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Darkest Hour, The (2011)

Posted: 01/31/24 09:06
by bunniefuu
Ladies and gentlemen,
we have begun our descent into Moscow.

Please turn off
all portable electronic devices.

Thank you.

Sir, could you please turn that off?

It can interfere
with the plane's navigation system.

Do you really believe that?

Because people have been talking

outside the flight attendant
social circle of trust,

and word is that nobody
really believes that.

Excuse my friend.
He was dropped on his head as a child.

No. If these were really that bad,

they wouldn't let you bring them
on the plane, flat out.

If you agree with me,
don't unfold your arms.


Dude, do you really need an extra minute
of playing Dora the Explorer?

She was about to save the Crystal Kingdom.

What the hell?

We just experienced
an electrical short.

To your right,
you will see heavy electrical activity

in the upper stratosphere.

Nothing of major concern.

I hate flying.

Due to electrical storms,
all outbound flights are canceled.

When was the last time you wore that?

I don't know. Graduation?

You didn't go to graduation.

But I still dressed up out of solidarity.

All right, give me a Sharpie.

One of these days,
I'm not going to have a Sharpie in my bag.

- Another poignant metaphor for me?
- Yes.

It's an exclusive social network
for globetrotting travelers.

It's a GPS-based navigation system
that allows young people

to find the hottest bars and clubs
in cities around the world.

Our expansion plans for Moscow...


Jump in whenever.

Our expansion plans for Moscow
include getting drunk, laid

and ending up in a Russian prison,
all at the click of a button.

Is it just me,
or does Cyrillic look like Klingon?

Dude, get serious for a second.

Come on, man.
I found that freaky Zvezda joint

we're going to hit up for our victory lap.

"Supermodels desperately seeking
software designers."

That's a good idea.

And when the Russians go for this,

we're a $10 million company overnight.

Fifty-six travelers
currently logged into Moscow.

Ooh, an American.

I didn't fly halfway around the world
to see Americans.

Tell her to go to Applebee's.

Zvezda? Zvezda.

- Ben?
- Yeah?

Have I ever let you down?



We'll let Skyler make the introductions.

Wait for us?

You ready?

Teamwork makes the dream work.

That's ridiculous.

Whoa, guys.
What are you doing here?

Didn't you get my e-mail?

We won't be needing you.

Hang on. My boy just spent, like,
12 grand to develop this.

Plus, flights.

Yeah, what the hell is going on here?
Looks exactly like my idea.

Yeah, I know. It's very good.
It's almost perfect, thank you.

Next time, you send an NDA.

You must mean
the Non-Douchebag Agreement.

Call security.

Whoa, whoa.
Skyler, why are you doing this?

It's business.

It's criminal.

Welcome to Moscow.

Security will help see you out.

This is such bullshit.


- Look at this place.
- I know, right?

It's amazing.

Amazing, but are we lost?

No. This map says
we're only two blocks away.

All right. Hold up, hold up.

- Everyone say, "Moscow."
- Moscow.

- Whee!

- So how did we find this place?
- This guy's blog.

- Cute?
- Yeah,

I mean, if he's the one on the left.

Nat, his friend is wearing a Snuggie
with a bolo tie.

I know you're into that, don't lie.

Yeah, if I end up some human lampshade
in this guy's creepy basement...

Relax. I'm giving you
a no-lampshade guarantee.

Shall we?

We shall have a drink.

I'm like, "We have to go up there, right?"

I like the Gucci, Gucci
I like the dollar bill.

I love your pocket rocket
We live to shock it, shock it.

I like the way you smile
I might just bite your lip.

I see you talking, talking
Your hands are talking, talking.

I like that.

I like your dirty mind
Mine's on it all the time.

Oh, let me shake it, shake it
Oh, Polaroid it, shake it.

I'm a graffiti girl.

Screw it.
Big picture, this doesn't mean shit.

It does mean shit.

Our future is exactly shit right now.

Okay. We'll sue those guys.

Get a huge international Matlock-ass
lawyer who knows Russian law.

What Russian law?

Just don't sweat it, all right?
We'll figure something out.

- How can you be like that?
- Like what?

Like delusionally optimistic all the time.

I'm just more used to screwing up
than you are.

I try and get mad at you...

Son, peep the kiosk.

Full on kiosk.

Kiosk her to marry me.


That Swedish prick.

Guys, you're here.

It's impressive. That's good research.

Look. You can't be so naive, okay?

I mean, you come out here,

everybody out here is like hungry wolves,
and you act like two little lambs?

Of course you're going to get eaten.

You may like to think of yourself as a wolf
so you can sleep at night,

but the truth is,
you're just a straight-up thief.

You have to understand,
this is just business.

Some people can take it.

Some people can't.

It's a nice shirt.

Oh, thanks. Your mom left it in my room.

No human society exists
without booze or religion.

That's why I drink religiously.

Dude, the American.

Oh, really?

"Stuck in Moscow. Please help."

Applebee's, never mind.

We should help.

Nyet! Nyet!

- Lesbian.
- Yeah.


Muchas gracias.

Thank you, gentlemen.

Good job. Thank you.

Snuggie, six o'clock.
I told you his friend is hot.

You and your valedictorians.

"Stuck in Moscow. Please help"?

Now officially retired.

What happened? Are you guys
some kind of millionaires or something?

No, no. Try billionaire.

Uh... Or just the loyal friend
of a full-of-shit wingman?

- I'm Ben.
- Full-of-shit wingman.

Anne. This is Natalie.

Well, thanks for the tip.
It's definitely living up to expectations.

Sean is actually the man
who finds this stuff.

And what do you do?

Everything else.

Can I get a lager? A beer?

Does anyone speak Russian?

Only what he learned in Rocky IV.

So, anyway, I'm on my way to Nepal.
sh**ting photos.

I'm trying to get them into this gallery.

You will get in.

Nat, here, is my faithful assistant
and my best girl.

Well, I did have other plans this summer,
but they fell through,

so I quit my job and I left my mom a note.
And here I am.

Why would you do that?

A dumb-ass boy.

- Ooh.
- Okay, can we not talk about that?


So, what do you actually do?

Yeah, what do you do?


He likes basking in the possibility.


Or just never having to commit to anything.

You're kind of a d*ck.

Photo time.

No dumb-ass faces, no peace signs.
Come on, now.

- Okay, okay.
- All right.

One, two, three!


Sorry, guys, my bad.

What did you do now, Sean?


What's happening?

What is that?

Northern Lights, maybe?

I've never seen this before.

What the hell?


My phone is dead.

The whole block is dark.

- My God.
- They're beautiful.

This isn't normal, bud.

Holy shit.


Look at that.

Sean, you see that?


What's he doing?

Oh, my God!



- Go!
- Run! Run! Run! Run!

Natalie! Come on!

Stay together!

Lock it!



Come on! Come on!

Oh, my God.

- f*ck.
- Oh, my God.

Come on! Come on! Come on!

- This way.
- Go, go, go, go!


Holy shit! Come on!

This way. Come on!

Come on, come on.

Ben! Let's go!

Get in there. Go, go, go.

- Come on. This way.
- Annie!


Come on.

- Oh, my God.
- Shit.


Natalie! Natalie!

- What the hell was that?
- I don't know. I don't know.

- What are we going to do?
- He's dead.

It's okay. It's okay.

Oh, shit.

No! No! No! No!

Don't open the door!

Oh, God.

What do they want?
They're k*lling everyone.

They're shredding people.

- Did you see that?
- No!

- Quiet, quiet, quiet! Holy shit!

What is it? Where did it come from?

Annie, what's going on?

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

What the...

No, no.

It isn't safe up there. I saw it.

What the hell are those things?

It's like they're invisible.
We can't see them.

What's happening?

There's nowhere to go,
they're everywhere.

Everybody, be quiet.



Do you really think
that you're the only person down here?


Come on! Oh, come on!

I'm sick and tired of your bullshit, man!
I'm sick and tired...


This is it.

Bon appétit.

Yeah, like, the thousandth time is a charm?

How long since we've heard them?

I said 27 hours. Give or take an hour.

Unless you want to stay down here
pissing in tin cans forever...

Screw that.

It's time to go.

We're going to head to the U.S. Embassy.

Come on.

Careful, now.

Ben. Look at this.

They k*lled everyone.

It was a m*ssacre.

We should go to the Swedish Embassy,
it's closer. We should really go...


See if they have
any water, food, supplies.

Here, take these waters.

Grab that bag.

Just take what you can.

Take this. Go.

Holy shit.

Look at this place.

Oh, my God.

You think they're gone? Like "gone" gone?

All the ash.

Is it going to be like this
all over the city?

We can't be the only ones.

Do you even know where we're going?

I just wish we had a plan
that didn't come from some takeout menu.

Nobody's going to find us
hiding in the storeroom.

Stay here, or find your embassy.
Nobody's stopping you.


Let's go.

Come on, Annie.

It's a big city.

There has to be more people out there.

Slow down. Slow down.

- Oh, man.

- Shit. You okay?
- You okay?

Just wait, guys.

- Okay. I'm okay.
- Wait.

Come on, we got to keep going.

- Come on. Let's keep going.
- Natalie.

- Let's go.
- Come on.

Come on, hurry up.

Wait, wait, wait. This way, come on.

Come on, down here.

Is this the right way?


Hang on a second.

Wait, you hear that? Come on, this way.

What's there?


Come on.

- Hey! Hey, lady?

Go away.

You will bring ghosts with you.

Go away.

Novinskiy Street?

Everyone in the city is dead.

They will k*ll you!


That way.

- Ben, keep moving. Let's go.
- Thank you so much.

Beware of the lights.

- What did she say?
- We're all going to die.

Oh, my God.

We don't know where they are.

It's okay.

Ben. This way, right?

Are we lost?

- God damn it, we're lost already!
- We're not lost.

Do you know where you're going?

Dude, are we lost?

No, I think once we cross the bridge...

Oh, shit.

This crew doesn't inspire confidence.
We don't know anything about them.

It's the best we've got right now.

There's another bridge right over there.

What's important is that
you and I stick together, okay?

- He's right.

Guys, come on.

It's back this way. Come on.

Stop, stop, stop.

- That cop car will have a better map.
- Yeah, yeah.

You guys wait over there. Let's go.

- All right.
- Okay, go.


Come on. Hurry up.

Did you see that?

Give me that. You're taking too long.

We don't know these things can see or hear.

We know they k*ll.

- Road flares.
- Here we go.

It's all in Russian.

What did you expect?

We'll count off blocks from landmarks.

No! Wait. Get down. Get down.

Get inside!

Go, go, go.

Where did it go? Can you see it?

Can you see anything?


- What are you doing?
- Something.

Is it gone?

I think $0.

Holy shit.

That was way too close.


Hey, you waited.

Yeah, yeah. That's the plan, right?
Stick together?

Good. Thanks.

Did you see that dog?

It k*lled the dog. It k*lled the dog.

- Wait! Wait! Wait!

It's the wind! Stop freaking out!

What, me?
I'm the only one freaking out here?

This wasn't how I thought
my week would go either, all right?

I'm just trying to keep my freak-out
on the inside!

Let's cut through this way.


Oh, my God.

Skyler. Come on.

The faster we get to the embassy,
the faster we get home.


You think there's "home"?

Everybody back home is dead.

- You don't know that.
- Of course they are.

All our friends, our families.

Say it's like this everywhere,

the five of us, we're here,
we're in Moscow, and we're alive.

Okay? I doubt we're the five
luckiest people on the planet.

Which makes for millions of survivors,
in other cities, all over the world.

It doesn't even matter any more.
Don't you understand?

I mean, we take one step outside
and we're dust.

We can't even see these things.

The way it lit up that cop car.

Electricity gives it away.

Street lights, headlights...

You're right.

Daytime is more dangerous than night.

We should go outside when it's dark.

- Warning devices.
- Good idea.

Not as dumb as I thought.

Looks like
the embassy is about a mile away.

Are you going to get it right this time?

Are you going to be less of an assh*le?

I just want us to make smart choices.

Is that what you call
what happened at the club?

- Making a smart choice?
- Annie, don't.

I think we all want to be

brave in our own minds.

But the truth is that
you don't know who you are

until something happens.

And then you just react.

And I just...

I see these two seconds just playing
over and over and over again.

We need better clothes.

I got it.

What's the dress code
for the end of the world?

Jacket, no tie?

I'll come, too.

Hey, there.

Sorry, buddy.
I'm going to have to take this.


Hey, wait. No.

- Are you crazy?
- Don't move.

It's okay. Come on.

They're inside.

- We were so close, why didn't it see us?
- The glass.

- It didn't see you?
- No.

I bet they sense
our bio-electromagnetic shit.

That almost makes sense.

How did you come up with that?

I don't know. Shark Week.

My money's on they see our electric pulses.

And the glass blinded it.

It's an electrical insulator.

You're willing to bet your life
on that theory?

We just did.

Come on.

Come on, come on. Let's go.

This way.

Oh, shit.

What did you expect?

What do we do now?

Where do we go?

Come on.

What are you... What do you...

What are you going to do with that?

I don't know. Feels good.

You know how to use that thing?


- Stop!
- Skyler!


All right. I've seen enough.
Let's just get the hell out of here.

And go where?


God damn it, Sean!

We don't know what's up there.

Or where we're going, for that matter.

Listen, we need a better view.

Somewhere where we can see
what's going on. What direction's safe.

You guys want to get yourself k*lled?

Skyler, we should stick together.

Come on.

- Nat, I...
- Come on.

I got it down here.


Budapest, 1230. Antwerp, 621.

- Are these times?
- Maybe.

Guys, look at this.

"Their electromagnetic bombardment
shorted our hardware."

"No missiles. No jets."

This wasn't just Moscow.

"Communications stayed up
for three minutes."

"New York, London, Paris, Tokyo"

"all reported invisible invaders.
Aggressive as*ault strategy."

Skyler was right.

There is no home.

- Not like we remember it.
- Oh, God.

"Hardware from the underground
survived their initial attack."

"We salvaged what we could,"

"hope to reconnect
with Antwerp, Budapest."

These aren't times.

These are numbers of survivors.

"We found an Emergency Action Message
from allies here in Moscow."

"Global HF frequency 4-7-0-9..."

What did the message say?

That's it.

Hey, check this out.

Oh, my God.

You said those things see electricity,
so turn it off.

- The bulbs aren't on.
- Wait.

What's he saying?

- Please, Sean, just turn it off, okay?
- It's repeating.

A message.

Please turn it off!

How is it working?

God damn it, okay?
Those things can see it, so turn it off!



- Jesus.
- It's okay.

Come on. Let's find a view.

Ben? Over here, check this out.

Holy shit.

We're surrounded.

Dead center.

What are they doing out there?

It's like they're
digging for something.

They mess with everything electrical.

They got to obey some sort of rules,
have some sort of purpose.

They came here with a plan.

What's ours?

There's more survivors.

We know they're out there,
we just have to find them.

Who is it?


What the hell is he doing?

Come on. We gotta stop him.

Wait, why?

The guy understands some Russian.

He can translate the message for us.

Be careful.

We'll be right back.

Oh, no.



No, no, no, no, no!





We have to warn them.




Get back here!

Wait, wait, I think I saw something.

Oh, shit. Skyler!

- Oh, Shit!


Oh, shit.

- Look out!
- He's trapped.

Get out of here!


Sean, come on.

Come on. Right.


Where's Skyler?

He's dead, he's dead. He's dead.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my...

I can't do this.

- Yes, you can! Yes, you can!
- No, I can't do this.

- You have to!
- All we're doing is buying time.

Look at this.

That's got to be what Skyler saw.

There's someone in there.

It's not that far.

The sun is about to come up. No way.

We can make it.

Sean, what is wrong with you?

After what just happened to Skyler?
That could happen to any one of us.

Listen to me! That person is surviving,
right in the middle of all this.

Whoever it is,

odds are they're going to understand
this message.

Let's go.

I'm not giving up.

And if I'm not giving up,
you're not giving up.

What are we waiting for?

- We're almost there, right?
- Yeah.

Hurry, the sun's coming up.

Come on. Through here.

Who the hell are you?

Do you want to die, assholes?

We saw the light.

Next time, knock.

Are your parents here?

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

I'm tough.

Come this way. Come with me.

Did you find one?


Ah, good.


Quickly, we must close the cage!

Welcome, make yourself at home.

You're young...

...and young people make
rash decisions.

It's why you and
Vika are still alive.

We don't really understand much Russian.


I turned on the light to attract survivors.

First the girl, then you.

I'm Vika.

That's DJ Lance Rock.

Who is this guy?

Mr. Sergei.

I think he's an electrician.

Or maybe a plumber.

Well, what is this?

Mr. Sergei calls it a Faraday cage.

The steel bars
ground external electrical currents.

The cage, it works.

You mean it keeps them away?

They can't smell us if we're inside.

It's a shark cage, bro.

Mr. Sergei thinks
they're made up of wave energy.

They are made up of
lethal wave energy.

That's why they're invisible to us.

He says they microwaved Moscow.

Burned everything out.

Hey, guys, the message.

Vika, you've got to listen to this.

It's repeating a broadcast or something.

"Captain Nikolai Ivanov"

"from the K-1-5-2 Nerpa..."

Oh, my God.

The Russian Navy.

A nuclear submarine

in the Moskva River.

They leave tomorrow morning at 6:00.

Shielded nuclear power.
An undersea Faraday cage.

Brilliant option.

You mean it can get us out of here?

We have to get on that sub.

There are more, with survivors.

One from the U.S., leaving Nova Scotia.

A British submarine
waiting in the English Channel.

We have to go when it's dark.

Gives us five or six hours.
Is that enough time?

It says they are in the
north end of the river.

It's deeper there.

You think we can cross the city?


Can you help me gather supplies?

Sure, kid.

I am not a kid.

Got it.


Let's go.

We're fine.

- You've done this a hundred times, right?
- Yeah.

Just close the cage.

Make sure it's locked.


What is this?

It's homemade.

It's a microwave projector.

Power comes from here,

and fires incredible microwave there.

It sh**t microwaves.

A focused
and compressed microwave beam.

I calculate.

Enough high-density microwave
could break up their energy field.

And what will it do?

Knock them on their ass!

Like, k*ll them?

Slow, wound, k*ll, perhaps.

Just think, they're like wave energy,

and if we can connect their charge,

maybe we create a chain reaction.

Take a bunch out at once.

Does it work?

You fight fire with fire.


Drink coffee.

The world's first alien k*ller.

This guy sings to his cat.

Yeah. But look at that cat.
So what do you think?

I doubt the hope of all humanity
lies in sketchy homegrown science.

Look, what if it works?

- What if it blows us all up?
- Yeah, but what if it works?


Vika, the apartment's upstairs.

You won't make it.
I know where we can hide. Come on.

I'll take the cage.

No! Annie!


Nat! Nat!

It's jammed.


Nat, I can't move this table! I can't!

Eat this!

We did it!

Keep firing!

Hit it again!


Fire escape! Go! Go!

- Come on!
- No, don't!

Annie! Come on!

I can't! I can't!

Grab my arm!


Mr. Sergei?

Where is Anne?

Come on.

Keep moving.

Hide behind us.

What the hell is this?

What the...

Run! Run!


Sasha go!

Boris get ready!


You don't like it bitch!

Welcome to Russia, sucker.

Thank you.


Aliens bad for homeland,

but good for business.

What's that discharge?


Like a big alien stun g*n.

What is this?

When they generate their lightning,
their power drains.

Its invisible shield is weakened.

That's when we strike.

Sean, just leave it. Let's go.

We have dislodged fragments,
but we can only wound them.

Yeah, but their armor cracks.

Let's go.

I'm sorry about Anne.

Where are you from?

- Seattle.
- Ah, Nirvana.


Well, you can stay here
as long as you need.

I can train you.

Thanks, but we have to keep moving.


There's a submarine in the river,
it leaves in the morning.

It's joining others. One from the U.S.


- Yeah.
- And you believe that?

What's your name, son?


You won't make it, Sean.

Why not? We made it this far.


You made it as far as Academy Plaza.

And we made it here.

And we can make it further.


- You want to go there?
- Mmm-hmm.

But these areas,
here, here, here and here, are overrun.

Enemy territory. You can't go through.

You want to go around, like this?

It would take five weeks.

If your luck hasn't run out.

You stay here, you eventually die.

This is our home.

When the enemy are this strong,
we can strike and run,

watching for weaknesses.

We return to camp, but we never retreat.

So, yes.

We'll die tomorrow, but today,

we will k*ll at least one of the enemy.

I'm sorry, we cannot help you.

I know you think we don't have a chance,

but we have to try.

This isn't our home.

Sean's right, we have to try.

You know what? You're right.

We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.

But what the hell is the point in saving
people if you don't see them home?

Your mission is to dig in here

so you can die in a slightly different way?

Here's our mission.

We're going to get on that submarine,

get together with whatever other survivors
might be out there,

and fight the hell back.

So why don't we get on that sub

and get you and your men
some real weapons?

Instead of settling for this.

I'm coming with you.

They are kids...


We'll use the metro.

It's our best shot.

You have command
until we get back.

That's nice work back there.

That was all Natalie.

Are you guys hearing that?



Are you sure?

Come on! Down to the tracks!

Oh, my...

Stay low!

- Ben!
- Vika!

What is that?

Oh, my God.

Ben, what are you doing?

Be careful.

Vika, come on.

Oh, my God. Ben!

- No!
- Shit!


- Sean!
- Ben!



We have to go.

Come on.

Which way? Which way?

On that boat.

The river flows north.

We will drift to the submarine.

Get below.


It's okay.

It's okay. It's not your fault.

Our moms

were on PTA together.

He was in the smart class.

His mom made him play with me.

I sort of never got over it.

I'm thinking we should say goodbye.


I never got a chance to say it to Ben.

Okay. Well,

I'll be seeing you around.


Give me your hand.

What's happening?

We've run aground.

Oh, my God.

This is why they came.
We're just in the way.

What do they want?

We are mineral-rich.

Copper, nickel.

Metals that conduct electricity.

It must be food.

There it is!

The submarine.

We're going to make it.

We're going to make it. It's our way out.

What is it?







Sean, swim!


Swim, now! Swim!

Here, give me your hand.

Come on, son. Come on.

There's someone else out there.

Her name's Natalie.
She must have swam ashore upriver.

I watched your boat go over.

I don't want to lose this one.
We can't wait any longer.

I won't leave her.

I had orders
not to depart without survivors.

- Now we have to sail.
- Whose orders?

Captain Nikolai Ivanov.

- I'll speak to him. Where is he?
- Dead.


That's her. That's Natalie.

Look, I'm not asking you
to go out there, okay?

Just to delay your departure.

This area is infested!

I'm sorry,
but her chances for survival are not good.

Look, she knows how to hide. Trust me.

You go back out there, your chances...

He knows what his chances are.

We've all lost comrades.

She's alive.

And right now, every one of us count.

We can't leave her.

If she was one of yours,
you'd want the same.


Okay. Let's get under
and make a battle plan.

The new g*n is almost ready.

The extra microwave g*n
gives us a chance.

The man who built it...

...thought we could microwave
their invisible shield.

But to "F" them up,

Mr. Sergei said
that we need much more power.

More batteries will launch a stronger beam.

You will get four or five good sh*ts at it.

We need to wrap the power packs
so they don't short out.

Get the lead blankets
out of radiation...


The microwave g*ns
disrupt their defense shields.

And then we k*ll it.

With good ol' Russian b*ll*ts.

We get to where the
flares were fired, here,

find the girl and get out.

I'll take Sasha's place!

Boris and me. Yuri and Sean.

Microwave g*ns lead.

Her flares came from that direction.

There is not much cover.



It's not working.

Let's go.

Six o'clock! Spread out!

Come on!

sh**t it!

Come on.

k*ll it!

The stun g*n, it works!





Eight o'clock.

There's too many.

Our g*ns won't last.

Follow me.

It's water.

It will connect its charge
and create a chain reaction.

You are certain?

Wait until they're over the water
to fire the microwave g*n.

Take the flanks!

I'll get Natalie.

Prepare to fight!

They stopped before the water.

The plan is not working.

- Natalie?
- Sean!

Bus 19!

Be careful. They're out there.

It's Vika!
Vika, what are you doing?

Where did she come from?

It's working. They're over the water.

We can beat them!



You came back for me.

Of course I did.



Get the wheel!

I can't stop it!

Hold on!

- sh**t it again!
- It's not working!


The battery is dead!


Come on. Let's go.

We did it. Let's go.
We got them for now.

Let's get out of here.

Come on.

Are you sure you're not coming?

Hell, we got a nuclear submarine.

Today, we learned how to fight.

Go, and teach the others what we know.

This is the last day of the extermination,

and the first day of w*r.

No changing your mind?

I can go no further.

I have Moscow at my back.

- There you are.
- Did you get it?

Yes, I replaced the damaged parts.

It will work inside the sub.

Here in London, I picked
up signals from others around the globe.

Europe, Asia, the States.

There are people fighting back.

I even had contact with a militia group
out of Paris.

They took down
one of those mining towers.

They destroyed a tower.

I've been hearing all types of stories.

I've got them here on tape.

Toronto, Lima, Peru, Berlin and Shanghai...

This is how it starts.

We will rise against.

Even though we don't know
where we should begin.

Even though we can't see
around the bend.

Oh, we know, we know
that we will rise again.

We will rise against.

Even though we don't know
where we should begin.

Even though we can't see
around the bend.

Oh, we know, we know
that we will rise again.

We will rise against.

Even though we don't know
where we should begin.

Even though we can't see
around the bend.

Oh, we know, we know
that we will rise again.

We will rise against.

Even though we don't know
where we should begin.

Even though we can't see
around the bend.

Oh, we know, we know
that we will rise again.

We will rise against.

Even though we don't know
where we should begin.

Even though we can't see around the bend.

Oh, we know, we know
that we will rise again