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06x03 - Smash Derby

Posted: 10/30/14 12:00
by bunniefuu
Announcer: Previously on Republic of Doyle.

You blew up the van!

You could have been k*lled.

I wanna be there for you.

I need to do this alone.


I'm Doctor Jon Ronan. I'm a psychologist. I was assigned to you by the RNC.


I got you.

Do whatever I tell you to do.

Until Sloan's debt is erased.

I thought that you were dead.

I have to go away from here.

[Camera click]

Des: What are we doing here?

Why are we following Missus?

Mal: It's a good question.

What did Saul say to you exactly?

Jake: He said, Follow Alisha.

I wanna see what she's up to.

He gave me her picture.

And that was it.

What else do we know about Alisha?

The call was twenty minutes ago.

So I didn't exactly have time to do a background check.

I don't like this.

Des: Being an indebted errand boys to a psychopath gangster?

Because Jake's daughter stole money from you?

Why wouldn't you like that?

Hey Des. I think there's something wrong with your phone.

I think you're having trouble hearing us.

I can hear you just fine.

Then shut up!


Speaking of Sloan, any word?

No. I think I've got a line on where she's been staying.

Do not tell Rose about this debt to Saul.


Don't tell Saul about his debt to Rose.

It's the other way around, Des. I'm serious.

No need to worry her.

Hey, small flag.

What if this Alisha is a k*ller?

'Cause she looks like she's waiting for someone.

She has this waiting for someone look on her face.

Where she kills the person she's waiting for.

Hang on.

There's some guy here.

I don't know what they're talking about.

But it looks pretty intimate.

Are we taking pictures of Saul's cheating girlfriend?

Vic Saul doesn't seem like the kind of person to take this subtle approach when it comes to a cheating girlfriend.

Oh my God. She looks good in this view.

I lost her.

Jake: I got her.

[Click click. click]

[Car squeals off.]

Did that tow truck just flash its lights at us?



You okay?


What just happened?

We lost Alisha.

And Buddy.

Call and ambulance.

♪ Oh yeah! ♪

♪ Oh yeah! ♪

♪ Oh yeah! ♪

♪ Oh yeah! ♪

♪ Oh yeah ee ay ee ay ee ay ♪

♪ Oh yeah ee ay ee ay ee ay ♪

♪ Oh yeah. ♪


This is all your fault!

Donny: The sun. I couldn't see the red light.

Yes b'y.

Are you blind?

Or are you just stupid?

Curtis: He's right, you idiot!

You could have gotten us all k*lled.

Can't you see I'm in shock?

Can you get these monsters to leave me alone?

Curtis: You'll pay for this!

You arsehole!

What's that all about?

I think you got a witness fleeing the scene.


And Malachy Doyle?

Private Investigators?

That's us.

Lydia Castor. You're on my list. I've been meaning to get to you.

Is that list of the Hit Variety? If so, please sh**t him first.

Ignore him.

How can we help you?

I'm Mr. Donald Pearl's insurance adjuster.

Jake: That was quick.

Lydia: I was his first call.

And I was hoping you would investigate his claim.

Jake: We don't do insurance cases.

What my son means, is we haven't done much Insurance work.

No, I said, we don't do insurance cases.

Plus, we were in the accident.

That's a slight conflict of interest, no?

You didn't hit anybody.

And you witnessed the whole thing.

So you're clear.

You're bonded. You have a good reputation.

At least one of you does.

Jake: I suppose you're talking about my m*rder charge, right?

In my line of work, appearances are one thing.

Hard evidence is king.

All I need is a report on Mr. Pearl's injury.

Job's yours. If you want it.

We appreciate the business.


Do you diligence and get back to me.

As soon as you can.

Thank you.

We have a job. Remember?

Not one that pays. This literally fell in our laps. Right when we can't scrape together a mortgage payment. And I don't want to point the finger as to who's fault that is.

Ha. Ha. Thanks a lot.

But it is your fault, you know that.

All you. No one else.

Rose: Yeah. Well, I was under the impression that I could skip one payment per year without a penalty. And...

No. Yeah. I did notify you. I did.

Okay fine. You know what?

I'm just gonna come on down there and talk the manager myself.

Thanks for everything.

Hey Rose. Is this a bad time to mention I haven't been paid in three weeks?


Tinny: I'm the one in this family with a steady job right now. You should let me help.

It's okay. We'll be fine.

I don't mind being a kept man.

Where were you today?

Where are the boys?

Nowhere. Why?

If I see Sloan Daniels again, I think I might ring her bloody...

Sloan: Doyle.

Sloan Doyle, remember?

Des: Sloan? Wow.

Does Jake know you're here?


Tinny: Of course not.

He's worried about her.

So why would she do him the courtesy of letting him know she's alive?

Rose: You have some serious guts showing your face around here.

I wanted to talk to you.

To tell you how sorry I am.

Sorry doesn't pay my mortgage.

Des: Or a paycheque. Like mine.

You know I'm working for free these days, basically.

I now consider Bologna a luxury item.

Seriously, how does that even happen?

I know I deserve this, but I promise, I'm gonna find a way to make it up to you guys.

Rose: Yeah. Well, Jake may have forgiven you.

But I think it's gonna be a long while before the rest of us do.

Des: Look, Sloan. I know it all sounds really harsh. But I think, you know once you talk to... [Door slams] Sloan?

Mal: I ran the plates on the other cars in the accident.

Billy Davidson drove a tow truck.

Curtis Breen was in the van.

Curtis's business is gonna suffer because of this crash. No wonder he's so mad.

What's to investigate?

Donny Pearl runs a red light. Won't that just disqualify his policy?

Not if it was unintentional.

He said the bright sunlight obscured the view.

He's got a disability insurance policy that pays out very substantially if he can't work.

Warehouse worker. No criminal record. And no fraud charges whatsoever.

It says here he's made over thirty complaints to the police in the last three months.

What's this guy's problem?

Neighbours making too much noise.

Kids playing hockey in the street. City workers violating code.

What an agreeable guy.

He's gotta claim soft tissue damage, which is impossible to disprove.

Which means we need more than pictures.

We need to prove this guy can go back to work.

Dirt. That's nutting but dirt.

We're gonna have to videotape the guy shoveling his driveway.

Or mowing his lawn, or gardening, or whatever.

This is real scumbag work, Dad.

Let's just go to the work folder and pick out another one.


So unless you have any better jobs besides running errands for criminals We're taking it.

All right b'y. All right. Don't have another heart attack.

[phone rings]

Pee yourself again.

It's Vic Saul calling me right now.

Gonna tell him his girl's cheating on him?

I'll be honest.

I'm afraid it's a little more complicated than that.

Paying gig first.

Let's go visit Donny Pearl.

Donny: I don't know who you are.

You did this!

You're on my property! Get off my property!

I'm not on your property. This is a sidewalk.

You did this.

You ruined my gig.

Get away from me!

You owe me. You owe me for what you did.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Get the hell away from here.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Take it easy.

Take it easy!

You're trespassing.

We're on public street. And you're sh**ting a g*n at us.

No. You are within City Ordinance of four point three feet from my property line.

Which entitles me to protect my home and myself.

Jake: That's ridiculous. Put the g*n down.

Why were you fighting with the Puffin Man?

Wasn't he driving the van you hit?

Donny: You're from the insurance company?

You've got no authority here, Mall Cop.

It's like I said.

The bright light blinded me. I deserve that money.

I'm all fooled up.

Alright. Just calm down.

Are you using rock salt?

I use it for the feral cats to keep them from my hot tub.

You sh**t cats?

To scare them. Keep them from drowning.

I'm not into k*lling cats, Mall Cop.

[Whale sounds on player]

Wait. Are you playing whale music there?

Soothing sounds from Cape Spear. It's supposed to make me calm.

How's that working for you?


Until the insurance company sent stooges to railroad me.

You know, there was a time a conversation like this would get away from me.

Yeah, like five seconds ago when you almost k*lled buddy here?

It's no wonder you're such a negative person.

Look how you earn your living.

Won't be so easy getting me.

Bunch of parasites.


Jake: I think you should deal with this while I go talk to Saul.

I'll call Rose to pick me up.

Now go on.

And be careful out of it.

Put this back in the man's house, will ya?

Sloan. What are you up to?

Mal: Donny was not kidding about the sun obscuring that light.

Rose: I'm sure sure he could still see a van.

If his eyes are getting as bad as mine, maybe not.

As long as I can see you, who care's about the rest, huh?

The bank said we were supposed to be able to miss a payment.

But the manager was not very agreeable.

I was hoping for more of a "wow" reaction.

But now that it's out there, we'll figure something out.

Where's old Jake now?

Running a few more errands.

You just happen to have surveillance equipment from the office because... ?

Mal: These marks, dents. Where'd they come from?

Do these errands have anything to do with Sloan?

She was at the house this morning, Mal.

If she's got us in more of a mess, I need to know about it.

Sloan is Jake's daughter. My granddaughter.

Yes, she did a horrible thing.

We just need to make sure she's safe. That's all.

Donny did not hit this pole.

Because his truck stopped in the intersection where it hit the Puffin Van.

Mal: Come on. I got an idea.

I need your word that there is nothing else going on here I need to know about.

No. Now, come on dear.

Just gonna leave me hanging here?

Well, well well.

If it isn't my favourite cop duo.

Well, half, anyway.

I assume I'm the half you like the least.

See Hood, I always knew there was a detective in there, somewhere.

I'll get us some coffee.


You never return my calls or my texts.

I've been...

I dunno, busy.

Busy. You come over to my place. We sleep together.

And then you completely ignore me.

I gotta be honest. I'm starting to feel a little bit used for my body.

You wanna take the rest of the day off?

Go back to my place?

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

You sure?

You seem a little bit distracted.

Fine. Forget I suggested it.

Wait, wait, wait, Leslie.

Are you back on active duty?

Not really. Not on my own. There's some red tape.

I know my way around it. And this is none of your business anyway.


Right. I gotta ask. Are we doing this thing together?

Or not. Because from where I'm standing... it definitely feels like we're not.

Hood: The detective in me deduced that you didn't need one.

And you're a d*ck.

Look. I'm sorry.

I'll call you. We'll talk later.

I'm just not myself.

Let me guess. Vic Saul sent you?

When I don't hear from my staff.

I tend to take that personal.

I'm not your staff. And you only put me on this girl, Alisha this morning.

You're daughter forced you into a debt with me.

So when I call,


Answer the phone.

Feel better?

I might.

If I knew what Alisha was up to.

So far, nudding.

And that's the extent of your work so far?

I could be working on her, right now.

Except for you have me here.

Anyone ever warn you about micromanagement?

Anybody every warn you about pissing me off?

Look. This would be a lot easier for me if you just told me what it is that you don't trust about her.

Or maybe, tell me what it is that you want me to find out.

Why don't you do your job and find out for yourself.

I'll give you the rest of the day.

If you don't do it, we have a problem.

And Jake, you and I... We have enough problems.

It's always a pleasure to see you Saul.

Rose: Where have you been?

Uh, having tea with a friend.

Rose said that Sloan was at the house today.

Oh, thank God. I was worried sick. I was.

Well, I'm surprised she hasn't robbed the place by now.

Look, Rose. Having a gangster teenaged daughter isn't sitting well with me either.

But at least she's not out on the street.

Yeah There's Donny's pickup.

Might as well go have a look.

You coming, or what?

Over that fence? No thank you.

Five years ago, you would have made the jump.

We already looked at the trunk. We went through the gate here.

Unlike you, I tend to learn with the passage of time.

Now look at the front bumper.

And the photos we sent.

This has been repaired recently.

Used to be orange.

Matches the pole.

His vehicle made those dents on it.

But Donny didn't hit that pole.

Not this morning he didn't.

So same, intersection. Different accident.

Same pole. What's going on here?

Practice crash?

So he was polishing his scam.

This time when he hit the pole, he wanted to hit it hard enough so it looked like he was actually hurt.

And a speeding van ruins his perfectly planned accident.

Well, we're gonna need some proof.

I'll check some old CCTV footage from the intersection.

Should we canvass the witnesses to the accident?

Maybe one of them saw something that we missed.

Or we could talk to buddy.

Hey. Billy.

You two were at the accident today.

We're investigating one of the drivers' insurance claim.

Whathisname in the truck you were just looking at.

Donny Pearl.

It was his fault.

Why did you flee the scene?

Before you could speak to the cops?

I'm my own boss. Time is money.

And there were plenty of other witnesses at the scene.

Did he give you any reason to think that he might have done this whole thing on purpose?

Either the guy was the biggest idiot in the world, or he was trying to k*ll me.

Is that a cam-corder in your dash?

Was that on this morning?

No, I only have it on when I'm at work.

Insurance reasons.

And your man, Donny?

He wasn't even hurt.

How do you know that?

I've towed a million cars from a million accidents. I've seen it all.

Both his airbags went.

Believe me, He's not hurt. And if he says he is...

He's lying.

Lydia: You don't have enough.

Jake: Enough. What are you talking about?

We can prove that Donny staged this accident himself.

Old paint scuffs on his bumper?

And we have a witness at the scene corroborating our theories.

Men why leave the scene of car crashes don't make great witnesses.

All the evidence points to fraud.

If I recommend deny and lose in court, my company pays more than the value of the policy.

Which means, goodbye to my year end bonus.

And goodbye to your connection to me.

[Jake slams down the file.]

Do you have a problem with this, Mr. Doyle?

Mal: No.

No he doesn't. Right Jake?

Shut up. Yeah, I do, actually. I think you need us to finish this thing.

Get Donny to admit he committed fraud.

Or get more substantial evidence.

In other words, do your job.

Get your head back in the game.

Or I'll use Des as my partner.






Are you following me?

What are you doing, Sloan?

[Knock, knock, knock.]

Donny? You in there?

Donny: This is harassment.

You know seeing how you shot at us, the least you could do is answer a few questions.

You deserved worse.

I know what you're doing.

Trying to aggravate me to the point of incriminating myself.

Well you can't.

Maybe the old Donny. Not this one.

Trying to stimulate the meridian.

There it is.

Feel no stress.

No aggravation.

Mal: We can prove that this was fraud, Donny.

So we need you to talk to us.

'Cause not only will you get nothing...

You'll also go to jail.

Alright. I'm starting to lose my temper.

Gotta go line up my Chi or something.

Don't make me use this.

I wouldn't do that if I was you.

Oh, don't be so jaded, Mall Cop.

You should unwind, take a soak.

Donny, no!


Hang on, Dad. Wait!


I'll call an ambulance.

Leslie: Donny's insisting the somebody put the stereo in the hot tub intentionally to electrocute him.

And you don't believe that theory?

He's got no proof.

But anything's possible.

Hey, I was just thinking, maybe...

Maybe we could have a conversation. Just a little one.

A few minutes where you're not acting all weird with me.

Sorry about before. I'm just...

I'm feeling off. I can't shake it.

That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about.

I mean, Leslie. You've gone through a very traumatic experience.

You can't go through stuff like this alone.

Jake. I'm not sure I want this.


Us. You and me.

I'm not sure of anything right now. I need time.

Look. I gotta go.

No, no, no. You can't just drop a b*mb...

Hello Sergeant.

Hello there.

Oh. Okay I will see you there soon, Leslie.

Are you Jake Doyle?


Dr. Jon Ronan.

I'll leave you to it.

I'll see you soon.

Look. I gotta go.

It isn't what you think.

I'm not thinking anything.

It's not. Okay?


So? How is he?

Mal: He's alive.

Insurance company would rather k*ll me than give me what they owe me.

Bunch of psychos.

You don't actually think an insurance company would try to k*ll you?

I wouldn't put it past them. Money grubbing leaching.

Plus Curtis Breen att*cks me outside my house, remember?

And the tow truck driver nearly took my head off.

A lot of people wanna hurt me since this accident.

I'm sure that's been a lifelong theme with you.

B'ys I need your help. Right?

According to the laws of the universe. Or karma will k*ll you.

Look it up.

I'm not sure it works that way.

I'm not asking you to do anything untoward.

Just find out who's trying to k*ll me.

I'll give you ten percent of my settlement.

Well now, that's very interesting.


We already have a client.

Why can't we have two?

Sloan: I got a job.

Okay? Relax. That's all this is.

A job?

With Shady McShade Shade's back there. I answered an ad on-line. And now I have a job. And it's not a sex thing. So don't get your bra in a knot.



So you took a job on-line.

Delivering mysterious packages.

Seriously, that's your story.

Here. This one fell out. I have to return it.

Fabric samples. I pick them up at an office and deliver them to my boss who brings them on sales calls.

Cool. How much you make for this?

Five hundred.

Five hundred? A week? That's not very much.

Per delivery.



He sells all over the place. Upholstery companies. Clothing manufacturers. Designers. I just took it so I can help out with the mortgage.


I gotta head back to the station. You okay?

Yeah. Okay.

You're a cop. What looks illegal about this?

How's your week?

I come to work. I do my job. I go home.

You feel ready to get back to active cases?

It's up to you, isn't it?

No, Sergeant. It's up to you.

Come on Doctor. We both know I'm waiting for you to clear me.

I'm waiting for you to talk.

I've been talking.

No, you haven't.

You want me to open up about how I feel. I told you. I feel fine.

You nearly died. They buried you alive.

Yeah, well tell me what word to use. You want me to say I'm scared? I'm angry? Because I don't feel anything.

Let's talk about Jake.

Does he know about us?


I don't want Jake knowing about this.

Why is that?

'Cause this is my issue. Not his. Can we not talk about him anymore?

So you admit this is an issue.

I didn't say that.

Bennett. Recovery takes time.

Let people help you, Leslie.

I just want you to see that you're not alone.

Jake: Ten percent of his insurance claim. I mean that's a lot of mortgage payments.

It's not like we're going to be betraying our actual client.

I don't know.

I got some more intel on Alisha. She's got no criminal record. Went to business school. She's a smart cookie.

Jake: We know any girl with an education is not gonna be dating Vic Saul. I wish he'd just tell us what we're doing.

Buddy in the car here: Kevin Paul. Real estate developer. No record.


I saw you with Leslie at the hospital.

She's all over the map. You know?

I don't know what's wrong with her.

She's been through a lot.

Yeah. I know.

She had a near death experience.

You don't bounce back from that overnight.

I just...

I don't know.

I feel like now is the time that we should be with each other.

We should have each other's backs.

She's just so hot and cold.

One minute she's all over me. And the next minute she won't even return my phone calls.

All over you? Is that what the kids call it these days.

Shut up.
Mal: Heads up.

Jake: That is a lot of money.

What's going on here?

You think Alisha robbed Saul?

Well, Saul doesn't trust her. And he definitely doesn't trust us.

Maybe we should make friends.

You think that's a good idea?

We gotta get out from underneath this guy.

This could be our chance.

You know what?

I'm gonna go talk to her.

Maybe not.

[Phone rings.]

Any news?

Yeah. I found images from two separate days of Donny gently gliding his truck into that pole.

Just like we thought.

So, he planned the crash.

If you arrange the accident. It's fraud.

This is the evidence you need to get that cheque from Lydia.

Rose: There's something else you should know.

Our little friend over at the Impound lot Billy Davidson.

Jake: The tow truck driver.

Yeah. He's also a champion smash derby car driver.

Mal: You don't say.

Jake: He crashes cars for money.

Coincidence? Doesn't necessarily mean anything.

Well, it could be that Donny wasn't intending to hit that stop light.

Maybe he hired a derby driver to help him with his insurance scam.

Better talk to Billy again.

Rose: He's got a Derby heat in thirty minutes.

Oh. Rose. Any word from Sloan?

No, she went somewhere with Des. Why?

I'm not allowed to ask?

Well, where are you guys?

What are you up to right now?

For the record, your silence is incriminating.

Yeah. Sorry about that.

Why is the Puffin Man here?

Good question.

Billy: The hell?

I have not been paid.

And my business is ruined.

Because of you.

So you're stealing from me?

I know that look, Billy.


Take it easy.

Which one of you did it?

What's this? What's going on?

Donny? What are you doing?


Remember Karma and all of that?

Donny: Sometimes you gotta take

Karma in your own hands.

And sh**t someone in the face with it.

I know one of you electrocuted me.

And I wanna know which one.

Mal: Donny. What's in the g*n?

Let's just say it's loaded with justice.

I want a confession.

Don't sh**t anyone. Alright? It would be very bad for you.

You mean, bad for you. You won't get paid. Is that it?


I know one of you t*rrorists did it.

So please confess.

Or at the very least promise to let me live my life in peace.

Son of a bitch stole my dash cam!



What are you... ?

Alisha: You know who I am.

Big fella.

You're gonna tell me why your following me.

Alisha: Vic Saul hired you to watch me?

Yeah, but he didn't say for what, exactly.

Well, did you see anything good?

I keep my blinds closed as you may have noticed.


I saw you meeting with a guy. His name is Kevin.


And he had a briefcase full of cash.

Now you're just showing off.

I got a feeling if I told Saul about any of this, he'd k*ll whatever plan you're making with Kevin to spend all Saul's cash.

So why haven't you told him?

I was thinking that maybe you and I, we could chat first.

We could come to some sort of arrangement.

What kind of arrangement did you have in mind?

I'm all ears.

Sharing of information.

I'm just saying. We both have dealings with the man.

Maybe, possibly...

We could help each other out.

You want us to team up against Vic Saul?

Those are your words. Not mine.

But maybe.

I wouldn't go down that route, if I were you.

Vic Saul gets nasty when he thinks he's been betrayed.

You'd rather I just rat you out?

If you think you need to.

But for now, I will keep this conversation between us.

Okay then.

How'd that go?

Not good.

Did you hear Billy say something about, Curtis stole something from him?

Yeah, Curtis came for that dash cam.

I bet he wanted footage of the crash.

So Billy's a derby driver.

And obviously he lied to us about not running the cam during the accident.

I'm starting to get the feeling that this attack against Donny wasn't just about revenge.

Did that crash have three people planning it?

[Phone rings]

Rose: Hey.

Curtis Breen did a stretch for as*ault in 2008.

And then again in 2011.

What about his insurance?

Uh huh. He uses Lydia's company.

So does Billy Davidson.

All three of them use Lydia's insurance company.

Yeah. She's the link.

I'm beginning to think this was supposed to be a three car crash.

Yeah. but if they're partners. Why would one of them try and k*ll Donny?

It involves a lot of money. Which is why idiots often try to k*ll other idiots.


I'll call you back.

Mal: Curtis.

Either this fella was unlucky enough to get hit by a car twice in one day.

Or we're looking at a m*rder victim.

Leslie: How many crime scenes does a man on bail really need to be found at in one day?

I'm getting in trouble just talking to you.

Mal: I'm sorry, Leslie. But you know we had nothing to do with Curtis's death.

Jake: So we're thinking that someone threw Curtis in front of a moving derby car.

That's what the driver thinks. But nobody saw who in all the chaos.

We're investigating a fraud case with a bunch of idiot masterminds.

Who all seem to be turning on each other.

The victim, Curtis Breen.

You think he tried to k*ll Donny Pearl?

Then who k*lled Curtis?

Well, we think Billy. Because Billy and Curtis were in a fight just before Curtis dies.

Why do you think Billy k*lled Curtis?

Over a dash cam.

It somehow links Billy to this insurance scam.

I'll have our guys look into it.

But seriously, Jake.

If you find yourself in a situation like this again.

I don't know if I can help.

Sorry, son.

Sloan: Okay, look. I'm not stupid.

I know something's up.

I thought maybe rip off designer clothing. But on my end I just courier fabric samples.

Right. Okay.

Is that what I think it is?


It's cocaine.

Tinny searched police blotters. And this is a growing trend amongst clever scumbags.

I had no idea.

Yeah. Maybe so.

But if we don't report this, you're in serious trouble.

And I mean now.

Lydia: You're not hearing me.

I don't want to fight this.

But we know Donny set up his own accident.

I think it's easier to just settle.

Make that happen please?

Jake: Why would you want to settle?

We can prove that it's fraud.

Because he's threatened to sue us.

Law suits cause bad press. Murders are even worse.

You're the insurance company.

Don't you have deep pockets?

Plus we found out that Billy is basically a stunt driver.

Mal: And the other driver, Curtis Breen is dead.

We believe this whole thing is connected.

You know what? Forget it. This arrangement's over.

Leave it alone.

Send me an invoice for your time.

Jake: Why would an exec at an insurance company not want to know when she's being defrauded?

Mal: Because she's part of the fraud?

Excuse me?

Jake: What are you tangled up in here, exactly?

If I wasn't clear a second ago, you're fired.

So, mind your own business.

[Phone rings.]


You have something for me?

Jake: Yeah. I'll meet you in about an hour.

Figured out the play with Saul?

Not really. Not yet.

[Door slams]

Donny: Fellas.

Police think I k*lled Curtis.

Can you blame him?

What? Why would I k*ll anybody?

No, no, no. No, doing something like that would knock me out of one-ness with the Cosmos.

And the stars and stuff.

Mal: Well, firstly. It seems pretty obvious

You're in the middle of some huge scam with a bunch of criminals.

What? No, I already told you. No.

Jake: Donny, shut up.

If you want our help. You gotta start being straight with us.

Donny: The plan was to crash into a pole.

Simple. File an insurance claim. Get my money. And that would be that.

Mal: What's your connection to

Billy and Curtis?

None. None. I never met either one of them before the accident.

And the next thing I know, Curtis is at my house telling me to stay away from Lydia.

Stay away from Lydia.

Why didn't you tell us that?

I didn't trust you.

I mean, obviously, you were out to get me.

Hey. Just got some preliminary information from the Coroner.

Curtis had broken bones all over his body.


Jake: From what?

Rose: Numerous car crashes.

He was a Derby Driver too.

There's the second link.

Lydia. She probably hired him to start the accident in the first place.

Lydia sets up the crash. Hires the driver.

Takes a cut on every end.

No wonder she didn't want us stumbling onto the truth?

Jake: You know what, Donny? It's possible you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

In the wrong accident. Yeah, I've been saying that all along.

And there's a chance you just might get your settlement yet.

And maybe you might get your ten points.

Dash cam.

There's gotta be something on it worth murdering for.

Jake: Hey Billy.

He was driving towards me. Remember he was flashing his lights. Maybe if we get ahold of that dash-cam, Curtis could have been flashing his lights the same way.

Like a signal or something.

I have it.


I saw Curtis swipe it from Billy's truck.

And then when everybody split I chased Curtis down. And I took it from him.

I knew those two were up to something.

I just didn't know what...

Oh my, Donny.

Mal. Come on. Let's get him up.

Donny: Where am I?

You're in the Duke, honey.

Oh my God. You were only out for half a second.

I'm not feeling so great.

I took one of those hot Sauna-cleanses.

Plus I was electrocuted today, I was.

And I'm starting to think that the Universe is a real Arsehole.

[Phone rings]

I'm gonna get this.

Rose: Why don't you have a seat?

What do you want?

Des: You gonna have to come down here.

I'm at the Police Station. And Sloan needs a guardian.

What did she do?

She kinda did something good.

But it was accidentally on purpose. Just come down here.

Okay. Okay.

I think Sloan's in jail.

I knew you guys weren't telling me the whole truth.

What's she got us into now?

Honestly Rose.

And this is the truth.

We have no idea.

So would you just please cut her a little slack?

Seriously, Love, we promise.

Okay. I guess if you're telling me the truth,

I have to believe you.

Let's go, Donny. Come on, dear. You need to lie down.

Go check on Sloan.

I'll stay on Donny.



What did you do to my wife?

I didn't do nothing, I swear, Mal.



Curtis: There's too much money involved.

You're messing everything up.

Just don't hurt them anymore. I'll do what you want.

I know you will.

I also know you have the dash-cam.

Where is it?

It's at the track. Okay? It's at the track.

We have a way of dealing with things we no longer need at the track.

Come on!

Donny: Whoa, sorry.

Tinny: I know I got into ***

But you're on thin ice every which way you seem to step.

Another lecture.


I'm not lecturing you.

No lecture.

I am telling you, that if you weren't family, you'd be sitting with a much less agreeable officer.

And a lawyer.

I get it.

But I did help, right?

What's going on?

Tinny: Sloan got us a lead on a guy who's using fabric to transport large amounts of cocaine.

And how did you do that, exactly.

We should leave that conversation for outside of the law.

Although you were incredible baby.

You were like bad cop versus good cop rolled all into one.

Sloan. You heard me, right?


Please, please tell me that you're not involved in anything illegal.

I can't, in all honesty, say that...


Sloan. It was an accident.

[Phone rings.]


Do not go anywhere.

The tow truck driver.

Billy. Yeah, what about him?

He drugged Rose and he knocked me out.

It's okay, Jake. We're fine.


Mal: Billy's gonna k*ll Donny to shut him up.

He's taken him to the Derby.

The dash cam.

We gotta find the Dash cam that Donny took.

It incriminates Billy.

Way ahead of you.

I've got it.

Sloane: I guess this means he forgives me?

You're not allowed back on active duty?

I got a way to prove that you're ready.

What's going on?

I think we can help each other.

Billy knows that the dash cam's gonna send him to jail.

Do you feel like being a cop again?

What's he doing here?

All I need to do is find a dash cam that will look like the real one.

And I'm pretty sure he's swap Donny for it.

And if anything goes wrong You get shot.

Not if we're there to stop it.

Come on, Hood. You can keep me out of trouble.

What? Is that supposed to be an incentive?


Just take it easy, okay.

Let's not point the g*n at the man's head.

This is what I get for trying to be at one with crap in this world.

Shut up.

The cam. Where is it?

I've got it. Okay? Here it is.

I haven't watched it.

Let alone make copies.

I'm curious though, what's on here?

A sex tape with you and Curtis?

No. We filmed the accident to make sure it was going to plan.

I figured. So the headlights.

They were a signal. You were supposed to clip Curtis.


And then this idiot shows up and ruins the whole plan.

I'm starting to get really, really angry, Jake.

Upset and angry.

And sad.

[g*n cocks]

Hand it over.

Just take it easy, okay.

Let him go.

Alright. That's about enough of that.

Drop it. We got all that confession recorded.



This is your fault.

What's this? I felt like I was hit.

There was rock salt in the g*n.

Hood: Doyle!

What in the hell are you doing?

I hope this is loaded Donny.




Davidson. This is the part where I read you your rights.

Donny: I owe you both.

Insurance company had to settle with me.

So here's your ten percent.

Thank you. Very generous.

Well, Lydia's facing a boatload of charges.

And obviously Billy's gonna go away for a long time as well.

That's good.

And know I'm gonna go burn everything I have and own that was supposed to bring me peace and harmony.

You've gotta be yourself in this world.

Thank God he's gone.

It'll be okay, son.


You need me with you at Saul's?


Hi Jake.

I'll leave you both to it.

My God. You look beautiful.

Oh, thank you.


Are we talking again?

Well Malachy. I can't stay mad a cute little face like this.

So, yes. But you're taking me out for dinner. Oooh.

Let's take it out of Jake's half.

Now that's why I love you.

You said to meet me in an hour three hours ago.

Tardiness. You might wanna watch that.

So you kidnap my daughter? That's a little extreme, no?

Sloan, come here.

You're daughter has an obsession with messing in my business.

Isn't that right, little Sloan?

What's he talking about?

Okay, the guy I busted? He was one of Saul's.

Which I didn't know at the time, or I wouldn't have gone anywhere near him.

He was running a lot of product. And now he's in jail.

Is that for me?


The guy's in real estate.

He was selling Alisha a real estate development.

Something to do with a condo.

Actually, he sold it to me. Alisha facilitated the deal.

To launder your criminal proceeds.

If you knew about this, why was I following him?

Let's just say I okay the transaction, but I have trouble trusting people.

Can we keep Jake? I like him.

Jake: I've been running around like an idiot

I did what you wanted. But Buddy.

Do I have to remind you what'll happen to you, if you go near my daughter again?

Look, for everyone's sake, keep a leash on her and your temper.

And bad things don't have to happen. Okay?

An this little prank of hers just dragged you even deeper into my employ.

It's okay.

Just, go wait in the car.


Go. Please.

Thank you for buying me the time I needed.

This mean that we're friends now?

Something like that.

From now on, you answer to me.

And I promise... there's not gonna be a dull moment.

Keep you head up, Jake.

Announcer: Next Wednesday on Republic of Doyle...

Do what I say or I k*ll your daughter.

Announcer: A dangerous arrangement.

You're sending me on a su1c1de mission.

Announcer: Caught in a crime w*r.

Do what I say, when I say.

You have a serious death wish coming in here like this.

Announcer: Republic of Doyle, next Wednesday on CBC.