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Madly Madagascar (2013)

Posted: 01/22/24 12:48
by bunniefuu
Oh, that was

The best one yet.


You gotta love these

Valentine's day deliveries.

Oh, do we have any

Of those candy hearts

With the little messages

On 'em?

Uh, no.

But I've got some

Fancy pants perfume for you.



[both coughing]

Get rid of it!

get rid of it!

Mm, okay,

What about this one, julien?

Roses are red,

Violets are green,

You are so handsome,

You make

All the ladies scream.


It's no use, maurice.

I'm a king

Without a kingdom.

Where is all the adoration,

The fawning,

The brown-nosing?

Is anybody even listening

To me up there?


Uh, what the--

"Love potion number 9"?

How does this thing

Work anyway?



Stop it, stop it.

That tickles.



[maurice chuckling]



Do you see

What is happening here?

Make 'em stop.

Make 'em stop.

It is a message

From the gods.

They are looking down

From the heavens

And saying,

"King julien,"

And I say,

"Ugh, what do you want now?"

And they say,

"Sorry to disturb you,

"Oh, great

And most dashing king

With all the best

Dance moves."

And I say,

"Oh, you mean like this?"

"Yes, we love that."

"So get on with it.

What do you want already?"

"Even though

You're all these great things,

You deserve more."

"Oh, go on."

"King julien,

Take this potion,

"And, from this moment forth,

You will be known

As the king of love."


King of love?

Come, maurice.

We have much work to do.

Wake up, africa.

It's valentine's day.

Happy valentine's day

To you,

And happy valentine's day

To you,

And you, you, you,

And you.


Pah! What's valentine's day?

Hold up.

Don't tell me

You've never heard of...

The best day

Of the year!


Wow. You're really

Into this holiday, huh?


You have no idea.

We love you, alex!


And I love this holiday!

[Imitating cheers]

Oh, alex!

So what do we do with these?

That's the best part.

Once you get

A valentine,

You get to give one back.


I'll start you off.

"Dear alex,

You're the best.

Love you,


See, now I can display it

Right here

On my very own valentine's tree.

Huh? Huh?

Whoa, hey,

Ooh, what's going on?

King julien's selling

A magical love potion.

I want some!

A love potion?

I want some.

wait for me!

Hey, hey, hey.

Wait up!

Guys, valentine's tree.

It's not going anywhere.

And neither are we,


Now, come on,

Let's go see

What that psychotic lemur's

Up to now.

Uh, you know what--

I think you guys--

You guys go ahead.

I'll catch up later.

Where is he going?

Uh, acupuncture appointment?


Definitely acupuncture.

Come on.

Gotta go.

[Upbeat music]

♪ ♪

♪ Her name

Is g-l-o-r-i-a ♪

♪ Gloria ♪

No, stop.

Stop, stop.

Come on, you guys.

This is my first valentine's day

With gloria.

This surprise

Has to be perfect.

[All hooting]

Aah! No, no, no!

What are you doing?

Ugh, look at him.

All stressed out

And driving everyone crazy.

Skipper, what are you gonna get

Hula girl for valentine's day?



No hokey knickknacks

Or cheesy gestures needed here.

Isn't that right,

Doll face?

Dra ma.

What the...


Ladies and gentlemen,

Gather around.

Today is your lucky day,

Because the king of love's

Love potion spectacular

Is about to begin.

[excited chatter]

♪ Go take your troubles

To the king of love ♪

♪ That's me ♪

♪ The heavens sent me

From above ♪


♪ Go on, everybody ♪

♪ Get into a line ♪

♪ Try a little spray of ♪

♪ Love potion number 9 ♪

Oh, me, me,

Me, me.

I'll try it.


Here's a young fellow

I've never met ever.

Let me guess, little

Irritating pest like yourself,

Probably not too popular,

Are you?

No, I'm not popular!


Well, your luck's

About to change.



Just sign this contract

Committing you

To eternal servitude,

And I will make you


Yes, let's do it!

Open your eye.


It burns!









Well, hello.

Aren't you just

The most adorable little thing

i've ever seen?




Come on!

It's a dude.


[Makes kissing sounds]



Do it.



[kissing sound]

I'm irresistible!

[Cheers and applause]

i want to be irresistible!

Me too!

Sign here.

Sign here.

I like you.

How do you like me now?





I want some. Me too.

Right here, right here.

Aw, come on,


You're not buying

All of this, are you?

Well, I ain't buying it.

I mean,

A love potion?

Zebras, please.




I ain't never seen

A zebra like you before.

I'm not a zebra.

I'm an okapi.




Where did you come from?

Just visiting

From another reserve.

Hey, I can show you around.

so could i.

So could i.

so could i.

Me too.

I know this place

Better than anyone.

Aw, looks

Like somebody

Got bit by the love bug.

Yeah, well,

So did all of them.


See you later then.



If only I had something

To make me stand out

From the pack.

♪ Love potion number 9 ♪



I mean,

Nice doing business

With you.


There's no such thing

As a love potion.

You could make her

A card.

Spray me.

Open your eye.

[Air pffts]


Fresh out.

No, no, julien,

You gotta get me more.

What do I look like,

A wizard?

I don't know

How to make that stuff.

Fine. No love potion,

No contract.


You'll hear from my attorney.


You're my attorney.

can he do that?

I don't know.


What am I supposed

To do now?

You're the king of love.

figure it out!


A love potion?

Yes, I need you

To make me another batch of it.

Negative, twinkle toes.

What? Why?

I don't like you.

And, besides,

The only place

To find ingredients

Like these around here

Is at the human safari camp.

Forget it.

That place is a death trap.

Skipper, I need

For gloria's tiara,



Sounds like a blast.

But we've got a rendezvous

At the human safari camp.


Where's a monkey

When you need one?

Ugh, fellas,

If I ever let

some doll get to me

Like that,

Just put me down.


What did I do?


target identified, sir.

All clear.


This silent treatment

Is k*lling me.

Just tell me

What's bothering you.

[Clears throat]

I can't get into this

Right now, doll face.

Keep lookout.

We'll be back in a jiff.


Today must be my lucky day.


I tell you, fellas.

It's like I'm talking

To a piece of wood.

How am I supposed

To know what she's thinking?


I mean,

I'm not a mind reader.

What is going on in here?


You can only get so far

When the conversation's

All one-sided.




Stop, drop, and roll!

One minute,

Everything's peachy,

And the next,

Sneak att*ck.

Flanks me

With the cold shoulder.


With all due respect...


You and your lady friend

Need to patch things up


You're right.

I deserved that.

Um, skipper, there's something

You need to see up here.


This better be important,



[Hawaiian music playing]

Shitake mushrooms.



Get them!

Hula girl!

We'll deal with this later.

Doll face!

Rose petals?





Is it ready yet?

There must be 50 zebras

All up in her face

Right now.

Come on, marty.

This thing's not gonna

Make you irresistible.

Trying to work here.




Where did that giraffe go?

Chop, chop, kowalski.

I need that potion now.

A couple more love songs

On that ukulele,

And I'll be done for.

All right, everybody out.

Out, out, out.

Final ingredient.

Hexyl cinnamaldehyde.

Hexyl cinna-what?

I don't know.

Just improvise.

Love bug?

Why not?




Gentlemen, love potion no. 10.




Marty, wait.

Alex, come here.

Is something going on?


Is melman avoiding me?


No, i--marty!

Should I make you

Another batch?

There's no time.

Don ho's not stealing my girl

Without a fight.

Marty, this will never work.

You never know

Unless you try.

ow. What the--

He's right, freak.

The joke will be on you

When my magic potion

Works its magic.

And the water buffalo said,

"That's not my mama."



I'll admit it.

I like romantic comedies.

Hey, where's she going?

We were talking.

What's she doing?



Hi, there.


She spoke to me!

Did I say that out loud?


I don't know what it is

About you,

But there's something

That I just find...



Check it out.

It's actually working.

♪ Can it be permissible? ♪

[All sniffing]

♪ She compromised

My principle ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

[All screaming]


♪ She's a craze

You'd endorse ♪

♪ She's a powerful force ♪

♪ You're obliged to conform ♪

♪ When there's no other course ♪


♪ But now I find her ♪

♪ Simply irresistible ♪









Call me.

♪ Simply irresistible ♪


hey, alex.

Welcome to the love shack.

Ooh, wow.

Yeah, this is really something.

Oh, you got to read

Some of these valentines.

I didn't think

They could find a word

To rhyme with magnificent,

But they did.


Yeah, you know,

Speaking of valentines,

I realized I still

Hadn't given you yours.



Throw it on the pile.

Oh. How could I

Have missed the pile?


I'll just be on my way then.

Unless you have something...


That's the stuff.

For me.

smells like jojoba.


Oh, did you say something,



Any requests, marty?

free bird?


At least I never needed

A magic love potion

To get my valentines.

They came naturally.

I don't know,


This doesn't look like

The one the penguins made.

Don't worry,

Hippo woman.

I threw in

A few new ingredients

To kick it up a notch.

That giraffe won't know

What hit him.

nice try, julien.


Seriously, gloria,

Come on.

Not you too?

But I think

I might be losing melman.

You are.

You're not losing melman.

you don't need this.

Yes, you do.

Oh, I don't know

What to think anymore!



Could this day

Get any worse?


What was that?

a wake-up call.


What are you talking about?

You used to be

A new york giant.

Now your hair's a mess

And you're all alone.

Yeah, well,

It's your fault.

Your stupid potion

Is making everybody crazy.

Is it? Or are you crazy

Not to try it?

Yeah, right.

You can be irresistible!

Just like you were

Back in new york.

Close your eyes.

Can you hear the crowd

Screaming your name?


We love you, freak!

They're going crazy for you.

Do you hear it?

yeah, I can hear them.

Freak, freak, freak, freak.


They can't control themselves!

Freak! Freak!

Freak! Freak!

Don't you want that

Back again?

I do.

Sign here.


Now go get

Your mojo back.


What is that smell?


ladies and gentlemen,

Alex the lion.



Ugh, you reek.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, I'm gonna be sick.

Me too.

Get away from us.

Hey, wait!


[Upbeat music]

♪ ♪

How long is this song?



Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

I think I need

A little air.

Hey, where's marty?


That's more like it.

What's more like it?


All right.

Why don't you take five,


I need a little marty time.

Sounds great.

Come on, everybody.

It's marty time.


You guys are funny.

But, seriously,

I need a little space.

A little more space, please.

More space!

More space!

Hey, look, there's marty!





easy, easy.


Save yourself!

Save my what?

Oh, oh!








Melman, why don't you want

To spend time with me today?


No, it's not you, it's--

It's me?

You're dumping me?

i'm what?

On valentine's day?


You sick, sick giraffe!


[All yelling]

I don't want to be irresistible


Come back, marty.

Wait, where's marty?


Um, what are we doing here?

Who's marty?

Beats me.

Ooh, girl,

I hope that's not permanent.

No more love potion.


Operation hula rescue

Is a go.



She's heavily guarded.

Not for long.




Listen up, pretty boy,

I may not have

Your perfect tan

Or your chiseled abs,

But I've got something

You'll never have.

A wounded heart.

Doll face,

It took losing you

To realize

How much I need you

In my life.


Just let me talk.

I used to think

Valentine's day

Was just a superficial holiday

For sissies,

Wussies, and pansies.

But now I realize

That buying cheap flowers

Or some pre-packaged chocolate

Isn't just a wacked-out

Merchandising conspiracy.

It's also just

A nice thing to do.


Not again!

Skipper, code red!

Handle it!

[Engine turns over]


Little hula girl,

I'm begging you.

Will you take me back?

Is that a yes

Or no?



Not my bobbleheads!

Oh, stop it!


Is it, yes,

You need more time,

Or, no,

You're not ready to answer?

Oh, come on.

Make up your mind.

You are mine now!

It's a yes!


Well, no hard feelings, kid.

Hope we can all stay friends?




I don't get it.

What happened today?

Well, it's his loss.

I'm over it.


And shrieks]


What in the world?

"Music, dance number,

Lady liberty float"?

Oh, melman.


come on, julien.

i need that potion.

I don't know.

Skinny, sickly guy

Like yourself.

What could you

Possibly do for me?

I can reach tall places.

Okay, deal.

Don't you make that deal,

Melman mankiewicz.

Oh, great,

They're gonna make up.


Come on, frankie.

[Frankie trumpets]

Okay, this is, like,

The sweetest thing

That anyone's ever tried

To do for me.


Until I ruined it.

Baby, I didn't need

All this.

All I wanted to know

Was that you were thinking

About me.

Oh, i-i was thinking

About you.


Yeah, well, here's someone

None of us

Were thinking about.



You know what?

I think I know something

That might cheer him up.

"Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

"I love writing myself


But no one else seems

To do it to me."


Too wordy.


"I'm sorry"?

What the...

Uh, we know it's not like

It was back at the zoo, but...

We could make you

Some more.


You got it just right.

It's not about how many cards

You get.

It's about who you

Get them from.



[All sniffing]


No offense,

But you stink.

You need a bath.

In turpentine.

[frankie trumpets]

Ladies and gentlemen,

Gather around.

Oh, not again.

The king of love is back

With a brand-new bottle of...

And the lucky freak who gets

To try it first will be...

Ha ha!






It's okay.

It's okay.

There's still some left.

Now, who wants it?


Oh, that is disgusting!


Oh, king julien, ah...

Oh, that's a nightmare coming.

Hey, you can't leave.

You both signed the contract!

Maurice, you're my lawyer.

Do something.

I would advise against

Any sudden movement

Right now, julien.


Where is the love?