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Mutant Chronicles, The (2008)

Posted: 01/30/24 18:25
by bunniefuu
At the end of the Ice Age,
the Machine came.

It came from outside.
It came from space.

It came with one purpose...

to change Man into Mutant.

After much suffering and death...

a warrior named Neachdainn...

united the ancient tribes of Man.

Together, they sealed the deadly
Machine beneath the earth.

In the distant mountains
of eastern Europe...

only The Brotherhood,
descendants of Neachdainn...

kept knowledge of
the Machine alive...

in stories, in myths, in the
sacred book of The Chronicles.

Years later, four Corporations
ruled the world.

Mishima in the East...

Bauhaus and Imperial
in Europe and Africa...

Capitol in the West.

Each Corporation fights each other...

for what little resources
remain in a w*r without end.

On the muddy planes of Europe...

the Bauhaus Corporation prepares...

for another as*ault
on the Capitol lines.

Between them, beneath them,
the Machine still waits.

Keep it up, lads, put a smile on it.

Will you put that
f*cking cigarette out!

Alright, you Bauhaus bastards,
what's on today's menu of shit?


Get your lid on, son.

Tuck in! Tuck in!

Keep your heads down.


Don't pick at it, son.
It makes it worse.

f*cking hell.

All the fun of the fair, eh?

I want you to destroy them!

You will now fight!

I want to see only ashes remaining!


Is Hunter's patrol back yet?

What's left... sir.

More pressure on the exit wound.

What happened?

Ran into cog armour
five klicks back.

- How strong?
- Five ATCs.

Shit, a full platoon.

We left them bogged
down in the wire.

They called in our position, ran
eight-eighties right up our ass...

Once they get through this wire,
they'll be right on top of us.

- Just another day.
- Right, f*cking on top of us.

Shit, here they come.

I guess dead men don't smoke, huh?

Gracias, Padre. I feel
all cleansed and shit.

Sergeant? Would you receive grace?

Top's going straight to hell.

You know your Top
used to be an officer.

A klick and closing, lads.

That's right. We went through
the Academy and everything.

They're nearly with us, lads.

Then one morning he woke up...

with an extremely nasty case
of, 'I don't give a f*ck'.

A f*ck about what?
Every yard we take...

every Cog we k*ll, some fat
f*ck's stock goes up two points.

But it's not about
the money, is it, Sarge?

Ends up where they give
cash bonuses to officers...

based on body count.

Sometimes, I think
you don't believe...

in the righteousness of our
mighty Corporation, Sergeant.

They don't pay me to believe, sir.

Absolutely right.

They pay you to f*ck shit up.


Right, ladies...
this is it, let's get to it.

Up you get! Up you get!

Step to it, boys.


Come on, ladies. I want you to
show those Cogs your w*r face.

Come on, lads, step to it.

Lock and load.

Come on, Chita.

Easy, lads, wait for it.


Let them have it, lads.



Masks on now! Come on!


For a second, I thought
you were going to sh**t me.

For a second I was. If I don't make it
out of here, you look after the girls.

Can't I just buy you a drink?

I can't get through to
Betty and Marilyn's f*cked.

Take Mary Jane and link
up with Slick Nancy. Go!

You keep that f*cking
bonnet on, soldier!

Our soldiers didn't do this.

f*ck, they're in pieces.


Jesus, God Almighty, Christ!


Put down your weapons!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy.

Has w*r driven you mad?

My men didn't do this.

- So, you accuse me?
- Yeah.

What was that?

What is that?

Get down!

Come on, get the f*ck out of here!

Need back-up. 1047, I repeat, 1047...

I'm out!

m*therf*ckers! My leg!

Oh, shit my f*cking leg!

Nate! Nate!

I'm right behind you!


Come on, then!

See ya!

Come on, then.

Come on! Nate!

a*mo's out! Come on.

- You're not going back!
- Nate!

Had enough?

Come on, you f*cking beauties.

Come on, now, let's have ya!

Where's everybody else?

There's nobody else!

Let's go!

Nate? Nate!


Before the first dawn,
there was a battle in Heaven.

The Enemy was cast out
and fell to Earth...

an evil star...

broken in body but not in pride...

consumed by envy and hate...

it conspired to remake
man in its own image.

And thus the enemy
created a machine.

A machine that stripped the
souls from the dead and dying...

and replaced them with
its own dark essence...

Neachdainn, founder of our Order...

assembled the ancient tribes of man.

Together, they defeated the enemy...

and sealed his machine
beneath the Earth.

The w*r has broken the Great Seal
and awoken the Machine.

Released from their prison
the mutants dragged every body...

to the pit where the
Great Seal once lay...

and deep beneath the ground...

the gears of the Machine
began to turn again.

Changing the dead and the dying.

Mutating them into
the enemies of Man.

Even the power of the four
Corporations couldn't stop them.

The Chronicles promised us
that one would rise...

and follow the path of Neachdainn,
down into hell itself...

and deliver Mankind from oblivion.

I travelled to
see the Corporations...

to plead with them
to fulfil the Prophecy...

and defeat the enemy of Man.

How much time do we have?

Days. Less, maybe.

Begin the evacuation.


Move the key personnel
to off world colonies...

and then we can
reassess our situation.

Am I to understand that
you would abandon the Earth?

Yes, Brother. You understand well.

We are finished here.

And even with all your ships...

how many millions do you
think you'll leave behind?

And do you think that the Enemy
will stop at this world? They won't.

They'll follow you.

They will follow you
no matter where you run.

There is still hope!

- What hope?
- Fulfil the Chronicles!

Give me 20 soldiers and a ship!

And what can these twenty do
that our armies could not?

They can go where an army cannot.

They can go down into the earth.
They can destroy the Machine.

I know what you must be thinking.
You men of science, of commerce.

But I am a man of faith.

And I am asking you...

I am begging you...

Have faith.

Not in me. Not even in this.

But faith in Man...

Faith that the ones you would
leave behind deserve a chance.

- Where are we going?
- Come on. Hold on to the ticket.



Come on.

Leave it! Run!

That's ours.

There it is. Come on.

Good boy, come on.

Evacuation passes?

But I had two tickets.

I have it here, wait.

- Take the child and leave her.
- Put me down!

- Mum!
- Get off me!


- Mum!
- No!




Who could imagine we should
see days like these?

You should have gone, Brother.

The barricades are crumbling...
they'll be here soon.

When do you leave?

The absence of gravity interferes
with my digestion, so...

I shall stay.

Perhaps Man can make a fresh
start on the New Worlds.

But they won't need
this old serpent around...

making the same mistakes.

Where will you go?

I shall return to my
brothers and sisters.

How will you get there? The city
is under siege on all sides.

It shall be as God wills.

"As God wills"...

yes, perhaps it will be.

I have a ship. It won't hold twenty.

You'll have to make do with less.

Take these.

- And what are they?
- Off world tickets.

They should help you recruit
some men for your mission.

Why are you doing this?

Many men think they are going to die,
Brother. A few of us know it.

And the closer I get to my end...

I find hope is the only investment
worthy of my attention.

Sir! The perimeter's fallen!

They're hard upon us!
Your ship's ready.

I'm staying, but Brother Samuel
will be travelling with you.

Take him where he'd like to go.

Brother Samuel,
we have very little time.

God bless you, Constantine.

I sincerely hope so, Brother.

Brother Samuel?

Are... are you the One?
Will you Deliver us?

Pray God that I am.

Do you even have a name?

- Mitch.
- Addy.

Nathan's not here.

Yeah, I know I...

Please, come in.

I'll make some tea.

Gosh, you've changed.

How long has it been?
Feels like forever.

- You remember, Grace?
- Yes, Ma'am.

She's ten now... ten years old...

which means, almost five years...
gosh, has it been that long?

Here's your tea.

Nobody told you?

No, they won't tell me anything.

On behalf of the Exec...

Hold it.

"On behalf of the Executive
Vice President of Personnel...

I've been authorized to inform you
that, Captain Nathan William Rooker...

has been declared missing in...

missing in action."

I have these dreams.
I could see him.

They're hurting him.
He's still alive.

I know he's still alive.

Listen, if you think like that,
you'll drive yourself crazy.

You've got Grace to think about.

And they expect us just
to wait here and die.

I just don't know what I'm
going to tell my little girl.

Leave it.

Sergeant Hunter?

A soldier in your platoon suggested me
your name, Jesus Barrera.

El Jesus.

I need soldiers for a mission.

A mission to destroy the enemy.

What enemy is that?

The Enemy of Man.

I don't expect that any of us
will survive, but it's a chance...

a chance to save mankind,
a chance to save the world.

Maybe the last chance.

Well, f*ck mankind. f*ck the world.

f*ck you.

Corporal Barrera told
me you would say that.

He also said... how did he put it?

That you needed a 'get
out of hell, free' card.

Well... these won't
get you out of hell.

But they may put you
on the right road.

If I don't make it out of here,
can you look after the girls?

Here, put your hat on.

The tickets were life.

Everyone wanted one, but who
would take such an offer?

Jesus Barrera.

He wouldn't go unless
I promised his mother...

it meant he would go to heaven.

I did. God forgive me.

John MacGuire. The only soldier
who refused the tickets.

The sort of a man we should
be saving not sacrificing.

Valerie Duval. A single
mother with sixty-one kills...

so young.

Juba Kim Wu.

When I told him that none of us
would be coming back, he smiled.

Maximillian Von Steiner.
An officer and an aristocrat.

A leader, but would he follow?

The Chronicles foretell of
the release of the enemy...

the ruin of the world,
the final days of our age.

But, they also prophecy
the survival of Man...

that Neachdainn the Deliverer...

shall walk reborn among us...

and deliver us from destruction.

It is in the service
of that prophecy...

that we are now irrevocably bound.


- How's the leg?
- It's good.

Six weeks ago, in a*tillery exchange
between Bauhaus and Capitol...

That's your friend.

In the ruins of the
Imperial City of Canaan...

there's an old cathedral. It's
catacombs open onto a network...

of subterranean tunnels...

you will travel along these tunnels,
find the machine and blow it up.

Is that all? We just blow it up?

We have a device.

A device?

From the first Brotherhood
battle with the mutants...

ripped from the Machine before
the Great Seal was laid.

So, it's a b*mb?

We don't know, but we think it is.

You think so?

Our information comes from
ancient schematics, Lieutenant.

Not an instruction manual.

The device is as ancient
as Neachdainn itself.

The Chronicles show it placed
in the centre of the Machine.

It's covered in symbols which
we think are warnings.

- How safe is it to transport?
- Does it matter, MacGuire?

You can call me Captain,
Steiner, and yes.

Bombs don't get stable
when they get old.

It's a two stage device.

You carry the trigger separately.

Without it, the b*mb's
just dead weight.

- What type of trigger?
- Mechanical.

Place it in the device
and turn it with a key...

which we don't have.

- You'll have to find it.
- Are you kidding me with this guy?

It looks like this and it
should be in the Machine.

And if we can't find it?

Then the mission will fail...

and every man, woman and child
on this planet will die.

Why don't we throw it down
that big, f*cking hole?

The Machine is 10,000 years old.

It has survived earthquakes...

pressure changes, plate tectonics.

Then why the f*ck the b*mb?

Because, Corporal, one of us will
place the b*mb inside the machine.

- The Deliverer?
- That's right.

What pendejo drew that short hair?

I did.

That's a very handy book, but we'll
be doing some k*lling on our way down.

Does your Chronicle offer
any suggestions there?

I can.

Courtesy of the Bauhaus Corporation.

Keep to the near wall.

As you can see, individual
b*ll*ts are largely useless.

Mutants don't feel pain...

or go into shock.

How can it move at all?

We believe there's changes
to the mitochondria...

which boost myofascial release.

Cut a chicken's head off
and watch it dance.

How did you capture this thing?

Our scientists requested
a subject for tests.

So, we went out with
shock sticks and nets...

the sticks were useless and those
blades tore our nets like paper.

We finally pinned this
one under a t*nk.

- How many men did you lose?
- I didn't count.

What's the fastest way to k*ll it?

Catastrophic tissue damage,
a*t*matic small arms fire...

usually a clip or more expl*sives.

- What about Willy-Petes?
- White phosphorous?

And swords.

Help me...

Help me...

There's somebody alive in there.

You'll not receive the Sacrament?

I'm not hungry.

That man?

He died.

Did he say anything?

He asked for forgiveness.

Do you think inside every
one of those things...

I don't know. We can only
pray that God is Merciful.

No days like that.

- Brother Samuel?
- Captain?

This is a list of supplies.

We'll need them as soon as possible.

This is a House of God.

And we're going to
die doing his work.

For one thing,
there is no alcohol here.

You telling me, God don't drink?

- That's for Communion.
- This is communion.

One last Mass, one last Communion.

Severian, Guardian
of the Chronicles...

prepares to dress for battle.

Bound by silence...

she cannot voice
the pain she feels...

for leaving the only
home she has ever known.

And now, I must succeed
where Man had failed.

God help me...

God help us all.


It's time.

Juba Kim Wu.

Maximillian Von Steiner.

Valerie Chinois Duval.

John Patrick MacGuire.

Jesus Alexandro
Dominguin de Barrera.


John Mitchell Hunter.

Didn't know there were any left.

Ever used one of these?

On the bat a few times.

Engine one hot.

Engine two hot.

Engine three rising.

Engine four rising.

Stokers, engine two hot.

Boiler one, red line.

Boiler two red line.
Ready for launch.

Sound all clear.

You fought with Capitol's 101
in Africa, under Bishop.

That's right.

I was on the other side.
Imperial Eights.

I know.

I'm glad to be fighting
beside you on this one.


I'm glad to be on the same side.


- Power up one and two.
- One and two.

Power up three and four.


Your fish.

Kills. Every one of them.

You're the shark.

Death is the shark.
I'm just a guy with a g*n.

Multiple contacts
at 0-0-4 and 0-1-5.

Escaping transport. They're
getting the hell out of here.

There goes all the money.

Looks like we got on the
wrong, f*cking shuttle.

You were born on the
wrong, f*cking shuttle.

What crawled up your ass and died?

Your Mother.

No, my mother's too fat.

But my sister could, she's
as thin as a f*cking weasel!

- So, who got them?
- What?

- Your tickets.
- Why do you want to know?

su1c1de mission.

We're supposed to die together,
that's an intimate thing.

You make it sound like
we're going to f*ck.

You can f*ck a lot of people,
you only die once.

It's f*cked up.

- What about you?
- What about me?

Your tickets.

Stand behind the line.

Just, just looking.

Look all you want.

Get in my way while I'm flying this...

we're gonna have some problems.


- So... where we at?
- Close. Crossing the Median.

Start our descent
into Imperial Sector.

Imperial's bad.

It's bad all over this world,
no matter where you go.

After we drop, you're what?
Off to Mars? Luna?

I already used too much
fuel to make orbit...

much less break it.

So you're f*cked like
the rest of us.

Man does everything for a reason,
even if he doesn't know it...

or else, what is he? Just like
one of those things out there.

Just another demon.

- Who got yours?
- I have two children.

- You look a little young.
- I started young.

- What are their names?
- Jack's seven, Constance is five.

Getting on the ship, you'd think
they were going on a ride...

they were so excited.

End of the world.

There's this girl,
I don't know her name.

She works at The Pearl,
across from the barracks.

She's got this walk, pure
beauty, eyes you could drown in.

You gave your ticket to a woman
and you didn't even f*ck her?

I said I didn't know her name.

So, you f*cked her then.

Another contact at 3-4-3.
This one's closing.

Give them a heads up.

Strap in. I'm about to put
this baby through some paces.

Attention! Transport HMS Tango-6...

you are encroaching
on a military vessel.

Come around till you're heading

Plumbers flying planes.

Changing course to 2-8-5.

Two-eight-five, aye!

Diving to 50,000 feet...

Fifty-angels, aye!

What the f*ck's going on?

That ought to do it.

They've changed direction.
They're on an intercept course.

Take your station.

- That's a civilian ship.
- Take your station, soldier.

Somebody tell me, what's going on?

HMS Tango-6, you must break off.

Hold on!

They're coming straight
at us, Captain.

HMS Tango-6, break off or
you will be fired upon.

Repeat, you will be fired upon.

You must break off now!


They're going to ram us...


Captain, I've lost them.

Get to the escape pod!

Come on, let's get in the pod. Go!

Let's go, let's go.

Get in the pod.

Go, quick!

Let's go, let's go.

The b*mb!

Where's the b*mb?

Come on, come on!

Give me that damn thing. Come on!

Let's get out of here!

- Pull the f*cking chute!
- It's not releasing.

What are you doing?

Manual release on the outside.

You'll be k*lled.

Here we go...

Come on!

Pull the f*cking chute!
Do it! Pull it.

What's going on?

We're still falling.

- We're too heavy.
- We lost the chute.

Goddam it!

Is there a back-up?

Hit the back-up!

- No!
- f*ck, no! Yes, m*therf*cker.

Pop it now, we'll shred
it like the first!

Open low, it'll slow us down
before we hit.

- Before the silk rips apart.
- He's right.

- What did he say?
- I've got not idea.

- Juba's right.
- Hit the goddam backup.

We've only got one chute left.

We rip that one, we're dead.

When we're lower, we'll pop it.

- Hit the god dam chute.
- 1500.

You better be right
about this, Juba.

You sure you know what
you're talking about?

You better be right about this,
you son of a bitch.

- Ready?
- Any time!

Any time now.

Open! Open now!

- Now!
- Pull the goddam chute!

There you go...

Come on, give me that.

The Captain's f*cked.

We'll cut you loose.

It hit the artery.

If you pull it out, I'm gone.

- Amen.
- Amen.

Sergeant Hunter.

May I ask the borrow
of a grenade, please?

Thank you.

Good luck, Sergeant.

White phosphorous?

Conchita here, she's
a real spitfire.

Just make sure you're not near
me when your g*n blows up.

- Where are we?
- Off by 4 leagues north-southwest.

Gotta pass through the city
like the old monk said.

Let's go.

Check your targets.


Need a hand with that, boss?

Be quiet.

Refugees. Where the
hell are they going?


The current bid stands
at two gold watches...

a diamond necklace, and

Get out of here, go on.
Clear off, then.

- Going once, going twice...
- I said, get back!

Sold! To the skeleton
in the monkey suit.

One ticket, not two!

- I bought it!
- And she'll show her gratitude...

cleaning my crap
from here to Mars.

Unless you want to
buy another ticket?

That's all my money!

Then f*ck off!

Do you know who I am?

That's who you are.

Ass, stash or cash!
Nobody rides free!

I want everybody on in ten minutes.

We need to cut through there.

I want diamonds.

- Good place for an ambush.
- Can't be too many mutes.

There's too much easy meat.

All the more reason
for them to come.

I don't care whose... open it.

Come on, show us your money.
It's your life I'm talking about.

Give me that... ah, f*ck off.

Let it go, Hunter.

We go through the square.

- We don't have time for this.
- Make time.

The next one begins in 5.000 talents.

Save yourselves.
Get your money out, come on!

Any advance on 6,000?

Come on, we haven't got all day.

Price stands at 7,000 talents...

three bottles of very
old Scottish whiskey...

Get out of it.

Let them on.

Are you making a bid?

First you take the kids
and then the women...

and then you take the men
if there's any room left.

Hey, Soldier-Boy. The ship
can only carry so much weight.

Yeah? What do you weigh?

- 275kg?
- 310kg.

two kids. Come on. Let's go.

- What do you weigh?
- Very little.

Dump the luggage. Take them all.

It's top.

Church, it's not too far. It's just
in the middle of the old city.

You figure out where
we're going yet?

Straight on.

Listen you endanger the mission
again, I sh**t you myself.

Why wait?


What sort of church is this?

How do you lose a city?

The catacombs lead
down to the Lost City.

There must be thousands.

Each New Age builds upon
the bones of the old.

How many times have
they come before?

They didn't do this, we did this.

We've always excelled
at k*lling one another.

They would challenge our supremacy...

as the architects of our own end.


- Brother?
- Yes?

The Lost City.

That skyscraper, we need
to go down, deep into it.

The City of the Ancients,
buried 500 years ago...

in the Black Winter.

- Holy shit!
- We're being watched.

What are they?

I have no idea.

What's it say?

"Abandon all hope."


No shit.

Jesus, that's deep.

Someone's going to
have to stay up here.

We don't want them coming
down on top of us.

I got it.

You watch your ass
out there, compa�ero.

It don't look that safe.

Got to pay for those
tickets sooner or later.

Take care of yourself, Juba.

Sixty storeys. We'll go first
and let the others find the way.

Yeah, what do you say?

Brother, alright.

This is the brake. It controls
how fast you go down, okay?

You lift it up and
let yourself down.

Punch it in, you stop.

- That's it. Just take it easy.
- And this?

That's the quick release.
Don't touch that.

You alright?

Let's go.

How f*cking deep is this thing?

- It's getting hot down here.
- 40

- Samuel?
- 55.

How far?

- Stop!
- 60

- We're running out of rope here.
- We've gone too far.

It's dark, God, it's dark.

Something's not right.

- It can't be.
- Got anything in that dammed book?

What have I missed?

We got people coming down.

Don't fall behind, Steiner.
It's a long way down.

Yeah, all the way to hell.

Weird sounds down here, pal.

It has to be here.

there should be a ledge.
It says so right here.

It has to be here.

- Don't let me fall.
- I'm trying.

You are a lucky son of a bitch.

God provides, Sergeant.

God provides.

Close the gate.

Hold up! Hold up!

Coming down.

We got an ugly.

- We're bottled up in here.
- Wait! Use this.


- Grenade!
- Grenade!

Don't drop that match!

Go, go, go!

- Any last words?
- Shut the f*ck up!

Are you well?



Anybody hurt?

Hey... shit!

Let's go... let's go.

Dead end.

- Anyone got a deck of cards?
- MacGuire.



They use tunnels to drag
bodies to the machine.

It takes days, weeks even.

You got a lot of faith in that book.

You're wasting your time, Steiner.

I will not let a handful
of rocks stop us.

- It's a lot more than a handful.
- You find any inspiration?

It's a very good book, but in the end,
even this book, is just a book.


And I take my Faith
from something Greater.

Well, I haven't seen
much to have faith in.

You have seen the worst
that Man can do.

But you've not seen the
worst the Enemy can do.

- So, who got your tickets?
- What?

Your tickets?

- What does it matter?
- It matters to me.

Who cares?

I'm sorry.

Everything that is, comes from God.

Everything is from God, and of God.

The Enemy came from the outside.

And as God is Life,
the Enemy is Unlife.

It is the end of
every living thing...


and for all time.

And so, I have Faith
that we will triumph.

Because the alternative
is too terrible to contemplate.

What if you don't believe in God?

If you did not believe in God,
you would not be here.

Are you guys gonna help?

Maybe you haven't noticed,
but your mission is kind of f*cked.

You should have a little faith.

Give me a hand.

Something's down there.

Hold up!

Poor bastards! Looks like they've
been down there for weeks.

We mustn't linger here.

Where the hell are they taking them?

Hunter? What is he doing?

- Is that...?
- Sergeant?

- Jesus.
- Top?

That's Nathan.


Come on, let's go.

It's just one man.

I know that man.

We have a mission.

Vaya con Dios.

Let's go!

- Nate!
- Mitch?

They got you as well.

Don't talk. I'm getting
you out of here, pal.

- Where are my girls?
- They're safe.

They're halfway to Mars by now.


We're almost there, keep going.

What's that?

What the f*ck are you doing?

I've got to find another
way out of here.

I'm going to make you a sling...
get you out of this hole.

- Mars, eh?
- Yeah... Mars.

- How do you explain that one?
- I did a deal for a guy...

Yeah, you know.
Save the world kind of thing.

How's it going?


Listen to me. Listen.

Finish your mission.

I can't leave you here.

I'm not asking you to.

Tell Adelaide, and Gracie...

Tell them, tell them...

- Tell them.
- Right.

- No.
- Right.

You remember that...


The bag. We can't lose the b*mb.

Take it! Take it!

Give me your hand!

We must go on.

- We have to go on!
- We're still human, Samuel.

- Thank you.
- It's an honour.

f*ck you!

Oh, come on, give me a sign.

Come on, fucker!




El Jesus.


When's the last time you spoke?

I can't remember.

I couldn't save him.

They dragged them
all the way to the Machine.

- What are you doing?
- We need this damn book.

It is not permitted.

They took everything.

He kept looking at this
damn stuff. What's it say?

- I don't know.
- Read it!

- I can't.
- Come here!

Look, read.

I can't read.

You can't...

How can you believe in a book
if you can't even read it?

I don't need to read it
to believe that it's true.

- That's the nature of Faith.
- Fantastic!

What do you believe in?

I'm not paid to believe.
I'm paid to f*ck shit up.

Are you coming?

Help me, please!

Help me!

Help me, please!

Shit! Duval and Steiner.

Are you guys still alive?

Can you still hold a g*n?

Only with my right.

How about a rope?

Just say when.

God damn it!

I think they're coming through.
That tunnel's not going to hold.

These rocks are not going to
hold them away much longer.

Can't you go any faster?

Steiner? Steiner!

Jesus... no!


Are you one of them?

Get that pig-sticker out of my face.

Are you?

What do you think?
Give me that b*mb!

Give me the f*cking b*mb!

Shit! Here come
those m*therf*ckers.


Put the detonator in the hole.

- You've got to be sh1tting.
- Put it in the hole!

- Which hole?
- Any hole!

This one...

Piece of shit... it doesn't fit!


- It's not working.
- What?

Give me the pages from the book!

- What are you doing?
- I'm working on it.

I lost my sword.




Severian, no! That's not Samuel.

Duval, no!

k*ll him.

k*ll him.

You are Samuel. It's alright.

That's for Nathan.

That's for El Jesus.

And this is for Samuel.



Have Faith.

And so it ended...

I failed, he did not.

Apostate, unbeliever.
