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Best of Me, The (2014)

Posted: 01/23/24 09:03
by bunniefuu
All hands on deck.

Be advised.

All good. All good.

How'd you pull that off, Cole'?

Just a roughneck who got lucky.

I see that.

Hey, Mom. What are you doing?

Thinking. Avoiding the dishes...

- Nice out.

- Ifs beautiful.

Yeah, it is.

How are you doing?

Just thinking about next fall.

About leaving.

What's gonna happen to me.

Just the rest of my life. No big deal.

You know, there are whole civilizations

that used to believe

they could see their destiny

in the stars.

You feel that kick?

Mom, are you OK'?

Man that ramp!

Blowout preventer!

Hit the blowout preventer!

Hey, buddy! Hey, come here.

We're gonna get you out of here.

Hey! Hey!

Get him up the deck.


That's an...

You're the company's

hero, Mr. Cole.

Those two men you saved

are gonna bejust fine.

If your vitals stay stable,

you can go home tonight.

It's incredible. You were in the

water almost four hours.

No evidence of hypothermia.

The fall alone should have k*lled you.

It's a miracle

that you're alive, Mr. Cole.

There's just no other

word for it.

Is there anyone we can call

to come get you or...?

Uh, no. l'm good.

When I was young,

I looked for a shape to things.

A reason or a design.

So much of what happened to me,

though, felt like an accident.

So I guess I lost faith

in all that.

When I survived my fall,

I began to wonder

if there wasn't some purpose to

my life.

Maybe I was on a

destined path...

maven if I couldn't

see it yet.

G0, go, go, go, go!

You're looking good

in there, Michael Phelps.

Hey, hey, have you

decided on a major yet?

- Not really.

- He's thinking about finance.

- What?

- I didn't say anything.

Look, it's tough out there

and it's getting tougher.

Finance makes the most sense.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, grab me a Bud?

- Yeah.

All I said was he's thinking

about it.


You know, Pop, honestly the only thing

l'm thinking about is the beach

and what girls on the beach will

or will not be wearing this summer.

- Reynolds' residence.

- MAN." Amanda Collier, please.

Amanda Reynolds now,

but Amanda Collier.

Yeah, you found her.


my name is Morgan Dupree

and I'm the estate attorney

for Tuck Hostetler.

Oh, God.

- Hello?

- Dawson Cole, please.

Yeah, this is he.

My name is Morgan Dupree.

I'm the estate attorney

for Tuck Hostetler.

I'm afraid I have some bad news.

Mr. Hostetler died

in his sleep last night.

He was 92.

Look, I'm sorry about

your friend. I really am.

But we've got stuff

going on here.

I got to be at Tulane on Saturday

for the Sigma Nu thing.

Monday night we've got the dinner

with the guy from Chase and his wife.

Next time someone I know dies,

I'll call your secretary first.

L'm sorry.




Hey, Amanda.


Man, l'm sorry l'm all

messed up.

How did you find out'?

I got a call from a lawyer.

Something in Tuck's will.

I'm supposed to meet

with him tomorrow.

- 10:00am'?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, me too.

- Oh.

It's been a longtime.

Twenty years.

Well, 21, but I mean,

who's counting?

You look amazing.

I gotta go. I'm late.

Meeting my mom.

l'm gonna meet her.

- Oh, all right.

- At her house.


- Good to see you.

- Yeah, you too.

- L'll see you tomorrow.

- Tomorrow?

- Yeah, the lawyer.

- The lawyer.

It's 10:00am.

That's right. OK.

"All I Want")

Hey, Dawson.

Hey, Dawson?

- Foods here.

- Thanks, April.

- How you feeling?

- She was throwing up a lot.

But l'm not now, so that's good.

- She's so preity.

- She sure is.

You OK'?

It's going to be tough, but...

her parents are really good to us.

They don't judge us.

Theyjust want a Bible name

for the kid.

What do you

think about Aaron?

I think it's better than Moses.

I know it's crazy

and we're young, but...

the other day when I felt

that little heartbeat...

I don't know. It made

me feel happy.

That's good, Bobby.

Thafs real good.

It wouldjust start I think...

But it's not...

Just try again.

Try again.

- l'm sorry. Tell them l'm sorry.

- April, it's fine, OK?

Put it in neutral. We'll push you

out of the way. Come on, Bobby.

What's the matter?

You forget how to drive'?

Your dad take your

leamefs permit?

Come on! Move your car!

You guys wanna get out

and help us push

or you just gonna sit there

and keep honking?

- It won't happen again.

- Yeah, sorry.

Thank you. Ma'am.

- Hey, we could be friends.

- What? Let's go!

Will you boys grow HP!

Where are you going?

Over to the right, April.


All right. Good.


- Should I call a tow truck'?

- No, it's all right. I got it.

L'm sorry about my friends.

They tn/ to be funny but only

succeed at being idiots.

- Amanda, let's go.

- Yeah, come on, let's get out of here.

- OK!

- Come on!

- Amanda.

- Seriously.

It's all right.

You don't have to wait around.

Oh. OK.

- Thanks for your help.

- Yeah. Anytime.

Amanda! You're wasting

your time.

Thank you.


I don't want you

to take this the wrong way

'cause you're my cousin and I

love you, but you are a jackass.

Did you not see the beautiful girl who

just pushed a car to try to talk to you?

She was being nice, all right'?

She's nice.

- Yeah, she is. She's also hot.

- She is hot.

Start her up.

She'll be fine now.

- Thanks, Dawson.

- Go on. It's all right.

See you later.

I turn the key and

nothing happens.

What do you think?

Karmic payback for being

party to the honking'?

I think the universe

dispenses swift justice.

He speaks.

He's sort of funny.

- Hey, Amanda.

- Hey.

- Try it now.

- OK.

Thank you.

Your battery got disconnected.

It's not major. It happens.

All right.

Are you actually

about to say something else?

My cousin thinks you were trying

to talk to me the other day.

I was.

- He thinks I blew it.

- You did.

You don't know how to flirt,

do you?

Guess not.

Well, what are you gonna do

about it?

OK. This isn't working.

OK, l'll tell you what. Uh...

I want you to think about it

and, uh... me at Squeals

Saturday night at 6:00... maybe?

- Is that a yes?

- Yeah.

OK. Maybe you'll figure out

how to flirt with me by then.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

"Into Your Arms")

♪ I know a place

where I can go ♪

♪ When I'm alone ♪

♪ Into your arms

Whoa into your arms I can go ♪

♪ I know a place

that's safe and warm ♪

♪ Into your arms

Whoa into your arms ♪

Ilcan go... ♪

Where you runnin' off to,


I expect you to say hello.


- You're cute.

- He is cute.

Looks like his daddy.

Come on in here. Sit down. Lefs play

a hand of cards or something.

No, I'm... I got stuff to do.

I got homework.

He thinks he's smarter than us.

Abee, why don't you take that stupid

g*dd*mn hat off in the house.

- Yes, sir.

- Is that true?

- You think you're smarter than us'?

- No, sir.

- You too good for this family?

- No, sir.

Thafs good.

'Cause this is where you belong.


Why don't you go out back

and tune up the Merc.

We got a delivery upriver tomorrow

night and you're going with us.

I can't go tomorrow night.

I got something to do.

You didn't listen to a g*dd*mn

thing I said, did you?

- I'm not...

- l'm not what?

Hey, hey, come on, Pop.

Let's play some cards.

I swear to God, Dawson,

you are a slow f*cking learner!

That's a bad thing to be.

You still got someplace

to be Saturday night?

Yes, sir.

- Hit him again, Papa.

- Ted, shut the hell up!

You wanna hit me'?

You hit me,

you see where that'll get you.


That's what his problem is.

You are either the worst car thief

in the history of the world...

...or you have a story to tell.

- What's your name?

- Dawson Cole.

- Tommy Cole's boy'?

- Yes, sir.

Well, that is unfortunate.

- What happened to your eye'?

- I just ran into a tree.

A tree with a mean right cross.

You got any place to stay?

Friends? Anything like that?

No, sir.


Where you going?

That cot over yonder ought to be

more comfortable than this car.

Water out of the hose is good

to drink.

If there's any trouble, anything

goes missing, anything like that,

the next one to wake you up will be

a sheriffs deputy. You understand that?

- Yes, sir.

- Do you understand that?

Yes, sir.

All right, then.


"Little Miss Can't Be Wrong")

Good night, Amanda.

♪ Little Miss, Little Miss,

Little Miss can't be wrong ♪

Where is he?

- I decided not to come.

- Mm, yeah, I got that.

I didn't know how to get a hold

of you.

Oh, I was at Squeals. You could

have gotten a hold of me there.

Do you live out here?

Is this some kind of game

you're playing?

Huh'? With your friends? A little science

experiment you got going on? What is it?

- That's crazy.

- Thafs crazy, is it?

Or maybe you just like strays.

Or maybe I like sman guys who

haven't had it handed to them.


God, you just don't get it,

do you?

I guess I don't.

You know, I just wanted a date.

I wanted to go somewhere and maybe

have some coffee or some ice cream.

Come on, you know, you ask me

questions, I ask you questions.

And if we just so happen

to like the answer, Dawson,

then maybe we'll go on

another one.

And if we don't, then we won't.

But God, I mean, ifthafsjust

too much to ask, then fine.

Forget it. I'm exhausted.

I'm done.

This is why I didn't want to

go out in public.

Well, then take me

somewhere private.

So whafre you

gonna do after high school?


OK, I'll go first.

l'm going to Tulane in the fall.

Double majoring in child

psychology and public policy.

L'm hoping to intern

at a law firm while l'm there.

And then after law school,

l'd like to work for a non-profit.

Maybe in another country,

that deals with children's issues.

- You wanna work with children?

- Mm-hm.

You wanna have a family

of your own?

Yeah, I would.

l'd like to have a little girl.

Maybe name her Bea.

That's a real nice name.

Ifs really beautiful out here.

L've never seen so many stars.

I've always loved the stars.

I feel closer to them up here.

When I was a kid,

I built my own telescope.

- Wow.

- No, it's pretty easy.

Yeah, for you, maybe.

Humans have always

looked to the stars.

Instruct their way of life,

consult them.

You were gone

for a while.

Yeah, my dad made me

quit school when I was 16.

He said he needed me

around the home.

How do you feel

about that'?

I don't know. I guess

I didn't like it much.

It was a hell ofa fight to

come back.

Is it weird to be there now'?

Kind of.

I mean, ljust

wanna finish, get out.

Where do you want to

go to college?

Do you think everyone goes

to college?

People who build

their own telescopes usually do.

I don't know, it's just...

ifs not something I can do

right now.

Is it something you want to do'?

- Why do you care'?

- Why won't you answer?

You are gonna be

a really good lawyer someday.

Do you want to go,

yes or no?


You're a bad liar.

I like that.

I'd like to do this

again sometime.

I'd even shower and show up.

How about that?

- You promise?

- Yeah, I promise.

I guess I wanted to do that.

I wanted to do that, too.

Good to know.

I wouldn't mind doing

that again.

Then do it.

Now first thing that Tuck

stipulated was for me to apologize

on his behalf for

any inconvenience.

He asked that I pass on

his gratitude

for your being here

and your friendship always.

His words.

He would like you

to spread his ashes together,

outside the cottage

of Vandemere.

There is to be no funeral,

no reception,

nor store-bought bouquets.

Not a dime is to be

spent on frivolities.

- Again...

- His words.

Thafs right.

He asks that you pack up his things

and he would like you to go through it,

and take whatever you want.

He left instructions that his assets

be liquidated and that the proceeds be

donated to the American

Pediatric Cancer Society.

The only asset not to be sold

is the cottage at Vandemere,

which he left to you both.

Now, typically, in situations

like this,

one party will buy the

other out,

unless you're interested

in joint ownership.

- We're not.

- No. No.

When he was in the hospital,

he wrote these. Mm-hm.

Excuse me. He would

like you to read them on your own.

Well, you still living

around here?

- Baton Rouge.

- Yeah?

- I see you gut married.

- 18 years.

Nice. You guys got kids?

- Two.

- Boys? Girls?

You know, we don't have to do this.

Ask the questions, tell our stories,

pretend to want to know

about each othefs lives.

Well, I do want to know.

We're not here for a reunion.

We're here for Tuck, so...

How about this? You go to the house

today and I'll come out tomorrow.

And we'll meet out at

Vandemere tomorrow afternoon.

We'll say our goodbyes.

- Does that work for you'?

- Yeah.


L'm sorry.

You remember that thistle problem

I had in the garden last year.

Thistle is one tough weed.

You can't pull it or mow it.

You have to dig it out by the root.

While I was digging,

I got to thinking about you and Dawson.

You have wounds that

have never healed.

You've lived with them so long,

you don't even know they're there anymore.

Pain has deep roots.

The only way to dig it out is to

forgive him and forgive yourself.

- Don't you get bored out here?

- Completely.

When are you gonna let me

get my hands dirty?

You want

to get your hands dirty?


What? This dirty'?

No. Dawson,

you're not gonna do...

'Cause I'm the grease monster

from the bayou!

Stop it!

Dawson! Don't!

You're gonna get rne all dirty,

you little punk!

You gotta leave!

You gotta get out of here.

- What?

- No, please, just get out of here now.

- Who's that'?

- Get out of here, please! Leave!

- Dawson! You're hurting me!

- Leave!

- Don't ask any questions. Get out! Now!

- Why do I have to go?

- Go, go, go! Go, please!

- OK, Dawson.

- OK.

- Go!


Time to come home, Dawson.

You didn't introduce us

to your girlfriend.

That's that Collier girl, Pop.

You know her.

- Collier girl.

- Yes, sir.

All right, get your stuff,

put it in the truck.

- You're coming home with us.

- No, I'm not.

I ain't gonna tell you again,


I have had it with you, Dawson!

You're all puffed up,

you're thinking that you're special.

Well, let me ask you something?

Do you really believe that that girl

is gonna have anything to do with

a white trash piece of shit like you?

No. Come on.

Get your stuff, put it

in the truck and let's go.

You touch him again,

the next one will k*ll you.

Now, I've come here for my boy

and I ain't leaving without him, so...

I guess you're gonna

have to sh**t me.

All right.

That windshield is gonna

cost you about $1,000.

And those floods run about

$500 each.

Do you want me to keep going?

Go on now.

This is nice.

What you've done here.

Your wife plant these?

Get in the truck, Ted.

If I stay, they'll come back.

ljust shot up a $17,000

pick-up truck.

About broke my heart to do it.

They'll be back

whether you're here or not.

Not safe for you to sleep out here

anymore. I'll fix you a place inside.

Well, come on.


- What are you doing?

- I had to see you.

- Well, come in.

- That's not a good idea.

- I need to talk to you.

- OK.

- Wait, what are you doing?

- I mean, if you're not gonna come in.

- My parents think y0u're dangerous.

- They're right.

Sooner or later, I'm gonna have

to pay for what happened today

and I can't have you standing

next to me when I do, OK?

- I can't have you getting hurt.

- I'm not gonna get hurt.

You hang around with me

long enough and you will.

I don't care! I don't care!

I mean, Dawson, do you want this?

Do you want me?

I do.

I do.

All right.

- Just give me one second.

- Sure thing.

You work here?

No, sir. Just picking up

some stuff for my uncles.

You look a lot like

an old friend of mine.

- People tell me I look like my dad.

- Yeah'?

Bobby Cole'?

You knew him'?

g*dd*mn it, Aaron. How many

times I gotta tell you that you...

Well, as I live and breathe.

The Prodigal Son returns.

You might wanna stay away from

that shit. Good talking to you.

It's been a longtime,


About 2O years?

Thank you.

Thank you.

- You know who that is, Aaron?

- That's Dawson Cole.

I thought maybe you'd

need a hand.

Hey. I thought you might

want this.

You can take it.

Ijust didn't want to pack things away

if you might want to keep 'em.

Ifs OK. I don't want much.

I'll make my own box.


- What? What is it'?

- Nothing.

Is there something you

want to say?


I guess I just want to know

if you're happy.

You want facts?

I... went to Tulane, as planned.

Got pregnant sophomore year,

not planned.

Got married, moved to Baton Rouge.

Bought a house.

Had another baby. Did some volunteer

work. Bought a bigger house.

Law school?

I didn't finish college.

I had so many plans

and I don't know what happened.


I guess. Anyway.

Am I happy?

Being a mother makes me happy.

Look what I found.

Oh, wow.

Iforgot he had this.

She's a real beauty.


S0 if you're not going to college,

then why do you study so much?

Oh, wait, I know why.

Because you are going to college.

You'll definitely get in.

You'll probably get a scholarship.

- Grab the stuff from the back, please?

- I got it.

All right, these are


- I know what they are. I've seen them.

- All right. Well, get started on them.

- There's a problem.

- Already? You haven't even started yet.

They want a home address.

You live with Tuck.

Why don't you ask him?

- No, don't ask Tuck, please.

- Why?

He's private. He won't like you snooping

around and stuff... Amanda!

- OK!

- Amanda.

- Tuck?

- In here.

- Oh, hi.

- Hi.

Wow, you look handsome.

Here, I got you these.

They're chocolate covered pralines.

I hope you like them.

- Can I ask you a couple questions?

- OK.

- Do you have an onion'?

- I do.

Good. 'Cause we forgot one.

Second thing, we were just going over

Dawson's college applications

and we were wondering, can we use

your address as his home address?

- Thafll be fine.

- Great.

Lefs get cooking.

- Maybe you should set the table.

- Maybe I should set the table.

Wow, those are beautiful.

Yeah, they came in real good this year.

It was a wet spring.

- These are my wife's favorite.

- Oh, yeah?

How long were y'all married?

We're still married.

We're just on different schedules.

She had a stroke

four years ago this May.

L'm sorry.

There's still times that

l'll step outside there at night

and have a little chat

with Clara.

Ain't that foolish'?

All I'm saying is when two cars

break down on consecutive days,

that bring two people together

that fall in love, that's destiny.

Destiny? No, Destiny is the name

the fortunate give to their fortunes.

What is that supposed to mean?

That means that people

never call bad things destiny.

You are absolutely impossible.

Why can't you just agree

with anything that I have

to say, Dawson? Why?

- Tuck, please help me out here.

- Come on, Tuck.

- What'?

- What do you think?

I never did believe

in any of that stuff.

But I will tell you one

thing now.

Uh, back in the w*r,

I was in the Navy,

l'm sewing aboard a destroyer.

And at the Leyte Gulf, we...

we took a Jap torpedo.

Blew me right off the deck.

Broke my back.

There I am bobbing around in

the water like a fishing cork,

all hell breaking loose

all around me and l...

I started singing.

This old Irving Berlin song.

Whafl/ I do with just a photograph

to tell my troubles to?

WhatW I do? Whafll I d0?

Whafll I d0?

Well, after a few verses of this,

this calm just, poof,

came over me and I knew right

then I was gonna be all right.

That I was gonna go home,

that I was gonna...

Iwas gonna hold my wife again.

Well, a few years pass by, we built

that little cottage at Vandemere and...

...l walked outside one day and Clara

was out there in the garden singing...

Whafll I d0?

Now, she saw the look on my face

and so I told her the story.

And then she told me hers.

It seems like right about that

same time, she'd had a dream.

A dream where I was

singing to her.

And you care to take a guess

at the name of the song?

Come on. Get out of here, Tuck.

Well, now, I don't know exactly

what you'd call that, but

whatever you call it,

it got rne home.

"Whafll I Do?")

Would you dance with me'?

- You can dance'?

- No.

But I figured you'd make me

learn sooner or later.

I guess you have a good point.

- Now, don't step on my feet.

- I'll try not to.

Hey, look at me.


L'd like to talk to you.

Four years after Jared was born,

Frank and I had another child.

A wonderful little girl.

She was so full of joy.

Tuck loved her.

"She shines with her own light,"

he said.

He was right about that.

She was diagnosed with leukemia a few

weeks after that picture was taken.

She'd just turned two.

And I remember that day.

You know, it was just a day.

And you want so much

to go back tojust a

not-so-special day like that,

you know.

But you never can.

I can't imagine how difficult

that must have been for your family.

We both started drinking

too much.

Iquit. He neverdid.

I wish I'd have been

there for you.


That didn't happen.

That's life.

What was her name?

Bea. Her name was Bea.


You've gotten better at that.

Yeah, 20 years later,

I can chop an onion.

. SorFY-

. 90m'-

I bet you're the smartest guy

on the rig, huh?

Well, of course I am.

Yeah, you know, I got pretty good

at computer, actually,

and the boss wanted me

to go back to school,

get certified as an

IT specialist.

And let me guess.

You don't want to do that.

- I like my job.

- But you might like the new one more.

I don't know why you don't

go to college and get the piece...

Piece of paper.

- Well, I don't.

- Yeah, that's her.

That's the girl who

just wouldn't let me settle.

Yeah, well, I haven't

seen much of her lately, so...

Yeah, but there she is.

To her.

Does it ever

get lonely out there?

I mean,

are you asking me if I'm single?

Are you?

Well, I've had, you know,

relationships, I guess.

And things...

I mean, nothing...

Yeah, no, not right now.

You ever been in love'?

With you.

That was 20 years ago.


Well, what do you want me to say,

you set a high bar.


Are you saying that

l'm the reason that you're alone?

Don't ask questions

if you don't want any answers.

That's ridiculous.

I mean, honest to God.

What? Why are you laughing?

I don't know. I guess ljust...

I miss this.

I miss... you getting all mad at me.

I'm not mad.

You're being a little pushy.

L'm not pushy.

You just care so much, Amanda.

You just can't help yourself.

I should go.

- What?

- This is dangerous.

We've had wine...

...and somehow you have gotten

better looking, which is so annoying.

Couldn't you have gotten bald

or fat or something? Jesus!

You know, it seems a little silly to

take two cars to Vandemere tomorrow.

I have a confession to make.


It wasn't destiny when

my car broke down at school.

I disconnected the battery myself

so you could save me.

- I know.

- What?

I know. I knew the minute I saw

your battery line yanked out.

Oh, my God!

Why didn't you tell me?

How often is the mechanic

the hero of the story?

Oh, I gotta go to Vandemere.

Tuck's been putting it off for weeks.

Now his bac/('s out,

he's worried about the garden.

- I'm sorry.

- No, it's OK.

You go take care of

Tuck's garden.

He needs you. I just want you.

- Maybe next weekend.

- Can't wait.

- Be good.

- I will.

- Don't wreck.

- I won't.

- I love you.

- I love you, too.

I love you.

All right.

I told you I couldn't wait.


"Hold On")

♪ I put my faith

in your promise ♪

♪ That you'd be here soon ♪

♪ Don't doubt it, darlin' ♪

J" The stars may be falling ♪

I I'm still coming for you ♪

♪ I can hear you whisper ♪

♪ Every doubt screams

where are you ♪

♪ And every moment waiting ♪

♪ Makes the day harder

to get through ♪

Are you sure about this?

I'm sure.

Just kiss me.

♪ Hold on ♪

♪ Hold just a little longer ♪

♪ Hold on ♪

♪ Hold just a little longer ♪

♪ Hold on ♪

- Good morning.

- Good morning.

I I can swear I feel you ♪

♪ Every time

I lay my head down ♪

♪ Nothing but restless ♪

J" Sleepless, long nights now ♪

Eat. Dig in.

J" The stars may be falling ♪

"...and you think good days

are preparing for you.

Do not believe it.

It can never be so.

Nothing can bring you peace

but yourself."

- Pull it.

- I am!

- Pull n.

- l am!

You're such a jerk. No, no!

Stop it!

- Come here!

- No!


♪ Hold just a little longer ♪

It's cold!

♪ Hold just a little longer ♪

♪ Hold on ♪

♪ Hold just a little longer ♪

♪ Hold ♪


What happened here?

That was for talking back.

That was for not answering.

That was for disrespect.

I don't remember what

that was for.


Ifs OK. They don't

hurt anymore.

We need a song.

In case one of us

gets deployed in World w*r Ill?

No, I'm serious.

Something we can keep forever.

Then pick one.

There's nothing romantic

about picking one.


First song that comes on


We're in the middle of nowhere.

You're not gonna get anything.

Even if you do get something, it's gonna

be a public broadcast on fly fishing.

"Sweet Jane")

- Why are you always right'?

- I guess it's just a gift.

- Look at you.

- l've been practicing.

- With who'?

- Tuck.

I Sweet Jane... ♪


S0, Dawson, tell me,

what are your plans for the future?

Well, I hope to go to

college next year, sir.

He is going to college.

He got a 4.0 and 1520 on his SATs.

Well, that's good, son.

Where did you apply?

I applied to Tulane,

Loyola and LSU.

I mean, I'll probably end up at LSU.

It's the most realistic.

Yeah, and it's not too far

from New Orleans,

that way we could

still see each other, right?

Hake it you know

a few things about cars.

- Yeah, a little, I guess.

- I got a bunch of them in the back.

Yeah, Amanda said you

have a collection.

- How many cars you own'?

- Too many.

A few. Would you like to

see them?

- Recognize that one?

- lt's a '71 Oldsmobile 442.

You know why they call it that?

Yeah, a four barrel carb,

four speed gear box, dual exhaust.

Ifs a beautiful car, sir.

Smart boy. I can see why she

likes you.

Go on. Take a look underneath.

Yeah. I know you want to.

I'd love to.


Say, have you given any thought

to how you'll pay for college?

There's... There's scholarships,

financial aid, loans, stuff like that.

Tuition's a k*ller. And you need money

for books, room and board.

It's expensive.

It can be prohibitive for kids like you.

"Kids like me?"

You're a nice guy, Dawson.

l'd like to help you, if you'll let me.

Well, how's that, sir'?

Well... four years of school,


$15,000 a year for tuition.

Another five to live


You want to give me $80,000'?

If you'll let me.

Just stay away from Amanda,


You'll come out debt-free.

With a real chance

to make something of yourself.

This isn't personal, son.

Ijust want what's best

for my daughter,

and I can't have her

anywhere near your family.

It's gonna end anyway.

This way, you get something out

of it.

- I don't want your money.

- What's that?

- I don't want your money.

- You think about it.

I don't have to.

You know what you can do

with that 80 grand, sir?

Shove it up your ass.

You think about it.

l'm sorry.

My dad's an assh*le.

He's right,


You got a big life ahead of you.

You're gonna do great things.

I don't want to get in the way

of that.

Dawson, what would you risk for



Then let me love you like that.



How much did he offer'?

There's not enough money

in the world.

Well, I mean, if he was gonna throw in

that Cobra, I'd have to think about it.

You're so mean.

- AMANDA." Nice car.

- Tuck's policy.

All rebuilds

must be test driven...

Before they're returned.

Are you gonna

let me drive?

- You Ieamed how to drive a stick?

- Yes.

- Really?

- Kind of.

- All right.

- All right.

- Kind of'?

- Mm-hm.

God help me.

All right. Easy on the clutch. Easy.

All right. G0 to first gear. Up.

There we go. Now, slow.

Slowly let the clutch out.

- OK, there you go. Slow down!

- Whooo!

"Falling For You")

J" I'm fallin'

I'm fallin' ♪

♪ Just lay me down ♪

♪ And steal my heart tonight ♪

I So hold me now ♪

J" I'm fallin'

I'm fallin' ♪

♪ To you ♪

God, it used to be so beautiful.

I just... this is how

we're supposed to do this?

I mean, yeah, I don't know.

This is where he

scattered Clara's ashes, so...

- Right.

- Seems all right to me.

Well, we should say something.

Not like a...

...a long winded eulogy

or anything like that. Just...

- No, no, he'd hate that.

- Right. No fuss.

- N0.

- OK.

We love you.

We do.

Oh! Oh, shit. Oh!

- Just scatter it.

- Yeah?

Yeah, just...

Oh! OK. Well, maybe we throw it.

- That was much better.

- Yeah. OK. Here.

- To Tuck.

- To Tuck.

- Sure you don't want another one'?

- No. Nah, l'd better not.

- When are you going home?

- Tomorrow.

Last time I was out,

there was this expl*si*n.

Wait, that was your rig?

You were on it?

Yeah, I fell 100 feet into

the water.

I still have no idea why I

didn't drown.

I wasn't wearing a vest.

Doctors couldn't figure it out either.

- God, you were lucky.

- Maybe.

I saw you.

I had, like, a...

It wasn't a dream.

You were there with me.

And it was strange 'cause

I hadn't seen you in so long.

And then I get out of the hospital

and I get this call about Tuck.

Then I come here and

I see you.

And it's like...

I don't know. Just strange.

L'm glad you're OK.

What are you gonna do,


What do you mean'?

If you're unhappy.


You got all this advice

for rne, you know?

What are you gonna do'?

You know what this feels like

to me?

Fate. That's what it feels like

to me.

I'm trying to get my head around it

since it all happened.

Why the hell am I still here?

And maybe it's 'cause of this, you know?

Maybe it's a chance

to see you again and...

a chance to tell you how sorry

I am.

And tell you how much I still

love you.

You want me to fall back

in love with you?

How do I do that

if I haven't ever stopped?

- Tuck?

- Yeah.

I... I got you something.

Ifs not much at all, but...

...l didn't want you to have to worry

about a dry spring anymore.


She'll need one of these.

Tuck, no one's ever treated me

like you have.

No one's ever shown me

- this kind of dignity and respect.

- Your tie is crooked.

- How about a smile, Tuck'?

- This is a smile.

Oh, sh**t.


Get down there!

Get on down there!

- Come on, g-up, mule.

- Smile pretty.

Oh, oh. Oh, no, no, no, no.

Wake up, you gotta wake up.

I want you to see this.

Now, look at that.

- There it go! There goes the squash.

- Whoo!

Just about ready to pick.

Let me ask you something.

Those pretty tulips right there,

all those flowers.

Not the tulips.

Did you and your wife plant those?

Come on, you get a good look.

Get a good look.

Hey, I forgot Amanda's flower thing.

Can we turn around?

- Oh, yeah, it's just right there.

- Yeah.

Mayhall can't even tie his shoe.

Ifs Tuck! Stop! Stop, stop, stop, stop!

Get out, get out!

Tuck! Tuck!

Call 911! Go, now!

Bobby, you go help!

Go help, go help, go help!

Tuck! Tuck, what happened?

I ran into a tree.

Bobby, you stay with him.

You help him.


Someone's on theirway, Tuck.

OK? You're gonna be OK.

- Dawson! What are you gonna do'?

- Go on, stop him now.

- Dawson, don't do this!

- Just talk to me!

Give me the g*n.

- Just give him the g*n, Dawson!

- Get out of the truck, Bobby.

Don't do this. It's what

he wants.

- Get out of the truck, Bobby!

- No!

- Bobby! No!

- Stay with Tuck. Stay here with Tuck.

- It's gonna be OK.

- Bobby!


- Bobby!

- Stay here.

Cool down, cool down,

cool down!

Just think!

Dawson, come on.

Tum the car around. Come on!

Stop! This is stupid.

Dawson, you don't want

to do this.

Told you he'd come back.

- Stay back, Bobby.

- Dawson.

- Stay there!

- Uh-oh.

You know, the last person

that pointed that r*fle at me,

he had an accident.

He tripped down his

wheelchair ramp.

Look at him.

Look at you,

you're all dressed to k*ll.

Is that what you are'?

You're a k*ller now'?

What are you gonna do?

You're gonna k*ll all three of us?

No. Just you.

Why don't you go on and

do il then?

- Put down the g*n, Dawson!

- Oh, he will.

Don't worry, Bobby.

I know this one.

He ain't no k*ller.

You're not a k*ller, son. Here.

You ain't nothing.

- Hell, no.

- Ted! Hey, Ted!

Get up!

Get up!

I gotta tell ya.

I didn't see that coming.

Yeah, Papa!

Come on, hit him!

Get up, Papa!

You got this.

Dawson, that's enough!

You're gonna k*ll him. Come on!

Come on, Dawson.

Dawson, look out!

Bobby. Bobby!

Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, no, no.

Bob, Bob, look at me, look at me.

Look at me, Bobby!


l'm so sorry!

Bobby was getting out.

He was gonna be a dad.

Tuck, he was gonna be

such a good dad.

He's the only family I ever had.

Look at me, son.

I said look at me.

The DA doesn't want you.

He wants Tommy.

If you help them,

then they will help you.

I k*lled him, Tuck.

I deserve to be here.

Yeah, you showed up there

with a loaded g*n

and...'re gonna have to

do some time for that.

But, son, there is a reason

that you are here.

You have a life to live.

And you're gonna fight back and

you're gonna keep fighting back.

'Cause no matter what you think,

you are notjust your father's son.

Dawson, you are not

like them other boys.

You're a good boy.

And you're

my boy.

You hear me'?

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

This is the DEA.

We have the house surrounded.


Do you see any of those individuals

present in the courtroom at this time?

I do.

Can you point out

Abee Cole at this time?

Can you also point out

Theodore "Ted" Cole at this time?


Can you also point out Thomas

"Tommy" Cole at this time, please?

. HEY-

. HEY-

I brought you some books

and things.


You just let me know if I need

to bring anything else for you

and l'll bring it next time,

all right?

- There can't be a next time.

- What do you mean?

I got eight years.

I mean, it's, what, four before

l'm even eligible for parole?

- L'll wait.

- No.

No, I can't let you do that.

You don't get to make

that choice.

If this was the last time

you're gonna see me...

...what would you say?

- Please don't do this.

L'd say thank you.

- L'm not walking away.

- I'd say I love you.

- Dawson.

- I always will.

Dawson, please don't do this.


I love you.

Wait, Dawson! Dawson!

Dawson! Dawson!

- Mafam, I need you to come with me.

- OK.

- OK.

- Please.

- Oh, God.

- Please come with me. Come with me.

- Right this way.

- OK.

Thank you.

Excuse me.


please come to the front.

He's not taking any visitors.


L'm sorry, Miss Collier.

He doesn't want to see you.


- Man. Back again, huh'?

- Yeah.

I went every day for a


and then every week for a year.

Did they tell you that I came'?

They told me.

I guess maybe I hoped

they didn't.

Do you even know that I went

when Frank and I started dating?

I told him I was going

to see my parents.

They told me every time.

- And you didn't want to see me'?

- Thafs the only thing I did want.

I never stopped loving you,

Amanda. Not once.

- Then why didn't you?!

- Because I...

- I know this doesn't make sense...

- It doesn't.

All right, Amanda. Listen to me.

I wanted to do something good.

And I wanted to save you

from some of the pain.

You didn't save me

from anything.

I lived with the pain every day

of my life, Dawson, and I blame you.

I blame you for thinking you knew

what was best for me

- when it was you that was best for me.

- I know.

I couldn't have you

wait for me.

- There was so much you wanted to do.

- But I wanted to do it with you.

And I would have waited

for as long as it took.

- I didn't deserve you, Amanda.

- Oh, deserve me?

Jesus, Dawson.

Don't you understand?

When I had Jared,

and I know this is wrong,

but do you know that when I had him

I wanted to tell you.

And when I lost Bea...

I wanted you to hold me.

And when I was alone

at night, I wanted...

I wanted you and I cried for you

and I hated you

and I hated you because...

because I would have chosen you

no matter what,

and you took that away from me.

- I made a mistake.

- Yes, you did.

Idid. I hurt you.

But see, I still love you.

I still love you.

D0 you remember

the last time we

were here and I turned

on the radio?

- "Sweet Jane."

- Yeah.

God, I knew a song

would come in and then it did.

- Clear as day.

- I know.

As if it was cued up for us.

You know, I used to feel that

way about everything.

L'd just blindly trust

in life to workout.

And then it would.

I don't feel that way anymore.


Where you g0in97

"Sweet Jane")

Anymore, I don't like

to leave things to chance.


You're not stepping on

my feet anymore.

Well, not yet.

Would you do one thing for me'?

Would you forgive yourself'?

You're a good man, Dawson.

Believe it.

That shin looks a lot better

on you.

"In Love Again")

It's so cold.

Do you remember it being so cold?

Nah, don't be a baby.

- L'm not a baby.

- Come here.

Lie back.

- Happy?

- Yeah.

- I'm sorry.

- Thafs OK.

Hi, Jared. Yeah, l'm doing OK.

How are you'?

Are his parents going?

Ijust don't want you to get in the car,

you know, if anyone's been drinking.

I know, but Mike can

barely drive if he's sober.

All right, well,

just ask your dad.

I miss you, too.

All right, l'll see you

in a couple of days.

OK, be careful. Bye.

- Sorry. It's Jared.

- lfs OK.

We can't do this, can we'?

I know you, Amanda.

I know your heart.

You're the girl who came every day

for a month and every week for a year.

You have a husband.

And you have a son

that you love very much.

You won't give up easy.

These past few days

have been so good.

A chance to see you

and to talk to you.

To heal a little.

To love you again.

People spend their whole life looking

for that and they never find it.

But we did.

We're the lucky ones.

No matter what happens, Amanda,

I want you to know

how grateful I am.

'Cause at the end of it all...

ml get to say I know what it's like

to have loved someone.

Truly love someone

because l've loved you.

I have to go back.

And I don't know how

l'm gonna say goodbye to you.

L'll always be here.

And I'll always love you.

L'm gonna trust in the stars.


Hey. I'm home.

- You just get back?

- I did.

How was it'?

Nice... Sad.

How's your mom'?

She missed us at Easter.

- It's a busy time of year.

- I said.

- I got to, uh...

- l'll get dinner started.




Hello, Chas.

Uh-huh. Right, pal. No.

Brooksie already told me

you shot eight over par, so...

Eat.'re busted.

What the hell

are you doing out there, man?

I saw you hacking away like it

was a...

Oh, yeah, OK, no.

Blame it on the partner, that's good.

Is that what you said about me

last week, you son of a bitch?

Dawson, over the years

I've come to know Amanda pretty well.

She's got a lot of good

inside her.

A lot of pain, too...

...about the past, about you.

I got you together here because I don't

want either of you living with regret.

You two were mean! to

love each other.

You needed a chance to

remember that.

I'm not saying you're gonna be

together. I don't know that.

And if it doesn't work out,

you'll miss her so much

you'll barely be able to move.

You'll feel you have

no purpose...

"J10 reason t0 go on.

But there's nothing to do

but wait.

Wait and it'll get clear to you.

You'll get on with your life

and gifts will come into it.

I was lost when Clara died.

Then one day this kid

walks into my garage.

I want you to know the gift you

were to me. I thank you for it.

I knew you were back.

I saw the flowers on

Bobby's grave.

I haven't had a chance

to do that in a while, April.

We've been getting the money.

You don't have to send that.

You don't owe us anything.

How'd you know it was me'?

Who else would it be?

Who else would send cash

through the mail?

I figured if I wrote you a check with

my name on it, you wouldn't cash it.

We told him to get out

of the truck.

We both did.

It wasn't your fault.

It's just something that

lives in my head, you know?

I play it over and over.

Look at me. Look at me!

Dawson, you didn't k*ll him.

They k*lled him.

And now it's Aaron.

What do you mean'?

Ted and Abee started coming around

when he was about 14.

They took him out. Eased him in.

You know, girls and cars

and booze and...

So he's been

hanging around out there?

APRIL.' All the time.

He didn't get in any real trouble until

your father took him under his wing.

And how he's running errands for them

and making deliveries.

He's a good kid.

He's not like them.

He's like his dad.

He just doesn't know it.

What are you doing here?

Aaron. I want you to

come with me.

Why the hell would I do that?


They told me you were here.

What a surprise.

It's not even my birihday.

What line of bullshit

is he feeding you, son?

He lives here now, with family.

This is no family. It never was.

Well, not to you, maybe.

But you never figured that blood

counted for much, did you'?

L'll tell you what I do know.

There was never an ounce

of love in this house.

Oh... love.

You're a weak piece of shit, Dawson.

You know that?

You always were, you always

will be.

- L'm weak?

- Mm.

You were my father and you

treated me like an animal.

I tried to make a man

out of you.

But you didn't appreciate

a g*dd*mn thing I gave you.

And what did you give me'?


You are weak.

And you're not worth it.

And I'm not gonna let you

ruin another person's life

like you tried to ruin mine.

L'm taking the boy, if he'll go.

And there's nothing

you can do to stop me,

because you're just a scared

old man

who doesn't want to go

back to prison.

Don't get in my way.

It's all right.



I didn't know you were there.

Did you see my golf glove?

- Can I talk to you?

- Nothing is where I left it.

- Jesus, Frank.

- What'?

What do you want to talk about?


Come on, Amanda, I'm 20 minutes

late for my tee time with Hal.

I can't do marriage counseling.

- L've lied to you, Frank.

- About what?

For a long time I have lied.

But I want to tell you the truth.


I saw someone this weekend.

Someone I fell in love with

a long time ago.

What, you mean, the guy,

the kid...

- Dawson.

- Cole?

- Yes.

- Yeah?

I'm still in love with him.

I didn't know I was going to see him.

I didn't expect to.

But l'm glad I did because it made me

realize how completely lost

- I have been.

- You sound a little crazy.

I don't expect you

lo understand.

When I lost him,

I lost who I was.

- Right.

- I lied to you, Frank.

I have lied to you

and I have lied to myself.

And I've tried to

make it work. We both have.

But I can't do it anymore.

So what? You want me to stop drinking'?

ls that what you want?

What I want is to stop sleepwalking

through my life.

Then stop!

I mean, just listen to yourself.

Get over it.


Look, this is my life, too.

You don't just get to choose.

Yes, I do.

And I am done pretending.

OK. Good.

- What are you doing'?

- Does it matter?

Hi, it's me, it's Amanda.

I was hoping maybe we

could talk.

A lot of things have changed

since I last saw you.

And well, I just...

I want to say I love you.

I do, Dawson.

And I always have.

All right, call me if you

have a moment.


Yes, this is his mother.

Frank, ifs the fourth time I've called.

Jared's at Delta West.

I need you to come

as soon as you get this.

Mrs. Reynolds?

- How's my sun'?

- Post-op.

We went in, had a look around.

He's stable for now.

- All right, what happened'?

- His car hit a tree,

- he was thrown from the vehicle.

- Oh, my God.

The blunt trauma from the accident has

resulted in serious damage to his heart.

- What does that mean?

- Amanda!

- Sorry. I was...

- Wait, Frank.

What's happened?

- Frank, just listen!

- What's going on? Where's my son?

It means one of the valves

of his hean is torn.

It's my determination

that we can't repair it.

What does that mean,


He needs a transplant

and very soon.

Doctor, I have lost one

chi/d already. I cannot /ose another.

I understand.

"Rain From Heaven")

Hi, it's me, it's Amanda.

I was hoping maybe we

could talk.

A lot of things have changed

since I last saw you.

I wanted to say I love you.

Ido, Dawson.

Come on!

Abee! Abee!


Oh, hell! Where is he'?

Whafs going on? What happened'?

They're prepping him for surgery.

They found a heart.

He's got a chance now.



What are you doing here?

Mom. I overslept.

I gotta get back to the hospital.

Jared's all right, sweetheart.

I just spoke with Frank.

All right. Let rne get dressed.

You'll come with rne, right?

Jared will want to see you.


Yeah, Ted and Abee. Both down.

All right, thanks, sheriff.

No, I can bring 'em down.

That's all right.

I got nothing but time.

I can bring 'em to you.

That sounds good.

- Dawson Cole!

- You got it.

l'm so sorry.

Oh, God!

I commend the soul

of Dawson Cole to God.


Children's Legal Defense Fund.

Yes, of course, hold please.

- Hi, doll. Your ex called.

- Thanks, Jamie.

- Hey. S0 whafd you figure out'?

- Hey.

Well, after weighing everything

that we discussed,

it is my recommendation that

we go all the way back to 1959.

We can look at the UN's declarations

of the rights of the child

and we can structure

our argument from there.

Good. Thank God for paralegals.

But if we do that, we have to

make sure that we

keep in mind the 1976...

Sorry, it's my son.

Well, we are the

Children's Defense Fund.

- Hi, Jared.

- Hey, Mom.

- Everything OK?

- Uh, yeah.

Why wouldn't it be'?

Well, this is your third phone call

in two days. That's a record for you.

very funny.

No, I'm actually cal/ing because there's

something that I wanted you to know.

You remember how Dr. Charbonneau

told me that if! waited a year

I could file a request to find out

who donated my heart?

Yeah. Did you decide

to go ahead with it?

Well, actually, I did go ahead

with it.


And I got the information yesterday.

So, here, give me one second.

Yeah, it says he was 39 years

old when he died.

Gel this, he was actually

from St. Olivia,

so I though! that maybe you

knew him.

Dawson Cole.

Mom, you there?

Yeah. l'm here.

So, did you know him?

Yes. I knew Dawson.

Great, so when l'm home for Spring Break

maybe you can tell me a bit about him.

- I would love that.

- Oh, hey, Mom, I gotta go.

I'm meeting this girl for lunch.

She's in my English class.

- OK.

- I'm totally loving it here.

AI/ right, I/ove you, Mom. Bye.

Everything all right'?

Yes. It is.


So, like I was saying,

ifwe start in 1959, we can...


when I was young,

I looked fora shape to things.

A reason or a design.

So much of what happened to me,

though, felt like an accident.

So I guess I lost faith

in all that.

When I survived my fall,

I began to wonder...

...if there wasn't some

purpose Io my life.

Maybe I was on a destined path,

even if I couldn't see it yet.

When Isaw you again, Ibelieve

we'd been given a second chance.

That the universe

had decided to give us that.

You have commitments,

I understand,

and you want to keep them.

I can only love you more

for that.

I hope to see you again someday,

but ill don't...

...just know that these last days

have been the best of my life.

Ilove who I am

when I'm with you, Amanda.

You are my dearest friend,

my deepest love.

You are the very best of me.

Forever, Dawson.

"l Did With You")

♪ I remember thinking

'bout forever ♪

♪ Sitting there

with you by the river ♪

♪ We danced

in the headlights ♪

♪ And fell

for the first time ♪

♪ Iremember telling you

I loved you ♪

♪ The Northern star

rising above you ♪

♪ And in that moment ♪

♪ I thought every dream

would come true ♪

J" Oh, but some

just never do ♪

♪ Love comes in circles ♪

♪ And love takes

its own time ♪

♪ Bending and breaking ♪

♪ Not taking

a straight line ♪

♪ I never knew another love

timeless and true ♪

J" Oh, but I did, yeah

I did with you ♪

♪ Oh, Idid

I did with you ♪

♪ Through the years

I just kept on believing ♪

♪ Had to be a plan

or a reason ♪

♪ But Heaven was silent ♪

I And life just kept

moving along ♪

♪ 'Til my heart knew

the moment was gone ♪

♪ Love comes in circles ♪

♪ And love

takes its own time ♪

♪ Bending and breaking ♪

♪ Not taking a straight line ♪

♪ I never knew another love

timeless and true ♪

J" Oh, but I did

yeah, I did with you ♪

♪ Love is the reason why ♪

♪ Miracles never die ♪

♪ They just live on and on ♪

- J Like a song J

- J Like a song J

I In the heanfs of the ones

you leave behind ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Love comes in circles ♪

♪ And love

takes its own time ♪

♪ Bending and breaking ♪

♪ Not taking

a straight line ♪

♪ I never knew another love

timeless and true ♪

J" Oh, but I did

yeah, I did with you ♪

J" Oh, I did

yeah, I did with you ♪


♪ I just don'! know

what to do when you cry ♪

J" On my shoulder ♪

♪ I could make a joke ♪

I On thatk about how

we're getting older♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Orl could hold you close ♪

♪ And say everything

will be all right ♪

J" Ori could give you

a little time ♪

♪ And just say good nigh! ♪

I Say good night ♪

♪ I'm a crossroad ♪

I I feel you down low ♪

♪ Bu! I just don't know ♪

I Should I sla y or go ♪

♪ I'm at a crossroad ♪

♪ Iknow you want me ♪

♪ Bu! I just can't see ♪

♪ Maybe I'm crazy, baby ♪

♪ I just don't know

what to do ♪

♪ When you say

you're gonna leave me ♪

♪ My heart says, "Run" ♪

♪ Bu! my head says ♪

♪ 'Heart, don't deceive me" ♪

♪ I'm at a crossroad ♪

I I feel you down low ♪

♪ Bu! I just don't know ♪

I Should I sla y or go ♪

♪ I'm at a crossroad ♪

♪ Iknow you want me ♪

♪ Bu! I just can't see ♪

♪ Maybe I'm crazy, baby ♪

J" I'm at a fork in the road ♪

♪ Don't know

which way to go ♪

♪ Both roads

sound good to me ♪

♪ This decision

is bittersweet ♪

♪ I just don't know

what to do when you say ♪

♪ That you need me ♪


J" So all I know is that I ♪

♪ Can't let you

bleed me dry ♪

♪ I'm at a crossroad ♪

I I feel you down low ♪

♪ Bu! I just don't know ♪

I Should I sla y or go ♪

♪ I'm at a crossroad ♪

♪ Iknow you want me ♪

♪ Bu! I just can't see ♪

♪ Maybe I'm crazy ♪

♪ I'm at a fork in the road ♪