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Angel Eyes (2001)

Posted: 01/23/24 08:41
by bunniefuu
You called the dispatcher, right?

We've got multiple vehicles,
possible DOAs, multiple injuries.

Major accident.
We'll need more ambulances.

All units have been deployed.
I don't have an ETA.

-l need those medics.
-I'll do the best I can.

Just get them over here.

Can you hear me?

Listen to me.

Listen to me!

Look at me.

Look in my eyes.

Can you feel that?

That's my hand. Go on, hold it.

We'll get you out of here.

l need some help over here!

lt's okay.

You're safe now, all right?
You'll be okay. Just hang on.

All right? You're doing fine.

Don't let go. Don't let me go.
Stay with me.

Come on!

Stay with me, all right?

Stay with me.


Stay with me.

-What are you doing? That's my car.
-Nothing, l just--

-What'd you take?
-l turned off--

Did you take something?

-You take my phone, huh?
-Wake up! Wake up! l helped you.

l helped you.

l'm sorry.

That's the fiirst
question people ask.

Have l ever k*lled anyone?

So casually, like asking me
what kind of car l drive.

Why don't they ever ask
if l ever saved anyone?

Have you? Saved anyone, l mean.

My mother would argue that
God's the only one that saves.

lt must be pretty exciting, though,
catching bad guys.

ls this all we're gonna talk about?

Look, l'm sorry.

l'm not very good at dating.

I take it your date sucked.

l don't need to tell my story
to a stranger.

''What do you do, where are you from?''

Your problem wasn't that he asked
too many questions.

You just didn't want to clean
his little pipes.

No, all l wanted
to do was clean his pipes.

The conversation pissed me off.

Baby girl, if it's a servicing
you need....

Shut the f*ck up.

We've talked about this every
week for six months.

We've talked about this
a thousand times.

Come on. No!

l am not having this conversation
with you again. Hang on.

None of your g*dd*mn business.
Hang on.


Your keys are in the door.

Then hang up. l don't care.

You're in 21 5, right?

Then f*ck you!

Not you. l'm talking to this idiot.

You know what? Don't bother.


l'm Catch.


...was just about to go to bed,
weren't you?


And l just ordered a pizza... l don't know if you're hungry--

l gotta go.

See you around.

l didn't see his van, so....

Yeah, he's not here.

How you doing?

l'm okay.

And Cathy and Larry, Jr.?
l bet he's big now.

He's growing fast.

Does he look like you,
or did he get lucky?

He's got Cathy's looks and my
strength. You should feel his grip.

So what's with the cryptic message?

''Call me, we have to talk.''
Sounds like bad news.

Mom and Dad are renewing their vows.

Church, priest, the whole thing.

Renewing their vows?

With a party at the house

Mom wants you to come.

Does he?

We're working on Dad.

Over 10 years,
and he won't let it go--

No, Sharon! l won't go
into that hole with you.

l'm over that shit.

You're still scared of him.

You know what?

You shouldn't come here
in your uniform.

People will think we're in trouble.

-Nice seeing you too.


Get off of me!

-l'll k*ll you!
-Shut up!


l'm gonna bend you over the car,

-Shut up.

-You're under arrest!
-f*cking bitch!

You are a crazy one.
You are a pretty one, senorita!

Those honey-brown eyes-- f*ck you!

l'll take you in the back
and do you, baby.

You can suck my d*ck.

This is 7673. We're bringing in
one for processing.

Look good in that uniform.
Why don't you take it off?

Take my handcuffs off too,
you f*cking bitch!

-Just one touch.
-Cut it out.

You're gonna bust me!
Give me one sweet touch.


f*ck you, f*gg*t.

Smells like bacon in here.

That's not the touch l want, honey!

Sit here.
l ain't got time to babysit you.

Put your hand on top of your
head. Turn around. Sit down.

-Sit the f*ck down!

Mike, you got another booking sheet?

f*cking bitch!

He needs a rag.

Let me talk to you.

Do we need to have another

You'd just let him
grab your balls?

l saw you plan that in the car.

Just waiting to
do something to him.

lf l was out of line,
put it in a report.

l hate the graveyard
shift. lt fucks my system.

All the shit you eat
is f*cking up your system.

l love graveyard. No traffic.

Nothing's worse than a 459
crosstown during rush hour.

Might as well pull over,
because you're gonna be late.

You like graveyard because
you have insomnia.

l know what puts me to sleep.

The sound of your own voice?
That puts your wife to sleep.

Get down! Down! Heads down!

Do it now!

Call 91 1 !

Stop! Hold it right there!

Hold it!

-Hold it!
-Heading south, University Field!

Get down!

Wait, damn it!

Get up here!

Drop the g*n!

Drop the g*n!

Pogo, what's your 20?

Damn it!

This one's for my brother, bitch!

Drop the f*cking g*n!
Drop the f*cking g*n!

l said drop it! Get up!
Put your hands on top of your head.

Pogue, are you all right?
You all right?

Don't you move! Get down!

Stay away from the g*n!
Are you all right?

Yeah! l'm good. l'm okay!

Don't move!
Put your hands on your head!

-He's okay!
-l told you to wait!

l got you nectarines.
The peaches were as hard as rocks.

Your coat's all dirty.

l tackled a guy.

Why did you tackle a guy?

He was going for a touchdown.

Can you be serious?

-What day is it today?


-l met somebody today.

Oh, you got the broccolini.
Thank you.

lt was a woman.

You didn't tackle her too, did you?

-She's a police officer.
-Are you in trouble?

-l don't think so.
-Well, that's a good thing.

l better go now.

-See you next week.

Suddenly l see what's happening.

Where are all the baby pigeons?

l see nests with tiny eggs,
but l don't see tiny pigeons. Why?

You always ask the big questions.

l got a big question for you.
l can only ask you....

Here, use this. Call your wife.
Ask her instead.

lt's the hospital.

Yeah. Gonna be okay?


Brian's gonna be all right.

Didn't l tell you? He's tough.

Tomorrow? We'll be there.

-Where's your partner?
-He has a wife.

-l got a wife.
-But his wife actually likes him.

-Where you going?
-The head. All right?

-To fix her makeup.
-Pogue wears makeup?

Right, l need that
lipstick you borrowed back.

l didn't think you'd show.
Why are you sitting here?

l don't talk to a lot of people.

Would you like to sit down?

Yeah. Yeah, sure.

-l didn't thank you. l'm Sharon Pogue.
-l'm Catch.

-Just Catch?
-Just Catch.

Why would you do that, Catch?

-Jump somebody with a g*n?
-He was gonna k*ll you.

He could have k*lled you.
You got a death wish?

l guess l didn't have time
to think about it.

-Hey, Pogo!

-What do you think about it now?
-lt was worth the risk.

-For somebody you don't even know?

And for what you do.
l think cops are great.

Trying to keep it safe for everybody.
Tough job. Firemen...

...they're heros. lKids wave at them.
People should wave at cops.

-What are you laughing at?

Ever think of how many people
are here because you saved them?

Or helped them, or arrested
somebody who would've hurt them?

-Never thought about it.
-Or just because you did your job.

Now l'm walking around
because of you.

Maybe you should be the cop.

Wow, l don't know.
l don't look really good in hats.

What do you do? Where do you live?
Where do you work?


l'm sorry.

Every time l talk to people, it comes
out like an interrogation.

You have a nice smile.

Thank you.

-You gonna let us meet your hero?
-Catch, this is Ray.

-Hi, Ray.

Why don't you join us?
We want to buy you dinner...

...for saving Pogo's ass.

You know, l'm kind of tired.
l'm gonna head home.

-Did l interrupt something?
-All right.

l'll walk you to your car
if you'd like.

Yeah. Sure.

lt's a bad neighborhood.
Maybe l should walk you to your car.

l don't have a car.

You want a ride home?

No, thank you. l'd like to walk.

Are you okay to drive?

l'm not drunk.

You think l am? You'll know when
l'm drunk. l'll be throwing up.

And l never throw up, so....

Don't worry about it, okay?

Get in the car, will you?

l'm on Ashland, off 18th street.

-l never drive.
-Why not?


l was trying to picture you
without your clothes.

-Excuse me?
-l didn't mean it like that.

l mean, l'm trying to picture
you out of uniform.

On your day off,
in regular clothes.

l don't live here.

l know. This is where l live.

You know those guys at the bar?
They're my friends.

Sort of. We work together,
we tell jokes, we bullshit.

l can't say to them....


Every time l shut my eyes,
l see that damn g*n.

l hear that pop.

l feel a b*llet slamming
into my chest and....

l don't know why l'm telling you,
except you were there....

l must be drunk.

l want to know why you were walking
by the stadium at that minute.

What if you hadn't been there?

l guess we were supposed to meet.

lf you want, you can come in
for a bit.


-You want a drink?
-No, thanks.

Mind getting the door?

Sit down or something.

l'm circling a while.

Don't look.
l didn't straighten up.

So? lt's more real this way.

lt's rude.

Now l'm here, you seem mad about it.

Trust me, when l'm mad,
you'll know it.

lt's just l'm not...

...used to letting anybody up here.

But you're here, so....

-Let's talk about something stupid.
-You first.

What's that ''supposed to'' business?
That we were supposed to meet?

lt sounds a little too
Psychic Friends Network to me.

Some people say we each give off
a particular odor...

...that can only be detected
by one other person's brain.

So we smell each other.

-Who says that?
-l have no idea.

You're crazy.

Thanks for coming up here.

Does that mean l'm going?

No! l mean, you don't have to.

-So you're okay now.
-What, are you here as a medic?

ls this the ''mad'' part?

Maybe going is a good idea.

Can l come back sometime?


Must be the smell.

l gotta go.

Oh, God....

What's the matter, you blind?

f*cking idiot.

What are you guys doing here?

Hey, you!

Your mom's been bugging us
to come for lunch.

-Mom, can we go now?
-ln a minute.

So how is she?

She's really good.
She'll be happy to see you.

My dad's not here?

So you talked to Larry? He told me.

Yeah. He told me about this
renewing-the-vows thing.

You're gonna come, l hope?

Come, Shar.
l think you should.

Aunt Sharon, can l see
your police car?

-Come on, Mom!
-Hold on. l gotta go.


Looks the same.

Still smells like cigarettes.

-Thought he quit.
-Only six a day.

Larry told you l stopped by?
ls that why you called?

l called you because we want you
to come when we renew our vows.

How come you're renewing your vows?

lt's a sort of a fresh start.

Your idea?

Both of us.

lt's a way of having
the marriage blessed.

Wasn't it blessed before?

Of course it was blessed before.

You just....

-l just what, Ma?
-You just think of the bad.

You never remember the good.
l wish you remembered that.

l wish l remembered it too.

Does Dad? Does he remember
anything good about me?

He doesn't hate you.

-He just still feels hurt.

l hurt him?

Being arrested like that?
Nobody forgets that.

How did you forget what he did to you?

lt wasn't as bad--

You make it sound worse.
lt hadn't been like this for years.

l'm glad it hasn't been that way.
That means it worked!

That's why l did it!

Why do l get punished for this?

Nobody's punishing you.

We're inviting you.

Will you come?

-Do you have a machine?

-Do you have an answering machine?

Hang up, and l'll call your machine.


Please leave a message after the tone.

lt's Sharon.

Maybe we can...

...have breakfast or something.

I usually get up early
to run in Lincoln Park.

There's a coffee shop
across the street.

Like 8 or so?
If you're there, you're there.

Please leave a message
after the tone.

Hi. Don'tpick up. Look...

...I didn't get much sleep...

...and maybe this was
a bad idea anyway.

I was feeling kind of weird
last night.

Anyway, I'm fiine now.

So let's just leave it where it's at.



Who is it? What?

l was just getting to sleep, finally.

We made a date.

lt wasn't a date.

An appointment.
l keep my appointments.

Do you have door issues?
l called you at 7:00.

l get up early. l walked there.
l waited for you.

Check your messages.

l need sleep. Come back in a month.

-Why do you think l'd come back?
-Why are you here?

When you tell somebody
you'll be somewhere...

...that person rearranges his life.
Be aware of that.

-And more considerate--
-What's in the bag?


-What's in the bag?
-None of your business.

Got coffee?

You think you deserve coffee?

What about food?

You definitely don't deserve food.

-l got coffee, sugar, sweetener--

-Just black.

So what kind of life
did you rearrange to get coffee?

You never talk about yourself.
What do you do?

-What's the difference?
-What's the difference?

You're standing in my bedroom,
looking through my panty drawer.

That's the difference.

Who are you?

Somebody who keeps his appointments.

Shit, you're married!

Give me my coffee.
Give it here.


l know, you're a criminal.
Probably a felon.

That's great.
That's all l need.

My name is Catch.
l don't commit crimes.

l like being with you.

That's bullshit.

l let you in here.

l'm not gonna know anything
about you? l need details.

-l need to start from here.
-That's ridiculous! Why?

Because that's the way it is.

Oh, your rules.

My rules.

Fine, l didn't want to know you
that much anyway.

l don't need this shit. l'm tired.

Haven't slept all night.


Can l come in?

Yeah. Come in.


Get that door thing under control.

You live here?

Nobody lives here. What is this,
some kind of front?

-ls this what you told me about?

Your interrogation.
So do l need a lawyer?

l don't like being jerked around.

l'm not.

Then tell me straight.
Who are you?

What are you looking for?

Your life.
l don't want any surprises.

This is it. l sleep here. l walk
around town. That's all.

That's all of it?

Except for you.

The way l feel about you.

Which is...?

l thought it was impossible.

l thought l was....

You thought you were what? Gay?


Am l supposed to understand that?

No, you're not.

Do you ever wonder
what ''scratch'' means?

What people mean when they say,
''Let's start from scratch''?

This is scratch.

This is scratch, all right.

-So this cat knows where you live?
-He's not dangerous.

He's in no databases.
There's no Catch anywhere--

You ran his name through?

-He's a ghost.
-l can't believe you did that!

-l'm just looking out for you.
-l don't need you to look out for me.

No last name. That shit's weird.

Oh, l remember that.

That was a smile.

You know the cop? The woman cop?
She visited me.

You're seeing her?

She asks lots of questions.
She wants to know everything.

Of course she does. Everybody does.

Talk to her.

-Talk to her about what?
-Talk to her, Catch.

Talk to somebody.
lt's been almost a year.

Every time l talk to somebody,
it gets a little easier.

l'm not saying it goes away--

She nice?



She pretty?

That doesn't matter.

She's pretty.

She's sort of pissed off at me.


-For what?
-lt doesn't matter.

We like it when men apologize.

l thought l'd get your machine.

Want to call back?
I won't answer.

l thought you'd be working.

l wish l was.

Can't sleep?

Me neither.

Want to go somewhere?

Now? lt's 3 a.m.
The whole world is sleeping.

Not the whole world.

ls this a date?

Just an appointment.

We can rest, if you want.

Well, then rest.

See you later.

l wish we could go swimming.

Why can't we?

ln our clothes?

Oh, my God! You can't take off
your clothes in a state park!

You need to learn to take a day off.

Come on!

Where are you going?

l'm gonna tell!

Oh, my God.

Oh, God!


lKiss me someplace
l've never been kissed.

lKiss me someplace
l've never been kissed.

Thank you.

What did l tell you about leaving
the apartment without me?

Gotta go.

1034 to Rob-67, location confiirmed
as Pogue residence...

...possible 415.
Neighbor is standing outside.

-Where's Larry?
-Calm down.

-Where is he?
-We waited to book him.

-Where is he?
-You gonna calm down?

Don't talk to me like l'm a child!

He's out back with Denny.

lKathy's inside with the kid.
Vanessa's with him.

l'm gonna k*ll you!

l'm getting nowhere with her.

-Maybe you can try.
-Got it.

Are you okay?

Neighbors moved in two weeks ago,
and they're calling the police.

Welcome to the neighborhood.

-Must've gotten pretty loud.
-We had a fight. People fight.

Why don't you tell me--

Oh, my--


-Don't make it worse.
-lt gets worse?

-lt's never happened before.
-Oh, first time for everything.

Don't f*cking patronize me.
l don't need this shit.

-Look at you.
- Look at you, in my house!

Policing my family!
Where do you get off?

lt's me. l didn't hit you.

l don't want your f*cking pity, okay?

lt happened, all right?
He's torn up about it.

He's torn up about it? f*ck him!
He's torn up?

Has he hit Larry, Jr. yet?

He'd never do that.
He's a good man, Sharon.

That's what my mother said to us.

''Your father's a good man.
He's torn up about it.''

Get out of my house.
Get the f*ck out of my house!

Have you looked into counseling?

-Want to hit a woman? Hit me!
-f*ck! Here we go.

-Back off.

-lt was an accident.
-lt looks more like a car accident.

-Very funny. Look--
-Shut up!

You disgust me, you f*cking coward!

You're a f*cking c**t!

-What are you doing?
-Let go! Get off!

You guys saw that.

You saw that.
You're witnesses. That's as*ault!

l'll press charges.

Let him press charges!

What are you talking about?
l'm bleeding!

l saw nothing.
l saw you trip and fall.

Look at her! She's crazy!

You lay a hand on her again
and l'll arrest you myself!

You're just like him!

Yeah, and what about you?

Get some help.

Okay. All right.
Thanks for coming down.

My mother always said
it was a family thing.

That l'd broken some kind of
sacred oath. l don't know.

When we walked in that day
and saw him beating her....

What was l supposed to do?

Larry was the one who'd always
jump in and protect her.

And he always paid for it.

l never did anything.

l just ran and hide.

You did the right thing.
You called for help.

A lot of good it did me.

But you didn't do it for you.

All those years... dad never hurt me.

Not once.

Yes, he did.

Stop right there! Stop!



l got constitutionality issues
for my attorney!

Mr. Steak lKnife
has ''constitutionality issues.''

Bitch, that ain't mine.

Watch your mouth.

He's trying to stick up for his lady.

You want to share love with your
partner, right, Officer Ho?

-Ho! Officer Ho!
-Or Officer Bitch? Which one is it?

You ain't seen nothing.

f*ck up your life, l don't care.

You want this life
for your little brother?

Banging until he's shot in the head
like your older brother?

He's a kid. He's got a chance.

-l ain't got a chance?
-No, l'm saying this is your chance.

Are you smart enough to recognize it?

Come on, get in back.

What, you found God or something?

Don't bust my balls, all right?

Come in!

Hey, you got some new furniture.

-And a new friend. Who's this?

-You named your dog Bob.
-No, that was his name.

-He told you that?

l got something too. An invitation
to my parents' renewal of vows.

lt came today.
Found it the mailbox this morning.

Are you gonna go?

l don't know.

Would you?

Are you asking me to go with you?

Why, would you do that?

Can Bob come?


Now that we got that settled....

Feed me. l'm hungry.

l'll get my jacket.

And change your T-shirt.
You smell like dog.

What are you doing?

-What's with the toys?
-Don't go through my things.

l wasn't. lt was open.

Why do you have all these toys?

l didn't mean to upset you.

Come on.

Let's just go.



Let's go.

Be good, Bob.

-You know everybody?
-How you doing?

Going uphill, man.

-You try it.

Go ahead.

l feel like a jerk.

Try again.


You like blues?

Come on, let's go in.

Come on.

Take off your coat.
Let's stay a while.

Come on.

That was incredible!
l didn't know you played.

-Why didn't you tell me?
-l don't know.

-Why'd you leave? lt was great!

Oh, man, l don't believe this!
Steve Lambert!

How you doing? You okay?
lt's been--

You have me confused with
somebody else.

You kidding me? Stevie, it's me.

-l don't know a Steve.

ls it a joke?

l was up in my office and
l heard that sound, your sound.

l don't know who you are.

Get away from me!

You mind explaining this to me?

Who is that?
You owe him money or something?

l don't know who he is.

ls your name Steve?

My name's Catch.

-What do you want?
-The truth!

-Who's Steve Lambert?
-l don't know.

Are we living some kind of lie?

What'll l find out next?
That you are married?

-Where are you going?
-What do you want me to say?

l don't want you to say anything!
Don't say anything.

You want to go? Go.

Please leave a message after the tone.

Catch, it's me. Can you pick up?

Listen, I was wondering if
we could meet tomorrow.

At this place called Enrico's.
It's on Halsted and Marion.

Around 2:00, okay?



-About the other day--
-You don't have to explain.

l probably do.

But.... l'm fine.

Come on.

l thought we were having coffee.

-You can trust me, you know.
-l know that.

l'd never hurt you.

Remember when you said some people
were meant to meet each other?

Maybe we were meant to
meet that night.

The night l held your hand.

What do you mean?

Maybe you don't remember.

-You were unconscious--
-No, l don't.

l was there.

lt was me that was there that night.

At the accident?

What are you talking about?

-Maybe it's why we met again.
-What are you doing?

-Trying to help.
-With what? l'm fine.

-l don't think you are. You pretend--
-l'm not pretending!

-You're lying.
-l'm not lying!

Then walk in there. And l'll
walk in there with you.

-Why are you doing this?
-Because you had a family.

-Shut up. Stop.
-You had a wife and a child.

l'm so sorry it happened.
l want you to have a life.

l have a life. We don't need--

-Please! lt happened.
-We don't need to go into this.

-You like to push people, don't you?

l just want to understand you,
to know who you are.

l can't do that if you don't let me.
l know it's hard, l can imagine--

You can't imagine anything!

You have no idea how it feels
to do what l did--


Stay with me, okay?

lt's not your fault.
l was there, l saw the reports.

That truck, it just-- Catch, please.

l'm trying to tell you
something, okay?

l'm trying to tell you that....

You're not alone.

-l'm trying to tell you that l....

-You're supposed to be his dad!
-Can't you take him?

l'll be busy!
l won't have time today!

And l have time?

That's a hell of a greeting.
What's up with you?

You don't return my calls. Haven't
shown up for work three, four days.

You don't look like you got the flu.

-l take it Freak Show dumped you?
-f*ck you.

l wish l could say l'm sorry,
but l ain't.

l think it's best for everybody.

-Really? And who's ''everybody''?

Martha Stewart, you gonna pour
your partner a cup?

He had you.

He got you, didn't he?

l'm gonna give you some
real strong advice.

Change the subject.

Charlene's pregnant.

That's great.


l'm not sure l'm ready to
be a daddy yet.

l haven't gotten over Miss Stillwell.


Tenth-grade English teacher.

Hot buttered Stillwell.

l know you gotta go through this.

l'll tell the boss
l stopped by to see you.

You as sick as a dog,
coughing up organs and shit.

But l can't let this
go on much longer.

We got us a job to do out there.

We gotta clean these streets
before my baby gets here.

You know what l'm saying?

Has he been here?

l was expecting him this
morning. He shops for me.

l give him money from the settlement
every week.

Can't talk about that with him.

When he comes here, do you ever
talk about the accident?

-Does he ever mention the past?

Why not?

l try to let him
find his own way through.

l feel he needs that.

Why are you here, Sharon?

l want to know how to help him.

-You are helping him.
-l don't think so.

What makes you think that?

l took him to the cemetery--

The cemetery?

l thought it might help.

He needs to face it.

He will face it, in his time.

He built a wall around that whole day
and that night.

My daughter and my grandson.

He can't help it.

A cemetery....

Do you know how hard it is for me
to go to the cemetery?

l was just trying to help him
get back to some kind of life.

He was coming back.

Don't you realize how he's
changed these past weeks?

His apartment, his life?
He fell in love.

Why do you want to rush things? Why
does everybody rush things these days?

l was scared.

Scared of what?

Of losing him.

And l guess that's what l did.
l lost him.

You were just trying to find your way.

What else can we do?

You think l'm always sure about what
l should or shouldn't say to him?

l just try to do what's right...

...and hope that he'll
find the love in it.

Look at you... worried now, and miserable.

There's love in that.

''l just...

...wanted to wish you both the best.''

''l just want to wish you both well
and say congratulations.''

''Hi, Mom, Dad.

l just stopped by
to say congratulations...

...and l think it's great.''

These shoes, no.

Please leave a message after the tone.


Can you pick up?

Will you call me?

You declared your love for one
another in the presence of Christ.

He consecrated you in baptism...

...enriched and strengthened you
in the sacrament of matrimony... you can carry out the duties of
marriage in lasting fidelity.

--congratulates you
and rejoices with you...

...on reaching this milestone
in your journey.

Are you prepared to
give yourselves again... that union larger
than yourselves...

...that union already
blessed by God?

-Yes, we are.

Face each other and join hands
please, and say after me:

-l, Carl...
-l, Carl...

-...take thee, Josephine...
-...take thee, Josephine... be my wife. be my wife.

-l, Josephine...
-l, Josephine...

-...take you, Carl...
-...take you, Carl... be my husband. be my husband.

l promise to be true to you
in good times and in bad... sickness and in health.

l promise to love you...

...and honor you
till death do us part.



l don't want you to think
l forgot you.

lt's just that l couldn't find you.
l woke up and you were gone.

Everything was gone.
lt just disappeared in one minute.

l couldn't remember that minute.
l lost it.

But l think l found it all now.
l used a calculator, see.

Do you know we get about
1400 minutes a day?

So l figured it out.

l was...

...29 years old...

...three months and eight days.

So it was minute number...

...1 7,810,200 or so.

That's the one l lost.

When l lost that minute,
l guess l....

l tried to lose it all...

...all the memories...

...because it hurt so bad.

l tried, but....

But l couldn't do it.

Max, you were sick that day, remember?

lt was your birthday...

...and you ate too much.

Annie, you said:

''Slow down, it's wet, okay?''

And you were right.

l should have slowed down.

l should have slowed down
lots of times.

But l didn't always listen.

l didn't listen when you...

...when you said, ''Steve,
just please spend more time.''

That day l made you smile,
Max, remember?

You looked at me...

...and I made a face...

...and then we all smiled.

lt was a great minute.

lt was.

l'm so glad l found that minute.

And no matter what... matter what,
l won't forget anymore.


l won't forget anymore.

l love you.

Don't make him talk about
anything today.

l know.

lt was a nice ceremony.

We're running out of chicken.

Nobody's eating the ham.

lt's still a great party.

You look happy.

30 years and still in love, huh?

You think that's wrong, don't you?

Of course not.

You're beautiful.


-Don't walk away, okay?

ls it working?
Do you need to check it?

-lt's fine.

-What the hell are you doing?
-Sharon, please.

Please, please what?
Why do you always protect him?

''Don't bother your father.''

l'm gonna bother you for a minute.
Can you handle that?

-You get the hell--
-This is between me and my father.

So both of you, just leave us alone
for one g*dd*mn minute!

How about you, Dad?

You want me to go?

-lt's up to you.
-l'm asking you.

Am l welcome here?

You're here, aren't you?

-What do you want?
-l want to know.

Do you want me here?

Do you still love me?
l want to know.

l feel like....

You feel like what, Dad?

l feel like l don't
have a daughter anymore.

Well... do. And it's a shame that
you'll miss knowing her.

l'm next.

Hi, Mom, Dad. Congratulations.

You know, being in this house
reminds of something.

l was about 10 years old.

Me and Larry were playing
alien invasion.

Remember, Lar?

Anyway, we were making a lot of noise.

Dad came home from work,
tired and pissed off.

We were yelling like mad.

He burst into the room and he yells:

''What the hell are you doing?''

And l was scared.

l was really scared.

And l said:

''We're playing alien invasion.''

And he said, ''l'll show you
a damn alien invasion!''

He picks me up.

He picks me up off the floor
and he throws me on the couch.

Then he grabs Larry and picks him up
and throws him on the couch.

And then....

Then he starts making monster noises.

He says, ''We came to Earth
to kick ass!''

Me and Larry, we're running
and jumping at him.

We're laughing so hard...

...l almost wet myself.

And we keep running and jumping
on him, and he keeps tossing us.

And growling and beeping.

lt was great.

lt was great.

l'll never forget that.

And l miss that.

l miss it.

Anyway, l just...

...wanted to say thanks for that, Dad.



What are you doing here?

You invited me.

Are you okay?

Yeah, l'm okay.

l wanted to apologize.

For what?

For wanting everything to be perfect.
You were right, l was pushing you.

Then l realized that... doesn't have to be perfect.

l mean....

lt can be whatever it is.

They don't like me very much
in there.

They're lucky to have you in there.

-That's a nice thing to say.
-lt's not a nice thing.

lt's the truth.

Why do you try so hard not to cry?

lt's not fair.

l did the right thing.

l know l did.

lt's not fair that
they're shutting me out.

There's nothing l can do anymore.

l went, Sharon.

l went to see my wife
and my son today.

l told them that l love them
and that l miss them.

And then l told them about you.

l told them how much l love you.

l love you.

l love you too.

l'll drive.