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Fanaa (2006)

Posted: 01/23/24 11:18
by bunniefuu
Shashi... tea!


Give me my phone


What no...have your breakfast first...

Why don't you stop this white bread...

why can't you get brown!

Give it to me...

I like white blue red...anything

No Maaji...

your porridge is ready

Can I eat one parantha at least?'ve had enough
paranthas all your life...

it's time you had porridge now

Shashi where's my parantha?
Hurry up please...

Sagar...your bournvita

It's too white...make it brown!

Everyone wants only brown brown...

Mom look...thief!

One sweet ladoo mom!

Ok my darling...have one

You're sick...

you are going to
become a ladoo very soon

Eat more...

you all are going to die very soon

Sapna quiet

you should eat what you like


This new fad of brown bread...
egg whites...

all started since you
joined this new dance class...

that...that jhaaaz dance!

What's so funny?

I can't control's too funny...

Mama...say... what dance? What class?

Which class?

Eat your omelette

Where's the omelette?
There's only toast and parantha here

Come on Dad...
let's do the jhaaaz dance!

Sapna...your omelette

Mom it is notjhaaaz dance...

it is jazz dance





Aye careful... pack properly...

Ma'am... It has to be gipt packed?

Not 'gipt'... it's GIFT...


Never mind...

Satish... is the car free?

I have a lot of
orders for sweets today...

Why do you need to go? Send Ram u..

I need to go for a meeting...

Nice to see you Shashi...

The ladoos were
excellent the last time!

Thank you

Come in...

Will need more ladoos
next week as well

Give me one ladoo before she sees

Next, Modern Colony

Yes madam

Hello... come in

Sorry I'm a little late

No problem at all

Come... let's all taste the ladoos

They are really excellent!

You've done a great job!

Excuse me


the ladoos were a super hit today!

Everyone loved...

I'm busy right now...
can we talk later please?

Saga r.

How many times have I told you...
not to do this

What are you doing!

Where's Sapna?

First do that Michael Jackson thing

Tell me

First do!

First do! First do!


Where's Sapna?

She's gone to Rupal's house...
to study

What exam?

Must be some test vest...

No test vest mama...
Cafe Coffee Day!

You've let out the secret...

what will Sapna do to you now?

She's gone to Cafe Coffee Day
with her friends...

she's having cold coffee

Aren't you gotten angry?

Not 'gotten'...getting...

I am not getting angry..-

what to do?

She's worn a really short skirt...

At least she has worn a skirt!

There are boys with her too!

Lucky boys!

You don't have a problem
with any of this?

I can't hear anything


There's some cold coffee
on your skirt

Where have you been?


With whom?

With Ru pal

Can't you study at home?

You think you can teach me...

English Literature?

Wow... great curry!

Thank god I didn't eat out...

Give me that chilly pickle...


you should stop making
those Iadoos vadoos

I have just one passion..

You want me to give that up too?

Then give me...

one Shashi Special Laden!

Only I should eat your food...

why should others enjoy it?

If I didn't cook well... wouldn't even
bother to come home, right?

I've important
meetings to attend to...

these talks take time

Talking to me is not important right?

Oh I forget...

'important talks'
happen only in English

Why waste time talking?

No! No! No!

Dad how could you do this? Please!


What happened?



Satish... What happened?

Why is Sapna yelling?

Shashi...I won't be able to go
to the PTA meeting

How can you do this?

No wonder she is angry...

Told her you will go with her...


How can I...

What do you mean by how?
Aren't you a parent too?

What will I say there?

Don't be silly Shashi...

you're not going into a jungle...
it's a school...

they're not going to eat you up

Now I have to go... bye

I will come with you...

There is no need...

I will tell them you're
ill and Dad's not in town

Why ill? Tell them I'm dead

Don't be dramatic mom

Do you even know what PTA means?


I may not know the meaning of PTA...

but I certainly know
the meaning of a parent

Now before I get really angry...

90 get ready

Which one is your classroom?
7A...this one?

Which one is your seat?

Not seat...desk...second last row

You sit so far back?

It doesn't make a difference...
come on...

That's really far back...

Hi Sapna...

Hi Rupal!

Hello hello!

I'm Neelam...

commonly known as
Ru pal's mother these days

I'm...Sapna mother...Shashi

How nice to meet you Shashi

But I have a bone to pick with you

Every time that Rupal
comes to eat at your house

she comes back home and tells me

I have to learn how to cook from you

No aunty...even your food is...


What a sweet little liar

But you must invite
me home soon Shashi...

then you and I can sit and
gossip about these Siamese twins

Yes...yes aunty...

please come... anytime!

Mom, you wanted to use the loo right?

So nice to meet you Shashi

Bye... see you soon.

What loo?

Come come come...

please sit inside...
I'll be just a minute...

Is this your English teacher?

Yes...Father Vincent...
my class teacher...

Yes Sapna...

How are you?

Mrs. God bole right'?

Pleasure to meet you

How's Mr. God bole?

Fine...very fine


what should we start with?

As I had discussed with
Mr. Godbole at the last PTA...

Sapna's performance
continues to be excellent...

Sir...sorry... father...

my English not good

If you don't mind...

...can we talk in Hindi?

Of course Mrs. God bole...

Hindi is our national Language...

we should all speak in it... Hindi not very good...

is that okay?

No problem!

I am from Kottayam district you see...

Kottayam... that's in Kerala right?

It's famous for its
banana wafers right?

Do you like them?

Very m uch!

Next time I go I...

I'll bring back a big
packet of chips for you

Is she doing well in her studies?

Of course...

she is one of the top
5 students of our class

She could rank first...

if she showed more interest in Physics

But is her English good?

Her English is excellent

Mrs. Godbole...
she is one of our brightest students

But is she respectful?

Does everyone like her? haven'! told
your mum about your fan club?

Bu Mrs. Godbole,
I wanted to talk to you about...

...this inter-school quiz competition

Sapna has been chosen...

Sapna has 'chooser? for the school"

been 'choosed'...

Has been chosen!

I warned you about my Hindi

She will need to stay back
an extra hour in school...

for practice sessions...

Sir...l have already
spoken to my dad about this...

and there is no problem

Yes but you haven't
spoken to your mum...

Ma'am, I need your permission please

Not a problem father...

our school must win

Although the Coffee Day
business will suffer a bit

Thank you Mrs. Godbole...

I'll see you at the next PTA meeting?

And don't forget the banana chips

Of course not...

Thank you sir

Everything went well right?

Banana chips!

Is Father Vincent your uncle?

Father Vincent was so kind polite...

he said something in jest...

and I went along with it

He didn't seem to mind at all...

he made me feel so comfortable...

by talking in Hindi

And you made him
feel so uncomfortable... talking in Hindi

"ls Sapna a good girl...

does everyone love her"...

And why joke about Cafe Coffee Day...

Dad should have been there...

and you were talking in Hindi...

even to Rupal's mother

Each time I had to answer for you

What happened?

Failed her exams?

I'm the one who's failed


I have embarrassed her today

All teenagers feel their mom
and dad are an embarrassment

Not mom and dad...

just mom

Why are you so upset?

Tell me...

why did you marry me?

What can I say...
one look at you and I was hooked!

Isn't there any water?

Why didn't you marry a modern woman?

If I gave it so much thought
why would I get married at all...

It's a joke Shashi... come on...

What's come over you?

No matter how hard I try...

I just can't seem to please anyone

Sapna's just a child

And you?


Mann! are you?

Yes I know you
sisters chat regularly...

but what about me

So how is New York?

When are you coming to India?

Last time when you
came along with Radha...

what a wonderful time we had

So how is...



The date's been fixed?

Wedding in New York!

Speak to Shashi...

I can't believe it...

We're going to New York!

Can't much noise...

Aye dumbo... wake up...

we're going to New York!

Manu aunty is
sending tickets for us...

so sweet of her...right mom?

Sorry mom...

forget about it please...

just forget it...

we are going to New York!

Not going to school?

Cousin Meera is getting married

To an American in New York...
how cool!

It must be very cold there

Mom... even it if was hot,
you couldn't come


You don't have a passport

You have to make a passport?

Yes you have to...

Tomorrow I'll start
the visa procedures...

first is yours...
since you need to leave before us

And us?

We will go later


I've told you...

I don't want to go alone

I'll come with you...

on the plane

What's this alone valone?

You, Sagar and me
will travel together

We will have great fun...

let mummy go ahead

She needs to help
Manu aunty with the wedding...

really boring work

We'll join them
later and just have fun Dad!

What about your quiz competition?

You want to let your team down?

I don't have any quiz competition

I can go with mummy

Fine... you'll be
thrown out of school... can sit at home and make ladoos


I've never travelled alone...

how will I manage?

What alone!

A hundred people will be
with you on the flight

Let me take Sagar...

No it's not a good idea...

you won't be able to manage

Don't I do it here?

But that's America...
it's a foreign land...

you can't even speak English well

Will you be happy...

3 weeks without me?

Shashi If I was you...

I would be at the airport right now do I go?

It's a matter of a few days...

everyone will join you anyway

She is your only sister...

she's all alone there...

first wedding in the family...

who else will she turn to for help?

And I'm here anyway...


Yes... a really big problem

Will you manage without me?

Yes...few Beyblades...

that Tron game...

Ben 10...

and many Hot Wheels cars...

if I get all this I will manage

And how do you do that thing?

O my dear...
my heart doesn't beat without you

My feels a twitch

How do I go to a foreign land?

My heart...

My heart trembles...quivers

I am afraid

O my dear...
my heart doesn't beat without you

My feels a twitch

How do I go to a foreign land?

Do you embrace
all your colleagues so fondly?

It was a hug Shashi

Are the two of you very close?

That's just a way of saying hello...

it doesn't mean we are close

Everybody hugs... it's normal!

We are close right...

maybe that's why we never hug!

Sometimes my heart beats faster

My left eye flickers

Will you forget me... I wonder

I know you through and through

I know you more than you

Will your eye wander... I wonder

So ma'am...what do you do?

Making...making snacks...


You know you are not
allowed to bring food articles

into the United States of America? articles...

My English...weak...

So ma'am how will you
manage in our country...

if you don't know English?

Like you are managing in our
country without knowing Hindi!

These nights these days

Your words and ways

I will miss them so...

Your slights and spite

The way you hold me tight

Makes me pine for more...

Why don't you stop me?

O don't let me go!

One mention of you...

I worry...I'm wary...
I think of you...

Mama come fast... it's late!

My heart...

My heart trembles...quivers

I am afraid


not possible to say goodbye
without crying in India, right?

She's crying so much


when the immigration guys ask you...

"What is the purpose of your visit?"

what will you say?

"I am going to sister's
place to attend wedding"


And "What's the duration of
your stay?"

I am going to...

I am going to stay in
my sister's place...

Looks like you'll be sent right back!


Didn't I tell you... DURATION!


Sorry sorry...

5 weeks...

Let's go!

What are you doing?

If I hug it's a problem,
if I don't it's a problem!

New York...

window seat?

Don't they have this form in Hindi?

I can fill it out for you

America? niece is getting married

All the best

Open your bag...

no water allowed

But it's a long journey...

You will get water inside

Eatables are not allowed either

Just one box?

Sorry ma'am...


Satish... they took away
my water bottle...

I'm inside the plane...

is Sapna asleep?

Excuse me ma'am...

can you please turn
off your cell phone


No it's can keep it


You can ring the bell

Can you get the lady
a glass of water please?

The next 18 hours...
this button is at your service

You can...

confidently, definitely, surely

absolutely shamelessly

press this button again and again

See... magic!

Ma'am, veg or non veg?


Would you like some
Chardonnay or Merlot with your meal?

One glass of wine is good for health


It's good stuff

What's the matter?

Just one Hindi movie here...

I've seen it on TV

And 50 English channels...


same picture...

same film...

there's no need for that

I need to talk to my father

Captain, who bombed the train

I don't know who bombed the train

Then go back and try again

No! No! No!

Stop this cow dung...

Let's start with the b*mb...

Excuse me...

are you a t*rror1st?

We are trying to sleep here...

I will go but...

I am going to sister's
place to attend wedding...

Passport please...

Immigration form...

Please look into the camera ma'am

Please look into the camera...

What is the purpose of your
visit to the United States?

What? the United States?

My sister is attending my wedding


Ah you're here to attend a wedding!


Thank you

What is the purpose...
- To help the United States of America

Sorry? know...

to spend some dollars...

help recover your economy

You don't want it? I can go back...

I am going to sister's
place to attend wedding!

How dumb am I...
- Listen...

Don't let these people scare you...

it's time for them to get scared of us

This is your first trip to the US...

and first times happen only once

Every first experience is special...

so enjoy...

surely, definitely, confidently!

All the best!

Shashi aunty!

Mom... you've reached?

I'm in the car!

How are you?

The kids aren't
troubling you I hope...

Hi mama!



no more worrying about Sapna,
Sagar and uncle...

you're in New York...
we're going to have a blast!

New York has really
tall buildings, right?

Saw them from the plane...

Shashi...that's Manhattan...


'Man' means...




Mom... what's 'tan' in Hindi?


dhoop ki chaap!

Aadmi...topi...dhoop ki chaap...

Manhattan! Tomorrow I'll take you

Thank you Shashi...

Thank you...?


I know it wasn't
easy for you to come...

but who do I have except you

It's been 10 years
since Anil passed away

I really miss him...

selfish fellow!

I have to do everything on my own now


I look at you and I feel so proud...

to think of where we started...
and where you are now!

Remember our Hindi medium school?

We couldn't speak a
single word of English...

not a word!

And look at you now...

you have a great
career here in America...

taken care of 2 girls all by yourself

Anil... Anil...

If he hadn't motivated me...

I would have remained the same

I miss him so terribly...

but thank god you're here!

Aunty this is gorgeous!

Wonderful choice Shashi! a tan


Touching heaven, oh my god!


New avenues of joy

Shops full of dreams

A new surprise, at every stop

To your left is Prada

To your right is Zara

Giorgio Armani,
Thank God it's Friday!

Gucci and Versace,

Jimmy Choc, Givenchy

Diesel, Dior, Hokey Pokey,
Gap and Bloomingdale

Louis Vuitton



So much to say yet speechless

All together, still alone

What a city! Touch wood

5,6,7,8 avenues

Million billion legs and shoes

Lots of colours, dollars dollars

sense of pidlee poo

Breakfast is for all day

Straight and gay they all sway

and Lexington, and Madison,
it's all so ooh!




You gotto say balle
balle while you do that...

Balle balle balle balle!'re not eating

food's not good?

This parantha is really good...

It's Mexican food...Quesadilla...

Whatever it's good!

What's that? What did she say?

She just abused you

So tell me about the dowry,
what are you giving me?

- What am I giving you?
- We are not buying you...

that's not how it works

The boy gives the
girls family the dowry

And lots and lots of gifts

So I'm going to go broke?

I don't know why
but I'm really sleepy

Go sleep my dear...

Is that alright?

Yes of course

I feel so bad...
she must be so tired

Must be the jet lag

Hello Satish...

how are the kids?

Have they gone to school?

Have they taken their lunch boxes?

Please do try to get home early...

I'm feeling a bit strange here...

without all of you...

Shashi...just enjoy yourself...

I'm getting into an elevator...
will talk later

Slept well? to go to office for a bit

I'll try to be back
as soon as possible...

we'll start on the wedding plans

Drive carefully...

Bye darling, see you!

Good morning Aunty!

Should I make you some breakfast?

No I have cereal

What are you going to do by yourself?

We do have Zee TV Hindi but...

I have an idea,
why don't you come with me to college!

What will I do there?

I have class for 2 hours...

and you can hang out at a cafe...

and I'll come join you

You got cash...change?


And don't worry...

in case you get lost...

if you do get lost just call me

Don't worry, go now

The parks here are so beautiful...

Washington Square Park...



Wow...that's a beautiful dress
you're wearing!

Man: This lady is so rude...

must be having a bad day

Can I get a regular coffee...

and a blueberry muffin

Here's your receipt...
please pick up your food over there...

Okay...have a nice day


How you doing today ma'am?

I want...

I asked how you were doing today

Doing...I'm doing...

I'm doing...

You can't take all that time

I got a long line here

Sorry... what to eat?

Are you kidding me right now...

please hurry up lady


Vegetarian is fine...

what do you want to eat?

Only vegetarian...

A bagel...a wrap...a sandwich?


And what kind of
filling do you want inside?

Do you want cheese...

tomatoes... lettuce"?'re holding up my line...

this is not rocket science


Yes... cheese...

Yes to cheese!

Anything to drink?


Still or sparkling?

Only water

Still or sparkling?


Americana'? Cappuccino? Latte?

Lady...I ain't got all day...

Americana'? Cappuccino? Latte?




Yes we have nice coffee...

we have the best coffee in Manhattan

I'll just give you an Americana

Small or medium?


Small. Is that it?


10 dollars...

Hello...the least you could do is
say thank you...!

Sorry...thank you...

Stupid idiot!


I am not cleaning that up!

Don't bother...

What a stupid woman


your coffee...

from the coffee shop

Cafe not good...

woman...not nice!


Wait...I'm coming...

Be careful...such a big bus

Learn to speak English in
four weeks... what a con!

Can anyone learn to speak
English in just four weeks?

Joke right?

Did you have fun today?

Please check the code and try again


Sweetheart get me
that back up panditji

and those musicians?

We have to meet
the Hindu priest tomorrow

American Hindu priest?

No...they're all our people...

American Hindu Priest...
cool idea mom

What do they chant at weddings?

'Om bhurbuvasvaha' what else...

No way...that's the Gayatri Mantra!

- I tried...

Will you meet the priest tomorrow?

Yes definitely
- He speaks in pure Hindi

Keep this list of
phone numbers with you...

caterers, decorators, priest etc...

and just like you dial
the city code of '020' in Pune... will need to dial
the code '212' here


Such good food after so many years

House keys...

in case you feel like stepping out

The priest is here

This is my younger sister Shashi...

you can discuss everything with her


Welcome to can I help you?


English tuition?

Yes English classes

Who am I speaking to?

What is your name please?



Well Shaashi what can I do for you?

How to...join class?

Well we have a 'LSE4'
class that starts today...

an 'LSE6' class starting next week...

and an 'LSE8' class
that starts next month...



'LSE' is Learn to
speak English in 4 weeks...

'LSE6' is Learn to
speak English in 6 weeks...




The 'Learn to Speak English 4' class

is a 4 week class...

and it starts today



Oh you mean the fee

It's 400 dollars
for the 4 week class




Welcome to NYLC...
how can I help you?

I Shashi...


If you are taking the train...

get off at the 23rd street station

It's near the Flat Iron building...

23rd ticket


Train...23rd station?

No no...on the other platform.

16th street?

After street no. 23, comes 24...

which means 16 is on that side...

numbers numbers everywhere...

M.G. Road... Laxmi road...

why can't they just
have names like that

Sir...250 building?

Yes, this is it

English station...tuition?

English class?


Welcome to the
"New York Language Centre"

Come in, come in...

take a seat

My name is David...David Fischer...

and I'm your teacher


Ok...let's continue...

...I Eva...


I work like nanny

I work like nanny...

to American family

I speak Spanish...

the baby...speak Spanish

The baby mama so worry

baby no speak English

She say to me...go...

English class...

I... go... English class!

Eva my darling...

let's pray for the baby's future,
shall we?

I Queens...

How lovely!

I live on the Queens

You live in Queens, New York

What is your name?

Salman Khan

I first from Lahore...

second from Pakistan


drive taxi...

New York cab

But no Pakistani girl
marry taxi driver...

English please!

I here...come...

English learn...

become foreigner

Pakistani girl only marry foreigner

french beard, Johnny Depp...

I wish you a beautiful Pakistani

Girl sir...only girl

How boring!

Moving on...

the gentleman from France


My name is Laurent...


I'm cook... hotel...

and my English not clean...


I learn English...


Good good!

Thank you Laurent...

And now the lady in
the gorgeous sari...


Sit and talk?

I Shashi...

from the India

From India...

Yes sir... from the India...

No Shashi...not from 'the' India...

from India!

And what do you do Shashi?

I also cooking...


Are you in the catering business?

Small business...

in house only...

making snacks...



Ladoo...round round...

It's a sweet...

We have an entrepreneur in the class!


is a person who runs
his or her own business are an entrepreneur!

Is that a word or a poem?

What kind of a language is this!



Shashi I'm home...

Where were you?

Just for a walk...

Why are you worrying so much?

You have 3 weeks of freedom left...
make the most of it

You're having to do so much work...

Work? What work?

I'm making all of them work...

the perks of being old

How is it going?

You know what they call me here?




Have you been making Iadoos
for everyone there?

I thought we got disconnected


You want water?

Thank you...


Thank you...


That day...

very very bad day

Everything went wrong...

I feel...sorry...

Bad day!

Me not forget your face

Your face


Oh, yeah..


These are called vowels


What are these called?


Just like bowels

No Rama...

not like bowels!

Sorry madam...

sir...sorry sir...

I only saying for
remembering purpose...





Now, when a word
begins with a vowel...

like apple...

begins with a vowel 'a'...

we say 'an' apple

'An' orange...

.An- idiot

So I...

an Eva?

No...if it's a name...
or a proper noun...

we just say Eva...

not an Eva...

or the India


Just Eva...just Rama

Yes Shashi?

Why India not 'the India'

and why America

"the United States of America"?

That is a very good question Shashi...

and we will come to that once

we do the class on
the various forms of nouns

What a question you asked madam!

David sir had no answer...

full confusion

Good question...

very smart...

Sleeping again

We are smarter than these people...

we struggle only because
of this bloody English...

else we would have blown them away

What you say?

I say I come to your parlour...

you give me free hair cut...

and I teach you free Urdu

You come to parlour...

I shave your head!

Spicy noodle...

just like dragon!

Excuse me...


what is good name?

What did he say?

Strange fellow...weird fellow...

Did you speak in English or in Tamil?

You ask good question


Very good

Thank you


You? Me?



Cup of coffee...




- Yeah, bye.
- See you. Bye.

Coffee-Voffee Sugar-Vugar

Paper-Vaper News-Vews

Clock-Vok Time-Vime

Run-Vun Run-Vun

Train-Vain Pass-Vass

Late-Vate Class-Vass

Friendship-Vendship Bonding-Vending

I've changed my point of view

Everything around is new

I'm happy-vappy why, oh why?

I'm busy-vusy that's why!

Slowly, slowly, steadily

I'm learning-vearning a new language

Slowly, slowly, steadily

I'm learning-vearning a new language


This passion!

Morning noon!


This passion!

Morning noon!

It's all about English Vinglish!

Morning noon English Vinglish!

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Breakfast is ready!

I've taken the day off

How do I go to class today?

Why did you take the day off for me?

You'll need to take leave
for the wedding too...

What do you mean?

I haven't spent any time with you...

we have so much to catch up on

Remember the necklace
Anil's mother had given me?

I've divided them equally,
one for Meera...

and one for Radha

What a beautiful bracelet I found...

what are you looking for?

Meera says it's too expensive...

Do you remember our aunt in Pune?

She told me to meet the Panditji...


I mean... catering...

you need to meet
the catering people...

they've called so many times

Oh god I totally forgot

Meet them today

Let's go together

Let's get dressed quickly...

we'll meet Radha and
do lunch after that

What's wrong?

Suddenly got a splitting headache...

Need some medicine?

No...I should be fine
if I sleep for a bit...

why don't you go ahead?

But Shashi...'s important...

you may not get the time later must go...

Only if you promise to sleep.

Say it with me...

who is the star?

I am the star...

No...I'm the star...


sorry sir...late...

What have you been cooking?

No cooking...late...

Come in...?

You may not...

Ask again Shashi

Come in?

I can't see you...
are you asking me to come in?

I can come in?

You can... the door is wide enough...

but you may not!

Why? need to ask...
'may I come in?'


May I come in?

You may!

May I sit down?

You may

What is May
- May?

May I send this back to India?

May I go home now?

May I give lift to you?

May I give slap to you?

May I have a coffee with you?

Not today...

No? Ok...

May I have a walk with you?

Your food...


you cooking


in house cooking...

very small


not small...

food is...

food is art...

When a man cooks, it's art...

when a woman cooks, it's her duty

What did you just say?

I'm sorry...

Man cooking... art

Lady cooking...

daily job...duty!


Food is...


You cooking with love, good food

You make people happy

You artiste!

Not small...

You must open restaurant here...

in New York! open day...

French-Indian restaurant!


you make...pasta shaasta...?


Pasta is Italian food

Oh French, Italian not same? way!

For example...

this white thing?

That's Iasoon...(Garlic)

Italian food lasoon everywhere

French food...not everywhere

You put lasoon in ladoos?



sweet sweet...


You bring me sweet Iadoos?


You want ticket?




White ladoo

Big white ladoo

You stay here?



This not your station?


opposite side...

train... back...other side...


I go...



Hope she's ok...

You're back?

How are you feeling?

Much better

Sorry we're late

Come let's eat something...

Indian kitchen...good evening...

Was he Italian or French?

Promise me you won't tell anyone?

What can I order for dessert?

What happened?

Mom...l saw a rat...

a really big rat...

And it went that way!

I'll just get the stick

English classes!

That's awesome!

Very very happy to meet you!

Nice to meet you

Shashi madam...

let us all bunk and go for movie

'A' movie...

Yes David Sir is absent today

Even that Africa is sick madam...

bunking fellow

Let us all go for a fine film

No fine film...English film!

Obviously we'll watch an English film...
not Chinese

We will all go watch English movie

You want to join us?

Madam you come please...
I buy popcorn

I have class

Unfortunately my teacher
hasn't fallen sick

I gotta go must go...

I'll see you after class...bye!

Bye Radha!

What he say?

He say... all you need is love...

everyone should love...

and kiss people on
your right hand side


shut up!

Wonderful movie no madam?

Good? You like it?

So much love...beautiful

Shashi... you like the movie?

Good English practice...


Yeah... good English practice

- One second
- No problem


Where the hell is my scrapbook?

I'm sure you've kept it somewhere...

tell me quick

Sapna... why are you yelling?

Where is it?

Why don't you calm down

How do I calm down mom?

Why do you touch my things?

How many times have I told
you not to touch my things!

Check the second
shelf in your cupboard...'s safely tucked
away under your pyjamas

so that no one reads it...

I didn't read it either

That's because you can't read...

All ok?

What right do children have... treat their parents like this?

They don't even know
the meaning of respect!

Am I a trash can... dump in whatever they feel like?

What kind of a relationship is this?

We do our best to make them happy...

and how easily they hurt you in return

Kids are supposed to be innocent...

what kind of innocence is this...

taking advantage of our weakness...

You can teach everything...

but how do you teach someone...

to be sensitive to others?

I will have a cafe latte...

a double cheese vegetable sandwich
and a glass of iced water please

And you sir?

Cappuccino please...



YOU see?


You order...


You order...correct English

Now? water... did it!

I did it!

Good to talk...without understanding!

Sometimes better

What a feeling!

I walk carefree!

Don't ask me to stop

Just let me go on

I have no fear

I have no worry

I hope I don't lose my way

If I do..-may the road find me!

Don't make me stop!

I've changed my point of view

Everything around is new

I'm happy-vappy why oh why?

I'm busy-vusy that is why!


This passion!

Morning noon!


This passion!

Morning noon!

It's all about English Vinglish!

Coffee-Voffee Sugar-Vugar

Paper-Vaper News-Vews

Manu, I was thinking...

this buffet system...

...standing and
eating with plates in hand

is so uncomfortable

If we're doing it
all in Indian style...

then we should serve
food while they're seated

Excellent idea!

And something for shagun...

Shagun...what's that?

A small gift for
the guests at the wedding...

Gift? Shouldn't
we be receiving the gifts?

I mean 'return gift'...

in the form of sweets
to be given to guests

I'll need to order that

No order vorder...I'll make it myself!


What was that?

Kevin...we were just discussing

how much gold you need to buy us...

lots and lots of kilograms of gold

You hear?

Sir David and boyfriend break up!

Sir David very sad

I know.

Nothing sad about gay
people breaking up...

drop one and pick another!

Salman...don't say that

No making fun...

We are all different from each other

For you...
David Sir may not be 'normal'...

for David Sir...
you may not be 'normal'...

but feelings are all the same...

and pain is pain...

What she say?

She say David sir different for you...

you different for David sir...

but heart pain same same

Sorry madam...

Who is this fellow?

Who break David Sir?


Heart fracture

Hello...I'm back

Today we are going to talk...



what we think...what we feel...

about life

about this city...

this class! have something to say?

Sir...l have lot to say...

I have 'a' lot to say...

Yes Sir...


My deepest feeling...

is to teach them such a lesson

such a lesson...

such a lesson...

Who Rama?

Oh sorry...

I want to teach
the office peoples big lesson

They're thinking... no...
he's a idiot...

only knowing the software

Making fun of my behind

...of my English

But now I will show them

that Ramamurthy is Mr. Ramamurthy!

I will show them what I can do!

America big place...

beautiful place

I missing two things very terribly

my idli (rice cake) and my mother...

my mother then my idli...

Please sit down!

English class become one big family

No border problem...

Salman bhai, Rama bhai,
we're brothers


Eva my white sister

Shashi madam, my Indian sister...

and Yu Son my yellow...


Yu Son not sister...

Yu Son not yellow...

Yu Son pink...

Yu Son beautiful...

Yu Son my friend, my best friend


can we hear your voice please?


He talks also?

I like this class

I come this class to listen English...

I don't talk much...

I want to listen people talk...


I also...

Another one!

Bravo! Very good!

Ok...who is next?

Laurent my love come up
here and give us a speech

No sir...

I don't like speech...

Fine fine...

Tell us what you like about the class?


I agree...

but what do you like about Shashi?

She is very beautiful...

her eyes are like
two drops of coffee...

on a cloud of milk

I come to class...

so I can see her

So Shashi...beautiful eh?

Luaro...what you're doing in
class today not correct...

Laurent...all women not French!

Indian woman! Show the respects!

We don't flirts in the open
spaces in front of publics

What I do?

Not what I do...what I did!

He will need a two year course...

I am very sorry...


I'm very sorry you know

First time I see you in the café, you remember?

I think beautiful...
I say beautiful...

It's been ages since someone...

...said something nice about me

I was just taken aback... that's all

See you tomorrow

See you tomorrow

What is the matter with you?

Why are you being so judge...

You're so judgemental...


Rad ha...

sorry Radha...

I had a doubt...

I was watching this film...

this man keeps calling
this woman 'judgemental'

She seemed fine to me...

why was he calling her that?

What does 'judgemental' mean?

Mental judge?


You're too funny

Uudgemental' means..

You're wearing
a traditional outfit...a sari

Just by looking at you...

without thinking...

without understanding...

without knowing you...

if I were to conclude...

that you are a typical
Indian conservative woman...

when in reality

you're a free thinking woman

then I would be called...



you want to learn
so much English so fast?

I have very little time Radha...

Can I have more DVDs?

Idli (rice cakes) and chutney!

Thank you madam!

Rama... control your excitement

I am still here

ldli also here sir

Oh that's idli...looks delicious

Now...we have one week left to go

And...on the last day
you will have to take

an examination!

Each one of you will need
to prepare a 5 minute speech

A full 5-minute speech?

English Rama please...

You have to pass this exam
before I can give you...

a certificate that
tells the world you are

qualified to communicate in English!

Don't look so sad

You will all be wonderful

I'm sure you will all
pass with flying colours

Good luck!

Rama bhai...

no certificate
unless you pass the exam!

Sir...when is exam?

The 28th...


28th...that's the day of the wedding!

Where is the time to
prepare for speech...

no 'the' speech

How to to do...

between waxing and hair cut?

You will have to talk very
much now Mr. Udumbudum...


You ok?

All ok?

28th exam...

same day wedding!

Don't know...

I didn't...!

It's ok...we go up and come down


want to see something?






You alright?


Errant heart

Heart's in trouble

There is trouble in the heart

Errant heart

A bit hard

A bit of a coward

Why do you stop at
the doorway of pain?

Why do you put
yourself on trial each time?

Why do you laugh when you want to cry?

You fail to decide
between right and wrong

Errant heart

Heart's in trouble

There is trouble in the heart

Errant heart

Your breath is freezing cold

Your eyes are full of smoke

Your constant gamble of joy and pain

Your eternal sense of hope

Your fear of yourself

Why do you complicate
an uncomplicated journey?

Why do you not
listen to your own advice?

Errant heart



Shocked right?

You were to come next week...

It was Manu's idea to surprise you

We had to plan so carefully...

to keep it a secret from you

Didn't even tell Radha...
that broadcast channel

Everyone's been waiting for you...

where did you disappear?

Mama...l had 5 packets of chips...

7 cokes...

3 movies!

And what about your
15 visits to the loo!

Do you want coffee, Shashi?

Errant heart

Heart's in trouble

There is trouble in the heart

Errant heart

A bit hard

A bit of a coward

You go everywhere on your own?

Not bad

Even those who know English...

find it difficult here in New York...

but you are managing on your own...

You managed there on your own too...
didn't you?


Mama...l can't sleep...

what do I do?

Come to mama

You take care of him now...
I'm on holiday

Sleep my darling...

my baby...

my ladoo...


Please pose

Ok good


see over there...

Jhaaz! Jhaaz! Jhaaaz!

Not jazz... jhaaz!

And next we go to the Empire state

Empire State! I want to see it!

I want to see Empire!

We'll all see Empire

You people go ahead...

I'll stay here...

mama's legs are really aching

No have to come

It will be very crowded there

And if your legs hurt...

not a good idea...

there will be really long lines

We will go ahead...

you just chill


Sagar you know what...

there is this awesome ice cream place

It's called Cold Stone

Do you know what they do...

they take a stone and
beat up the ice cream...

then they add gummy bears and

chocolate chips and beat it up again

Come let's go beat up the ice cream!

Come let's go!

Satish uncle let's go...


I cook french dessert...


you try, you tell me...

Why don't you leave me alone!

Don't you know...

I'm a married woman

Don't you know...

I'm a mother of two children

Do you know...

they are all waiting for me
at the Empire State Building

So tell me...

should I sit here
with you on the sidewalk

and eat french fries

or should I go to my family?




The Empire state building...
is this way

French fries is not french...

it's an American concept

This is french ladoo...

with organic chocolate 70 %

you can make it warm if you want



What happened?!

He got in the way of the ball...

I'll go get some water...

- How did it happen?

Where's mom?

Are you hurt anywhere else?

Can you please call Shashi Radha?

Mom's phone is with me!

Where is Shashi?

Where did she disappear?

Ok come let's go...

let's take care of Sagar first...

and I will come back for aunty

Brave'll be ok! you know what happened?

Big ball came...

and I fell

I didn't see the ball coming... kick!


Nothing happened...
just a little scratch...

and look at him now...fuss pot!

Sagar is a strong boy

have a cookie...

drink your milk...

One magic kiss from
mama and all will be well

How's the pain in your leg?

You must have been in a lot of
pain... to not come with us...

but take off by yourself

If you don't like
being with us any more...

you should have told us...

we wouldn't have come here

Satish...what are you saying...

What do you mean...'what'?

What's happened to you Shashi?

It looks like you were happier alone

I was just...

Thank god I didn't send
the kids earlier with you

That's it!

Enough of this English!

What's happened to me?

English has become more
important than my children!

Aunty nothing happened...
Sagar is fine

No Rad ha

I should have come along with you all

I have become so selfish...

I have forgotten my responsibilities

I didn't come here to learn English

Enough! I'm done with
this English Vinglish!

Aunty don't do that...
don't give up now

Just 3-4 classes left to go...

What more will I learn in 3-4 days?

Please inform them

I'm quitting


just finish what you started"!

You should finish
what you started right?

I want to finish...

what I started long ago...

being a mother to my children

I am looking for Professor David

Right here!

Hi, I'm David...

Hi... I'm Radha, Shashi's niece

This is Shashi's niece...

so good to meet you

I have some bad news for you

Shashi's not gonna be able
to make it to class any more

No...she has to take her exam!

I know...her family has
come down from India...

and we're busy with
my sister's wedding...

I'll give you my card...

you have her call me


How are you?

Rad ha...?

Shashi here?

No she isn't here...

I came to talk to David about it...

she's not going to
take class any more...

Why? Exam very important for Shashi

I sister is
getting married and...

her family has come down from India,
so unfortunately...

Can I ask for telephone number?

Ladoo sampling!

- Kevin...try one...
- Thank you...

This is incredible...

I could get married
again and again for this

To you...again and again

Wow...! Shashi Aunty it's amazing!

You know Kevin...these are
the best ladoos you will ever eat

I totally agree

And my wife,
she was born to make Iadoos...

I just gave you a compliment...

you were born to make Iadoos!

Manu... we can put marigolds here...

and jasmine there...

and the other flower arrangements...

Mama...José is calling you... were not
born only to make ladoos

Sagar come here...

Salman why don't you tell me
the story of your favourite film

My favourite movie is...

Sex and City

It is story of 4 sexy girls...

talking of sex and
walking on the city

Very pretty

Sir...l like the Rajnikanth film
very very much

Rajnikanth is not a actor...

he's a god!

He can remove
the underwear of the superman...

he can catch a b*llet with his nose...

Granny... I will dance to
the 'dhinka chika' song

Sagar... dance to this song instead...

What a boring song!

Sagar it's awesome!

Sapna, come with me!

My sweet pampered favourite bride

She loves and desires the moon

My sweet pampered favourite bride

She loves and desires the moon

My God given blessed child

Angelic beauty of the Gods

I hope to see
my favourite student tomorrow...

Trying...David sir...

No trying vying Shashi

Taking an exam is not
a matter of life and death...

it's about the joy of telling
yourself that you have done it

Shashi madam...

last day of class...

we really miss you

Speech ready no madam?

Coming tomorrow no madam?

The wedding is tomorrow...

No problem madam!

Tomorrow exam morning...
1 hour exam...

like that only you come...
like that only you go!

Shashi please come

I am failing tomorrow and I am here

Shashi you must come...

One cup of coffee maybe?

Aunty...he really likes you!

Do you also...?

It's ok... it happens...

Rad ha...

I don't need love...

what I really need is...

some respect!

Will you help me...

one last time?

I want to take the exam tomorrow

O listen...take care of her

She is delicate blossom

She is precious

She is a rare one

She is a rare one

Come all dance along

Let's drown in joy

To this happy song

To this happy song

Her eyes... they speak

They tease... they sneak

into the world of dreams

All bright and gold and green!

Here goes the shy blushing bride

She sways to her beloved's charms

Magic in her dark kohl eyes

I come to America...

I want to learn English...

To get a better job...

I want to learn better English...

to become the better person...

I can then go to college...

I didn't know why
I wanted to learn English...

Pakistani girl Chinese girl...

No... come tomorrow

I teach all America Spanish!

Where's Shashi?

The ladoos have to be taken out...

...need to be gift wrapped

Chill mom...people are going
to love the ladoo gift pack

Shashi aunty is amazing

- I wish mom had some of that talent
- Yeah right!

Who do you fancy...

American guys or Indian?

Crap it's your mum...!

Chill...she won't understand

So what's your boyfriend's name?

I don't have you?


Aunty its already 8.30

Don't forget...
we need to go to the beauty salon

Let me help you with that

Bring the other tray

Manu aunty...come quickly!

Where is Sagar?

Aunty...we can buy them
on the way back...

Yes Shashi...

there's an Indian
sweet shop near by...

don't worry...

Now no one will get to
taste Aunty's ladoos!

Come here.

How many times have
I told you to behave?

Didn't I warn you?

Will you do it again?

Will you?

Stop it

I will make fresh ladoos again...

All over again?

All that trouble again Shashi!


I will

Excuse me...
please help me with that...

Satish...I'll get it done

It's ok...what to do!


we need to leave...

What's the point
if I fail in my favourite subject...

and pass in the other?

Satish look after them...

I've heard so much about
your wife's food...Iadoos?

She loves cooking...

And I love eating!

Thank you for coming


Hi Radha!

- I bought flower

Thank you

Yu Son!


You are looking very...correct!

Thank you very very much
for calling us to come

Can't understand
how he got through the English exam

Where is Shashi?

Shashi aunty is getting ready...

May I go helping?

No, she'll be here soon... thank you

God knows how she also
got through the exam

What you say?

I say I love you

Shashi! Oh you look so beautiful!

Shashi madam...we missed you today

What a speech I gave...

What a speech!

I not understand one word

Rama bhai also...superb english!

Don't call me Rama bai...

that is my servant's name in India!

Oh Shashi you look so beautiful...

Thank too!

David sir!

Thank god Radha invited
all of us to the wedding

I couldn't let you
leave without meeting me

Thank you so much for coming

Shashi...what are you doing?

The wedding is about to begin...

Satish uncle...

Satish...this is David Sir...



Salman...Yu Son...

- Nice to meet you.


Nice to meet you

They are my close friends

Shashi, it's time for the ceremony

To my darling daughter
Meera and my dear son Kevin...

How I wish Anil was here

When Meera was going
through her troubled teens...

she was 14...

she was only 14 years old...

when she came in
fuming and asked us...

Why did you give birth to me?'

She was so angry with life...

that she was furious
that we gave birth to her

without asking for her permission!

I will answer that today Meera

You were born...

so your dad and I could
share complete happiness

"You were born so you could
bring happiness into our lives..."

I am so sorry I didn't
take your permission

Love you both sweethearts!

God bless both of you always

Son... you just got lucky!

But fortune smiles on those
who embrace it's offerings...

so... love each other

And son...

leave me and your mother alone!

It's time for us
to focus on each other

Shashi Aunty...your turn

Yes... come on


Sorry... my wife's English is...

not very good so...

May I?



this marriage is a...

Oops sorry... I started in Hindi

This marriage is a

beautiful thing

It is the most

special friendship...

friendship of two people

who are equal

Life is a long journey

Meera, sometimes you will feel

you are less

Kevin, sometimes you will also

feel you are less than Meera

Try to help each other

to feel equal

It will be nice


married couple don't even know

how the other is feeling

So... how they will help the other?

It means marriage is finished?


That is the time

you have to help yourself

Nobody can help you better than you

If you do that...

you will return back feeling equal

your friendship will return back...

your life will be beautiful


maybe you'll very busy...

but have family...


in this big world...

your small little world

It will make you feel so good


family can never be...

never be judgemental!

Family will never...

put you down...

will never make you feel small

Family is the only one

who will never laugh
at your weaknesses

Family is the only place

where you will always get

love and respect

That's all Meera and Kevin...

I wish you all the best

Thank you

Well Shashi...

you don't 'return back',
you just return...

and you missed a few
'a's and 'the's...

else you passed with distinction!

Shashi aunty you were amazing!

Yes... I'm so proud of you

Do you want me to help?

Bring the other tray

Next time you speak in
English in front of mama...

please think...
she can talk better than you!

David Sir... ladoo!

Thank you...
I have some thing for you!

When you don't like yourself...

you tend to dislike
everything connected to you

New things seem to be more attractive

When you learn to love yourself...

then the same old life...

starts looking new...

starts looking nice

Thank you...

for teaching me...

how to love myself!

Thank you for making me...

feel good about myself

Thank you so much!


Broke the French heart, didn't you?


Do you...

still love me?

If I didn't...

why would I give you two ladoos?


good choice!

Her eyes... they speak

They tease... they sneak

into the world of dreams

All bright and gold and green!

Here goes the shy blushing bride

She sways to her beloved's charms

Magic in her dark kohl eyes

What newspaper would you like sir?

New York Times please

And you ma'am?

The New York... you have
any Hindi newspaper?

No, sorry

It's ok...thank you