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10x08 - Monty Needs a New Job

Posted: 01/21/24 12:15
by bunniefuu

No breakfast for you?

I brought me own.
It's here somewhere.

Zero calories and you can go back
as many times as you like.


Oh, bollocks, I've run out of juice.

Well, we have orange,
pineapple or summer breeze.

Not that juice,
I forgot to charge me cig.

What' s summer breeze?

It's pineapple juice
with a dash of orange.

Oh. Will you charge that for me?

I can't be arsed going back upstairs.

We are not supposed to be
charging the phones

or the electric cigarettes
behind the bar.

I'm pretty sure you're not
supposed to be wearing a mucky old vest

and slope off for a f*g
every 20 minutes, either.

Good point well made.

Ooh, they've got no hash browns.

Oh, you'll waste away.

It's all right. I doubled up on sausages
and black pudding.

Thank God for that.

Now, what's the problem with this venue?

I've told you.

there is no problem.

We've just got to book it today
or it's gone.

What do you mean, "it's gone"?

The rugby club's not gonna
disappear overnight.

You know what I mean.

The booking.

We've already lost one venue
through fannying about.

I wouldn't want my silver wedding
in a crappy prefab building

on the side of a muddy field.

Well, luckily, even if you did find
some idiot who wanted to marry you,

I don't think you'd be spending

Is that bar not open yet?
They've only got orange juice here.

There's pineapple as well.

Oh, no, I couldn't have either.

They give me terrible acid reflux.

One gobful, I'd be in agony
for the rest of day.

Why don't you have a summer breeze?

What's a summer breeze?

- Breakfast cocktail. I'll get you one.
- Oh!

Thanks, Loretta.

Did you see what just happened?


You didn't see your mother just then?

No, I've got me eyes shut.

You didn't see what your mother
just did to my father?

I just told you, I've got me eyes shut.

You wouldn't have believed it
if you had seen it.

Oh, for crying out loud!

Your mother just stood up
and stroked me father's hair.

She probably put itching powder in it.

There you go, summer breeze.

Now, she's just gone
and got him a drink.

Billy, why can't you just accept

that my mother, on occasion,
can be a caring, compassionate person?

I beg your pardon?

All right, maybe not caring
and compassionate

but at least not the conniving evil
witch you always make her out to be.


- You bastard. You evil bastard!
- What?

Oh, what is going on?

Your mother just tried to poison me dad.

All's well with the world.

You know I can't take orange juice.

Breakfast cocktail, my arse.

JACQUELINE: Oh, I'm sorry, Liam.

I could've sworn I told you I was gonna
have a nap midday by the pool.

Yeah, you did.

Are you okay?

Do you want some help opening the salon?

Yeah, have you got a pneumatic drill?

Oh, I've got something very similar
in me room.

But you might want to run it
under a tap first.

Oh! Liam!

The door's disappeared.

LIAM: I know.

[GASPS] oh, I think
I know what's happened.

- Go on.
- I don't think the door's disappeared,

I think someone
has bricked up the entrance.

It's a good job I rang you.

Well, I do have a kind of sixth sense
about these kind of things.

So, what do you think's going on there?

I don't have the answer
to that question, Jacqueline.

But I bet I know who does.


Wait for me.

I'm afraid I have no other choice

than to terminate your employment
at the Solana forthwith.

Considering your recent behaviour

you're lucky we're not bringing
legal action against you.

Any request for references will be
at the manager's sole discretion.

But Joyce, you are the manager.

And my wife.

Couldn't you give me another chance?


Go away.

It's very important.
It's Liam from Blow & Go.

I'm busy.
Go away!

I'm sorry, Monty, you've had all
the chances I can possibly give you.

With no job, I've got no income.

My pride won't let me
live off your earnings.

What about savings?

I didn't think you had any.

Not my savings, your savings.

What, my savings?

Do you know how much
that wedding cost me?

Oh, and what a triumph that was!


You regret marrying me.

I don't regret marrying you, Monty.

I just don't see how
we can remain married

with you here destroying
my hotel's reputation.


That's it.

I don't need to stay here
to be insulted.

A man of my talents can walk into
any place and get a job.

Off you go, then.

You can stick your reference
where the monkey keeps his nuts.

I'll get a job today
and it'll be without any help from you.



You haven't got 20 euros, have you?
I don't think I've got any petrol.

Take it from reception.

Hi, I've got a great trip to Guadalest.

If you're interested, I'm in reception.

Morning handsome.

Bet you say that to all the boys.

No, only the handsome ones.

- You got a busy day?
- So-so.

[SIGHS] Day off tomorrow, though.

Fancy doing something?

Oh, I've got an old workmate
coming over from Ibiza.

But I can keep you posted.

I would suggest a double date.

But I'm not too sure
I want the responsibility

of giving your mate Callum
as a blind date.

It's a guy actually.

Oh, my bad. Definitely not, then.

Yeah. Angelo.

He's a D.J.

We used to go out back in the day.

But we're just mates now, though.

Right. So this is your ex?

Technically, I suppose.
But you're cool with it, aren't you?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, man. Totally cool.

Yeah, ice cool.

Literally sub-zero, really, really cool.


- I mean, we're cool, aren't we?
- Yeah, of course, we're totally cool.

Uh, I hate to judge but yous two
sound like the most uncool people

on the face of the Earth.

Right, well. I'll catch you later.


What the hell was that about?

Sam's got an ex coming over.

From Ibiza.

He's a D.J.

Called Angelo.

Now he does sound cool.

LIAM: Well, she can't hide
in her office all day.

Meanwhile, I think you need a solicitor.


Don't suppose you could
squeeze me in today, can you?

I can't squeeze anybody in,
we've got no front door.

- Eh?
- Temple-Savage

has bricked up the entrance
to Blow & Go.

- She can't do that!
- She's done it.

Well, we think she's done it.

Who else can it be?

Hmm. Shame.

Just when Kenneth and Temple-Savage
were starting to like each other.

Luckily, it's Kenneth's day off,
so he'll still be out from last night.

Well, if you need backup,
you know where I am.

- Thanks, Sam.
- Thanks, love.

Well, let's hope Kenneth surfaces soon.

KENNETH: Oh, me head.



Still the middle of the bloody night.

Cheap market rubbish.

Where exactly are you going again?

I told you, we're going for a walk.

A walk?

You are going for a walk?

I don't mind a nice walk.

As long as coffee and cake's involved.

Watch out for the coffee,
she tried to poison you once today.

- A misunderstanding.
- Mm.

Do you want anything bringing
from off compound?

No, we're fine, thank you.

Just come back arguing and we'll feel
the world has somehow corrected itself

from all this madness.

Life's too short to bear a grudge.

I'm surprised you've not learnt that
after 25 years of marriage.


- I know what you're up to.
- What are they up to?

- I've worked it out.
- What have you worked out?

You almost got away with it,
but that last sentence gave you away.

Could you stop talking
like Velma from Scooby-Doo

and just tell me what's going on?

"Twenty-five years"!

They're organising a surprise party
for our silver wedding anniversary.

BILLY: Oh, thank God for that.

I was starting to think
you actually liked each other.

- No we're not.
- Eh?

We're not organising you a party.
Are we?

No, no, we're not.

Did you want a party?

- I didn't think you liked parties.
- I don't.

EDDIE: Well there you go, then.

I like parties.

Do you want us to help you organise one?


It's too much faffing about.

Anyway, we don't land
till 7:00 tomorrow.

Well, there you are, then.
Right. We're off. See you later.

- All right. Bye.
- See you later.

That were a close one.

I think we got away with it.

One beer and one orange juice.

Cheers, man.

So listen.

I've not mentioned it
up till now because...

I guess it's a delicate subject but...

Are you in a recovery programme?

Are you joking bruv?

I don't even have a car.

No. Are you in a recovery programme for,

you know, something else?

Like a motorbike?

For Christ's sake.

I'm not talking about the bloody RAC.

Oh, sorry.

I'm talking about AA.

I thought they were the same,

apart from one has a yellow badge
and the other one has a blue...

Alcoholics Anonymous.

Are you an alcoholic?

Of course not.

It's just that alcohol
doesn't agree with me.

Joey, alcohol doesn't agree with anyone.

Get this man a beer.

When I say it doesn't agree with me,

I mean
it makes me do these horrible eggy farts

that make my clothes stink for days.

He'll stick with the orange juice.

So, what's going on with Sam the Eagle?

Who's Sam the Eagle?

Your Sam.

Why do you call her Sam the Eagle?

Because her name is Sam
and she's a massive, scary bird.

- Very funny.
- I thought so.

She's not massive.

And she's not my Sam.

We're just friends.

Friends with benefits.

She's not on benefit, she works here.

Friends with benefits,
as in she's not your girl,

but you get all the benefits
and none of the headache.

- I know. I get it.
- I know you do.

Sometimes twice a day.
I mean, the woman is insatiable.

Yeah, well,
probably not for much longer.

Her ex arrives tomorrow.

Oh, aye.

Angelo, the D.J. from Ibiza.

You've got absolutely no chance
up against him, mate.

But look on the bright side.

For a guy who likes big older birds,
you're practically in Disneyland.

I mean, you can't move for big, fat,
middle-aged women in Benidorm.

I mean, you literally can't move...

Will you just shut up?

You don't get it, do you?

It's not about liking someone
who's big or small or short or tall.

It's about a connection.

It goes past the physical.

A meeting of minds.

Not that you'd know.

Christ, where'd she arrange
to meet his mind?

Must've been like looking
for "Where's Wally". [CHUCKLES]

He's the one who's been
getting laid all week.

Who's the Wally now?

How many times do I have to tell you?

As soon as I hear from head office

about this latest phase
of building work,

I'll be in touch.

Latest phase of building work?
You bricked up our salon.

I have not bricked up your salon.

Is this your hotel or not?

I have said
all I am willing to say on the subject.

Maybe I should call Crystal
and find out what's going on.

Maybe you should mind your own business.

She's gone mad.
Absolutely stark raving mad.

Hey, what happened to Blow & Go?

It has blown and gone, no?

Mateo, the salon hasn't blown away,
it's been bricked up.

Is what I am saying.

Why can't you people
not be taking a joke?

Right, I think it's time we got
some legal representation.

Ooh, that's sounds expensive.

It's all right.
I know a fella who knows a fella.

Right, okay.

Hang on.

Does either of these fellas
know a solicitor?

- Yeah.
- Oh, good.

- See you later.
- Good luck.

- Do you know anything about this?
- Yes, of course.

Head Office consulate me about
everything that goes on in this hotel.

Do they?

Of course, they do not.

I spend my days watering down vodka
and mopping vomit.

All right, keep your wig on.

You've got to admit, though,
it's not normal.

This is Benidorm.

When was the last time
you see anything normal?

Well, I'm gonna find out
what's going on.

Hurray for you.

Let me know when you have done this
and I will be giving you the clap.

In your dreams.

SHERON: I might have a dip.

You just had an hot dog.

A dip in the...



Maybe we should do something
for our anniversary.

We probably could have done

if you hadn't have booked our flights
for tomorrow.

So it's my fault.

Could go the Red Fez?

Are you offering to take me
to a kebab shop

for our 25th wedding anniversary?

It's not a kebab shop,
it's a Turkish restaurant.

It's a kebab shop.

You try telling Abdul that,
he'll be very upset.

Abdul won't be upset
because I won't be telling him that.

Because I will not be going to his
kebab shop for our anniversary.

I could just eat that now.

Bit of humorous, bit of that tombola,

couple of them dogmas.

Bit of, um, click-clack, er...

What do you call that yogurt stuff?

I have no idea.

It's a bit like Spanish tapas, isn't it?
But with, um...

Words you can't pronounce?

Oh, we could go to The Grange.

Why the bloody hell
would you want to go there for?

Why the bloody hell
would you want to go to the Red Fez?

Because it's cheap, it's local.

Did it ever cross your mind
that I might not want cheap and local?

The Grange is 20 minutes away,

which means it's too pricey
for a cab there and back,

which means one of us can't drink.

We could get a room there for the night.

At The Grange?
Are you out of your tiny mind?


What I mean is, you know,
what's the point

of paying to stay somewhere that's

There's nowt like your own bed, is there?

That's, that's what I meant.

That's...all I meant.

Right. Well, I am having a party.

We are having a party.

What? In the house?

- No, not in the house.
- Oh, at the Red Fez?

Or somewhere, somewhere else.

- What are you doing?
- Making a list.

- A list?
- Of people to invite.

Not too many, eh?

No, I mean, you wouldn't want to be
crowded out on our anniversary.

Would you?



Bloody hell.

What' s going on?

Feel like I've slept for days.



For God's sake.


What's bloody going on?

I've got a feeling them tablets Flaming
Moe gave me at the Mardi Gras last night

weren't Pro-Plus after all.


All right, don't panic, Kenneth.

Stay calm.

There's a perfectly simple
explanation for this.


She's finally done what she's been
threatening to do for years

and shut us down

by bricking up the salon

and turning off the water supply
so I die a slow and lonely death.

Oh, wake up.

Wake up! Wake up!




Did you hear that?

Hear what?

I don't know.

A noise.

Like somebody shouting

or screaming.

- No.
- Oh.


Four sailors from Cockermouth
crammed into a family room.

We've only ourselves to blame.

Turn the music up.



WU: Okay, well if you've got no pork,
what have you got?


Are you trying to deep-fry my balls?

I'm in Benidorm, not Las flipping Vegas.

What else have you got?

What kind of curd?

Bean curd?

I don't care what it's been,
what is it now?


Do you get it? Bean curd.

I don't care what it's been,
what is it now?




Come in.

Monkey Stains.

Monty Staines!

Monty, take a seat.

How is married life?

- Bloody awful.
- Tell me about it.

You know, my wife is so fat,

when she sit around the house,
she really sit around...

I'm sorry, Mr Wu,
I haven't got time for all that.

Oh, really?

You know,
there is an old Chinese saying,

"The man who has no time
for laughter in his life

"get no job from Mr Wu."

And just how old is that saying?

Well, you said on the phone
you looking for job, innit?

Yes. And you said you may have
an appropriate position vacant.

So can we please dispense
with the Christmas cr*cker jokes

and the fortune cookie proverbs?

Hey, check yourself
before you wreck yourself.

Coming in here like John Wayne
is big leggy.

- I'm sorry?
- Apology accepted.

Okay, here at Mr Wu,
we have four type of waiters.

The experienced waiters
are group A but...

Hang on a minute.

A waiter? In a Chinese restaurant? Me?

Well, I haven't got
any other type of restaurant.

I meant a job appropriate
for a man of my standing.

Oh, yeah, there lots of standing.

If you like standing,
you should enjoy it here.

I'm sorry, Mr Wu,

but, clearly, I'm wasting my time
and yours.

Wait, where are you going?

This is perfect job for you.

How do you work that out?

Because we got chips and rice.

Chips and rice!


Absolutely deranged.


Password. Joyce's password.





Joyce's date of birth, 1935?

Hmm, 56.

- Seven?
- JOYCE: [OUTSIDE DOOR] What is it?

Oh, yes, yes, yes, I'm coming.

I just forgot to lock the door.


Oh, shit!

Come on.



Six chargers.

Six phone chargers,
not one of them fits my bloody phone.


Come on, Kenneth.

Think. Think.

What would Bear Grylls do?

Fire, fire.

He'd make a fire.

Make a fire.

Yes. Yes. Make a fire.


What are you doing?

You're stranded in a unisex hair salon,

not a frigging desert island.


I'm buried alive.

Oh, what's happening?

What are they doing?

I swear on my mother's grave,

if this is some
sort of practical joke, Liam,

I'll cut off your balls and make them
into a pair of ginger clackers!



Montgomery Staines.

Uh, no, that's my name.

Yeah, Monty, that's me

Can I ask who's calling?

Oh, Benidorm Palace.

Ah, so you do have vacancies?


How tall am I?

Well, 6' 1 " on a good day. [CHUCKLES]

Yeah, uh, how old?

Uh, what's your upper age limit?


Well, depends how good your lighting is.

Will you go away? Uh, no, not you.


Look, just hold on a minute, will you?

Please, sir, I ain't got owt.

Anything you got'll do, boss.

Now, piss off.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

- It's okay. It's all right.
- Thank you.

- For God's sake.
- Thank you.

Uh, yes, sorry about that.

So what was
the exact position available?

Principal Male Dancer?

I'll ring you back.


Bloody hell.

A Euro goes a lot further
than it used to.

Ah, hello, Sir Henry?

Montgomery Staines here.

Yeah, Monty.

Yeah, fine.

Fine. How are you?

Uh, good.

Listen, I was just in the area
and I thought I might pop by.


Uh, yeah, sorry.

Yeah, good, good.

I'll see you in about ten minutes.





Have I come at a bad time?

Not at all.

Come in. Take a seat.

I didn't get you out of bed, did I?

Uh, no.
I've just had my post-lunch Tai-Chi.

Have you ever tried it?

Not for me, thanks.
I've just had a sausage roll.



So, how can I help you?

Not looking for a loophole
in the marriage contract, are you?

I beg your pardon?

Just a joke.

Now, listen, Henry,

it's hardly a secret you're still
carrying a torch for Joyce.

But things have changed, my friend.

Joyce is now my wife.

Yes, I know.

I married you both.

I am well aware of that, thank you.

I am also aware that Joyce,
for some bizarre reason,

still has a soft spot for you.

- She does?
- Yes.

God knows why.

So I feel it's my duty to warn you
I am not a man to be trifled with.

Do you understand?

I said, do you understand?

Oh, yes, of course.

And I appreciate the information.

About the trifle.

I mean, you not being trifled with.

Thank you.


Was there anything else?



You don't have any jobs
around here, do you?


I think I asked those questions
in the wrong order, didn't I?

Yes. Well, I'll see myself out.

Actually, wait a moment.

We do have a vacancy.

But it's only part time.

Three days a week.

Well, it's better than nothing.

What is it?

Consulate Airport Liaison Officer.

Oh, in Alicante?

- In Luton.
- Luton?

Why would I want a job in bloody Luton?

You'd only be away from home
three days a week

and you said yourself you need a job.

Yes, I know. But Luton!


Close the door on your way out,
there's a good chap.



You do know your desk is on fire,
don't you?



Oh, sorry.

Lo siento.




Monty Staines.


Oh, Mr Wu.


Yes, I am still looking
but I told you that...

Maître D?

Oh, yes.

Yes, I would be interested.



Maître D.

Better get the old
pinstripe dry-cleaned.

As you were. [CLEARS THROAT]



I'm frigged if I'm supposed to know

where she hides all the shite
on me desk.


Did you two want a drink?

'Cause if you did, you've shit out.

I'm more likely to find
Lord bastard Lucan

than a box of Ty-Phoo
amongst all this shit.

Right, let's have a look down here.

Mr Smallcock?

Oh, please, call me Winter.

Your name's Winter?

Winter Smallcock?

Yeah, can you frigging believe it?

Have you ever heard a mother
name her son bloody Winter?

She always said if she had a daughter,
she'd call her Summer.

Do you know
what my two brothers are called?

Autumn and Spring?

No. Eric and f*cking Barry.

Why is it always me
to get the shit end of the stick?

Right. What have you come round for?

Dog licence?

No, we've told you.
This is a property disagreement.

I rent a hair salon in the hotel Solana
in the new town.

Oh, yeah, yeah, I remember now.

The manager's bricked up
your front door, that's right.

Mad bastard. I tell you, these Spanish,

they don't give a shit
when they're rattled.

- She's English.
- Oh, they're even worse.

Hang on. I've got something.


Got it.
Let's have a look.

Can't be that frigging difficult.

I'm sorry.
My friend told us you were a solicitor.

Yeah. Well, I do a bit of everything,
to be honest.

Well, Christ on a bike,

you've got to
these frigging days, haven't you?

Um, isn't that book about English law?

We need Spanish property law.

Bollocks to that. I tried to enrol
on a Spanish law course,

but they wouldn't have me
because of the f*cking language.

Oh, you mean all the swearing?

No, I mean
because I don't speak Spanish.

- Oh, sorry.

Hey, Sam, can I ring you back?
We're just getting some legal advice.

Well, advice.

Well, what's happened?


Oh, my God. How did you manage that?
Right. We're coming back right now.

Sorry, we have to go.
Sam's got locked in Joyce's office.

Hey, does your mate need a locksmith?
I've got a book on that.


Come on!

Where the frig are you going?


SAM: Hurry up.
I've been in here ages.

Eh, is not my fault.

[GRUNTS] Is no good.
I cannot unlock the door.

And Jesus will be on his siesta.

Just smash the door down!

Of course I got the brief
about the building work,

but at no point was I told

that they were going to brick up
the entrance to Blow & Go.


Blow & Go.

It's the hair salon in reception.

I can't ask the builder this,
they're not here.

SAM: Just break the frigging door down!

Sorry, Crystal. Urn, shouting?
No, no. Not this end.

Well, I think maybe there's interference
on the line.

Yes, you know the Spanish mobiles.



SAM: Just hurry up!


- Move away from the door.
- What?



What on earth's going on?

JOYCE! Oh, Joyce.

Oh, oh, my God!


Uh, are you all right?
What's happened?

We heard you screaming.

We thought you'd locked yourself
in the office.

We were so worried about you.

You were worried about me?

Yeah. It's just that I was once locked
in an office.

I mean, not today, years ago.

And I remember being so terrified.

It brought back such terrible memories

that I told Mateo that we had
to break down the door and get you out.

But I wasn't in my office.

Yeah, well, we know that now

and I realise it must've been someone
outside near the pool messing about.

The screams must've come
through the wall.

I can't hear anyone.

Oh, thank God the screaming stopped.

Oh, it brought back such memories,
such traumatic memories.


Go get yourself a drink.

Thank you, thank you, Joyce.

Mateo, go with her.

Yes, Mrs Temple-Savage.

And get somebody who can fix this door.

Yes, Mrs Temple-Savage.




Oh, Britney.

Thank God for our conversations.

Without them,

I don't know what I'd do.

I'd probably go mad.

# A room full of sadness

# A broken heart

# And only me to blame

# For every single part

# No science or religion...

I'm so proud of you Monty.

Stop fussing, Joyce.

It's only a Maître D
in a Chinese restaurant.

No, it's much more than that.

What do you mean?

I can be honest now,
Monty, now you're working.

I genuinely thought
it was the end of you and me.

The end? We only got married a week ago.

Exactly, and already it was obvious

that without a job,
you had no self-worth,

no sense of purpose.

I had no job because you sacked me.

We can't live
in each other's pockets, Monty.

Believe me, you earning an honest wage
and contributing to our income

is the only way forward.

Oh, and I know what you're gonna say,

but I need to borrow another 20 euros.

I was mugged by a beggar.
It's a long story.

Take 50 euros out of the red box

behind reception.

Oof, my working man.

What's that, Britney?

You want me to do what?

Well, if you're absolutely sure.


# Fly high...
# Let me go.

Okay, thanks a lot, Trish.

Well, if you hear from him,
give me a ring, okay? Cheers.

No joy?

No. Phoned the Peppermint,
the Pink Trombone,

Palladium Jack, Baz and Gaz,

Flash Harry and Moe and Lezzy Trish

and nobody's seen Kenneth
since last night.

Well, if he's never disappeared
for this length of time before,

we should call the police.

Well, that's just it, he has.
Not often but he has done it before.

Oh, well,
let's have another drink, then.

I can't believe it.

Not one frigging biscuit
in the whole salon.

I have to eat something soon.

I can literally feel meself fading away.

Fresa, Strawberry.

It's got to have
some strawberries in it,

otherwise they couldn't
put it on the label.


Come on, Kenneth.

If Katie Price can get her gob
round a kangaroo's anus,

you can eat a bit of hair wax.

But I have to, Britney.

It could mean the difference
between life and death.

Oh, Jesus.
What a time to start eating fruit.


Well, actually, that's not too bad.

What other flavours have we got?

Oh... Oh, God.

What's happened to me?


I have to get out of here.

I've gotta get out of here!

Come on, Kenneth, think.


What would Jonathan Creek do?

So did you have a nice day out,
the pair of you?

Aye. It were nice to get out for a bit.

After us coffees,
we went for a walk up prom.

You were gone all day.

You've still got four or five hours
unaccounted for.

Oh, we must've walked five mile.

We had to go for a lie-down
when we got back, didn't we?

Wahey, out for a bit,
then indoors for a bit, eh?

Separate rooms.
Don't be disgusting.

Well, at least we did something
with our day

and didn't just lie farting
on a sun bed.

I'll have you know my wife
never farts before me.

She always waits for her turn.
I thank you!

More from the fabulous John-Paul later.

But first, it's karaoke time.

Let's hear it for Billy and Sheron.

Right. Don't forget, you two,
we can still see you from the stage.

It's like Bramley Baths in here, you can
get chucked out for heavy petting.

Come on.

Did I tell you,
I've heard back from Dougie Taylor.

It's all booked in, 150 quid.

One hundred and fifty quid?
That's steep for the rugby club.

That includes a stripper.

# Like a warrior that fights

# And wins the battle

# I know the taste of victory

# Though I went through some nights

# Consumed by the shadows

# I was crippled emotionally

# Mmm, somehow I made it
through the darkness

- Did you?
-# Yes, I did

- # I escaped
- # You escaped

# I found my way
out of the darkness...

How are you feeling?

I'm sorry?

Well, you were quite upset earlier on.

Oh, right. Yeah, yeah, I was.

Very much so.

I just wanted to say,
now I think about it,

I could've sworn I heard
some screaming earlier today.

- Really?
- Yes.

I had the drains checked a few years ago

after repeatedly hearing
strange gurgling noises

from behind reception.

Sewers backed up, were they?

No. We finally worked out it was
Lesley's stomach rumbling before lunch.

My point is it didn't sound
like it was coming from Lesley.

I blame the accoustics.

I blame Lesley's breakfast.

Thanks, Mateo.
I think we got away with it.

You got away with it, thanks to me.

Yeah, I just said thanks.

Oh, good evening, Mr Wu.
Where would you like me?

What you all dressed up
like a doggy dinner for?

I beg your pardon?

This is my best three-piece suit.

Well, why are you wearing it
to come to work?

Mr Wu, I don't mean to teach
my grandmother to suck prawn balls,

but you never get a second chance
to make a first impression.

What are you talking about?

I didn't employ you to do impressions.

Who you think you are?
Bobby Davros?

No, you don't understand.

Surely, my job is to set the tone
of the establishment.

We got the tone already.

Eat as much cheap food as you like

and don't make a mess under the table.

Then why on earth did you employ me
as a Maître D?

- What?
- If you're happy

with the downmarket image
of people stuffing their faces

and flicking fu-yung at each other,

why did you call me
and offer me the job of Maître D?

I offer you job of Waiter D.

- What?
- We got Waiter A,

who takes the drink orders.

Waiter B and C top up the buffet.

You start as Waiter D,

the one who take the dirty plates
to the kitchen.

Waiter D.

Not Maître D, Waiter D.

I don't think you need me, Mr Wu.

You seem to be creating exactly
the right impression without me.


# It's close to midnight

# And something evil's lurking
in the dark...

- How'd you get on today?
- Not great.

I wouldn't recommend the solicitor.


No, not unless you just want
to tell someone to get f...

More to the point,
we still haven't found Kenneth.

Well, it is his day off, isn't it?

He'll surface at some point
between tonight and tomorrow morning.

How did you get locked
in Joyce's office?

Long story.

When she found me in there,

I had to tell her I'd been hearing
screaming voices from inside her office

-and had to break in.
- Oh, heck!

But here's the best bit,

she said she heard screaming
from behind reception as well.

Silly old bag's going mad.

- Screaming?
- Yeah.

- Behind reception?
- Yeah.

You mean, she's been hearing
screaming from behind reception?

The reception that backs on to Blow & Go?

He would've phoned from his mobile.

How often does Kenneth lose his phone
on a big night out?

Almost everytime.

- Shit!
- Oh!

Come on!

- Where are you going?
- Kenneth's buried alive in Blow & Go!

# Your eyes and hope that
this is just imagination...


LIAM: It's okay, Kenneth, we're in!

My God, look at the place.

MATEO: Madre mia,
he must have gone crazy.

But where is he?

Kenneth? Kenneth?

He's not in here.

Oh, it makes no sense.
He can't have disappeared into thin air.

Maybe he's tunnelled his way out.

So where's the tunnel?

Have none of you seen
The Shawshank Redemption?


[SCREAMS] Me hand!

- I think I've broken me hand!
- What are you doing?

I thought there'd be
a big hole behind Tom Daley.

There's no answer to that.

Wait, look.
This air vent's been opened.

[CHUCKLES] He'd have never
got through there.

It would've been a tight squeeze.

Where does it lead to?

I've absolutely no idea.

Sir Henry, I just wanted to call
to apologise for earlier today.

I see.

And to say that
I've reconsidered your offer.

Oh, you have?

If it's still on the table.

- Of course.
- Oh, that's wonderful news.

Well, it's good news.

After all, what's three days away
out of seven, eh?

They say "Absence makes the heart
grow fonder", don't they?

- Quite.
- Yeah.

I'll call you tomorrow.

Adiós, Monty.

# Thriller night and
no one's gonna save you

# From the beast about to strike



Well, don't just sit there.

Someone get me a bloody pint!

I'm gasping! [WAILING]