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Hanamizuki (2010)

Posted: 01/23/24 11:43
by bunniefuu
Cornaceae deciduous tree. In the spring,
when the season for sakura is just over, it bears white or pink flowers.

Meaning of its blossoms

"Returning a favor"

"Flowering Dogwood"

Canada. Nova Scotia Province.

Where are you from?

Where are you from?


New York.

Are you by yourself?

Yes. I'm by myself.

Where are you going?

A lighthouse.



Where I'm meant to be.

Hokkaido. East District.

Taken at first sight?

Yeah. It's like the first moment I saw her,
my whole body trembled.

You won't see a cute girl like that everyday.

Aren't you half-asleep or what?

No I'm not.

Remember, the last time after
supplementary lessons, I took the earlier train?

She was on it.

Which school is she from?

Hmm that is perhaps... Kushiro Ryonan.

What? What's wrong?

Impossible impossible.
We are in a way too different place.

There's no way she's gonna talk to us.


In love, intelligence doesn't matter.

Isn't that so?

That's right. It doesn't matter.

Girls and fish are the same.

The point is,
you just have to think about fishing nets.

In short, you spread the net out like this

There is only one entrance here.
Meaning it can open right?

Then, when you're pulling the net in,
you must at once..

Capture finished!

I see.

That's why the girl Shuu-niichan brought here
the other day has a face that resembles a salmon, yeah?

You punks!

I'm not a dog.
Ouch ouch..

Where on earth is there such a cute salmon?
You rascal!

Hey! Don't fool around over there.


Kohei. You don't have to go to training class?

Oh sh**t!
See you later!

I'm going.

Oh Sae, your lunch box.

I have a night shift today.

Got it.

Do it calmly alright?

I'm going.

Have a safe trip.

Oh Sae.

Going to school?

Here, drink some milk.

Sorry. I don't have time.

Sae. Don't drive too fast!

I know~!

Good morning, Ryoko.

This place is in bad condition.
Help me repair it?




What's up?

Going to my grandma's place for some errands.

Sae, this day's finally come right?


Do your best.

If it's Sae, things will definitely be fine.


Sa... Sae..
Hi.. Hi.. Hi.. Hi..

I wish to inform all the passengers that

For the moment, there would be an interruption
as we have just run into a deer.

A deer?

This is great.

It is stuck here.

Let's try to pull it out.



I'm getting on!

Wait! Wait!

Are you in a hurry?

Important business?

I have an exam.

Exam? Me too!


What time does it start?


Excuse me.

This is Kohei. Umm..

I want to borrow your phone.

No use.
Seems that he's gone out to the field.

I'll go see him.


Do you know how to drive?


Well.. I can drive a little bit, tentatively.

If you can... can't we borrow that?

What? Er but... that is not really..

I'll be in big trouble if I don't make it on time.

Please do me this favor.
My life depends on this.

How about your exam?
Will you make it?

Well.. may..maybe.

Really? Then it's fine though.



Stop the car!


I can't stop it!



Are you injured?

There doesn't seem to be any injury.

She was rushing to school.
Well, but still driving without a license is not a good thing.

"Without a license"...
You drove a car?

Oh no no no.
The one driving wasn't your daughter,

but a male student from a fisheries high school.

He does have a temporary license though.

However...a temporary license is still only temporary.
It's not a permanent one, so...

You're never going to register
for a permanent license again!

But in that situation..

Men don't make excuses!

Kohei didn't have bad intention...

Who cares about bad intention or whatnot!

Thanks goodness, she wasn't injured or anything.

What you did was theft!

Huh? Come here!


Father, your blood pressure will increase!
Let go!

Let go! Come!

Enough. Your pain will worsen.

To get a recommendation,
it's not just about your grades.

Your everyday demeanor does contribute a part too.
You should have known that too right?

Even if you were in a hurry, I still can't
understand how you could have gotten in

a car driven by a boy from a fisheries school
who doesn't have a driving license.

That was.. um..

You'll be suspended.


The other person is a male student.
Of course this must be.

Without a license, he transgressed the speed limit.

Even the car he stole was broken, yes?

At any rate, don't ever get involved
with people in his lot again.



I was wondering how you were doing after all that...

What happened to the exam?

Hang... hang on a moment!

Why are you ignoring me..

It was hopeless.


They decided to give another student
the recommendation to go to Waseda.

I see.

How did you get those bruises?

I didn't ask you for it.
It's fine, you don't have to cover for me.

Oh erm.. but...

Look. Because you said that
you life depended on it.

I have been stupid since forever, so to me getting
suspended from school is really no big deal.

Taking a break from school
and going home, I'm lucky.

Why don't you try taking the exam?


The real exam is in February right?

You seem pretty smart,
so maybe you can start from now...

It's not that simple.

Starting from now...
Starting from now, it's definitely impossible.

Why are you grumbling there?

Not getting a recommendation,
and it already seems like the world is coming to an end.

"Coming to an end"...
Don't say it that way...

You're always
"I want to study English in university",

"I want to go to Tokyo".
Those urges are just to that extent?

Not that I really mind though.

If you decide not to take the exam, I don't
have to work at the tavern at night any more.



You ate all the inari-sushi here?

I can't?

Still having the energy to eat
means you're alright.

Because if you are truly depressed,
you won't swallow anything.

I look like I lost some weight right?

How come?

From that time onwards, I
eat any proper meal.

Didn't you eat red bean bread just now?

Red bean bread is... just a snack.

My stomach can't hold on with just snacks..


There she is... There she is!


As I said, that girl.

The one from Kushiro Ryonan...



Me? Me huh?

Like I know.
You go hear her out for yourself.




Ah, yes?

I'm sorry about the other day.

It wasn't your fault.

Not at all..

About the entrance examination...


I've decided to take on the challenge.

Huh oh... Oh I... I see.

I was thinking it's really my bad
if you're bothered about it.

Oh no, not at all.

And also..

Ah, yes?

Thank you for having covered up for me.

Oh er.. sorry..

Um.. um.. thi...this..

I've been hesitating for a while
whether to pass this to you.

How come?

How come?

How come~~??

Hey! Tamotsu!

Quickly go!

See you.


You go catch him!

What did you receive?

No idea..

Not something weird, is it?

What's this?

Collection of questions?


"I'm really sorry for what happened.
Please do you best for your exam. If it's okay, please use these. Kyochi Kohei"

Uwah, what dirty handwriting.

This is wrong some more.

What's wrong?

This is for high school examinations.

That's right!

"Because" and then "she".
"She is" as the subject is omitted.

Cram school?

Yeah. If I want to catch up with everyone now,
I have to take extra lessons.

Then, I will look for a part-time job in Kushiro.


If I do, then we can go home together right?



We must hurry. Or else we'll be late for the train.

Since primary school?


The first time I boarded a ship was
during my third grade in primary school.

My Grandpa

is known as a legendary fisherman,
not just among the locals.



Then, combining my Grandpa's name
and the word "Ko" from my name,

we have the name written
on my family's ship "Koeimaru".

You've wanted to become
a fisherman ever since that time?

Well, more like I was in the so-called...
special education for the gifted?

Sae-chan, you have always wanted to go to university?

When I was in third year of junior high,
my teacher recommended that to me.

My mom was quite into the idea too.

Your mother is a nurse?

A nurse in addition to a tavern worker.

From time to time at a karaoke shop.

Wow that's pretty impressive.

Well karaoke is her hobby though.


Quite heavy aren't you?


Because so many worries
are packed inside?


Hey, where are we going?

Not telling you.


This is kidnapping.


Told you I'm not saying.


The ocean seen from this place is the one I like best.

Ever since I was a child, whenever my dad hit me,
I would usually come here.

I'm a little jealous of that.

Why would you?
He only hits and kicks me you know.

You saw right, the bruises that time.

Hmm because...
I was never scolded by my dad.


He passed away, when I was 5 years old.

Ah.. sorry.

It's nothing. You don't have to apologize.

Somehow, this scene feels nostalgic.

Even though it's my first time coming here.

Isn't it chilly?

Your hand's cold.

What.. is this?

Seeds of a tree.



Here, take a look.

Peel off the skin,
and then scatter them into the soil like this.


Then roots will come out?

That's right. If it's all well, roots will come out.
Someday, it might even bear flowers.

When will flowers bloom?

I wonder when.

At that time, how old will Sae have become?

Hey, Sae.


Even if Dad will have gone to a faraway place,

I will always be watching over Sae.



Oh, Mom. Welcome back.

A present.

It's some leftover food at the shop, though.

This is Mom, and this is me.


Where is this?




I was born in this town.


But, I don't remember anything about the town.

As far as I can remember,

my mom and I, the two of us,
have been living in Hokkaido.

How about your dad?

He would usually go out on trips
to take photos so he didn't come home.

He seemed to be that sort of person.

But during my 5-years-old birthday, all of a sudden,
the dad that I'd never seen before came back.

How come?

Because Dad came to know
about his illness.






Someday.. I want to see it.
The place where Sae was born.

Me too.

Why, Tamotsu?

We promised to become fishermen together, didn't we?

Somehow, I don't feel inclined to do it anymore.

That's all.

How about your job?
What are you going to do from now on?

I heard he's going to a shipping company
where hid Dad works in Kushiro.

But still why did he, all of a sudden..



He's jealous of Sae-chan and you.

It hurts him that much.
What a thickhead.

Erm.. even so..
Then why did he bother to come to a fishery?

Making rash decisions in everything is his peculiar trait.

Leave him be for a while,
and his mood will be normal again.

Sae-chan is surely taking the exam to
go to university in Tokyo?


I see.

Hey, Hiroshi.


Am I, by any chance, a hypocrite?

On the surface, I always say
I will be supporting Sae.

But once in a while, I wish
that Sae will fail the entrance exam.

How.. how come?

Because... if she fails,
she can stay with me forever.


What the heck? It's not something to laugh about.

You're so irritating.

Hey dangerous. Dangerous.

Let's go eat steamed meat bun.

Hey, I'm famished.

[Chance of getting into desired universities.
Waseda University - D]

The eldest brother of one of my friends in junior high

seems to have opened a stylish restaurant in Suehiro province.

And then, I have already asked him

to reserve a table for us on Christmas Eve.

I.. have earned a little from my part-time job so..


When we're together,
we should just have a fun chat.

In times like these,
don't keep studying.

Because I don't have much time any more.

I understand that.

No, you don't!

Because Kohei-kun has never studied for an exam before,
so you won't understand.

If so, then let's stop going home together.

My presence here just disrupts your studies.

You should continue studying by yourself
however much you like.

Don't alight wherever you please!

Don't alight by yourself wherever you please!

What a stupid girl.

Sae, don't get off like this.
If you catch a cold, what am I going to do?


It was my bad.

The truth is...

I wonder why I'm going to take the exam in Tokyo...

I have thought about it many times.

If I stay here,

I can be with Kohei-kun
and we won't be separated right?

However, as I thought, I still have to go.

I myself decided that I would go to university.

And ever since then, I have always
only focused on that.

I can't give it all up now.

I don't want to think that
I'm a weak-willed person.

Strange, aren't I?

Not at all.

Do your best, Sae.

Someday, when I can speak fluent English,

I will be on my feet to travel all over the world.

Because I will... become a fisherman
who can travel through all the oceans in the world.



What's the matter?

I passed.

I passed Waseda's examination.

I see.

I can't believe it.
I thought it was completely impossible.

No such thing.

I have always had faith in you.
That Sae will definitely pass.

Thank you!


I did it!

Is it okay not to go?

What about?

Sae-chan is going to Tokyo today right?

It's fine, really.

How so?

Leave him alone.

If he doesn't want to go,
then there's no way we can force him.

It's no use chasing after a fish
that has escaped the net.

You really have made no progress,
haven't you, Shuu-niichan?


People and fish are different.

People's heart is.. like..
much more complicated.

What did you come here for?

We thought you would
never show up before us again.

Isn't it fine?

What the heck?

Kohei, i won't be jealous anymore,
so go send her off.

If you don't come, Sae-chan will...

"I'm not going" means I'm not going.

Leave me alone.

Uncle, take care of your body okay?

Sae-chan, eat this while you're on the airplane.

Thank you! I'm happy.

Eat this too.

Thank you.
Non-chan, take care alright?

Sae. Be well okay?

Minami too.

You're welcome to stay over at my place any time.

I will come even if you don't say so.

I've booked a ticket for Golden Week already.

I'll be waiting.

We're departing soon.

Be well and look after yourself.
Please eat your meals properly.


Go quickly now.

You're the one who decided
to go to Tokyo.



Thank you.

Be well.

Have a safe trip.

A long time ago,
in the spring when I was 20,

I also drove your mom in this car
and sent her off to the airport.


Ryoko decided to go overseas
in order to chase after your father.

She kept it a secret from both her parents.

I was stunned, and tried to stop her.

But she insisted on going no matter what,
and would not listen to me.

Masato-niichan right..


Weren't you in love with Mom?

It couldn't be helped.
She didn't listen to me.

And besides, I couldn't confess to her, either.

Is that so?


But at that time, I realized that
if I was going to confess, I needed to do it then.

"I love you. Don't go."

"I love you. Don't go."
"I love you. Don't go."

"I love you. Don't go."

The whole time I was driving her,

those words echoed in my heart
until we reached the airport..

Nii-chan, pull over.


Please, stop the car.



Oh. There she is.

[Do your best, Sae]

Sae, do you best!

Do you best, Sae!

I'll write you.

Got it.

I'll be back.
I'll be back.

We're going.


Kohei, don't slack off.


You're interested in photography?



These are my works.

How are they? Nice, right?

I don't intend to join the club or anything.

Nah, you don't need to have a camera.

You can be a model too.

For now, just tell me your contact address first..

Umm.. I don't have time for that.

I don't have money.
And also, I have to look for a part-time job.

Excuse me.


Then, should I introduce you to a good part-time job?


Well, it's night work though.

Excuse me.


One more bowl.

Nii-chan, this came today.

You...! Why didn't you tell me sooner?

Give it to me.

Out of my sight!

You watch out!

Hey, don't hit me.

Wait, are you going to eat or not?


Ah.. it's me.


You wrote in the letter that
you've got a connected phone, so I tried calling.

Thank you.
Kohei-kun is the first one to call me.

Seriously? Yay!

Are you well?


How about Sae?

I'm good.

Where are you now?

At the public phone booth
in front of the fishery cooperative.

We've starting using fixed-net fishing,
so it starts early in the morning.

In the evening, when it's past 8 p.m,
my house becomes very quiet.

Hey.. somehow...


I miss Hokkaido dialect.

What are you talking about?
I always speak the standard language.


Don't laugh.

Of course I do.

I said don't laugh.

Year 1582. This is a very important year.
Because it's 1582,

let's memorize it by using "ichigo pantsu"
[strawberry-patterned underpants]

[note: it has the same pronunciation]

Then, what I'd like you to remember
together with this strawberry underpants are

Battle of Tenmokuzan,
the The Incident at Honnoji and finally Battle of Yamazaki.

Make sure you can recall
this order of events at the back of your head.

[Kitami-sensei's photos corner]

Normally, I work part-time here,

saving enough money to go around to take photos.

How about school?

You hit me right on the nail.

I'm already in my sixth year.

There are many photos of children, aren't there?


Because my heart is as pure as that of a young boy.


Er.. this is where you should laugh.


These are all photos taken in a school.

This photo is nice, isn't it?
Everyone's expression looks great.

Really great smiles.

Yes. This is Hirasawa.

I am not home at the moment.

After the signal, please tell me your
name and leave a message.

No matter how much I have begged him,

The Investment Director has already made the decision.

Please do something about it.

Union Director.
I beg of you.


In the last 2-3 years,
the fish catch is decreasing here.

You're not the only one
faced with difficulties.

The fishery cooperative is barely holding on too.

I understand that.

I will definitely do something about
the arrears.

Would you help me negotiate with him?

I beg of you.


Ritsuko, make us two cups of tea.

Right away.

Ken-chan, let's talk this over.


You're the only one
who hasn't submitted the sales receipt.

If you don't do it early,
work can't progress.


After I'm done with this,
I'll go and take it.


Don't you think
Ko-chan has been spacing out a lot lately?

Because of this.


His girlfriend was supposed to
return from Tokyo during summer break.

But she's busy with her part-time job
so she wouldn't come home anymore.

Part-time job?
I wonder if it's true.

What do you mean?

She just makes up an excuse
to play around with another man.

A female university student in Tokyo..

there's no way she will be in a long distance relationship
with this countryside fisherman, is there?

You like Kohei?


You like him right?

How on earth can I like him?

He's totally not my type.

If so, won't you go out with me?

Keep on dreaming.


Hey, Kohei!

Uwah. Ouch.

Are you ok?

Don't get distracted while you're on a ship.

You can die anytime.


Thank you very much.

Please take care.

I see.

You're that fledgling fisherman from last time, right?

Aren't you an unexpectedly good guy?

Then, how is it?

Eh? What about?

Of course your long distance relationship.
Is it going well?

No.. Somehow, Sae..
Ah no, Sae-chan

is quite busy with her part-time job lately,
so we haven't any time to...

It seems that she's not going back
this summer break either...

If you are not careful,

she will be nabbed away by men in Tokyo.

U... Um...


Really, a mother can say things like that
about her daughter?


What are you talking about?

She's still young.

If she doesn't love one or two persons,
she can't become a good woman.

To be her boyfriend, no matter it's you
or any man in Tokyo, whoever is fine.

But you know, I hope she
can like someone seriously

and love that person without any regrets.

If by any chance, you are seriously about her too,

get up the strength to bring her back here
and have an all-out attack.

You only have one life to live.

Also, people can die in the blink of an eye.

Right now, for customers who would
like to purchase Christmas cakes..

Ah.! Excuse me..

[Takadanobaba Station.
Waseda Exit. 5 p.m]

It's still too early...

Did you manage to make reservation
at that restaurant?

I did, right on the mark.

A reunion after a long time huh?
Do you best.

Do you best.

I'll try my best.

Bye bye.

Bye bye.


Dressing fashionably like that for Christmas Eve...
Going out with someone right?

No comment.

Ah is that right?

Spill the beans.

Please stop.

What, it's no big deal.

I don't like it.

Why? Hey..


I have wanted to go to this restaurant long before.

I see.

My friends at the university said that not only the atmosphere
is nice, but the food is also cheap and delicious.


It was pretty hard to make reservations here.

Is that so?


Oh, right.

Please go ahead and take a seat.

Your Christmas present.

Ah.. Thank you.

Why are you angry?

Not at all.

I'm not angry or anything.

You've been mad
ever since some time ago.

That's why, I said I'm not.

I have looked forward to seeing
Kohei-kun for a long time.

Even though I have looked
forward to seeing you...

Why are you...

Me too, I'm the same.
Me too!

[font color=Yellow]Subtitle by[/font]
[font color=red]Aldi Arman[/font]

I'm leaving.




Kohei-kun, wait for me!


What should we do?
Let's go for karaoke?

That hurts.

Don't screw with me. Stop there!

Lame piece of shit.

Enough. Let's go already.

Hey what are you doing?

What are you doing? Come.

Let go! Come!

You rascal!

Let go!


Please stop!

Someone! Someone, help!


You rascal!

Let go!

Don't screw with me!

Come in.

I will turn the stove on now.

Wash you face.

We need to disinfect your wounds.

We need to disinfect your wounds..

I missed you.

I really missed you.

Sorry. I woke you up?


What's wrong?


I thought of giving you this for Christmas...

You made it for me?

Tokyo has everything.

That's why, I didn't know what I should give you.

It looks like the ship
that I'm gonna board one day.

[Do your best, Sae]

Thank you.

Thank you, Kohei-kun.

Me too.
Thanks for this.


What's the matter?

Even if we're separated,

we'll be alright, won't we?

Of course.

My feelings won't change.

Definitely. For the rest of my life.

They won't ever change.


Hirasawa-san, you're a senior right?


You haven't got any tentative offer from anywhere?


Since it's already this time,
It's harsh to not receive any offer, isn't it?

We do offer jobs that will make use of English
and allow you to work overseas.


But then, why don't you consider studying
or finding a job in a foreign country?



Over here, Sae!

Long time no see.

New York?

Yeah. I'm departing soon.

I will be staying at an acquaintance's house
for some time while taking photos.

I see.. That's amazing.

It's not amazing at all.



I might be hopeless already.


Ever since last year, I've constantly
been looking for a job, but I didn't get into anywhere.

Even though there are so
many companies here in Tokyo...



I don't understand for what purpose I
caused Mom so much hardship

and went to a university in Tokyo.

For what purpose am I staying in Tokyo..?

I don't know either.


Why am I doing my job..?
For what purpose do I take photos..?

What was the thing that I wanted to do..?

Well. Don't think too much about it.

Your life is not about getting into a company in Tokyo right?



What do you want to talk about?

Well, sit down.

I am sorry.


I am really sorry.


Hello, Sae?
You're still up?

What's the matter?

Just because..
I wanted to hear Sae's voice.

Ah right. Did you get into that company?
It's a trading firm right?

I was turned down again.

I see. It's tough right?

It's tough.

I see, I see.

What's the matter?



Maybe I should stop being a fisherman.


I was told by my Dad tonight..

he is selling Koeimaru off.

When I..

decided to suceed the family's business,

my Dad borrowed a huge sum of
money from the fishery cooperative

to buy a brand-new ship.

The debt became bigger.

To the extent that it's impossible to pay it off.

My dad said..

he would sell the boat to pay off the debt
and then manage to scrape by with fishery.

But I...

Can't I go there?

There I'll search for a new job.

I'll definitely look for one.

I want to live together with Sae.
I want to be with Sae.

Such an... important thing...

I can't give you an answer instantly.

I can't answer you now.

You're casting this town aside?

Didn't you say we would become adults together?

Look at you...
You can go to Tokyo just like that?

Move aside.

I'm not moving aside.

How are you gonna face your dad?

Just because you want to go to Sae-chan's place..

How can you understand my feelings?

What do you understand about how I feel...

Why should I understand? Huh?

What the hell? Let go.

I'm not letting go.

What are you two doing?

This is our last catch.

Quickly get prepared.


When you said you would start going to fishery high school,

remember I was opposed to it?


I didn't think you would oppose to it at all.

When you said you would succeed me in fishery,

I was really happy.

There's no doubt about it.



Don't take fishing as your job.

You go and follow your own path.

What happened?


Someone, come!

Captain is...

What's wrong?


Are you alright, Uncle?

Hang in there.


Hiroshi, get me a blanket.


Someone, call the cooperative. Quickly.


Pull the net in.


Kohei, go give them a hand!

What happened?

Kenjiro collapsed.
Seems like a heart attack.

Ritsuko, call Mihoko-san.
Okay? Go!

Got it.

He's still in the open sea.
I leave him to you.




Hang in there!

I beg you!
Hang in there!



Sae.. I..

was that my punishment?

Because I said..

that I would stop fishing.

That I would break with the sea..

That's why, Dad is...

Dad has always pushed himself for my sake.



As I thought, I can't go to Tokyo.

I can't...

cast aside my Mom and my sister.



you can't be separated from the sea.

You're right.

Ever since the beginning,

I have never been..

in Sae's future.




you must..
realize your own dreams.


You're leaving already?

I just visited Uncle's grave.


Thank you for everything you've done for me until now.


See you then.

What's this, all of you?
Why so gloomy?

Why are you all so gloomy?

Hey, Ko-chan.


There's no such thing.

There is, right?

Leave him be.

He's forever like that, only thinking about
the woman that he's broken up with.

What the?
That's not the only thing I think about.


If you don't cut off all ties with the past,
you can't go on living right?

If people don't do that,
they can't go forward.

What's wrong with you?
Sounding all proud.

Seems that Tamotsu has got a girlfriend.

Isn't it a given that you're lying?

I'm not.
This time I confessed to her properly.

Then, she said she liked me too.

Nah, impossible.

Who can like someone like you?

You're up?

Where are the rest?

They went home already.

It'll be bad if you catch a cold right?

Ko-chan, are you okay?

Recently, whenever I see you...

Wanna drink something?



What do you mean?

No. I told you that the deadline was yesterday.

Okay. Then,
make sure you do it by 5 p.m today.

Yes. 5 p.m.

Okay? Thank you.

Hope he's gonna help a good job.

I got used to this kind of trouble.



Here's the information for today's interview.

Thank you.

I'm going.

Okay. Good luck.
See you later.

She's been working very hard.

She's really changed a lot the last year.

America. New York.

Especially good weather, nice days..

Did you make your costumes yourself?

I sewed them. I just...

Yes, that's right.
I'm going in ten minutes. well as materials from other artists
that gave to him as donations.

The artist is also a musician, isn't he?

Yes, that's right.

See you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow


Sae. Don't work too hard.
Or else you're gonna burn out.

But I have a deadline to meet.

I was wondering who.

Welcome back.

I'm back.

Oh my god. Jun, welcome back!
Hey! Jun!

How are you?

Hmm delicious!

What an amazing appetite.

I didn't get to eat anything decent there.
Now everything tastes delicious.


So whichever dish is fine huh?

No no, just kidding. Kidding.

I wanted to eat this meat and potato stew made by Sae.

How was Cambodia?
Were you able to take good photos?


I felt my improvement.

I will try bringing them
to some newspaper companies.

I see.

Let me help give out the flyers.

I'm counting on you.




You finally learned to smile again.

Totally different from
that time when you first arrived here.

Is that really so?


It was even written on your face.
"I'm falling apart".

After you came here, you decided on
lodging and everything else on your own.

It'd have been better
if you had relied on me a bit more.

I'm sorry.

Well. I'm no longer the
senior you can depend on either huh?

But after I came to New York,
the first time I saw you,

I thought you were a totally different person.


How should I say..

Like you were really alive.

That morning,
I saw everything from here.

Buildings crumbled right in front of my eyes.

I was so scared.

My whole body was shivering.

"Ahh. A w*r is about to start."

I'm not trying to deem myself important, but I...

I thought I must do something.

Through my photos, even just a little,
perhaps I still can convey something..

So that's how it was.

I haven't been able to do anything though.

But I like Senpai's photos.

That's why, if there's anything I can do...



Enough of that.
Don't call me Senpai anymore.

Because I wanted to see you,
I put my life on the line to come back.

You're exaggerating.

This is not where you should laugh.



Let's get married.




Thank you for traveling such a long distance.


It's lovely.
You're beautiful.



I tried my best to lose weight.

It really suits you.

Sae too.
Somehow you look really cool.

A New Yorker is sure different.


Your uncle and others from Shibetsu
have just arrived too. Soon we...


Hey, you're living in New York now right?


Then you must be very fluent at English right?

No, not at all.
I'm still having a hard time.

Eh~ really?


Then, see you later.

Long time no see.

Ah, thank you.



Oh thank you.

Hey, there are so many people here right?

Will Tamotsu be alright?

He's surely very nervous.

Long time no see.

Long time no see.

This is Ritsuko, my wife.

I got married.

I heard already. From Minami.

I see.


Nice to meet you. I'm Hirasawa.

I'm Kiuchi. Nice to meet you.


We have a meeting about
the program for the afterparty.

Ah, I got it.
You're so loud.

Please excuse me.

She's always like that.
Her sense of civility is pretty off.

Well, but she's trying her hardest for the family.
She really helps me out a lot.

I see.


You seem to be doing well.

Kohei-kun too.

Somehow, did you grow sturdier?

No way.
I'm already an uncle in the making.

I heard you're living in New York?


Then, you came all the way?

Yeah, well.

I see.


How is your job?

It's still as tough as before.
I still manage to make ends meet though.

I see.




Thank you all for waiting.
Please welcome the groom and the bride.

Ever since he was young, whenever he's nervous,
his right hand and right leg will sync with each other.

You're right.

There you'll see.

Sae-chan came back home?

Aren't they quite stingy with the food?
It's not charged as part of the total expenses, is it?

Sae, let's drink a little?



It's been a long time since you last came home,
so I have something to tell you too.

What is it?

Hmm, it's nothing much...

What is it?

I was... proposed by someone.

No way!


I'm not gonna tell you.

I'm home.

Oh welcome back.

I went to the supermarket in Nakabetsu
because the soy sauce there was on promotion.

Thank you.

Leave the rest to me.
Mother, you sit down.

Then, I leave it to you.


Where's Ko-chan?

He took out his car some time ago.

Where to?

He didn't say anything.
The cooperative maybe?

I see.

[Do your best, Sae]

I thought of bringing it to the
other side of the ocean.

But perhaps, I'm never coming back to Japan anymore.

You are going to live in New York permanently?

That's my plan.

My current job...
may look like only a part-time one.

I want to do it properly from now on.


I might be getting married too.

Is that so?


Thank you.

Ah. To an American?

A Japanese.

That person...

The person that Sae is going to marry..

Is he a good person?


I see.

Then that's good.

At last, Sae can..
realize your own dream right?

No, not at all.
I'm still halfway there.

You had an accent just now.

I'm sure glad that I came back this time.


To be able to talk to Kohei-kun this way,

I am glad.

Just drop me off here.

Thank you.

Then, take care okay?

Sae too.



You must become happy.


Where did you go?

Where did you go until this late, Ko-chan?

I was drinking with Hiroshi and others.

There was a call from Hiroshi.

He said everyone was looking for Ko-chan.

That you didn't answer your cell phone no matter
how many times they tried to call you.

He counted on me to tell you.

It already seems hopeless for our family.

The union said that
they would not lend money to us anymore.

They have resolved to do that.

There's no way else but to go bankrupt.

What have you been doing
at a crucial time like this?

What have you been doing?

Hi, I'm back.

Hey, welcome back.

How was Japan?

It was great.

Thanks for giving me a vacation, George.

This is from Junichi.


The project he's been waiting for came in.

It's a big break for him.

Thank you.

[To Sae. The newspaper company suddenly asked me to
collect some data, so I'm leaving New York for a while.
After I come back, please give me your answer.
I'm off. From Kitami Junichi]


A love letter?



We'll probably get married after he gets back.

Oh my god. You're getting married?


I'm so excited for you.
Oh my God.

So excited for you guys.
That's wonderful!

I'll confirm it.

I really caused you a lot of trouble.


Everything is finished now.


Your flight is soon right?

I'll send you off.

Your sister and I will be alright.

Quickly go to Ritsuko-san's place.


Thank you for everything you've done
for the sake of our family up until now.

I'm back.



We would like to interrupt the variety show to
break a piece of news to you.

On the 24th of this month,

in the south of Baghdad,

a Japanese photo journalist was shot to death

by a group of armed insurgents
while on his way to collect data.

The deceased is a freelance photographer
who resides in New York

Kitami Junichi-san, 31 years old.

Kitami-san had been in the local area since the 20th

to cover the events while commuting in a car.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Thank you very much for coming to
Kitami Junichi Memorial Exhibit.

As you all know, Junichi loved freedom,

loved art, loved the humor,

and was loved by everyone.

When I was lost in my life,

he lighted my way.

After experiencing 911 here in New York,

he found his purpose in art

which was to photograph
the beautiful smiles of children in w*r zones.

I still remember how he always used to say:

"Even though these children live in horrific situations,

they have the most life-filled, gorgeous eyes.

And it's my calling to show

what lies behind those smiles."

He lost his life in Iraq

in May 2003,

but I truly believe

Junichi is still with us.

I hope he and his message

will continue to live in your hearts.

Thank you for loving and supporting Junichi.

It was an honor to have known you, Junichi.

Thank you, Junichi.

Thank you everyone for coming.

I was surprised.
You suddenly appear.

You haven't come home for 2 years,
so of course I have no choice but to come here.

Sorry for causing you to worry.

What a great person.



Just by looking at the photos he took,
I can understand what sort of person he was.


It was a great speech.

Kitami-san should be quite pleased, shouldn't he?

You think so?

Of course.

Because Sae has done this much for him.

Even in this distant land,
unable to depend on anyone,

you really tried your best.

Really.. tried your hardest
to reach this place where you are now.

Hey, Sae.

If you want to come home,
you're welcome to be back anytime.

That house and that garden too
are still the same.



give me more time to think.

I will try to think for myself.

Straight down, turn right.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Excuse me.
Where is the lighthouse?

Down the dock, turn right into the house, up the hill.
Yeah, that's correct.

Thank you.

Thank you and hope that you'll come again.

Thank you.


[Do your best, Sae]

This ship is...

A Japanese guy left it here a few days ago.

A Japanese guy?

A young fisherman.

Maybe a tuna boat from Japan
comes into port every year for supplies.

A tuna boat?

He said the original owner of the ship

was born here.

He might still be at the port.




Put it close to their mouth, ok?

I said I got it already.



Welcome home.

Welcome home.

I'm back.


What is this?
When did you take these photos?

Well I'm at this age already,
so it's quite embarrassing.

No such thing.
It's not embarrassing at all.

Because it's a memory for our whole life right?



She looks nice right?
Beautiful isn't she?

Yeah, beautiful.

Enough already.
I'm putting this away.


It's great right?
Your first love is requited.


Somehow this town has become quite lonely too.


None of our friends remains in this hometown.

Hiroshi has also left for Nemuro.

In the end, the ones left behind are only the two of us.

How is Kohei-kun doing?

I don't really know about that.

His mother and Mika-chan are staying with
their relatives in Obihiro.

But Kohei has broken up with Ritsuko.

Since then, he has been looking for job.

Well, since if it's him,
he must be doing well.

He must definitely be doing well.
If he isn't, we will be bothered, right?



[Please be with me]

I told you, right?
I've had enough of fishing already.

I quit fishing.


I lied.

Fishing is the only thing I can do.

I'm done here at 6 o'clock.


Wait for me at the parking lot.

Oh.. okay. I understand.

Keep the change.

I'll be waiting.

Ah. Welcome.

It's having beautiful red autumn
leaves this year too.


This tree has grown big too, hasn't it?

You're right.

He was a willful person.


Your Dad.

He was really a willful person.

But in his last moments, your dad told me.

"I'm glad to have met you."

"Thank you for having given birth to Sae,
and for staying with me till the end."

I see.

That is enough for me.

We are happy, aren't we?

Like this, we can go on living
under your father's watch.


Once upon a time, there were three little pigs.

I build my house out of straw.

I build my house out of straw.

I build my house out of wood.

I build my house out of wood.

Very good.

Little pig, little pig. Let me in, let me in.

Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin.

Then I'll huff and I'll puff
till I blow your house...


I'll eat you up.

See you.

Watch out.

Have a nice day.
Bye bye!




[Thank you]

The one who wrote this is Sae?

Welcome back.

I'm home.

♫ Pushing up to the sky ♫

♫ You reach out your hands in May ♫

♫ Please come somehow ♫

Welcome home.

♫ Please come to the water's edge ♫

I'm back.

♫ I will give you a flower bud ♫

♫ of the blooming dogwood in the garden ♫

♫ Hey, you are a lovely blushing color ♫

♫ I wish that the unending dreams
will one day conclude perfectly ♫

♫ For you and the person you love
to continue on for a hundred years ♫

♫ The summer is too hot ♫

♫ My feelings are too weighty ♫

♫ If we cross the sea together ♫

♫ the ship will certainly sink ♫

♫ Go ahead
Please go off ♫

♫ Please go off first ♫

♫ My patience will one day bear fruit ♫

♫ so that the unending waves will stop properly ♫

♫ For you and the person you love
to continue on for a hundred years ♫

♫ Chasing after a fluttering butterfly
Lifting a white sail ♫

♫ When it's Mother's Day ♫

♫ Please take these dogwood leaves with you ♫

♫ You don't have to wait ♫

♫ You don't have to know ♫

♫ Hey, you are a lovely blushing color ♫

♫ I wish that the unending dreams
will one day conclude perfectly ♫

♫ For you and the person you love
to continue on for a hundred years ♫

♫ My patience will one day bear fruit ♫

♫ so that the unending waves will stop perfectly ♫

♫ For you and the person you love
to continue on for a hundred years ♫

♫ For you and the person you love
to continue on for a hundred years ♫

Thank you.