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Embrace Again (2021)

Posted: 01/23/24 11:07
by bunniefuu

Where are you going?

As of midnight January 22nd,

the National Health Commission received,

from 25 provinces and municipalities,

reports of the new corona virus infection,

a total of 571 confirmed cases,

of which 95 cases are critical.

We've waited four hours.

No one would pick us up.

Everyone's avoiding us.

You're doctors?

How come you're always on the front line?

Whatever, I'm not scared.

Life or death, fame and fortune,
it's all fate

Emergency alert: the Yangtze Tunnel
will be temporarily closed

Please follow directions
and calmly evacuate

I told you,

don't argue in front of the guests.

Just find another hotel

that accept guests from Wuhan,

but in the same price range.

Get the two of them back quickly.

Junjun is due in three months.

She should have stayed home,

not traveling to the other side
of the world.

You're her mother,

now you're helping them stay away?

Stop yelling.

I have 15 tour groups
who are stuck right now.

Let me deal with this mess.

And let's be clear, it's 5000, not 500...

Liu Yalan,

I am talking to you!

What is the priority?

Please don't yell!

God damn it!

What the hell are you doing?

Go home if you don't know how to drive!

Are you talking to me?

Get out of the car, come on, get out!

You idiot!


Yes, I'm at the market.

There's hardly anything fresh left.

Lotus root?

Hold on a minute.

They're are all gone.

It's all right.

Just come home.

It's not safe out there.

Okay, okay.

Due to the outbreak,

all transportation in and out
of Wuhan will be shut down.

Many passengers are demanding refunds.

More details...

Excuse me! Excuse me!

Can my daughter still come
back from Shenzhen?

Excuse me, I'm sorry!

All transportation will be
shut down by 10 a.m.

She's not leaving Wuhan,
she's coming back in.

It's best that she doesn't.

When will transportation resume?

Tomorrow? The day after?
There's got to be a date!

I am sorry we have to
await further notice

We don't know at the moment.

Do you need a refund?

What else can I do?

Okay, please wait a moment.

I already bought the ticket.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Your ticket is canceled

and you'll be refunded in full.

Of course in full! It's not my fault.

We can't pass.

Thank you so much sir.

I don't know how much to pay you.

Don't worry about money.

When you finish working...

We won't be going home for a while.

We need to protect our families.

Yes, you're right.

Please don't get out of the car

The virus is dangerous.

Please be careful.

Thank you.

No, no, please don't!

Make sure to disinfect

before going home!

You have to hurry!

Thank you!

Take care of yourself.


The city is shutting down!

Where are you?

Hurry home!

Given the situation of the
new corona virus in Wuhan,

the Emergency Response Center
announces that

as of 10 o'clock on January 23rd,

Wuhan public transport, including buses,
subways and ferries

and all other operations are suspended.

All residents are asked not to travel,

except for special circumstances.

Airports and train stations
will also be closed temporarily.

Come here!

Hey, man!

The city's shut down,
who's doing the deliveries?

Take a look.

Help me out here.

What's this?

Flyers for volunteers.

Heroes are needed.


why bother? The whole city is shutdown.

Remember the Flood of '98?

Wuhan was completely under water.

What did we do then?

Run away?


There was nowhere to run.

A-Yong, let me take one.

The virus is just like the flood.

Doctors are protecting the dam.

What can we do?

We can help carry sandbags.

Come on, people

Pass these around.

What's this?

Come on, Zhang Yibo!

Take it.

A commitment.

Take a look.

Our hometown is under siege.

You too can be a hero.

If you are willing,

we are looking for heroes.

First, single people preferred,

no family concerns.

If you sign up, welcome.

If you don't,

no pressure.

Second, always wear a mask and disinfect.

Stupidity is not heroism.

Third, no chitchat in the group.

You'll be kicked out if
you break the rules.

I am signing under my own free will,

prepared to die for the cause.

Never give up, never surrender.

Who drafted this? The government?

The government?

Your aim is a little high.

I did!


How do we get paid?

You're volunteers.

Are soldiers paid for disaster relief?

You must be doing this
behind your wife's back.

I gotta tell you,

if you keep this up,

your wife is going to make you suffer.

For a man, what's the most important thing?


I'm not afraid of the virus, or my wife.

I tell you,

you go ahead if you want to.

I have my kid to think about.

I'm not dying for the cause.

Don't laugh now.

If the virus rages on, no one can escape.

Come on!



are you Mr. Li, the owner of
Red Star Grocery chain?

I am volunteer A-Yong.

Today is New Year's Eve.

We want to organize a holiday dinner

for the healthcare workers.

Would you help us?

You? A volunteer?

Don't try to swindle me.

Believe me,

I'll report you to the police!


is this Jiangnan Pharmacy?

I am Volunteer A-Yong.

Please, may I ask for a favor?

Stop calling!

Go away, go away...

Hi, Dad!

Hi! I'm trying to reach your mom.

How come she won't answer?

She's blocked your calls.

You were gone for so long.

She's really upset.

What are you doing?

When are you coming home?

I'm just...


driving around doctors and nurses.

Volunteering? That's great!

I'll go tell mom.

Mom! Mom!

Dad is a hero!

I don't care.

Why does he have to be a hero?

So stupid!

Does he think his Kungfu
can beat the virus?

Oh please sweetheart,

it's New Year's Eve.

Happy New Year!

I'm not happy at all!

Go away!

Hey man!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Son, what are you doing?

Has Mom calmed down?

No, she didn't even eat dinner.

Is the new installment of
Superhero Mowei out?


You're in trouble.

Superhero Mowei has his girl

when he's saving the world.

You made mom mad.

You are all alone.

I know. You should help Mom.

I'm not home, so you're
the man of the house.

Yeah, I just helped her with laundry.

By the way,

look at this, Dad.

You little shit!

Dad, look at this.

Go to bed, it's late.


Go to bed, listen to your mother.


Good night.

Take care of yourself, Dad.

Zhao Hu!


Where is Zhao Hu?

Zhao Hu!

Give it back!


You know what, give it back!

I don't know what you're talking about.

Damn it!

How can you steal disaster relief supplies?

What happened to the protein powder?

Hey, be honest!

Who told you that I took it?

I have solid evidence!

Or I'll find it!

Just give it back

and I'll let it go this time.

Don't push me!

Listen, just give it back!

Leave me alone!

You heard me!

Let go of me!


tell me,

where did you get your N95 mask then?

Damn it, I am risking my life here!

What if I took a few cases
of protein powder?

Zhao Hu,

you go by hospitals every day

Haven't you seen

how the doctors and nurses
risk their lives?

The protein powder can
boost their immune system.

You're strong as an ox.

Don't you feel guilty stealing from them?

I feel guilty?

I make daily deliveries
to all these dangerous places

How many people
do I come into contact with?

Don't I need to boost my immune system too?

Don't talk nonsense!

Give it back!

Give it back or else!

Or else what?


Damn it!

I know Kungfu.

I'm not going to fight you.

I quit!

Who do you think you are?

I am doing you a favor!

You're not my boss.

Zhao Hu!

Before you leave,

you're supposed to do this delivery!

Guardian of Justice!

If you send this stupid message again,

you'll be sorry!

Who else can drive a truck?

What are you looking at?

Then what happened?

Then he got worked up,

rushing me with "the Black Tiger".

And I

fought back with "the Powerful Stallion".

I laid him out using his own momentum.

Guess what?


He's nearly 2 meters tall.


Flat on the ground.

Dad, you're cool!

Doesn't Dad look like your Superhero Mowei?

Yes, you do!


what are you doing now?

I'm waiting to pick up supplies
at the check point



tell me,

how much did you get
in "red envelopes" this year?

Can I ask you

to do me a favor?

Can you

loan me your money?

How can a grownup borrow money from a kid?

Well, everyone runs
into difficulties once in a while.

The volunteers are supposed to help.

I donated all of my money.

Who knew

I would lose some supplies.

I have to make up the difference.

Dad, you're too much

You donated all of your money,
behind mom's back?

No wonder Mom complains

that you've lost your mind,

and that you're a failure.

Your mom is prejudiced against me.

I think mom is really sharp.

No I...

Huaiyang Willow restaurant,

is that Hangzhou style?

I said no chitchat in
the WeChat volunteer group.

That's a lot of pocket money.

Mom gave me the money to send to you.

The city as been shut down for days.

I've been so worried.

Now that the government sent all these,

I can finally relax.

Yes, relax.

Excuse me,

Look here.

I tell you,

these are thin.

These are thick.

These are from Shandong Province.

These are the thick ones.

We have to keep track.

Then these are consumer goods.


and those are consumer goods too.

Okay, okay.

Tooth brush, tooth paste, hand towel...

These are a set.

Everything is accounted for,

all divided by categories.

I've marked everything.

These are all things we need urgently.

Thank goodness they're here.

That's all we can do.

The total count, please sign here.

No problem.


Anyone there!

Come out, let's talk!

So frustrating.

There have been ambulances
passing through all the time

How many patients are there?

I can see a lot of ambulances here too.

They're probably moving patients
to the isolation sites


today I,

today I saw...

I tell you,

now that Wuhan is shut down,

we get paid a lot more for deliveries.

Anything you want, tell me,

Mom will buy it for you.

No thanks.

Dad bought me a new phone already.

Your dad bought you a new phone?


But make sure you keep track
of your Dad's money.

Don't let that little bitch spend it all.


Your signal sucks,

I can't hear you.

Let me see.


Let me stand below the dish.

Can you hear me now?

Got to go,

grandma is calling, dinner time.


Your grandma is bad-mouthing me again?



Well, I'll eat my dinner too.

The noodles are all soggy.

Delivery Work Offer.

Only ¥100?

It's New Year's Eve, only ¥100?

He must have heard me.

¥150 now.

If you offer ¥250,

I'll miss New Year's dinner for you.

Well, well, ¥250.

Maybe a little more?

¥300, guess I'd better take it!

If not, I'd be crazy.

Here, the medicine

Thank you

What kind of medication is this?

It's for seizures?

Do you want it or not?


Come on, scan here.

You're sure this isn't for COVID?

Come on, next, next!

You can't go in.

I'm delivering medication

to Mr. Ye, phone number ending in 8223.

It doesn't matter.

According to the new emergency rules,

only official volunteers
are allowed to enter.

Give him a call.

Well, he's...

He's not picking up.

You know,

this medication

I had to pay for it in advance.

If you pay me now,

I can leave it here

for Mr. Ye to pick up later.

I can't accept deliveries
according to the new rules

I'm running late,

help me out here.

It's not my problem.

Fine, whatever.

Thank you for your understanding.

Wait, what are you doing?

Come back here this minute!

You're breaking the rules!

You'll get fired!

I'll get fired now if I don't go in.

Come back!

Damn, does he think he's Lang Lang?

Your time is valuable.

How about my time?

I'm so sorry.

I've been busy.

I didn't hear the phone ring.

Your phone number ends with 8223?


It's New Year's Eve.

I'm risking my life
to pick up your medication

I've to go to several pharmacies
to find it.

How can you didn't pick up the phone?

You don't even look sick to me.

Hold on a minute.

Hi, let's stop here today.

An-an and Ben-Ben remember to practice.


Class dismissed.

I'm sorry I was teaching online.

Don't waste my time, just pay me.

Where is my phone?




How much?

The total is...

What the hell?

The barrier is broken.

Stop it! Stop the scooter!

Make way!

You stop this minute!

It's broken, it's broken!

I'm calling the police, believe me!

Thank you, thank you!

You hit me!


You wait!

Damn order.

Damn it.

Excuse me!

Excuse me!

Doctor, doctor!

Doctor, this is the fourth hospital
I've been to!

Excuse me.

I've been in line for three days.

This guy seems to be dead!

He might dead already!


Please help us!

Take them to the back.

Excuse me!

You are one tough lady.

Even the Grim Reaper is scared of you,

and he let me go.

What are you talking about?

I mean, thank you.

Without your help,

the time b*mb in my head
would have exploded.

My uncle has a tumor in his head too.

He can still play Mahjong all night.

You are young, you won't die.

What's your name?

My last name is Ye,

Ye Ziyang.


Mr. Ye.


I paid for your medicine,

don't forget to pay me back

and the delivery charges.

I know,

don't worry.

Hold on,

I'm speeding up.

Slow down, slow down!

Hold on, my scooter is fast.

I'm sorry

I made you

miss your holiday dinner.

You passed out.

How could I leave you?

I'm not heartless.

Here, keep the jacket.

No, you keep it,

I'm almost home.

Accept my friend request,

I'll transfer the money direct.


Let me scan you.


The total is ¥1,038.

¥1,000 is fine.

"Brother Wu Is No Brother"?

Even your online handle is tough.

A woman has to be tough to survive.

That's way too much,

too much!

No, no, it's not.

No I can't.

Take it, take it.



Brother Wu,


thank you for everything you've done.

Thank you.

It's no big deal.

I'm going now.

Good, okay.

Bye, take care of yourself.

Bye, go in, it's cold.

Mr. Ye, happy New Year.

Happy New Year.

"O Man! Hold thee on in courage of soul,"

"Through the stormy shades
of thy worldly way,"

"and the billows of clouds that
around thee roll,"

"shall sleep in the light
of a wondrous day,"

"where hell and heaven"...


Brother Wu likes poetry!


Go away!

What the hell!

You scared me!

I'm picking it up!


Fancy eel noodles then,
cheap instant noodles now.

How can a man be so fastidious?

Look at this.

The Huaiyang Willow Restaurant
donated meals

specifically for Silver Lake Hospital.

Anyone want to take this delivery?

Huaiyang Willow?

Huaiyang Willow Restaurant,
is that Hangzhou style?

Hey, I said no chitchat in the group.

I have my own van.

But Silver Lake Hospital...

I understand.

Will they let me in?

Yes, I've called them already.

Just show them this.


Hey, boss,

do you offer

fried eel noodles?


I have two fresh eels left.


How much?

Can you make it for me?

I'll pick up later.

Don't worry,

it's on me.

Just call me 20 minutes ahead.

I'll make it fresh.


I have someone who just loves it,

so please do it right.

I'll make sure of it.

Hold on a minute!

Who are you?

Meal delivery for the doctors and nurses.

Let me check your temperature.

36.4 °C.

Should I leave the meals on this table?

Yes, on the table.


Someone will pick these up?


Are you from nursing department?


Don't have to eat instant noodles today.

Thank you, Big Sis!

Isn't there a man to do the heavy lifting?

No worries, I am lean but all muscles!

Bye, Big Sis!




Go right ahead.

Here I am.

What are you doing here?

Fried eel noodles,

special delivery.

Come in, come in,

I'm wrapping up.

No, I won't,

I just came from the hospital.

No fear.

Just disinfect with the alcohol spray.

Let me take off my shoes.

It's fine, just come in.


we'll stop here today.

Please don't be afraid of the virus.

If you are scared,

listen to music and play the piano,


Be courageous

and use your music

to encourage the people around you.

Come on.

Class dismissed! Goodbye.

Goodbye, Mr. Ye!

Come on, join me.

Have some water first.

It's fine, please sit, sit.

Stay there.

Come on.

Drink this, give me a minute to tidy up.

You write songs?

Just for fun.

My place is a mess.

Well, for a man,

this isn't bad.

Isn't it now a trendy thing?


How do you know that
I'm into "shabby-chic"?

You get me.

This is still hot!

Why did you get two bowls?

I don't want any, I tell you,

these were the two last eels left,

there are no more.

Just have a taste.

I can't let you watch me eat.

It'd be embarrassing.

That's enough.

Have a bit more eel.


I can't wait to eat this.


I'm trying to lose weight.


Lose weight?


Please don't.

If you become too skinny,

who'd carry me to the hospital

if I pass out again?

Don't joke about that.

But really,

I don't think you need to lose weight.

You are fine the way you are.

This is so good,

made exactly right.

How did you know that

I like fried eel noodles?

I saw your social media posts.

I volunteered for meal delivery today

from a Hangzhou style restaurant,

so I ordered this for you.

What? You are an official volunteer?

Not officially.

Just helping out where I can.

The virus is serious.

Take good care of yourself.

No worries.

Face masks and rubbing alcohol...

do you have enough?

I have some extra, want some?

No, no.

The volunteer organization has everything.

We all get allocations regularly.

That's good, great.

So tasty.

You brought me such delicious food.

How can I thank you?

It's really no big deal.

But if you want to show appreciation,

maybe play the piano for me?

I've never seen a real person
play live before,

only on TV.

Let me play for you right now.

Here is your VIP seat.


VIP seat.

This Prelude

was composed by Chopin.

It's called "Rain Drops".

He wrote it on the Island of Majorca.

I was planning to take my daughter there,

but we had to cancel.

Where's your daughter?

With her mom.

I'm divorced.

I could tell.

There's no lace cover

on your piano.

You're so knowledgeable.

How could your wife leave you?

People can't live on knowledge alone.

Why not?

I really could use
some knowledge in my life.

You have a good sense of humor.

Can my daughter be your student some day?

Of course, anytime.

She can't right now.

She's with my ex in Shenzhen.

She was planning to come back this year,

bought the ticket already.

But the damn virus...

The damn virus outbreak happened.

It may be better this way, safer for her.



I want to be an official volunteer.

I have a Commercial B2 license

for driving a truck.


Thank you for your help.

That's all.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Mom I have to go,

Have a beautiful day, bye-bye.

Good morning, Big Sis!

Have we met?

Yeah, I'm that,

I'm lean but all muscles.

You're off duty?


Oh by the way, Big Sis,

do you know where I can find "tofu skin"?

Tofu skin?

The virus broke out as soon as I arrived.

So far I've only tried
the "dry-hot noodles".

I really want to try
the famous "tofu-skin" too.

There used to be street vendors everywhere.

But now, a little far.

Are you free now?

I'll take you there.

I don't want to bother you.

No bother.

We volunteers are supposed
to take care of you nurses.

Big Sis,

I haven't slept for many nights, ,

I'm starving.

Let's go.

This is the legendary "tofu-skin".

Thank you.


bamboo sh**t,

minced pork and sticky rice,


and pickled mustard greens.

So tasty.

Wow, you can taste all that in one bite?

Of course I can.

My dream was to become a chef.

But my mom pushed me into nursing.


you'd be looking at

a great chef with Michelin stars right now.

You're too skinny to be a great chef.

I know, so unfair.

It's like the Law of Energy
has no effect on me.

My mom even calls me ungrateful.

She say if a piglet eats the way I do,

it would have grown big by now.

Big Sis, here,

try this.

No thank you.

It's so good.

I'm trying to lose weight.

Your body is like those oil paintings.

You're perfect the way you are.

Look at all the curves, I'm so jealous.

Why are you jealous of me?

Big Sis,

let me tell you,

if you think losing weight is hard,

then try gaining weight.


weight gain pills, acupuncture,
electric shock, all the horrors.

I've tried them all.

And the result?

Absolutely nothing.

Then I thought,

let's try the gym.

You name it, yoga,

Pilates, the Pamela Plan.

Everyone else in the gym

turns into Super Barbie, but me?

Just super...


You are small-boned.


I had an epiphany.

I realized that I am blessed

with a gourmet mouth

and an insatiable stomach.

I figured

only natural beauty is real.

Big Sis,

do you have time
to take me back to the hospital?

No problem.


ten more orders to go please.



I want all my colleagues to try this too.

Please go heavy on the spices.

They all like strong flavors.

As strong as possible.

Lipstick inside the face mask?

Who can see it?

I can, I'm doing this for myself

When I talk to my patients,

I imagine

I have such beautiful lips behind the mask,

so my words become gentler too.

Big Sis,

try this on.

It's brand new, I haven't touched it.

No, no.

I tell you it brightens your skin.

On my wedding,

that was the only time I wore lipstick

The man ran off on me anyway.

Then you've got to wear it more.

No I won't!

I believe,

we women should be beautiful
not just for men,

but also for ourselves.


Yes, really pretty, see.



Big Sis,

put this on

when you want to feel beautiful.

I can keep this? Thanks.

Big Sis, look again.

Pretty, I look pretty.


You are pretty.

Am I pretty?

We are pretty.

Yes I am.

Hey, he replied.

I told you, you are attractive,

be confident.

How should I respond?

Just tell him, next time,

you'll bring a special delivery again.

Here let me help you.

I'd love that.

You are seriously tough.

Everyday you rank first

in step-count.

Be careful.

Always wear your mask.

See? He cares about you.

Challenge him to a contest.

You be careful too.

Let's have a contest.

If you walk more steps than me,

I'll treat you to "tofu-skin".


He sent an "OK" emoji!

It's terrible

without our house keeper.

New Year's Eve,

all we have are frozen dumplings.

Aren't you going to call Gao?

It's New Year's Eve,

how can I talk to him about money?

He's like a brother to me.

Well, you vouched for him
when he borrowed from me.

You said I can trust him completely,

that he'd pay back early with interest.

Where's my money then?

I still haven't seen
a penny after all this time.

He must have run into some difficulties.

How much does he owe you?

I'll pay it back for him.



I what?


Happy New Year.

Happy New Year to you and your family.

Yes, we're in Wuhan too.

Can't go anywhere.

We should get together
when all this is over.

Of course it'll be my treat...


It's me.

If you don't pay me back soon

I'll be in big trouble.

Liu Yalan, what's wrong with you?

I'm not kidding.

As soon as the virus broke out,

my tourism business

went down the toilet.

Do you have my bank account info handy?

I'll send it to you again just to be sure.

Thank you, Gao.

Hang up right now!

What are you doing?!

What are you doing?!

Collecting money on New Year's Eve?

You heartless bitch!

I am a heartless bitch?!

You are a wasteful squanderer!

Are you happy now?

You ruined my friendship with a brother!

How much are we talking about?

I will pay you.

You pay me?

With what?

With what money?

You think that I don't know?

Your grocery stores,

since the beginning of the pandemic?

Don't you know how much you've lost?

It's none of your business.

Of course it's my business!

You think you're the only one
with responsibilities?

I have got dozens of employees
who need to be paid!

It's your own fault.

Why are you still keeping
them on the payroll?

No layoff, no pay cuts?

Are you running a charity?

Look at those employees of yours,

like that,

that stupid accountant

who can't even tell the difference
between 500 and 5000.

Why are you still keeping people like him?

I can't stand you even for a minute.

I'd rather catch COVID

and get sent to the isolation ward.

Don't touch my bed.

Junjun, come over.

How are you?

I heard that Wuhan has shut down.

It's fine, we're fine.

What's the situation like where you are?

So far no outbreak at all.

You two be careful, don't go out.

Do you have enough face masks?

Do you need us to send
you some from New Zealand?

No need.

Who do you think your Dad is?

I tell you,

we have stored enough supplies

to last us six months to a year.

What's wrong with you?

Am I wrong?

Six months to a year.

So what?

Don't upset Mom.


I upset her?

Are you crazy?


Are you Mr. Li, the owner of
Red Star Grocery chain?

I am volunteer A-Yong.

Today is New Year's Eve.

We want to organize a holiday dinner
for the healthcare workers.

Can you help us out?

You? A volunteer?

Don't try to swindle me.

Damn swindler.

Taking advantage of the disaster.

If you call me again,

I'm reporting you
to the police, believe me!

God damn, it takes all sorts.

I heard Junjun went to New Zealand
while pregnant?

Can you stop her?
You're her father after all.

Don't get me started.

Let's all stay low, health first.

We'll get all the families
together after this is over.

Every single one of us.

All of us old friends, together.

Cheers, cheers, bottoms up.

Where the heck are you going now?

Tourism Bureau to

get my company's deposit back.

First I need to pick up
the seal from the office.

Then I can get the much needed cash back.

Are you allowed to go out?

I applied for a pass
from the Community Center.

Wait for me!

What are you doing?

This is life and death.

I can't let you face it alone.

I'm coming.

Liu Yalan?

Come here.

36.2 °C.

This is your pass.

Come back as soon as you can.

Wait for me.

I'm coming too.

Don't pick up.


You promised us a refund
after 10 business days.

Where is our refund?

Are you trying to run away
with our cash?

God damn it!

Trying to scare me?

The government moved fast this time.

I got the two million deposit back.

Now I can breathe again.

I didn't realize how well
you're running this company.

Look at all these awards.

What did you think I've been doing?


I want to be an official volunteer.

I have a Commercial B2 license.

That woman looks happy.

Gao paid me back.


This Valentine's Day is full
of happy surprises!

I deserve a few happy surprises!

Let me give him a call.


Is Gao there?

Aunty Liu,

have you received the money?

Yes, I have.


where's your dad, Yaya?

Uncle Li,

my Dad...

is gone.


He fought it for two weeks and lost.

Before getting into the ambulance,

he made me promise to pay Aunty Liu back.




And Gao,

we'd been friends for over 30 years.

When I first started my own business,

I didn't even have enough to eat.

He took me in,

kept a roof over my head
and fed me for almost a year.


The last phone call we had,

you made me ask for your money back,

on New Year's Eve.

Liu Yalan,

when Gao died,

how hurt he must have felt.

I'm sorry,

I'm so sorry.

I didn't know it'd end like this.

If I had known,

I'd go bankrupt,

I'd sell my house before I ask him.

It's all useless now.

He's gone.

I don't understand.

Since when did money
become so important to you.

I've never been stingy with you.

Nice car, nice house,

good food and clothes,
I give you everything.

I don't want to be dependent.


you give me everything,

a nice car and nice house.

But you have never given me your heart.

Everyday you're out doing business,

then you're too tired when you come home.

You spend more time
with the couch than with me.

I was always home alone,

alone in our king-size bed,

staying awake night after night,

watching stupid soaps on TV,

Years ago, when Junjun was younger,

I tried to talk to her.

She called me a stupid housewife.

Think about it...

my own daughter thought I was stupid.

How did that make me feel?

I went out to build my own business.

It's not about money,

it's about dignity.

How did I know

Gao was like this?

If I'd known, I'd k*ll myself first,

before I'd push him.

I want to go see him, I want to.

Lanlan, Lanlan!

I didn't know.

All these years,

I ran around like a headless chicken.

What for?



I'm scared.

When I'm old,

who'll be there...

be there for me?

Don't leave me alone.

"The earth is shrouded
in terrifying dark clouds"

"People are cowering everywhere"

"Superhero Mowei comes to the rescue again"

"Mowei, help me!"

I wish Mowei would come to fight the virus.


So cool!

I can't stand it.

Benben is so childish.


You can't compare to Mowei.

Don't come out, the virus.

Jie, you're home.

Yes, mom.

We've been working on
the contingency plan all night.

We don't know how long
the shut-down would last.

If we can go back to work,
after the holidays,

what are we going to do
with such a big factory?


That's Jing Bao from Building 2.

Where are her parents going?

To the hospital,

to work.

Wow, fancy.

So many nice Cantonese dishes for dinner.



help Grandma.

Get me an online "red envelope".

Oh my dear grandson,

you're lucky.

So happy? How much did you get?


The biggest one this round.

I got the biggest "red envelope".

How come you won't honor our deal?

Hello? Hello?

You still don't know

how to video-chat?

Oh video-chat, it's so complicated

The "red envelope", did you get it?

Yes, but it was for nothing,

they won't honor the deal.

Supposedly whoever gets the biggest one

can go to work on the front line.

But they think I'm too old.

It's not fair.

Okay, okay.

This is better.

I feel better that you stay home.

Did you finish my wool slippers?

Almost, but I won't give them to you.

Why did you go out on your bicycle?

The city is shut down.

I was worried that

you wouldn't have good dishes
on New Year's Eve.

I was so worried,

I had to come over on my bicycle.

Thanks to the scarf you knitted,

I was not cold at all.

Grandma, dinner is ready!

Yes, coming.

You live alone, don't forget to eat.

Don't go out too much.

This virus, to people our age,

is especially dangerous.

I know, I know.

This is Zhenzhen's favorite
lotus root soup.

I miss Mom's hugs.


it's New Year's Eve.


It's New Year's Eve.

The first time Zhenzhen brought you home,

I knew that I lucked out.

I got a son in addition to a daughter.

What a nice couple you made.

Zhenzhen is gone,

but you...

Life goes on.

It's been three years.

It's time for you to move on.

Ben-Ben is so young, and I'm busy.

We'll see.

Let me go heat up your milk.

Zhenzhen was lucky

to have found such a nice man like you.

I knew my own daughter.

I am sure she'd want

you to be happy.

Then she'd be happy too.

She'd want all of us to be happy.

These three years

you have been taking care
of Ben-Ben and me,

you gave up on your career,

stopped doing surgery.

You've devoted everyday to us.


how about

you provide us with an example.

You move on,

then I promise

I'd follow your lead,


Zhenzhen's father passed away young.

You've been a single mother.


if you find someone to take care of you,

we're all for it.

Actually, the Cantonese food is great.

Ben-Ben and I both love it.

I told you not to go out.

I am suffocating.

I needed some air.

I miss you.

Used to be,

we can see each other twice a week.


it's been weeks

since I saw you last.

I miss the Cantonese rice you make.

I'll bring it to you.

I'll ride

my bicycle.

Don't you dare.

If you leave the house,

I'd never see you again.

Hurry back, stay home.

Any news about your factory?

We were supposed to go back to work,

but we were just told to stay away.

I bet your company isn't

the only one suffering.



Hi, please show your ID.


Why are you wearing a mask?

You're in a car!

I understand.

You really...

Don't worry

I am just going back to be a midwife.

Where did you go?

Are you angry at me?

I'm hanging up if you don't come back.

I had this with me for a long time now.

I have been waiting

for the right moment.

I know you aren't ready to leave
your son-in-law and Ben-Ben,

but I can't wait any longer.

I want to spend all the time I have left,

with you, taking care of you.


promise me

as soon as the outbreak is over,

we'll register to be married.

I'm happy to move to your house.

If you don't want to,

we can live separately like this,

every week.

I'll come a couple of times
to cook for you.

What do you say?



I promise.

Don't be scared.

No matter what happens

in this operating room,

our mission

is to take care of our patients

and the babies.

Nothing else matters.

You hold the scalpel.

I'm in the kitchen

holding a cleaver.

Let's see who's better
with the blade.

Your blade kills,

my blade gives life.

How can you compare?

I'm here!

Are you crazy?

This is an epidemic

and the hospital is high-risk.

I've joined the volunteers.

I'm taking care of all the meals
for your department.

You're fighting the w*r,

I am taking care of your supplies.

Let's do the trendy thing,

and celebrate Valentine's Day.

From now on,

I'll cook for you every day.

It'll be Valentine's Day every day.

Put the mask back on.

How did you know?

Are you being stupid?

You're keeping such a close eye.

You care about me.

Wow! Mowei!

Mowei brought us groceries!

Be careful with your teeth.

You're naughty.

With the support of the nation,

the situation in Wuhan
is gradually improving.

Starting on March 10th,

as directed by Hubei Province
COVID Response Center

SAIC-GM Wuhan Branch,

along with many major companies,

are resuming manufacturing activities.

The medical supplies for your hospital

must become easier to get now.

Take care of yourselves

really, especially you doctors.


How did you do it?

40,000 steps in one day?


your due date is coming up.

Dad, Mom, relax.

The embassy sent us a care package

and we're all set with a local hospital.

Brother Wu, you are a true friend.

You really came.

The sanitation workers are short handed.

Look at all this garbage.


if you do all this by yourself,

when would you finish?

That's why I say you're a true friend.

No wonder people say

Brother Wu has a big heart.

You have a kind heart.

Don't suck up to me now.

I tell you, when I got
this protection suit,

I knew this job wasn't easy.

A suit like this is hard to come by.

You got me one.

Now I am in trouble.

Is this job dangerous?

Am I going to die for the cause?

Don't talk nonsense.

You're lucky, no harm will come to you.

I am in trouble!

Is that your phone?

Not mine.

It sounds like...

In here.

Did you hear it?

I heard it.

Here, here.

Disinfect it first.

Someone must have lost it.

It's enough, stop.

These are all pictures of a cat.

It seems like the old man is all alone.

There's no contacts in his phone.

It's got to be here.


That poor cat must have been
alone for days now.

Let me spray!


Turn the lights on.

Disinfect, disinfect.

Alright, alright.

You were right.

The cat's grandpapa is in the hospital.

He must be worried sick about the cat.


Kitty... kitty...

Kitty... kitty...

Did you look inside?

Kitty cat...



Point your flash light here.

Is that it?


Her eyes are huge.

She's pretty fat
for having no food in days.

Yeah, really.

She peed.

Oh my God!

She's about to give birth.

Give birth?

Really? How do you know?

Because I've given birth myself.

How long will it take?

No idea.

It could be minutes

or hours.

You know,

you men have it easy.

When your wives go into labor,

you don't even go into the room.

You women...

Males are not allowed inside.

Well, here you are.


I've always wanted to ask you,

why did you learn Kungfu?

To be a hero.


Don't laugh, really.

I was different when I was young.

I was hot blooded.

I was determined to right
all the world's wrongs.


I was chasing a pick-pocket.

It turned out there were six
or seven of them

together as a team.

Serious fighting, you know.

Serious fighting.

Did you win?


I got even.

So you lost!

I didn't lose!

What do you mean by getting even?

You probably got beaten up.

What are you doing this for?

When you help others

and they say "thank you"?

You can tell by the way they say it.

There's respect,

even a little admiration.

It makes you want to feel that way again.

So just a "thank you".

Nothing real?


Of course there is.

The last person

who said "thank you" to me with admiration,

became my wife.

Isn't that real enough?

Sure, that's real.

Then we got married.

Once I ran into another

thief who grabbed someone's purse.

I wanted to deserve my wife's admiration.

So I chased him down.

When I finally caught him blocks away

and came back with the purse.

I saw her.

She was pregnant then.

She had one hand holding her back,

one hand on the wall to steady herself,

her face covered in tears of worry.

That was the one time I felt most guilty

and most scared in my entire life.

After that,

whenever I wanted to be a hero,

I've always tried to hold back.

I can tell.

Then tell me,

what's different this time?

It just is.

Sir, will you go?

No, I won't.

God damn it,

It's just a virus.


where are you going?

Thank you!

Thank you sir.

Careful, slowly.

In life,

is there anything

more important than that?

If I didn't help even then,

even on my deathbed,

I'd regret it.

Don't you laugh at me.

How come you came back then?


for my social media postings.

Your heroism is so trendy?


The cat is pooping.

That's not pooping, that's giving birth!

The babies are so tiny.

Well, before,

it was just one lone cat and

now it's a whole big family.


Good job.


Dad sent back a box of cats!


Are you still a man?

Come out!

You never dare to show your face,

every time just leave things
outside of the door!

Is this still your home?

Just you wait and see
how I'd deal with you.

Strengthen our bodies!

Strengthen our bodies!

Overcome the challenges!

Overcome the challenges!


Now let's review

what we have learned.

We know now between life and death

the distance is shorter than imagined.

Words disappear before they are said,

never reaching your ears.

Every meeting may be a parting.

Every hello is a goodbye.

Let the moment
of passing each other reflect

in my eyes...

Why are you laughing?

I am reading for you with all this feeling.

Did you write this?

Yes, just for laughs, is it terrible?

I know I'm not talented.

Writing poetry now

is probably very silly.

Please don't laugh at me.

How many men nowadays still write poetry?

Your writing is as good as...

as a lot of famous people.


You can't say that.

That's too much.

I think you're really good.

What's going on?

How come

you're working so late?


I am a volunteer.

Today we're picking up supplies.

There are

a lot of donated supplies coming.

Don't forget,

I told you over and over again,

put your mask on.

The epidemic is serious.

You'd better be careful.

Do you hear me?

You're worried about me?

I'm fine.

I'm strong and healthy.

Then get some rest as soon
as you finish working.

Take care of yourself.

Okay, okay.

Good night.

Good night.






Let's review the moves.

Don't forget.








Does this color make my skin look dull?

Why bother to donate such tiny bras?


A-Yong, The trucks are coming.

The supplies are here!

The supplies are here!

The supply caravan has arrived,

please start the transfer.

Yes, got it.

Everyone back to your vehicle.

Get the vehicles ready.

Thank you, volunteer drivers.

Remain in your vehicle.

Wait for your turn to disinfect.

Stay in line, follow directions.

Remove the barriers.

Vehicles in place.

Response team ready.

Start disinfection
of all incoming vehicles.

#3 Truck in place.

#2 Truck in place.

I said no chitchat in the group.

No chitchatting!

Everyone is working, pay attention.

I don't want to kick you out.

A-Yong, you dumb ass.

So the "Guardian of Justice" is his wife,

talking nonsense to your son
about being a hero.

A-Yong, you dumb ass.

A delivery driver, volunteering
to go to hospitals,

talking nonsense to your son
about being a hero.


your wife is tough.

Go away.

A-Yong, are you more scared
of the virus or your wife?

Stop it!


there's a package for you.



I'm in trouble.

She's scary.

The way you run all around town,

your shoes must be beaten up.

Maybe you don't care,

but if others see it,

they'd blame your wife for not caring.

I got a pair of new shoes for you,

the ones you didn't want to splurge on.

I know you're staying away

to keep us safe.

You take care of yourself.

Come home safely

when it is all over.

A-Yong! A-Yong!




How do I look?

So cool.

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Mom is coming...

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

What are you doing
in the middle of the night?

You call that a cake?

I made it for us.

There's none for sale.

I can't go up.

You give our son a hug for me.


you're ten years old today.

You are now a man.


let me teach you a Kungfu move

on behalf of Mowei.


Oh grow up!

Come on, pay attention.






What's going on?

My period is late.

You scared me.

It's normal.

It's just menopause.

Don't worry,

I am going through menopause too.

Everything is here.

So much.

Are you donating them all?

Of course.

The doctors and nurses
are risking their lives.

Thank you.

This is your pass.

Okay, okay.

We received the notification.

Thank you.



Which hospital are these going to?

Union Medical, Maternity Hospital.

The maternity ward of
Union Medical Hospital.

Here is the key.

I'm sorry,

for donations

there's a special entrance.

A stick-shift.

I have to get use to it again.

Everything is inside

So much.

Let me thank you on behalf
of the healthcare workers.

#23 Liu Yalan.

Here, here!


Is she,

Is she going to be all right?

Just a normal pregnancy, she's six weeks.

Take this and go see the doctor.

What's wrong with you?

Are you all right?

I'm great.

I'm so great.

I'm really really great!


look, look.

Okay, calm down.

Be careful, slowly.

No males allowed.

Okay, okay.

You're fine.

All indicators are normal.

Then you think,

the chances are that
I'd have a normal baby?

Of course.

It's common now
for older women to have babies.

Make sure we do regular check-ups,
don't worry.

Thank you, thank you.

What should we

name the baby?

Our first is Li Jun.

How about we call this one Li Zi?

Jun and Zi together means
a person who's noble.

Sounds good.

If we add your name, LAN

Jun Zi LAN is
the Chinese name for Natal Lily

Before the epidemic,
I only thought of myself.


Now, I finally realized

I finally realized

how selfish I've been.

I've donated all of my inventory.

Let's be volunteers too.


I saw you on the internet.

Are you a volunteer
at the Silver Lake hospital?

Where have you seen this?

I follow Xiaoxiao, the gourmet influencer

You showed up in one of her videos.

Mom, you're so awesome.

Please take care of yourself.

When I see you again,

I am going to give you
the biggest hug ever.

Grandma said to tell you be careful.

I still need a mother.

Your grandma has a way with words.

You take care too.

Yes, I will.

Okay, I have to go.

I've arrived.



Xiaoxiao, I'm coming to the hospital soon.

I'll bring you an order of "tofu-skin".

I'm picking up a delivery
for the Silver Lake Hospital.

Okay, hold on a moment.

Thank you.

How come you're not responding?

I'm getting you an order anyway.

I can't let my little sis go hungry.

Here you go.


What's this?

Big Sis, what's your sign?

Taurus I think.

I'm Aquarius, we're compatible.


Big Sis, when you make deliveries,

don't forget to put on lipstick.

Charm him.

I tell you,

even though I'm no beauty,

I have my pride.

I don't go after men.

You have to take the initiative.

But what if he refuses me?

Have you ever heard that song?

When it's time it's time,

take charge when you must.

Is that a love song?


What's the matter with you today?

How come you hardly took any steps?

I am leaving you in the dust.

Mr. Ye...

What's wrong?

What happened?

A young nurse I knew,

her name was Xiaoxiao,

on her internship.

She died.

When I first met her,

she just came off a three night shift.

All she wanted was some "tofu-skin".

I took her to the vendor.

She sat behind me on the scooter,

holding onto my waist.

My own daughter hadn't even done that.

I don't know...

In the end,

did she suffer?

When I was little,

my grandfather told me

in the twilight between day and night,

we can see

the people we care about the most,

the ones who are gone.

I actually did see my grandfather once.



is not the end,

he has just

gone to a better place

and started a new journey.

I don't believe you.

I'm serious.

Shelley said the same thing.


Shelley, that great English poet.

He said,

"Hold thee on in courage of soul,"

"through the stormy shades
of thy worldly way"

"And the billows of clouds
that around thee roll,"

"shall sleep in the light
of a wondrous day,"

"where hell and heaven"

"shall leave thee free"

"to the universe of destiny."

If you don't believe my grandfather

at least you should believe in Shelley.

Wait till the day when Wuhan opens again.

At sunrise,

let's meet on the Yingwuzhou Bridge.

I promise you,

you'll see her then.


Dr. Xie,

your blood oxygen level

has fallen below 85%.



Is this Dr. Xie's family?

Yes, I am.

Who's calling?

I'm Dr. Mi Hua, Dr. Xie's duty physician.

Dr. Xie,

she's been insisting
not to notify her family.

She's got COVID,

her situation is critical.

I... can I

visit her in the hospital?

We understand how you must feel.

Dr. Xie is currently on ECMO life support.

We'll do everything within our power.


you should prepare for the worst case.

I see.

You want me to video-chat?

I'm a slow learner.

But this time I did it.

Let me show the dishes I made for you,

all in video.

The first time we met,

Zhenzhen brought you.

She worked just across the street.

The first dish you tried.

I remember well...

BBQ pork.

You said it wasn't authentic,

like how real Cantonese people eat.

You are from Hubei Province,

you've only spent a few years
in medical school there.

What do you know about
real Cantonese food?

The first time we talked,

it was raining,

you came alone,

holding a black umbrella,

ordered a lotus root soup.

I remember that was Zhenzhen's favorite.

You cried.

I learned then

she was gone.

I am old.

I don't have that many years left.

You've promised

after Ben-Ben gets into middle school,

the two of us will travel together.

You promised

that you'd take me to see
where you've grown up.

You said you came from
the mountains of En-shi.

It's the most beautiful place in the world.


all I want is

to spend everyday

with you,

to eat every meal

with you.


you must get well again.

Tomorrow the city is reopening.

You promised to meet me on the bridge.

Are we doing this?

Is this a date?

Why don't you reply?

Please don't misunderstand,

I'm joking.

Do you have your phone with you?

I am really just joking.

Don't take me seriously.

Couldn't you tell?

You're like a brother to me.

I declare

Wuhan city is open again!

All traffic in and out of the city

can now resume.


Go faster.

Pass the girl in red.

No problem.

Passed her.

Where are they?

Are they running late?

Mi Hua.


Where's grandma?

Here. Looking for a place to park.

I'll go find them.

So handsome.


So cute.

The cat's grandpa is waiting anxiously.

I told you not to get on the highway.

It's all traffic jam from here.

I know the roads of Wuhan
much better than you.

I know, I know, you were a volunteer.

Don't you dare to get smart with me.

Quiet, calm down.

I need to practice safe driving.

Just drive.


Drive carefully.

I'm all made-up.

Why wear make-up, you're just a kid.

You look silly.

What do you know?

Can't you put down your phone for a minute?

You're hurting your eyes.

Just before the city reopened, Mr. Ye,

a teacher at the Children's Palace,

died from a brain tumor.

According to his wishes,

his organs including heart and corneas,

were donated to five different patients.

Mr. Ye lives on through all of them.

Where's the lipstick?

A man in the world...

A man in the world...

must have courage...

must have courage...


Wish for no more sorrow and
no more disease!

Embrace now!