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In Your Eyes (2014)

Posted: 01/23/24 11:59
by bunniefuu

Did you guys
hang out last night?

Yeah, dude, you should have
been with us.

We took a whole six pack
from Dylan's dad.

It was my idea.

No way, did you guys
like, get drunk and stuff?

I don't remember a thing.

I blacked right out.

You only had a sip,
you loser.

Dyl Pickle got scared.

Don't call me that, Lyle.

be careful.

So we're gonna get like a 12
pack this time.

I had to be
the lookout.

Can't drink when
I'm on the job.

Like your dad's
gonna wake up?

Bell rang, boys.

Whatever, Mr. Howard.

It's just all a joke
to you guys, huh?

Lets see how funny
these test scores are.

Honey, jump off.

Dylan, please get back
in your seat.


Dylan, you okay?


Is he okay, Mr. Howard?

Dylan, buddy.

What's wrong with him,

Dylan, wake up, hey,

Oh, my God, Rebecca?

Rebecca, wake up!

Rebecca, honey,
please wake up!

Dylan, my man.

You gotta get yourself
some new porn.

Want a beer?

I'm on the clock.

Where you been?


Crazy boy.

You clean the spark plugs
of that four by

with your g*dd*mn

but you can't sweep up
in here every once in a while?

The only one who
comes around is you.

Then you should make an effort.

Where you been?

Car wash.

Got an extra shift.


Call 'em.

Think I won't?

Think you should.

Have you been associating
with any known criminals?

No, Sir,
I have not.

Have you crossed over
the state line at any time?

No, Sir, have not.

How's the job going?

It's boring,
but it's still mine.

Two months.

Gotta be some kind
of record.

Anything else
you need to know?

I need to know when
you're gonna slip up

and stick your pecker
in the grits again.

This may be
a dumb question,

but what did I ever
do to you?

You went into
other people's houses

and took things
that didn't belong to you,

things that they worked
long and hard for.

And I paid my debt, Giddons.

My conscience is shiny
and new.

Yeah, well, how about
Bo and Lyle?

Bo and Lyle weren't
on that job.

So the record states.

That is real sweet of you
to take the heat

for your old
school buddies.

all due respect,

you're not a detective,
you're my PO.

And I know that you
ride me more than most.


You're smart.

And ain't nothing
in this world

dumber than
a smart guy.

A smart man,

he sees beyond
his little world

and it kind of warps him.

So when he makes
that wrong move,

and you will,

it tends to be messy.

Well, maybe there's a side
of me you don't see.

As long as you're on parole
you are only what I see.

Now, I'd lock the doors
if I was you.

There's burglars and thieves
around these parts.

I bet you thought
I wasn't gonna make it.

Yeah, I wasn't sure
that I was.

Oh, that's right, you've only
had 12 hours to change.

You should have started
last night.

"Ha-ha" she said gamely.

Well, two of our trustees
are gonna be

at the Thompsons'.

Do I have to be charming?

No, just be yourself.

Actually, you need to be
a little charming.

Just nod and smile
and talk to the wives.

It's the Thompsons,
Dorothy will be there,

you can gossip
behind our backs.

I promise to turn my back
as often as possible.

Is that what
you're wearing?


Let's go double
or nothing.

I'll spot you three balls
this time.

All tapped out, buddy.

Come on man,
don't be a p*ssy.

I know you got some green
right there in that pocket.

No, I'm good.


You walk out on a man
who's still gambling

you might catch
a bad one, boy.

You starting fights
again, Dyl?

What's up?

Why don't you
rack 'em up, big guy?

I'd be happy to take
Dyl's cash off you.

Come on, man.

Lemme buy you a beer.

So what you been
working on, man?

Dirty cars, mostly.


That sounds shitty.

Better work's coming.

A lot of businesses
going belly up

in this economy.


Tons of shit
just sitting there

just waiting to be picked.

I know you could
use the money.

Especially if you ever
wanna play pool again.

Not exactly flush.

Well, hell,
let's change that.

Hey, can I get a beer here
for my poor relation?

I'll be seeing you.

You know,
Giddons finds out

that you and Bo have been

he's gonna send you
right back up.

He probably will anyway.

Fourteen in the corner.

With authority.



Hi, how are you?

Fine, how are you?

Personally I think
you're a shoo-in.

I don't know, guys.

The city council
would be a good step,

but I still have
a hospital to run, you know?

I'm not sure I'm ready
to move on.

Methinks the man doth
protest too much.

Not at all.

You still got four months
of protesting ahead of him.

Wait until we start begging
before you announce.

Please don't ever...

...a rumor, sweetie.

It's an undeniable truth,

it might as well be
written in print.

What's truth?

Chief Booth
is having a thing,

he's taking lovers.

Paula Dodd.

Paula Dodd?

Is she that, she that...

Yeah, she runs
that gift shop,

sells those
ceramic things.

Oh, yes thank you.

She's good.

What did you tell
Audrey Booth?

Oh, she was
absolutely crucified.

But she has a right to know
if her husband cheated on her,

that's all I'm saying.

Hey, Dylan.

Hey, Donna.

Gonna buy me a drink?

I uh, damn.

All cleaned out right now.

I mean, I would.

You can have mine.

Oh, that's okay.

I don't want
your cooties.

No, no, no, I've been
to a specialist about that

and they turned out to be
benign cooties.


Wait, what?

Nothing, it's just a...

So what's been going on
with you?

Oh, just, you know,
the usual.

Hey, you working?

Yeah, yeah I'm over
at the uh

National Car Wash still.

That's cool.



I was, okay,
let's just talk later.

Yeah, I'll see you around.

All right.


Good talking to you.

Hey, Eddie.

Look what the horse
dragged in.

Oh, yeah!

No, it's the best thing
in the world, really.

I only took the class
because Dorothy was taking it...

And for the naked men.

And for the naked men,
of course,

but now it's really
an obsession.

The drawing, I mean.

What about you, Becky?

Do you ever think about
taking classes?

Oh, I meant to take
a painting class for a while,

but I'm really no good.

Well you're not out
to make a living, sweetie.

Drawing will be
good for you,

it clears out the cobwebs,

not that you have got
any cobwebs...

Oh, my God.

I had a streak, boy!

You walked away when
I was on a streak!

I had a streak!

Boys, keep it light, now!

Outside, come on!

You all right?

Man, I didn't even
see him coming.

Well, he knocked
the living piss out of you, man.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Well let me pull you a beer
on the house,

how about it?

I'll pass, Wayne, thanks.


Is she okay?

I'm sorry, sorry,
I'm fine.

Oh, my God.

Hit him, yeah,
hit him again.

You made your point,

You're welcome.

Give me a little warning
next time

you're gonna have
another seizure, okay?

I mean, honey, really,
it was quite a show.

It was a muscle spasm.

I guess.

It hurt a lot.

For a second I...

felt like somebody hit me.

The look on your face,

It was a little much,
you know?

Even for someone with
a muscle spasm.

I just, I guess for a second
I was worried

this was the beginning
of another...

It's not.



I'll give you a shoulder rub
when we get home.

It doesn't hurt

♫ In the days ♫

♫ We will live ♫

♫ Like our ghosts
will live ♫

♫ Pitching glass ♫

♫ At the cornfield crows ♫

♫ And folding clothes ♫

♫ And we'll undress
beside the ashes ♫

♫ Of the fire ♫

♫ Both our tender bellies
bound in baling wire ♫

♫ All the more a pair of
underwater pearls ♫

♫ Than the oak tree and
its resurrection fern ♫

♫ We'll undress beside ♫

♫ the ashes of the fire ♫

♫ Our tender bellies
all wound around ♫

♫ In baling wire ♫

♫ All the more a pair
of underwater pearls ♫

♫ Than the oak tree and
its resurrection fern ♫


Where are you at...?

What, what time is it?

Oh, shit!

♫ When we were younger
we thought ♫

Oh, shit!

♫ Then we grew a little ♫

♫ And romanticized
the time I saw ♫

♫ Flowers in your hair ♫

♫ It takes a boy to live ♫

♫ It takes a man
to pretend he was there ♫

♫ Be in my eyes ♫

♫ Be in my heart ♫

♫ Be in my eyes
ai yai yai ♫

♫ Be in my heart ♫

♫ So now I think
that I could ♫

♫ Love you back ♫

♫ And I hope
it's not too late ♫

♫ 'Cause you're so
attractive ♫

♫ And the way you move ♫

♫ I won't close my eyes ♫

♫ So be in my eyes ♫

♫ Be in my heart ♫



Anything in particular?

No, I'm just stocking up.

♫ Be in my eyes ♫

♫ Be in my heart ♫

♫ Got me on a Monday ♫

♫ It's just me feeling bad ♫

Look out!




- What?
- What?

Who is that?

Who said that?

Stop it.


Who said that?

Stop this!

Stop this,
stop it.

Ma'am, your bag.


Oh, shit.

Stop it, stop it,
stop it, stop it,

stop it, stop it,
stop it, stop it, stop it,

stop it, stop it,
stop it.

What is this,
what's going on?

Stop it, stop this...

Hey, shut up!

Can you hear me?

Who are you?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry,
what am I sorry about,

what did I do?

Who are you?

I asked you that.

I'm looking at
a store window.

Am I looking at
a store window?

Yes, I am.

Are you me?

No, no, no,
you're in my head.

You're in my head.

I'm having...

I'm losing...

Oh, God, I'm so scared.

Where am I?


Where am I?

Uh, you're on the road,
you're on a road.

There's a truck,

I don't understand,
what does the truck mean?

Well that means I have a truck.

It's my truck.

I have a truck.

You have a truck.


Why, what do you have?


Oh, um, a Range Rover.

Nice, safe.

I can see out there.

I can see here, too.

It's like one's close
and one's far away.

I just focus and

I can see what's here

or what's in my head.

This ain't your head,

this is New Mexico.

Wait, you're real.

You're a real person.

Oh, that's the sweetest thing
anybody said to me all day.

I don't understand this.

It's cold.

Wait are you,
are you cold there?

Yeah, it's um,
it's almost winter.

I can feel it.

Oh, this is too crazy.

And I can hear you...

Like I hear myself.

Where are you?

If you're not in my head
then where are you?

Exeter, New Hampshire.

New Hampshire?

Get outta here.

Wait a minute,
what time is it?

No, what day?

Um, it's Thursday

the uh, 24th?

Okay, well that's today,
I think.

Do you have a watch?


Oh, my God.

You're in the future.

You're two hours
in the future!


I'm in a different
time zone.

Oh, yeah, right.

Can you hear my thoughts?

I don't know,
think something.


What should I think about?

I'm not allowed
to tell you.



Yeah, no, I got nothing.

I'm thinking about
new sneakers.


That's a weird one.

Uh, all right, well,

what if we just both...

Rebecca, are you all right?


You there?


Chief Booth.

You okay?


I'm fine.

I'm so sorry,
I think I fell,

I think I'm...

Did you hurt yourself?

No, I think maybe
I had bad clams or something.

Um, are you,
how are you, how's Audrey?

Good, she's great.

Are you sure you're all right?

Yeah, I'm great,
I'm great.

Maybe if you just um,
walk me to my car

to be sure.


- You know.
- Where are you?

I think I'm parked
right over here.

You sure you're okay?

I'm totally fine.

Are you there?

Wow, uh,
guess we got disconnected.

Yeah, someone came and
I had to cut you off.

So, wait, how?

I mean, I could feel you
trying to come in.

This uh, this kind of
swimmy feeling

in the back of my head,
but I could stop it.

That's good to know.


Um, I can't talk here.

People are um,
staring at me.


And yea, assuming I still got a
job I need to get to it,

but uh, I mean,
we gotta talk about all this.

Okay, later though.

- Seven o'clock?
- Okay.

Well, wait that's uh,
that's five my time,

I'm still at work.

Say ten, eight for me?

Yeah, great, fine, okay.


And if, you know,
it doesn't work for some reason

then uh...

It was nice
meeting you.


It's snowing.

Hey, hey, hey.

On top.

Oh, my God, it's almost ten.

Why, yes, it is.

Is it, is it some cause
for excitement?

No, no, no, no.

Just we ate so late.

Yeah, I told you it was
gonna be a long day.

Yeah, I know.

No, I was just,
I just meant,

I just meant you must
be tired

and thinking about
going to bed.

Well, I'm not.

Is that okay?

Of course!


Actually um,

there was a show I wanted
to um, to watch.

Oh yeah,
that sounds fun for you.

Oh, my God.

Well, yeah, hi.

Oh, boy, did I not
expect this to work.

I thought I was just...

I know, I did, too.

Oh, man, okay.

Well, uh,
I just,

I spent all day
just trying to think

why this could be


Did you come up
with anything?

Well, you know, one thing
did occur to me.

Are you
by any chance




My name is Rebecca.

That's, wow,
I didn't even think of that.

I'm Dylan.


That's nice.

This is a nice room.

Is this your place?

Uh, yeah,
this is my house.

I mean,
it's my husband's.

Oh, you're married.

Yeah, why not?

I mean, you got a name,
you could be married, too.

Did you tell him
about it?


No, I uh...

I, I just wasn't sure.

Yeah, I mean,

maybe it's better
if you don't right away.

I don't know,

this is just hard enough
to believe

if it's happening
to you.


I'm gonna wait.


So, this is your house?

No, it's yeah,
yeah, it is,

but uh,
it's a little messy.

It's kind of the maid's
decade off.

Wait, what are you doing?

It's better this way.

Shouldn't have to...

I don't really have girls
over too much.

Oh, my God,
I have to ask you!

Did you um,

did you get hit last night
on the shoulder,

like really hard?

Yeah, I sure did!

This son of a bitch just like
came at me...

With a pool cue!

I know, I was there!

And I was also
at this dinner party.

...trying to fend him off.


Sorry, it's Vicky Madden.

I was just telling her about
my smooth move last night.


You must tell it really well.

Yeah, what was that?

Oh, God, yes,
the kids sound amazing.

I can't believe that.

That was very smooth.

Thank you, Vicky.

So that was your husband?

Oh, yeah.

Um, yeah, that's Phillip.

Good looking guy?

Yeah, doctor,
he runs the um,

hospital here.


Professional man.


I should probably go.

Well, do you wanna
talk again tomorrow?

Okay, but after Phillip
goes to work.

You're not like,

planning on getting hit
again, are you?

Well, let's see.

It's not in my book.

Nah, that wasn't
nothing anyway.

Worst I ever took was...

Oh, my God.


Let me ask you something.

Did you ever go sledding?

Did you ever go sledding
and get really hurt?

I hit a tree.

Jesus H. God!

I got knocked out cold.

I mean, I must have been out
for more than a minute.

I still have the scar.

Dylan, that was 20 years ago.

I'll be damned.

I got 12 stitches.

And my mom never let me
go sledding again.

Not that I was
all that keen to.

Hey, what about when
you were like

I don't know, maybe 16?

You were all torn up
about something.

I wanna say it was like,
the dead of summer and,

I mean it must have
been a k*ller

because I must have been
cross-eyed for a month.

That is so embarrassing.


I can't tell you,
it's um, too personal.

Oh, come on,
you got to!

You owe me a whole July.

That was...

my first boyfriend.

I was so in love with him.

He was 20, you know?

I don't know, we went out for
like, two months

and then he broke up with me
right after we, you know.

Oh, oh!

No wonder.


I mean like, right after.

What a d*ck.

Sorry if I uh,
ruined your summer.

No, it's cool.

I was, you know,
pretty used to having like,

weird moods and you know,
stuff I couldn't really explain.

Yeah, me, too.

I pretty much thought
that you were PMS.

Yeah, a lot of people
get us mixed up.

I remember some other
stuff, too, but, I don't know,

I guess it's all
kind of personal.

Like your mom.

Yeah, that figures.

You were in college, right?


She wasn't ever
very well.

She was,
like me, kind of?

Not much of
a physical specimen.

Dylan, there's something,

didn't make any sense
to me at the time, but,

you know, I always felt like
there was someone with me.

You know, just like
a feeling.

I felt it um,

more strongly than ever
after she died.

It helped.

Did you ever
feel that way?

Why don't you tell me?

I remember your first
night in prison.

Oh, yeah, right.

Time to come clean.

What'd you do?

I uh, just
good with locks.

Not that good
with silent alarms.

Got two years,

in with mostly lifers.

Yeah, I figured that was

it was really


Yeah, I never felt as alone
as I did in there

doing my bid.

You weren't.

Hey, haha,
Jesus, hey.


Go look in the mirror.


Come on!

I don't even hardly
know what you look like

except mostly your hands.

Um, um...

Go on, show me.

I, you know,
why don't you do that?

'Cause I asked first.

Well, I'm not doing it
unless you do it, too.


But after you.

I'm not even dressed.

Well, come on,
whose fault is that, lazybones?

Let's go.


This is ridiculous,
I'm scared.

Oh, come on,
what have you got

to be scared of?

Shut up,
you're scared, too.


I'm going to the mirror now.

God, I'm beautiful.

Oh, don't be stupid.

No, when I said
"beautiful" I meant,

you know, ugly,
wart covered,

what did I say?

Just don't flatter me because

I spent the night
in prison with you.

What are you
talking about?

Hey, look,
I was having fun

being a beautiful girl

I was all ready to go...

buy hats or something,
go back.


No, it's your turn.

Hold on,
just give me a second.

It's your turn!

Read 'em and weep.

You've got
such a nice face.

Nice, huh?

Oh, no.

I mean yeah, it is.

Well, it ain't much,

but it does cover
my unsightly skull,

so that's a plus.

- Hi.
- Hi.

No, no, no,
it was nothing like that.

We um,

we actually met
when he,

when he lectured
at my school.

I know, it sounds terrible,

but it was really nice.

We just got along great

What did you say?

Oh, nothing,
it was the phone.

Um, did you figure it out?

I wish I could
describe it better.

It was like
a chugging noise.

Yeah, I know.

What it is, you got a crack
in your manifold.

They go on you.

You need to replace it.


Let me check my stock and uh,

probably rack you up today,

Yeah, that's great.


Thank you.

What year is your truck?

Oh, uh, a 2010.

There's no way
the exhaust system

on a Range Rover would go
after just a few years.

Here, turn her over.

Okay, go look
under the hood.

Like, what, now?

No, after he charges you
1200 bucks.

Yeah, come on.


What am I looking at?


That sounds like it could just
be the sensor got loose,

so that should be over
by the ABS.

I don't know
what that is.

That, that,
that boxy thing there.

Okay, over here?

Mmm, no.

Okay, try the other side.

Over here?

Uh, it's like
a multi prong thing.

You're looking for like,
a multi prong plug in thing.

See that?

Yeah, yeah, that's it.

What do we do with it?

Look, it's loose.

Plug it in.

There's your problem
right there.

The sound stopped.


That's it?

That's it.

I fixed it.

Yes you did, darling.

Hey, you're in luck,
I can take you today.

We are in luck,

the intake and exhaust manifolds
are both fine.

The um, uh...


...sensor just needed

I don't think that's gonna
do you much good

in the long run but, yeah,
I can take care of it for you.

No, that's all right,
I already did it.

Thanks, Stan.

And they put me in prison.

♫ I've been looking ♫

♫ For a fight ♫

♫ All the trouble
that I know ♫

♫ Trying to lose
the world inside ♫

♫ But it's got
no place to go ♫

♫ Oh, I'm armed
and dangerous ♫

♫ And I'm deafened
by the fray ♫

♫ Waiting for the day
I'm able ♫

What is that?

♫ And I said it
all this way ♫

Oh, never.

♫ Take me home ♫

♫ Let me go all day ♫

♫ Just be here
till I know ♫

♫ Till I know that ♫

♫ The riot's gone ♫

♫ The riot's gone away ♫

♫ Turn it up, turn it up,
gonna get f*cked up ♫

♫ I wanna make up now ♫

♫ For all the things I saw
that I can't control ♫

♫ Cut it out, cut it out
when it doesn't go ♫

♫ So one day we wake up ♫

♫ So when we wish to go
we can zip and go now ♫

♫ Take me home ♫

♫ Let me go all day ♫

♫ Just be here
till I know ♫

♫ Till I know that ♫

♫ The riot's gone ♫

♫ The riot's gone away ♫

♫ Hey ♫

♫ I heard it
for a moment now ♫

♫ Hey ♫

♫ I hear you coming
at me quiet ♫

♫ Hey ♫

♫ I heard it for
a moment now ♫

♫ The riot's gone ♫

♫ The riot's gone ♫


So, how's the auto cleansing
business treating you?

Actually I've been thinking
about looking for some new work.

Who with?

Bo, Lyle?

I wanna see if I can't
scare up something better.

I mean, I ain't
gonna quit or nothing,

not till I'm sure,

What's with you?

You got a funny look.


You look like
you're about to kiss me.

Well, I mean,
when the light

hits you like that
something about your head...

Well, solicitation
is a crime,

so what's going on,

Nothing's going on.

For such a smart man
you are a piss poor liar.

I met someone.

Well, there it is! Yeah!

You getting your pecker
waxed, huh?

She know you a con?

She doesn't seem to mind.

Oh, you got you one of
them classy women.

You'd be surprised.

Nothing you do
could surprise me.

Over there.

I like that you told him
you had a girlfriend.

Yeah, well, some people
will believe anything.

Come on, you've had

Nothing that lasted more
than a few dates.

Just not good with women.

What about your man needs?


You got a mind
like a sewer.


Move the other six back

then you can move
that one over.

No, dummy,
that's cheating.

It's not cheating,
it's creative.

It's no fun to cheat,
it's no fun if you win.

The only reason
you don't cheat

is 'cause you're afraid
someone will get mad.

Can't always do what
you're told, darling.

Spoken like
a true convict.

I'm sorry.

What, no, yeah,
it's okay.

I got no right
to be touchy,

it's all true.

Oh, hey, uh...

I think I figured it out.

You know,
why it happened

or why we opened it up
when we did.




Why not?

What up, Dyl Pickle?

Uh, I gotta go Becky,

got something
I gotta do.

Okay, I'll see you.

Gruman Tech Supply.

The bitch is ripe, Dylan.

Is it?

You know our cousin,

The one who beat that
aggravated as*ault charge

against the 7-Eleven clerk?

Kicked his lard ass
all up and down

the freezer section.

He's been working maintenance
in the office park.

He says Gruman is empty
as church service

on Super Bowl Sunday.

Here's the best part.

No silent alarms.

Don't it just make
your heart sing?

You know Giddons is just
drooling for me

to make a move like this.

Don't worry about Giddons,
he'll sleep through it.

Your end is two hours
at most.

You open up
the pearly gates,

we handle the rest.

You don't wanna be
seen with us,

yeah, I get it,
I get it, man.

Hell, we'll mail you
your cut.

I could use some
walking around money.

Yeah, but this is more than
just walking around money.

We got a fence lined up
in Wilberfield?

He's gonna buy
the whole lot.

Your parole gets through,

this is you setting up
in a new town.

Like a proper man.

All you gotta do is keep
your pretty trap shut,

Dyl Pickle.

Who's ever gonna know?

I don't know,
I just...

Ain't exactly
good timing for me.

What else you gonna
do man?

You just gonna wax
a bunch of Caddies?

Dylan, this was your idea.

When you got out
you asked for some action.

Something to get back
on your feet,

something safe.

Now this is way the hell
out in Bedlow

and all that equipment's
just sitting there.

It ain't nobody's,
it's gonna rust.

There's no victim here.

Just a true convict.

Dylan, we let you in on this
because you asked.

Now I don't like you knowing
if you don't have a stake in it.

We'll be waiting
on you, boy.

Catch you soon, Dyl Pickle.


Oh, Phillip!

Sorry, you startled me.


You know how I get
in these places.

Yeah, I do which is why
I'm surprised to see you here.

Everything all right?

Yeah, everything's fine.

I was around and
I had a wild notion

you might be free
for lunch.

Uh, um...

It was a pretty wild notion.

Let-, I still got my doctor's
cap on I'm afraid, um...

Maynard's here to discuss
his research program.

Oh, the um,
the schizophrenic narc...


It's a big word hun.

Oh, which reminds me
next Thursday

is the big fundraiser so
don't put us down for anything.


Okay, good.



You remember my wife,

Oh, yes,
nice to see you again.

Dr. Maynard.

Do you two have plans?

Oh, no um...

I just need to remember
to call ahead first

if I'm going to be

I see.

Okay, I'll just
leave you guys then.

Okay, I shouldn't be
late for dinner.


And um, I'll see you Thursday
at the fundraiser.

I look forward to it.

It's hard to tell right off.

Yeah, I wish you could have
spent more time with her.

I just, I didn't know
she was coming.

Well I see what
you're talking about.

Her, her body language
is very protective,

very concealing.

She's deeply uncomfortable.

It's odd.

Yeah, she's always
been skittish.

I, I just,
I don't know.

Wait, wait,
who's this guy?

That's Muffler Mike.

His muffler's been busted
for about eight years

so everyone knows
when he's coming.

And that is Bob Breezy,

we call him, yup,
Breezy Bob.

Okay, so it's not brilliant

Yeah, I uh actually
worked with him once

on a highway job.

He's got a real
interesting smell.

You got a problem, buddy?

Tell him to go f*ck himself.


Go f*ck yourself, dude.

Nope, nope, no problem at all,
we're cool.

Such a wimp.

Do you like it
when we get hit?

Hey, who's that,
she's hot.

Yeah, that's Donna,
she's a nice girl.

She's a nice girl?

Is she married,
is she covered in sores?

Not to hear it.

Wait, she's waving.

I know.

You guys are friends,
ask her out.

I'm not gonna
just ask her.

Don't be a wuss,
you know you want her.

Shut up.

Look, she's coming over!

What is this strange power
you have over women?

If you don't shut up
I'm gonna shut you out.

You better not,

not when our girlfriend's

Hey, Dylan.

Come to me, wench.

Hey, Donna.


Are you here alone?

Oh, Jenny's supposed to
be coming, but...

Haven't seen you
around much lately.

Haven't been around.

Duh, say you like
her shoes.

Uh, I like your shoes.

They, they work.

I can't believe
you noticed them.

I got them on sale.

They pretty much go
with everything.


You compliment them on
something they did or bought,

not like their eyes or
something they were born with,

that's how they know
that you like them,

you like their taste, you
like their...

Shut up.


Oh, I just
hate this song.

You're joking, this is like,
my favorite song.

Oh, I know, just, I've heard it
so many times.

Oh, yeah, that's true,
they do play it a lot.

Ask her out,
ask her out,

ask her out!

Say, Donna, I was thinking.

Are you,
are you busy Tuesday night?

I'm busy most nights.

What'd you have in mind?

Oh, I just thought that uh...

I could cook for you,
I could cook for you.

I could cook you dinner.

You cook?

Yeah, I mean, well,
a thing or two.

What do you like?

Um, well I like steaks.

Big steaks.

All right, all right, yeah,
I could,

I'll fix you up
a rare steak

with a fancy sauce
and trimmings for days.

If you're not too busy.

I am so smooth.

Tuesday I'm seeing
my momma,

but I think Thursday
I'm free.

dinner at 6:30.

No, no, no, no, no.

I'm busy Thursday night.

You're not coming.

Jenny's here.

So 6:30.


Okay, gotta go,
see ya.

Phillip and I have a fundraiser
Thursday night, you dope.

Yeah, you think I want you
coming on my date

telling me how to kiss
and stuff?

Who made you ask her out?

You couldn't even
talk to her,

you're nothing
without me.

Still not coming.

I made you
and I can break you.

This event
is going to be so great.

It'll help with the Laramie

A charity donation is
just like any other investment.

You wanna know your money
is being put to good use.

Wow, you know, I can't think
of a better place

to put your money
than in the research fund.

Of course you can't,
your husband's on the board!

But no, you're right.

Sick people are
always the best.

Real lump in the throat stuff,
these hospital charities.

Give me cripples
every time.

These are psychos,
not cripples, but you know,

would you mind excusing me
just a minute?

How's it going?


How's it going?

Oh, I'm fine, yeah.

Why, what do you want?

Nothing, I'm just checking in,
seeing how it's going.

Yeah, everything's great.

Your sauce is burning.

This is nuts.

I haven't cooked anything

that didn't take microwave

since ever.

Here, smell this.

What is that, um, rosemary?

Yeah, too much?

No, no!

It's a little thick, though.

Yeah, you said it's
supposed to be thick.

Yeah, but not like,
thick as a brick.


Oh, you hate this shirt.

Oh, this is the wrong shirt,

women everywhere
revile this shirt.

Dylan, maintain.

The tie's a little rodeo,
but it's gonna be okay.

Yeah, easy for you to say.

How's your money dinner?

Oh, you know,
stuffed shirts anonymous,

I just have to worry about
not falling asleep.


Hey, you're gonna be great.

Good luck.



How you doing?

Good, how are you?

Oh, shit.

Well done.


Everything, oh,
that's good,

that'll be great, yeah.

- Come on in.
- Okay.

Never seen your place before.

You haven't?

I thought, you weren't out here
for the Fourth?

I don't think so.

Oh, I thought you were.


I had a barbecue.

It's kind of my own concept,

barbecue on
the Fourth of July.

Lots of people do that.

Uh, I uh, oh I like,

really like your shoes.

You got a thing for feet?

Dated a guy like that once.

Real weirdo.

No, no, I don't.

Can I get you
something to drink?

I did pick up
some red wine if you like.

Oh, you got a beer?

Oh, yeah, yeah,

I'll take one of those,


Just twist, yeah,


So you really
cook and everything?

Now and then.


What's this?

It's the sauce.

That smells kinda crazy.

Oh, bimbo.

Well, it's not for tonight.


Yeah, I don't like
my steaks all fancy.

Just burnt black
with tons of ketchup.



Figures what?


I thought you had spoken.

Oh, gosh.

Maybe I did.

I think I was...

Whoa, whoa!

Oh, no!

Hot, hot, hot!


You missed it!

Put it in the sink!

In the sink,
in the sink!


There, happy now?


Maybe you better go
wash that off, honey.

Stay out of this, Phil.

Oh, God.

I'm so sorry.

Yeah, why don't you go
to the bathroom,

collect yourself.

I, you're right,

It's okay, it's okay.

You guys okay?

Yeah, yeah.

Did you get anything on you?

No, I'm fine but,
is she all right?

Yeah, she's fine,
she's fine.

Who's Phil?

Just give me a second.


What did you think
you were doing?

I told you not to
come along anyway,

I had everything
under control.

You had everything on fire!

Yeah, well, that's
the way I like it.

Sure, burned black,
tons of ketchup.

It's none of your business
what she eats,

you yuppie snob,
that's my date.

Yeah, well, you know,
you sure know how to pick 'em.

What's the matter?

Are you jealous?

No, I'm not jealous!

Then butt out!

Why don't you make me?

Just make me.

You think I won't?

Yeah, sure, try.


- That's all you got?
- Uhhuh.

Stop it.

Did it again,
did it again.

Dylan, stop, stop it.

I won't, no,
I'm not going to.

I won't.

Hey, Donna.


I'm just uh, putting on
some aftershave.

Just freshening up
a little.

I'm gonna go.



Donna, wait!

I was just making a joke.

I was just

putting on aftershave.

You are gonna speak to me again
before we die, right?

What do you want me
to say, Rebecca?

Thank you, I'm so glad you
made us look like idiots.

You didn't even apologize
to Dr. Maynard.

I don't like
Dr. Maynard.

He always looks at me like he's
trying to guess my weight.

He was trying to raise money
for an important project

I happen to be
involved with.

Phillip, I can't say
what happened.

I think maybe I dozed off
for a second.

I was confused.

Haven't you ever done that?

That's not it.

I mean, that may be true,

Something is happening
to you.

And I don't know if it's
what happened before or not.

It's not,
believe me.

Okay, then what?


I don't know, Phillip,

Sometimes you just look
at everything

and it's all
just different.

Do you know?

Yeah, I do.

They call that puberty.

No, it isn't just then,
it never stops.

It's like um...

Like shedding your skin.

Is that what you're doing?


Yeah, I guess,
sort of.

Shedding me?

No. No.



I'm really sorry,
I know I messed it up,

I know...

No, no, it's cool.

I would have messed it up
myself anyway,

you just saved me time.

Give yourself
a little credit.

That girl really likes you.

Well, if she did I think
she got over that pretty quick

when she caught me talking to
the little man

inside of my head.



It's just sometimes
when I'm with you

I forget myself.

You feel funny.


Don't you feel funny?

Like, not,
not a fever, but...

Oh, I uh...

I was uh,
previously engaged

in a certain kind of activity
and uh...

Nope... heh... um...

Well, you smell nice.

Kinda sweaty.

Sorry, that...

That was out of line,
I didn't uh...

I should go.


Um, look, I'm sorry
about tonight.

Yeah, me, too.

Well, goodnight.





Okay, well, wait,
here goes a good one.

Number seven,

how does your partner
rate as a lover?

- Pass.
- No, wait!

Pass, pass, pass,
that's none of your business.

Of course it's my business,
hush up.

You describe your lovemaking
as A, wild animals.

B, sweet and slow.

C, at least he tries.


Who's he talking to?

I don't know.

Um, B, A,

no, no.



Okay, if you say so.

Nine, how often
do you and your mate...

No, pass!

- Why?
- Pass.

Come on, this isn't
gonna work unless...


Turn up the radio.

Oh, you like this?

Yeah, I love this song.

Oh, yeah, I remember this.

♫ I stand up ♫

♫ So I can fall ♫

♫ I storm out ♫

♫ So I can wait for you
to call ♫

♫ I just look at you ♫

♫ Baby, that's all ♫

♫ I'm crumbling ♫

♫ I wake up ♫

♫ And you're not there ♫

♫ I call all my friends ♫

♫ Tell 'em I don't care ♫

♫ I'm so cool, baby,
and never mad ♫

♫ I'm crumbling ♫




Is this more uh,


This is dancing.

Ah, yeah, it is.

Okay, um...

I'll see you.

So what brings
the party down here?

I was just looking for
my old photo albums.

I thought they were
in the corner.

Ah, yeah, yeah.

Last time I saw them
they were...

God I hope Bridget
didn't throw them out.

No, that doesn't make
any sense,

she would have ask...

Hey, I ran into Diane.

She said you were gonna do
the painting class.

The drawing class.

The drawing class,

Yeah, I don't have to.

What? No, I think
that's great.

You know, get you
out of your,

the cellar.

Why would Bridget
throw out my photos?

No, I'm not saying,
just, you know,

whatever, by accident.

What do you want
with them?

Nothing, I just wanted
to show them to D-,

to, to...

myself, look at them.

I'm not saying
don't find them,

it's a healthy thing,
that's good.

And I can help you
look for them.

I have my council meeting
at six but um,

you know, it won't k*ll me
to be a few minutes late.

Yes, it will.

Thank you for knowing that
about me.

Hey, is my uh,
gray shirt clean?

Ah, yeah, I'll check.

Thank you.

Everything come out
all right?

You're drunk.

I ain't had hardly
nothing to drink.

But give me time,

I got wine on
my damn pants.

What's Phillip gonna think?

Where is ol' Phil?


Have I given you the tour
of my luxurious home?

Yeah, you have.

Elegant, modern
entertainment center.

The perfect addition
to every home.

Did you find those pictures
you were gonna show me?


They're gone.

Well, wait a minute,
what happened?

They're gone.

I have been through
the entire

attractively furnished

Maybe the maid ate them.

Or maybe...

my husband
slipped them into the trash.

Are you serious?

Why the hell would he
do that?

Because he knows me.

Phillip takes care of me.

That's not ta-,
that sucks.

He's not being mean.

He knows how funky
I get sometimes,

looking through
that stuff.

Doesn't matter anyway,
I know them all by heart.

There's my mom
when she's little.

She has my eyes.

Blue-gray with flecks
of panic.

And here's Mom teaching me
how to swim.

Notice how I'm grafted
to her arm.

Not a success.

And there's a picture
of a pony.

I don't know why
it's in there

or who it belonged to,

but there it is anyway.

And there's my dad.

Scariest man
who ever lived.

Grown ups
were scared of him.

All they ever taught me
was how to be afraid.

And I went out and found
the copingest man alive

so he could take care
of me.

So he could get rid
of the past.

Chipping away at it.

All my little quirks
and insecurities.



Nothing left.


Nothing like a little truth
to sober you up, huh?

I'll tell you about
my family,

I got a brother
named Mitch.

I think he lives down
in Louisville now,

moved 1500 miles away
so that

he wouldn't have to
loan me any more money.

My momma just,

I put her through
so much,

by the time I got popped
she stopped talking to me.

She didn't even wait
for the trial.

I never met anyone
I didn't disappoint.

I mean, the best thing,

the only thing about me
that I like

is you.

♫ I wanna feel
your touch ♫

♫ It's burning
like an ember ♫

Oh, f*ck.

I wish you weren't
so damn pretty, Becky Porter.

I know it's dumb
and shallow and,

I mean you're
a married woman

and I'm on parole.

Still, sometimes I think...

Just wish you weren't
so damn pretty.

♫ I'm giving in ♫

♫ To the trouble I'm in ♫

♫ So I'm giving in ♫

♫ To the trouble I'm in ♫

♫ To the trouble I'm in ♫

I wanna know
what you feel like.

♫ You are, you are ♫

♫ My favorite night of sad ♫

♫ You are, you are ♫

♫ You're where
the lights began ♫

♫ You are, you are ♫

♫ Just one last time again ♫

♫ You are, you are ♫

♫ You are the trouble
I'm in ♫

♫ You are the trouble
I'm in ♫

♫ You are the trouble
I'm in ♫

♫ You are, you are ♫

♫ My favorite night of sad ♫

♫ You are, you are ♫

♫ You're where
the lights began ♫

♫ You are, you are ♫

♫ Just one last time again ♫

♫ You are, you are ♫

♫ You are the trouble
I'm in ♫

♫ You are the trouble
I'm in ♫

Oh, cut it out, it's good.

It's cool!

Look at Diane's.

That's a little abstract
there, darling.

Try drawing
the nice man.

Dylan, my office.

Gotta go, darling.

Okay, I'll see you.

What's going on, Jake?

It's no good.

What is?

It's no good.

It doesn't work.

Wait, wait,
am I fired?

Okay, you're me, Dylan,

What would you do?

Keep the ex con
who talks to himself all day?

You frighten the customers.

Look, next time you
get a gig, okay,

just let your imaginary friend
stay at home.


You gotta start living
in the world, brother.

You gotta be
where you at.

You understand
what I'm saying?

Be where you at.


I'll give you a recommendation
if you need one.

I won't lie.

But I-,
I'll say you were honest.


What happened, bro?

Hon, I'm your friend.

Oh, good.

I mean, yes,
of course you are.

You can tell me.

You really should.

Sweetie, I honestly,

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

Not at all?

Everybody's concerned.

Is something going on?

You can tell me.

There's just really
nothing to tell.

Have you been
seeing someone?

Oh, God, no.

No, no, no, no, no.

I couldn't, I'm married,
I would never.

Oh, I meant a shrink.

You're having an affair,
oh my God.

Oh, no, no, no.

You don't have to tell me who
unless you want to

because I'm very good
at keeping...

Diane, I'm not,
I'm not having an affair.

And we never had
this conversation.

Oh, poor Phillip.

Oh, I didn't mean that.

You know, you don't have to
tell me who,

that just explains

Explains what?

Well, I don't mind
telling you

now that I know
you're not crazy,

but everybody's talking.

Well, you must know that.

Everybody's talking
about me.


Don't they have lives?

My lips are sealed.

They are zip locked.

You don't have to tell me
who he is,

but is it someone
I know...

Diane, honestly,
I'm not having an affair,

I'm not, I swear.


I'm just crazy.


This is possibly the greatest
game of pool ever played.

Hi, Dylan.

Hey, queen of the rodeo.

Rodeo queen, huh?

What'd, you come to watch me
make pool history?

Had a few pitchers,
haven't you?

My only regret

is that I gave up my law

to become a showgirl.

Can I pour myself one?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hey, hey, hey,
have a beer.

I'm just gonna
find this ball.

So Wayne says that Jake
gave you the can.

That blows.

Don't it, sister?

Where the hell you been
hiding at, Dyl Pickle?

Thank God, you've come.

Is it time
to do crimes?

Yeah, man,
we been waiting on ya.

Cue ball.

Enough dicking around.

Are we doing this
or not?

Hell yes, let's do it.

Let's do it.

All right,
here's the address.

Need you to roll up there,
check the place out.

We go in
Thursday night.

Let's do it now.

Let's do it now,
I mean,

what am I waiting for,

This is what I do.

I mean, I'm a criminal element
man type, man.

Just like you.

Like, who am I kidding?

Maybe you've had
enough, Dyl.

Maybe you wanna head home,
sleep it off.

Oh, no,
I want some action!

I want some
Action Jackson!

Come on, let's get lost.

Hey, you can be
my moll.


I mean,
I gotta have a moll.

See, I got
this problem, y'all.

It's the Jiminy the Cricket
is gonna get

all upset with me, man,

and I can't go messing with
Jiminy the Cricket.

He lives in my head
with Mr. Cr-,

excuse me,
Dr. Cricket.

And what am I gonna do
when she finds out

that I'm just like
everybody said?

What am I gonna
do then, Bo?

You got voices
in your head?

Is that what
you're saying?

You don't believe me?

- Donna?
- He does.

Yeah, I have a world
of craziness up here, man.

So you might wanna find
somebody a little more stable

to be your wire man.

Maybe I'm not your guy.

I mean, burglary is
a pretty tricky

piece of business.

It's time to shut your mouth
now, Dyl.

You know what,
I'm getting so sick

of everybody telling me
what to do.

All right, step back Dylan,
just step back.

You two, get the hell
out of my bar.

All right, Wayne,
put the g*n down.

Okay, Wayne.

Man, I got a lump on
my head the size of Nebraska.

Shut up Lyle, shut up,
it's okay,

everything's fine.

Am I bleeding there?

Everything's fine.

Shut up, Lyle.

I don't care how long
we known each other.

You screw this up...

Bo, look at my hair,

Am I bleeding?

Bo, my head's gonna be
all discolored.


Hi, I just got the call
that you were here.

To what do I owe
this pleasant surprise?


Do you recognize it?

That doesn't even
look any smaller.

I never came here again.

I was scared.

I just felt like

there was something here.

Something too grown up.

Too real.

Do you think this is
the place I first went nuts

or does it go
further back?

Come on, you're not crazy,

I was once.

Right after college.

Before Phillip and I
were engaged.


Kind of fell apart.

Couldn't deal with
being in the world

so I spent some time
in a hospital upstate.


I didn't know about that.

Yeah, you missed that one.

Probably because I
missed most of it, too.

I couldn't feel anything.

I'd just lay in bed
for three months

trying to work up
enough energy to cry.

Phillip was with me
through all of it,

he read to me,
he sat with me.

Tried to get me through it.

He probably did.

Sure wasn't me.

So g*dd*mn weak.

Becky, how can you
say that?

I mean, what you did for me?

Have I made your life
any easier, honestly?


You know, I can't
read your mind, Dylan,

but I know when
you're lying.

Becky, don't do this.

I can't live like this.


Phillip is my husband.

I know you don't like him,

but I need to be with him.

I need to find him again.

Yeah, you gotta do
what you're told, right?

That's not fair.


I finally for once
in my life,

I could see something,
something real

and then you tell me
I gotta give it up,

so how do you
come at fair?

I can't be with you
and I...

I can't play at this

It's not a game,

it's not something
that you play.

What am I
supposed to do?

You are going to be fine.

God, Dylan.

You have so much.


You blew me away.

You know that, you...

I'm never gonna
forget that.

Couldn't we just...


How do you expect me to
just shut you off?

Because you love me.

Give me a whiskey neat, please.

The thing is
you come in here

and there's always
some kind of trouble.

Is that what you hear?

Not too nicely, though,

you were in here doing your
little MMA style tango

with the Soames brothers.

They showed up,
I left.

We didn't associate.

Dylan, this ain't
a g*dd*mn drill, okay?

You went and got
yourself fired,

you're hanging out
with known felons

and now Lyle is looking
to bust your ass...

look can you...?


No, no.

No, no!

Please, no.

What's wrong with you?




What the hell's
wrong with you?

Those bastards!

Who, Bo and Lyle?

You know what I'm
looking at right now?

A cell.

Hey, you tell me what's
going on with them brothers

you won't even have to
think about that.

No, I mean I'm looking
at it right now,

I'm in it.


This is where they put me,

'cause this is where
they see me.

What, wait a minute.

So this is when you start
blaming the whole world

for your crap,
is that right?

No, no, this is
where I stop.

We ain't finished.

I want you
to get better.

To stop...

about everything.

gonna be fine.

You just need to be

alone for a while.

No distractions.

Till you feel
yourself again.


I love you.

Oh, f*ck.



Now we both got lumps
on our heads.

It's Thursday!

Time to go to work, Dyl.

I gotta be somewhere.

Yeah, and we know where.

You know,
I told Bo

that we should bust you up
and leave you there

when we're through,

but he's got a code.

Two hours
and comfortable living, Dyl.

No, I need to be somewhere,
I'm asking.

And I'm answering.

We'll worry about
forms later.

None of your people will
even know she was here.

I'm betting she'll be
back to normal

in just a couple
of months.


Did you see who was
driving that car?



We are

at a cruising
altitude of...


Can you hear me?

Come on, answer me,


Jesus Christ.

what is going on?

Phillip put me in here.

I think he thinks
I'm having an affair.

So he locks you up?

Can he do that?

I don't know.

I'm afraid of him.

I don't know what
he's gonna do.

God, you feel like
you're underwater.

What are they
giving you?

Phillip gave me
these pills.

I took them.

He told me to take them
so I took them.

Don't you know
where you are?

Yeah, I'm in the um...

I think it's the um,

Hophauer Clinic.

It's a mental institution.

Your husband oughtta be
a permanent resident, darling.

Once again,
we do request...

You're in a plane?

I'm, I'm headed your way.

Listen, I need
to see the room.

I want you to look around,
I wanna see everything.

Is there anything
you can do or...

I understand, Sir,
but unfortunately

we cannot rent you a vehicle

without a valid
driver's license.

I just, I just don't
have it with me

right now is all and I have
a real important job interview.

And I do hope
you get that job.

What I can do is
arrange a cab for you.

Perhaps a friend can
overnight your license

while I hold the res...



Where are you?

Still at the airport.

What are you doing?


Hey, you, stop!

Now twist it
to the left.


Okay, now see if you can
find the empty space in there.

I can't do this,
I feel like a four year old.

You can do it,
just relax.

This ain't Fort Knox,
these are simple locks.

Oh um, turn here.

Where did you learn to do
all this stuff anyway?

Um, school mostly.

I always wondered what
you guys did in shop.

I bet you took ballet, huh?

Or tea appreciation
or something.



Holy shit,
holy shit.

Hot damn, that took me
a week to learn that!

You're a natural born

I bet you say that
to all the girls.

Am I close?

Yeah, I think so.

Just keep going
all the way through town.

It's right by
the train tracks,

you can't miss it.

Okay, I'll find it,
time to get a move on now.

Anybody in the hall?

Um, wait a sec.

Wait till she
leaves the hall.




Listen, when you
get out of there, um,

you ever seen Canada?

Why, what did you
have in mind?

I thought maybe you'd like
to have a romance

in an exotic setting.

Go for it,

just walk like
you know where you're going.

Oh, shit.

Do you have any idea
where I am?

No, get back on Main Street.

Not a good idea.


Turn off the
engine and show me your hands.

How are you
doing today?

Here goes nothing.

Stop the

Oh, my God.

my God.

Dylan, I can't
talk to him, I can't.

Becky, calm down,
you can do this.

Okay, okay.

I'm just gonna walk past him,
it's gonna be totally fine.


What are you doing?


Told you I couldn't
talk to him.

Go, Becky, just go.


Call security.


He's gone.

The woods.

The woods, go!

Hear that train?


Run for it!

I'm here.





There's an open boxcar,
see it?


This red boxcar
right here.

Red boxcar, see it?


Okay, go!

This is gonna be so weird.

♫ Down by the river ♫

♫ It don't matter
which river ♫

♫ They're all
going somewhere ♫

♫ Well, just as long as
you're looking for me ♫

♫ Well, just as long as you're
looking for me ♫

♫ Well, just as long as
you're looking for me ♫

♫ Well, just as long as you're
looking for me ♫

♫ I can be
a good friend ♫

♫ And I can be
a good lover ♫

♫ And I can
be a good lover ♫

♫ But I can't do
both of them ♫

♫ No, I can't do both ♫

♫ I can hope ♫

♫ Well, just as long
as you're looking for me ♫

♫ Well, just as long as
you're looking for me ♫

♫ Well, just as long
as you're looking for me ♫

♫ Well, just as long as
you're looking for me ♫

♫ Well, just as long
as you're looking for me ♫

♫ Well, come and stand
in the water ♫

♫ Well, come and
stand in the water ♫

♫ Tell me that you don't care ♫

♫ Shaking and shivering ♫

♫ Time is making jokes
at my expense ♫

♫ While dancing in
the riverbed ♫

♫ Well, just as long as
you're looking for me ♫

♫ Well, just as long
as you're looking for me ♫

♫ Just as long as
you're looking for me ♫

♫ Well, just as long
as you're looking for me ♫

♫ Well, just as long as
you're looking for me ♫

♫ Now you know
everything ♫

♫ Did I scare you off ♫

♫ Did I show too much ♫

♫ The future's unraveling ♫

♫ I'm losing
my sense of touch ♫

♫ So I reach out
in the dark ♫

♫ I hope that
you'll be there ♫

♫ To shine some light ♫