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Hell (2011)

Posted: 01/31/24 09:33
by bunniefuu
the temperature of the atmosphere increased by 10 degrees Celsius.

Water and food is depleted.
Social structures have vanished.


Alex, please!

You must go. They are coming!


That's not gonna work. Leave me!

Hurry! Go now.
This is a trap.

Run. Run!


That's not funny.

It's not working at all.

That'll do, right?

Last gas canister.

Could you close that for me?

Find me the next exit.

Do you think it's still working?

[Nena's 99 red balloons]

That's enough for another 80 kilometers.

What if it's not better up there?

What if there's nothing there?

At least we will have tried it.

Come on!

There you go.

I've seen a bird.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Quite a big one.

- It flew in the same direction we're heading.
- That's a good sign.

Birds know where to find water.

Isn't that too dangerous?

No, there's nobody here.

I'm having a look around.

What do you like about him?

We are helping each other.
Without him, we wouldn't be here.

Without his car we wouldn't be here.

Damn, that's not holding.
Give me the kit.

Go inside and try to find something for the window.

I'll check the tanks.

Put your jacket on.

Sun activity increasing - scientists are clueless.
Sun storms reach record high.

Someone slept here.



You can't just run away.

What are you doing there?

Toilets, water pipes and heat pipes.
There's always something in there.

Mom showed me.

Wait outside where Philip can see you.

I'll have a look around the back, alright?

- Did you hear me?
- Yes.

Leo, you won't believe that....

Look what I've found...



- Where did he go?
- I couldn't see.

- What has he taken?
- Let's get out of here.

He took the rations for a week.

- Why wasn't the car locked anyway?
- Well, you had the keys.

Can't you use your heads, too?



- Where's the other guy?
- Please let her go.

There's three of you.
Where's the third one?

Outside somewhere.

Put that down.

I said, put that down!

Call him.






- I have--
- What?

- I've got--
- What?


- What are you looking for?
- My watch.

I'll get at least 20 for this.

In the cites, maybe.

You are not the only ones passing through.

Okay, 15.

Quickly, the cups.

- How far you want to go?
- Into the mountains.

- And why?
- That's where the water is.

They even printed it on the bottles.

I wouldn't do that.

That's diesel, isn't it?

Judging from the sound,
the won't do much more than 50 kilometers.

How can you tell?

More gas.

It's the V-belt.

These parts are not built for this heat.
This one's about to snap.

And what now?

Maybe you can find a replacement
in one of those cars.

How much gas have you got?

How many canned peaches have you got?

I've got a better idea.

You'll find us a spare belt and keep the engine in shape.

In return, we'll take you with us
and give you something to eat.

A second man would be good anyway.

Marie will take care of your wound.

First aid kit is under the driver's seat.

[Nena's 99 red balloons]

How did that happen?

I was knocked out and woke up in the burning sun.

How long have you been out there?

I don't know. 2, 3 hours maybe.

You got lucky.

I mean, that you came around in time.

We all got lucky, aren't we.


You lost that.

What's your name anyway?




Watch out!

Have you got a tow rope?

We all push and the girl drives.

That should work, right?

Push the clutch.

A little more gas.
Release the clutch slowly.


Is she driving or what?

Now put it in gear.

What do you need that for anyway?

It belonged to my mother.

She wasn't so lucky.

- Did that hurt?
- Yeah, sure it hurt.

Don't drive away.

More gas!


Stop the engine!

Leonie, stop the engine!

Stop the engine!

From now on you'll be on the back seat again.

I bet there is still some fuel in the t*nk.

Maybe they had something to eat, too.

- assh*le.
- Too long.

Swearword with five letters.

- Phillip?
- Too long, too.

Marie? Is that working?

- Yeah, I can hear you.
- I need to pee.

After dusk, okay.


Nobody could have survived that.

Probably they took their provisions
and continued on foot.

Or someone was here already.

We should take care of the fuel t*nk.


- Yeah?
- Get an empty canister down here.

- Can't one of you come up here?
- That would take forever, up and down again.

We need to get moving as quickly as possible.

- I don't want to leave Leonie alone.
- Then let her bring the canister.

You need to get her under control already.

- Marie? You got that?
- Yeah.

I'm going.


He is not important, right?

All we need to do is stick together.

Can't we just leave together?

Now. Just the two of us.

You've got the key.


- Marie, you there?
- I'm on my way.

See? He's got you under control.

Stay in the care and don't move.

- Got it?
- You are not Mom, alright?

Mom is gone.
All you have left is I.

And lock the doors.

As soon as we're safe, we'll get rid of him.



From Paris.


You don't need to worry.

I got my period.


There's someone here!

Where's Leonie?

- Where's Phillip?
- We have to go.


What happened?


Talk to me.

When we arrived, they just drove away with Leonie.

That was a trap.

I should never have left her alone.

We'll look for her, okay?


Where's Leonie?

I don't know.

Maybe they just wanted the car and they let her go.

"Just" the car?

It contains everything we have. Everything.


Leonie, tell me where you are.



Nothing. Just white noise.

But I saw smoke about 3 kilometers from here in this direction.

- Someone is having a fire.
- What if they just as bad as the others?

Does your friend have a better idea?

Leave me!

- We must do something.
- Hold on.

One of them is fleeing.

Quickly, take cover!

I don't believe it. After him!

Go! That way!

- I've seen enough.
- No.

We get her out of there.

- We only have one chance.
- What? They'll be back soon.

We'll get the car, too.

Give me your water bottle and the canister.

We need them empty, now. Drink!

- I'm done with this shit.
- I'm gonna make a Molotov cocktail.

We don't have much time.

Do as I tell you or I'll drench you
in your f*cking gas and light you up!

Quick, drink up!

You go to the car.

At the steering wheel, there are a few wires hanging out.

You need to connect the right ones.

- It's easier than it sounds.
- I'll do it.

When this thing goes off,
everybody will run there.

Focus on the wires.
Check them all, one by one.

The engine will start eventually.

They will be diverted.

We get the girl and jump into the car.

Can you do it?


Fire! Everybody come here!

Come on.


Go! Go!

- Where's Leonie?
- Just go!

Where are they?

- They are escaping!
- Go!

Don't stop!

Hit it!


- What about Leonie?
- We didn't stand a chance.


What happened?

What happened? The plan didn't work at all.

- This idiotic idea with the Molotov--
- You didn't even try.

How was I supposed to cut through
an iron chain with a pocket knife?

They were chained to the wall!
Should I have ripped off her foot?

Don't you get it?
There's nothing we con do for them now.

We need to move on.

That's our only chance,
otherwise we'll both die here!

Which ones go together?

What are you doing?

Tell me about V-belts...

Come on!


Marie, I'm sorry.

Let's stay together.

Then help me find her.

- What's the range of these walkie-talkies?
- I don't know.

- Probably not more than 3 kilometers.
- She must be close by.

- Did she say anything?
- I couldn't understand anything.

Let me see.

You must go without me.

I'll be alright.

You don't want to push me around
in broad daylight on this thing, do you?

Go on.

I won't harm you.

I thought you were dead.

I am looking for my little sister.

We have been ambushed,
and they took her with them.

It was a group, and they had several prisoners.

They come down once in a few weeks,
catch some people and disappear again.

I only heard about this.

- I've never seen it happening.
- I did.

You can't go now,
not in broad daylight and without water.

- Can you give me some water?
- I don't have any more left.

But we are living not far from here.

We have water. You can rest there.

I must find my sister.

I have a son, he can help you.

Wait here.

All the farmers had to slaughter their livestock.

There hasn't been a harvest in 3 years.

Only a few of us survived.

I only have one son left.

All I have left is my sister.

- This is what's left of our fields.
- But you have water.

There are some caves where it's dripping down the walls.

It is hard to collect, but it's enough drinking water for us.

Some people say that above the tree line it's raining again.

I don't believe it.
I don't think there is anything left up there.

We won't leave our farm.


Inside you go!

The Bruckners joined our family.

Sometimes it's not easy, but we can only survive together.

Everybody has their duties.

Flori, you should sleep during the day,

and not play outside in the sun.

We've got a visitor.

That's Granny Bruckner. Praise God,
she's not fully aware of what's going on.

You can rest here.

I'll wake you up before dusk.

Then I talked to everybody.


- Excuse me...
- Yes?

I had to leave someone behind.
He is hurt.

He is waiting in something like a railroad tunnel.

Ah, that must be the Berchen tunnel.

- That's not far from here.
- He can't walk.

I'll send my son, he will help him.

- Thank you.
- That's okay.

We need our men in these hard times.

Now try to sleep a little.

What's your name?


Nice...I am Elisabeth.

Delta 3: enemy is down.

Get the little one from the cellar, quick!

Where's my sister?

Leonie! Leonie!

Calm down, please.

What are you doing here?

We don't have any livestock left.

We have to survive.

What else can we do?

Please don't hurt her.

Nobody will harm you two, on the contrary.

You are pretty and healthy.

You are just the right age.

My son needs a wife, otherwise the farm cannot be maintained.

In a few years, your little sister is ready, too,

...for my Flori.

Think about your little sister.

She needs a real family again.

I want to see her.

I like that,

how you take care of your sister.


What happened?

That's nothing serious.
It just needs to be cleaned and bandaged.

I'll send my son to do that.

And when that's done, we'll have something to eat.

You're hungry, aren't you?

You'll look beautiful wearing this.


Hit him.

You'll like him, he is my youngest son.

Why didn't you hit him?

I was scared.

I'm sorry.

Did you see Phillip?

How about Tom?

He's down in the stables.

How many others are there?

I don't know.

Alright, Leonie.

We need to get out of here.

The curtains.

Give it to me!

Look inside the wardrobe.

- It's locked.
- Get the backpack.

You go first.

Lie down over there and don't move.

- My mother said that your sister--
- Shush...she's sleeping.

My mother said that you are a godsend.


Because she...

...had found you... a church.

Close the door.

- Is he dead?
- What?

Come on.

Turn off the light.

Don't look down. Look at me.

Are you okay?

- Yeah.
- Not so loud.

Go, run into the woods and hide.

Now go!


The others will come down soon.

He's helping her with the bandages.

You look pretty.

It fits you.

It used to be mine once.

Come on, I'll introduce you to your new family.

Everybody, this is Marie.

We need another chair for the little girl.
What is taking so long?


We're eating!


Dear Lord who gave us everything,
we praise Thee for your gifts.

Earth has brought us this,
Sun let it grow.

Dear Sun, dear Earth,
We'll never forget you. Amen.

Micha's still missing.

Bruckner, I decide when we start eating.


- I'll get Micha.
- No, don't get up.






Let's go!

At the barn.

They are at the barn.


Quickly, everybody come here.

Now, quickly!

Over there!

Over there!

Go! Run!

- Hey!
- Marie!


Get lost!

Go away!

Leave me alone!

You are like all the other after all.

They all come crawling, begging for water.


I thought you were something special.

But the sun will burn you.

Your mother gave you the name Marie.

- Leave me!
- What a pity.

You are worthless.

But your sister is young, very young.

She will have a better life with Micha--


No! Mom!


My boy.