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Jab We Met (2007)

Posted: 01/23/24 12:08
by bunniefuu
Adi.. - Although going to the
court is beneficial to her..

In just 4 hearings the matter
will become clear..

And she will know what she
genuinely deserves..

.. and what she should expect
from this company!

Look, I don't think we should
jump to any conclusions!

Good morning, sir.
- Good morning, sir.

Hello, Mr. Kashyap.
Nice meeting you.

Passengers, attention please, this
is the train, boarding to..

Delhi from Chatrapati Shivaji Terminus
... from platform no. 5 at 8:05.

Mister, hold this luggage!
- Let me get in!

Give it! Give it!
Give it to that gentlemen!

Madam, you quickly get in!

You don't worry about me! Just load the
luggage inside! Quickly! Here!

Ma'am, I told you in the beginning itself
you have luggage enough for two coolie's!

Here.. Hold the frame carefully!
Its Babaji's frame!

Is there more luggage?

Don't worry! No matter how much
more luggage there is. Let it come.

- Here! Here! Hold this! This is really risky!

Ma'am, you please look ahead!
- Yes, I am! You just quickly load the luggage!

Come on! Come on! - Give me
your hand! Give me your hand!

Oh God!

This was the limit,
I crossed the line today!

Do you know what?

Till date I have not missed
a single train!

Thank you, Babaji! You saved
me from breaking my record!

one minute.

I am inside now.
- Yes

You can leave my hand now..
I am not that beautiful!

I prefer travelling in
a Non-AC compartment.

But my family.. they
say 'you are a girl!'

As if I don't know that I am a girl!

Mister, is this A1 ?
- Yes!

Thank you!

Now what is the connection
between AC and a girl?

I don't understand that!

I am not travelling alone
for the first time!

That too in this train! This
is like my second home!

Please show me your ticket.

Hello! I am talking to you!

Hey! This is my seat. 23!

Strange. Hey, mister!
This seat is mine! 23!

Nobody likes to take the passage seat
But I always insist on the passage seat.

The reservation uncle gets
very alarmed and worried.

But my logic is that.. my journey
doesn't end with this train!

I am going to Bhatinda.

My house is there.
My family is there.

Everybody has a family.
I have one too.

Everybody says that Mumbai
is a crowded city.

What do you mean by crowded?
People like us form the crowd!

They are a part of the crowd!
Still they crib!

I am leaving Mumbai! Forever!
Do you know when I came here?

When Mumbai was Bombay!
Hostel! Hostel! Hostel!

St. Teresa's boarding school
hostel in Shimla!

Missionary hostel for college
girls in Bombay Central!

I swear! Henceforth I will never
live in a hostel again!

I hope the road digging
stops before the monsoon.

Otherwise do you know
what will happen?

Anyway! What happened?

What are you doing?!

.. last time a kid fell and died..
It's really dangerous!

Are you dumb? You can't talk?

Or are you shy?
Or are you just insolent?

Something is surely the matter! I have
asked three times... but still no answer!

Ticket please!

It's on the berth! I will
just give it to you!

Excuse me, mister! Ticket please!

Hello, mister! First
come inside! Come on!

Show me your ticket!

He wants to see your ticket. Ticket!

Where is your ticket?
- I don't have a ticket.

Actually you see what
happened is that..

his plan was made at
the very last minute.

So there was no time
to buy a ticket.

By the way the train is quite empty
- So you can give him a ticket now.

There is no problem, right?

Mister! Are you convinced
or shall I say more?

Ticket for where?


Where is this train going?
- What?

Last stop. Delhi. Give
him a ticket to Delhi.

Look. I might as well tell you.
A tragedy has occurred with him.

He is going through bad times.
So that's why he.. Delhi!

Oh Mister! What's the matter?
Are you doing dr*gs?

Look, if there is any problem,
then you can tell me.

I don't mind! Tell me!

All my friends tell
me their problems! And I solve it!

Do you know? I am that
kind of a girl!

Like an agony aunt whose articles
you find in the magazines?

I'm just like that!
Tell me! What's the matter?

Tell me what is your problem?

Tell me! Don't feel shy! What
is your problem? Tell me!

You are my problem!
You are talking non-stop!

Don't you understand that I am not
interested in talking to you?

I don't want to talk to you!

I don't want to know whether you
are going to Bhatinda or Benaras!

Whether you lived in some
hostel or some brothel!

I just don't care! All right!

So just please! Please! Leave
me alone! All right!

That thing about brothel
was not right!

Yeah! I.. look.. I..

I know! You are clearly very
upset about something!

That's why you got
upset with me too!

And you started talking nonsense!
But it's okay! I don't feel bad!

Actually nowadays I don't
feel bad about anything!

Do you know why?

Because I am going to
get married! Very soon!

Listen! I am eloping!

The guy is not Sikh so
my family won't agree!

But what can anybody do
after the marriage?

We will go and fall at their feet!
They will have to forgive us!

I like mountains a lot! Really!

Since childhood I had this
craze for marriage! By God!

What is the difference between
hill and mountain?

I could never understand.

I was just waiting for my college to get over
And his travel agency to open up!

But you don't find good
shoes there. That's why..

Hang on!

Hey! The train is leaving!

Listen! Hero!
- What's his name?

Hey, mister!
- His name is mister!

Look here!
- Is he with you?

Oh God!
- Listen!


Where are you going, ma'am?
The train is leaving!

The train is leaving!
- Ma'am!

Ma'am!... Ma'am!

Hey, black pant!
- Ma'am!

Hey, Mumbai guy! Listen!
The train is leaving!


Are you mad? The train
is leaving! Come on!

What? Go to hell!

Ma'am, what have you done?
Where are you running away?

Who will pay the compensation?
- Leave me! The train is leaving!

Stop! Somebody pull the chain! Stop!

Such a fat woman!

Even a blind man could
see such a big basket!

And this crazy girl!

Now I don't know in which corners
my tomatoes are lying!

I will pick it up from here! You
pick it from there! - Okay!

You stupid weirdo!
Which world do you live in huh?

I have missed my train
because of you.

My entire luggage has gone!
I have lost everything!

And now I am stuck in these
clothes and slippers..

on this God forsaken
platform called Barnagar?

What will I do now?

Did I tell you to get
down from the train?

Can't you mind your own business?

Oh! So It's my mistake! Shameless!

I was helping you! You
should be thanking me!

And instead you are
showing me attitude!

Okay! Thank you! Thank
you for helping me!

Now will you please leave me alone?
- Leave you alone?

I see! It's not so easy!

I have missed my train
because of you!

So now you will take me to Bhatinda!

To my house! Along will my
entire luggage! You see?

I am not going to spare you!

Don't have any doubt! I am
a Sikh girl from Bhatinda!

Hey! He is running away!
Nab this man!

Thief! Thief! Thief!


- Move!

Nab that thief!

Shameless! Throw away your uniform!

- Hurry up!

Yes! Come on! Come on! Come on!

Yes! God heard your prayers!
Now come on, move!

What are you doing?

How will we catch the
train like this?

You can't catch the train anyway.

Ratlam is the next station. 1 00
kms away.

What do you know what you are?

He is mad! He is totally mad!

Stop the car!
- What?

Stop the car!
- What happened?

What happened?

O God! Couldn't you
hold it for sometime!

Get in! Come on!

Hey! What? What are you doing?
What are you doing?

Stop! Stop! Stop!

Don't disturb! There
will be an accident!

Mark Three.. this a Mark
Three Ambassador.

Mister! Please stop! Stop!

Everything is shaking! The car is
shaking! Everything is shaking!

You don't be tense! Listen to me!

This man is no ordinary man!
Look at his style. He has lots of money!

I bought this car by selling my land.
No good can be done by this!

Look, we all are in this situation
because of him..

If anything breaks.. he
will pay for the damage!

You don't worry! I will
ensure that he pays!

Stop the car! Stop the car!

If anything happens to this car,
then everything will be ruined!

Nothing will happen!

Hey! My fare!

Where are you running away? My fare!

Give me my fare!
Hey! Where are you running away?

Hey! They are running away
without paying my fare!

'Passengers pay attention. '

The train on Platform no. 1
is 21 37 Punjab Mail to Delhi.

The train will stop at
Ratlam for 1 0 minutes

Get in!
- What about you?

Look, don't try to help me anymore!
I am fine alone.. All right!

My fare! Give me my fare!
- Stop!

You are running away!
- Hang on!

Ma'am, you were saying..

Money. I need to borrow some money!
I want to buy water!

I will return it in the train!
- Do you have more? Its full fare right?

Look, I am paying you alright.
You quietly stand here! Got it?

Water! I am breathless! By God!

Cold drinks have their own place but finally
only water can quench your thirst!

It's said.. best things
in the world are free!

But now even water is no
longer free! How much?

Ma'am, this is the rate!
- Is that so?

Shall I ask the consumer
court what's the rate!

You are trying to fool me!

For 2 rupees you are
arguing so much!

If 2 rupees are nothing, then
why are you stealing?

- Then what?

And you are saying
that I am arguing! Return my money!



Stop! Somebody pull the chain! Stop! Stop! Stop!

The next station is Kota. I
will call the station master.

He will keep your luggage there.

Nothing else can be done.

But how will I reach there? Shit.

Who told you to get
down from the train?

You should have been alert!
Now what will you do?

Zest of youth! You don't understand!
You don't understand!

Look.. life is like
a railway track..

of many miles..

Your small mistake
can ruin your life!

Yes! I too have missed many trains..
But at that time I was a man!

I mean I am still a man..
but.. you are a girl.

A girl travelling alone is
like an open treasure box!

Yes! Do you know? Do you know?

What all things could
happen with you?

I will tell you! Look..

Excuse me! I want to ask you..

What you are saying.. do
you charge money for it?

Or is this free education?
- No, this is for free.

Good! Because I don't
have any small change!

Look, old man! Stop this nonsense.
And do your work!

Call Kota! The rest is my problem
I will handle it! You.. Quickly call!

Come on! Come on!

A 23 Seat Number passenger's

Your water!

I am not a thief! It's really bad!

What happened? What happened?

This poor girl missed her train!

There is no train till morning!
- O God!

Is she alone?
- Yes!

Now what will she do?
- Exactly! Do you know?

A girl travelling alone is
like an open treasure box!

Listen, don't try to act smart!
Got it? Get lost!

Am I a b*mb that I will explode?
Try to understand, ma'am!

Before somebody tries to
take undue advantage..

I thought.. I will help you.

Don't let her stay here
at night alone..

You will have to take some trouble.
But.. take her somewhere.

Yes. There is no other option.

Don't try to act too smart!
Got it? Get lost!

This is the limit! Nobody
appreciates decency!

Tell me! I am taking you to
the right place and you..

Shut up!

I will give you a slap
if you talk too much!

Let her slap you. At least
she will touch you.

Fine! If this is what makes
you happy, then slap me.

Fulfil your wish. Slap me. Slap me!

Where are you going? Today I won't
leave before you slap me!

Listen brother!


Oh no!

Hey! Come!

Come on! Come on! Just one man.. Full night!
My place! Come on!

I am not that!- What?


Listen! If you want money,
then I will give it to you!

Why are you acting pricey?
Come on! Come! Listen!

You drunkard! You come here
everyday! Get lost! Come!

Why are you making me run around
at night? Listen to me!

I will pay you!

She is acting so smugly! Listen!

Thank you, Babaji! Thank you!

O God! God knows what would
have happened today!

Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you! Thank you!

You missed the train again?

And who is this joker on the bike?

Hi! I am Geet!

- Aditya! Pleased to meet you..

Infact.. I have never felt as
pleased meeting anybody..

.. as I feel after meeting you today!

Because you are the one who has
started all these problems!

Remember.. I told you not
to have any doubt..

I will not let you go! You
will escort me home!

I have seen that you have
money in your wallet..

We will stay in some
hotel till morning

Then we will go to Kota. Collect
the luggage.

And then all the way
to Bhatinda! Come on!

Come! You can give me tough
look while walking too!

Come on! Come on! Come on!

Ratlam! Come on! It's the limit!

What does this mean? I am roaming
in the lanes of Ratlam!

From the train I would watch
these houses, these lanes!

Life is so strange! Right?

You are having a lot of fun, right?

As if we have come for a picnic.
You should be kept in a museum!

People should be charged
for seeing you!

What's the matter? And where
should you be kept?

You are in the train but you don't
know where the train is going!

You get down on some
unknown station!

Then you drive the car
like a crazy man..

.. almost k*lling me..
you reach here.

And here.. you are walking
in the dark lanes!

Alone! In the lanes of Ratlam!

What is your problem? Tell me!

Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!

You don't share your problems
with anybody!

Right! Are you Bachchan's
fan? Angry young man!

Today you will be very happy!
Agnipath! Agnipath!

Tell me, who's your favorite hero?

Tell me, there is no secret in this..

God!...Where have I come? What
am I doing? Why?

Come on! Please!

Do you accept credit card?

No credit! Only cash!
- Credit card!

What's the tariff?
- What?

How much do you charge for
a room for a single day?

Do you need the room per hour?

Just answer what I
am asking you! OK?

How much for a room for a day?

Why do you need it for the whole day?
We don't have to stay here the whole day!

Listen, let me talk! - Yes. You
are talking a lot of sense.

As it is we have less money!

We will take the room
on a per hour basis!

Geet! You are not understanding
what he is..

Be practical! Why do
you feel ashamed?

We need it just for a few hours!

We will take the room
on per hour basis!

How many hours?

Fine! To be on the
safe side 3 hours!

Where did you find her?
- In the train!

In the train? You met
her in the train?

Nice idea!

Listen, how is the item?
Hot! Beauty!

Thanks! 3 hours!

What were you whispering to him?

You are such a cartoon!
Do you know that?

Possible! But I know karate!
- So?

I am just informing you!
I am brown belt!

I see! I see! I see!
You know karate.

Meaning if I tried to r*pe you..
then you will use karate on me!


Possible! I mean yes! Absolutely!

I just look like this.. But
I have beaten many people!

Don't worry! I won't r*pe you!

You can't do it!
- I don't want to do it!

Even if you wanted to, you couldn't!

Are you trying to provoke
me to r*pe you?

No! I am just trying to clear it

So that you don't get
any wrong signal!

I hugged you at the station.
And I said let's go to some hotel.

I don't know what you
must be thinking.

That too a man like you!

A man like me? Meaning?

Girls must be hovering
around you in Mumbai! Those kinds of girls!

But let me tell you that I
am not that kind of a girl. Don't even think of it!

My thinking is orthodox!
One man woman!

And I have a boyfriend! Anshuman!
One and only! Forever and ever!

You will be happy to know that
I too am a one woman man. All right?

Look at this!

Show! Show! Show! Wow! She
is really beautiful!

You are very lucky!

No! I am not lucky!
- What?

Oh! So this is the problem!
This girl has dumped you!

Life has dumped me!
- What do you mean?

O God! The famous silence and all!

What is this great secret of yours?

I have told you everything!
Why can't you tell me?

Anyway! Look! Look at this photo!

This girl has ditched you.
Right? Hold this! Burn it!

Come on, Geet! You can't be serious!

I am damn serious! Burn
the photograph!

What childishness is this!

Listen to me! Do this childish
deed! Burn this!

You will feel really good! Burn her! Here!

Burn it! Burn it! No tension! Burn it!

Okay! Now go to the bathroom and flush her
out of your life forever! Go!

Do you feel better?
- You know what?

Doing this foolish thing..

I am actually feeling nice!
I am actually feeling better!

You were right!

See? And shall I tell you the truth?

You are not bad looking!
You are handsome.

You seem to be rich too!

You will find much better
girls than her!

She was nothing compared to you!

Thank you. That's very kind.

I am telling you! Am I not a girl?

Any girl will be smitten by you!
You are of that type!

Look, I am getting married
to Anshuman and all that.

But if he had not been in my
life then you never know..

Maybe I would have been smitten
too! Just imagine!

You like yourself a lot, don't you?

A lot! I am my favourite!

What happened?

I wish I too could
have been like you.

That is very difficult.

But you will find a better
girl.. that's for sure!

Why don't you only find
a good one for me?

Tell me something. Do you like me?

- Look! Look at me!

What kind of question is this!
Geet, don't be stupid!

Tell me!

Quickly open the door! Run!
Wear your clothes! And quickly run!

Give me the full amount!
- Hello! What happened?

There is a raid! There is a raid!

Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!
Come on! Come on! Run!

Hey! What is going on?

We will have to run!
- Why?

- Police! Come on!

Come on!

Quickly! Hurry up!- Everybody quickly run! I
will open the back door!


Next time get some suitcase to show to
the police. That you belong to a good family.

But I missed my luggage
in the train!

For the first time I am seeing a train girl. Why
don't you book a compartment in the train?

Like those meant only for two people
- I will tell you next time! Come on!

Come on! Come on! Come on!

What was he saying?
- Run! Run!

Please, Babaji! This is the limit!

Please don't give any more
excitement for this night!

Now please make this night boring!

The bus will leave in the
morning at 6 o'clock.

Are you feeling sleepy?
- No! What about you?

That.. Why were you asking me
whether I like you or not.

Yes! Tell me! Do you like me?
- But why?

There is no answer for this why!
Do you like me? Nice, sweet, great?

Tell me quickly!
- Yes!

- Yes!

If you like me, then you
will like my sister too.

Roop. My cousin. She
is just like me!

Listen to me. I am going
to elope every soon.

With Anshuman! You
and Roop too elope!

Your problem too is the same.
Grandpa won't agree!

And then all four of us will live
together in the mountains.

We will have great fun!
What do you say?

Why don't we do this?
We both will elope.

We both will get married.
And live in the mountains.

Look, it's a convenient option.

If we don't go to Bhatinda now,
then we are eloping anyway.

Look.. if you marry Roop then
I will be your sister-in-law.

Half wife.

What will I do with just half?
I want you completely.

You will get complete Roop.
And me partly.

Okay! Okay! Okay! It's
a bargain offer!

Yes. Half free with one!
Free! Free! Free!

That makes sense! But if I marry
you, the offer is still valid.

I am talking to you about
an alliance with my sister

And you are flirting with me!

Do you always talk nonsense?
Or today is a special occasion?

No! I always talk nonsense! You?

This is my first time! Actually
I have never met a girl like you.

Come to Bhatinda! I will
introduce you to one!

When we started walking.
The paths too started moving.

These paths seem lovelier
than the destination.

Come. Let's get lost.
Let's get lost somewhere.

Come.. Let's walk for miles.
Where to go? It should be unknown.

When we started walking.
The paths too started moving.

These paths seem lovelier
than the destination.

Sitting like this, how will
we discover a new path.

You too walk. And I too will walk.

Only then will these distances
bridge someday.

Come.. We both should have
no bond with anybody.

Come.. Let's walk for miles.
Where to go? It should be unknown.

When we started walking.
The paths too started moving.

These paths seem lovelier
than the destination.

I don't like it without you.
I don't like it without you.

On opening the eyes, slumber says.
What fervour is this?

Here and there. God knows where.
This fervour is taking me.

Come. We will find
a way in this world.

Let's walk for miles.

Where to go? It should be unknown.

When we started walking.
The paths too started moving.

These paths seem lovelier
than the destination.

You are great..

I have never heard anybody
sing so well!

You should have been a singer!

A person doesn't always
get what he wants.

Why? I think that whatever a person
really, actually wants..

.. is what he gets.

You know there was a time
when I really wanted..

Actually there was no greater passion
in my life than music!

Your life is over now?
You are talking as though are dead!

It's not over but.. Now music..
can't happen anymore.

Why? Why can't you do it?
What is your helplessness? Tell me!

O God! Don't tell me! Fine!

But don't become an angry
young man again. Please!- Okay.

I will start the conversation
- Of course!

The water is so nice right?
- Yes!

Have you ever jumped in
such a lake before?

Geet, I think we should be leaving!

We should try it! We
will have great fun!

Hang on! Hang on! I wanted
to ask you something.

Have you ever consulted
a psychiatrist?

O shut up!
- No! You need one, Geet!

Shut up! And let's jump! - Okay!
Just relax! Just listen to me!

Just think! We might not get the
chance to do such a thing again!

I don't want to do such a thing
ever! Have you gone mad?

You have tried being childish
right? You had great fun

Now try madness!
- Geet, relax! Listen to me!

It was so much fun!
- You need a psychiatrist!

Don't look here!

Have you heard Dharamraj
Kashyap's name?

The industrialist? Of course!
He died last year! Why?

I am his son!

You.. are Aditya.. Kashyap!- Yes!

Now you know me.

You are the Kashyap!

It was your mother that ran
away with another man?

Shit. Sorry.

Yes! It was my mother.. who
ran away with another man.

Actually I heard it in the
news in this language..

So it came out that way. I am
really sorry. Really, really!

No, Geet! I will have to hear it!
Why you are you saying sorry?

If somebody's mother
can be so cheap..

If she can do such a
derogatory deed then..

Mr. Kashyap! You shouldn't talk
so disrespectfully about her

Why? That woman destroyed
my entire family

Because of her I will feel ashamed..
.. in front of everybody all my life!

So why shouldn't I talk

Because she was in love!
- Love? Are you serious!

Look.. she is your mother.

So it's difficult to understand
this about her.

But when somebody is in love..
.. then nothing is right or wrong!

Who told you all this?

In which stupid novel did
you read all these lines?

Everybody says so! All
is fair in love!

Everybody lies! It's
all hogwash! Got it?

Yes! Yes!

Listen! You are so rich!

Elope with my sister! Everybody's
life will prosper!

You.. are an original piece!
Do you know that?

There is no other girl like you!

She has come!


Hi, Amrik!

She has come! She has come!
Geet has come, aunt!

So what's the plan?
- Let's see!

You come inside with me!
- No, no! No, Geet!.. I will leave.

Where will you go?
- I will be okay! Don't worry!

No! You come inside with me!
I can't let you go like this! Come on!

Geet, really I.. I got to go!

Look, my family is here! Don't
create a scene in front of them!

You stay here for sometime.
I want to talk to you.

Then you can leave! Come on!
- Geet!

Hi, mother!

The authorities in the hostel
didn't look after my niece well!

She has become so thin!
- How are you?

Come! Come! Come on!

Uncle!- Greetings, grandpa!

Who is this guy?

He is my friend, grandpa.
- What kind of friend?

Grandpa, that is not so!
- What?

I mean.. he is just a friend.
- Then why did you bring him home?

Grandpa.. he is the one
who has brought me home.

I missed the train at
a station in the night.

If he had not been there..

You know. A girl travelling alone
is like an open treasure box.

I didn't even know him.
We met on the train.

Still he has travelled
so far with me.

To Bhatinda! To escort
me home safely!

No other kind of friendship?

Because in my age.. in a
glimpse I get to know..

.. what is going on between
a boy and a girl.

Grandpa, please. You
are embarrassing me.

Embarrassing you?

If you had any shame..

Then would you have come home
wearing such clothes?

If you can come home wearing
such clothes..

then in Mumbai you must
be roaming around naked.

What's his name?

- Aditya what?

Aditya Kumar!- Yeah!

What work do you do?
- I.. am a musician.

Dear, I am indebted to you!

Now you will have to stay
here for a week. With us..

So that we can thank you properly
- Okay!

May God protect you!

People in Mumbai don't
eat much! That is true!

Enough! Enough! Enough! Please!
- Please! My stomach will blow apart! Please!

What nonsense! Have you ever heard
of somebody's stomach blowing up?

Then what? It's really strong! No...
Geet! Geet! Geet! Please save me!

You people didn't give
him buttermilk?

He has come to Punjab and
nobody gave him buttermilk?

I will get it!
- What are you doing?

I have some work with
you! Come inside!

You have saved my sister!
I can do anything for you!

I made a mistake by saving your sister!
Henceforth I won't save anybody's sister!

Son, you go ahead. I will
get a night dress for you.

Okay. O God Amrik! I will die!

Nothing will happen! Come on!

You don't understand!
My stomach will tear!

You go and check whether the
guest room is open or not.

What happened?

There is a problem.
- Now what happened?

I had told you that here nobody..
.. knows about Anshuman..

Geet! What are you doing?

Good that you came! Aditya,
she is my sister Roop!

Roop, he is Aditya! You
have to elope with him!

Geet! Think for a second
before you start talking.

And what were you doing inside?

Possessive! Already you
are feeling jealous!

Don't worry! We were not doing that!

He is a one woman man!
He will be faithful to you!

The room is open!
- So take him!

Why are you making
him stand here? Go!

Listen. You look there!
It's a secret!

Tomorrow morning get up early!

There is an old tractor in the
field.. We will meet there!

- Bye! Goodnight!


Wow! Today you are looking
very stylish!

You haven't seen anything yet.
- Just wait and watch..

That's great! You speak
Punjabi so fluently!- That's my style too!

From where did you learn how
to speak Punjabi so fluently!

My.. my mom was a Punjabi!

Oh Yes! So why don't
you talk in Punjabi?

Just like that!
- You should do it, you know.

You woke me up at 5 in the
morning for this chit-chat?

No! There is a problem!
- What happened?

Manjeet is coming!
- Who is this Manjeet now?

Manjeet Mann! They had shifted
to Patiala a few years ago!

Grandpa and the rest have fixed
my marriage with Manjeet!

And they are coming today to see me!
- Hold on! Hold on!

Your opinion won't be taken
into consideration?

They will get you married
just like that?

Actually there is a twist
in the tale. - Go ahead.

These Mann's.. they are
our old family friends.

Manjeet and I have been
together since childhood.

Everybody said that we will get them..
married when they will grow up!

I would feel nice to hear
that I will marry Manjeet.

While playing family, I never
let Roop be Manjeet's wife!

When we were 8 years old,
Manjeet and I would..

stand on this tractor and
hold hands and say that...

we will build our house
on those fields. Then I grew up

And I considered this Manjeet
episode as a joke!

But yesterday I came to know that my
parents have not grown up.

They are serious! Everybody
is serious. And now I am in trouble!

So now what?
- I am running away!

You always talk of running away!
Don't even think of that!

It's really a cheap thing to do!

There is so many risks and
other problems involved..

There is no other option!

There are countless options!
- Like?

Like.. tell your parents
about Anshuman!- They won't agree!

In fact they will trap me here
by emotionally blackmailing me!

Bad option!

Look, if you can't explain to your parents
... then forget Anshuman!

Next option!

Don't marry anybody!
- Next!

Get Manjeet and Roop married!
- Next!

In the court prove that
Manjeet is impotent!

He is not impotent! Next!

How do you know? Hang on! Hang on!

How do you know that Manjeet
is not impotent?

I know that!

I know that? Did you and he..
- Next!

Did he tell you that?
- Next!

Did you see him with somebody?
- Next!

Mr. Dhillon! Great to see you..
- All are fools!

Look, how happy they are!

What do they know that
I am going to elope!

Don't come too close to me.
They will misunderstand.

I am not going to marry here!
- All these wrestlers will bash me up!

Endure it for me, beloved!

Let go of my shirt!
What are you doing?

This is a nice idea!
To stop this marriage!

This is the right option!
- You stay away from me! Got it?


- How are you?

Fine! Long time!
- 3 years almost!

After Jaspreet's marriage.
- Yes!

And.. how are things in Bombay?

You people too can talk!
There is no punishment!

She says to talk!

- Yes!

- Yes!

Come! Come! I will introduce him!
- Who is he.

He is Aditya! He is a musician!

You won't remember everybody's name!
So meet the main guest.

Manjeet Singh Mann!

Hi, Manjeet!
- How are you?

- No, no!

He is a really nice singer!
- I see!

Shouldn't he be singing a song
on this happy occasion?

Yes! Why not?

No, no! She is just joking!
- No, no! I am serious!

Am I laughing? Look!

Ladies and Gentlemen!
My friend Aditya from Mumbai!

He is going to sing a song for you all!
- Uncle, no, no! Please! Please!

So I want all of you to keep quiet!
- Listen! Please!

Look.. sit down everybody!
- Dear! - Yes!

Now you do sing!

Let me also see what Mumbai
people can do! - Okay!

Come! Come! Very good! Hey,
fellow! Get a chair! Come!

Come! Sit! Sit!- Start!

Why are you all looking
at me like this? I will get nervous!

No problem! Look here and
there! Here and there!

Don't look at him!

I am starting! You all
too please join in! - No problem!

We all too will join in!
We are Punjabis!

We need an opportunity
to start celebrating.

Okay! Silence! Silence!
Settle down! Sit comfortably!

A capricious, bubbly girl. Her mesmerising
eyes are like daggers.

And her beauty is lethal.

When her beauty created rampage,
the discussion started.

Beat the drum. Beat the drum.
- Beat the drum. Beat the drum.

A capricious, bubbly girl. Her mesmerising
eyes are so piercing.

And her beauty is lethal. Her deadly
beauty is the point of discussion.

Beat the drum. Beat the drum.
Beat the drum. Beat the drum.

Whenever that girl
comes to the window.

Some see her and die.
And some die without seeing her.

When she would pass the lanes,
there would be festivity.

Every lover used to celebrate and dance.
And the feast would begin.

Beat the drum. Beat the drum.
Beat the drum. Beat the drum.

My youth is yours in any case.
You need not try to steal my beauty.

You need not try to steal my beauty.

Since childhood she had a beloved
His task was to keep the other lovers at bay.

The one whom he had to make
the queen of his heart.

She was crazy for somebody else.
One story ended and another began.

Beat the drum. Beat the drum.
Beat the drum. Beat the drum.

A capricious, bubbly girl. Her mesmerising
eyes are so piercing.

And her beauty is lethal. Her deadly beauty
is the point of discussion.

Beat the drum. Beat the drum.
Beat the drum. Beat the drum.

We mainly deal in fertilizers.
- Okay.

And now we are going to enter
pesticide market too.

Is that so? - Uncle is planning..
- One minute...

Hang on!- Hit here!
Come on! Hit Hit! Hit! Hit!

- Go! Your papa is calling you!

O God!
- Now what are you going to do?

Is he coming?
- Who?

- Yes!

Is he looking here?
- Yes! You stay away!

Did he see?

Manjeet, she is just playing
a drama! Stand straight!

O no! Manjeet!

Look, Manjeet! What you are
thinking.. that's not true!

She is playing a charade!
Ask her! Tell him!

Yes, yes! He is right, Manjeet!

There is nothing between
us! I swear!

We are just by-the-way friends.
Tell him, Aditya!

Nothing had happened between
us even in Bombay!

Nothing at all! Tell him!

Papa said he didn't call me!
- He is lying! I will come!

Listen, brother!

You are mistaken! There is nothing
between me and Geet!

We didn't even meet in Bombay!
She was just playing a charade!

I might not be smart like city people!
But I do have eyes! I can see!

She did all this to show you!
- Why?

- Tell me!

Why would she want to show me this?
- You better ask her that!

As it is you both have known
each other since childhood..

Don't shout!

Are you mad? What
are you doing here?

Congratulations! You
ruined everything!

I had such a nice plan in place!

By now Manjeet would have
returned to Patiala!

Now he says that he will
talk to me alone!

So I am going!
- Where?

What do you mean where?
I am running away!

Geet.. don't ever do that! Okay!

I am doing it! Everything is planned!
I have come say bye to you!

You are leaving now?
As in right now?

Yes! You stay here for a few days!
After that you go back to Bombay! Okay!

Hang on! Hang on! You
are running away!

And I should stay here!
- So?

Tomorrow Manjeet will open his
mouth and these people..

.. who already think you and
I are having an affair..

.. they will tie me with
their buffaloes!

Great! Then you come with me too!

If we run away together then their
suspicion will be confirmed!

Big deal! What difference
does that make to you?

Correct! What difference
does that make to me?- Come on!

Listen! Did you tell Roop that
we are running away? - Why?

O God! Run!- Geet!

What are you doing?

I will return in two days!
I will call you tomorrow!

And please! You are under my oath!
Don't tell anybody! Okay?

Papa! Uncle!
- What's the plan?

Geet is running away!
- There are many options! - Options?

We can either go to the railway
station or the bus stand!

But how will we reach there?

Let's see! We might get an auto
rickshaw from the main road!

Unbelievable, man!
- Come on!

This is your plan?

Let's see, we might get an auto
rickshaw from the main road?

Do you have any brains?

Did I know that Roop will see us?
Now why are we standing here?

Why are you looking there? Run!
- Not there! Here! Come on!

I am not going back!

You have created enough nuisance!
Now do as I say! Come on! Come on!

But why are we going back?
- Just shut up and run!

Where did they go?
- Towards the road!

You let them go? You didn't stop them?
Satya, go and check! Hurry up!

Call the guys! -Hey guys!

There is a staircase for
going to the terrace.

Why the terrace?
- Will you tell me? Come on!

Hey, quickly open the garage!
Take the jeep out!

Found them?

Where will they go?

Where did you see them?
- They left from the gate!

What happened?
- I knew it! In the first glance I recognized him!

Raj, get my wallet from the room.

I found out what is going
on between them!

But you people are very
intelligent, aren't you?

You people don't heed me!

Where are you? Open the garage!
Come on!

What are we doing here?

Look, Roop saw us going
towards the front gate!

They would have easily caught
us in their jeeps and bikes!

Now they will go out! They
will call other people too!

They will search everywhere! But
they won't search the house!

So now we will wait here!

Then at the right time we will
leave from the backyard..

.. and reach the taxi stand
on the other side. Got it?

You had even planned to elope
with that photograph girl?

Come on, Hurry up.
- Have faith in God!

She told us everything!
Why did she hide this?

All this is that Aditya's doing!
He only has corrupted Geet's mind!

Listen! Carefully!
- It's all his doing!

You have high BP! He stayed with us!
- He even ate with us!

Don't get so angry!
- If I catch him, I won't spare him!

We will thrash him!
- I will thrash him black and blue!

Where is your boyfriend meeting you?
- In Manali!

He is not coming to
Bhatinda to meet you?

Actually I have not been
able to speak to him!- No man!

Please don't tell me that
the man doesn't even know..

...that you are running away for him!

What are you doing, Geet?

Why are you playing with your life?

Because it's my favourite
game! Life!

What's yours? Football? Badminton?
I know! Car racing! Right?

You know.. I used to think that
there are many problems in my life!

Now how to get out of this problem?

You are so selfish! You are
thinking only about yourself!

What about me?

What about you? This is your
life! It's your plan!

You are going to elope!
What am I doing here?

I mean, I am taking the risk of
running away with the girl!

People are looking to m*rder me!
And I don't even get the girl! Great!

I told you to elope with Roop!

You are having fun! Right?

Uncle has gone to the
railway station!

Has asked should we inform the police?
- No! Don't inform the police!

You have to go to school!
So go to sleep!

Fine! I will check the bus stand!
- Take my cell along!

Don't worry! Everything
will be fine! Just watch!

You are consoling me, Geet?

I will just take a flight
and go away from all this!

What about you?

The way you are handling your life
you can get into a grave problem, Geet!

Do you realise that?

Life is not just about fun
and merriment, Geet!

You have to be serious in life too!

Aditya, you were very
serious in life!

What was the use?
You got into a grave trouble too!

What is going to happen
in the future..

So I do what my heart tells me!

In the future I don't
want to blame anybody!

That my life got ruined
because of you!

No matter what my life becomes..

I will know it's like this because of me!
So I will be happy!

Too much philosophy, right?

These moments.. which we
are spending together..

its really a lovely time.

Just watch! In the future we
will remember this and laugh!

I will return very soon!

Soon as I get married and with Anshuman
I will fall at their feet!

They will scold me, taunt me.
Then they will give their consent.

Let's go.

Tell me the truth. What
I am doing. Is it right?

No! What you are doing is not right.

But you only had said.. that
when somebody is in love..

.. there is no right or wrong.

All is fair.

And if today I can understand
my mother.. then don't worry.

In the future your parents
will understand you.

Come on!

There is some reason.
That I am enjoying my life like this.

What is in the breeze?
That a slight intoxication has entered me.

Don't ask what has happened to me.
Coming in your path.

This love gives you
a glimpse of heaven.

O God! This love gives you
a glimpse of heaven.

I have broken all the
bondages of the world.

I won't break my promise.

You are half the part of the tale of my heart.
I am the other half, beloved.

Look, what has happened to me.
Lost in your memories.

Don't ask what has happened to me.
Living in your talks.

This love gives you
a glimpse of heaven.

O God! This love gives you
a glimpse of heaven.

You must have found countless like me,
beloved. But I found only you.

You are the blossoming smile on my lips.
My complaint is you too.

Look what has happened to me.
Bringing you in my dreams.

Don't ask what has happened to me.
Believing your talks.

This love gives you
a glimpse of heaven.

O God! This love gives you
a glimpse of heaven.

There is some reason.
That's why I am enjoying my life like this.

What is in the breeze?
That a slight intoxication has entered me.

Don't ask what has happened to me.
Coming in your arms.

Don't ask what I will get.
Coming in your arms.

This love gives you
a glimpse of heaven.

O God!

This love gives you
a glimpse of heaven.

Look! Anshuman! Anshuman!
He is looking the other way!

Come on!- Bye, Geet!

What? -Always be like this!

At least meet him!


Take care!

Good morning.
- Good morning. - Good morning.

You are all not going to beat
me up together, right?

Mr. Mehra, please don't hit me.

I know I have done something
for which I should be beaten.

I went without informing anyone..

The company was already
in a bad condition.

And on top of that there
was me and my loneliness.

I know that there are rumours spread..
about me in the market.

Aditya Kashyap cannot
replace his father..

The company is going to split.

His girlfriend has married
someone else..

He has ran away from the city, etc.

These are all false rumours which
by the way are all true.

So our share prices are
at an all time low..

All our new brands have flopped.
On top of that 572 claims..

In other words we are in
a very bad condition.

Sir, you are ruined. Nothing
can be worse than this.

So only good things
can happen and will happen.

If a human being wants something..
.. actually, he gets that.

This time I want real. In actual..

And I really want to face
all these problems.

I want to complete all
the incomplete plans..

Take this company to such heights..
.. which even dad could not imagine.

I know all of you loved dad a lot.
He is somewhere, watching us.

So let us show him that
no need to be too proud.

This company can perform
without you.

And can perform better
than your expectations.

Let's show him. What do you say?

Mrs. Khanna doesn't want to entertain
any settlement at this stage.

She is here only to honour the
request of this meeting.

She thinks that Mr. Aditya has
behaved very inappropriately.

So there is no further room for negotiation.

My God, you talk a lot. You
enjoy talking don't you?

Do you know I have been meeting people
just like you since the last few days.

Excuse me.

This is your client's claim, right?
I am ready to sign it.

Your work is over.

Take it easy. Relax.
Take a chill pill.

Listen, take care of sir.

And listen, ask him what is
his monthly phone bill?

Sir, please.
- Mrs. Khanna.

It is your personal matter
what you have done..

.. with your family and husband
in your personal life.

This company is not
concerned with it.

For that reason, I can't take
away your life long hard work.

You and Mr. Kashyap had started
this company in a small room.

and after 30 years of hard work you
have made this company what it is.

No one can give you these 5 things.

This company belongs to you
as much as it belongs to me.

And I want you to have the
same position, respect..

.. and responsibilities you held

Raghav, get the papers ready.
I want to sign them in an hour. - Sure!

Welcome back.

Sir, what is your STD bill.
- I don't want to discuss..

Listen, request an itemised bill.
It's very important. -Okay, sir.

- Yes, sir. Call our telecom team.

I have a new idea product idea.
ASAP. Okay. - Sir.

And what else I am afraid
of? Stake owners.

I want a meeting with the stake
owners tomorrow morning.

I just want to see the expression
on their faces..

when they realise that mom is back.
After that I will place my terms with them.

- Yes, sir. Adi.
- Yes. What happened?

You tell me what has happened?

You went to Manali right.
- Yes.

Did you pray to Lord
Shiva out there?

Correct. You are right. - There
is something. And it is serious.

I fear that you will solve
all your problems this way.

You are working more in a day then
you used to work in 6 months.

Don't you care about
your reputation?

What's wrong with you, friend?

What's wrong with me? How
can I forget? - What?

The most important work.
- Annual report. - No.

I will meet you.

Good morning.

Nothing is gained.
Nothing is lost.

Your absence is like..
.. your presence.

The day starts with you.
The dusky evening approaches.

From you. From you.

Every moment, every breath
And the life that I have is

From you. From you.

Nothing is gained.
Nothing is lost.

Your absence is..
like your presence.

My eyes stare into your eyes.
My arms are in your arms.

I have nothing of me in me.
What happened?

My talks are filled
with your talks.

The nights are filled with your stories.
Why has all this become yours?

What happened?

Wherever I go, I'm never far..

From you. From you.

There is a silence in the bustle.
There is a little delirium.

From you. From you.

Somewhere a half done promise.
Somewhere more than a half.

I feel like making
to you, of loyalty.

Can't leave it even if I want to.
Can't break it even if I want to.

The way I am connected
to you with loyalty.

I am what you made me.
Whatever I have become is.

From you. From you.

Roads meet. Destinations are found.

From you. From you.

Nothing is gained.
Nothing is lost.

Your absence is like..
your presence.

The country's first long distance
calling card, 'Geet'.

For people who like to talk more.

Excuse me, sir, how did you get the
idea of the India calling card?

The world is getting smaller
and India is becoming bigger.

We talk to the entire world today.

The idea is to let people talk enough to
fill up their hearts, not their bills.

We will call them up.
Doesn't really matter.

All that matters is that
the terms are met.

So please request him tomorrow for a
meeting. Any time after lunch.

Excuse me.
- Who are you? - Excuse me.

One second. One second.
- Scoundrel! Rascal!

Sorry. Greetings. Hi Roop?

Where is she? Where is Geet?

Tell me. Why are you looking
at me like that?

Tell me where she is?

Call her here. We need
to talk to her.

Uncle, Geet is not with me.
- Go away. Stop doing this drama..

We met by chance in a train.

We didn't even know
each other before.

Manjeet has told us everything.
He has seen you and Geet together.

Roop has also seen you
eloping with her.

Still you are denying. Are we fools?

Uncle, I can understand your emotion

Pick up the phone and call her
here. Pick up the phone.

Let me explain..
- Look.

Everything was explained
when you launched..

the calling card with
her name, Geet.

Didn't you announce it to
the entire world? Speak up!

Trying to fool me.

Uncle, listen to me please.
- Listen to me son.

Everyone knows that you left
for Bhatinda together.

And now you are saying that
she is not with you. Tell me the truth..

Tell me the truth., has something
happened to her?

Is she no longer alive?
- Uncle - Tell me son, tell me.

What are you saying, uncle?

Because Geet not talking to us
for 9 months is not possible.

She couldn't even wait for 9 hours.

Uncle, nothing has happened
to Geet. She is fine.

How do you know?

I know. Uncle, Geet is absolutely fine.
Nothing has happened to her.

This means she is with you, right.
- She is with you, isn't it?

Yes, she is with me.
- See. Call her here.

We need to talk to her now.
- She is not in Bombay now.

Well done. You'll say it
and we'll believe it?

Yes. Believe it. Uncle,
I will bring Geet home. -When?

In 1 0 days. - We won't leave
this place. 1 0 days indeed.

I promise you uncle, in 1 0 days
I will bring Geet to Bhatinda.

All right, I will wait. - Brother,
it is nothing but a waste of time.

He is fooling us.
-1 0 days?- Yes.

Should I ask you or
can you read my mind?

I am going to Manali.

- Thank you.

- Yes.

Hi, I am Aditya.

We have never met but you
may have heard about me.

Aditya Kashyap.

By the way I have also heard a
lot about you from same source.

A small gift for you and
your family. - Thank you.

- Thank you.


Actually Geet's family
is a little worried.

She said that you guys will return
to Bhatinda after getting married.

But I guess it never happened-Who?


Who told you that after marriage.. -Geet.

Which Geet are you talking about?

How many Geets do you know, friend?
- I don't know any Geet.


Take care.

You have.. How Anshuman?

How can you do this?

Don't make me feel guilty.

I didn't tell her to run away
from home. Understand?

Still she came to
meet you, Anshuman.

After leaving her entire
world behind. Why?

Because she is crazy.
You know her..

So you would know that
she is very childish.

She lives in a world of dreams.

She thinks that everything will
happen the way she wants.

And you proved to her that her
world of dreams doesn't exist.

Because people like you live here.

Look sir, you are a very big man.
But this my personal issue.

I don't think I need to
explain anything to you. -Right.

What is there to explain after
what you have done to her?

Everything is clear.

But its not clear why
you are doing here?

Geet never said that she knew you
but still you came so far looking for her.

What's the scene, mister?

I would have told you what the scene
between me and Geet is Anshuman.

But a cheap man like you
will never understand it.

What? What did you say?
- Cheap. Bad. Lowly.

What bad have I done?

You are speaking as if I had
promised her marriage..

and taken advantage of her.

I had not even mentioned marriage.
She was crazy about it.

We will do this and that after
marriage. This house.

Such a balcony. Such curtains. Fool!
I told her to go back to Bhatinda.

I used to tell her the same when
she used to call me from Shimla.

But she never listened
to me. Then go ahead.

It makes no difference to me.

Geet has not come home since
the last 9 months, Anshuman.

She is alone somewhere.

Who knows how she is and in what condition.
And just because you refused her.

And if it doesn't make any
difference to you, Anshuman.

Then that is right for her.

She should be punished that she
loved a man like you so much.


When you will come, darling.
When you will come, darling.

Flowers will bloom in the garden.

It will rain. It will rain heavily.
The two hearts will meet like this.

When you will come, darling.
Flowers will bloom in the garden.

Your eyes are filled with kohl.
I am smitten by your eyes,

These strange eyes of yours
had made many promises.

The whiff of breath blows softly.
When they stop it will rain.

It will rain heavily.
The two hearts will meet like this.

When you will come, darling.
Flowers will bloom in the garden.

In the night filled with moon and stars.
My life is in your hands now.

There are twinkling stars in my eyes.
With rain filled with hailstorms.

The world of dreams
will be blooming.

It will rain. It will rain heavily.
The two hearts will meet like this.

So Ti La So Fa Mi, La,
La, La Mi Re.

Ti Re Mi Re Ti La Ti
Re Fa Fa La Ti Do.

Sa Ti La So Fa Fa.
Fa Fa Re Fa Mi.

Hi. What a surprise? What
are you doing here?

Just like that. I came to
know you are here so..

So how are you?
- Good. - Yes? - Yes.

Great. And the rest?
- And the rest is all fine.

You have hurt me a lot Geet.

Couldn't you tell me? Couldn't
you call me up once?

Pack your luggage and come with me.

Go away, Aditya.

Look Geet, I am very angry now.

Don't make me angrier,
all right? Come on. -No, Aditya.

I will stay in the life
I have made for me.

You know what Geet.

Keep your fable stories
philosophy with you.

Right now you are coming with me.
- You cannot force me, Aditya.

Of course I can Geet.

Geet you are coming with me.
- Damn it, Aditya, let me go.

What are you doing?
I told you, let me go.

Get listen to me, you are coming with..
- Who do you think you are?

Just because this happened
to me it doesn't mean..

.. that it's your chance
now. Understand?

I understood. I will
keep that in mind.

Can we leave now?

Why are you doing all this?

It is not necessary to tell
you the reason, Geet.

Fetch your luggage and let's go.

No, Aditya, I can't take
more favours from you.

You have already done a lot
for me. So just forget it.

I have done a lot for you.
I have done a lot for you.

I am alive today just because
of you. You fool.

This is my second life which
you have given me.

Do you know how successful
I am today?

Today my company is at a higher
position than at dad's time.

I have started 3 new industries,
launched many brands.

Everything is going great.

And what I am today is just
because of you, Geet.

Whenever I am in a problem
I used to think..

what would Geet do if she
were here and I do that. And you..

Shall we go now or do you
want some more drama?

This is my life. Go away from here.
Leave me alone, etc.

I am coming.

Take out the luggage.

So, you stay here, I will
take another room.

What is the need? It
is such a big room.

All right. Anyways I know karate.

So there shouldn't be any problem.

Don't worry, I won't r*pe you.
- You can't.

I don't want to r*pe you.
- Even if you want to you can't.

My God. What a night it was.
Do you remember that hotel?

Yes, hotel Decent. - Decent.

By the way let me
tell you one thing.

That night everyone in hotel Decent..
.. thought you to be a call girl.

What? Call girl!
- I was going to use a worse word.

What nonsense? Really?

Remember when I told you that
let me talk but you were you.

Oh dear! Oh God! I was such a fool.
What a fool I was.

That's why all this
is happening to me.

That's why I am in such a condition.

What have I done?
Where am I trapped?

I always keep on thinking
of what I should do next.

What do I tell him that he agrees?

I don't understand.

I used to call him a lot.

I will tell you what you should do.

Throw Anshuman out of
your life. Understand?

No matter how much you cry,
he won't come back Geet.

He would have returned long
back if he wanted to.

Geet he is not even thinking about you
He is happy in his life.

You met him?- Yes.

What was he saying?

Geet, Anshuman's chapter is over.

That is the truth. And it is
good for you to believe it.

The way he threw you out of his life,
just throw him out of your life.

Photograph. His photograph.

Burn his photograph and throw
him out of your life.

Give me his photo.
- I don't have one. - Shit.

Okay, we will call him and you
will abuse him. Even better.

Abuse him all you want.
- Aditya please.

It is childish? Great, be childish. Abuse him
Take out your anger. You will feel fantastic.


Aditya, listen. Aditya.

It is ringing. Get ready. Abuse
him all you want, okay?

Please. - Hello. - Hello.
Anshuman? One second.

Come on. Come on just go for it.
- Hello? - Come on.

Hello. - Yes.
- Hello, Anshuman?


- Abuse him.

Was that Aditya Kashyap's voice?

- Hello. - Come on.

Anshuman, I wanted to say that..
- Tell me, Geet.

Don't think. Don't think. Just
say it. - Hello. - Dog. - Yes.


Dog. Fool! - Hello, Geet. -
Fantastic. - You scoundrel.

- You child of a pig.

Did you think that I will suffer for
you my entire life if you leave me?

You will suffer, you rascal.
- Geet!

Worms will eat you. You
will die a dog's death

And after dying you will roast
in hell fire forever, rascal.

Are you feeling better?

- Yes. I am feeling very nice.

Thanks. -Any time.

It is okay. It happens sometimes.

It won't happen in the future.
Nothing to worry about.

I am very hungry. What is
there to eat? I will see.

And tomorrow you will take me
around Shimla, understand?

Don't be embarrassed, friend.
What has happened?

Nothing. Come. Let's eat something.
Tomorrow we have to go out. Come.

What have you ordered? Is
this something to eat?

You could have ordered
cottage cheese, fries.

Or could have ordered
chick peas and bread. You are crazy.

Come on let's go. We
will miss the train.

Hurry up, Geet, hurry.

Give me your hand.

You know, for many months
I have had nightmares.

You have caught it now.
- Yes. - Come. Come.

You like me a lot, don't you?

A lot. I like you a lot.
But that is my problem.

Anyone can feel the way
they want to. Correct?

You don't have to worry
about it at all. Okay? Okay?

Geet, we will leave for Bhatinda
in a little while.

- Yes. - How will I face them?

You don't have to face them.
You just have to return home. Come on.

May I talk to you?
- What is the matter? - 2 minutes.

There is no use of talking now.
- Please Geet. Let's go somewhere.

I don't want to talk to you.
- I have made a mistake. Okay.

I didn't have enough courage
to take you home.

Since the last 9 months
I have been acting..

.. as if I am very strong and practical.
Whatever I did was right.

But the truth is you arrived suddenly that day
and I couldn't handle it. I was scared.

Mummy, papa, society, religion.
But to hell with everything today.

It makes no difference to me now.

You leave me alone helpless one day.

And you come after 9 months and
say that I committed a mistake.

It's so easy, isn't it?

No, it is very hard. But
now I will make it easy.

You have gone through a lot. Now
all your problems are mine.

Let's go to Bhatinda. I will
talk to mummy and papa.

I will explain it to them. I will
make everything fine, Geet.

Everything will be fine.

Why did he have to come now?
Everything was fine.

It is too late. Nothing can
happen now. It is too late.

You know Geet my parents
didn't love each other.

Both of them used to
love other people.

And because of that I was
pained my entire life.

They were very good with each
other at work but at home..

I always used to ask myself,
why did they got married?

They should have listened
to their heart, Geet.

And one day everything
would have been fine.

Just listen to your heart, Geet.

And everything will be fine.
- What do you mean?

No one will remember these 9 months
after many years pass by.

Really Aditya.

I never imagined you
would take his side.

I am also taking your side, Geet.

You and Anshuman are on the same side.
It's simple Geet.

Those who love each other
should remain together.

Only then everyone will be happy.
- And you?

Have your first extra
marital affair with me.

Then I will also be happy.

Sure. Done.

No, Aditya. This is not right.
- I wish.

I wish it was not right. But..

Come on. Come on.

This evening. Today!

You are bringing her. You are
bringing Geet. At what time?

All right, in the evening. All
right dear. We will wait.

What is the matter? - Okay.

Best of luck.

What is happening here?

Their girl is returning
home after 9 months.


Are you all right? Come.


I didn't believe that you
will bring our Geet here.

But by proving me wrong,
you have won my heart.

You have made me happy! Thank you!

God has blessed us! Come, my dear; come.
- Greetings, grandma! Thank God,

my daughter
has come to her house!

Here he is!
- Greetings.

Very good. Very good.

Well, brother-in-law!

After all, the secret could
not be kept hidden!

Oh! Now you can't even
keep your eyes off her? Just wait!

Here! Are you happy now?

May you be protected against evil eyes!
Really, they are made for each other!

Shannu, take this. -Listen, mother!


Hey, look! Someone is
sitting in the car!

Come. Welcome! Welcome!
Do not feel shy, this is a Punjabi household!

Is he your friend?
- Aunt, take this.

Have this sweet.

Do not eat the whole piece
leave a little.

Dear, you also eat.
- Mother!

Eat it. Love strengthens by
eating each other's leftover.

I think we should tell them.
- Hey, what's going on? What's going on?

Brother-in-law, control yourself!
- Oh, I am floored! What a smile!

Shut up, you devil!
Don't trouble them!

Mother!- Come, dear. Come inside.
Come. Come. One minute.

'Come. ' 'Come. Come. '
- Hey, not like this!

You left holding hands; you will
have to enter holding hands too.

Hey, you are feeling very shy today!

That's more like it! Come in!

Mother, I want to
tell you something.

Dear, go and meet grandpa.
- Please! Now!

Dear, he is waiting for you.

You have to meet many people
there is a long queue!

Take them along.
- Brother-in-law, come.

Greetings, grandpa!- One minute.

One minute.

When I saw him for the first
time, I had understood.

At my age, one glance
is enough to realise..

what is going on between
boy and girl.

I had asked you. You lied.

And eloping must have been your idea.
Isn't it? Isn't it?

Do you see? I knew it. Among the two,
she is the naughty one.

Anyway a mistake can be forgiven only once.
You have committed your mistake..

you have been granted
your pardon too.

In future, there should be
no shocks! Do you get it?

Son, be careful! She is the
topmost devil in the family.

She has troubled us a lot!
She won't spare you too!

Tell them immediately, everything
will be fine.

But where is mummy? Hey!

Hello! Listen!
What is going on?

Everything will be settled.

Go immediately and talk to mummy.
- You also come.

Hey, one minute! One minute!

Both of you had eloped, means what?

Actually.. - When had you
held hands and run away?

These people have a misconception.
Actually it so happened that..

Brother-in-law, photo!

Amrik, listen to me..
- Brother-in-law, photo!

Brother-in-law, photo! One second Hey,
brother-in-law's friend, will you click a photo?

From here! From here!


Ready? We are ready! Click it!

Hey!- Son, some people have
come to meet you.

- Call me papa, not uncle.

Son, why don't you go and freshen up?
- No, I am very fresh.

You have come after a long journey!
- No, I.. Vikram!

No, I am absolutely..
- Come here!

Take brother to the guest room upstairs.
- Son, go and freshen up. - Come, come.

Have you come to Bhatinda for the first time?
- Geet dear, tell me.

Look, mummy..
- Dear, first tell me how are you?

It has been 9 months.
Are you all right?

Mummy, don't worry about me;
I am perfectly all right.

- Does Aditya treat you well?

Isn't it?


Yes. - Doesn't he treat you well?

Well?- Mummy, he cares so much for me!

Even you have never cared
that much for me.

Come, my dear!

What is this hugging game going
on between mother and daughter?

Tell me now, why did you deceive me?
You were supposed to elope with me..

.. but you eloped with my sister!
- That's very wrong!

Brother-in-law, why did
you do this to her?

What was lacking in me?
- Tell us!

Do you have an answer?

It so happened that..
- What?

Actually, I made a mistake
in the darkness. -Really?

I thought it was you in the morning
I realised it was your sister!

Oh God! Your bad luck!

Well, tell us who is this specimen
you have brought along?

Who? -Your friend.

Is he my consolation prize?
In your place?

One minute, may I have a seat?

Hey girls, go away.
Let us talk to him.

Very good. There is something
we needed to discuss.

Mummy, let us go inside.

We want to perform your wedding
ceremony in the Gurudwara.

Legally you are already married.
This is just for our satisfaction.

Don't look at her. You tell us.
Do you have any objection?

Then we will not do it. -
It will be better if you once talk to Geet.

You don't have any objection,
do you?

Please talk to Geet first.

It's settled then. Very good!
Dear, invite everyone from your side.

Of course they will come!
His relatives will attend.

Very good. Great, we should
arrange the marriage soon.

This is the height! They
have crossed the limit!

There has been confusion!

Nobody could have imagined that
something like this could happen!

But don't worry, ok? Geet
has gone to talk to mummy.

She should have told as
soon as we arrived!

Nonsense! All the rituals are
being performed with you..

and I am being forced
to take a bath in here!

Enough! Where is Geet? I will
talk to her right now!

One second! Right now she is
surrounded by many people.

I will call her aside
and talk to her.

Anshuman, everybody thinks
that you are my friend.

It will look odd if you call her aside.
If it seems odd to them, then let it be so!

Isn't it the truth that she and I are a couple?
And we have to tell them that only!

Yes, but let her handle it.

Look, it is very important to
explain to them properly..

otherwise it can bring dishonour to the family.
There are so many guests.

These boys want to drag me to have
a look at the sugarcane fields!

Why should I have a look
at sugarcane fields?

What's so special about
sugarcane fields?

I don't want to see
sugarcane fields!

Don't look. Refuse their proposal.
Don't look..

Don't feel tense. Everything
will be all right, ok?

Don't worry.

Shall I tell you something?
Your choice is better than mine.


Ok, tell me what did
you want to say?

Look, mummy.. you all are..
I mean..

what I want to say is..
there is no problem.

Everything is fine.
But here.. all this..

I want to lie down for a while.

Sure, dear. You are very tired, aren't you?
Take rest for some time.

Go to sleep.

Be courteous! Be respectful!
Be alert!

On the 1 7th, that is two days later,
the wedding will take place!

Oh! I am floored!
- Where are you taking me?

Did you tell her?
- No. I don't know why!

I don't know; I could
easily have told mummy.

To papa also.
I had got a chance also.

I was feeling a strange kind
of fear! Restlessness!

As if something is wrong!
As if a train is leaving!

Come here, come here.
Come here.

Show me.
- What happened?

What is this?

- Here, like this.

This tension doesn't suit your face.

You look very ugly. Your face like this!
You see?

Correct! - You look stunning this way.
Always be like this.

If you look good, then good things
will happen with you, ok?

You have become just like me!

'Geet!'- Listen!

Talk to Anshuman. He
is a bit distressed.

'I am coming in!'
What is going on in here?

One minute. Let me talk to him.
- Sorry.

Hasn't grandma said that you will
not get together at night..

before the wedding?

Somebody has given a very
appropriate name to all of you.


Brother-in-law, you
have broken my heart.

You have invited my wrath
for the rest of your life. Come.

He too is here! Geet,
in front of him!- Shut up!

We will talk tomorrow morning.
- Oh, cheating! Cheating!

Bye-bye, brother-in-law!
Have a good night! With your friend!

Good night. - Bye, brother-in-law!
What happened?

Geet had come to meet you.

She said she will meet you
in the morning.

What? - In front of him? Hey great.

I will see you later.

- Hi!

Did you get ready in the morning?

I will be leaving in a little while.

Are you leaving?
- I have to go.

These people will not let you go.

Geet, this time I will not stay back.
He is waiting for you. Bye.


Ok, Geet. No tension, no problem.

You haven't told them
so far, no problem.

We will tell now.
I will tell you how.

Look, catch hold of one of them
whoever you come across first.

Mummy, papa or uncle.

And tell them that you are
ready to get married.

To Anshuman, and not to Aditya.

The schedule will remain the same.
The arrangements will remain the same.

Everybody will feel as happy
as they were supposed to be.

Just remove Aditya and
bring in Anshuman.

As soon as you say this, they
will ask you many questions.

This, and that and how!
Then you answer them.. about how we had met.

How I had come to meet you at your
hostel along with my friend!

Then how we..

'I was feeling a strange
kind of fear. '

'Restlessness. '

'As if something wrong
was happening. '

'As if some train was leaving. '

Geet! Stop! Will you tell them now?

I will also tell them.
We will tell together.

Geet! Geet, stop!

Oh, gosh!

What happened?
Geet, what happened?

Is he coming?

- Anshuman. Is he coming?

- Is he looking here?

Yes, he is looking.

Grandpa! Grandpa!

I will be under one
obligation from you.

Just one. That you brought
Anshuman back.

Otherwise I would never have
realised that.. what I wanted.

Aditya, now I am going
to listen to my heart.

Then everything will be all right.

Let me hear you say!

Come on! Come on!

The whole world is glittering
Now that love is in the air

The whole world is glittering..
Now that love is in the air..

The whole world is glittering
Now that love is in the air

The heart is becoming yours, It's touching
the sky. See its jump and touch zenith

Now its all fun and frolic
Evening and morning

Evening and morning
- Fun and frolic

Evening and morning
- Fun and Frolic

Evening and morning
- Fun and frolic

My beloved is like lemonade

Beloved, let me glove you down

Beloved my heart keeps telling me
'Live with freedom'

My beloved is like lemonade

Beloved, let me glove you down

Beloved my heart keeps telling me
'Live with freedom'

Sweet laughter
All around me

Beloved, the myriad colours
Have made a rainbow in the heart

My heart is following
you Wherever you go

Fun and frolic

Lets celebrate
- Fun and Frolic

Join the Party
- Fun and Frolic

Day and night.
- Fun and Frolic

In your love.
- Fun and Frolic

Children, your parents
are very mischievous!

They lied time and again, but I had
caught them the very first time. Right?

Yes, grandpa.

Do you see? Wasn't that the truth?
- Yes, grandpa.

Children, at my age,
it doesn't take time.

Just once glance is enough..

to realise what is going on
between the boy and the girl.

Yes, grandpa.

My beloved is like gold

Beloved, I will keep you dearly

Beloved, my heart keeps telling me
to stare at you constantly

My beloved is like gold

Beloved, I will keep you dearly

Beloved, my heart keeps telling me
to stare at you constantly

Make you sit close
Decorate your bed

Beloved, lets keep talking
Every moment.

The whole world is glittering
Now that love is in the air

The heart is becoming yours,
Its touching the sky.

Fun and frolic
See its jump and touch zenith

Now its all fun and frolic
- Spreading love

Fun and frolic
- In total

Fun and Frolic

Now its all fun and frolic
- Spreading love

Fun and frolic

Everybody now
Fun and Frolic

Come on...
Come on...