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Let's Get Married (2015)

Posted: 01/23/24 12:20
by bunniefuu
Let's get married.

Let's get some sleep.

Did you see it?

You should be like me.

Handle the ducks carefully as if they're your wife.

Make them comfortable,
Expand them enough,

but not to explore it.

You need to find a wife,
otherwise you won't understand.

It'd be your weakness for your career.


Mr. Wu

Watch your step, Mr. Wu.

I might not be able,

to go for our Italy trip.

There's a very important project.

My boss insist that I take charge of it.


You know how important this Vivaldi Cup mean to me.

If I win this award,

I could be on the first row playing violin in the orchestra when I return.

It's the opportunity to change my life.
You know that!

Well, we are going to get married.

Could you save the opportunity for me?

Are you the famous WanYunFei?

FM 106.6, sound of YunFei.

Everybody, come quickly. It's him.

My dear manager

It's time to open up.

It's time to take off the dress and face reality.

This dress is totally made for me by Chen.

No one can better wear it better than me.

Well, you want marriage,
but marriage doesn't' want you.

Everytime when I realize you're 32,

I wake up terrified at night.

It scares me.

You are going to die for being a bitch.

Do you know what survival of the fittest is?

No one wants to marry good women,

bad women become other's wives.


Is it really necessary to examine so carefully?

I'm a professional security guard.

How is it possible that
I put the mobile charger in the bag?

Sorry, when we find something suspicious,
we must examine.

Please cooperate.

As a man, do you have to take these?

GuXiaoLei, are you done?

The whole crew are waiting for me.

Will you take responsibility for the delay?

Found a suspicious item.

It's not a mobile charger.

What is this?

Could you be busier?

It's the standard equipment.

Is this not allowed on the flight?

Yes, it is.

Ok, the search is done.

You did not bring any contraband.

Have a safe flight.

Rome, Italy

I'm Sorry, sorry.


Hello. (Japanese)

Hello. (Korean)


Italy tour guide LeXiang's number.



Your real name is WenYi

It's a real artistic name.

Are you a musician?

Everybody call me Luca.

Did you receive my email?

I have changed my trip to one person.

I know, that's why I arranged company for you.

This company is a woman. How sweet am i?

Why didn't you say anything earlier?

Isn't this good?

You signed up for two,
but now you only have one.

Of course I have to add one more person.

Plus, it could save you some money.

I would rather paid for two.

Lucas. Lucas!

It is Luca!


Is this the lady joining us?

Yes, introduce yourself.

Miss you're so pretty.


Where are you from?

I'm... I'm from the south.

I work and live in Beijing.

I'm from Shanghai.
Are you from the fog city?

Have you ever lacked of oxygen?
The air here is so good.

Our Shanghai...

Aunt, let's leave.
I can't park too long.

Ok. Let's get on the car.
I'll sit at the back.

Watch your foot.

I want to change my plan.
I want to go to Matera directly.

Not possible,

the hotels have all been reserved in Rome.

Also, you haven't asked her opinion.

Well, let's see when we get to the hotel.

Is that ok?

This is car is so small.
Is it possible for three?

Do you mean my Pavarotti?

What did you say?


Beijing, China


It's been a long time.

Your favorite flower "the rosebush".

WenWen. Come on.

Let's talk, okay?

I know you hate me.

Li Feng, you overestimate yourself.

I knew that it would be embarassing for me to show up here,

but I still wanted to see you.

I just came back for the states yesterday.

3 years ago, after I left,

I have felt so guilty.

That's why I told myself,
whether you accept it or not,

I must apologise to you in person.

Ok, I have heard your apology.

This is a place...,
that welcomes lovers.

Not ex-lovers.

Thank you.

This is called "the leaf of willow".

It's fleshy and juicy.

The skin is attached to the meat.
The meat is rattached to the skin.

After you roll it with the…

Enough. Stop showing off.

No matter how you cook it,
it's still a duck, isn't it?

Hurry up.

It's alright. We are learning.

Go on. Tell us about the duck.

The leaf of willow is actually
the Ming and Qing dynasties…

We really should stop him.

This guy is not bad, but he loves ducks too much.

If you don't stop him, he could keep on talking for another half hour.

The dish is cold.

Yes, Ms. Tian is right.

Enjoy your meal.

Mr. Zhao, Mr. Ma...

Are you here for another cooperation with our hotel?

This time, the one we want to work with is not your hotel,

It is you.

Which hotel are you in?

Prince of Wales hotel.

Very very famous.

Extremely outstanding.

Is our hotel that disgusting?

This room is not bad, right?

The restaurant is at the first floor.

Breakfast is from seven to nine-thirty.

Get some rest, I will see you tomorrow.


Did you not say that when we arrive at the hotel,
you would discuss the schedule with me?

You still remember that?

Of course, I want to go to Matera as soon as possible.

To be honest with you,
about changing the plan,

you should stop thinking about it.

If the aunt complains about me,
I will lose the job.

But you added an extra person,
without informing me.

Does that mean I can make complaint about you too?

It was not my intention to not inform you.

It is because I couldn't reach you.

So the plan was changed, just like that.


Excuse me Lucas, could you do me a favor?

Could you help me figure out how to use the safe?

I want to put some money in it.

Thank you!

That's it.
That's it


Hello, Luca.

This is from the young lady.

Where is she?

I don't know.

Ok. Thank you.

You are welcome.

I'm leaving, this is half of the travel fee.
Don't thank me, good bye.

You really are pregnant!

Is this thing accurate?

Of course. Sort of.

The more you are afraid it may happen.

Abortion is pretty safe now, right?

Why don't you want to keep it?

I warn you.

Do not tell anyone,

especially Cao DaPeng.

Is it not his baby?

Get lost.

What for?

Come home earlier today.

What's up?

When I was with others earlier today, why couldn't you stop yourself?

why couldn't you stop yourself?

No. I…

That's enough, talk to you at home.

Xiao Lei.

Xiao Lei.

When I was at work today, I was thinking about us.

I think we really should talk.

So I rushed right back after work, I couldn't even use the bathroom.

not even made it to pee.

I came straight home immediately.

Could you please just let me in and pee?
Let's talk after, okay?

Xiao Lei.

Xiao Lei.


You can pee in this!

Xiao Lei, Listen to me.

It's not… I really didn't remember about the condom.
When did you put it there?

When did you put it there?
I didn't even remember.

Maybe, it's the last time we travel together…

It's you who put it there, right?


Oh no…
What happened?

I can't hold it anymore. Stop squeezing me.

It's coming out. Oh, it's…


If the neighbor see me like this,
it would embarrass you too, right?

Can I ask you something?

If I quit this current job at our hotel,

what will you think of that?

Is everything ok?
Are they firing you?

Who dares to

There are others that want me to work for them.

They are asking me to work at this five-star hotel…

Hello, Er Dan.
What's the matter?

The duck embryo is gone.

Ok. The duck embryo is gone.
Write sold out on the menu.

As their vice president in China.

Is that right?

But it doesn't mean they didn't make a request of me,

they've requested that

If I take this position,

I have to promise not to get pregnant in three yeas.

Make the best beneficial result for them.

Three years...?

It's not that long, actually.

It's the vice president.

Thirteen years experience may not have such an opportunity.

Well…you're not pregnant now anyway.

I have it all figured out.

We both go work there,

even though they don't have roast duck,

they have roast goose. It's all the same.

How is that?

Duck is duck, goose is goose.

Pay is high.
It's not about the pay.

Cooking roast duck is the dream of my life.

All you know is duck, duck and duck.

Er Dan.

Everytime it's the ducks, go play with them.

Stop calling, I'm talking business with him.

Cao Dapeng, let's be clear today.

Is it the duck or I that is important?

It's of course…

Er Dan, what is wrong with you?

You hung up on me.
I'm really worried about you.

I'm having a serious conversation with my wife.
Is that so had to understand?

I turned off the phone and you even came here and knocked on the door?

okay, okay...

What's going on? Speak.

Didn't you tell me?

Once you turned off the phone
I should knock on the door?

Er Dan, what's the matter?

What happened?

She's mad at me.

It's on fire.

Or your ducks have all come back to life?

It's the terminal stop.
Please get off the bus.


Miss. Wake up.

It's the final stop.

It's the final stop.

This is the terminal stop.

Is this Matera?

Yes, this is Materura.


Yes, here is Materura


Matera, Matera is far from here.

This is Materura.

I'm sorry.

Hello? Hello?


Where can I find a hotel?



Hello, the number you dialed is off.

Ok. Stop it.

Stop it.

Stop it.

Who are you?

I'm your mother.

Mine? Whose mother?

You…how did you get in?

I'm Xiao Lei's mom.


Didn;t you have long hair?

Yes, I did.

But in order to see you,
I went to cut my hair.

I didn't know until I got here

that Xiao Lei and you have been sleeping together.


We sleep separately.

Cut the crap.

If you don't sleep together
why do you need this?


It is not mine.

That is bullshit!

Are you crazy?

You are crazy.
You're nuts.

Crazy! Crazy!

Please stop it. I respect you as Xiao Lei's mother

But if you don't' stop it right away, I…


What will happen?


Hello, Xiao Ling.

I'm Xiao Lei's daddy.


Daddy, hello.

It's nice to meet you.

Today, I suddenly see the light.

I promise, to choose a wonderful day to marry Xiao Lei.

If I regret, I'd be cursed,

I'd be punished, and I'd never be forgiven.

This is a bit cruel, don't you think?

If it's not cruel enough,

will you make up your mind?


Xiao Ling.

I hope, you are not that kind of guy who would

back out at the last minute, right?

Of course not.

I just remember,

I have a international flight today.

Sorry, I'm late.

This is a big event.

I'm telling you

if you don't sign this today.

The harm you did to Xiao Lei

would be like an airplane crash.

You'd be responsible for ruining
and breaking up the family.

You'd be cursed to be hit by cars.

Cut the crap.

You sign, you go.

What's wrong with your parents?
What's the matter

A surprise attack?

What's wrong with it?

These three years I kept asking you to meet with them

You never said yes.

They came to visit Beijing without telling me.

I couldn't stop them?

I was in a hurry, so…

But they went too far!

What are you yelling for?

Why did they go too far?

What about them?

They almost…k*lled me

cooked and fried me as if I was the slaughtered lamb

They tried to eat me.

Early in the morning, I was frightened out of my wits

My spirit strayed away, It hasn't come back yet!

What do you want me to sign? The marriage certificate?

What was that?

This is called the violation of human rights.

It's forcing me to marry you.

Have you ever thought about....

marrying me?

Don't head off the topic.

Answer my question.

Why the rush?

Marriage, is for those who are lack of a sense of security

and who don't have any confidence in each others

That piece of paper to tie down each other

is that really necessary?

You said you love me

So let's get a legal document
Is it really that hard?

What are you afraid?

Are you saving yourself, a retreat?

I'll be 30 years old soon.

During this month, I've already received invitation cards
from five of my classmates.

3 of them are first month celebrations

1 is a hundred-day feast

One is a wedding invitation

but for getting married again.

You told me to wait,

and wait

just like a destination you'd never reach

I'm tired of running.

I can't run anymore.

I want someone to rely on, I want a family

Am I wrong?

Xiao Xiong.

Where is Chen's sample dress?

It has been booked by a VIP

who's signed the wedding set.

She insisted on wearing it
No one can stop her

Didn't you tell her that this is not for sale?

I've told her. She didn't listen.


Who's this?

This is our manager.

The manager.

Hello, I'm Ye Wenwen.

I'm Wang Keer, nice to meet you.

Hi, Miss Wang.

I want to clarify something.

This dress is only for display

It's not for sale


But it is only this one I think looks good on me

Miss Wang.

The size doesn't quite fit you.

How about other dresses?
We have a lot of classic dresses.

But I feel this one is the best for me.

The lady told me that

you've had a preference for this dress.

You don't want to sell it

maybe you want to save it for yourself.

Miss Wang.

It's not like that.

Hello? Is Mr. zhang there?

I'm in your store and there's a dress I like,

but the manager said it's not for sale

What can I do about it?

Miss Wang, the dress will soon be altered

and be delivered to the venue on time.

Please don't' worry about it

I like these flowers

Can I take them?


The approach of Chen to the
wedding dress is very special.

I'm afraid Only Chen himself can do it.



When you're happy,
the whole world's happy too

When you're laughing,
the whole world laughs with you.

You can make them all dance and sing in harmony

We take our cue from looking at you

Feel the beat and leave it all at our feet

Hurry to give the guest a cup of water.

Yes, Ms. Tian.

Hello, it's been a long time.

Miss Wang, around the waist area,

Master Chen has loosened it a lot

it's reached the limit.

Is it still a little tight?

It's okay, I think it's better this way

more refreshing.


You should try not to move too much.

In case

I have you, the best service

Nothing to worry about.

Here comes the groom.

Honey, why are you so slow?

Come, help me


No way, you two know each other.

What a conincidence.

Hello everybody, I'm Wang Yunfei.

The bride and groom preparing to debut.

Today's headliners are this couple.

Thank you for everyone's love.

Thank you.


Let's welcome

our groom and bride.

The groom Li Jianfeng.

And the bride Wang Keer.

At first I thought it was my bad luck

to meet a tough client

As I see it now.

It is my destiny

to meet Li Feng 8 years ago.

3 years ago.

When we broke up

His name wasn't Li Jianfeng

When my wife died 5 years ago.

My son was 3.

At that moment I thought everything was falling down

I considered it as God punishing me

A monk told me

this life is full of ups and downs

But for everyone

what happens now

is the best you could get.

Ye Zi. Why did hide yourself?

Let's go for a drink.

I can't drink.

Someone wants to make a toast.

Mr. Zhang, I really can't drink.

How about half glass?
I'll pass out if I drink.

The bride.

The one you want.

Thank you.
Ye Zi

The bride think our company's service this time is very good

So she wants especially thank you

Let me drink this first one with you.

Thank you for helping me

to wear this beautiful dress on this special day.

I want to specially thank you.

Come on, I'd drink it first.

Mr. Zhang, You probably don't know that

Wen Wen, was my husband's ex-girlfriend.

It's not a big deal.

Who doesn't have several ex?

So, this second toast

is for the history you had with Jian Feng

Because of it

He's knows what's really important

in his life.

Also I want to thank you.

To make me realize what I really want in my life.

What are you doing?

Could you not ask for trouble?

I'm making the toast. Don't bother me.

She can't drink. Why did you make her drink?

What are you doing?
What are you doing?

Why do you care?

Why are you defending her?
I want her to drink.

KerEr, stop messing around.

Could you not ask for trouble?
What trouble?

What? What is it between you two?

Don't think I don't know what you think

Are you going up or not?

Welcome Wang Keer.

Is it necessary to be like this?

Step aside, its time for me to throw the bouquet

Wen Wen. Come with me.

What are you doing?

Today we have a special event

Before we throw the bouquet

We have another interlude.

This pretty lady beside me

Her name is Wen Wen.

WenWen, don't go.

I want to call for all the man

to join this special matrimonial notice.

What do you say?

Yun Fei, you must go up now.

She's drunk. Don't let her act like this.

Throw the Bouquet.

Come on. How much?

I'm not done yet.

I have a few words to say.

Our bride has been drinking a little bit too much

she just tried to make a joke

I am

Ye Wenwen's boyfriend

Chen Zhenxuan

I only say it in fun here

Does the bride worry that her groom will regret

and go back for WenWen?

I'm worried too.

But, I promise the bride

as long as I'm still alive

There's no way for your groom to succeed.

Throw the Bouquet

What are you doing?
Let's throw the bouquet

Everyone raise up your hands

Bouquet. Where is the bouquet?

Here it is. Ke Er

Throw the bouquet.



Put your hands up.

Here comes the bouquet

Be ready


Dad, hurry up.
Dad, hurry up.





Can you be serious?

This is important to me.

You must take a correct attitude, to finish the mission.

Serious mission. Understood?

Yes, yes.

What are you guys playing?

There's a school event on Friday

a parenting activity

Guess the words,

I'm practicing with him

you're up


Make you a wonton soup.

Son. Relax

Dad promises to accomplish the mission.


Aunt Ye Zi. Do you know my dad's girlfriend?

Your dad has a girlfriend?

My dad promised me to get me a mom

But he said it's still not the time to meet.

I really have no idea

what you two are talking about?

Nothing, I am going out.

What's the news?

What do you mean?

A new girlfriend?


Someone's been looking out for me

But it' time to find a mom for Yi Yi.

He deserves to be raised in a complete familly

I will.

I've been trying.

If you have a girlfriend you must let me examine her

The society is in a mess what if you got screwed?

My dear little sister

Don't worry about me.

Your thing is the most important.

Chef is the best career for a husband

But boss, I'm telling you the first time I met Mr. Tian

He didn't introduce us.

Stop pulling me

What's the matter with you?

Stop right there

oh I remember.

That is so deep. So LiuXinJie.

No, no.

Come on, tell me a secret.

What's your best dish?

Roast ducks.


I love you roast ducks.

Your taste is very good.

You should stop talking

he won't stop when it comes to ducks.

It doesn't matter, he didn't talk enough last time

Keep talking.

Our Beijing toast ducks

the most difficult part

is not the roasting

it is dealing with the duck

On the neck make a tiny cut

follow the cut, and blow the duck

this is called

Are you quacking like a duck?

Duck can feel the pain


You forked me, it hurt.

But it's okay, I've forgiven you already

you talked to much today

Do you think you are so cool?

I'm trying to perk you up.

Cao Dapeng.

I'm begging you.

Don't mention ducks again.

Talking about ducks ducks ducks, writh those important guest

Da Peng, let's make a deal.

In my face

Don't ever mention ducks, Okay?


But Can I mention it the last time?

Tonight, two thousand duck embryos have arrived.

Erdan is fiddling with them there alone.

I'm worried about him

You should help.

Ok, I might come home a bit later

Don't come back

Marry the ducks

No, Honey.



Dr. Shao, medicine please.

What happened?

Diarrhea, didn't you stay at hotel last night?

Got a cold

had a fight

that Mr. Tian criticized me

I'm here alone examining myself

What I said was she shouldn't hide from you

She told you


I said no big deal, it's embarrassing

don't push it

Woman's emotions are not stable

no big deal, I'll go there with her

Are you planing to abort the baby too?

So bad.

I should talk you guys down

I thought you could do it

This HaiXian is a business woman

to have baby can't be so cruel.

This medicine, take it after breakfast

what are you doing? Here to ask for forgiveness?

Ask you to clarify

It is early in the morning, don't ask for trouble

I am going to work, step aside.

No, I've stepped aside for too long

For somethings I can, others I can't

about the baby it's a no

go away

why didn't you tell me about the baby

I know because of the crap hotel

Because of the job at the crap place, you're going to k*ll my son

Please consider the marriage law

I can decide whether having the baby

But I'm the father

Cao Dapeng Go to work now.

Or else I'll fire you

Please consider the labor law

it's not work time

I have right to talk to my wife about our baby.

Do you want to live?

No, if you m*rder our son I want a divorce


I said if you m*rder my son I want a divorce

You're a pig if there's no divorce.

Cao Dapeng, No divorce you're a pig

Pig it is

it's not

What are you looking at

Wont you get to work!

I can just live without you.



it's not enough

What a suck

to blow it up

Perfect. WenYi you're so good.

You must win tomorrow

Can I ask you a question?

Do you like this song?

Or In order to win

you' re playing it.

Do you really like music?

Music is not a contest.

On the behalf of the committee

I will now pronounce the player list

it's done, I'm going back.

Li Xiang

Could you book the earliest flight for me?


The trip is not done yet

it's such a waste, the ticket is so expensive

it's only just a contest

it doesn't mean anything

as long as you're happy you're the winner.


Let's go to a place.

Let's go
Go Go

Come. I take this.
It's alright

Come on

Come on. Come on.

Do you hear it? Good?

They play right here?

This is the real music
It's not a contest

Bossa Nova for happiness

Rock&Roll for angry

blue for sadness

Do you know

for them music is not only about going up to stage

it is within their every blood cell

it is their life style


want to try it?

Right here right now, you're Paganini

Come on. Try it.

You're here.

Let's dance. Come on

Thank you
No problem

my parents have never been to Beijing

it's their first trip


You don't have time for us, we understand

don't think too much, we'll visit again

stop talking, no one's here. no one's here.

Hurry up. Hurry. Hurry.

Safe trip. bye-bye. Byebye. byebye. byebye.

Uncle byebye.

Divorce Agreement

Hai Xian

Yesterday morning, What you said yesterday

You should know it's not over

You know my temper.

Sign this

Pack your stuff now

before I come back. disappear


Dad Mom

Why did you come here


Your mom is here

Your mom is also here

My mom's here

And my dad

I don't want this anymore

I want an answer

If you still want to marry me

give me a call

When you get back

We can go back to my hometown together

If you still don't want it

then don't call

I'll give you three days

three days later at 22.00 pm

If I didn't get your call

I won't wait

They've all been asleep.

Why did they come?

Did you do this?

Why do you think that?

From Nanchang, I pick up your mom within an hour

to Beijing

Why are they here?

They wouldn't say anything

just said they want to see us

I'll sleep on the couch

Do you want them to know that we're divorced.

What are you doing?

It's not firm enough

Did we wake you up?

Dad Mom

Mom, what are you guys doing here?


You've been married half year with no ceremony

If you won't do it, let us do it

Dad Mom

you guys can't do this

without saying anything

you guys shouldn't do this

your mother-in-law wanted to surprise you

We couldn't tell you

You guys don't know

We know, We know you two

we don't want too much trouble

We only need one ceremony in Beijing


You've registered without any ceremony

Not a marriage

Do it, you have to do it

Stop your parents, ask my mom to stop

you think my dad dares

you know your mom

she's just like a dragon, sharper than you

we have to stop them

come up with a way

let them feel troublesome

and give up themselves

just have a meal together, and send them away


is it going to work?

It's got to work

so beautiful

There's a higher place

Come with me, come

You can run

but I can't

I can't climb

You guys go

I'll get some rest

Pull me up

Take care, I'm not going

You know what, this is not a big city

but there are thousands of chuchs

A beautiful legend

When you stand right here and make your wish

it will come true

No matter how many wishes?


I'm going to wish from my heart


I want pizza

I want dalmatians

I want three cats

I want a longer leg

I want to live in Italy

I want to be a violinist

I want to be happy

I'm tired

I'm just kidding, there's no legend.

I hate you

Be careful. It's high.

I want Luca to fall down.

I don't want to fall down.

I hope she has a longer legs too.

Keeping dalmatians. being a violinist.

And last

I hope we have sweet love

hope we are happy

and ever after

Let's get married.


take a picture.

No picture.


Is there any priest


It's only for tourism

That's a shame

I can't make confession

Do you want to pray

If you really want to pray

I could find one

maybe there's someone around



Don' worry, I'll find one

You can begin to pray.

Priest. I'm sorry

I can only speak Chinese

If you don't understand

it's okay

because there's something only you can hear

This time in Italy

was for a contest

after the contest

I've been thinking

why I'm here

I didn't come for music

I came to change my fate for the contest

I just realized

in my heart

about my life, I'm not satisfied.

Even if I won the contest, I wouldn't be happy.

It's because my attitude to life

I want to thank a person.

His name is Luca

It's him who reminds me

and rekindles me.

I'm sorry. Priest.

That's all.

Thank you.


Did you see Luca?


I want him to thank the priest for me.

He was here.

Let's go outside. Ok

A couple of days ago, you screwed up at Wang Keer's wedding.

I had to give her a big discount.

Your bonus has gone for it.

You know what?

You messed up the veil size this time.

Can you afford to lose it again?

I'm sorry. Mr.Zhang,
It's not her fault

It's me who forgot the size.

It's my fault

I'm the manager
It's my responsibility



You better take the responsibility

It's going to be used soon

It still has 3 hours

to be altered and deliveredr it to customer's hand

It's the offset, otherwise

Would you still be the manager here

think for yourself

I'm sorry. Manager

It's ok.

Xiao Xiong, can we get in touch with the designer?

We've called him.
He's not in the country.

Well, can our tailor do it?

This is lace

even the designer would take a long time to fix it

If it's our tailor

He would take the whole day

I'll take over

Lace is my specialty.

Xiao Xiong, send it to my studio.

After being altered. You can send it.


Don't worry

Thank you

I got to go now

Take it easy


I'll be late.

Don't worry.

Dad will be there.

What day is today?

Today is Friday.

Oh no
What's wrong?

Yiyi's school event is in the afternoon.

The get-together of Grade 2 class 1, is starting

Parents and Kids, please be quiet for our show

Thank you

What are you doing YiYi

Quick. it's started.

It looks good on me.


Thank you. Chen

Next, is the parenting activity.

Welcome all the parents and kids, guessing the words

The first group, Liang Xiaoning and her parents



Long neck


Next, is Yiyi

please come up

Where's Yiyi

Please come up.

Is your parent here?

It's. Black and white



woof woof


Thank you.
Thank you

Thank you for today.

You saved YiYi.

Thank you very much.

You saved me too.

Thank you very much.


How are things with your girlfriend?

It's alright.

Well, don't forget.
I'll check on your girlfriend.


Wen Wen

For so many things at the wedding

I'm really sorry


You don't have to say sorry to me

Li Jianfeng

Since that year you made that choice

Just live a happy life with her

What are you doing here?

You are just keeping one eye on the bowl
and the other on the pan

If I were her, I would also be angry

She truly goes too far, but you are the problem

You don't give her a sense of security

Do you know what women really want?

You still don't know

Wenwen Wenwen

I understand all you said

But I cannot do it
Because I always love you

When I left you, I thought I made a right decision

She could help me

I thought at that time that my career was the most important for me

But soon I found, I was wrong

The decision I made was punishing me every day

Could you please give me another chance?

That's really terrible

Are all men capricious just like you

I really feel sad for Wang Keer

Wenwen Wenwen, you should not feel sad for her

But for me Wenwen

What is sad is the weakness in my heart

I'm afraid to lose all of this, Wenwen


At the wedding

Not only you were humiliated, but also me

I finally understand after these three years
I have woken up

I don't want to live like this any more
I have asked her for a divorce

I have asked her for a divorce

Now I don't want anything

All I want is you, I just want to be together with you



Could you please give me another chance?

We can start all over again, Wenwen

Let's start all over again

Tell me the flight number of your return
I will pick you up at the airport Yunfei

I was born in Rome

When I was seven years old, I returned to China with my parents to learn music

After graduation from university, I returned to Rome

And studied as a graduate student

I, I majored

Conducting and composing

In the summer, I would work as a part-time tour guide

That was also, kind of working while studying

You lied to me
You lied to me for so long

Isn't it good to lie to you for a long time?

This way it will be a surprise

You must also have something you didn't tell me

Why are you always looking at me?

All good things in this world

Are worthy of more looks

There is one thing I still don't understand

The person who was going to accompany you

Why did not he come?

If I were him

Even if there are one hundred horses, reining my neck

I will shake them off, and accompany you to realize your dream

Do you know?

During a day

The best moment is now

You may not think about anything

But just enjoy the coolness of the night


Stay together with the one you love

I will go back tomorrow

Both of us will go back

To our own life

Do you believe it?

I will soon return home

After that

I will soon get married

I'm sorry

Safe arrival

Passengers Gu Xiaolei and Ling Xiao,
your seats have been selected


Tickets successfully issued

Passengers Gu Xiaolei and Ling Xiao
Please go to the counter for check-in an hour in advance


Now I think Lucas sounds better than Luca


Thank you

When you come to Shanghai, don't forget toCall me,
that's a deal

Take care

I have to go the toilet

You may keep on talking

Have a pleasant journey

Take good care of yourself



Otherwise, Let's do it once following their idea

For always tossing them like this

I, I cannot bear it

Let's keep a memory


holding a wedding even when youu're divorced

Isn't that cheating?

How can it be cheating?

After all, we really married before


Just to make up for the wedding


The old people are so eager for the wedding

We may just show our filial respect to them

Now you talk about filial respect

Who proposed the divorce at the beginning

I didn't really want to divorce then
It was just an impulse

It was just, just a crime of passion

Crime of passion is also a crime

Impulsive k*lling also receives death penalty

It was you who wanted to k*ll

Then you proposed the divorce
I didn't

Then you said who didn't divorce
would be the grandson, right?

What did you two say just now?


Thank you for coming to our wedding

For this year's wedding

It was a promise I made her..

Almost 50 years ago

And today, I can finally fulfil that promise.

Do you still remember what I told you,

Before I left?

You asked me to wait here for you.

You said, you would come back for me.

It takes just a few minutes to walk down the aisle

But for us

We had to wait almost all our lives

But I thought, I had lost her forever.

That I wouldnt ever see her again.

But now I am holding her hand here
That's right

I didnt expect to be gone for more than 50 years

But what is love anyway?

Love is a promise made by a madman


But then it is believed in and held on by a lovely fool.

My angel, I love you

Charlie, I love you too


Everything before everyone's eyes

Is it really the best arrangement?

I believe so


Mistakes made by a person

Should be forgiven?


But it doesn't mean life can return to the origin

Because what happened has happened

Traces would be left

This is cause and effect everyone has to bear

You may sit here a little longer
I'm going to bring him back

Yi Yi is playing in our neighbor's home
I'm going to bring him back

Dad, what's wrong with Aunt Yezi?


Do we really have no chance?

But I still want to thank you
For saying those words to me

You gave me a chance to forgive you

So that I would not at the bottom of my heart
Hate a person

In fact, after all of these I also understand

Both you and I are not right for each other

So we don't have to feel sorry for the past

Now I finally believe

Everything before my eyes

Is truly the best arrangement

For the past, just let it go

I wish you can find your own happiness


Hello, the subscriber you dialed is power off.

Mom. Dad, mom,

I'm to blame for

all this messy trouble this time.


It's Haixin's fault to bully them.

It's because of me that

she's so domineering and savage

When I got divorced with her dad

I was afraid she'll be bullied by others.

When she was in primary school,

I was afraid she'll be bullied by the boys.

After she grew up I was afraid she'll be bullied by men.


But she married Dapeng

and I was relieved,

because Dapeng is a good guy.

He could always give in to her.

But Dapeng,

Why didn't you hold yourself, either?

When she said divorce,

You just need to hold yourself for two days
and she'll be fine.

If her dad could endure me for two days then,

I wouldn't be like this now.

OK, stop crying.

Bravo. I'm proud of you.

Thank you, sir.

What's you plan after graduation?

I hope you could stay here and join in the best symphony orchestra in Italy.

I'll think about it.

That's great.

Excuse me for a minute.


What's wrong

Sorry. I had the wrong person.

It's fine

I heard you two are getting married
after being together for seven year.

How romantic!

Thank you

You're so beautiful

I'll ask your fiancé to come over
and marvel at you.


I came back so soon.

Your Master is not here.

Don't come here again.

I'm not looking for my Master.

Why are you here?

My Master asked me to send a few words to his wife.



Go ahead.

Dear Haixin,

Just regard me as my Master.

I had always believed

the relationship between us could last forever.

But I didn't expect we'll broke up so easily.

I'm not ready to leave you.

I believe you are also at a loss as well.

Therefore, here are several things
that I have to entrust Erdan

to tell you,

your careless little thing.

I hope you could keep them in mind.

The water card, electric card

and gas card are in

the rightmost drawer of the bookcase.

You can see them the minute you open it.

I have helped you buy a yearly quantity of them.

At least for the next year,

You don't need to worry about them.

Before I left, I had changed the bed sheet and quilt for you.




Any more?

Should I go on reading?

I'll go on.

Before I left, I changed the bed sheet and quilt for you.

The rest are in the wardrobe

and placed according to the color.

Remember to change them every week.

Don't forget it.

Otherwise you'll be allergic to dust mites.

The flowers in the balcony

should be watered once at every weekend.

Don't make them withered

to influence your mood.

Besides, you should eat regularly.

Don't miss meals due to your busy work schedule.

It's bad for the stomach.

Hello, the subscriber you dialed is power off.

Have you seen that cloud atlas?

It might be bad.

We had to get around it.

Make the request.

Turn 40 degree to the left.

Control Center, This is Flight 556.

Ladies and gentlemen,

now we are going to provide catering service for you.

The main courses include chicken rice and beef rice.

Ladies and gentlemen, we've been affected by the air flow,

Please go back to your seat

Break away from the a*t*matic mode.

Now let me lead the pilot.

Request for a higher level.

Five five six, it's control,

I see you are falling, please report your situation.

Control, this is Flight 556.

We are experiencing some rough air

and encountering some down draft

Request to fly at level 11900 meters


Roger that.

Sir, pay attention to the airspeed.

Switch to the a*t*matic pilot.

We're going home.

Control Center, This is Flight 556.

Ladies and gentlemen,

now we will continue to provide
catering service for you.


just now,

what were thinking?

All I was thinking was

the bowl of noodles served with such sauce
my wife cooked for me.

It seemed that I wouldn't feel settled

until I had this bowl of noodle.

Life is like a subtraction.

You eat less and less.

You see less and less.


cherish what you own now.

Once you miss it,

It won't come back.

Romantic Double Seventh Festival.

Dear audience, today all of us are here

to have a romantic and warm festival together.

Let's all of us talk out our hearts

and experience the sincerity of love.

Double Seventh Festival originated from a beautiful love story.

It is the most romantic festival

among all these traditional Chinese festivals.

On this Chinese Valentine's Day,

wish all lovers a warm, romantic and happy day.

Hello, the subscriber you dialed is power off.

You' re here.


It's so good that you could come.

It's better to put the veil at the back?


Then put it at the back.

What's wrong? What's wrong, Wenyi?

What's the matter?Is there something wrong with the music?`

What's the matter, Wenyi?

What's the matter?

Don't cry.

You cry like this on the wedding day,

Others would think how much you yearn for marriage.


I'm sorry.

I've never meant to hurt you.

We've been together for 7 years.

7 years.

We are already family.

You don't need to say sorry.


In the future,

you must be happy

and joyful.

You should take good care of yourself.


Where is Xiao Lei?

She asked for leave 3 days ago.

Didn't you know that?

I'll leave you to it.

Sorry, the number you calles is currently switched off.

Hello, Zhang.

Have you guys seen Xiao Lei today?

Wang saw her in the airport just now.

You couldn't find her.

Could you please help me to find her?

Broadcast it if necessary.

I'll be there soon.


Ling xiao.

Before I get an answer from you,

I knew that

I should start replanning my life.

I don't blame you.

This house,

this job,

and this city.

Are all about you.

I have to get you completely out of my life

so that I could have a new beginning.

I have already quit my job.

I am leaving this place that is full of memories.

Sorry for leaving without saying goodbye.

Ling Xiao,




Tonight, there is a VIP guest in our hotel.

Come over right now.

By the way, wear something formal.

Yes, I know.


Manager, Manger, we are leaving.

Bye. Bye.

You have no plans today?

You just go out and have fun.

I was gonna ask you to go to the party with me.

But today…

No way. You two…


Can't I have a girlfriend?

Actually, I have had a thing for him for a long time.

I have a thing for him for a long time.

It was not until yesterday that I summed up courage and confessed to him.

I'd never expected that he'd say yes.

Honey, keep a low key, low key.

We are leaving.
Be good.

Just get out of my sight.


Bye. Bye.

Customized for Ye Wenwen

Ladies and gentlemen, today is Double-seventh Day,

which is a traditional Valentine's day in China.

I, on behalf of the captain and air crew

wish you a happy Double-seventh Day.

Later, we'll offer you

rose flower tea and specialty beverages.

Please enjoy them, thank you!

Hello miss, what would like to drink?


Do you know?

In my childhood,

I liked to stir up hornet's nests

and felt cool for doing so,

because it seemed to make me like a real man.

When I grew up, I became a pilot

and I flew a large plane.

I thought it required the utmost courage all over the world.

So far,

I have found that these things were of little importance to me

I was really afraid.

I was afraid that I wouldn't find you during my lifetime.

I was even more afraid that another man,

would hold your hand

and put the wedding ring on your finger.

I won't give anyone else such a chance.

Now, I realize that

the real courage

is to hold your hand

and spend the rest of our life together.

Gu Xiaolei

Marry me!

Let's get married


Oh, yeah!


Standing in front of you,

I've worked up the nerve

to make it.

I have known you for two years.

And I have fallen in love with you secretly

for seven hundred and thirty days.

I would have told it to you,

if you had not seen that manuscript.

The love I have for you will

become my most cherished memory,
deep down in my heart forever.

Over two years,

you have become a rich source of inspiration
of all our wedding veils.

You said that

when the man you loved proposed to you,

he should prepare ten wedding veils
for you to choose from.

I have prepared hundreds of

and even thousands of wedding veils for you.

No matter, if you will marry me in the future,

the wedding veil you wear

is the best one

that I ever designed.

Especially, at the moment

when you put it on,

I know

although I am not the one

that matches you best,

surely I am the one

that love you most.


if you'd like,

Let's get married.

I do.

Aunt Yezi,

Who are the guests? How secretive are they!

When they arrive, you will know.

Let's go!




Didn't you leave?


come here.

First of all,

I'd like to thank all of you.

Thank you for helping me with such a surprise without letting Haixin know.

Next I will announce that

several days ago,

we got the license.


we got a divorce certificate.


Some said that it was because
Tian Haixin was overbearing,

insolent, abusive

and self - centered

and felt that she was really something in the hotel.

They aren't telling the truth.

Others said that

although Tian Haixin married me,

she still thought that I was just a cook, good-for-nothing

with the stink of ducks.

They are wrong.

Others heard


a five-star hotel

offered Haixin the post of general manager(Chinese).

They made assumptions that Tian Haixin
would accept the higher position,

leaving both me and the hotel alone,

She walked out on me by the way

None of them is right.

In fact, It was because of me,

Cao Dapeng, a selfish man.

What I care about is my roast duck

and a comfortable life.

I have never thought about her

and what she wanted.

I and Tian Haixin

have known each other since
we were sixteen years old.

It was quite hard for both of us

to go through many challenges until today.

Haixin's father, when she was young,

left her and her mother.

I knew in my heart that

she was starving for affection.

But my love is not deep enough.

Loving her means no matter
what happened, you should cheer her up,

tolerate her

and cherish her.

When she wanted to divorce me, I

Can by no means consent to it.


Due to my deep love for you last time,

I tried my best to marry you.

Now I found I made a mistake.

It was not enough,

because the

right way is that as I married you,

I should wholeheartedly love you.

So I want to remarry you.

I promise that

no matter what happens from now on,

I will manage to love you deeply.


let's get married.

Are you satisfied?

Is Xiaoxiao ready
Go and have a look.

Uncle Zhang.

You're here

You are pregnant, but you are still busy with those things.

I have no choice, It is my cousin's wedding.

I have to help him with those things.

You should take good care of yourself.

Take your seat.

Ok, would you like to drink some water?

Thanks, go ahead please!
Don't mind me if you are busy.

Would you like a Chinese wedding or a western wedding?

I prefer the western one, simple and modern.

Good idea!

When you get married,
I will give a performance for you.

No problem.

Wenyi, would you like to
join us attending the wedding?

You can share the good fortune, would you?

Sorry, take your time.

I just want to walk around.


How beautiful!

I want to prevent the wedding veil from splitting again

What on earth is fate?

Among thousands of people, you meet the right one,

you meet the right one,

and through thousands of years,

with the boundlessness of time,

neither earlier, nor a bit too late,

at the right time,

you happen to meet the right one.

That is the fate.

Now Let's

invite our bride to the stage with warm applause.

The bride walks at a gentle pace.

Her father, with a sense of reluctance,

is handing her daughter over

to the man of the same importance in her life personally.

At the same time, our bridegroom

is waiting anxiously for

his spouse predestined by the fate.

Excuse me

I just want to ask

Now you are sitting here

Who is driving the plane?