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Eva (2011)

Posted: 01/31/24 09:08
by bunniefuu

What are you doing here?

Where's your mother?


- Long time no see.
- Been waiting long?

No. Only ten years.

Let's go, I'm freezing.

You've done well for yourself.

You've made some amazing robots.

I got bored of all that
years ago.

Bored of designing boring robots?

No. Bored of designing
fun robots for boring people.

I prefer lecturing.
Students make me laugh more.

Are you going to Dad's house?

It will be a mess.

- You could stay with us.
- No, no. Thanks.

- Do you know why they called you?
- Yes.

It must be important
to bring you all this way.

Very important.

Damn it, Alex,
always so mysterious.

Come over for dinner tomorrow, okay?

And welcome home.

Check out that cat.

Check out that guy!

Good morning, Alex Garel.

Hello, Dorotea.
I'm here to see Julia.

Julia is busy right now.

You don't look a day older.
You're beautiful.

You can't go in,
she's giving a class.

Alex Garel!

You must never manipulate
your robot's character.

You have 30 minutes
to do the test.

And remember,

try not to alter their profiles.

Good morning, Julia.

Some things never change.

Late as always.

Raise the frequency.

As you can see...

...although the software
is much more advanced.

- What?
- The nob on the right!

- What now?
- Turn it down.

He's coming.

- I know!
- He's coming over!

Stupid robot, stop making noise.

"Stupid student, stop hurting me."

I'm sorry.

What do we do now?

What do you see
when you close your eyes?

Now you've broken it.

We could restart it
and reinsert its bases.

You can restart it, yes,

but you have destroyed
its emotional memory.

Its soul.

See? It's dead.

If you restart it,
it'll look like the same horse,

but it'll never be the same again.

"What do you see
when you close your eyes?"

That command is sacred.

It must only be used
in extreme cases

when there is no other option.


So, do you want to see it?

Draw me a tree.

Come on, focus.

I'm bored,
I don't want to draw any more.

The S.I.-9,

just as you designed it
ten years ago.

All finished and assembled:

endoskeletal structure,
muscle mechanisms,

even the outer shell.

But it's missing
the most important part of all.

The emotional intelligence software.

Reproducing the emotions
of a child is foolish.

That's what you said.

It's only human to make mistakes.

The first free robot.

Incredible, isn't it?

Is this how you imagined it?

Why me?

To be honest,
you aren't the first to try.

But you're the only one
capable of designing a robot

which is fun but safe.

Alex, this is your chance

to finish what you started.

Yeah. But I'm not working here.

Where will you go?

My parents' house.

All right.

That's how emotional intelligence
affects robot behaviour.

A certain event
will affect us differently,

depending on our mood

and the circumstances
in which we find ourselves.

Are you okay?


Nobody has been in here
since your father died.

Are you sure you want to stay here?

It's only a bit of dust.

You're crazy.

We'll install
all the equipment tomorrow,

but you must also come
and see the models.

We need to choose a child
to base the android on.

Alex Garel?

Good morning, sir.

I'm Max, no surname.

The university sent me to do
housework and anything else you need.

- I don't understand.
- Company policy.

To avoid all that:

"There's no need, honestly.
I don't want to trouble you".

They just send me.

Call them,
if you don't believe me.

No, thanks.
You can go now.

Level 5:


plus clothes...



Luckily, it doesn't have fur.

Plus general tidy up
of random objects.

- They're the worst, random objects.
- But...

It's okay, I'm a machine,
I'm used to it.

If you don't mind,
I'll start now.

I'm a "business before pleasure"
kind of guy.

Come along, sir. Here.

This is your leisure time.

What do you do in your free time?

I work.

In my dictionary, "work"
and "leisure" are antonyms.

We'll have to solve that, sir.

A coffee and a walk
will do you good.

It's a beautiful day for it, sir.

You have many skills.

More than you think, sir.

I was created by David Garel's team.

My brother?

I'm designed for a multitude of tasks.

I'm a gourmet chef,

a butler,
a carer for the elderly,

a monitor for children...

I speak 29 languages.

I even have advanced knowledge
of DIY, plumbing, electrics...

I saw some roof tiles outside, sir,
which need replacing.

And don't call me "sir", Max.

Thank you, Alex.

- What about that walk?
- Not sure I fancy it.


It will do you good.

Besides, I need space to work.

Come on, Gris, let's go.
We're in the way here.

I'll be outside.

If you don't eat that sweet,
I'll give you 5 more when I'm back.

If you don't eat that sweet,
I'll give you 5 sweets later.

But don't eat it, okay?

As you can see,
we did several tests.

Including the incitement test.

- The good old sweet test.
- That's right.

- What do you think?
- Of what?

Of the kids.
You have to choose one.

We need a model for the robot.

These kids aren't right.

None of them.

They're all... boring.

- Boring?
Yes, boring.

Who'd want to live with them?

Their parents perhaps?

They don't count.

With an ordinary child
you'll get an ordinary robot.


That is how emotional intelligence
works when applied to robotics.

The fluid logic
and genetic algorithms

allow us to design
a variable artificial brain.

What does that mean?

That of all the options available,
it always chooses the one

best-suited to
the individual in front of it.

Okay, guys,
we'll pick it up here tomorrow.

How strange!
Alex Garel in a classroom.

It's only the second time
I've seen it.

You see that?

Now they study your absurd theories.

I don't know why,

they're no use to anyone.

But they don't come here
to hear my stupid theories.

No? Then why do they come?

They come to see you.


I have a meeting.
Turn the light off on your way out.

What are you looking at?

I wasn't looking.

Oh, really?

What do you call
fixing your gaze on something?


Then you were watching me.

- Do you do this often?
- What?

Watching kids.

Yes, I do.

Cool. A pervert
who can admit what he is.

- At least you're original.
- It not what you think.

I do it for... work.

If you make excuses
it's less original.

So it's part of your work?


You don't interest me any more.



Like in the movies.


In the movies, when she walks away,
he shouts "Wait!".

She turns around,
and then he kisses her.

What's your name?


Would you like a sweet?
Just one.

Just one?
You're a professional pervert.

- What flavour are they?
- I don't know.

I don't like those.

But I'll take both!

You want a sweet?

It's "I don't know" flavour.

"I don't know"
which tastes of strawberry.

I work at the university
and I'm making a robot.

If you want, and if your parents
let you, I'd love to work with you.

You really are
a very unusual pervert.

But I have to go home.

See you around!

Just in time.

Lunch is ready,
despite all this mess.

- How was your walk?
- Fine.

The technicians
from the university came.

They brought a complete prototype

and various motor areas.

The hand-up is already installed.

This is delicious, Max.

I also made a basket for the cat.

Oh, no.

No you don't.

You can walk all around here,

but don't you dare make a mess.


it doesn't micturate, does it?

Alex, this cat must be faulty,

maybe you should repair it.

Gris is a free robot,
he does what he wants.

He doesn't meet
some of the safety requirements,

but he's good company.

A free robot?
I've never heard of that.

It's an illegal application.

Just take care of him,
and try to get along.

Hear that, my feline companion?

Alex is going to eat now
and then we'll let him work.

Don't be a naughty kitty.

Max, what emo level are you on?

Standard level eight.

We're not used to
such emotional robots.

Take it down to six.

Done, Mr Garel.

Level six.

You can still call me Alex.

Thank you.








Hello, calamity.


Can you come for dinner tomorrow?

- I've got a lot of work.
- Right...

Nine o'clock.
Don't be late.



Alex, come up.

Good evening.


- How are you?
- Good.

Nice flowers.


Of course.

How was Dad's house looking?

In a real mess.

I've met Max.




How was Australia?
Any Australian girlfriends?

Nothing serious.

Alex has always preferred
robots to women.

- Women talk too much.
- That's true.


What's with all the smoke?

- What's for dinner?
- Soup.

Eva, this is your Uncle Alex.

Nice to meet you.

Let's get the soup.

I'm very happy for you.

We ended up designing robotic cells
to implant into patients.

- Does it work?
- It's viable.

That's wonderful.

And why did you leave?

- To work at a better place.
- Better than Santa Irene?

- I don't believe that.
- Neither do I.

How did it go with Julia?
What did she give you?

- And don't tell me it's secret.
- You know I can't speak about it.

Who's Julia?

Julia is a very grumpy,
very clever woman.

How about a toast?

- To old times.
- And to secrets.

Hey, do you remember Eric's robot?

Who's Eric?

Eric was a friend
who made a robot

to do everything for him
because he was lazy.

No, not peas!

Peas! Peas!

No! Not peas!

No! Not peas!

Is that for the S.I.-9?

Isn't that girl a bit wacky
to be the model for a robot?

Yes, I'm looking for a fun model.

Don't move!
It's only anti rust spray.


Man, you can sleep!

I've been waiting half an hour.

You'll break your neck one day.

My mum says that
to learn something,

you have to fall many times.

So, are you coming inside?

Or are you afraid?

You weren't listening.

What my mum means is that
I shouldn't be afraid of anything.

What are you laughing at?


Please, take a seat.

You'll be more comfortable.

Something to read?

That's better, isn't it?
Much better.

Get down!

I don't mind.

What's your name?

He's called Gris. He's a prototype,
and he doesn't talk, he just meows.

He's the only robot
with free function.

Isn't that right, Gris?

All right,

I'm S.I.-7, Max,
no surname to my friends.

A pleasure to meet you.

The pleasure is mine.

I'm Eva,
no surname to my friends.

- You want to play a game, Eva?
- Okay.



Happy. God knows why.

One word only.
Define it in just one word.




Very good.


I'm just making it more fun.

Are you bored?

I don't know what this is for,
but it seems a waste of time.

Your reactions help me to configure
the robot's emotional memory.

It's going to be one boring robot.

I thought you wanted to make
something different.

That's what I'm trying to do.

If you help me,
it will be like you.

It will laugh and get cross
just like you.

One more and we're done, okay?


Are you sure?
Look carefully.

He's crying.

People don't always cry
because they're sad.

- What would you say?
- Happy.

- What?
- This man just won a race.

So what?
He's sad because he won.

Why would winning make him sad?

Because he knows
he can't always win.

In that case, when someone loses,
they should laugh,

because they know
they won't lose all their life.

Wow. The girl with all the answers
has no answer.

Yes, I do.

You're funny when you're angry.

Don't laugh at me!

- Open the door.
- Where are you going?

Open the door!


If you think I'm going to
follow you, you're wrong.


Well, well. You're back.

If you won't
come and look for me,

I'll have to come back
on my own.

But on one condition.

If you want my help,
you have to show it to me.

This is the processor.
It's the robot's brain.

A brain? It's huge.

Actually, it's not that big.

It's as small... as a bee.

- What are these pieces?
- They're character components.

This piece, for example,
is aggression.

And that one?

This one?

This one...

is pride.

It's very small to be pride.

And now we switch it on.

It's pretty.

What's happening to him?

He's reacting to what he sees.

Forming a memory
based on his experiences,

just like a human.

And this, Eva,

is how the S.I.-9 sees you.

Now your head.

- It's scalding me.
- No it isn't. Stop whining.

I went to Alex's house today.


After school.

You said you were going
to Maria's house.

I don't see Maria any more.

I've told you
not to ride your bike out of town.

But I was careful.

I don't care if you're careful,
I don't want you to do it.

I'm sorry.

Promise me you won't do it again.

You'll get no bedtime story.

I promise.

Why don't you ever talk about Alex?

Because Daddy was angry when he left.

Very angry?


And you?

Me too.


Because we were studying together,

we were working
on a shared project,

we were fond of each other,
and then he just left.

And that made us sad and angry.

Did you love him
like you love Daddy?

Yes, more or less.

More? Or less?

Why are you such a little gossip?

You look happy.

I am.

Have you come to tell me something?

What would happen if we made
a girl instead of a boy?


I've told you,
S.I.-9 is a boy.

We just need your
emotional reaction program.

Emotional reaction?


boys are clumsy and boring.

Girls are sweeter, more mature,

more sensitive...

and much prettier.

But they are also more perverse,

more jealous and twisted.

And I know all this

because, many, many years ago,

I was one.

Now get your arse back to work,

I don't pay you to sit here
eating my biscuits.

Not that many years ago.

So you don't do research now?

You prefer lecturing?

I love lecturing.

It's very different,
but I have a quieter life.

You seem happy.

Yes, we are.

And you?

Have you found someone
to break your heart?


Eva told me about the tests, and...

I'd rather you didn't do them
with her.

I just want her to do
what little girls do,

so if you don't mind...

Yes, of course. I'm sorry.


- She's just so special.
- Yes.

She is.

But what did you expect?
She's my daughter.


I'll see you around.

Good luck.


You must be happy.

You had them begging you
to come back.

You know I was never
the boastful one.

Or the nice one.

But you were the clever one.

We're both very clever.

I disagree.

I am extremely talented.

- And modest.
- But you...

are one in a million.

I suppose that's why
I'm the handsome one.

You were very handsome, yes.

Guess who I saw the other day.


Why didn't you ask her out?
There's a party next week.

- I think she never got over you.
- We were twelve.

You know what they say
about your first love.

You never forget it.



I thought you would dodge it.

Eva, we can't do this.

Your parents don't want you
to come here.

So what?

I want to, and you need me.

There are other kids.

But not like me.

With an ordinary kid,
you'll get an ordinary robot.

Come on, open the door.

Eva, come down.

Okay, fine. Just forget it.

What a shame.

I wanted to tell you
the story of David and Mum.

What story?

Open the door first.

All right.

We'll do unofficial tests.
You just have fun

and I'll observe you. Okay?

Okay, pervert.

Eva, Eva, slow down.

Come on, slowcoach.

Go on, try it.

- What?
- This.

Turn around.

I'll get stuck.

No, no, no.


- Like this.
- What?

Do this.

No, don't move your bum.
Like this,

like this.

Don't fall.

















You haven't fallen enough.


When Mum sees someone
who can't climb, she says:

"They haven't fallen enough."

She says that?

You wouldn't like her
to say it about you.

Between your mother and I...

There's nothing.

She's a wonderful person,
and very pretty,

but we split up years ago.

And although my expression changes
whenever I hear her name,

it's only the memory
of good times we spent together.

What are you saying?


It's what you'd say
if we were in a movie.

Clumsy idiot!

It's the town. Now what?

See that house there?

Which one?

- There are lots.
- It doesn't matter.

That's my house.

You brought me up here
to tell me that?

And also to tell you that
that house over there,

on the way to the university...

That's David's house.

You don't live together.


Don't tell me
you're not pleased to hear it.

Come on,
we have more tests to do.

- A deal is a deal.
- You're going to k*ll me.

Who's that?

It's Eva.

How old is she?


She seems nice.

Is she your daughter?


She looks a lot like you.

You won't beat me!

That's what you think.

My turn.



What are you doing here?
Did you come to see us?

Yes, I came to see
if you were home,

but it's late now.

Come inside for a drink.

No, no, thanks.
I have to go.

Right. Your secret projects.

Will you come
to the graduation party?

- I don't know...
- Yes, come.

Everyone wants to see you.

Okay, we'll see.


How's my little girl?

Hello, David.

Hello, love.

- How are you?
- What's going on?

We're playing sleds.

- Let's push Daddy off.
- You want to push Daddy?










Are you sure?


This woman is tired.

We also yawn when we're tired.

She's bored
and that's making her tired.

Sure, just like tiredness
makes you bored.

That works for everything.


Don't laugh.

Why not?


Don't laugh.

I'm laughing because you're funny.

I'm not funny!

Sit down.


Sit down!

- Sit down!
- I don't want to!

What are you doing?

- I told you to sit down.
- No!

What are you doing?

I'm leaving!

- Where?
- I'm leaving!

You can't leave.

- Why not?
- The door is locked.

- Open it!
- No.

I said open it!

I'm ordering you to sit down.

- I told you to open the door!
- No.

- Open it now!
- No!


What do you see
when you close your eyes?

What happened?

Not now, Max.

- Mr Garel.
- Hello.

Hello, Mr Garel.

- How are you?
- Fine.

- You remember Manuel?
- Yes.

Hello, Alex.

Julia tells me
you're working at home.

You should work here,
at the university.

- Leave it.
- Really.

Who are you hiding from?


Here's to your bright future.

Look at this. Drinking already.

Hello, Alex.
Are you boring my wife?

I'm working on it.

How's the prototype going?

Who wants to dance?

Alex doesn't dance. Right?


May I?

Of course.

Have you been practising?


You dance much better.

Where did David go?

Will you help me find him?

It's so cold.

And to think I missed this place.

But you also hated it here.

Are you going to stay?

When you finish the project.

Will you stay?

I might not finish it.

Well, you should.

For once.

Or haven't you changed?

I think I've changed.


You haven't forgiven me?


It was ten years ago.

Ten years is nothing.

I'd need another ten.

I can't. Alex, no.

I can't.


What do you want?

What else do you want?

You left her once already.

Go away.

Do you need something?


Turn your emo level
back up to 8.


what's the matter?

It's nothing, Max.

But thanks.

Well, well...

Who hit you? The S.I.-9?


I'm not going to finish the S.I.-9.

Leaving the job half done again?


you're a great creator,
maybe the best.

But if you don't finish
your projects,

it doesn't matter
how good you are...

Take a break for a few days

and then we'll talk.

It's because of her, right?

What are you looking at?

Are your parents home?



You have a sad face.

Why did you lie to me, Eva?

Why did you say that David
didn't live with you?

That was what you wanted to hear.

Eva, I'm leaving.

You can't.

You can't leave now,

now that I've finally found you.

It's not fair.


I'm very sorry about what happened.

Eva tells me you're leaving.

Do you want me to go?

Alex, I need to tell you something.

"Eva is a very special little girl."

She is like us both
because we made her.




Wait, I'll go with you.

No. I have to tell her myself.

Will you come back?

Of course.



My God.



Mummy, what happened to me?

Nothing, sweetie.
Everything is okay.

Mummy, it's not okay.
What's this?

Take it easy,
or you'll faint again.


- Everything's fine now.
- Don't touch me.

I should have told you before.

- Let's go home.
- Don't touch me.

I don't want to.

- What am I?
- You're my little girl.


What are you doing here?

Where's your mother?


Yes, David.
Eva is here.



Did something bad happen?

Alex is very upset.

How can I help you?

I pushed her.

I pushed her.

It's all right.

I pushed her.

Everything will be okay.

I pushed her.

I pushed her.

I pushed her.

I pushed her.

You know that Lana
was as good as you.

She finished the project
after you left.

Lana was the first
to design the S.I.-9.

Eva, as you know her.
When we tested her,

she didn't pass the safety control.

But Lana wanted to keep her,
she gave up everything for her.

And I let her.

That was a mistake.


we have to destroy her.

She's a little girl.

No, she's not.

I know what she is.

She k*lled Lana.

Julia, let me do it.

No. It's my responsibility.


I'll do it.

Hello, princess.

It's very early.

Can we go skating?

I'm sure I won't fall today.

All right.

Try it!

Look, Eva!

No, not like that!

Like this!

Alex, come and join us!

Beautiful, isn't it?
Mum brought me here first.

When the sun went down
it got really cold,

but I didn't want to leave
until all the lights came on.

It's beautiful, Eva.

I'd never seen it like this.


you have to promise to help me.

I don't want to be bad again.

I want to be a good girl.

Dinner is ready.

Alex, after dinner,
I'd like you to read to me,

a book which Mummy
read to me every night.

It's called
"One Thousand and One Nights"

and it's about a princess

and a prince who must k*ll her
before she falls asleep.

But every night,

she tells him a beautiful story

which never ends.

He can't k*ll her

because he wants to hear more.

And so it goes on like that,

night after night...

Until the prince decides
to pardon the princess

so she can continue
telling him those stories



you're not going to fix me, are you?


What do you see
when you close your eyes?

She is like us both
because we made her.

Just one?
You're a professional pervert.

Do this.

No, don't move your bum.
Like this.

Why are you such a little gossip?

We were studying together,
we were working on a shared project,

we were fond of each other,
and then he just left.

What do you see
when you close your eyes?

I see light.

Lots of light.

I see you, Daddy

and I see Mummy,

and me, all of us together,

playing forever.