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07x14 - Victim of the Crime

Posted: 01/22/24 10:37
by bunniefuu
FEMALE DISPATCHER ON RADIO: One-Adam-. One-Adam-, a in progress.

One-Adam-, handle code .


Would've been a whole lot simpler if that elevator was working.

The exercise will do you good.

WOMAN: Who's there?

MALLOY: Police officers.

WOMAN: Never thought I'd see the day.

Aren't safe anywhere anymore.

Thank heavens you're here.

I've been robbed!

Somebody stole my television set!

It was right there not two hours ago.

I was watching it just before I went out for my daily walk.

What's your name, ma'am?

Mrs. Louise Hammond.

MALLOY: And how long were you out of the apartment?

LOUISE: One hour. : to : every morning.

I walk down to Alvarado and back.

It's an easy one, Pete.

Probably shimmied with a piece of plastic.

You should get yourself a dead bolt lock, Mrs. Hammond.

It would be a lot more secure.

I've spent so much already.

You need protection on both sides of the door, ma'am.

I go out so rarely.

Was anything else taken that you know of?

-Mmm-mmm. -What kind of TV as it?

-The brand? -A Dumont.

A what?

A Dumont. They stopped making them about years ago.

Do you happen to know the serial number, Mrs. Hammond?

Well no, I... How would I know that?

It's on the casing in the back.

It's the only way we can identify it.

I'll tell you how you can identify it.

It's got a big gash on it.

Just next to the volume knob.

From where Leonard...

He threw the ashtray at it.

-Who's Leonard? -My husband.

He died three years ago.

We'll turn this over to the investigators.

They'll get on it.

I can tell you who took it.

It was one of those new ones who moved in downstairs.

Don't like the looks of them.

When will those investigators be here?

Soon as they can, ma'am. They've got a lot of work backed up.

Do you think you can find it?

We can try, Mrs. Hammond.

They could have taken anything else.

[VOICE BREAKING] Why did they have to take the only friend I've got left.

Doesn't make sense. All those locks on the inside

and one lousy one on the outside.

Guess it just depends on what you're most afraid of.

No way the detectives are going to find that TV.

Same old cycle. Some burglar does his thing

and we do our thing and that old lady

just sits there with the short end.



MALE DISPATCHER: All units in the vicinity and One-Adam-.

A in progress. sh*ts fired.

Q Birch Street. One-Adam-, handle code .

-[SIREN WAILING] -One-Adam-, roger.

Help, please, hurry!

They shot my father! He's hurt!

Are they still inside?

No, they went out back! Two of them!

Please help my father!

Wait here. We'll get an ambulance.

Police officer! Freeze!


-Down off the fence! -Right now!

REED: Face on the ground. Hands out to your side.

I'll go after the other one!

Put your hands at the back.

[CRYING] Oh, no! Oh, my God!

-[BABY CRYING] -My baby! Stop it, please!

Oh, my baby! Thank you. Thank you so much!

We'll go to the hospital and finish the report.

Okay. We'll take him in for you.

MALLOY: Miss McMahon?

An investigator will be following up on this.

Maybe you'll be able to pick the other one out from our files.

You mean the one you let get away?

I sure didn't do it on purpose.

What's the difference? Even if you catch him,

it's not going to help my father, is it?

No. But it may help somebody else.

Dad always told everyone he'd have a place of his own.

He trusted people, said they were good.

He wouldn't even put bars around the store.

He said it showed people you didn't care.

Is it all right if I ride with him?

When my mother died, it was only two months ago.

It hit him really hard.

Said it was time to start a new life.

I wanted to help him.

I love him so much.

He'll be all right.

I know.

I've got to know that.

How's he doing?

Not good.

You talk to Floyd?

They get anything on a Miller?

Like a clam. They may turn up something on his partner.

-You about ready? -Yeah.

Can we give you a ride home, Miss McMahon?

No, I'll wait.

I'm not disagreeing, but how are you going

to handle something like that?

Well, we got the law and it's not doing any good

if we can't tell people about it.

We can't tell them about it until we get the forms.

Why not? It's just another piece of paper.

The least I should have been able to do was tell her it's in the works.

Yeah, we'll get our chance.

Doesn't make any sense to do it any other way.

What good's a law if we don't enforce it?

Show me where the forms are

and I'll help you pass 'em out.

I'll check with Mac when we get back to the station.

About time anyway. Every suspect's got a right to a free lawyer.

It's about time we did something about the victim.


Six, huh? Let's see.

You're not too speedy today.

Don't rush me, I'm tired of buying.


I don't think I've got a chance.


REED: Three.

JERRY: None.

And three, which makes six. You're out.

Down to you and me, Jerry.

Anything turn up on your Birch Street ?

-No. -How's Mr. McMahon?

Hanging on.

Poor guy.


Three. Three.

And zero makes three. Cream and sugar.

Sometimes there ain't no justice.

I'll take mine black.

-How you doin', Woods? -Good, Johnson.

Hey, been lookin' for you guys.

-I need some help. -What's up?

Like you to follow-up on that Donald Miller you nailed yesterday.

We're stacked up.

Mac says he can spring you loose for awhile.

You got something on his buddy, Ronnie?

Not yet. That's why I need you for some bird doggin'.

I've been trying to call Sid, the bail bondsman down on Calvert.

Can't raise him. I'd like you to take a run by there.

-What's the connection? -Miller was out on bail.

Sid handled it. He might have something on the other guy.

What was Miller's last bust for?

as*ault with a deadly w*apon.

When was that?

-Last month. -Terrific.

Did you check with Mac about those Rights of the Victim forms?

Yeah. Not in yet.

What you guys talking about?

We got a new law that says the victim of a violent crime

gets reimbursed for the loss.

We got no way to implement it yet.

Good idea. What about injuries, doctor bills?

It was all on the bulletin board, Jerry.

I only look at the want ads.

They get reimbursed.

-You ready? -MALLOY: Mmm-hmm.

Where you going?

Bulletin board.


Well, well, this is a pleasant one.

Not too often I see you boys in my backyard.

That's right. Malloy and Reed. Take a load off, gentlemen.

Now don't pay no mind to this mess.

Tell you the truth, I haven't been to bed yet.

Your buddies had a busy night and so have I.

We'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind.

Hey, I've seen you too often at the station

to be talking like strangers.

We're looking for some information on a guy who was working

with one of your clients.

-Which client is that? -Donald Miller.

He was booked yesterday for armed robbery and as*ault.

And booked on another A-D-W last month.

You handled the bail.

I just provide a service.

-Judge decides whether he stays or go free. -[PHONE RINGING]

I just provide the ready cash for a small fee and a large risk.

You gonna answer that?

This early in the morning, it's only bill collectors.

What've you got on Miller?

Nothing you don't know already.

Donald Miller. Yeah.

There it is.

$, bail. Trial comes up in three weeks.

Did Miller put up his own collateral?

That might be what you'd call privileged information.

Not anymore. Miller and his buddy

bought it heavy this time. It could be homicide.


No help.

He made the collateral himself.

He's got some land up in Lake Arrowhead.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Somebody put his name in for a referral.

A cousin or something.

-What's his name? -Ron Daly. A real flake.

Skipped out on a $ bond.

This address any good?

It's a phony. How do you check those things at : in the morning?

-Did you make a report? -A report?

I got a warrant out on him.

He used to work at the Apollo Health Club, huh?

He did when he put up the bond.

But he's not there anymore.

Thanks for your help.

Glad to. We're both working the same side of the street, after all.


Last known address from RNI is Frazier Avenue.

Let's check it out.

One-Adam-, on follow-up to Frazier Avenue.

You're wasting your time. He ain't there.

You know who lives here, ma'am?

Nobody. But I sure know the fella who used to.

Ron Daly. Been gone over a week.

Could we have your name, please, ma'am?

Angie Byrd. That's B-Y, not B-I.

This here's my house.

Do you have any idea where we might find this Ron Daly?

Haven't got the slightest.

We wasn't exactly what you'd call friends.

You know what kind of car he drove?

Sure do. Blue Mustang. A '.

At least if it's the same one he had when he hit my car.

Right out front there. Cost me $.

Did you file a police report?

Never got around to it.

He conned me into believing he'd take care of it.

Next thing I knew, poof.

How about the license number?

I wrote it down on a card he gave me.

Along with the insurance company which says

they never heard of him.

It's in here, I know that.

I saw it just the other day. Oh, here it is.

You can keep that.

We appreciate your help, Mrs. Byrd.

You catch him, you let me know.

You bet!

Let's get on back to the station and put it in the hopper.

I'm sorry Mac couldn't let us stay on the follow-up.

Johnson will get him.

Daly's too sloppy to stay loose for long.

FEMALE DISPATCHER:All units in the vicinity and One-Adam-.

A silent, at the drive-in restaurant.

Western and Vermont. One-Adam-, handle code .

One-Adam-, roger.

That was fast. Did you catch them?

-How many were there? -Two.

Couple of young guys, driving a beat-up old Chevy.

I got the number. -- I-C-Z.

Pretty ratty looking. But at least it was running when it came in.

I'll get this on the air.

I thought they were college boys

until they told me to hand over the bank.

That's the cash we keep on hand.

How much did they take?

About $. But they gave it back.

After I got over being scared it was a pretty funny scene.

As a matter of fact, they were more scared than I was.

They ordered two cokes and gave me a tenner to pay for them.

I gave them their change

and that's when they did the number with the g*n.

What kind of g*n?

Looked like a ., but it turned out to be a piece of pipe.

But I didn't know it then.

So I gave them their change and what I had in the cash register.

One's, mostly.

I mean, I'm not going to argue, the customer's always right, right?

So, they try to make their get-away.

But the car decides to sit. Flooded it, I guess.

It stalled right there.

I'd already hit the silent alarm and all I wanted to do

was wait for you guys. So I watched them.

They couldn't get the thing started.

So one of the guys gets out, the one I thought had the g*n,

and comes back and gives me the money.

Told me to forget the whole thing.

Pete, back up unit's got 'em, about five blocks from here.

I guess that means I'll have to give it back.

Their change. They gave that back to me, too.

One-Adam-, clear.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, clear.

All units in all frequency stand by. One-X-ray is in pursuit.

MALE DISPATCHER:One-X-ray-, what is your location?

OFFICER:One X-ray-, in pursuit of suspect in Ford Mustang,

white over blue. California license -- Ida-Charles-Zebra,

eastbound on Trencamp, crossing Grover.

-That's Daly. -We can intercept at Constellation.

OFFICER:Crossing Jenkins, we've just been blocked off by a truck.

Request assistance.

MALE DISPATCHER:Suspect vehicle last seen heading south on Montrose,

crossing Jenkins.

REED: There he is!

This is One-Adam-, we're now in pursuit of a blue Mustang,

south on Montrose from Fillmore.


Hold it right there!

Drop it!

Drop it!

Face down on the ground! Hands onto your side!

Let's go.

You guys got a visitor. A lady in the lobby.

She won't talk to anybody else.

There you are!

I didn't forget, you know.

Officers Malloy and Reed, right?

That's right, Mrs. Hammond.


You haven't found it yet, have you?

If you mean your television set, no, we haven't.

Well, what have you been doing about it?

What kind of protection is that?

I know it was those people downstairs.

I told you that.

How do you know that? Did you see it in one of the apartments?

Of course not. I can't just go barging into their places.

Neither can we, Mrs. Hammond. They've got their rights, too.

Certainly, no doubt about that. But what about me?

We're doing our best, ma'am.

That doesn't seem to help much.

Maybe it's time somebody started doing a little more for us,

the ones who get hurt.

I'll be handing these out at roll call tomorrow.

Now, the procedure is we hand these out to the victim,

they file a claim

and after the State Attorney General checks them out,

the victim can be compensated for medical expenses,

for loss of income or related expenses. Okay?

Mac, can I have a couple of those now?

Yeah. Be sure you read the details on the back.

Citizens can't file a claim unless it's a violent crime.

Burglary doesn't qualify.

I think the McMahons fit the requirements, Mac.


I guess there's no other way to say it.

Thank you. Really.

I'm just sorry we can't get your money back to you right away.

But, you know, evidence.

You have to hang onto it for a while.

I understand. There are a lot of bills,

but at least Dad's alive.

There's always something to be thankful for.
