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Forever Love (2020)

Posted: 01/23/24 11:28
by bunniefuu


[Jan] Is that still us?

[Steve] No, you know why?

Surprise me.

Because my wife is even
more beautiful than she

was the day I met her.

And you are still crazy.

[laughs] Maybe, but that
doesn't mean I'm not right.

You ready to see the world?

I thought I was looking at it.

Sure you want to do this?

Plenty of other ways to
spend our retirement.

No, of course I'm sure.

I mean, it's not practical.
We have no plan.

I don't even know
where I'm going.

That's not us.

Well, we can just have fun.

Remember fun?

I might.

What do you want to do?

I don't know.

I guess we could
do whatever we want.

[screeching tires, crash]

[mournful music]

[upbeat music]

[Steve] Hi.

You're new here?

I'm new here too.

[Jan] Do you want potatoes?

Yes yes.
I definitely want potatoes.

You should keep moving.

[Robbie] Hey, move it along.

[Airman] You wanna hear
the story or what, Steve?

I'll- I'll see you tomorrow.

[Julie] Why were
you so mean to him?

[Terri] I'm in
the reception room.

Jan Hurst.

Okay. I found her.

I'll call you back.



Are you alright?

I'm fine.

What's going on with dad?

It's not good.

Is he alive?


But he's in really bad shape.

They're gonna tell me more
after he gets out of surgery.


[Michele] Hey mom.

Hey I-
I talked to the EMTs.

You were extremely lucky.

You know that.
It could've been much worse.

That's not luck, sweetheart.


Did they happen to give you
the name of dad's surgeon.

Oh you know I- with everything,
and it happened so fast,

I don't think I got that.

You know, they just
rushed him into surgery.

It's fine, It's fine.
I can find out.

Did they give you any
like, discharge papers.

Or did they give
you any paperwork?



That's what I need.

Okay. I'm gonna go make
sure they take care of dad.

Hang on.

This isn't your hospital.

I'm sure the doctors
know what they're doing.

Mom, the problem is that
because I work in a hospital,

unfortunately I know that some
doctors don't know what they're

doing, so I'm just
gonna go talk to them.

That's all, just get
some information.

I will be nice and I
will be right back.

It's okay.

She's probably gonna push the
surgeon out and do it herself.

She would.
She would do that.

Yes she would.

She'd do it well.

I just want to see dad.

Me too, sweetheart.

[Steve] Hi.


I like your hair.

Very funny.

I can just tell
you have nice hair.

[Steve chuckles]

[Robbie] Move on up, man.

She's not buying it.

I don't date GIs.




It's not gonna happen.

You say that now.

Do you want the corn or not.


Yes I do.

[giggles] What?

Oh, he wants a hair net.

We're breaking for lunch.

So I'm going out with
that guy Robbie on Friday.

The tall one?
The air man?


Speaking of airmen.

Don't start with that.

He's so cute,
and Robbie knows him.

He says he's a good guy.

Seriously, what's your problem.

My father won't approve.

I'm not asking
you to marry him.

Do you think he's cute.

I think he's trouble.

Yes or no.

Some people might say he's
handsome in the right light

when he's in uniform.

So you do
think he's cute.

Okay, fine yes, I think
he's somewhat cute, Okay?

So then your father
doesn't have to know.

You don't get it.

He said if he
catches me dating a GI,

he'll send me to live
with my grandma in Nebraska.

Well, do you want
to go to Nebraska?


Then I guess we'll
have to keep it a secret.

I guess I can
always meet another boy.

[Jim] Hey.


How was your shift today?

It was fine.


[chuckles] Is that
the age we're at now?

I ask you how your day is
and all I get back is 'fine'.

The other dads tell me about it,
I was hoping my girl

might treat me
a little differently.

It's just a regular day.

Hungry people.


Just a job.

Well, if you're doing it,
I want to hear about it.

I serve potatoes.

Hours of potatoes.

It's crushingly boring.

Still happy you asked?


How they treating
you over there?


Just been a couple months.

Any of the GIs getting
too friendly with you?

Nothing I can't handle.

Oh, so they are?

You know how I feel
about you dating.

Who said I'm dating anyone?



Or are you just too shy
to tell me about it?



You're beautiful, and I
know that you're gonna date.

I'm totally,
totally fine with it.

All I'm asking is that
you don't date GIs.

That's all.

Who said I am?

Are you?



Mom dated you didn't she?

Look, sweetie, I'm only saying
this because I care about you.

All those GIs I trained at
Lachland, spending so much

time with other young men
or getting yelled at by me,

months without even seeing a
woman, it's gotta change him.

They forget about their
mothers and their sisters.

They forget how
to treat a woman.

They're never gonna commit.

They don't know how to handle
a relationship, and I know

that sounds harsh,
but this is exactly why I

have to tell you.

I don't want anyone
hurting my little girl.

You understand?


You promise?


Promise me what.

Promise I won't date
anyone in the military.

Thank you.

Go on.

I heard you wanted
to go out with me.

Oh look at that.

We need more baked beans.

I really
like your hair.

Will you go out with me?



Apple sauce?

Can I serve you some food?


Okay then,
I'll see you Monday.

You can see him now.

He's still sedated from surgery.

Just ...

Just what?

Just be prepared.

[machines beeping]


You know, it's very likely
that he can hear you.

Is he okay?
What's gonna happen?

[Doctor] I'll give
you a few more moments,

then we should
just let him rest.


You're gonna be okay.

[upbeat music]

Can I take
you to the movies?


What are you doing Monday?

Washing my hair.

Go for a walk?


Your eyes are beautiful.

Not a chance.


Washing my hair again.


Doing laundry.

Do you like me?




Maybe is better than a no.

So where are
we at post-surgery?

Well, the medication is
keeping his heart going.

Breathing on a respirator.

I mean, his mind is still there.

He's conscious.

But he's paralyzed, and his
body's failing him everywhere.

So, what happens next?

We have some
tough decisions to make

and he's only getting worse.

Could you just give
us a few minutes to talk

about it privately?

Of course, of course.

So he's gonna be
in a wheelchair, right?


[Jan] I'll learn to
take care of him.

We have a one-story house.

There are no stairs, we have a
walk-in shower already, we can

make the whole place wheelchair
accessible, we can put a ramp.

Thought I'd just-



I don't think you're

What am I not

You're scaring her.

Okay, I just don't
think that you're hearing

maybe what's actually happening.

Dad isn't breathing on his own.

His heart isn't
beating on its own, Okay?

And so this is not just take
him home and buy a wheelchair.

This is much more
serious than that.

I heard what the doctor
said, I was listening.

But he could improve.

It's just not likely.

Miracles can happen.
I should be in a hospital

bed myself right now,
I should be, and I'm not.

I'm sorry, but a miracle
is not going to happen.


He's just, he's not
going to get better.

What happened to you?

I'm just- I'm just trying to
be the grown-up at the table.


Look, you can have hope, and you
should, but all I want you to

know is that having hope
is not going to change a

medical diagnosis, Okay?

And I'd think a lawyer
should understand that!

And I would expect you to
remember where we came from.

[Jan] Okay, girls.


I know you're scared.

It's okay.

We have to place our faith in
love to watch over your father.

You know that.

Where are you going, young lady?

I'm going to the
movies with Julie.

I told mom.


Alright, back before 10:00.

I will.

Just you and Julie, hm?

[Jan] Yes.

You don't have to
interrogate her, honey.

You sure?

[Marion] She wouldn't lie to us.

I'll be back before 10:00.


[door closes]


What if he
tries to kiss you?

I'm not gonna let him.

Robbie kissed me
on our first date.

That's because you're easy.

I'm only doing this because
you pushed me into it.

That's what you
need to tell yourself.

By the end of the night I'm
gonna have to pull you off him.

Not a chance.

Hi boys.

Hey, girls.

Should we go?

I actually don't really
wanna see a movie.

I'd rather just hang and talk.

If that's okay.

I'd love to
just sit and talk.

Okay then.

You two coming?

You go ahead.

Alright, you two have fun.


There's a little
park down this way.


I'm not making out with you.

Who said you were?

I know what "just sit
and talk," means to boys.

No, not me.

I just wanna get to know you.

I hope you don't get into
trouble for sneaking

out to see me like this.

Robbie told me.

It'll be fine.


I just think you're
beautiful, and cute.

And I just wanna
spend time with you.

Is that so awful?

No, it's not.


It's just that my dad
used to train recruits.

He told me what GIs were like.

He's not wrong.

There are a lot of guys who
don't know how to treat a lady.

But I'm not one of those guys.

So, Jan.

What's your story?

Unless you plan on being
a career lunch lady.


I wanna go to college.

I want a real career.

But my parents always
say I'm just a girl.

They actually say that?


My mom says it a lot.

Well, you're
not just a girl to me.

My mom, we have some
things we disagree on, too.

That's sort of why I
joined the Air Force.

To get away?


Do you like it?

I do.

It's not like back home.

If you say you're gonna
do something, you do it.

People are responsible for
their actions, no accountable.

That's why I like it.

You sound like my dad.


That's not always a bad thing.

Oh, sh**t, what time is it?


I promised my
dad I'd be home early.

I have a question.

Please don't lie to me.


Do you have a girlfriend?


Where did that come from?

Some guys think it's okay
to talk to more than one girl

at a time.

I'm not one of those guys.

You are the only girl
I wanna be talking to.

[Robbie] Last call, Romeo.


[Robbie laughs]

[Julie] Sorry.

We really do have
to go though, Jan.

We're already late, my mom
will be waiting up for me.

[Jan] Why didn't you
come get me sooner?

Robbie and I- talked- a
little in the theatre after

the movie finished.

Yeah, we had a really
nice- talk in there.

Seems like you two were
about to talk, too.


Can I call you sometime?


[Robbie] Later, babe.

[Julie] Come on.

Sorry man, I tried
to stall her for you.

Jan, wait a second.
Wait a second.






Good one.


Come on.

Nice one, dude! You did it!

[Steve] Get out of here.

[Doctor] He's awake,
and responsive.

That's great!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey,
what are you doing? No, no, no.

You have a strained shoulder,
you have to put that back on.

I don't want your
father worrying about me.

There's a reason they told you
to wear it in the first place,

I mean he's not ...

Come on, let's go see
him. Here, I got this.

Hey there.

[Terri] Dad.


Mom, he can't feel his arms.

But if you wanted
to touch him on his face,

above his chin,
he can feel there.

I'm here.

[Terri] You look good.

Sweetheart, I love you.

Sweetheart, I love you.

Now who's easy?

Stop it.

I thought you
weren't gonna kiss him.

He's not like the others.

Why, because
he told you so?

It's not that he told me,

it's how he looked
at me when he said it.

I don't know, I
can't explain it.

Something about the way he
looks at me, I understand him.

I think you're
gonna see him again.

I might.

We had a really good
time at the movies.

We got ice cream after.

Well it's almost 11:00.

It was really
good ice cream.

Really good.


Good night.

I looked like that
after our first date.


That's what worries me.




Thank you, darling.

I wanna have a friend
come eat with us sometime.

Of course.

Which friend?

He's a college student.

A college student you're dating?


No, he's just a good friend.


We think it's great you want
your friends to come meet us

honey, he's welcome anytime.



Thank you Lord for these
gifts we are about to receive

from your bounty.

In Jesus' name, amen.

[Marion] Amen.
[Jim] Amen.


[Jim] Alright, Steve.

Couldn't help but
notice your haircut.

High and tight.

I like keeping it short.


So, Steve,
where are you from?

Los Angeles.

Oh, we know lots
of people there.

Where did you live?


Mm-hmm. You a rich kid?

[Steve] No, uhm,

everything there
was my dad's, not mine.

It's all gone now anyway.

What, he blow it all?

It's a long story.

What about you?

You have a job?


He's a college student.

I told you that.

Yes you did.

And how did you two meet?

[Steve] Well, we...

He hangs out at
the ice cream parlour.

[Jim] Well, Steve,
I guess you can go home.

Seems like Jan has all
the answers for you.

She's a good listener.

Steve might
tutor me in math.

Why would he do that?

So I can be
ready for college math.

Oh, honey.

Secretaries don't need math.

Well maybe I don't
wanna be just a secretary.

I see.

So your mommy's job isn't
good enough for you,

is that what you're saying?

Never mind.

This pot roast is
excellent, Mrs. Nichols.

Thank you Steve.

You're welcome.

[Steve] Thank you so much.

I'd be happy to clean up.

Oh, don't be silly.

No, that's
very kind of him.

Go on, then.


The boy just got
a free meal

the least he could
do is the dishes.

[Steve] I'd be happy to.

[Jim] Hop on it son.
Here you go.

Hey, while you're at it, you
wanna give her a fill up there?



Thank you.

Too much.

He seemed in
good spirits today.

That's great, but unfortunately
medically, he's not improving.

Does Steve have a living will?

Why do they call it living
when it's only about dying?

[Doctor] But does he have one?

[Jan] Yeah.

Who has power of attorney?

[Jan] I do.

What would he want you to do?

He'd wanna be given
every chance to live.

To be here for his girls.

He can react to us, I mean
that has to mean something,

surely, doesn't it?

Unfortunately it doesn't.

But what if
there is any chance?

And if there's not?

The hospital would recommend
moving him to hospice.

Why do we have to move him?

He's been through enough
already, hasn't he?

Ma'am, hospice is for...

I know.
I know.

I know what hospice is.

My husband is not a
piece of furniture.

Of course not.

[Jan] I feel like you
just want me to k*ll him...

No, mom, no.

[Jan] Like you want me to
shut off the machines

and the medicine.


We don't want you to
do anything you don't want to.

But the fact of the matter is no
matter how well we take care of

him, he'll never be able
to function on his own.

He hates hospitals.

He always has.

We don't have to
discuss this now,

but we do have to
make a decision.

[Jan] You can
talk to me doctor.

As I said, I have power of
attorney, and I will decide

what happens to my husband.

Of course.

I think we
need to be alone.

You know about a year
ago, I lost my wife.

And I didn't listen when the
hospital recommended hospice.

But if I could do it all over
again, I know what I would do.

Look, we can explore a lot
of different options on

how to do this transition.

I think maybe you
were right, sweetheart.

I've been fooling myself.

No one is helping
us on this one.

Good job, Michele.

Well- I- Mom.

Hey, I didn't mean to-

I'm sorry.

[Jan] So if you get
stationed somewhere,

where do you want to go?

I haven't really given
it that much thought.

I don't get much
say in it as well.

But if you could decide,
where would you want to go?

Somewhere really cold.

What? Why?

I don't know. You know,
everyone wants to go to Hawaii

or the Caribbean or somewhere
like that.

You know, too many
people want to go there.

It's not special anymore.

So where do you want to go then?

Like, Alaska?

Do I have to go alone?


Oh if I have to go alone,
that's another story.

If I get to take
someone with me,

I'm sticking with Alaska.

You know we can stay in,
get a big fireplace,

be cozy together.

Go look out the window at night,

stare at the frozen ice.

And just be warm in
that little house.

And no one to bother us.


Do you want to go to Hawaii?

I'd look cuter in a
bathing suit than a parka.

You'd look cute in anything.

I have to go.


Close your eyes.


So I could break the spell.

You're just gonna run off
without saying goodbye?


[Jan] He's taking
one night class,

so technically I'm not lying.

You don't see the way
that he looks at him.

It's like he hates him.

[Pastor Robert]
But you love him.

I ... Well, we've only
been dating for six months.

Why, did I say that I love him?

You didn't have to.

I just-

I just want my
father to see him.

Not the way that he thinks he
is, but the way that I see him.

How long are you willing
to wait for that to happen?

For as long as it takes.

Then it will.

But you'll struggle,
and you'll doubt it.

Stay patient and eventually
you'll get there.

How do you know that?

I don't.

I just have faith that it will.

Ehm- Mom?

Someone's here to see you.

[Pastor Robert]Well I guess I'll
just go back to California then.

Who told you?

Your daughter.

[Jan] Terri?


[Michele] Don't give
me too much credit,

it was Terri's idea.

I am sorry you travelled
so far to be with us.

Sorry I wasted your time.

It's not a waste
for me to be here.

Is there any reason you
chose to come in here?

Just wanted to be
alone, I guess.

Oh, well, I'll leave
you to it then.


No, sorry.

Please stay.

I got the feeling you're
not spending much time in

chapels these days.

[Michele] No, I guess not.

I'm not preaching to you,
it's just an observation.

But it is a bit funny
though, you called me

and you coming here.

There are other places
you could go to be alone.

It's just a
coincidence I suppose.

Yeah, it is.

You know, your mom's
been talking with me

since she was young.

I saw you when you were
just a little girl.

I know you were
raised in church.

And I also know you seem
to have a mind of your own,

and that's a good thing.



She does, too.

Always did.

You got that from her.

But sometimes you get
preached something so much

it feels good to make your
own decisions, and you should.

I have.

And it just feels safer to shut
out what you can't control.

But that makes for a cold world.

And I think the world is
warm, and full of love.

If we just open
ourselves up to it.


[Steve] Okay, well, thank
you for another great meal,

Mrs. Nichols.

You're welcome.

And I'll see you for a
tutoring session at the

library on Thursday.


Yeah, eh, thanks for
doing the dishes again Steve.

I appreciate it.


You know while you're
still here

I could use some
help out in the garage.

No, he can't.

[Jim] I could use a pair
of second, strong hands.

Being in the military like I am,
we tend to move around a lot,

and basically I just throw
everything in my truck and dump

it in the garage.

I could use some
help sorting it out.

[Marion] Jim.
He's not your employee.

I'm sure Steve has his
own life to get back to.

I'm sure he does, but two
of us working together,

get it done in
less than an hour.

Besides, I don't think
Steve minds, do you Steve?

Okay. Sure.
Yeah, of course, no problem.


I'll meet you out there.


Don't you have
some homework to do?

[Jim] My wife's
the sentimental type.

She likes to keep things.

This is all the stuff she's
kept over all our moves.

Looks like we've been
here for 30 years.

Fact is, it's only
been a couple.

Yeah, I'd like to see
the garage floor again.

Far as I'm concerned,
you can junk all of this.

I'll get you some trash bags,
you can put it all together,

take it out front, and I'll haul
it off to the dump in my truck.

This is a lot of stuff.

Well you're a strong boy.

You got someplace
you need to be?

Uhm- I have an
early morning class.


Well, then you better get to it.

Mr. Smartypants.

You have
roll call at 06:00.

I know that.

Just leave.
You don't owe him anything.

He's testing me.

He's crazy, you don't
have to put up with this.

You're worth it.

Please, go home.

I'm not done yet.

[Jim] Hey!

You're not properly
dressed young lady.

And you, you better
pick up the pace.

Sun's gonna be up soon!

You wanna help him?

You put on some proper clothes.

I know he's just
trying to break me.

So what, I
should just take it?

Whatever he throws at me?


It'll be painful, you'll
wanna scream at him.

To stand up for yourself.

But if you take it,
eventually you will overcome.

He's just trying to
test you to make sure your

intentions are pure.

What do you think would happen
if you lashed out at him?

I'd be proving him right?


This might be the end for us.



Well we had a good run.

I mean it.

And why is this the end for us?

I wanted to bring you here
and get you a milkshake.


But it might come
as a shock to you

that I don't earn much money.


It's true.

You're probably expecting me to
have you driven you around in

limousines and draped in gold...

Draped in gold?

Yeah. But reality is-

I'm kind of poor.

And that's why this
is the end of us?


Here, uhm-

hold that thought.

This is why.


I wouldn't blame you
if you just walked.

Right now.

Well, you've given
me a tempting out.

I promise I won't judge you.

So is this how it's
always gonna be?



I'm out.


Are you sad?


How long will it take
you to find another girl?


Oh it won't take you that
long to find another girl.

There is no other girl.


maybe next time
I can buy a milkshake

and maybe someday
I can buy us a lot more.

What if I want
to buy the milkshake?

Are you afraid of
me buying a milkshake?

I want to take care of you.

-I don't always need
to be taken care of.

How about-

how about we take
care of each other?


[Steve] Okay, it's a six.
But this is a Y, it's an N,

close bracket, plus open bracket
Y, plus three, equals what?


No, you actually wrote three.

Negative four.

It's a great try,
but it's wrong.

I don't think it's wrong.

-It's wrong.
-I don't think so.

So here,
ten questions right.


You got them.


Great, you're here.

Nice to see you, sir.

I got a serious weed
problem out in the garden,

wanna give me a hand?

[Steve] Weeds?

[Jim] Out of control,
like they do.


Can I get some water?

You're almost done,
just push on through.


I think these gloves
have holes in them.

It's the only ones we have.

I- I- actually,
there are some in the garage.

No, I got rid of those.


All right.

That's gonna hurt a whole
lot worse without them.

What do I have to do?

I don't know, what can you do?

What is your
problem with me?

I don't know, I just
don't trust you.

Something not right about you.

I don't even
know what I've done.

You don't think I see the way
you two look at each other?

And would
that be so bad?

Must be, or you two
wouldn't keep telling me

that you're just friends.

I'm not one
of your recruits.

I knew what you were
the moment I saw you.

And what's that?


[Marion] What's going on?

Oh, nothing.

Me and Steve were just
joking around, huh?

You okay?

I can't believe him.

I shouldn't of lost
it at him like that.

Pastor Roberts was right, I
gave him exactly what he wanted.

This isn't your fault.

He knows something's up.

We'll tell him eventually,
when he comes around to it.

I'm in the Air Police,
he's a Chief Master Sargeant.

We work on the same base,

we're just lucky
he hasn't seen me yet.

But he's never here,
he's always off on temp duty

at some other base.
He's got another trip coming up.

We're fine.

I don't know.

Just cover for me on guard duty.

I covered for you last time,

the watch commander caught me.

I spent hours,
hours cleaning toilets.

You know I can't pee in a
public bathroom anymore?

You know how long it
takes to scrub a toilet

with a toothbrush?

You know how long it
takes to scrub fifteen?

Fifteen of them.


Because I did it when I
covered for you with Julie.

You mean my wife?

You haven't proposed yet.

Not yet, but I might do, maybe.

Maybe not.

She keeps me on my toes.

And she's cute.

Are you done yet?


Maybe not.

You owe me.

I don't owe you.

I paid you back, we're square.

Look, they haven't
seen this guy in weeks.

Or the-

[Jim] At ease.


Your friend here-


Are you okay?

I won't be soon.

[Jim] Marion?


You know that young man
who comes into our house,

eats our food, your friend.

The one you insulted?

Didn't think I knew
about that, did you?

I should've done worse
considering the- student

just waved me through
the gate on base.


I wasn't lying.

He is a student, he's just
also in the Air Force.

You don't think that was
important for me to know?

I knew that you wouldn't
like it, and I like him,

so I didn't tell you.

You're dating a GI?

I guess I am.

Not anymore you're not.

You can't stop me
from seeing him.

What? You don't
think I can find a way to get

him dishonourably discharged?

I got a half a dozen officers
on that base who would find a

reason for me in a heartbeat.

You wouldn't do that.

Of course I would.

No, he's a good man.

He's a liar.

He came in to my house and lied
to my face night after night.

I asked him to.

Sweetheart, he's not
good enough for you.

Well shouldn't I
get to decide that?

This is for the best.



That's it.

It's done.

I'll talk to him.


Steve, blink if you can hear me.

Give us a little blink, dad.


Hey mom,

I know you
don't wanna move dad.


But I do think we probably have
some decisions to make though.

What should we do?

I talked to the staff here
and they have an end-of-life

physician, and maybe just
tomorrow we go talk to him,

figure out what our options are.

[Terri] Can we just
hold on a little longer?

It's just to get information.

That's all it is.

I understand.

[Dr. Russo] Your daughter
has brought me up to speed

on your situation,

and obviously there's no problem
leaving Steve right where he is.

Our trauma centre staff can
handle everything you need.

Thank you.

I have a question.

Absolutely, that's
what I'm here for.

Everyone keeps telling
me that there's no hope.


I am useless to you if I
don't tell you the truth.

The reason that everyone is
telling you there's no hope

is because there is none.

Steve's lungs started to
collapse before he arrived at

the hospital.

Along with that and the
paralysis as one thing,

there's just too many
things to deal with.

But people just don't die
because they're paralysed.

It's more than that.

[Dr. Russo] You're right.

In Steve's case,

if he recoverd the
ability to breath, on his

own, or if his heart could beat
without the extreme medical

interventions he's currently on,
then yes he would have some sort

of opportunity for a functional
life outside of the hospital

as a quadriplegic.


Some people in these
situations have recovered.

We researched it.

I understand.

if that were
going to happen

we would have seen some
sign of it by now.

Your accident was
Friday morning?


By Sunday evening
Steve's heart still showed

no ability to
tolerate reduced dr*gs.

His lungs clearly still showed
no ability to work on their own.

And since then, every test
consistently shows that he's not

only not improving,
he's getting worse.

Today is Tuesday, soon he won't
be responsive in any way.

I'm sure we can prolong
his life artificially but

would he want that?

I can't answer that for you.

You have to decide that
together as a family.

Do you think he knows?


That's he's dying?

[Jan] He was always the careful
one, he was always careful.

I am the one who
should not be here.

[Michele] Hey.

Mom, hey,

you cannot feel guilty
for surviving.

If I could trade places
with him I would.

[upbeat music]

[Steve] Your dad's
gonna go nuclear.

That won't change
if we go back now.

Something's happened.


They're transferring me.

To where?

Omaha, Nebraska.



I'll be part of the Elite
Guard at Strategic Air Command.

I'll be guarding generals.

I'm proud of you.


But what does it mean for us?

I might be gone
for a long time.

That's why I wanted
to talk to you.

Are you really gonna
do this right now?

How did you know?

I'm not stupid, Steve.

Well then, do you want to?


But I'll be gone,
don't you think we should?

Why, I love you.

Yes that's exactly why.

You want to break up
with me because I love you?

Break up?


No, no, hey-

I want to marry you.


Before I get transferred.

Don't people usually get a ring
in these kind of situation?

You know- I-

I make like $250 a month, I
can't afford what you deserve.

That's okay, you'd probably
pick the wrong one anyway,

I can pick my own.

I've been saving up from work.

That's why I want
to marry you, you know.

Don't get used to it.



My dad always said that
if he caught me dating a GI

he'd ship me off to Nebraska.


I want you to get my
father's blessing.

I know what he's been like,
but he's still my dad.

What if he
doesn't give it to me?

I don't see how we can
be married if he doesn't.

He'll always be my father.

I don't want us to
spend the rest of our

lives sneaking around.

So you won't
marry me if he doesn't?

It's important to me.


I'll do whatever I
have to do to get it.

I love you.

I love you too.

[car honks horn]

You think that's ...

That's definitely him.

Get over here, young lady.

I'll deal with him, but you
have to talk to him some time.

You'd tell me if
he m*rder*d one of your

ex-boyfriends, right?



[Jim] Let's go.

I will not forget this.

[Jeep drives off]


Liar who takes my
daughter to make out in

the middle of the night.

[clears throat]

There is something
I want to ask you.

Well I'm going to do a
little target practice later on,

we can talk then.


[Jim] So tell me something
Steve, you a sh**t?

[Steve] Yes sir.

You any good?

I'm okay.

Have some pride son,
come on let's go.

This way.

you lead the way?

You're doing just fine,
it's about 100 yards up here.

We'll be good.

Keep going?

50 yards.

[g*n shot]

Good shot, chief.

Nobody likes a
suck-up Steve, your turn.

[g*n shot]

You sure you qualified
on the range?

I did.

You say so.

Set me up a bottle, I'm going to
move back here about 30 feet,

challenge myself.

[g*n shot]

Are you insane?

Oh man calm down I could
sh**t a pimple off your face.

[Steve] You're crazy.

Don't be so touchy Steve,
you're fine.

Chief Nichols.


I am here to ask for your
blessing to marry your daughter.

Is that right?

Yes sir.

Well I'll tell you what.
You see that brown bottle

back there,
that's about 15 metres away.

That's far less than you
need to qualify on the range.

I'm going to give you two sh*ts.
You hit one of them,

you'll have my blessing
to marry my daughter.

You're on.

Why do you want
to marry her now anyway?

What's the hurry?

I'm being transferred.

Is that right?

Out of state?

Yes, can
you stop talking.

Where to?

Can I sh**t now?

Yeah, sure.
Go ahead.

[g*n shot]

Steve, it's a lot easier to fall
in love with a girl that you can

see, but you're going to be on
a new base and your air force

buddies, they're going to be
telling you that she's already

forgotten about you and you're
going to be sitting there

waiting for your
Dear John letter.

It won't be
like that for us.

You're going to be out on leave,
out in the world socializing.

There's going to be all
sorts of other women.

Women that you can see and you
can smell that are a lot more

real than anything you can write
down on a piece of paper or

what's in a photograph.

That's not true.

You're still human, Steve.

Everything you're about to do
is to push you away from her.

The only thing pushing
me away from your daughter

is you, Mr. Nichols.

But guess what, I qualified
as an expert marksman too.

Go on.


[g*n shot]

Yeah well that was close.

Go ahead and do me a favour
son, let her down easy.

If you're ready to leave-

I need you to say goodbye.

They think I
should let you go,

but it still feels wrong.

I need you to tell
me what to do.

Please, please
tell me what to do.




I love you.

Your dad told me what he wants.


We've been together 46 years.

What did he say?

He's ready to go.

You think Pastor Roberts
is still in town?

Another half hour and
I'd have been on my flight.

I didn't think I
would see you again.

You're no more
surprised than me.


How does it happen?

Without medication his heart
rate will drop to critical

levels, and he won't
be able to breathe.

Will he be in pain?

No, he'll be sedated.

He'll be comfortable.

And then he'll pass peacefully
when we turn off support.

Is there a time you prefer?

You- you want me to choose
what time my husband dies?


I'd suggest 11 a.m.

It's between visiting
hours and it'll be quiet.

Can they stay with him?


You can stay as
long as you need.

Heavenly Father,
we come to you at a time

of sadness,
asking you for peace.

Almighty God, we are here today
because Steve is ready to depart

this world and we ask you, oh
Lord that you allow him to pass

as he desired to live.

Can I say something?

Of course.

Will you please tell him
that he will always be-

so loved-

and remembered.



[Pastor Roberts] And amen.

[Steve] No that's it then.

We're never getting married.

You can try again, he'll
warm up to you eventually.

No he won't,
okay you weren't there.

You didn't see his face.

And we don't have
time for eventually.

We- we just,
we can't give up.

He'll never accept
me, okay you're right.

It's not going to be any kind
of life if we're sneaking

around forever, Okay?
That's your family.

I'm not going to come
between him and you.

Well you shouldn't have to.

You're not listening to me.


I'm saying I won't.

You're saying that this is over?

It has to be.

[knocking continues]

Now we couldn't have discussed
this in the morning?

I'm sorry, I just
didn't know where to go,

and Steve's going to
get transferred soon.

It's alright.

Love is patient and kind,
it does not envy or boast.

It is not arrogant or rude.

It does not insist
on its own way.

It is not irritable

and it never
rejoices at wrongdoing.

It rejoices with truth.

With truth.


That's Steve, he's taken
everything my dad's thrown at

him and he's done it with
patience and kindness.

Imagine that Steve did leave
and never returned and you never

got back together, imagine
yourself two years from now.

What do you see?


How does that make you
feel to think about it?

Like trying to imagine
walking on the moon.



You know what you have to do.

Now let me get some sleep,
I still have to conduct

morning services.

But I don't know what to
do, that's why I came here.

I ... tell me what to do?

You need to me say it for you?

You obviously love him,
if you want him,

then go fight for him.


I love him.

You're still a teenager,
you think you love him.

Once he's gone,
you'll forget about him.

I will never forget him.

Jan, I've said my piece.

You can't do this.

Oh yeah? Try me!

You can't do this.

Dad, you can't...

This conversation
is over, young lady.

It will never be over.

He left me, he's gone.

Because of you, you won.

Does that make you happy?

Does that bring you joy?

I hope so, I hope so.

I hope so because you
did lose one thing.

Do you know what that is?

You lost me.

I will never forgive you,
I'm never going to forget this,


Well then there's no point in
talking about this anymore,

is there?

We're done.

You're just like him, you know.

That why you're so scared?

We were younger than they
are when we got married.

You think my friends didn't
try to warn me about you?

You think they didn't
say exactly what you're

saying about Steve?

But I didn't judge
you on what other people

thought you might be.

I judged you on your actions.

He lied to us.

Because he was afraid.

You do know that they've
been seeing each other

behind our backs?

You hear her.

Creeping out, late at night.

Is that how you want our
future son-in-law to behave?

What other choice
did you give them?

Well he's transferring.

And if he wasn't serious about
our daughter it would be a

perfect opportunity
for him to end it.

It is.

You remember when I was nine
months pregnant with Jan

and we thought I would go
in to labour at any moment?

You would do this all night.

I have a meeting with
General Robinson tomorrow.

Your shoes are clean, honey,

it's your conscience
that isn't.

You're right.

I am.

Yes you are.

I need to make the
choice for them.


What are you going to do?

[Steve] What can I do?

I don't have a choice.

It's over.

Might want to take a walk.

What do you want?

You'll address me as Chief, son.

Okay, what do
you want- Chief?

I can have you written
up for insubordination.

Yes sir,
if that's all sir.

I have nothing to say to you.

I just have one
question for you.

What's that?

Why are you in the service?

I am here to
serve my country, sir.

No, no.

I want to know what
it means to you.

What does it mean to you
to be in the military?

[breaking voice]

It hasn't just
given my life purpose-

it's given me a family.

I've never seen
anything like this happen,

this bottle should
have broke but it didn't.

It got me thinking, maybe
God is leaving this to me.

Now, I didn't have
to tell you about that,

but I would have always known.

And I'm a man of my word.

So I think you're going
to marry my daughter,

unless you've changed
your mind of course.

Are you serious?

Yes sir.

Thank you.

Hey, hey, hey show some dignity.

You're still on duty.

Sorry sir.

As you were.

Now it's my understanding that
you don't have a lot of time to

marry her before you
transfer, is that right?


Well then, we better get to it.

God bless you, son.

[door opens]

You, somebody
could have told me.

[Pastor Roberts]
Repeat after me, I Steve Hearst.

I Steve Hearst.

Take you Jan Nichols.

Take you Jan Nichols.

[Pastor Roberts] To be my wife.

[Steve] To be my wife.

To have and to hold
from this day forward.

To have and to
hold from this day forward.

[Pastor Roberts] For better, for
worse, for richer, for poorer.

In sickness and in health.

For better or worse,
for richer or poorer,

in sickness and health.

[Pastor Roberts]
To love and to cherish.

[Steve] To love and to cherish.

[Pastor Roberts]
Until we are parted by death.

[Steve] Until we
are parted by death.

[Pastor Roberts]
Repeat after me, Jan.

I Jan Nichols.

I, Jan Nichols.

Take you Steve Hearst.

Take you, Steve Hearst.

[Pastor Roberts]
To be my husband.

To be my husband.

[Pastor Roberts] To have and
to hold from this day forward.

To have and to hold
from this day forward.

[Pastor Roberts] For better, for
worse, for richer, for poorer.

In sickness and in health.

[Jan] For better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer.

In sickness and in health.

[Pastor Roberts]
To love and to cherish.

[Jan] To love and to cherish.

[Pastor Roberts]
Until we are parted by death.

[Jan] Until we are
parted by death.

[flatline beep]

I love you.

He's with God now.


You may kiss the bride.

[applause] Woo!

It is my honour to introduce
Jan and Steven Hearst.


Are you okay, mom?

I think I will be.