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Robo-geisha (2009)

Posted: 01/30/24 19:02
by bunniefuu

We have just received
another threat at your office.

How many times have they called now?

They really don't want me to run
for the party-presidential election!

It was a really serious threat.

They say if you don't withdraw from
the election in three minutes

they are going to k*ll you.

They'll k*ll me in three minutes?

In three minutes, you can go to the toilet.

And take a shit but there will still be
shit on the toilet paper!

- What?
- Never mind.

In three minutes you can take a leak

but there still will be some drips remaining,
even if you swing your thing.

Don't pretend not to understand with
that half-baked sweet face. You fool!

- I'm sorry!
- See.

There is only a minute left
after this pointless discussion.

If I have to wait to be k*lled
I would rather dance frantically with Kotone!

- Get out of here!
- But, sir...

Get out!

If we are to play baseball,
let's play this way, yes this way!

Out! Safe!
One, two, three!

I don't know if I win or lose
with this blindfold.

Kotone, I am sure I will win this election.

Wow, so you will be the prime minister?
That's great. Wonderful!

So... why won't you be my sweet-mama?

Then I will change Japan
to be just as you would like it.

Do you think it's okay
to use politics for love?

Then why don't you make
a law that would allow you

to be with me for the rest of your life?

Kotone, I will never let you go away!

I mean, don't leave me!

Did I do something wrong?

Wow... what?


You've split open!


- Wow! Now it's a Tengu!
- Yeah!

- Tetsuma Gotokuji, I will not let you go!
- No! Let me go!

- Somebody! Come here!
- Yeah!

- Yes! You called, so I came!
- Again?

- Somebody help!
- No! Sir!

- Do something!
- Can I help, sir?

Monsters... What are you?

Don't you know what a Tengu is?

A Tengu is a traditional Japanese spirit
with a phallic symbolization.

Yes. We are the Tengu beauties

with a mission
to assassinate Tetsuma Gotokuji!

Our name is...


You're pretty cheeky considering
how shameful you are dressed!

Get them!

- Come this way.
- I'm being taken away.

- Help!
- Sir!

Hello. Oh, Mr Kimijima.

Thank you for your support the other day.

Well, we are kind of busy right now so...
We are having a meeting now...

Kotone, you are a monster!

No, I'm not a monster.

I'm a robot.

What, what's this?

No! I knew it would rotate!
Shit, help me!

She cut me with her hand...

Try this!

- Ah, don't come closer!
- You want breast milk?

You touch my tits
and frankly there'll be a hole in your face!

Right... I'll slice you to pieces!

- Well, you...
...can try this!

No... From their butts?

No, it's dangerous! You'll cut me!

No, no, stop!

Chew on this!

No! No use!

Stop you'll cut me.
This is seriously dangerous.

Stop! You're touching me!
No, you've cut me.

You've cut me. It hurts.
No, this is so stressful.

I'm sure this stress will be bad for me!


Sister, the world of Maiko,
Apprentice Geisha,

has nothing to do with v*olence.

Stop doing such vicious things.

Well well, this is fishy Maiko.

You can die!

- You are not just anybody, are you?
- No!

I fight evil.

I am mechanical Maiko.

My name is...

Yoshie Robo Geisha!

What the hell? Take that!

Wig napalm!

Welcome to hell!

Great! Awesome!
I don't know what you are but you're great!

Will you be my secretary starting tomorrow?
I'll give you 4,000 or 5,000 yen an hour!

- My arm!
- Never touch me.

I am cold, with only one purpose,
like a machine!

So what are you?

What am I?

A robot or a Geisha?

I don't know myself.

Not now, not before.

But one thing is for sure.
I was nobody a few months ago.

This is not me. It's my sister.

If she was born to attract
people's attention with her beauty,

I was made from the discarded parts.

- Yoshie.
- Yes.

What the hell are you doing?
Bring my Kimono quickly.

Yes, sister. I'm sorry!

You called me "sister" again!
Would you stop it?

We promised we wouldn't consider each
others as sisters in this Okiya, remember?

- I'm sorry.
- Right.

Though you are related to Kikuyakko,
you're not in the same class as her, Yoshie.

So don't ever dream
about becoming a Geisha.

Just clean rooms and wash clothes!

- Okami-san, no, I...
- Just work!

- Yes, madam!
- You are slow.

As a punishment I'll give you plain rice balls
with no seasoning for today's lunch!

- Yes.
- Huh?

What is that response?

Well I don't like those slavish eyes, either.

- Madam!
- What, Kikuyakko?

Yoshie was just glaring at me.
She's so disgusting.

I wonder if she believes
that she could become like me!

- Impossible, never.
- Impossible, never.

That gloomy girl
could never become like you.

This is so tasteless.

At least black pepper might help.

Oops, too much.

It's hot!

So it was you!


You made me a laughingstock
in front of Mr. Kageno!

- Am I that maddening to you?
- I'm sorry, Sister!

- Look! Geisha can kick! Kick!
- I'm sorry!

You always get in my way
when there's a big opportunity!

I know you've been jealous of me
and resented me since we were kids!

No! I'm not jealous of you.

Shut up! I'm hurt, too!

- Hey!
- Don't stop me!

- Excuse me, Kikuyakko!

- Calm down, Kikuyakko.
- No!

No, Mr. Kageno! I was just playing
with my younger sister, Yoshie.

Oh, your younger sister.
This must be the first time we've met.

- Yes.
- I am Hikaru Kageno,

president of Kageno Steel.

You resemble Kikuyakko
and you're beautiful, too.


You'll be Geisha someday as well, right?

I would love to see that.

I... don't...

So he likes you a little bit,
but don't get carried away.

It's easy to throw you out of this place.

My little toe!

I'd have any sister but you.
You're the worst type!


She ripped the phone book into two
with her bare hands. Amazing!

It's me. I found someone.

She may have the quality we are looking for.

Hey, thank you for today.

Shall I walk you home?

No, thank you.
I'm still working until I reach home.

You're serious!

- Are you afraid of your sister?
- Yes.

Too bad. Actually I wanted to invite you
to my house for dinner.

You have lots of talents
that even you are not aware of.

I want you to know what those talents are.

My sister always tells me
that I'm good at nothing.

You don't live for your sister, do you?

It would be sad if you kept
being ignorant of your true potential.

Wait a minute!

No! Hikaru, this is too cruel! Too cold!

You are...
From the hospital I was going to...

Don't be stupid.
I am Suzuko, the woman you toyed with!

How come you are flirting
with this childish girl?

Are you going to ditch me?

- Ditch you?
You're just not right for my world.

How cold!
You're too cold!

I'm going to k*ll both of you then myself!



Great! Just as I thought!

- Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!
- Wait!

Hikaru, die with me! Die with me!

Easy! Easy!

- What? What the hell are you?
- We are Hikaru's servants!

I'm sorry but we must k*ll you!

- With this breast milk from hell!
- Ha!

Double milk!

It's hot!

My face is melting away!

I don't want to lose like this!

I will not!
But I've lost!

Suzuko, thank you for attacking me.

Thanks to you, we have found
the person we've been looking for.

I had a hunch but now it's certain.

Ah, I'm drunk.

- Yoshie, it's you, isn't it?
- Yes!

Come inside.


I was happy then.
I could simply laugh with you.


Back then you were jealous of me
because our parents were fond of me.

You became so hysterical
you broke daddy's important ornament.

I covered for you and apologised for it.
Be grateful about that.

Yes, I am grateful about it.

After that I went to an elementary school
and it was hell after our parents died.

Classmates picked on me saying
"pitch orphan with glasses".

I was determined to do better than them so
I focussed all my effort to become a Geisha.

But when I am alone at night,
I suddenly lose my confidence.

Tomorrow, I am invited
to Hikaru's mansion for dinner.

Would you come with me?

I think I am seriously in love with Hikaru.

So what if he thinks:

"Oh, she's just an ordinary kind of girl
without make-up?"

I might feel as desperate
as I did in my childhood.

Don't worry, you are beautiful.

I've been proud of you since I was a kid.

Oh shit, it must be somewhere around here.

Hikaru's ancestor
once had a castle around here,

and ruled this area as a feudal lord.

Hey, isn't that it?

Wow, what's that?

Really, I can see that used to be
a castle long time ago!

Welcome, Kikuyakko.

So you asked your sister to come with you.

I'm so glad.

So this is a big company.
The rumours I heard were true.

Our company is very family-like
with work and home all in one place.

My father was also looking forward
to you coming today.

Oh, really?

Sir, the girls have just passed here.

They've just passed here.

Young lady, the beef
is going to be over boiled.

It's best if it's half raw.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Father, please don't embarrass our guests.

Oh, excuse me. My position as a chairman
makes me interfere all the time.

I know it's a bad habit.

My father is nervous, too,
to eat with such beautiful ladies.

I greatly respect Geisha
as an occupation from my heart.

Geisha let customers
dream a happy dream,

let them pay happily
and deceive them beautifully.


I am Geisha, too!

I mean our company
is just like Geisha in a way.

We are a steel company
but if this country demands

we'd happily produce military weapons.

Military weapons?

What is that?

Well, this is just what someone
has ordered, it's not ours.

Pity, huh?

Someday we'd like to produce these
for ourselves and change Japan.

For that we need support
from you, young ones.

Especially Yoshie!

What? I don't get it.

- No!
- Ah, what?

No! Sister!


Give my sister back to me!

What are you trying to do with us?

I want you to contribute to our family.

With those girls.


What's this?

They are soldiers that fight to change
this rotten Japan into an ideal society.

In order to beat your enemies
you just have to go for their weak point.

The weak point of their souls
concerns "love affairs."

Oh, no, Shacho-san!

Oh, no, Shacho-san!

Have some, please!

Have some please!

Utilising your advantage as women

you can get close to your enemy
and assassinate them.

They are Geishas that work in secrecy.

They are Assassin-Geisha!

Mr Kenzan and Mr Hikaru are here.

How happy we are to see them!

Today I brought
a new member for the team.

I believe she's going
to be a great help to us.

Ms Yoshie Kasuga.

No! I don't want to wear this. No!

Come on.
Don't be slow and girly!

- Come on. Take off that Kimono!
- No!

This is embarrassing!

Well, Yoshie,

now we hold a rite of passage for rookies.

You have to fight
against the opponent Geisha,

so that we can judge your fighting ability.


- Get off me. I'm scared of those swords!
- You, shut up!


I cannot fight against my sister!


The w*apon attached to your arm
is connected to your brain.

It activates when your anger
is at its highest peak.

Of course it's your choice
whether to die without using it or not.


I don't understand either,
but I'll be k*lled if I don't fight. So I'll fight!

Now it's time for the show!

Hikaru, can I trust you?

I cannot believe that wimpy girl
can be an Assassin-Geisha.

Even that girl can change
if we revive the forgotten energy within her.

The key to it is the sister.


Stop, Sister!

I cannot stop, can I?

If you want me to stop then punch me!

I'm sorry, sister. I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to punch you.

You punched me!

- Wow!
- So she is good.

Now I'm mad!

The w*apon activated! Her anger
must have reached its highest peak.

OK, stir it up!

Kikuyakko, go ahead and k*ll Yoshie!

If you can do that we'll free you from here!

- What?
- No!

If you cannot finish her you are going
to live here for the rest of your life!

Sister, you cannot do that, can you?


Don't blame me!

Are you really going to k*ll me?

Yes! If it's the only way
to get out from this crazy place I will k*ll you!

Would you really?

I thought you loved me
even if you were rude to me!


You were kind to me when we were kids!

You stuck up for me
when I was teased by my friends!

I thought your heart was
somewhat the same as back then.

I believed in you!

Finally, Yoshie's anger
is at its highest peak!

More than I expected.

I don't care if you
don't think of me as your sister.

I will not think of you
as my sister from now on.

After that day, I was accepted
as a member of Assassin-Geisha group.

Dip it until your skin gets scarred.

Tough work was assigned
to my sister as a punishment for her defeat,

but I became
less and less concerned about her.

- 2512.
- Come on.

Bear with the heat and get the meat
at the bottom of the pot!


I got it!

Good, well done, Yoshie!

The training became
more and more severe,

but for the first time in my life,
I was praised by somebody.

As our roles switched, the place became
more and more comfortable to me.

Would you like to have more?
Would you like to have more rice?

Hey, rookie.
Serve more rice to Yoshie!

- Hurry up!
- Quick!

Here you go. Sorry I'm late.


Do you want some?



Um, good!

- Hot!
- Don't go away from this pot!

I imagined it was the same
for the other girls as well.

All of these girls were disappointed
with the actual world

and they believed in revolution
as their final hope.

But some girls...


I can't bear it anymore!

What is this training for anyway?

This is ridiculous!

I ran away from my family
but I was better off at my home!

Everybody, open your eyes.

Let's go home together!
Let's go back to our parents!

If you don't like this place just die.

I am determined to become
number one here!

My sister volunteered to chop the head off
at the end of the Harakiri.

No, I can't! I'm too frightened!

This, no...

In order to regain her pride
she k*lled people,

and just as she hoped,
her position in the group advanced.

Do it properly!

Those who have achieved something

have the right to get their body converted,
don't they?

I hate the way it looks
where I was punched by Yoshie.

I'll make her speechless with this new body!


You will hit us!


Not a single b*llet hit them.

sh**t properly!

You'll never hit the target
with that kind of wimpy sh**ting.

If you resent me,

try remodelling yourself like this!

A machine g*n from her breasts.

They never fail.

Yoshie, come back here!

What is it?

Please, please convert me
to a machine as well!

I haven't done anything for this team
as yet but I promise I will contribute!

I hate being without any confidence.

I am willing to throw away the past
and be better than my sister!

I've been waiting for you to say so.

You are now exposing your hideous side,
too, and I think that's beautiful.

The hideous side is brilliant in itself.


I don't want to lose to my sister.

To that bitch!

Stop! What if it hits us?

Not one b*llet hit them.

sh**t properly!

Well, well, is it okay for you, our team star,
to sh**t that poorly?



We're free!

Swords from your armpits?

When I pose sexily the swords come out!

After this, we started to carry out
what we had been training for.

Every time I go to a wedding party
I have to dress in the Samurai style.

It's a pain in the ass.

What is the matter, Miss?
Is it a stomach-ache?

No, not my stomach...'s my breasts!

So you're my enemy!

- I'm going to take your life!
- Yakuza Kogure, prepare to die!

You must be the female assassins
in the news!

Don't you know
that I can k*ll you like kittens?


No, I'm...

You are so frightened.

Are you scared now it's a real battle?

I know you've always lost,
since you were a child.

You haven't shot anyone dead yet, either.

I'm not afraid. I'm excited!

I'm going to k*ll Kogure!

Look at that!
How did you like my k*ller socks!


He was a machine!

No, not this...

That's not fair...




Sister, sister!

Yoshie, well done.

To tell you the truth I was expecting you
to assassinate Kogure.

You are just right to be a Tengun now.

With all due respect, sir,
I don't think I'm ready for the mask.


The one who k*lled Kogure was not me,
but my sister.

And moreover, I don't want to be Tengun.

No matter how much I become a machine,
I want to live as a Geisha.

Hey, you! Say it again!

Don't you understand
how and why we became Tengu?

We are different from you, you spoiled kid!

We are Tengu from the top of our head

to the centre of our bones!

How is my sister?

Are you all right?

It's nothing. Don't worry.

I don't want to have an operation
until I complete my next task,

and I don't want you
to pretend you care about me.

Sister, why did you cover me?

Don't get it wrong.

It's not that I did it because it was you.

It was just my reflexes and I thought
your death could be bothersome.

Why would I save someone
I once tried to k*ll?


I'm not expecting anything.

I shouldn't have cared about it.

Since then I was given missions
as a Ione assassin

and I contacted various corrupt politicians
and people in authority.

Yeah, it's warm.

It's warm.
It's like drinking spring water from the heart.

- Is your knee like spring water, too?
- Stop it, sir.

Sir, I'll give you something nice.

What is it?

Please open your mouth?

Like this?

Here you go!

Sir, the taste of a kiss is not just sweet.

Go to hell!

I was successful in assassinations
all over Japan

thus the team treated me well.

I didn't care how much
the Tengun hated me

or how much my sister was irritated
with her wound.

I just didn't know
what was going to happen next.

The location of the target
is close to this building.

Also, though it's a little irregular,
the target is more than one person.

Why should I k*ll these old people?

They are not powerful people
or anybody of significance.

You don't need to ask questions
about who those targets are!

Yoshie, don't get too carried away.

There are many
who are furious with you these days,

and anyone you trust
may become an enemy at anytime.

- Huh?
- You should listen to me this time.

He's asking how he can help you.

I thought this was my client's house
but I was wrong.

He's saying why don't you eat
fibrous beef with us today?

- But I...
- I'm sorry.

Kanai-san has become senile
so you can't understand what he's saying.

Please, eat with us.

Young Maikos never come to our house.

So it would be a pleasure
to have you join us.

Thank you.

Do you want meat? It's delicious.

He's asking if it tastes good.

It's good.

Is this some kind of volunteer group?

This is the "Take Back Family Group."

- What?
- We are here to take back girls

that were taken away from their families
by an evil organisation.

Kanai-san can talk properly
when it comes to this topic.

Your family was taken away
and the evil organisation is...

An evil company in this neighbourhood.

A den of vice that is called Kageno Steel.


We're not wearing
these T-shirts to be fashionable.

The faces on their T-shirts
are the faces of their lost family members.

My granddaughter was taken away, too.

Her name was Yasuko.
She was too kind to even k*ll a bug.

I'm worried
she's being bullied in that building.

We are Tengu from the top of our head
to the centre of our bones!


My younger sister's the same, too.

If that shit, Hikaru, isn't treating her right...!

Ah, ouch! You!

Do you understand?

- Then why don't you ask the police to...
- Useless!

Kageno Steel will easily reject
our request and cover up a scandal.

I know how evil that company is.

Kanai-san was once a leader of a scientific
research group in that company.

Who's threatening the peaceful home

The Devil will never hear
our tears and cries...

Miss, do you know what
the most painful thing in this world is?

To know that a member of your family
is in an awful situation

is more painful than if you hurt yourself.

I suppose it's the same for you, too.

Don't forget what's important
just because you have a comfortable life.

I want you to hold me again.

Please bring them back to that river

Please let them go, from your evil den

Please bring them back to this family

Please let them go, from your evil paradise

Please bring them back to this grandma


I can't sh**t. I can't!

Let's all get out of here.

What the hell are you doing?

Why did you let those old people go?

Just say where you took them!

Okay, so I let them go.

But aren't you
the most relieved ones to hear it?

Yasuko, you're grandma will be happier...

Ah, don't get me wrong.

We cast away our past
and mechanised ourselves.

So we don't care
whether it's our family or our boyfriend!

Hikaru, why don't we
let her perform Harakiri?

Wait, wait.

Yoshie, I'll give you another chance.

There are people whom
probably only you can k*ll.

But if you fail this time...

...l'll k*ll your sister!

- Sister!
- Yoshie!

You really are my bad luck charm!

You're always getting me into troubles!

You're soulless!

You are really great, Bro.

I'd never dreamed of playing with a Geisha.

She asked me for directions.

I'd never dreamed of someone
making a pass at me.

I'd have been worried if you could get a girl.

You stink and you have
no delicacy what so ever!

Well, let me concentrate
on the b*mb-making!

Yoshie, these brothers
are heinous t*rrorists.

Just finish them off quickly.

Sister, how am I as a Geisha?

You can't perform at Ozashiki anymore.

Isn't it a pity?

Yeah, it's a pity.

It's a pity that you're my sister.

Hey, there's no time to chit-chat!

If you fail your sister's head
will be chopped off!

Hey, don't be too emotional.

This is a rare opportunity.

Let's sit back and watch it.


Coming to my house means
you are fond of me, right?

You don't care if my hand is sticky
or if I am disgusting, right?


Now let me touch you.

you are a man with no delicacy.

Shrimps in my eyes!

I cannot see!

No, Bro!

You, bitch. Where are you?

Ah, bro!

Who the hell are you?

Let me tell you who I am!

I am the steel Maiko, Robo-Geisha!

What? Die!

The b*ll*ts can't get through!

I k*lled them both!

Release my sister, now!

So you are from Kageno Steel!

So what?

We were going to destroy your company,

before the special w*apon you are
secretly developing is completed.

Special w*apon?

That's none of my business!

You should know!

They are planning to destroy Japan
with that deadly device!

No, the weapons
must only be for intimidation.

Why don't you see?

Only the Kageno family would survive.

Don't you care if your loved ones
are going to be k*lled by this w*apon?

Is it true?
They're going to destroy Japan?

Hey, you punched me in my stomach!

The su1c1de b*mb has been activated!

- What? A b*mb?
- It'll explode!

We can't stop it!

Hikomaru, what are we going to do?

Don't come close to me, Bro!

Shit! This was all planned!

That's right.

I've been planning to k*ll you
along with those who get in my way.

Wait! That's not the way
I understood everything!

Shut the f*ck up!

You double-crossed me!

I'll never forgive you if you harm my sister!

No! Yoshie!

How come you're screaming?

Wasn't she an annoying sister?

Don't you have sisters or brothers, Hikaru?

No, I don't.

Sisters are troublesome.

You stay together not knowing whether
you like one another because you're related.

You wish you were not related to her.

But once she's dead
every cell in your body is screaming.

I pity you because you will never
understand this terrible sadness!

Maybe you're right.

I am an only child
and my father has never loved me.

That's why I don't know kindness or guilt.

For instance, if I want love,
I change the other one's mind to my need.

Love can be controlled
using power and medical science.

I operate on their brain and I obtain love!

You're a beast!


I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.



Oh, you're awake?

Your legs were no longer usable,
so I replaced them with mechanical ones.

Kanai-san taught me how to do it.

- Where am I?
- This is our new hideout.

But sooner or later, they'll find us.
So we need to move quickly.

- Move?
- Yes.

We are going directly to Kageno Steel
to get our families back.

We are going to glare
at them with scary eyes!

That's the same as committing su1c1de!

I'll get your families back
so you don't need to go!

If you move now the welding won't set.

We don't care what will happen to us.

We just want our grandchildren
to escape from there.

Yoshie, young ones like you should live
a long life, protecting everyone's future.

I don't want you to die!

I am worthless as a human now.

So only I should die!

Thank you.

I'm sorry but I cut your power.

It's done.

Who are you?

I am a tool for your benefit and I will crush
anything that gets in your way,

even if it's my relative.

Those eyes!
That's the beauty of the real you.

Let me kiss you.

I think Kageno is coming!

Give them back!

- Give my daughter back to me!
- My granddaughter!

I am the chairman of this company,
Kenzan Kageno.

Who is the one that has
something to show me?

Chairman, long times no see.

And you are...

I didn't think you would forget.

This is a blueprint of a m*ssile
using new materials.

The order came from you
to develop it in secrecy.

You wanted to rule
the world using this b*mb,

which is seventeen times
more powerful than a nuclear b*mb.


Your company is finished
if I expose this to the Japanese government.

On my cue Yoshie
is going to take the data to the government.

Yoshie... is alive?

If you don't want that to happen,
I request that you release

the girls that have been kept here as slaves.


Send your K*llers away!

That is also a condition I demand!

Do as he says.

Then, I want you to apologise
to these victims,


Shit! Not now, I must save them!

I must!

What should I do?

Yoshie, trust your instincts!

Think what you should value,
do as a human

and hope for it deep from within yourself!

Her shamisen.


I've turned into a t*nk now!

So you want to see me apologise.


It's true, that my son and I
took your family members

and trained them
as soldiers for our company.

- What?
- What the hell are you talking about?

Give them back!

But lf I should apologise, yes, I would do so.

- I am very sorry!
- I am very sorry!

It was a setup!

Underdogs are there
to benefit those in power!

It is time for us to act!

Go! Ambition!

Move as a monster

named desire!

It was a giant castle robot. No!

- What?
- What?

- My heart!
- Same here!

- Me, too...
- All three of us? What a shame...

What's this? You've never seen
a castle robot, have you?

In its chest there is a new type of b*mb.

We are going to make
the robot throw this b*mb into Mount Fuji!

This is what our ancestors wished for,
to unify this nation.

Kanai, you must be mortified
not to be able to stop this.

Yeah, bang, bang!


I implanted a g*n into my knee.

Everybody, be prepared
for the consequences.

You! Accept this apology from hell!

I'm sorry!

I have to stop it!

Everybody, let's get out of here!

- Kinu, it's dangerous here! Go back!
- Kanai-san.

- I'm sorry.
- Kinu.

There you go!


One more, bang!

Bitch Geishas die! Bang!

Bugs, die.


- Isn't she my sister? Don't!
- Who cares? Bang, bang!

Everybody die! Bang, bang!

Ah, ouch! I hit it too hard
so now it's in a*t*matic mode!

Bang, bang, bang...


Hachiro. Never mind about me. Just run!


What's this?

This is paradise!

Your families are here!

Don't you care about their lives?

What the hell!
You are siding with the hypocrites!

You really make me mad!

I want to k*ll you but I'll just kick your ass
for your family's sake!

Try our Tengu hidden w*apon!

- Butt sword!
- What?

- You cannot win this!
- That's a shameful pose!

Let me show you mine!

I have butt sword, too!

- It's a shame, it's a shame...
- It's a shame, it's a shame...

Take that!

Get a taste of this.

Get your hands off it!

Eat this breast milk from hell!

I didn't want to hurt anybody!
You are stupid. Both of you!

How could you melt the face
given to me by my parents? Get back here!




Isn't she my sister?


You cut me!

What happened to your face?

When I finally found you...


You are a bad girl. Die!


Kinu. Are you all right?

Are you okay?

We must k*ll bad people.

I worry if my granddaughter Yasuko
is bullied by these kind of people.

Yoshie, cherish your family...

I won't fail...
I'll protect everyone!

What are you doing?


With this controlling belt,
the castle robot moves as I move.

It's all up to me whether or not a b*mb
will be thrown into Mount Fuji.

Stop it!

If you don't, not only Japan
but you may also be destroyed!

I might.

But that's acceptable.

You are planning to k*ll yourself
and you're intending to involve all of Japan.

I'm free of stress since my father has died.

Just let me enjoy the moment.

If you want to die, die alone!

Don't involve people who are trying to live!


That's pointless.

I removed all the memories of you
from Kikuyakko's brain.

- She only recognises you as a target!
- No!

Sister, try to remember!

Sister, I'm Yoshie, your younger sister!


Stop it, sister!

Wig napalm!

Stop, sister!


I heard you were an old-type robot.

I think I'll scrap you.

Finish her, Kikuyakko!

And move, castle robot!
Mount Fuji is just in front of you!

Yoshie, trust your instincts!

Think what you should value
and do as a human,

and hope for it deep from within yourself!

What I should value...



You might have forgotten who you were
but let me tell you.

Unnecessary info, unnecessary info.

You were saying that you covered for me

when I was scolded
by our father when we were kids.

But in fact I was the one
who covered for you

and you were the one
who was scolded by our father.

It was you who was jealous of me
because our father was always fond of me.

Because you were not
our father's real child!

You're lying.

Stop planting false memories!

No. It's true.

You were so sad that you convinced yourself
that the false memories were real.

Stop it!

But I didn't care if I was not
your sister by blood.

I loved you anyway.

You are the only sister for me.

No matter if you hurt me or hate me,

you are the only one I could share
the same fate with in this world.



Why don't we die together
if we're going to die anyway?

Then we can fight again in the next life.

I'm lonely, too.

I hate to admit it but I want to stay with you.



let's become one!

Sister, we're one!

You know what we have to do, don't you?

Of course, we're sisters, aren't we?

Let's go!

Damn it, you two have become one!

It's all over!

Here we go, sister.

Of course!

Sister, thank you.

Sister Bomber!

My face!

My nose is bleeding!

This hurts!

Bye bye!

Sister, we are finally one.


Those are our fireworks decorating
the evening sky and the future.

Finally, we are performing at this gorgeous
Ozashiki together.

If I can wish for something now,

I'd love to see Maiko
dancing splendidly to these fireworks.

It would be the proudest moment of her life.

Right, sister?