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08x15 - This Subtle Danger

Posted: 01/22/24 19:01
by bunniefuu
[waves crashing]

Henry, I think it's time you tried to walk.


Now pull up the devil.

Of, course.

This man's real name is Harry Hanners.

But in our story.

We call him Henry Robert.

This is his doctor and this is his wife.

I Just rest for a minute.

It's going to hurt, Henry.

You just got to stand it.

Take your arm, dear.

Alright, let's not try to take a step.

-Okay. -Very fine.

That's good honey.


I can't do it.

Oh, yes you can come on.

Right again.


-I can't. -Alright.

-Alright. -Take it easy.

Believe it or not, it was very good for a first time.

You're gonna have to practice how to walk all over again, Henry.

Louise will help you. Just a few steps at a time. Every day.

But every day he'll come back.

It will be slowly, but it'll come back.

Louise my pill.

It's not quite time yet, dear.

But it will be pretty soon.


Got to leave another prescription.


You know this Maparodine hydrochloride's morphine derivative.

Louise can tell you about it if she hasn't already.

So you go easy on it.

You take it only when it's absolutely necessary.

That's always doc.

This pain never lets up.

Compared to what you've been through already.

Your troubles are almost over.

I hope so.

I hope so.

Or her sake, too.

I'll be right back.

Just a few more minutes.

Can you hold on?

You just got to learn patience.

He's trying doctor.

There's one thing I do want to ask you about.


He will walk again, won't he?

I think he will.

Because I think that's what's bothering you more than the pain, even.

-Oh. -Well, if you can understand that.

Seven operations and months and

months in traction. All that agonizing

pain. If he had to spend the rest of

his life in a wheelchair after all that.

But I think it would drive him crazy.

Now, Louise, you know as well as I do

That up to a few years ago, any man with

tuberculosis of the spine would have been lucky.

He could have sat up in a wheelchair the rest of his life.

I know that.

These new surgical techniques are almost miraculous.

Of, course there is one good thing he keeps

talking about going back to work teaching.

Well, that's fine. It is a good sign. Just keep

him talking about that, and I'll see you tomorrow.

Alright and thanks again, Doctor.

-Louise. -Yeah, dear I'm calling.

[door opening]

Louise, I got.

I can't stand this pain.

Give the pill.


Alright honey, alright it's almost time.

Momma, home.

Momma, can we come in and see dad?

Stop that yelling.

Alright you alright.

In just a minute, kids. I'll be right will you?

Honey, they don't mean to yell.

It's just that they're so excited about seeing you the first thing

they get home from school. I know. You've been away from us so long.



I have another tell.

This is not going to give ne releif, one pill more.

-Please. -Well, honey.

-You heard what the doctor said. -Yes

I heard what the doctor said yes, and

he says when it's absolutely necessary.

It's absolutely necessary, now.

Alright, alright.

We'll try to this time.


Nothing like having my own private nurse.


That's it's. Not too fast.


You should debate my hands. All right, now turn around. Ten

hatchet. Now. Raven, I'll wait until I get back to you, alright.

Now, come on, try again.

Very good, dear.


What is it?

I don't know.

I think someone wants to k*ll me.

Well, I can't start.

Mom, mom.


I will right back.


I'm scared. What was that noise?

Honey, it's alright daddy just had a bad dream, that's all.

There's nothing to be frightened of sweetheart.

Now, come on, stop crying. Okay?

That's a good girl.

All right, now, come on. Let's go back to bed, huh?


Never try that again.

Going to sleep without taking my pill. Tells you wouldn't work.

But you can try.

Can't get through the night without him

I don't want to scare the kids half to death.


Be sure that's not just another excuse to take more pills.

Oh, please, don't start that again. It says it's just temporary.

Temporary till when?

Well till,

till I get my degree

You know, at first you said it was just temporary until

you were able to walk again. And then it was just temporary

until you got back to teaching again. And now it's just

temporary until you finish your studies for your master's degree.

Henry please stop making excuses.

Louise, I tell you, when that pain starts, it crackles down my back.

Henry, it isn't your back anymore.

Not anymore.

You just talk yourself into that.


Listen to me.

I am a registered nurse.

I can see all the signs of addiction.

You're exaggerating.

Oh I wish I were.

Now, let me explain something to you.

These pills don't dull the brain.

That's why they don't affect your teacher.

But eventually they did...

Well, they just do terrible things to your nervous system.

Just terrible.

-Addiction? -Yes, addiction.

Let us be honest and call it that.

Those pills are habit forming.

And it's going to take a great deal of willpower to break that habit.

Agree, Henry.

What do you want me to do?

I want you to take a leave of absence from school.

I want you to give yourself up for a

voluntary tear at the hospital at Lexington.

-Louise, you can't be serious. -I've never been more serious.


I can give up those pills.

As soon as I feel a little bit better.

Darling, stop fooling yourself. You'd never

feel better until you stop taking those pills.

But a leave of absence?

What about the school and then the money?

We're so much in debt now, we'll never get out.

It doesn't matter.

Nothing matters this way. We're heading for disaster henry.

No no no.

It's out of the question.

Please Henry please I'm begging.

-Please listen to me. -Louise, go to bed.


Oh Henry I will not.

I told you before I wouldn't give you

another prescription, and I meant it.

Please doc, just one more.

No, the longer you stay on dr*gs the more after

your to become an incurable sl*ve to them.

Louis know you've come down here for another prescription?

I didn't tell her I was coming here.

Listen to me Henry.

I want to help you that's why I'm turning

it down I know what you've been through

but you've got to break the habit.

Alright, Doc. Okay.

Thanks anyway.

[door closing]

I can't think with concentrate.

I think you're trying to do too much, Henry.

Don't nag as me, Louise, please, not now.

A masters degree can wait, you know.

You have plenty of time for that later.

Wasted enough years as it is.

Don't you think?

In hospital beds.


You finished your homework honey?

- Yeah. - that's good.

-Good night mom. -Good night.

And listen, remember, don't wake up the girls.


Good night dad.

Good night, son good night.


You clumsy little ox!

Do you have to be so stupid.


[slaming door]

He hates me, mom.

He just hates me.

Honey, of course he doesn't dear.

It isn't that at all. It's just the daddy's

terribly nervous and terribly tired.

A don't worry about it.

Tell you what. You just say a little extra prayer for him, will it dear?


You're a good boy and go right to bed, will you?



I'm sorry, Louise.

-I'm sorry about that. -Yes, So am I.


-I'll apologize to Dennis. -No, wait.

I've got to talk to you.

-Not now, Louise. -Now. Right now, Henry.

Sit down. Place.

Alright, alright.

Look. I.


I've reasoned with you, I've seated with you.

I've even nagged you as you reminded me in there just now.

And none of it has done any good. I can't seem to reach you.

Or if I do reach you, you

You forget it by taking more pills.

Look, Louise.

No. No one of just a minute you will to listen to me.

We cannot go on this way.

The girls are afraid of you, actually afraid of you

And Dennis, that poor child thinks you hate him.

You are breaking his heart.

-I've been as bad as all. -Yes, Henry, you have.

Now, I don't know where all these pills are coming from.

but time after time you told me that you're through with him And then

You always seem to have another bottle of them.

I know you're not getting them through Dr. Deland, because I asked him.


I've seen drug addicts.

Do you know what they do to get money to buy it?

They lie, they cheat, they steal, they even k*ll.

They're the absolute drag society.

Just think of yourself.

Decent self respecting high school teacher.

You're a hard working member of our

church. You're a responsible citizen.

Now, if you won't think of the children or of need them, for

heaven's sake, think of yourself. Don't throw all that away, Henry.

-You just give me little more time. -I can't.

-Be more patient. -I cannot do that.

We have been,

too patient already. For too long it hasn't

helped you and it hasn't helped the children.

Now I ask you to give yourself up for

voluntary cure likely to but you worried.

Here is only one thing left for me to do.

If you don't start to try to cure yourself right now.

I'm going to leave you.

At least you don't mean that.

Yes I do needed Henry.

I'll leave you and I'll take the kids with me.

Just don't go.

I will Henry.

So help me, I will.


I can't go through anything without you and the kids. I can't.

I can't lose you.


And try to give up those pills. That's all I ask. Just try.

You help me?

Darling, of course I'll help you. Of course I will. You know that.




My prescriptions.

Tear them up.

So many of them.


I've been hoarding.

Where did you get them?

A lot of different doctors mostly.

Mostly because each one of them thought he was the only one.


I've a lot more than this.

Each time I had a prescription

filled. I went to a different pharmacy.

This is it. Go on, Louis. Tear them up before I change my mind.

We'll just get rid of these two, alright?

I can do it.

God, I hope I can.

Can do what you can you will.

I'll tell you all I can. I'll never leave you

for second. You can, Henry, I know you can

It's a thing to counter time.

We will I know you.


If I dear Socrates. I have nothing to say.


Then let it be credo.

And let us do in this way.

since in this way God is leading.

It is over.


Yes, it's over.

Gets through it

darling, I don't know.

What you did. That's the important thing.

Take one day at a time, darling.

And one night of time.

So exhausted.

I know you are.


Thank you, God, for getting us through this night.

Give us the strength to get through today.


Just one day at a time.

One more day.

A week.

A month.


News for you.

There. A straight whole month.

We made it.

Hey, what's going on?

Big news.

Dad was made faculty advisor.

-Calls for a celebration. -Great.

-Where is dad? -Well, he hasn't come home yet, honey.

Maybe the principal kept dad after school.

Big joke.

Come up.

Come on, Anne.


Yes, this is Ms. Roberts.

Yes, he's my husband.



What's happened?

Oh no.

Yes, I'll be right down.

[putting phone down]

Sit down, Miss Roberts.

My partner and I arrested him this afternoon

outside the high school where he teaches.

He's charged with fraudulently procuring narcotic dr*gs.

You see, we've been doing a spot check

of all the pharmacy records in the county

We found

too many prescriptions and too many pharmacies from

a different doctors offer the same person.

Your husband.

Sergeant, you don't understand. You see

well, that was three months ago. He's cured now. He cured himself.

As I realize that but

unfortunately the law doesn't make any allowances.

You can see your husband now.



Are you all right? are you?

No, They arrest me.

Oh, honey don't think about it. Don't even think about that

Now, I'll get a lawyer.

Explain the whole thing to them.

We have enough debts already.

I've thought this all out.

going to plead guilty.

I'll get a year, maybe less if I'm lucky.


The news of this is going to be awful.

When it comes out, I'll lose my job.

No schoolboard in the country will ever hire me. Look, here's what I

want you to do. I want you to take

the kids, and I want you to move away.

No, I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that at all.

We're not not going into hiding. We're a family.

and we're always going to be a family. And

something, nothing is going to stop us.

I'm sorry, Louise. So sorry.

When I think of all the prayers and all

the torturous hours of agony. He promised

to cure himself, doctor, and he did. He

cured himself. And now this is just so unjust

Why doesn't God help us? Why doesn't help us?

He will, Louis he will.

How many times have I told you? God writes straight with crooked lines.

But I.

what you've got to do is pray for patience and trust.


You'll be glade to know Denny made the first train.

And, Susie's report card arrived, and it--

It's so terrible. I'm not even going to mention this to you.

Honey why are they looking at?

Darling, kids have always got a big kick out of seeing teachers girl.

What do you mean?

Remember, I wrote you, had something to tell you.

Louis, these kids are mostly teenagers and mostly

addicts. Very few of them ever finish school.

Darling, I got to thinking. There are a

lot of students here, and I'm a teacher.

-You're a teaching school here? -Why not?

Keeps them busy. Keeps my mind off myself.

We got permission from the warden.

Oh, Henry, I'm so proud of you.


fellows. In this class, we're going to take a basic

algebra. We're lucky. We'll get to play in geometry.

I imagine some of you in this class know a lot more Spanish than I do.


Fellas, I guess we won't be having any more

of these classes because today is my last day.

But I want you to know that I'll miss every last one of you.

Mrs. Roberts, we wanted you to be in on this meeting.

Mr. Roberts, this school that you started

here has created a lot of interest.

In what way do you mean?

A full of the boys went back to high school after they got out of here.

Another boy who was supposed to be an incorrigible

has started his own business and doing very well.

It's really remarkable.

We've checked the records, talked to the PTAS and civic groups.


Now, we're offering you a job, Mr. Roberts.

Job, doing what? Teaching.

Teaching were?

Here in the county jail.

Henry is getting out of jail, isn't he?

Oh, yes, Mrs. Roberts, of course.


we're offering you a regular job to

teach in the only school of its kind.

In an American county jail.

A job, teaching.

Where you do the most good.

And where it's needed most.

Louise, what do you think? Should I take it?

Well of course you'll take it!

I'm afraid it won't pay very much. Not at first.

But if you will have a little patiences

that will work out too.


He does write straight with crooked lines.

What dear?

Well, it was something that Reverend Matthew said to me

and never mind, I'll tell you later.

May we go now?

-May we? -Of course.


Thank you.

Thank you, Warden. Thank you very much.

-Goodbye. -Goodbye, goodbye.
