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03x01 - Stuck in the Middle with You

Posted: 01/24/24 07:11
by bunniefuu
Yes, my dad died.

No, I don't want
to talk about it.

I'm Sam Loudermilk, your...

You and my father
last year had...

Oh, come on!
Not here!

Sorry, but there's someone
sleeping on the couch.

If Clyde's father
is your father,

that makes you
Clyde's uncle?


Felix asked me to join them
for some upcoming gigs.

Why would Felix do that?
You have no musical talent.

♪ Six pounds of state jewelry on my ankles and ribs ♪

I'm in a band,
I'm going to school.
It's time to move on.

Don't be a stranger.

I won't.


Oh, hey.I can't.

You can't what?

I can't...
I can't do it anymore.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.


Come on, let's go.Bye, guy.


What are you

Hey, who was at the...

Is that Clyde?


Look at that little guy!
Where's Mama?

She took off.Oh, he's a cutie.


I don't know.What do you mean?

I mean my dead father's
baby mama

just dropped off
my kid brother
and left.

Yeah, I got that part.
But to go where?

I don't know, Ben!

Dave and Buster's?


Oh, my God, so she...


She just?Uh-huh.


Is that real?

Yeah, does it look real?

[LAUGHS] Jesus,
I just moved out.

You already got
a new roommate?

Here, give us a hand.

With what?With this.

That's Clyde.

I'm not touching that.

Why the f*ck would you think
I know anything about babies?

I don't know.
Maternal instinct
and all that?

Uh, yeah.
No, I didn't get
any of that.

[SCOFFS] You guys
are on your own.

Didn't they make you take
an egg home in high school?

I don't know,
I was high on heroin.


♪ ♪

How the f*ck do I know
what I'm gonna do?

Calm down, please.
And stop with the swearing.

My apologies, Clydie.

No, no, no nicknames,

'cause then you're gonna
want to keep him.

Whatever. For real,
what's the plan?

Well, obviously we're gonna
get him back to his mother,
where he belongs.

No. No way, Jose. She'll just do
something else weird with him.

Oh, like leave him
on the doorstep

of someone
she hardly f*cking knows?Or worse.

And again, I would ask you
to please stop swearing.

Their little brains
are like sponges.

You don't want
his first words
to be

"fucktits" or

"nobody makes albums anymore,
it's all singles."

Hey, hey, hey, you there.

Did your mommy abandon you?

Yes, she did.

He's pretty big
for a crack baby, huh?

He's not a crack baby.

His mom's not an addict?No.

Well, then why f...

F-U-C-K did she
drop him off here?

I don't know.

Holy f*cking shit,
we have a baby.

Okay, give him here.
That's enough
with the swearing.

I got him, I got him.

Don't drop him.Don't worry about it.

It's gonna
be fine, okay?

We'll just...
We'll pick up
some supplies

and then we'll
figure out a plan.

What do you mean,

You know,
stuff that babies need.

A stroller, bottles
with the nipples on 'em,

some Ho Hos
would be nice.

Oh, I have wipes.
Oh, no, what am I saying?

Those are big boy wipes.
Cucumber peppermint.

That might be a little spicy
for a rookie, huh?

Or we just
call the cops.

Let them bring some
professionals in.

No, we're not
calling the cops.

What are they gonna do?

Bring him right back
to his unfit mother.


Yeah, and then
pick him up from there

and throw him into the system,
is that what you want?

You want your baby brother
in the belly
of the beast, bro?

Well, I don't
want him here.

Now, how do you know
all this stuff about babies?

Well, um...

When I was in high school

I was vice president
of the babysitter's club.

What?Mm-hmm, two terms.



Hey, sorry I'm late.

Loudermilk had a baby.

That's no excuse.

Wait, what?

Somebody gave Loudermilk
a baby.

A baby what?A baby baby.

Who did?

I don't know, his father's
waitress or something?

I didn't engage.

Hey, that was
a pretty good gig
last Friday, huh?

Uh, yeah.

Um, look. Um...

I have a confession
to make.

Even though
the show was
really good,

it kinda got me

That it could be better?

Exactly.Me, too.

Okay, great.
So we're on
the same page?

Definitely. It's obvious

I'm the least experienced
member of the band.

Yeah, good.

So I have to try
extra hard.

Completely commit myself.

I'm even gonna look into
taking tambourine lessons.

Um, I don't think anyone
teaches tambourine.

It's kinda like
you either know it
or you don't.

Oh, thanks.
Oh, and I have
another idea.

If we wanna start
making some real cash,

we need some merch,

and I have some
really good ideas
for a t-shirt.


You know, for a 76

you'd figure they'd
have a better baby station.

We don't need
that much.

Soon as we can, the kid's
going back to his mother.

You still don't get it,
do you?

Okay, let me paint a picture
that you'll understand.

Imagine that
you're the governor.

That's implausible,
but no, go ahead.

And Clyde here
is on death row

and you're the only one
who can save his life.

And in order to
save his life,
all you have to do

is keep him from going back
to his mother, you get it?

Yeah, I don't understand
that at all.

How does this kid
get so filthy?

Nah, that's my bad.

He won't take
the nipple unless I rub
some chocolate on it.

What nipple?

Nip... Nipple.

That word doesn't
make any... Nipple.

What, were you born
without 'em?
We got two of 'em.

What the f*ck
am I looking at?

It's my Mr. Milky
man milk vest.

Where did you get that?I told you,

I was the vice president of my
high school babysitter's club.

And you've had that
ever since?

Yes, I'm a bit of a pack rat.
We know this.

Please don't make it weird.


What's the matter,
did he shit his
pants again?

No, we just got clocked
by Johnny Law over here.

Oh. Well, we're not
doing anything wrong.

Really? Couple of
sketchy former addicts

pushing a pawn shop stroller

with a filthy-faced baby
who doesn't belong to us?
Come on.

All right,
let's get out of here.
Do we have everything?

I wouldn't be mad at
a bag of jerky, actually.

Come on.Okay, just relax.

Oh, uh, gentlemen.

Could I have a minute?

Hey, officer.

How are you,
what can we do for ya?

How old?Huh?

The baby.
How... How old?

Zero. I mean, you know.
I mean, he's not quite...
He's not one.

Five months,
give or take.

Give or take?
You don't know the age
of your own child?

He's adopted.
From, uh, Vietnam.

And, uh, they don't
keep great records there, so.

He doesn't look Asian.

He's not, he's not.

He's white and that's
why they got rid of him.

It's very sad.
Isn't that right, Clydie?

It's Clyde.Yep.

Well, my partner and I
have a two-year-old, so.

BEN: Your partner?

Best decision
my husband and I
ever made.

Oh. Oh, okay,
I understand.

I'm sorry,
I thought you meant

your bang-bang-sh**t-up-
the-bad-guys partner,

Yes, of course.


It's the toughest job
you'll ever love.

Being a gay cop?

Kids, kids.

But you know,

Right.Sure, yeah.

Hey, Annette,
it's Sam Loudermilk again.

Uh, I'm sure you're busy,
uh, but I have your baby.


So if you get a second,
f*cking call me back!



Ta-da. I figured we'd sleep him
right here in the living room.

And you know what else
would be good?

We could change him right here
on the dining room table.

Oh, sure. And then we would
never eat there again.

But we can eat
in the bathroom,

Come on,
we gotta get
this kid home.

Okay, look.
Sam, I know this
is some crazy stuff

that's happened
here today,

but just don't
do anything rash,
all right?

Look, there's a lot
of factors to consider

before you just
put a kid somewhere.

It's not something
to take lightly.

Yeah, I don't.

But I can't raise him.
I didn't sign up for this.

Yeah, well,
neither did he.

I'm just saying,
would you sleep
on it, please?

I'll sleep on it.


Clyde, what's
going on, man?

Come on.
Stop crying,
you're fine.

Aren't you?


Well, he's not wet.

I gave him a bottle before
bedtime, so he's not hungry.

What does that mean?
He's not dying, is he?

He's probably
just scared,
I bet.

[SCREAMS AND CRIES]Well, that makes
two of us.


f*ck is this?



Hey, Levon.
What's up?

Your baby's too loud!

Come on,
he's not that loud.

I was in
Tiananmen Square,
I know loud!


We'll do what we can to try
to quiet him down, all right?



So what do I do?

I don't know.
I would put him
in a stroller.

Take him
for a nice little walk.

I'm not going outside,
it's 3:00 in the morning.

Who said anything
about going outside?



♪ ♪

So I'm dying to go to
the Tame Impala concert
at the Showbox,

but I'm worried
I'm gonna get
a contact high

from all that
marijuana smoke.

People don't smoke pot
at concerts any more, dude.

But... But it's
legal now.

Mm, smoking indoors
would be seen as
very uncool today.

TONY: The f*ck's the matter
with the world?

When pot was outlawed
everyone smoked it.

But now that it's legal,
they don't?

People today suck.

Or maybe it's because
you guys didn't have
edibles back then.

every drug is edible.

And you can
shove 'em up your butt.

Oh, it is
a much quicker high.

So you guys are saying
it's okay, then?

What do you think,


Don't drink.

You okay, Loudermilk?


Jesus man, you fall off
the wagon again?

Uh, no.
Nothing like that.

He has a baby.


I didn't even know
you were dating anyone.

Well, it's not mine.

It's my responsibility
for the moment,

but it's my dad's actually.

Or was my dad's.

Wow. All my dad left me
was a Lincoln Town Car

and a DVD set
of Dean Martin Roasts.

Shit holds up, though.
That Foster Brooks kills me.

So this is Loudermilk's
little brother?


Hey, Loudermilk,
you should try yerba mate.

It's like Red Bull
but natural.

And it's a mood enhancer,
not that you need it.

Hey, uh, I'm not
a child care expertise,

but uh, I don't
see any baby.

Where is he?

With Ben.

Ben? Really?

Yeah, Ben's actually
a big papa bear with Clyde.

Don't papa bears
eat they young?

Yeah, if they're hungry.

But Ben's flush with Ho Hos
right now, he's good.

Are you gonna adopt him?

I can get
the paperwork started.

Friends and family
discount, bruh!

f*ck no.
This is temporary.

What are you
talking about?

Raising a kid
is anything but temporary.

I'm not raising him,

I'm holding onto him until his
mother comes to her senses
and takes him back.

Yeah, I don't know
about that.

My grandmother,
she took in my uncle's kids
till he got back on his feet.

That was 52 years ago, man.

Stevie's right.
This might be more than just
a quick fix kind of situation.

No, it's a quick fix
type of situation.

I'm gonna bring him back
to his mom

once she levels off
with her meds.


What? Come on,
the best place for a kid
is with his mother, right?

did you ever consider

that maybe this could be
a sign from the universe?

I mean, think about it.

You lose your father
but you gain a brother?

It might be more than
just a simple coincidence.

Are you saying his brother
may be his father?

That's not at all
what I'm saying.

What I'm saying
is that someone
or something

is trying to tell Loudermilk
that he still needs a family.

I say he needs
some yerba mate.

It's a serious
mood enhancer.

f*ck this. I don't need
a mood enhancer, okay?

Who has something
to talk about?

That's not
about me or the baby.

I got a question
for Stevie.

How f*cking old
is your grandmother?

Big Mama, she old.


MIKE: Sam.

I heard about
your bundle of joy.

Wouldn't go that far.

A child is a big
responsibility, Sam.

Yeah, Ben's helping
out a lot.

He's got him at the aquarium
right now I think
or something.


Yes, that doesn't
comfort me.

He's actually
remarkably good
with kids.

I'm sure he is,
but have you
considered possibly...


Well, have you thought
about maybe

finding a better home
for the child?

You mean moving?

Not you, him.

There are many
fine families,

some of them
even in our own parish

who would treasure the chance
to raise a child like Clyde.

Wait a minute,
are you talking
about adoption?

No, I can't do that.
It's not my kid.

I'm his...
I'm his brother.

Exactly. You'd like
your brother

to be raised in
a good family, wouldn't you?

That's ridiculous.

I'm not gonna
hand my baby brother

over to somebody
I don't even know.

Come on.

Think about it, Sam.



it's Sam Loudermilk.

Open up.

Annette isn't here.

All right.
Come on.

Open the door.
We have to talk.

I told you,
Annette isn't here.

All right, whatever
you say, Annette.

Listen, if you're
serious about me
keeping the kid,

you gotta at least
give me his papers.

This isn't Annette.

All right, I'll...
I'll play along.

Which Muppet
character are you?

My name's Jeannette.

Your name is J...

Stop playing games.

This is serious.

If you don't want your son
put up for adoption

open the door right now,
because I'll do it.

I will give him away.


Who are you?

I told you!

I'm Annette's sister.

Did Annette
really do that?

Yeah, she did.Oh, Jesus.

I'm just so surprised.

I mean, she was always
the level-headed one.

Do you come
from circus folk?Hmm?

Where is she?
Where is your sister?

Well, all I know
is she said

she was going out of town
with the kids for a few days.

I'm just
apartment sitting.

All right.

You're telling me the truth,
she's not back there
hiding somewhere?

No, I swear.

All right.

When you see her,

can you tell her
to call Sam Loudermilk?

I will.

All right.
Thanks, Jeannette.
I'm sorry about the...

You know, you have
a very distinctive voice.


Thanks for noticing, assh*le.

We have a delightful flight
of purees for you
this evening.

you have no allergies,
you're in for quite a treat.

I call this baby tapas.

Here we go, here.

Avocado, guava,
and apple.


Ugh, that is god-awful.

So much guava.

What's this...
This is banana.

Hey, there he is.

Any luck with Annette?

I couldn't find her.

I did meet a woman
with a bright future
in cartoon voice-overs.

Well, did you
try her restaurant?


They said
she called in sick
all last week.

Now what?I don't know.

All I know is that
I've never been more tired
in my entire life,

and I did 84
straight hours of meth
with the guy from Korn.

Well, that is
a super duper bummer,

'cause your shift
starts in right now,

I'm gonna go take a nap.

Oh, come on.
You gotta be
kidding me.



I don't know
what to do with him.

Just feed him,
clean him up,
and put him to bed.

What if he
starts crying again?

I don't know.
Roll him around
in the stroller,

tell him a story,
he'll be okay.


It's not that bad,
I promise you,
I'm telling you.

Yes, when you get older,
then it's bad.

Then it's terrible.

But you know,
you're young, man.

You got a while.


Listen... You wanna
hear a story?

You wanna hear a story?

It's... Okay, okay, okay.
No, no, no, listen.

Did I ever tell you the time
that I got thrown off
the Better Than Ezra bus?


No, no, no, no, you're
gonna want to listen to this.
This is good, okay?

So I'm in a place
called Hyannis, all right?

Out on Cape Cod

And this is right after
Ezra released
their second album, okay?

So they're kind
of peaking. Uh...

They play an amazing show,

Lights out.

At some venue that had
really good acoustics.

And afterwards
I went on the tour bus to,

you know, "interview" them.

Really, I was just there
to party with 'em.

You like this, yeah?
Okay, good.

So I just assume that,
you know,

these guys are gonna want to
get f*cked up like I do

'cause even though
it's a Tuesday

rock bands, they tend to
wanna get f*cked up

when they're on the road.

You'll learn this.


You know what?
Do you mind if
I record this?

Some of this?
Hold on.


Yeah, this might be
good for my book.

Write this down, okay.[FUSSES]

I'm coming, I'm coming,
I'm coming, I'm coming.

All right.

Yeah, here you go.
Now hit record.

Check one-two, one-two.
Check one-two.

Okay, so we're on the bus
and these Ezra guys
were acting kind of weird.

Or at least at the time
I thought it was weird.

Now I realize

they were just
being professionals
and pacing themselves

so they weren't
wiped out in Providence

or wherever the hell they were
playing the following night.


But at the time,

you know, this was new to me.

This moderation,
it kind of pissed me off.


The more that
they didn't want to drink,

the more that I drank.

Figuring that I could
just break 'em, you know?

That they'd see
how much fun
I was having

and then they'd
have to join in.

But they didn't because,
like I said,

it was Tuesday,
and they were pros.

I really like
that you like this.


Finally, the band
had enough of me, right?

And they tossed my ass
off the bus, but literally.

I mean, you know,
flat in a parking lot.

Not that that stopped me.

I got right up
and walked down the street

and found a 24-hour
breakfast place somewhere

and ended up
doing lines
with the waitress

till the blow ran out
and the waitress
lost interest.

And uh,

back at the motel,
I lay in bed
as the gray dawn came.

And I felt
the familiar feeling

of my exhausted heart
skipping beats

as my high
from the previous night

into a nearly identical low.


And I thought that this
was how life was
supposed to be.

And I was that way
for a long, long time.


Really, you don't
stick anything up
your ass?

Nothing up my butt.[LAUGHTER]

Guys, guys, guys.

Keep it...
Keep it down, okay?

This is the first time
he's been asleep
in too damn long,

so everyone
has to be quiet.

All right, who has
something to share?

Yo, forget that.

What are y'all gonna do
about Clyde?

CISCO: Who's Clyde?The baby.

I think you should keep him.

I can't keep him.
I've got too much going on.

You mean
your crippling depression
and lack of self-worth?

Both of those things.
And my book.

You ever gonna
finish that f*cking thing?

Hey, for your information,
I'm on a roll, okay?

I wrote 200 pages
in the last two months.

Most of it's shit,
but you know,

it's getting
less shitty every day, so.

Well, less S-H-I-T-T-Y
should be the aim.

And would everyone
mind not using such
strong language?

The baby has
a sponge brain.

on your book,

Thanks, Cloud.[LOUDLY] The f*ck
is sponge brain?


Would you?[MOUTHS WORDS]


I still think you should
raise your brother.

Are you nuts?

Loudermilk doesn't
know S-H-I-T
about raising a child.

No, I took you in
for two years.

CLOUD: Look around,

What is this group but
a bunch of children, huh?

We come to you
for guidance, advice,

and when we need
to be set straight,
you do it.

Sounds an awful lot
like being a parent to me.

If you do decide to keep him,
we could all help raise him.

You know, that old saying.

Uh, it takes
a village of idiots,

you know how
that thing goes.

Well, thanks, Ed.
That's a terrible
f*cking idea.

Watch your language.
Sponge brain.

Sorry I'm late,
Valerie Bertinelli was having
a Facebook Live chat.



What the hell?Dip shit.

Look what you did.Come on!

FELIX: Hey, uh,
before I forget...

Do you mind coming in late
tomorrow and closing up?

What about
band practice?

Yeah, we're calling it off.

Brad's, um,
got shingles or some shit.

Oh. That's terrible.


He'll be up and running
in no time,

it's a pretty mild case.


Sure, yeah, I mean
I can probably make
tomorrow work.

Thanks, Claire.

Yeah, no problem.




Wow. You really are
good with him.

Well...Hell, you're
great with him.

Well, I love kids.

You know,
I used to be one.

Plus, I had a bunch
of experience

back when I was,
you know.

Babysitters' club?

Well, yeah.

But uh...
When I was
a foster kid.

Oh, yeah.

I forget about that, 'cause
you don't talk much about it.

Well, I mean,
what is there to say?

You know,
I got bounced around
from home to home

like the rest of 'em,
till I found my real family...

Well, not my real fam...
My foster family,
the Palmers.

And they were great.
So, you know.

Well... Well, that's good.


Yeah, they took in
a bunch of kids

and most of 'em moved on.

They got adopted
and I stuck around.

Pretty soon
I was always the oldest

so I ended up taking care
of the little guys, like you.


Hey, I'm sorry
about that.

For what?

You know,
that you never
got adopted.

Oh, yeah. No, to tell you
the truth, Sam,

I thought about that.

It's, uh...

It's better,
it's better this way.

You know, like I said,
the Palmers were great
and, uh, I mean,

things turned out
just fine with me.

Didn't they?


So, you're having
second thoughts.

Yeah, third, fourth.

I don't see how
this ends well, Mike.

Look, it's obvious
you care a great deal

about Clyde
and his well-being.

That's gotta count
for something.

Start there,
and you may find

that adoption
doesn't sound
so horrible.

I just don't know how
I could give him
to a total stranger,

especially after
what it says in your book

about being
my brother's keeper
and all that.

I appreciate the sentiment,
but those words

were spoken by Cain
after he m*rder*d Abel.

His brother.


Oh, that got dark.


Playing guitar,
jumps off the stage
still playing guitar.


Holy... What the f*ck?Holy sh...

Hello, boys.

What a nice surprise.
How are your shingles,



What are you, uh,
doing sitting in the dark?

Did you really think
I wouldn't find out?

About what?

You guys played a gig
without me.

What are you talking about?
You're in the Ben Rogers Band.

This is the
Felix Furbush Experience.

It's the exact same band,
except without me!

Yeah, okay.
I can see how
you could...

[GROANS] Look.

I know I suck, okay?
I just...

I love playing.

You don't understand
how good it is

to be around people who aren't
total fuckups for a change.

Claire, I...

I need this, okay?

I really need it.


Fine. Let's, um,
keep the train rolling.

[LAUGHS] Great!

Okay, I'll see you
at practice.

Oh, and I have a shit ton
more ideas for shirts.

So what are you
gonna do?

I don't know.

Get somebody else
to fire her, I guess.


Come on, kid.

I know you gotta be tired.
I'm tired

and I don't have people
carrying me around all day.


Let's take another
look at the diaper.


Smells fine.

Nothing to see here.
Perfectly dry.

There you go.

Come here.

Yeah, I get you.

Sometimes it's just better
to go au naturel, huh?

It's like, I remember
a summer at Bonnaroo.

God, it was hot.

By day three I thought
I wasn't gonna make it

until somebody told me
about a swimming hole.

And then when I got there
there was, like,

and I was the only one that
had a stitch of clothes on.


Couldn't have been
any happier.




And you wanted to put him
into the belly of the beast.

Yeah, I think I figured out
what's bothering him.

He doesn't like
wearing diapers.


You motherf...


♪ ♪

♪ Alone in
someone's bedroom

♪ She firmly took my hand

♪ The isolation ended

♪ I began to understand

♪ In the ping-pong match
of constant desire

♪ I was never
gonna get ahead

♪ 'Cause I was looking
in the mirror

♪ ♪

♪ Now we've got
that sympathy

♪ What I'm to you,
you are to me

♪ Let's go ♪