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01x02 - Chapter Two: Sordid

Posted: 01/24/24 06:11
by bunniefuu

on Death and Other Details

I can't believe we're gonna be

trapped on this thing for 10 days.

Oh, yeah. These people rich.


Last night, Mr. Keith Trubitsky

was m*rder*d in his suite.

We're fortunate to have a

world-renowned detective on board.

- The man's a f*cking hack.

- This is a message from Celia Chun.

Seven minutes, 23 seconds.

That's how long you were

in Mr. Trubitsky's suite.


- I was a kid

and you made me believe

you were on my side.

[WHISTLES] I'm Rufus.

You must be Imogene.

I'm here to help with

your mother's case.

In 24 hours, Interpol lands on this ship

and you will be their prime

no, their only suspect.

Keith Trubitsky was your assistant?

That's why you were on the Varuna.

You were working a

case? Rufus! What case?

I think you know.

- [CRIES] Mom, don't!

- [expl*si*n BLASTS]

RUFUS: I will be questioning

you, individually.

- I would like to begin with

- I'll go first.








Oh, man.

[GRUMBLES] Got 'em.

[GROANING] I got it.

My God.



Danny not today.

Ah, ah! I've good news.

But first, you gotta eat.

Two poppy seed, one sesame, and

yes, I got the lox from the Greeks.

I assume you brought capers?

Well, I thought we

don't make assumptions.


- Hey, hey, hey, hey.

- Einstein.



Doesn't Brianna clean on Fridays?

[CHUCKLES] Hair of the dog?

What? Rufus, no. You have any utensils?

Okay, wait. Stop.

First of all gross.

Second, I thought he was your assistant.

He was.

Then the phone stopped ringing.

- You're back in the saddle, old man.


I got us a case.

I'm retired, Danny.

Rufus I'm telling ya,

this is your chance to

get right with the world.

Lawrence Collier is finally ready

to hand over the reins to his daughter.

But that's not the best part.

They're bringing in outside investors.

RUFUS: They'll have to

open the books for that.

Expose their corporate secrets.

And their connection to Viktor Sams.

The man who k*lled my mom.

Viktor Sams is an alias, a smoke screen

for an international syndicate

that profits by corporate blackmail.

My mom was a secretary.

Intimidation is part

of Viktor Sam's M.O.

If his targets don't pay,

he sends them a message.

That's why he k*lled her?

I could never prove it.

Lawrence kept his books

under lock and key.

What, meaning he knows

something about all of this?

He raised me. What

the f*ck does he know?

I'm out of the game, Danny.

It's over.

Well, that's the one good

thing about this game.

It's never over.

I'm goin' with or without ya.

She's gonna be there.


That's the reason you're

here? Because of him?

We get our hands on those books,

we get that little girl the

truth she's been waiting for.

The truth you promised her.

And if I fail her a second time?

Well, that's the beauty of a reputation.

You can only ruin it once.

I like him.

RUFUS: Doin' what I do,

as long as I've done it,

you don't make many friends.

Danny was the exception.

I'm sorry for your loss.

But you could've told me all of this.

I didn't want you to relive

what happened to your mother.

I don't need you to protect

me, Rufus, I need answers.

Did Danny figure something

out? Is that why he's dead?

I don't know.

We did not speak on the

last day of his life.

And his journal

[ECHOING] Excuse me?

Not in evidence at the crime scene.

The k*ller must've taken it.

[SIGHS] I can only imagine.

The reason for his death must be

written somewhere in those pages.

For today, we focus on the

suspects assembled out there.

Danny rattled 'em all.

Any one of 'em might have

found reason to take his life.

What do you need me to do?

RUFUS: What did I want her to do?

I could just tell you, reader,

but it's a lot more fun if

you figure it out for yourself.

How was it? Are you okay?

- Oh, my God, it was brutal.

- TRIPP: What kinda questions did he ask?


We're being investigated for m*rder.

I feel like we should, maybe,

know what we're walkin' into.

He knows things.

I don't know how Rufus knows

these things, but he does.

I don't ever wanna see him again.





If you wanna talk to Lawrence,

you should get a subpoena from

Malta, where the ship is registered.

Honest man fears not the truth.


How long have you been general

counsel to Collier Mills?

Two decades?

Long enough to remember you've

got a hard-on for Lawrence Collier,

so why would I give

you access to him now?

I was perhaps naively thinking

a m*rder might do the trick.

[SARCASTICALLY] A m*rder? Ooh, scary.

Where were you

last night?

Between the hours

of midnight, 8 A.M.?

Hold on.

I think I've got that

written down right here, yeah.




WAITER: Tuna melt,

disco fries, extra gravy.

- Who are you up to?

- YOUNG IMOGENE: Michelangelo.

- He was a jerk, wasn't he?

- A bit of a jerk, yeah.

Most successful men are.



IMOGENE: Lawrence Collier interview.

Hey, what are you

This is Mr. Collier's suite.

- It is.

- Did something happen?

So, what? Now you're

Lawrence's personal bodyguard?

He's not taking visitors.

Can we just skip to the part

where you give me what I want?

You think I'm a fool?

You stole my office code.

You broke in and deleted

security footage.

Not all of that is true.

I'll let Mr. Collier know

you came by, Ms. Scott.


You know, what happened

between us was real.

I wasn't faking it.

I'm not sure you know the difference.

I'm sorry, how did he die?

He was harpooned in his state

room with a sport fishing spear.

Oh, dear lord.

RUFUS: The k*ller then secreted

themselves back in the bar cart

to be wheeled away from

their crime by housekeeping.

Well, it can't be me.

I'm not fitting inside

one of those contraptions.

But you could've hired someone who did.

- But why the unholy f*ck would I do that?

- Excellent question.

That is what I am here to find out.

Or you could stop wasting time

and, actually, search

the boat for a k*ller.

Well, I find people

reveal details ad hoc,

which even a good detective

never knew to ask about.

Tell me about your interactions

with Mr. Keith Trubitsky.

I never met him. God rest his soul.

The man was a buffoon.

God loves all his creatures equally.

Hard as that may be to fathom.

We were gonna change the world.

Tripp actually said that? Jesus.

My son is a dreamer.

Dreamer? Sure, let's go with that.

KATHERINE: He comes from

a long line of dreamers.


I first saw him in passing

on the embarkment deck.

How could that possibly be

germane to this investigation?

I intend to build a chronology

of the victim's movements

about this vessel.

Two days, two nights,

interrupted by his m*rder.

When was your first interaction

of substance with him?

I suppose that was

the first day on board.


RUFUS: Two days ago.

KATHERINE: Yes, I hosted a

welcome high tea for the Chuns.

They are investing in our company.

Nothing has been signed yet.

It seemed politic to break bread.

Oh, we're hugging now.

The Chuns are a warm family.


She can't stand us.

- What of Keith Trubitsky?

- What of him?

He antagonized my daughter.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

This is some power table, huh?

So, we celebratin'?

And please, it's the

worst-kept secret on the boat.

You're, you're on deck to be

the next CEO of Collier Mills.

ELEANOR CHUN: Americans can

only talk about three things.

Work, where they live, and traffic.

Also vaccines. They're

all amateur scientists.

It must be nice havin'

Dad call the sh*ts.

Get the f*ck out of here.

Is what I meant to say.

I've never seen her lose control before.

Don't mess with my

sister or her wife.

The whole Leila thing was a lot.

- It wasn't a big deal.

- Leila lost it.

ELEANOR: I mean, the guy was

just trying to take a photo.


Delete that.


- That photo.

- She said delete the photo, so just do it.

- You need to ask permission.

- Dude, just calm down.

- You don't f*cking tell me to calm down.


- I'm deleting it, see


- Look, so easy.

- Uh, okay.


That's, uh It's

fine. We're good, right?


Poor girl. [SIGHS]

[SIGHS] She is jealous.


Anna and I had a a fling,

in business school.

I don't see what that

has to do with anything.

That's my purview.

You answer to us, Cotesworth.

We hired you to get dirt on the

Colliers and you've barely delivered.

And now you take on a

m*rder investigation?

- My apologies.


I should've mentioned before, I quit.


Now where were you between

the hours of midnight and 8 A.M.?

My grandmother won't be happy.

You do not want to make an enemy of us.


No alibi, then.

ELEANOR: Why are you looking into us?

You know as well as anyone

how desperate the Colliers are.



Uh, w

Who told you that?

They'd do anything to keep the

truth about their company a secret.

No, our company is privately held.

Rumors of our demise

have swirled for years,

but we've survived

the Depression, NAFTA,

and everything in-between.

And each time, we emerge stronger.

Collier Mills is in my blood.

My father, and my grandfather,

and my great-grandfather

have shaped this company and, well, me

through their unbreakable dedication,

and their ability to

change with the times.

This deal's no different.

We're not bankrupt.

This is just a strategic partnership.

They are out of moves. [CHUCKLES]



Don't worry. My mom wants you

to know she's not mad at you.

In fact she talked about how

not mad she was all through dessert.

I'm sorry.

I was gonna go.

Then I realized my ass fused

to this chair two days ago.

What ass?

- [SIGHS] It's the worst day.

- Yeah.

Every single year.

But this isn't gonna solve anything.

You need to eat something.

Thank you, but I'm not hungry.

Tuna melt and disco

fries from the Opal Diner.

Extra gravy?

What else?

I miss her.

Me too.

SUNIL BHANDARI: Meeting someone?


Uh, no. No, I'm just,

uh taking it all in.

Well I'm parched. You?

Hm, he's a bartender now.

[CHUCKLES] Someone has to pick up

the loose ends of all these slackers.

Hm, pretty sure they're all waiting

to be questioned for a m*rder.

Yes, I'm aware. He's running

roughshod over my VIPs.

This is something I've been workin' on.

I call it,

The Second Career.


- SUNIL: It's a metaphor.

- Hm, subtle.

- Because it's all gone tits up.

- I know. No, I got it.


Hey, just some advice.

Tell Rufus what ya know.

The more everyone lies,

the longer this'll take.

Wh Are you implying

I have things to hide?

I hope so.

I wouldn't wanna find out you're boring.



No, the truth is, it's

hard to know who to trust.

I've always gone the other way.

You know trust everyone, hurt often.

Bruises heal.

But dead men stay dead.



Enjoy your drinks.


What's with the cloak and dagger?

IMOGENE: I didn't want

him to see us together.

- ANNA: Him?

- Rufus.

He asked for my help on the case

and he doesn't want anyone to know.

We focus on the suspects

assembled out there.

Danny rattled 'em all.

What do you need me to do?

Chapter eight Broken clocks.

You want me to spy?

I need you to get your hands

on the Collier Mills books.


So, that's why you played

this whole game with me?

Why you need my help? 'Cause

I have an in with the Colliers?

What are you doing?

You hate him. Y He's a

liar. He's a fraud. He sucks!

Yeah, yeah, he's all

those things and he does.

But look, Anna, there is

so much more going on here.

The man across the hall, he

was not what he appeared to be.

So, uh who was he then, really?

You're not gonna like this.



RUFUS: I understand you made

social arrangements for the victim.

Yes. After high tea on day one,

I booked Mr. Trubitsky a

sport fishing excursion.

He couldn't hit a fish

if it were on his plate.

According to the guide.

Guests do not store shotguns

from the trap sh**ting

deck in their rooms.

Why was Trubitsky allowed

to keep his spear g*n?

No one expected him to go

around sh**ting at other guests.

Perhaps we should've

considered the alternative.

Are you in the habit of lying?

Excuse me?

RUFUS: You said earlier

you never had the chance

to speak with Mr. Trubitsky.


He and the priest went into

the chapel around four o'clock.

Care to take a mulligan?

Anything we discussed is between

me, Trubitsky, and the Lord.

Does the Lord's grace

extend to the pool deck?

I am no seminarian.

NURSE: Here's your vitamin B12 IV drip.

FATHER TOBY: Keith Trubitsky.

I'd like to introduce you

to the Governor of the

great state of Washington.

Always happy to make a new friend.

Just remember, when you're

planning that State Dinner,

seat me on the end.

Leg room. That's what

it's all about, am I right?


RUFUS: You are a king-maker.

The road to political power

in your neck of the woods,

it runs through your church.

I cannot help what people say about me.

I'll have my team reach out as

soon as we're back in the States.

- And just one more thing.

- Mm-hmm.

I wanna meet with some of

the other super-pac donors.

You know that's not possible.

I have no idea who chooses

to donate to my funds.

We just shook hands. You know who I am.

What is this?

You took money from

someone you shouldn't have,

and I wanna hear you say their name.

f*ck you.

When I was an AUSA, my favorite

part of prosecuting was the game.

Two choices when building

your courtroom strategy.

You could keep it all a secret,

or you can show your

cards to the other side,

but you show 'em the wrong cards.

Let 'em make a bad bet.


I'm told you've been unwell.

Yeah, she hasn't been the same,

you know, since the, uh accident.

Her illness has been

a strain on our family.

I pray for her every day.

Can a woman call another woman crazy?

- No.

- She had a brain injury, we think.

It was all so terrifying.

But we have the best team of

doctors helping with her recovery.

I would like to hear your side.



But you do not think it was an accident.

Your behavior changed.

You now check light bulbs

for listening devices.

You do not want your photo taken.

You live in fear.

Even now, in this room, you

have glanced at the door three times.

Please keep your voice down.

Where were you? Between the

hours of midnight and 8 A.M.?

In bed with my wife.


Before the wreck,

you were a journalist?

I wrote clickbait.

You were trained to

look for hidden truths.

You thought Trubitsky was lying.

You confronted him.

At the tea? That was nothing.

Yet you assume I do not

know about the confrontation.

First night, you

accosted him in the hall.

LEILA: I see you.


- Hm?

Have you been following me?

In Sydney? In New York last month?

W Hold on there.

Did you switch rooms to

spy on me and my wife?

You thought Trubitsky was

responsible for your accident.

So, you struck first.

If you want to have me arrested, fine.

I will be no safer locked away, and

you will be no closer to the truth.

There are forces at play

that you cannot comprehend.

Lord, guide us through these dark times

as you've led us through so many others,

and bring peace to the

victim and his family.

Shelter and surround us.

[SIGHS] You again.

Just can't stay away.

I'm a lucky man.

You two f*cked.



- I lost count.

- Please, Miss Collier, allow me.


He lost count.




- ANNA: He's really something else.


What kinda questions did he ask you?


- THAT DEREK: Was it really a fish g*n?

- It was a fish g*n.


I've been thinking about you

ever since I heard the news.

These kind of tragedies can hit

harder for people who've suffered loss.

Oh, still an atheist. Like Mom.

Oh, your mom would have loved

this. m*rder, intrigue, secrets.

She saw the world as a puzzle to solve.

- But she hated boats.


[CHUCKLES] You remember 4th

of July on Uncle Gerry's boat?

- She puked for hours.


She was such a graceful swimmer, though.

She was.

I heard you skipped your interview.

Dad doesn't sit for

questions without a warrant.

You can tell that to Cotesworth.

- You want one?

- I do, but

Just be careful with him.

I don't want him to hurt you again.

I'm not 11 years old.

You are, though. Some part of you.

I need you to get your hands

on the Collier Mills books.

Right. So, that's why you

played this whole game with me?

Why you need my help? 'Cause

I have an in with the Colliers?

Because whatever they're hiding

might explain not just one m*rder,

but two.

I can't lie to Anna.

- She knows me, she'll sniff it out.

- I didn't ask you to lie.

Did I?


How'd it go?

- It was nothing. He's an idiot.

- Oh, cheers to that.

All right, everybody eat.

I'm starving.




Vicuña. Everyone's

allergic, but I like the fit.

No one in your family was happy

with you bringing

Trubitsky onto the ship.

- Who said that?

- Everyone.

Okay, well, Anna's always

been a f*ckin' snob.

And you know what, was he a

little rough around the edges?

Sure, but his money was green, so

Well, I'm told he pulled

out of your venture.

You had a fight on day two.


It's just not a good

match for the portfolio.

Yeah. Yeah, see, I already

I paid for server space.

I'm, I'm, I'm out serious money.

Yeah, life in the big city, sport.

Tripp Collier he was angry.

I really couldn't say.

A man is dead.

These things matter.

Well, then, yes he was furious.

You overheard the whole argument?

I tried not to eavesdrop.

They all heard it.

Life in the big city, sport.

I'm gonna f*cking k*ll you!


- PERSON 2: Oh, my God.


I did not say that!

Tripp Collier has well-concealed

anger management issues.

RUFUS: You had everything

riding on Trubitsky's investment.

Collier Coin is meant

to go live in a week.

You thought it was positioned

to make millions instantly.

- Now it is worthless.

- Okay, that's simplistic

No, it's motive. It's

motive! Man humiliated you,

made you look ridiculous

in front of your father.

Oh, f*ck off! No! No! I am

not the one he humiliated.


You gotta be f*ckin' kidding me!

This watch is worth 50 grand, you

hear me? That's 50,000 American!

More than you make in a f*cking year!

- I'm so sorry, sir. I'm so sorry.

- Your tip was in here. Was.




Look, I'm not the best at my job.

I made a mistake.

My sister's still learning the trade.

I'm a shit waitress.

It's her first tour with your crew?

Yes. She needed a break, I gave her one.

You look after her.

You have since you were young.

I raised her. [SCOFFS]

Sometimes, I think badly.

You blame yourself?


You were given

opportunities she never had.

Your accent.

- Wickham Abbey?


Me, an Abbey girl?

No Mayfield.


Where were you between the

hours of midnight and 8 A.M.?

With my sister.

We share a cabin.

Asleep in my room.

I was wasted, if you

really need to know.

Must've had, I don't know,

seven, eight drinks at dinner.

[CHUCKLES] Was that before or after

you ordered the bar

cart to Trubitsky's room?

I didn't do that.

The bar cart that delivered

the k*ller was ordered

from your room on your telephone.

I I didn't

Well, it wasn't me.

Yes, I remember the call.

- It came from room 541.

- Tripp Collier's suite.

Yes but it was a woman's voice.

American accent.

Who did you share your bed with?


No one.


You figure it out.



RUFUS: She is keen as anything.

She cracked my primer like a walnut.

- DANNY TURNER: You're breaking your own rule.

- Hm?

Never make friends with the victims.

That's not what this

is. She knows something.

I need her to trust me.

And she's a brilliant, little genius?

Don't kid yourself.

What is it you found?

Buddy in the long leads investigation

division got me this A name.

This is the guy that

bought the detonation device

that went up in Kira Scott's car.

Viktor Sams.



Lumbar true window to the soul.


[GROANS] How did it go?


Almost too well.

I told her I was working with

you and she still trusts me.

She's the closest thing I have to

a sister and yet deceiving her was


Easier than it should've been.

It's lonely work.

Your only loyalty at the end of

the day is to the truth. [EXHALES]

It's not your fault Danny's dead.

Oh, thanks for that. I

feel absolved already.

Mr. Bhandari, thank you

for your hospitality.

[SIGHS] What've we learned?

Well, [SIGHS] a lot. Just

not, you know, "whodunit."


- RUFUS: Picture is yet to come into relief.

Well, I've just heard from Interpol.

Their best man is on route.

There's, um somethin'

I failed to mention.

The m*rder victim tried

to enter my office

well, this office,

the night we set sail.



Can I help you?


Oh, my key card won't work.

That's because it's not your room, mate.

Oh sorry.


SUNIL: He staggered back to his suite.

No harm done. Simple misunderstanding.

Why not inform your security team?

I handled it myself.

That's not why.

You don't trust Jules.

Your head of security.

Oh. Hm.

Well, it's hard to know who to trust.

Mr. Bhandari, one last thing.

Maybe two.

What time was the altercation

you didn't feel the need

to report, for my timeline?

- Call it midnight.

- Very good.


And the second thing?


[SIGHS] Just this.

Why did you k*ll Keith Trubitsky?


Is he takin' the piss?

I had nothing to do with

any of it, as you well know.

All I needed to hear.

'Til tomorrow, then.

We'll see ourselves out.

The f*ck was that? You

just accused him of m*rder?

Answer was immaterial.

Aim was fluster him.

"Nervous eyes hide no

secrets." Chapter three.

- Also, maybe a Phil Collins B-side.

- Can be two things.

What you don't need,

two safes.

Holy shit.

He really is hiding something.

They all are.

To wit the Governor,

she is carrying on an affair

with one of her biggest donors.



Vicuña. Everyone's allergic,

but I like the fit, so

Oh, she could do better.

In fact, it was she who ordered

the ill-fated bar cart

to Trubitsky's suite.

But it was a woman's

voice American accent.


The Governor's an accomplice?

Either witting or unwitting.

Deceptions continue.

Neither the lawyer

nor our dear maître d'

mentioned the exchange

of goods they made

the first night on the ship.

And then, there's the priest.


RUFUS: Built a career on

connecting powerful people,

protecting their secrets at all cost.

And there's Leila.

Paranoid, terrified. Of

what? Remains to be seen.

But her wife your friend, Anna,

lied on her behalf more than once.

There are billions on

the line in the deal

between the Colliers and the Chuns.

Any one of them might have k*lled Danny

to keep it in place.


Oh, now that we've shone a

torch on these cockroaches,

they will scatter.

Make mistakes.

And lead us to the truth.


RUFUS: And reader scatter they did.

- What the f*ck did you do?!

- It's not what it looks like.

It's not what it looks like?!

Ya set me up as an accessory

to a m*rder, so

Truth is, I should've

never been in your room.

- What?

- This is a mistake.

You are a mistake.

- Wait, wait. I

- No, don't call me.

Don't f*ckin' come to my room. Don't

offer me coke, just f*ckin' don't.


It's over.

I didn't tell anyone, Alexandra.


Keep it that way.

But I,

I have so much more coke.

It was supposed to be a vacation, Anna.

Some quick business, then Mai Tai's.

Now someone's dead.

My grandmother's spooked.

We're leaving in the morning.

I can fix this.

Gimme a chance.

If it were up to me,

I'd do anything for you.

But it's outta my hands.

I'm sorry. The deal's off.


Everything okay?

It's fine. Everything's fine.

Is it?


RUFUS: Which one of them

k*lled my friend, Danny?

You could skip to the end for that.

But then you'll miss all

the clever things I said.

Better to take it page by page.







RUFUS: Welcome to

The Artless Detective,

my second, and I am proud

to say, my very best book.

Oh, that's awful.

Note to the editor,

please provide sample

introductory remarks.



Agent Hilde Eriksen.

Sunil Bhandari, welcome to the Varuna.

Let me guess, Cotesworth kept your

VIPs up all night for questioning,

and tricked you into an

interview you didn't agree to?

- Well, how d how did you

- This should be fun.


♪ I don't wanna be nice ♪

♪ I don't want your advice ♪

♪ On the run in my tights ♪

♪ I gonna get what I want ♪

♪ I don't care who it hurts ♪

♪ Took the lessons that I've learned ♪

♪ Once shy, twice burned ♪

♪ Don't wanna belong ♪

♪ I'm not nodding along ♪

♪ I don't care if you write me ♪

♪ Please don't invite me ♪

♪ Hummingbird, get what you want ♪

♪ And flutter off for a little while ♪

♪ Wait, set it on the doorstep ♪

♪ You took the first steps ♪

♪ Mine, should've been mine ♪

Had I just said something,

if I wasn't polite ♪

♪ Stuck out my hand,

grabbed it and ran ♪