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07x20 - Operation Action

Posted: 01/22/24 10:41
by bunniefuu
FEMALE DISPATCHER ON RADIO: One-Adam-. One-Adam-, a in progress.

One-Adam-, handle code .


You guys want to come by the house this afternoon and watch the game?

Jean would love that.

I don't know. I think I'm going to sleep straight through.

-What time does the game start? -:.

See you guys tomorrow.

-You want me to bring anything? -No.

Hey, do me a favor, will you? Stop by Hal's garage and pick me up.

-I have to drop my car off again. -Ah.

Better yet, I'll stop by the market and then I'll meet you there, okay?




You're crazy! I wouldn't ride with you again on a bicycle!

Get back in the car or I'll break your leg.

Hey, mister?

Put your hands on the dashboard and don't move.

Just do what the lady says.

Everything's clear.

Be cool, Cop, or you're going to get this.

Hey, Jim!

Trouble with the wheels?

No. Pete here?

Haven't seen him.

He was supposed to drop his car off though. You want to hang around?

Maybe he broke down on his way over here.

The way that thing's running, it's a miracle he can get out of the parking lot.

If he shows up, tell him I'll be back in about minutes. Okay?

Sure. You gonna look for him?

He might need some help.

LISA: It would have been better if we had gotten ourselves some brass.

They may not think this pig is worth the price.

Why don't we throw him back?

We could blow up this guy and go get ourselves another one.

-It's easy. -He'll do.

They stick together.

Get on the phone and do your number. You better take care of business.

And if they don't let Tim out,

you're out permanently.


-Hi. -What do you want?

That's my friend's car there. I'm looking for him.

I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.

You're right.

But I'm a police officer. It's all right to talk to me.

No, it isn't. You could be fooling me.

Is your mother home?

Maybe I could speak to her.

She's taking a nap.

But if I yell real loud, she'll come out.

Did you see the man that was in that car?

He parked it there and got in another car with his friends.

Was he wearing a tan jacket and a maroon shirt?

No, he looked like a cowboy.

But the man in the back seat, with the lady looked like that.

What kind of car was it?

I don't know, sort of yellow.

-I'd better go now. -Wait a minute.

I think you better wake your mother up. I really do have to talk to her.

She didn't see anything. She was asleep.

Yeah, I know. But I want her to tell you it's all right for you to talk to me.

Mother, there's a man here to talk to you!

If we don't see him on the : news,

getting on a plane to Caracas,

the next time you'll hear from us is to tell you where to find the body.

Badge number .

He didn't just hand it to us.


Just tell 'em your name, Cop.

Don't be cute.

Who's this? Melissa?

I told you not to get cute.

Melissa is the Captain's secretary.

It ain't a broad.

Say your name.

Peter D. Malloy.

You got until :, Melissa.

Why don't we just k*ll him now?

Where do you want it, Peter D.?

Hey, k*lling him now ain't going to get Tim out.

You're really a square, Roger.

ROGER: What if we got to prove he's still alive?

We told 'em we'd swap him for Tim.

You want to join in the conversation, Peter D.? Mmm?

He's a rotten conversationalist.

Yeah. Grunts just like a pig.



Get the camera.

I'd like to take his picture and send it to all his friends.

HARV:Just tell 'em your name, Cop. Don't be cute.

MALLOY:Who's this? Melissa?

HARV: I told you not to get cute.

MALLOY:She's the Captain's secretary.

HARV:It ain't a broad. Say your name.

MALLOY:Peter D. Malloy.

HARV:You've got until :, Melissa.

That's it.

They want to swap Tim Jenkins for Malloy by : tonight.

What do you make of the Melissa thing, Jim?

Nothing checks in the Moniker File.

It's got to mean something.

So does the initial D. Pete's middle name is Joseph.

Yeah. Could be one of the creeps that grabbed him.

David, Donald, Donna, Dan, whatever.

We got a pretty good idea who they are from the known associates file.

Nothing radical, just a bunch of crooks. Harvey Carlton and Roger Foster.

Last address on them was up in Fresno.

My witness said there was a girl.

It's a cinch it's not Melissa.

And all Tim Jenkins will do is sit there in his cell and smile.

Maybe we ought to go through the FI cards.

Might be something on the station wagon.

We're already looking but don't hold your breath.

I've got a detail out canvassing the neighborhood for other wits.

What if we come up empty?

Homicide's been notified and they're going to put some people on it.

But before Downtown will go for a swap, Lucifer will be wearing long underwear.

It's their move. Unless we can figure what Malloy was getting at.

He must have been trying to tell us something.

The Captain's secretary's name is Gladys Simpson, isn't it?

Yeah. Pete know her?

Sure. But it doesn't connect.

Then we'd better start looking for Melissa.

I don't know what Lisa wants these for.

Didn't she tell you?

She wants to blow up the whole police department.

She loves cops.

She's crazy, you know that? Crazier than you are.

Nobody's crazier than me.

You'd have to be to let her talk you into this.

She didn't talk me into it. I played her into it.

Be careful with that stuff! We don't want to burn the place down.

Not yet anyway.

You know something?

I think you and me are the only ones that aren't crazy.


SID dusted Malloy's car.

Couple of partials, nothing they can run.

Anything from CII?

Nothing new. We should be hearing from Fresno pretty soon.

Maybe they've turned something. Where are you headed?

I thought I'd take another tour around where I found Pete's car.

Might be better if you went home and got some sack time.

No, thanks.

Okay. If anything breaks, I'll give you a yell.

Thanks for keeping me on the detail.

Could I have kept you off?

Remind me to steal a better set next time.

I don't want to be around the next time.

You're so uptight you couldn't game a dime off your mother.

ROGER: It's not as if Tim was my friend.

HARV: He's Lisa's old man and that's that.

She's using you.

HARV: Hey, man. I have played way past that.

She's doing what's got to be done.

What I'd want my woman to do for me.

She qualifies.

If this is what the life's all about,

I'm sorry I took up with you.

HARV: I didn't take your application.

You wanted in and you're in.

I wish Lisa would get back.

At least I can have a decent conversation with her.



Only trouble is I can only get one channel good.

Maybe I'd better call 'em again.

Tell 'em to make sure old Tim is on this channel.

Is that Randolph Scott?

-I always liked his movies. -[TV SWITCHES OFF]

HARV: Cool it, baby.

You ain't about to untie them knots.

JOHNSON:One-W- to One-W-.

One-W-, go.

JOHNSON: We just got another call. The lady this time.

Roger, on my way.

JOHNSON: They were dropped off in a phone booth on Third.

The woman who called told us where to pick them up.

We recorded it but there's not much to it.

Two sentences, period.

I've got a team over there talking to everybody who might have seen her make the drop.

Nothing so far.


Looks like they enjoy playing games.

I'd like to talk to this Jenkins character.

-Sergeant MacDonald. -He's in interrogation now with a lawyer.

MACDONALD: Yeah. Go ahead.

Any word from downtown?

There's no way Jenkins is going to get on an airplane.

He's in on m*rder one.

He k*lled a pimp.

That makes him worth Malloy.

Whoever took these pictures thinks so.

Okay. Thanks.

Next time you need any help just let us know.

The Fresno PD.

The address on Roger Foster checks out.

He owns a yellow ' Mercury station wagon.

, Ida, Victor, Zebra.

Anything else?

His folks said he left home with Harvey Carlton two weeks ago.

And Carlton's girlfriend. Nothing on her.

I'll get it on the air.

Well, at least we've got something to put the bird dogs on.

I'll get these over to the lab.

I'll call you if anybody spots the car.

Yeah, thanks.

Maria? This is Jim Reed.

I'd like you to do me a favor.

Could you check all the reports Pete and I have filed for the last three months?

I know it's almost lunchtime.

Listen, just do me this favor.

I want you to check for a reference to a victim or suspect

with the name Melissa.

If I knew the last name, I wouldn't ask.


If you turn up anything call me, okay.


LISA: It's me.


-Lunch. -What took you so long?

I delivered the portraits.

Black and white doesn't do you justice.

Turn that thing off and let's eat.

What about him?

What about him?

You be a good boy and I'll give you a little taste.

Want some?

JOHNSON:One-W- to One-W-.

One-W-, go.

JOHNSON:A patrol unit spotted the car.

It's parked at , West Colfax.

The black and white staked out on it at South Magnolia.

Back them up.

One-W-, roger.

If you don't make any noise they won't hurt you.

Eat my garbage, pig.

I'll settle for a glass of water.

I'll get it for you.

You better eat up, Peter D.

This could be your last meal.

You're playing a losing game.

There's no way you're going to get out ahead of this.

Oh, yeah?

Unless your buddy rollers spring Tim from the joint,

you ain't getting out at all.

What's he in for? Pandering?

You know,

maybe we should throw you back and go for bigger game.

You're simple, you know that?

MALLOY: Tim's playing you for a fool.

He gets out and what do you get? The little green room.

You shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you.


You didn't have to do that!

What do you know about anything? Gag him!

You'd better do what she tells you, Roger.

She's a mean lady.

I may end up dead but you're going to end up in jail

and your old man's going to get a conspiracy charge on him

-on top of whatever else he's in for. -Shut up!

But I've got to hand it to him. At least he's not stupid.

-He's not gonna be a part of a cop k*lling. -Shut your mouth!

Watch out, Peter D.

She's a witch.

And won't stand for no bad-mouthing on her old man.

I ought to k*ll you right now.

ROGER: Come on, Lisa.

There's five hours yet. Take it easy.

If Tim ain't on the : news,

you'll be in the headlines tomorrow.

ROGER: Hey, come on, sugar.

Tim will get out. Everything will be all right. You'll see.

And if he's tricking me?

Hey, honey,

don't let the cop play with your head.

You're qualified.

You jive, Cop.

JOHNSON:One-W- to One-W-.

One-W-, go.

JOHNSON:Perimeter is secure.

Your relief is in position on the southeast corner.

Take a Code .

REED: Negative, W-. Suspects coming out of the house.

One male, one female.

They may be about to rabbit.

JOHNSON:Move in!


REED: Freeze!

Put your hands on top of your head.

False alarm, Floyd. Citizens.

They saw a woman leave the car about an hour ago.

They just wanted to check it out.

JOHNSON:The other units will maintain surveillance.

For what? She dumped it and is long gone.

JOHNSON: Just because it's a long sh*t is no reason not to play it.

Do you mind if I take a tour west?





Come on, I'm watching this show.

What you want?

We don't have any more chicken.

If they find out, they're not going to like it.

My legs are numb. I'd like to stand up for awhile.

Okay, but just for a minute.

You know, I never really wanted to do this.

It's still not too late to get out.

They'd k*ll me too.

What are you doing?

-Get away from him! -His legs were hurting him.

-They're supposed to hurt. -Leave him alone.

LISA: Shut up!

He broke the TV set!

Is that all you think about?

Now you just stay put.

We should have laid you out on the floor in the first place.

ROGER: I'm sorry. I didn't think it would do any harm.

HARV: Don't try to think, Roger. You're not very good at it.

Come on, give me a match.

Maria, this is Reed.

You find anything?

Switch me over to Floyd Johnson's office, will you?

Thanks, Maria.

Hello, Floyd. I just found out who Melissa is.

She's a little girl, lives at , Midlands Drive.

Pete and I handled a dead body call there that turned out to be a mannequin.

Her last name is Denman. D as in David.

Pete's probably near there.

I'll stake on it.

I'll wait for backup.

Thanks, Floyd.

One-W- to Watch Commander.


Show me Code at Midlands Drive.

MACDONALD:Roger, Jim. One-L-, KMA.

HARV: Hey, what's that?


ROGER: Get some water!

He rolled off the porch!

One-W- to Control.

We have sh*ts fired in the -block of Midlands.

Request assistance and a Supervisor.


REED: One-W-. Officer needs help.

, Midlands Drive.

FEMALE DISPATCHER:All units, an officer needs help. , Midlands Drive.

Police officer!


Three of them.

Hand g*ns and two r*fles.




[g*ns f*ring]

Good to see you is an understatement.

Two men and a woman. They've got two r*fles.

And at least four handguns, one of them is mine.

The perimeter is nailed down.

Fire Department's on the way and I've called for SWAT.

Let's see if we can get them out of there.

Go ahead, you know them.

[OVER BULL HORN] This is Malloy.

Come on out of there before it's too late.

You're surrounded!

Throw out your weapons and come out with your hands on your head.


Roger, come on out of there!


Harv! Lisa!

The game's over.

There's no way you're going to win.

There she is. She's out of her mind.

All you jive cops!

Hands on top of your head.

Thanks, partner.

Thanks for what? We missed the ball game.