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06x11 - Northwest Division

Posted: 01/22/24 10:18
by bunniefuu
FEMALE DISPATCHER ON RADIO: One-Adam-. One-Adam-, a in progress.

One-Adam-, handle code .


-Hi, Rod. -Oh, hi, Officer Malloy.

Times have sure changed.

When I was a kid, I used to sleep in on Saturday mornings.

I'm waiting for Jim. Told him I'd meet him here this morning.

Want me to take you to the hospital and have that removed from your chest?

Not if you're gonna tell bad jokes all the way there.

Last night, just as King Kong reached the top of the Empire State Building,

the picture started rolling.

I saw that, he fell off.

Rod's gonna fix it. Right, Rod?

No problem. Sounds like it's just a bad tube.

You really gonna try and fix that thing?

What do you mean try? He's gonna do it.

He's got a Merit Badge in electronics.

Do you want me to help you put it in your car?

You go ahead. I can handle it.

He fixes all the stuff around his house, radios, toasters, everything. Right?

Sure, I'll have it working in no time.

You know, they're playing King Kongagain tonight.

-Oh, yeah? -If he gets it fixed in time,

you can rush right home and watch the monkey swat the airplanes.

Give you something to look forward to all day.

Come on, let's get to roll call. See you later, Ron.


One-Adam-, day watch, clear.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, roger.

What'd you pay for that TV set?

I don't know. Couple of hundred dollars.

You're really gonna let that kid take it apart?

He's not a kid. He's an Explorer Scout. And he's really into electronics.

Wants to work SID some day.

Also, he's not charging you anything.

So what's wrong with saving a couple of bucks?

Besides, I'd rather have Rod work on the set than somebody I don't know.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, One-Adam-, motorcycle racing.

Eighth and Wilton. One-Adam-, handle code .

One-Adam-, roger.


One-Adam- in pursuit of juvenile on motorbike,

north on Wilton from Kenmore.

Request backup unit.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: All unit on all frequencies standby.

One-Adam- is in pursuit of a juvenile on a motorbike.

Northbound on Wilton.

Those little bikes can't go this fast.

I feel like an elephant chasing a mouse!

One-Adam-, One-Adam- is code . Wilton and Hobart.

One-Adam-, have X-Ray- cover the alley on Beachwood and Hobart.

Let go of me. Let go!

I think he's got you, pal.

You'd 'a never got me if he hadn't cut me off.

-What have you done to that thing? -I modified the engine.

She'll do over on the flat.

-What's your name? -Eddie Roberts.

Look, my aunt is an old lady. She'd get awful shook is she had to visit, me in jail.

She'd get more shook up is she had to visit you in the hospital.

There are plenty of safe places to ride. Away from the public streets.

Where does your aunt live?

Uh, let's see, Manton Avenue... Street.

You don't seem too sure.

I just moved here a month ago after my folks were k*lled.

Is your aunt your legal guardian?

For the time being, yeah.

[SIGHS] You could have hurt yourself riding like that.

I guess I didn't have anything better to do.

I don't have any friends out here.

-This place ain't like Auburn. -Your home?

Yeah. I mean nobody comes jumpin' out of the woodwork to notice you here.

A big city can be that way sometimes.

There are a lot of safer ways to get someone's attention.

Like I said, my aunt's an old lady.

She keeps me in that house all day.

I just about go crazy when I finally get out.

Maybe if you explained to her about how you felt, she'd loosen up a little.

You know, you guys are the first people I really talked to since I got here.

I mean, really talked to.

If you'd put this thing away for awhile, you might find others.

Pretty hard to hear above the noise.

You know, Eddie, these little bikes are very hard for a driver to see.

The next time we meet, I don't want to be pulling you out from under a car.

Who would've believed it?

What's that?

That my first friend here would be a cop.

Well, you gotta start small.

We'll help you get this thing home.

EDDIE: Thanks.

-Nice kid. -Yeah.

Speaking of kids, I wonder how your TV set's coming along.

Fine. I told you, Rod's got a Merit Badge in electronics.

That's more than a real TV repairman has.

Malloy, knock it off, I'm not going to bite!

Besides the thing's fixed by now.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, One-Adam-. See the man.

Unknown trouble, West Spring.

-Code . -One-Adam-, roger.

Officers, I'm glad you came right away.

I've been going crazy all day trying to make up ray mind to call you.

I'm Alex Mardigian.

What seems to be the trouble, Mr. Mardigian?

There's something I want to show you.

It's the lady next door, Mrs. Wilson.

She and her husband, Charlie.

From the day I moved in two weeks ago they're fighting.

I heard them shouting.

She yells, "I'll poison your tea." He yells, "I'll drink it."

Three days ago, he suddenly disappears.

Well, why did you call us now?

Because last night, I hear a digging sound.

I get out of bed, look out the window.

She's covering up something in her back yard with a shovel.

Somebody's been digging, all right.

Maybe she was just rearranging the flower bed.

In the middle of the night?

We'll talk to the lady, Mr. Mardigian. Thank you.

-Mrs. Wilson? -Yeah.

I'm Officer Malloy, this is my partner, Officer Reed.

What do you want?

May we come in? We'd like to talk to you for a moment.

Okay. But make it fast. I'm feeding my babies.


Would you like to sit down?

No, thanks.

These are your babies?

Yes. Henrietta, Mabel, Irene, Nell...

Mrs. Wilson, we got a report that you were seen digging in your yard

late last night.

I was afraid that's what you were here for.

Okay, no point trying to deny it.

Mrs. Wilson, at this point I must advise you of your rights.

It's that serious, huh?

We were together a lot of years, Charlie and me.

He had great spirit, a real hellion.

Great sense of humor, too.

Once he got up on the roof, wouldn't get off,

I got a plate of dead sow bugs, finally coaxed him down.

-Mrs. Wilson. How old was Charlie? -Eleven years.

I put him in a hat box, tied it with a yellow ribbon.

Yellow was Charlie's favorite color.

-Where's your husband? -Bad week all around.

Big Charlie leaves me, then little Charlie dies.

That selfish old goat.

He always did resent me naming baby Charlie after him.

He kept saying, "He's a chicken. He's a chicken.

"I don't want to be father to a chicken."

You do know there's a City Ordinance against burying pets in a residential area?

Yes, but I didn't know it was a criminal offense.

Well, it's not really criminal.

Its just that I wanted Charlie to be here where I could visit him,

when the mood struck me, you understand?

I think so.

We'll have to make a report of this to the health department.

You know, people don't understand chickens.

They're very loyal, they'd never leave you.

[SIGHS] Okay. Thank you.

One-Adam-, clear.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, roger.

Go to the station and see the Watch Commander, code .

One-Adam-, roger.

-Reed. -Yeah, Mac.

There's a big sign out in front of this building.

The sign says "Police."

A police station is a place where people conduct police business. Right?

Sure. So what?

So how come a kid is repairing a television set here?

Your television set.

What? You mean he's fixing it here? In the station?

Come on.


I see you're gettin' into it.

Yeah, I'm sorry, Jim, but there was more wrong than I thought.

I hate to tell you this, Rod. But you can't work on the set here.

-I can't? -No.

But it's all ready to go back together.

Well, I suppose it'd be all right if he moved all this stuff

down into the utility room.

Hey, great. Thanks, Sergeant.

Yeah, thanks, Mac.

There's a lot of parts here. You sure you won't get them mixed up.

I won't get 'em mixed up. You go ahead. Don't worry about a thing.

Listen, Jim, did you ever actually see Rod repair a TV set?

I trust him. He's honest.

So was George Washington, but I wouldn't let him take my TV set apart.


FEMALE DISPATCHER:All units, a occurred five minutes ago

at the jewelry store, South Golfax.

Suspect is described as a female, blonde hair, about '" carrying a large purse.

Suspect simulated a g*n and was last seen running down an alley toward Rossmore.

We're close. Let's head over that way.

Pete, pull over.

-Excuse me. -Hi.

Waiting for a bus?

-Yes. -You familiar with this part of town?

Oh, sure. I shop here quite often.

We're looking for a blond lady, tall, may have walked past here.

Haven't seen anyone like that. I'm just waiting for the bus.

You're late.

-What? -Bus only comes by once on the hour.

It's past. You got a long wait. Guess you forgot that.

This lady I'm looking for, robbed a jewelry store up the street.

This tall blond lady.

Yeah. If she's tall and blond.

[CHUCKLES] You said she was.

Well, I was thinking. She could have been wearing a blond wig, high heel shoes.

Then she could have pulled it off, changed into some flat shoes

she was keeping in her purse.

Well, since I missed that bus,

I guess I'll have to walk.


do you mind if we look in your purse?

Let go of me, you creep! Let go. You got nothing on me.

How'd you know?

My sister wears a wig sometimes.

Her hair always has a pressed down look when she takes it off, like yours.

Besides, if you really did shop in this area,

you'd know the bus comes by here every inutes.


Just a few more minutes!

Just a few more crummy more minutes and I'd have pulled it off.

How are things down in the utility room?

I just went down there to see if Rod needed any tubes or anything.

Figured maybe we could pick 'em up while we were out.

How does it look for watchingKing Kongtonight?

[CHUCKLES] I'm not worried, Pete.

WOODS: Hey, Reed.

I was watching that kid working on your TV set a while ago. That's quite a project.

Rod's thorough. He's checking the whole thing out. Stem to stern.

Sure are a lot of little parts.

I'll bet it's hard to put 'em all back together right.

Not if you know what you're doing.

Can't argue with that.

I appreciate everybody's concern, but why don't we all go back to work?

Okay, Jim. It's your TV set.


How about ?

It's not lunchtime.

I know, but a lot of people like to eat when they're worried.

I'm not worried.

Then why don't you stop clicking that pen?

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-. One-Adam-. , pickets.

Food Pair Market, Clarke Street.

One-Adam-, handle code .

One-Adam-, roger.


All right, ladies. What seems to be the problem?

Read it and weep, Officer. They're picketing the high cost of living.

Well, you have a constitutional right to picket,

but not to block the entrance to this store.

That's illegal.

Who'll notice if we don't block the entrance?

Ma'am, if you'll just move away from the door.

Everything will get back to normal, right?


The rich get richer and the poor get hungrier.

Ma'am, if you don't get away from the door,

we'll have to place you and your friends under arrest.

Arrest us, : we make the o'clock news.

-You'd like that? -Love it, simply love it.

After we hit the tube, every store in town will be paralyzed.

We'll hit 'em right where they live, the pocketbook.



You two know each other?

Sure. We met last night, on a computer date.

Computer date?

Yeah, you know, one of those companies that match you up with dates.

I asked for someone quiet and soft-spoken. They gave me Mary.

Henry, what are you doing here?

I'm the store manager.

You said on your computer card you were a test pilot!

You said you were shy and retiring.

She's retiring all right, lays down in front of my store.

Do me a favor, Mr. Test Pilot.

Buzz off!

It's my store. You buzz off!


And incidentally, we're finished!

Did you really say you were a test pilot?

So I lied to a computer. Big crime.

One-Adam-, clear.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, clear.


MALE DISPATCHER: All units in the vicinity,

a in progress, King's Coffee Shop, East Temple.

One-Adam-, handle code . One-X-Ray-, handle code .

-[SIREN WAILING] -One-Adam-, roger.

-Help me. -Freeze!

They already left. They shot my brother...

WOMAN: Get a doctor!

Hold that there firmly!

-What happened? -You can see what happened.

They shot my brother!

-How many were there? -I don't know. I don't know!

Just get a doctor, will you?

My partner's calling an ambulance.

-This man fire his g*n? -How do I know.

You must know whether or not he fired a shot.

I don't remember. They shot him, they shot my brother and ran out the door.

Ambulance and detectives are on their way.

This man is dead and his g*n's been fired.

Miss, we have to get a description on the air. How many were there?

Three. Three blonde guys, with masks. They ran out the back.

-Can you give me a description of... -[SCREAMS]


She said she'd k*ll us if we said anything.

All right, move over there, away from the purse. Let's go! Move!

-How're you doing, Rod? -Well, your set's working, Jim.


Yep. It's waiting for you in Sergeant MacDonald's office.

-What do I owe you? -Forget it. It was a favor.

Well, if I can ever return the favor.

That'd be great.

-Well, I gotta be goin'. -See you later. Thanks again.

Any time.

-And you were worried. -No. I was skeptical.

You were worried.

Yeah, that's right.

How about that? He really fixed it!

Jim, I don't know if I should tell you this.

-What? -He got some help.

About an hour ago. He had most of it back together

except for just one thing he was hung up on, so he called a TV repair shop.

-A guy came over. -Who paid the guy?

Rod did. Repairman was only here a couple of minutes.

Charged him half the usual service call. Six bucks.

REED: I'll give it to him next time I see him.

Wait a minute, Jim. The kid said he'd have the set working and it is.

He figures you think he's pretty special.

I do, Mac, but six bucks is a lot of money to a -year-old.

Don't let on that you know.

Kids need all the confidence they can get these days.

Okay, Mac, I'll make it up to him somehow.

Grab the set, King Kong's waiting.