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Happening, The (2008)

Posted: 01/30/24 18:11
by bunniefuu
I forgot where I am.

You're at the pIace where the kiIIers meet

to decide what to do with the crippIed girI.

Oh, that's right. That's right.

Did you hear that?

That's funny.

That's weird. Those peopIe
Iook Iike they're cIawing at themseIves.

Is that bIood?

CIaire, are you seeing this?




What page was I on?


-I need an extension over here.
-FaII back. FaII back.

You kidding me? Like another 20 feet.

Don't touch that.
That's for the drywaII guys.

I toId you he wouIdn't do it!

So then the IittIe guy says,

''You have a girIfriend named Wendy, too?
WeII, I saw your thing and it said 'WY.'''

The big guy says, ''No, man, mine says,
'WeIcome to Jamaica, have a nice day.'''

Christ, McKenzie feII.

Medic, we have a major accident
at the south side of the buiIding.

-We'II need an ambuIance.


Give him some room.

-Somebody feII!

-Oh, my God, he just feII!

Someone feII! Over that buiIding!

Oh, my God!

-Watch it.
-Oh, my God!

Watch it. Get out of there!

-Look out!

Look out!

God in heaven.

Look, I don't know if you guys
have heard about this articIe

in The New York Times
about honeybees vanishing?

WeII, apparentIy, honeybees
are disappearing aII over the country.

Tens of miIIions of them.
Just disappearing.

There's no bodies, no sign of them.
They're just mysteriousIy gone.

It's scary, huh?

AII right, Iet's hear some theories
about why this might be happening.

Nothing? Come on, guys.


Right. CouId be a virus or infection.

But it's aII over the country.
It's a coordinated event in 24 states.

It's a IittIe tricky.

-CouId be.

I mean, we're just pumping
so much junk into the environment

they're just keeIing over.

But there are no bodies. Keep guessing.


GIobaI warming.

Temperature goes up a fraction
of a degree, makes them disoriented?



You don't have an opinion?

You're not interested
in what happened to the bees?

You shouId be more interested
in science, Jake.

You know why?
Because your face is perfect.

The probIem is, your face is perfect at 15.

Now, if you were interested in science,
you wouId know facts

Iike the human nose and ears
grow a fraction of an inch each year.

So a perfect baIance of features now

might not Iook so perfect
five years from now.

They might Iook downright whack
10 years from now.

Come on, buddy.
Take an interest in science.

What couId be a reason
the bees have vanished?

An act of nature
and we'II never fuIIy understand it.

Nice answer, Jake.

He's right.

I mean, science wiII come up
with some reason to put in the books,

but in the end, it'II be just a theory.

We wiII faiI to acknowIedge that there are
forces at work beyond our understanding.

To be a good scientist,

you must have a respectfuI awe
for the Iaws of nature.


How much does the human nose
grow each year?

-Oh, man.
-It's minuscuIe, buddy, okay?

Don't worry about it. You're gonna be
a heartthrob your whoIe Iife.

I was just messing with you.

The Dark Lord. Don't Iook into her eyes.

Vice PrincipaI! What can we do for you?

I'm afraid I have to interrupt you
for a moment, Mr. Moore.

Okay, guys, caIm down. I'II be right back.

-What is that?
-I can't beIieve it.

-Oh, my God.
-Oh, my God.

-I've never seen anything Iike it before.
-What's going on?

I don't know.

You excused aII the teachers?

The administration makes us teach
with a foot of snow on the ground.

What is this?

-They stopped cIass.

AII right.

There appears to be an event happening.

CentraI Park was just hit by
what seems to be a t*rror1st attack.

Oh, no.

They're not cIear on the scaIe yet.

It's some kind of airborne chemicaI toxin

that's been reIeased
in and around the park.

They said to watch for warning signs.

The first stage is confused speech.

The second stage is physicaI
disorientation, Ioss of direction.

The third stage is fataI.

CentraI Park? That's kind of odd.

I spoke with the head of schooIs.
He said we shouId dismiss the students.

So take your pIanners home
so we can get back when this is over.

AII right? Let's do our jobs.

Hey, you guys stiII got to work
on your science projects for next week.

What are the ruIes
of scientific investigation?

Identify variabIes.
Design the experiment.

CarefuI observation and measurement.
Interpretation of experimentaI data.

Hey, guys?


AIacrity. With aIacrity, pIease.

My mother just caIIed my ceII again.
She's hystericaI. HystericaI.

I toId her the probabiIity of something
happening in PhiIadeIphia is very Iow.

I mean, nobody's teIIing us
to Ieave the city, right?

So I threw some figures at her.
It's good to be a math teacher sometimes.

You know, peopIe are comforted
by percentages. Didn't work.

She stiII wants us to get out of the city
and come out to her house.

But she said for you and AIma to come.

Yeah, Iet me think about that, okay?

Did you hear about New York?

Are you okay?

No, I mean, are you okay?

Yeah, me, too.
Listen, I want to taIk about it more.

JuIian's mom offered for aII of us
to get out of the city and stay with her.

What do you think?

Yo, Chris!

I'II bring Jess and Evette
and I'II meet you at the station.

Listen, JuIian, if AIma's acting weird,
just be cooI, okay?

What's going on?

She's acting odd.
Just don't worry about it, okay?


Look, if she's acting
Iike she's distant or something...


I can't say any more.

Is she Ieaving you?

I didn't say that. It's just taIk, okay?
Just reIax, pIease?


I'm going to teII you something
you shouId never teII your best friend.

Why is everybody saying that?

I saw her on your wedding day.

Again with the wedding. What?

I waIked into a waiting room by mistake,
and she was crying.

She Iooked up. I saw her face.

She wasn't ready to jump in, EIIiot.
That's not who she is.

She's never going to jump in
when you need her, man.

So do federal. state and local officials
have a plan in place

for this type of catastrophe?

Are they utilizing all the manpower
or the money...

-Are you packed?

-What are they saying?

They're evacuating New York City.

Well. our brains come equipped
with a selfpreservation mechanism

to stop us from harmful actions.

This is controlled by a combination
of electrochemical signals in the brain.

The blocking of neurotransmitters
by certain toxins

has been proven to cause hallucinations.
asphyxiation and paralysis.

This new neurotoxin is basically
flipping the preservation switch.

blocking neurotransmitters
in a specific order.

causing specific selfdamaging
and catastrophic effects.

Just how the toxin works
and who the t*rrorists are...

It makes you kiII yourseIf.

Just when you thought there couIdn't be
any more eviI that couId be invented.

I'II be packed in two minutes.


-No need to rush.
-Sir. Thank you.

Sir, we need to check your suitcase.

EIIiot! EIIiot! EIIiot!

This just in to the Eyewitness News room
and this is the latest development.

Autopsies on the first victims confirm
the toxin is a natural compound.

The att*cks remain confined
to the New York metropolitan area.

This is a very. very disturbing story...

Track three now boarding for Harrisburg.

Hey, Jess. Where's Evette?

She was at a shop across town,
she got stuck in traffic.

-She's gonna take the next train.
-We'II wait.

No, no, no. She wanted us
to get on this train with Jess.

She'II feeI a Iot safer.

-Where's AIma?

Hey, JuIian!

PIease have your tickets out and ready,
Iadies and gentIemen.

I bought them.

It was Iike getting
one of those Cabbage Patch DoIIs

when they first came out.

Madhouse. How are you?

-Good. You?

-Okay, good. Why don't we aII...
-I'm reaIIy gIad you chose to come.

Thanks. EIIiot, can I
taIk to you for a second?


PIease show me your tickets,
Iadies and gentIemen.

-You toId him about our fight?

-Why did he say that?
-He guessed.

I Iove you, EIIiot, but I don't Iike to put
my feeIings out there for everyone to see.

I'm not that type of person.

EIIiot, these are our probIems.

I am upset.
I'm going to sit aIone and cooI off.

By the time we get there I'II be fine.
Is that okay?


I'm going to get on the train.

We're not gonna
get to sit together anyways.


Hey, babe.

-Hi, Aunt AIma.
-How you doing?

-Hanging in there.
-Me, too.

-What's wrong with you?

You're wrong about her.
She just needs time to figure it out.

Come on, don't get aII sensitive.

-Just give her a chance.
-Okay, fine. If you don't want my heIp...

-I don't want your heIp!
-Okay. I heard it.

Jess, couId you ask your dad
for my ticket, pIease?

Thank you. I'II see you on the train, Jess.

Track 3 now boarding
all ticketed passengers.

Here we go.

When wiII Mom meet us at Grandma's?

Mommy's gonna get on the next train.
You know how she's aIways Iate.

-Come on. Come on. I know. I know.

-ChiIIy, isn't it today, SaI?
-Maybe a IittIe.

Hey, it's me. I'm on a train.
I just want to say something, okay?

You've got to stop caIIing me.

You're acting Iike
the Fatal Attraction guy, here.

I feeI Iike I'm going to take a shower

and see your siIhouette
on the shower curtain.

We ate tiramisu together, that is it.

I toId you that wouId be it.
You have got to chiII out.



In PhiIadeIphia?

-I don't know. What did you hear?
-Oh, my God. I can't beIieve it.

What's the news?

ApparentIy PhiIadeIphia was just att*cked.

-Oh, my God. Evette.
-CaII Mommy. CaII Mommy!


Honey... Yeah, yeah, where are you?

What? What? I can't hear you.

I said I can't hear you! Text me.

Text me. I can't hear you!

They think it started
in Rittenhouse Square Park.

Another park?

-She got on a bus going to New Jersey.
-I want to taIk to her.

I know, baby. I know. She got out.
She's headed to the town of Princeton.

I want to taIk to her.

-Do you have a phone?
-No, I'm sorry.

-You okay?
-They say Boston got hit, too.

-Where'd you hear that?
-A friend from work. What about Evette?

Oh, God. She made it out on a bus.

What the heII is going on, EIIiot?

I honestIy don't know.

Now what?

It just stopped. I don't know.

-Can't go nowhere.
-They're not teIIing us anything.

-WeII, untiI we hear from...

Train service has been discontinued.

This wiII be the Iast stop
for aII passengers.

Hey! What do you mean? Where are we?

FiIbert, PennsyIvania.

Does anybody know where that is?

Why are you giving me one
useIess piece of information at a time?

What's going on?

Hey, why wouId you just stop?
You can't just Ieave us here.

Sir, we Iost contact.

With whom?


I'm scared. I don't Iike it here. I want Mom.

Don't be siIIy. We're safe here, okay?

Sorry. She whispers to us
when she gets scared.

We're so much the same, Jess.
I don't Iike to show my emotions, either.

She's shivering.

I know. I know.
She's never right without her mom.

It's okay.

They're not saying anything.

We're stuck here.

Is Jess okay?

She's not taIking.

We're in a smaII town, Jess.
Nothing wiII happen to us here.

Don't know what you want?

Then just have the griIIed cheese
pIain with miIk, okay?

Come on, come over here.

No, you know what?
Why don't you stay here?

Stay here, aII right?
You can see me from over there.

AII right, you want to come with me?

You can come with me and wait in Iine.
You want to do that?

Bro! Bro, I got it. Go get the miIk.

AII right, yeah. Okay.

You know that everyone
gives off energy, right?

It's scientificaIIy proven.

They got these cameras
that can record what coIor you are

when you're feeIing different things.

PeopIe that are angry give off
a different coIor than peopIe that are sad.

See this ring?

This ring can supposedIy teII you
what you're feeIing.

Let's see what you're feeIing right now.

YeIIow! That's cooI.
That means you're about to Iaugh.

I'm not making it up.
That's what yeIIow means.

You must be about to Iaugh or something.

It's probabIy just about to come out.

We'II wait.

We got aII day.

Oh, my God. There it is! CooI.
That ring reaIIy works. That's amazing.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Look at this.

My sister sent it to me.

It was taken an hour ago
at the PhiIadeIphia Zoo.

Mother of God,
what kind of t*rrorists are these?

They're not sure it's t*rrorists now.

Moments ago. in an official statement.

the government moved away
from its initial position

that this was a t*rror1st attack.

Authorities are now feeling.

by the sheer number
of incidents being reported.

that a t*rror1st group being responsible
is becoming less and less likely.

The event appears to be
limited to the Northeast.

where smaller and smaller towns
are being att*cked.

Where are we?

The infected area
now includes most of New England.

from Massachusetts to Maryland.

We're dead center.

Everything okay?

If we stay here, we are gonna die here.

Whatever this is, it Iooks Iike it's not
occurring about 90 miIes from here.

Let's go.

Anyone got a car?
Can anyone give us a ride?


Excuse me, sir?

Sir, couId we get a ride, pIease?

We don't have any transportation.
We're stuck here.

Sir, did you hear what I said?
We don't have any transportation!

-We have a IittIe girI with us. PIease.
-Drive. Just roII up the window.

Sir! You're not just going to...

Can you beIieve how crappy peopIe are?

There's a car.

Hi. I run a pIant nursery up the street.

We're picking up a few things from home,
then heading

wherever this isn't happening.

We have room.

-We have two others.
-That's okay.


Is JuIian okay?

We got a ride. He can fit aII of us.

EIIiot, I can't get Evette on the phone
or e-maiI or nothing.

-How Iong?
-It's been about two hours.

She was on that bus headed to Princeton.

There's a car over there
headed to pick up friends and famiIy,

they said they couId squeeze one more.

We got to go.

Look, think reaI carefuIIy about this.

She was Iooking
for a birthday present for Jess.

Some kind of doIIhouse.
That's why she wasn't with us.

I'm just gonna go get her
and I want to bring her back,

and then I'm gonna find you guys.

I just... I need you to take Jess, okay?

She's gonna be a Iot safer with you.

Don't do this to me.

I'm doing my best here not to faII down.

I'm sure the probabiIity of Princeton
not being hit is good.


You want me to throw some figures
and percentages at you

so we both feeI better?

-AII right.

62% chance.
62% chance it hasn't even been hit.

-WeII, you go get her, JuIes, okay?
-Of course, man, of course.

Come on.
This is aII some weird event, that's aII.

We're aII gonna be fine.
I'm gonna find you guys reaI soon.

I have to go.

I got her, JuIian.

Don't take my daughter's hand
unIess you mean it.

I'm going to go get Mommy.

HoId our picture.

Take a Iook around.
We'II be ready in a jiffy.

We're packing hot dogs for the road.

You know, hot dogs get a bad rap.

They've got a cooI shape,
they've got protein.

You Iike hot dogs, right?

By the way,
I think I know what's causing this.

-You do?
-It's the pIants.

They can reIease chemicaIs.

You Iike hot dogs, don't you?

Okay, babies, we are gonna be going,
but we wiII be back soon, okay?

Oh, pIants react to human stimuIus.
They've proved it in tests.

Did you get the mustard?

Don't Iook outside. Stop it!

Stop it! Just Iook at me!
Just keep Iooking at me!

CIose the vents.

I'm gonna give you a math riddIe, okay?
And you're gonna teII me the answer.


How much wouId you have if I said
I wouId pay you a penny on the first day

and then two pennies on the second,
and then four pennies on the third day

and I just kept doubIing it
and I did this for a month?

How much money wouId you have
at the end of the month?

-Ten doIIars.
-No, higher. Higher, higher.

Just keep Iooking at me.
Just keep Iooking at me.

Twenty doIIars?

No, keep going. Keep going.

Thirty. It's thirty. It's $30.

I'm gonna teII you the answer.

It's over $10 miIIion.

You'd have over $10 miIIion
at the end of the month.

You want to hear another one?

Water contamination has surfaced
as one of the many theories

being taken seriously as to the cause
of the events in the Northeast.

We have to go through
this IittIe community of homes.

SmaII town caIIed HoIcomb,
then we hit the highway.

From there,
we're 30 miIes from the state Iine.

Are those dead animaIs up ahead?

Stop the car.

-You don't think it's...
-I don't know.

You got binocuIars in the back, from
when you were spying on our neighbors.

Can I have the map?


Don't cause a panic, okay?
Jess can hear you.

It's bodies, isn't it?
I knew it wouId be bodies.

How couId it not be bodies?

PIease, give me the map.

WeII, we have to turn around.

There's a right turn
about a quarter of a miIe back.

We're just gonna take a different route,
honey, okay?

Oh, it's the Army. We're safe!

My name is Private Auster.

I'm stationed at West Dover MiIitary Base,
about 10 miIes back.

I think they've been affected
by whatever's happening.

I Iost communication with them.

When I approached the base,

I saw miIitary personneI
in the barbed wire, in the fence.

So I suggest no one take that road.

There's a town
about eight miIes behind us.

There were bodies on the road into town.

Cheese and crackers.

WeII, that stiII Ieaves us two directions.

Just stop! Stop the vehicIe!

-What's going on?
-Is everyone aII right?

We have no communication with anybody.

-I'II taIk to them.
-Did you see anything out of the ordinary?

HeIIo! PIease stop!

Excuse me.

Who's Joey?

Oh, it's no one.

Any Iuck?

I can't get JuIian on his ceII phone.

I'm sure he'II be aII right. They'II be okay.

Has anyone seen any other peopIe
on the roads?

Maybe he's on to something.

-What are you taIking about?
-I don't know.

Why did it start in parks?

It's the same story.
About eight, nine miIes back.

They say there's a bus in a Iake.

Five miIes back.
There were dozens of bodies.


Nobody's going anywhere.
We're gonna stay right here for a whiIe.

There's a woman taIking to her daughter.

She's taIking to her daughter in Princeton.

Isn't that where your friend went?

Come on.

It's okay. Honey, it's okay.

She's so scared.

You just stay in that room.
You don't open the door for nothing.

Just keep watching out the window
with the tree, baby.

Someone wiII come and get you soon.

TeII her not to go near the window
with the tree. Just teII her.

Baby, don't go near the window
with the tree.

Ask her if Princeton's been affected.

Honey, someone wants to know
if Princeton's had any probIems.

She says everyone's dead outside.

You just stay in your room.


Honey, you're taIking funny.
What's wrong with you?

-What do you mean? Everyone's dead?

Stacy... Stacy, you're scaring me.

I don't understand what you're saying.

What, baby?

She's just not making any sense.


l see in calculus.




Stacy Ann!

Oh, my God.

-I hear wind from outside.
-Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Stacy, Stacy, Stacy.

Oh, no!

We're going to go back to the car,
okay, Jess?

If we went down that road,
where wouId that take us?

I waIked down a quarter miIe, it was cIean.

I can't teII you what's after that,
but it was cIean, no bodies, no nothing.

-Quarter miIe?
-That's not enough.

Hey, it's better than going back
the other way.

Get a battIe pIan.
Everybody makes a cIean break.

EIIiot's resiIient, isn't he?

Yeah. He never gives up.

You know, pIants have the abiIity
to target specific threats.

Tobacco pIants,
when att*cked by HeIiothis caterpiIIars

wiII send out a chemicaI attracting wasps
to kiII just those caterpiIIars.

We don't know
how pIants attain these abiIities.

They just evoIve very rapidIy.

Which species do you think is doing it
if you think it's true?

PIants have the abiIity to communicate
with other species of pIants.

Trees can communicate with bushes,

bushes with grass
and everything in between.

The radio says these att*cks
started happening in the cities

then went to the towns
and now the roads.

That's right.

Whatever's happening is happening
to smaIIer and smaIIer popuIations.

So we shouIdn't be on the roads, then.

The t*rrorists, or whatever
couId be watching the roads.

I don't have any reason
to disagree right now.

We are in the area of attack.

If you can't find a way
through the area of attack

we are toId to find a safe zone
within the area being att*cked.

They're attacking popuIations.

We need to go
where there aren't that many peopIe.

Where peopIe don't traveI.

Now this is Mr. CoIIins.
He's a reaItor that works in this area.

If we go west,
we'II hit a county caIIed ArundeII.

It's not on that map.

It wouId onIy be on IocaI maps.
Dirt roads. HardIy anybody Iives out there.

There's no significant popuIation there.
That's our safe zone.

We wait it out there tiII it's over.
Is everyone in agreement?

We shouId go into two groups.

Those that are ready to go right now

and those that need
to get things from their cars.

We need to stay in groups. Stay together.

We'II go soon, honey. We'II go soon.

Maybe we shouId've waited
for the rest of them,

stayed in a big group, Iike the Private said.

Your phone's out, too?

What's wrong?

Okay. I was going to teII you, okay?

There was this guy, Joey.

His name is Joey. He's at work.

We went out and we had dessert.

I went out and I had dessert with him
when I toId you I worked Iate.

And I didn't work Iate.

I'm feeIing reaIIy guiIty
in case we're gonna die.

I just wanted you to know that.

You Iied to me?

-How much farther is it?
-I don't know.

-We need to keep going forward.
-Who the heII made you boss?

Look, if y'aII foIIow him, y'aII gonna die.
You foIIow me, you're gonna Iive.

I'm in charge of this group!
Ain't nobody eIse in charge of this group!

My firearm is my friend!
It wiII not Ieave my side!

Private Auster?

My firearm is my friend.


Oh, no.

What, ''Oh, no''?

The toxin?

The toxin is affecting them?

Are those peopIe kiIIing themseIves?

You were with the Private.
What do we do?

-We need to do something!
-Just Iet me think.

-They're dying!
-I need a second.

They reIeased it? We're not near the roads.

We can't just stand here
as uninvoIved observers!

I need a second, okay.
Just give me a second!

We are not going to be
one of those asshoIes on the news

who watches a crime happen
and not do something!

-We're not asshoIes!
-Just a second!

There were chiIdren in that group!

-EIIiot, pIease teII us what to do.
-I need a second, okay!

Why can't anybody
give me a g*dd*mn second?

AII right, be scientific, douchebag.

Identify the variabIes.
That's the two groups.

Design an experiment.
That's what we're in.

CarefuI observation and measurements.
That's what I'm trying to do.

Interpret the experimentaI data. Interpret.

What if it is the pIants?

Their group was Iarger than ours.

This thing has been escaIating aII day.

SmaIIer and smaIIer popuIations
have been setting this off.

They react to human stimuIus.

Maybe peopIe are setting off the pIants?

What are you saying? That guy was crazy.
We have to save them.

They're aIready dead.

What if they're targeting us as threats?

This part of the fieId
may not have been set off.

Something in this fieId couId be
reIeasing the chemicaI into the air

when there's too many of us together.

Let's just stay ahead of the wind.

Let's just break up into groups.

Come on! Come on! This way!
Come on, foIIow me!

I'm right here! Keep going!
I'm right behind you!

Here it comes!

Don't you Iet go of my hand.

Nothing happened.

It's the size of the groups, I think.

CouId this reaIIy be happening?

What are your names?


Wait, wait!

I'm going to go see if that truck has a map.
You guys wait here.

Why aren't they looking
into nuclear power plants?

There are 15 or more
in the Northeast alone.

More than anywhere else
in the United States.

There's probably been
some leak or something.

lt's probably poisoning the air.

There's a house over there! Come on!

It couId have been
some t*rror1st booby-trap,

someone stepped on it out in the fieId.

Yeah, in a fieId
in BumbIetown, PennsyIvania.

I don't know.

Look, a toxin dissipates quickIy in the air.
They're onIy potent in a certain density.

The source had to be cIose to that fieId,
if not in the fieId.

Here's one.

PIants have the chemistry to do this.
They reIease co-transporters into the air.

You think it couId be pIants?

I don't know.

But if it is,
and peopIe are setting it off in groups,

we need to go to the Ieast
popuIated pIace we can to be safe.

We can't waIk to the borders where this
isn't happening, AIma. It's too far.

Whatever it is, t*rrorists,
a nucIear Ieak, pIants,

it's probabIy safe
to get away from peopIe right now.

That must be ArundeII.
It's 10 miIes from here.

Okay, this pIace must have a bathroom.
I'm gonna take Jess, then we can Ieave.



My name is EIIiot Moore.

I'm just going to taIk
in a very positive manner.

Giving off good vibes.

We're just here to use the bathroom
and then we're just gonna Ieave.

I hope that's okay.


I'm taIking to a pIastic pIant.

I'm stiII doing it.

You guys ready to Ieave?

These peopIe must have Ieft in a hurry.
I mean, Ieaving the front door unIocked?

Hey, everything's fake.

Why is this happening?

I don't know for sure, Josh.

But I read this articIe
about the coast of AustraIia.

It said they found Iarge quantities
of a primordiaI bacteria.

It hadn't been around for biIIions of years,
it just appeared in the water.

It's toxic to humans, fishermen
who come in contact with it are dying.

It feeIs kind of simiIar to that.

With the bees disappearing, I mean,
I don't know, it feeIs Iike a pattern.

The nature of events
Iike the one in AustraIia

is that they crest and then stop.

We just have to be aIive when it's over.

I don't beIieve it's nature.

It may not be. There couId be
some other expIanation. I don't know.

Let's go.

There are peopIe coming!

We can't stay here. It's cIose to the roads.
More and more peopIe wiII come here.

There's two groups coming together.

There's too many of them together.

Run. Run.

-Is she your kid?

-You got kids?

How come? You got a probIem?

No. She wanted to wait.

ReaIIy? For what?

Me to grow up.
Why are we taIking about this?

Sweet. I used to Iove those. Can I see it?

You need to take personaI responsibiIity
for yourseIf in a reIationship.

-That'II make a difference.
-Okay. Thank you.

Hey, that's not a toy.
It's got meaning to me.

-EIIiot! Look!
-Come on.

Oh, wow. an emergency broadcast.

All those who are still inside
the affected area of the Northeast

are asked to proceed to the police borders
west of your state.

Come on.

This is an emergency broadcast.

...inside the affected area...

Jess needs a 10-minute rest
and some food.

Are you sure? We shouId keep going.

I know, but she's onIy eight.


If we're going to die,
I want you to know something.

I was in the pharmacy a whiIe ago,

and there was a reaIIy good-Iooking
pharmacist behind the counter.

ReaIIy good-Iooking.

And I went up and I asked her
where the cough syrup was.

I didn't even have a cough.

And I aImost bought it.

And I'm taIking about a compIeteIy
superfIuous bottIe of cough syrup.

That's Iike six bucks.

Are you joking?

Thank you.

-Maybe that's not a good idea.
-I toId her just for a minute.

Mr. Moore, I think I can open this door.

Wait. We're a g*ng now?
We're gonna take whatever we want?

-Come on, guys.
-Listen, nobody's home.

We're just gonna get some food for Jess.

Yeah, and it Iooks Iike nobody's
Iived here for a Iong time anyway.

I mean, it's aII boarded up.

Maybe we couId Ieave some money.

-What kind of tree is this?
-I think it's a mapIe.

Not so high.

Okay, Josh, open the door.


I see something.

-There's somebody in there!
-You sure?

Yeah, I saw him move.

I see him !

Let's stop.

Is there any way we couId get some food?
We have a IittIe girI.

-We just want to get her some food.
-You best Ieave now.

You ain't gonna bring
that poison gas in here with you.

Sir, it's not poison gas.
There's none out here.

-They said to stay inside.
-We're fine right now.

Nothing's happened out here yet.

I mean, you can see that.
Just Iisten to our voices.

We're perfectIy normaI.

Old black water. keep on rolling

Mississippi moon
Won't you keep on shining on me?

See? We're normaI.

You ain't from around here.
You'd best Ieave now.

Okay. It's not worth it.

Open the door, bitch!

Hey, Josh, don't do that.
He didn't mean that!

-There's more than one in there.
-Jess! Jess, come here.

Stop it, Jess. Listen, we just want some
food for a IittIe girI, you pussies!

-Jess, come here.
-Josh, stop it.

You'd best not Iet that gas in here.

Sir, the air is fine out here right now.
You don't need to worry.

-You might be with the t*rrorists!
-I don't think it's t*rrorists, sir.

-Josh, stop it!
-They're being crazy, Mr. Moore!

-Show your faces!
-Let the gas in...



We're gonna get out of this nightmare.


We have to go. We have to protect Jess.


You've got to three to get off our porch!

Come here.

No new people have crossed
over the border for a few hours.

lt appears those residents that are still
in the affected area of the Northeast

are trying to wait it out.

We have Professor Kendel Wallace
of Carnegie Mellon.

a statistician. here with us.
Professor. what can you tell us?

Calculating by the rise in intensity
of reports of incidents

within the affected area.
one can guess at a crude timetable.

One can see the incident
is rising in sensitivity.

We've seen fewer and fewer people
can provoke the att*cks.

The event should be at its most
sensitive tomorrow morning.

Typically. these type of slopes
drop precipitously after cresting.

meaning it could end suddenly.
at any moment.

Of course. these are only probabilities.

There are some quiet rumblings

that the government
may be involved in the tragic events

playing out in the Northeast.
Now. these rumors have been fuelled

by the statements
of a confidential informant

who claims that the ClA
has facilities in the Northeast.

where they are testing dr*gs with
some similar psychotropic properties

as a defense against chemical weapons.

ClA and White House officials

have declined to respond
to these accusations.

Perimeters have been set up
all along the East Coast

from Maryland
all the way to Massachusetts.

This house has no power going to it.

Nobody's driven on this driveway
for a Iong time, either.

Let me go. You guys stay right here.

That's for CIement.

He's a retriever.

You Iost?

You must be.

There ain't nothing around here for miIes.

Why are you eyeing my Iemon drink?

I suppose the kind thing for me to do
is to offer you supper.

I ain't gonna ask you again.

I hope the meaI was sufficient.

I wasn't expecting guests.

This is a beautifuI pIace.

There's a springhouse in the back.

They used to hide peopIe
from sIave chasers back there.

It has a speaking tube running
under the ground to the main house.

You can hear each other
Iike you were in the same room.

So, what's with you two?

Who's chasing who?

I'm sorry?

Ain't no time two peopIe staring
at each other, standing stiII,

Iove in both their eyes,
at the same time, equaI.

Truth is, someone is chasing someone.

That's the way we's buiIt.


Who's chasing?

I knew that. I knew that.

Don't touch things that aren't yours.

-Do you have a radio, Mrs. Jones?

I got enough to fiII my time right here.

I mend my own things.
I grow my own food.

AIthough I ain't got the touch.

Gardens don't grow the way they shouId.
Never have.

-How do you stay in contact with others?
-I don't.

How wouId you know if something
were to happen? Like a worId event?

Mrs. Jones, something's happened
aIong the East Coast.

Whatever it is
that you think is so important

that you need to teII me, don't.

Just keep it to yourseIf.

The worId don't care about me.
I don't care about it.

Suppose I have to Iet you spend the night.

Guest room's up on the Ieft.

Mind the steps.

I'm scared, EIIiot.

It's okay.

I'm sorry about everything.
That Joey thing. I was being stupid.

You've been great taking care of Jess.

I don't Iike this woman.

There's something Exorcisty about her.
How couId she hit Jess Iike that?

WeII, we need to stay in this house.

You want me to protect you,
this is how we have to do it.

Let's just deaI with her.

I hear you whispering.

PIanning on steaIing something?

No, ma'am, we're not.

PIan on murdering me in my sIeep?

What? No!

Mrs. Jones?

Mrs. Jones?

Crazy Iady.

You trying to steaI my things?

No! No, Mrs. Jones,
I actuaIIy wanted to taIk with you.

-You aII are gonna Ieave right now!
-Ma'am, you don't understand.

There's something happening
in a few states, in this region.

-It's not safe!
-Leave now!

The Lord is my shepherd.

The Lord is my shepherd.

Mrs. Jones,
couId we taIk caImIy for a second?

Just hear me out. See, I'm a teacher...

Mrs. Jones?

Oh, my God.

AIma, shut the windows and the doors!





Hi, froggie! Hi, froggie!

Okay, yeah. Wait.

How oId do you think he is?
Is he a baby? I think he's a baby.

He's so tiny.
I didn't know frogs couId be Iike that.

Oh, he got water on my shoe.

Isn't this a cooI house?

If we had this house,
we couId make it Iook so pretty.

Get him again. Get him again.
Hey, froggie.


Good morning, EIIiot.
Sounds Iike you're right here.

-CIose the windows and the doors, AIma.

Mrs. Jones just died. CIose the windows.

CIose the door, Jess!

-Is everything cIosed?

-I'm sorry, AIma.
-What's going on, EIIiot?

It's happening here.

It couId be the grass and the trees
are doing this now.

She was aIone when it happened.

Seems Iike they might have
gotten more sensitive.

It's too dangerous to go outside, isn't it?


This is the end, isn't it?

I wish you were here.

Me, too.

You remember our first date?

You were so quiet.

You bought me the mood ring.

It turned purpIe when you wore it.

Then you said,
''That means you're in Iove.''

It got you to taIk, didn't it?

Then we checked the IittIe paper chart,

and it turned out
that purpIe meant I was horny.

-You Ioved that.
-I had no idea.

Yours was bIue. PeacefuI, right?


What coIor was Iove?

I don't remember.

Me, neither.



I was just making sure you're there.

It's not right for it to end Iike this.

If we're gonna die, I want to be with you.

I want to be with you,
and I'm gonna come and be with you.

EIIiot, don't!

The event must have ended
before we went out there.

I found the hair cIip!

You don't want to be Iate
for the first day schooIs are open.

Oh, wait.

I'm just gonna put this right here.


-Are you okay?
-Yes, Aunt AIma. I Iove you.

I Iove you, too. Come here.

AII right. I'II pick you up
after you're done with schooI, okay?


As everyone knows by now.

traces of the neurotoxin have been found
in some plants and trees.

Now. most environmentalists feel

that this event is like
the red tide in the ocean.

but instead of algae k*lling fish.
this happened on land.

Now. plants and trees
just can't pick up and move

when they feel threatened.
like other species.

They have only one option.
to rapidly evolve their chemistry.


Kay from Mississippi wants to know
why it started so suddenly.

on a Tuesday at 8.:33 and then ended
so suddenly at 9.:27 the next morning.

Well. Kay. to be perfectly honest.
this was an act of nature.

and we'll never fully understand it.

And. Doctor. there's been
a lot of speculation

as to why this happened
in the Northeast only.

How do you explain that?

Well. l believe. all right.
and this is just my opinion.

that this was a prelude. okay?

A warning. like the first spot of a rash.

We have become a threat to this planet.

l don't think anybody will argue that.

And this is a warning.
A warning?

l think the skeptics would believe that
if it had occurred anywhere else.

That's why most people
believe it was the government.

lf it had happened in one other place.
anywhere else.

we could all believe what you're saying.

I shouId drop my bicycIe off at the
apartment before I go to work.

Can you make Nadia's party tonight?

I shouId drop my bicycIe off at the
apartment before I go to work.

That frightened me.

I shouId drop my bicycIe off


My God...

My bicycIe.