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01x05 - The Haunting

Posted: 10/29/14 21:50
by bunniefuu
[Music playing]

Candy striper or French maid?

Uh, heh.

I thought we were gonna do a theme together.

Exactly. Candy striper or French maid?

No. Too sexy.

What about this one?

Saloon hookers.

You just want to be slutty.

We're throwing a party, not an orgy.

Our first party at our new digs.

Let's not send the wrong message.

Fine. OK. Slutty it is.

I'll try it on, no promises.

You just keep looking.

Man: We're closing in 15.


Oh. Hi. I'm in here.

[Curtain rings rattle]



Nice outfit.

[Ball bouncing]


OK, clown. Enough.

[Bounce bounce bounce]

Do I know you?




Take care, clown.





Aah! Aah!

Aah! Aah!



Aah! Help me! Help me! Help me!

What is it?

In the dressing room. He att*cked me.


Annie: Call the police.

Why is he doing this?

Dane (on phone): I have something on that cop Lieutenant Beth Davis.

What did you find?

Beth Davis is not her real name.

It's Michelle Webber.

Who, exactly, is Michelle Webber?

I have a whole file.

You send my payment to Paypal, and it's all yours.

Will I be disappointed?

Oh, no. It's good.

I have a feeling it's exactly what you're looking for.



[Jack sighs]




Look. We never talked about the other night.

I thought we did the morning after.

We said that we were both adults and professional and we wouldn't let it get in the way.

Has something changed?

Yes. You. You're being weird.

Yes. I'm being weird.

Sorry about that, and I'm sorry about the other night.

Look. I get it.

You don't want to mix your work life with your personal life.

My personal life is a wreck, Janice.

It always has been.

I'm a screw-up like that, and I was hoping I could do things differently here in L.A.

Why did you come to L.A.?

You know what? It's none of my business.

I'm an adult. We had a moment.

It's over.

Thank you.

Who's Beth talking to?

College girl, att*cked by a clown in a Halloween store last night.

I hate clowns.

I hate Halloween.

Woman: I dated Bobby all semester, but it wasn't working.

So I said, "I'm sorry.

"I'm a sophomore, and you're a senior, and we're not gonna make it."

Why is that?

Bobby is this entitled, rich kid, total frat boy, big ego.



I speak the truth.

He can't handle being rejected.

So he's being a tool about it.

I broke up with him because he partied too much.

Total lush.

He's not into his grades, and he's always goofing around, and he's not serious.

There's something not quite right about him.

I can't explain it.

Annie: I can.

Bipolar, emotional disorder, mommy issues.

Shall I go on?

Says last night, you claimed he harassed you by phone, followed you to class, incited arguments.

The dude broke into our house.

We don't know that.

Yes, we do.

What happened?

We just moved into a new place, and there's history there.

It's supposed to be haunted.

People were k*lled in it.

That's an urban legend.

It's not haunted, but Bobby was trying to scare us.

He knew the house's history.

It's Halloween. Everyone knows.

So this is repeated behavior.

Well, he's a frat boy. He's a total brat.

Part of me thinks that he's trying to punish me, but part of me thinks he's trying to get me back.

Beth: Victim thinks her ex-boyfriend Bobby Hughes, student at Alcott University, was behind the att*cks.

Rejected ex-boyfriend?

I mean, it appears so.

Let's see if we can find anything to back up her claims.

Also, bring him in for questioning.

I could do it.

I could do it.

Why don't you both do it?

Bobby: I have an alibi for last night.

I was in the library.

Yes. You do.

It checks out.

So there's no way I was in a costume shop dressed as a clown.

If it wasn't you, who was it?

I have no idea. Look.

I don't know what Laurie has told you, but I haven't done anything wrong.

Oh, you're keeping to that story.

You keep saying that.

You want to do this?


Please. I didn't mean to interrupt. Sorry.

Because your friend Max posted this on your Facebook page.

Laurie: Hey, I'm in here.

Jack: I can't help but notice the cocky arrogance has left your face.

You wouldn't be getting a little scared right now, would you?

I didn't scare Laurie.

No. Your frat brother Max Lupton did.

He said he texted you and the clown suit was your idea.

"Clowns are creepy." Is that what you texted?

He's right outside. You want to ask him?

Because he's out of cocky arrogance, too.

Explain now.

OK. Max saw Laurie in the store and was doing me a solid.

Terrorizing your ex-girlfriend qualifies as a solid?

It was a prank.

He threw on a clown suit and went, "boo."

Nobody got hurt.

Why are you harassing Laurie?

I'm not. She broke up with me, man.

I was pissed off, man.

I did what every guys does when he gets dumped.

Follow her to class, leave 20 messages on her phone, break into her house?

That's what every guy does?

I never broke into her house.

I went to see her. That's all.

I left her a few messages, man.

I was upset.

I am upset, but I would never hurt Laurie.

I want her back.

Amanda: We can charge his friend with that attack... it's as*ault... and Bobby will be charged as an accomplice.

I don't want to press charges.

What these men did was a crime.

Annie: Yeah, Laurie. Nail their asses.

I have classes with their friends.

I know Max's girlfriend.

He's a jerk, but he shouldn't go to jail.

Amanda: First offense, no time but probation, and they'll pick up freeway trash for a year.

Annie: Do it.

They'll have to wear the little, orange vests.

We can instagram the whole thing.

No. Let it go.

I don't want to be that girl. Everyone'll know.

The whole thing will get a frat spin on it, and it'll all be my fault.

But it's not your fault. What they did was wrong.

Laurie, this type of behavior escalates.

You need to let them know it's not OK.

I'm a sophomore.

This'll define the rest of my college years.

I don't want that.

I came to L.A. to go to school, not to deal with this.

Call if anything changes.

I will.


Look. I know how you feel.

I see this all the time, but taking action against Bobby, it's not about punishing him.

It's about taking care of yourself.

I'm trying to.

I'm sorry if you see this as weak.

I just don't want to deal with it.

Thank you, but this is over.

[Music playing]



The girls are coming over tomorrow to help decorate unless you want to cancel.

No. We're gonna throw this party, and it's gonna be awesome.

I don't want anybody knowing there's a problem.

Come on. We live in a haunted house.

We have to throw a party.

It's, like, mandatory.


Ha ha ha!








Not funny, Annie.


[Creak creak]


Very nice, but so not funny.

Where are you?

[Door opens]


Annie: Laurie, are you down there?

What's going on?

Someone was here. Call the police.


Laurie: At first, I thought it was Annie downstairs...

I had already gone to sleep.

But then I heard somebody go out the front door, and that's when I saw the words written on the wall.

You didn't see a face?

It had to be Bobby or his frat brothers.

They're torturing us.

Bobby and his friends have an alibi for last night.

It was confirmed by campus security.

So can you think of anyone else who might do this?

Jack: What's the history here?

This house is haunted, right? What's the story?

I don't know if it's real or not, but I heard this man k*lled his wife in this house and then he k*lled himself, and now their ghosts are haunting this place.


What is it?

I don't know.

Some kind of bottle with nails and powder.

Ben: It's a hoodoo spiritual trap used in ritual.

The iron in the nails attracts evil spirits, and the moss and the leaves grabs a hold of them.

Yeah, but what about the white powder, and what's this?

That's the talisman which marks the trap, and the powder creates a trail to lead the evil spirits to it.

How do you know all this?

My grandmother practiced brujeria.

Janice: Refers to Latin American witchcraft.

Beth: It had been there a while untouched, and the house does have a history.

So somebody could've left it there for protection.

Against what?

Well, what's the story on the house?

Janice: Keeping with the Halloween theme, I ran a search on the property address and found this.

It's a site where people blog about haunted places they've lived.

Laurie and Annie's house actually has quite a few posts.

Well, the girls did say it was the site of a m*rder.

Janice: According to spooky house, the story goes, a husband and wife, Greg and Beverly Miner, bought the house in 2003.

He was a carpenter.

The plan was to renovate and live happily ever after, but he had an affair with a coed from the nearby university, and when the wife found out, she became consumed with grief and hung herself in the basement.

And the husband?

3 months later, he k*lled himself, as well, and it's believed that their spirits haunt the place.

What's the real story, not the urban legend, but the truth?

Is there a police record on any of this?

It was 10 years ago. The case package is archived.

I requested it, but it'll take a few days.

The property reports shows that the house went into foreclosure in 2003.

The bank put it on the market. It never sold.

It's been a rental property ever since.

Any obituaries, known relatives?

There's nothing. I can't find anything.

Who lived in the house before the two girls did?

Utility records show that a Dr. Louis Atwood, a professor at Alcott University, was living there.

Ben: Wait a second. Guess what the professor teaches.

Paranormal and Occult Studies.

Beth: Find Atwood. Talk to him.

See what happened in that house when he lived there.

Take Janice.

Ben, see if you can get archives to push to get us that case package sooner.

Is there any way we can switch that up, I can take Ben instead, give us a chance to bond so he can see I'm not a total jerk?

Sure. Good luck with that.

It's 3 houses up.

So your grandmother was a witch?

My grandmother was a bruja, yes, more like a spiritual healer than a witch.

She practiced spells, charms, stuff like that.

Let me ask you something.

You believe in this occult stuff?

It's part of our culture, Jack.

When you say the word "occult," everyone automatically thinks black magic, but it's more of a tradition, bonding with the universe, positive energy.

Of course.

That's the house...


So why did you ask Beth to bring me instead of Janice?

That power struggle yesterday, Ben, wasn't my doing.

I was hoping that we could bond so you could see that I'm not such a bad guy.

And it has nothing to do with you and Janice hooking up and making things all awkward for you.

See? We're bonding already.

Check it out.

What is it?

Bones of protection.

They're a charm used to keep the evil spirits from entering the house.

More freakiness.


Let's check around back.

Looks like nobody is home.

And the door is unlocked.

We have no probable cause.

You hear that?

Hear what?

Probable cause.


Ben: Look at this.

Why would he have files on Laurie and Annie?


This guy practices what he preaches.

Animal organs.

He's got plenty of hoodoo powder...



You OK?

I was home all night by myself.

But no real alibi.

I've done nothing wrong.

You assaulted a cop.

I don't recall a cop announcing himself.

I was protecting myself from a home invasion.

Ben: Why did you have files on Laurie Stokes and Annie Garner?

Because they're the new tenants of the house.

What are you doing with them?

You stabbed a female student with a tribal knife and drained her of blood.

Says the case was dropped when she refused to testify.

Did you pay her off?

She asked me to. I was helping her.

By draining her blood?

Some blood. It was a cleansing.

I was removing evil energy from her body.

Jack: Some kind of exorcism through bloodletting?

You have such contempt for what you don't know.

Is that what you plan to do to Laurie and Annie?

Why did you have the pictures in your house?

I want to help them.

Ben: By cutting them up?

Those girls are in danger. I've lived in that house.

I know.

Jack: Know what?

They need my help.

You don't believe in the spirit world, but it's real.

I've experienced it in that house.

What did you experience?

It's true.

What the legend says is true.

It's haunted by the dead, and anyone who's lived there has experienced it.

I stayed longer than most.

Why did you move out, Louis?

One night, I was getting ready for bed.

I heard a noise, so I went out onto the landing, and there it was.

Ben: There what was?

A specter.

A ghost, a phantom, whatever you want to call it.

The thing reached out for me, and all reason and logic went out the window.

I was terrified.

I knew, whatever it was, it was evil.

And that's when you decided it had to be stopped.

Someone needs to help these girls.

They need to be protected.

I can perform a cleansing.

I can help them.

Janice: Wait. So Louis isn't stalking the girls.

He's obsessed with the house?

That's a first for me.

I filed the charges.

He'll be placed in county for the moment.

How long can we hold him?

Well, assaulting an officer in this case isn't really gonna stick, not once he lawyers up.

You're gonna need to find something fast.

I got to run. It's Halloween.

I got a kid. I'll be on cell.


Happy Halloween.

Louis Atwood says that you entered his house without a warrant.

I had probable cause.

Of course you did.

You also confiscated materials.

You're up to your old tricks, Jack.

Remember what I told you?

Something about two weeks, get out of town.

When are you leaving, Jack?

I'm gonna tell Beth and everybody else who will listen what you did in New York, and you're gonna lose your badge.

And Ethan?

Don't you dare utter his name.

My son doesn't even know you.

But he will one day, and he'll know you kept him from me.

He'll know.

Give your notice, Jack. Leave L.A.

My threat is real.

[Music playing]


Whoo hoo!

Children: Trick or treat!

Man: Come on, guys. Let's go.



Ha ha ha!

Children: Trick or treat!

What are we having for dinner?

Uh... candy.

[Cell phone rings]

Hold on. Hold on, honey.


Oh, mom, we're gonna miss all the good candy.

What? I can't hear you.

OK. I can hear you now.

What do you mean, released?

Boo, kid. What you got in the bag?

More candy than he'll ever need.

Give it back.


Jack: Is there a problem?

No, sir.

Give him back the bag.

Now get out of here before I call the cops.

You OK?

Yeah. Thanks.


You can have this. I got two.


Amanda: Ethan? Ethan, where are you?

Over here.

What are you doing all the way down here?



Well, I think you got enough candy to last for a lifetime.

Come on.

Yeah. OK. Ready?

[Cell phone rings]


What's up?

Beth: Louis Atwood made bail.

I sent a unit to his house. He's not there.

I'm headed to Laurie's house now.

I'll meet you there.

[Music playing]

As servant of God, away, evil spirit not connected to this person.

Espiritu of evil, separate yourself from this house.

As servant of God...


[Music playing]

I feel underdressed.

If Atwood is here, he'll be in costume.

We'll do a sweep.

You guys take the front and back doors.

Start checking I.D.'s.

You know how to ruin a party.

Man: Whoo! Yeah!

I'm gonna look around.

Woman: Yeah! Whoo! Whoo! Ha ha!

Hey, what's going on?

We're just here to make sure everything is OK.

Where's Laurie?

Here somewhere. She's a French maid.

Can you help me find her?

Yeah. Sure.

Hey, come take a look at this.

It's everything confiscated from Louis Atwood's home.

It's Atwood's notes, theories, history on the house.

He was completely consumed by this house.

He keeps making reference to a shadow figure he saw lurking there.

He really believes he was being haunted by the ghost of the house's former owner Greg Miner.

With every sighting, he followed the figure, but he wrote that it disappeared into thin air.

He thought he was seeing a ghost... he was afraid... or it could've been one big, hallucinatory delusion, or maybe Atwood might actually have been seeing something else.

We don't have the facts.

Did you get the case package from archives?

I called. They're backed up.

Let me try. I know Helen.

I might be able to rush it along.

[Music playing]

Uh! Sorry, sorry. I'm sorry.

Perry? What are you doing here?

I was invited. What are you doing here?

Who invited you?

I have a class with Annie.

You are... are you working?

Why would you ask me that?

I don't see a costume.

You need to leave.


I'm here with friends. I was invited.

Are you OK? You seem a little anxious.

I'm fine, Perry.

Nice to see you, Michelle.

What did you just call me?

I said, "nice to see you, as well."

What did you think I said?

I'm a cop.

For you, it will never be nice to see me.

Do you understand?

All right. I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to upset you, Lieutenant.

Excuse me.

Guys, no, no.

Second floor is off limits... no bedrooms, no bathrooms, no...

Whatever you just did up there.

Dude, no. Uh-uh.

You cannot pass out up here.

Come on. Let's go. Hey.

Ha ha ha!

Yeah. Downstairs now.


Ha ha! Sorry.

I thought I'd apologize for scaring you the other day.

By giving me a heart attack?

OK. It's a little liquor logic, but you got to lighten up, girl.

We didn't mean any harm at the costume store, and Bobby really loves you.

It's all cool.

[Cell phone rings]



Ben: I have the police report from archives.

The wife Beverly Miner hung herself in the basement, but the urban legend is wrong about the husband.

How so?



Damn it, Bobby. You scared me.

I've been waiting for you.

And drinking, I see.

You never want to talk anymore, do you?

Well, there's nothing to say.

You att*cked me.

No, no.

I never hurt you. I love you.

How am I supposed to believe that?

Please, please.

OK. You need to leave right now.

OK. OK. I will, but...


Hold on a second.

Hold on.



Are you OK?


Find Laurie?

I was gonna go look upstairs.

Ben just found out that Greg Miner never k*lled himself.

There's no record that he ever died.

Well, if he's still alive, then where is he?

They believe he was institutionalized shortly after but was released in the same year.

Then he just disappeared.

He lost his house, no new address, job, bank account.

He vanished.

We have to find Laurie.

[Bobby retching]



What was that? Bobby!



You drink too much, Bobby.


Oh, my God! Aah!

Aah! Aah! Help!

Aah! Aah! No!

Bobby: Laurie. Laurie!

Laurie. Laurie!

Where is she?

He took her. He took her.

Let's go, folks. Everyone.

Laurie is in trouble, man. You got to find her.

Walk me through it.

He was waiting in the bathroom, and I was sick.

I heard something behind me, and I turned, and he hit me.

Did you see the face of the person who hit you?

Yeah. I got a look at him.

Is that him?


How about that?

Yeah. That's him.

Bobby, you're gonna give your statement to an officer right here.

They've searched the house repeatedly, roadblocks, door-to-doors, no progress.

Where would he go?


Where would he go?

Greg Miner could suffer from fixation regression.

After his wife committed su1c1de, he became obsessed with the house because he couldn't accept the traumatic loss.

So in haunting his house, he stays connected to his wife, at least in spirit.

The house exercises a gravitational pull on him.

He can't escape its orbit, and anyone who enters the house he perceives as a threat to his wife.

Why take Laurie?

He's escalating.

I mean, the guy asked them politely, he haunted them, scared them, told them to get out.

They didn't. They threw a party instead.

I found the voodoo stuff in the outer stone wall here.

Stone here, stone wall over here.

Greg was a contractor. He renovated the place.

Stone here.

Where are you going with this, Jack?


It's a room. We have to get in there.

That's Louis Atwood.


She's alive. Let's get her out of here.



I'll get a medic.

Uh! Uh!

Oh! Oh!

Oh! Oh...

Man: Guys, over here.

Uh! Uh!

Aagh! G'ah!

Uh! Yaah!

Uh! Uh!


All right. Let's go.

Man: Move back, please.

Greg: Uh! No. No.

Man: Watch your back.

He was living in the house?

Jack: Yes. He's been living there for years.


Guess it really was haunted.

Laurie, thank God you're OK.

I'm so sorry for everything I did.

I've been an idiot. Please...

I know, Bobby.

Beth: Bobby, she needs to go to the hospital and get checked out.

Yeah. OK.

You want me to come with?

I'll follow in my car, yeah?

No, Bobby. You can't.

Why... why are you doing this, Laurie?

You know I love you.

You don't love somebody by scaring them, breaking into their house, ruining their lives.

Please. I'm sorry.

If you're really sorry, you'll leave me alone for good, and if you don't, I will use every resource in my power to have you locked up.

Do you understand?

No happy ending.

He crossed a line, Jack.

Can't he cross back?

You don't believe in second chances?

I think they need to be earned.

Happy Halloween, Jack.

[Music playing]

[Doorbell rings]

Trick or treat.

I don't think this is a good idea, Janice.

Calm down. This isn't a booty call.

It's not?

No. It's not.

The sex was great and all, but I get this feeling, this sense that what you need more than sex is a friend.

[Music playing]

[Telephone rings]

Woman: Seattle Psychiatric Hospital.

This is Michelle Webber.

I'm calling to confirm whether patient 5679 is still in custody there.

What did you say your name is?

Michelle Webber.

I'm on the notification list.

Yes. I see your name here.

Patient 5679 is still in custody.

Has he had any visitors?
