesses me as much now as ever it did, but I am hunted every day.

Silas, I spoke with the governor.

You can come back.

It's true.

He says you must denounce Opechancanough and submit yourself to God, in example to the Pamunkey that their Gods have failed you.

Silas, you can come back I ain't gonna let them take Silas.

- Ride, Alice.

- Silas, please, will you come back? Sharrow! Stay down.

Sharrow Move.

To the river.

Sharrow Come on, quick! All of my senses froze because my eyes refused to admit what they saw.

An Englishman made painted beast.

Did your men see that it was Henry who fired upon them? Can we charge him? I am thwarted at every quarter.

I will show this town how authority speaks.

I see such a danger that we might all be swallowed by such darkling savagery.

Burn this promise into my flesh, Doctor, that every heathen will be k*lled before I let that happen.

I pray the Lord knows your husband well, Lady Yeardley.

I did not have any knowledge of this trap, Alice.

I promise you.

You've taken from me what Henry Sharrow could not.

You've stolen my best hopes, my better nature.

You have defeated me.

Alice Alice, please What will you do? Ma'am, it's nothing.

- I promise I promise you, I fell.

- Tell me, child.

Did Secretary Farlow do this to you? Ma'am, in a day the pain will be gone.

Let me be clear, sir, you may never lay your stick upon my maid again.

They were clenched.

The two of them, wrapped together in a way that was ugly.

To your eyes, perhaps.

My mother wrapped herself into a man that way.

I told the authorities, and she was made to stand before the congregation and admit she was a fornicator.

Nicholas I stood in the church that day and I knew that I had discovered the polestar of my life.


I'm tired of it now.

I'm tired of Nicholas Farlow.

I met the new factor, Crabtree, and he saw the corruption in me.

He knew me.


And I'm not shocked by his own rancid smell.

I wish of you to release me from our collusion against the Governor.

You might keep the profits from the farm.

I am done with dishonour.

The secretary lashed Mercy so fiercely and I did nothing! While he lives, I can hardly move for the shame of it, Henry.

I cannot decide for you, Pepper.

But if you do choose to k*ll the secretary, you must know it might be the last decision you make in this life.

If you do this, be sure to call his name before you strike that way he knows why he must die.

And he'll take that knowledge with him to hell.

Look at me.

You k*ll a man don't lie to yourself.

You'll be a k*ller with every breath.

My husband wishes you to join us for supper, Mistress Castell.

Nicholas, are you also to dine at the Governor's tonight? Sir, you are one with care.

Let our scruple tonight be survival.

Pepper, what are you doing? I hate the man who stood by you while you were struck and cried out.

OKkay, I won't be that man, do you hear me? I would prefer a man living and breathing who made one mistake, one failing, one slip of his courage, to a man who takes his pride with him under the ground.

I want you living, Pepper.

Go to your bed, Mercy.

I will wait for the secretary and I will rid myself of this shame.

- Pepper, please don't.

- Go! Widow, you might imagine that I have no cause to be kind to you.

But tonight, I do.

It might suit my purpose to grant some riverside land to you.

Sir, what reason would you have to favour me? I admire your fine, crooked dealings with the secretary against me.

But your secret partner henceforth will be me.

Governor, you could not believe that I would dare to deceive you? The land along the river is rich, but the Company would be dissatisfied if their governor took too much for himself, so you, Jocelyn, will buy it, and you and I will be secret partners in the matter.

Jocelyn, you need only name Farlow as your fellow conspirator.

Sir, if I point my finger at any man, then your finger will point to me.

I saw you together, secret conference this very night.

Sir, that was merely I struck Jocelyn, the widow's maid.

And she we sir, it was not conspiracy that you witnessed.


You call her Jocelyn.

Sir, speaking in the tavern is not evidence of conspirators.

But what a misstep it was to present to me the designs for the windmill as if you'd snatched them from her, Farlow.

She sent to England for them.

Look to the lady.

Would she not kick and scream and bite before she permitted you to confiscate anything she valued? Mischief.


False as water.

Nicholas, please confess.

He may spare you yet.

Governor, it was all of her making.

The violet forced me.

She entrapped me.

Bribery, sir.

Her only purpose was to bring ruin upon you, dear Governor.

What a great, great relief it is to no longer have to feign friendship and respect, or swear false brotherhood with a man who deserves only a sacred hatred.

Let the rest of the world carry on the veneer of liking and loving you, when what we all truly wish for is to spit upon your soul.

Let every pair of eyes here see what becomes of traitors.

Ma'am Will God punish me if I'm glad the secretary is dead? No.

What I see now it is not enough.

Never enough to merely survive.

The brute that is our governor must be utterly felled.

- Henry.

- You shame me.

You shame all of us with your boundless heart.

Your true rebellion is that you insist on love.

You demand it.

Where in hell's name you get such faith from? Henry, you once told me that no one can stay here and not be tainted.

So, I must leave.

Giddap! Stay there, for Mama.

I thought that something true might be made in the New World.

- But it never can be.

- Alice What's in the bag? What's in that bag, Alice? I'm going to take the ship back to England.

I don't believe you.

I don't believe it.

That's not true.

Why would you say a thing like that? I won't let you.

Why? I don't know if I'm fleeing from tyranny or running away from a broken heart, but I have to go.

I cannot believe that, of all the people, you were defeated by this place, Alice.

Please say it is not so.

What am I going to do? I can't so much as bear it.

Silas! Silas.

I brought the horse so that you might ride it.

Your wife is taking the ship to England.

Silas, Alice is leaving.

I'll never forget you.

Do you suppose that's some comfort to me? There, now He
-ya! Come little boy and go to sleep You will not see your mother weep For I will wear a sailor's coat Across the seas, I must go Farewell all gentle friends We will never meet again Farewell all gentle friends We will never meet again Who would defy my command that the secretary's head must remain here? Look upon me.

I will not be defied! The naturals do have medicines.

They know the herbs and the plants so well.

You speak truthfully, Doctor, for your life depends on it.

What sins, sir, had God put that hump on your back? Luck has blessed me, Marshal, with not one ugliness, but two.

I do not say that your schemes are not justified, only that they are dangerous.