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Prodigies, The (2011)

Posted: 01/31/24 09:47
by bunniefuu
[37 studios "

You may feel cool
I have to warn you to arrange the track error in

Minutes, I understand

This rate will first cause the derailment of ultracentrifugation

Carriages after the collision out of touch, out of the national trunk

Five or six six 04 8
I arrange the direction of travel

Jinbo! Come here

Attention! Danger! Line 5 is imminent collision

You get where my chair!

Get out it get it back

Jinbo! To come here, hurry up


On the 8th line failure, collision

- Conversion to a silent mode, Fox
- Mute mode is activated

You find it?

I, regardless of your rocking chair where to go it

You gave me to shut up

Jinbo, this to

Do not push me in the past to find you

I'm sorry Daddy, I wanted to ...

Ask you a father, should not be so

Procedural errors

No, Dad

- Mom
- Brisk walking, fast

Dad ask you, do not do

I order you to stop!

Stop it!

The little boy spent beside the corpse there is a week-long

Police discovered the crime scene
He reading in there as if nothing had happened

His father k*lled his mother
Hanged himself with a belt

That guy has to say

Come here after never said a word

But I have to write something

This is a very good juvenile
But the mood is very unstable

He does have a very good ability to
But we think he is likely to suffer from a sci-fi paranoia

Also has a dual personality

In his fantasy world
Some juvenile has strangely ultra

They are the "magic juvenile
He is talking about

President, my proposal is your best not to separate into

I hope that no one disturbed our conversation

See, gold
I fixed this for you

Are you okay, old man

I know you do not want to talk

Also do not want to be bothered

Hate those who worry about and they do stupid things

I like you
More like the feeling of quiet

This is Charles Ji Lian

I would like to know you

And you know why

All these years I've been looking for people like you

People like me

I think you know, gold

The purpose of this is to pick you out

But first
You have to first show me something

Your secret, gold

I have no secrets

You of course have

[Title: prodigy]

When Section C / D,

Equal to the HC and the excitation energy unit

- Farah Mr.
- Justin, please speak

But we have not coupled with a blank column

Another wonderful questions?
Unfortunately, Oh, is not

But we will see that this action
Is the most basic analysis of the problem is fundamentally

We straight to the hallowed halls

This means that this formula
Proved a special present at the location in line with their way

Here we will find
Individual's impulsive behavior are also included in the calculation


Well, do not be discouraged
Tomorrow review time

She stretches out her even more embarrassing

I will look at the paper used in reference

Ready car, we go home

Remember turn off the light

- Fox
- What, Jinbo

- I did not go out it
- Saving electricity thing

Really is mess

Jinbo, dear

I look report

I collected a lot of information from the hall

Results are mediocre

Baby, you see our fire extinguishers?

Oh shit

I wanted to give you a surprise

It is good to eat like

I thought that the need to bake a bit longer

Someone will appreciate my beautiful new dress

I prefer the skirt inside

We later eat dinner!

Honey, I think you just trampled my right foot.

I'm sorry, I do not care

I really do not want to fall what disability

My little angel, I'm sorry

Wait, I have to deal with

Wait for the next

Monday Online

- I do not want to hear it nagging
- Has affected the environment of the game

In this house if you really want to have a child

He will have to be quiet, Farah

As it is now so

Hello, guys
We now have a new situation

You should go downstairs
Look at the New Mexico district server

A player has just passed the 38 tests

Impossible, no one over 38

He reached the 39

This is the first time he login the game

OK, his age

To his information page

He only took 4000 seconds to reach 40

Fox, you can be updated in real time.

Gill, 5000 seconds exceeded 44

There are four players just over 40


Lisa, Washington

Harry, Illinois

Sami in New York

Seattle Xia

They know you

Find all the registration information
Check whether there is similar information

I want to know whether they are logged on the same forum

Whether or not to belong to the same network area

Does not comply, you have other questions

I made the right

I do not know

System to detect anomaly intrusion

Fox, they can not do

They are trying to shut down the system window

Cut off from one to 6 servers

Them full access to the system of administrative privileges


They have invaded

WARNING! Their ongoing attack

Start in Safe mode

Closure of illegal connections, system security

- They online?
- No

But they left a message on the server

Fox, are you sure they do not know each other.

Confirmation of 1000%

Great, switch to the information they left the screen

[You? ]

Anna ...

Jinbo, how?

They did, five people at the same time

You say that these do

I find the five magic juvenile
Yes, 5.

Will you suddenly find

All right

I'll be back in two days after the
No later than three days

I love you

What happens, Farah President?

I hope not

All right

For me to say hello to chiefs

I will remember


That we embedded into the game in the background of the test

I would like the results.

I think we found 5

You can do the successors

Go to them, gold

Teach them to pass on to your stuff

Do not tell anyone else

To protect them

They have the same features of special

Some peep


This abnormal

And so, I am not

I will k*ll you son of a bitch

Bastard kid

Mad at me

Memory of long points, useless guy

Do not let me see you again


Excuse me, sir, I Jinbo Farah

By telephone

Yes, you want to doing

Jill, your son, joined an online puzzle game

His performance brought to our attention
I can talk to him?

Jill you?

Your son

This is a joke?

No, sir
I am talking about is the Gill

I take him to New York
To participate in a talent development program

I do not know if this is appropriate

Model scout has asked her to participate in the October draft

His wife, the Foundation provided to her
Is the unique opportunity of her life

Do not say, she was only fourteen years old

Waiting for project funding for discretionary We are responsible for

In addition will also provide $ 25,000 per year

In this case, I go with her.

Come on, bite it

Look, my little adults
I won eighty

Let me go first, you, Mom
Was waiting for me.

Nothing important
With only one

Me an hour early to give you the results

The appointment was canceled, I sat down
Omniscient Mr.

You want to earn enough to your share of the

That sit and wait, wish me luck

They no longer take you to church, and Lee

I was told
Debu how you and other children to get along

Is that true?

Do not allow evil to invade your mind
To learn to pray, my child

I came here, straightforward and honest with you

I am glad to know you

Over the years I have been looking for people like you

People like me

We do not know what he does

But we know nothing about this Foundation

Listen to me

I think this is a good thing for him

Let him go

Sami to say that we want to

These calculations are to some extent
You are the only people able to read

This loneliness will lead to an angry
The impulse to want to destroy this world

You would think that they do nothing

You come to me, are trying to stop such a thing happened.

This is what I want

I do not even have been waiting for this moment

I'm sorry sir, I can not go with you

I have to leave, I have my responsibility.

Harry, he is very clear to me
A hundred times than stay strong

Why should I believe you

I have a secret

But first, to show me your

I have no secrets

No, you have a

Or I made a mistake
And other ordinary children

A mediocrity

No special talent

Jill, I made a mistake?

I know, gold
I'm sure

Gill, enough

Jill, stop!

Now, enough of

Fast! Stop it!

Thank you very much

Now tell me your secret

You are not the only

A total of five people

I would like to convene the five men of you

- Fox, there is news?
- Hello, folks

- From Anna more than 20 short message
- More than 20!

- Well, call her
- Call

Dear, Jinbo

Listen, something is happening

Jinbo, you still there?

... CEO ...

He left to the people is admirable impression ...

... He as an intellectual life ...

... After enduring years of pain the pain ...

... He is committed to the development of children's education industry ...

... Famous creator of the Education Foundation and operators ...

... To subvert the traditional educational thinking

... In recent years, health deteriorating ...

... These problems has never really been mentioned ...

He is only a representative ...

Education sector to obtain such a high achievement of great

Charles Ji Lian died ...

Computer schools $ 11 million, 14 million of the travel funds
Operate games of 21 million, 44 million of operational funding

We want to eventually invest nearly a billion funding

For what

Why do not you open up another market game

We have been faced

Then why do you have to wait until now to say

Proposed to wait until Ji Lian died

- Jinbo, pay attention to
- This foundation is your father's

- He lives for the Foundation
- Yes, to die for the Foundation

Foundation threw everything else

His marriage, family

Foundation is not his empire

- And I want to change all that
- Do not

No, I do not want to

What? Do not want to?

You forgot his Group's right to operate
To me you

Jinbo, my father completely trust me
You can also

I respect you, I assure you

I think that we can no longer entertain

However, entertain

Entertain can also make money

Will earn a lot of money

I happy to go to your entertainment

Melanie Close Foundation will be
The worst decision of the Group since its inception

Because it is a huge gold mine

- Mrs.
- Think about it, Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci

Hawking, Napoleon, Shakespeare
Which is not in the youth of fame

Imagine the scene of their confrontation in front of the TV.

Imagine that a critical mass of game shows of all child prodigy

Imagine related advertising revenue

They will represent the future of the American spirit

Foundation will become the Group's logo window, Melanie

We breath will be able to say
The name of all Nobel Laureates

"American genius"

We can show called "American genius"

Finals held at the White House

By the president to two finalists referee

No, not two finalists

Is five

Why is five

One hand has five fingers

Five human senses

Only the number of faces of five is also a pyramid

[United States genius]
Selected after six months of the sea

Talent superior players gathered a

Starting today, the playoffs stage

To decide the winner and five finalists

However, please note

Champion only one Oh!

Honey, face the camera to smile!

- Lisa, Hello!
- Lisa!

Lincoln's birthday? The size of the Brooklyn Bridge?


She is just a little shy Bale

Pleasure and pain

What do this from time to shut the luck
Level of intelligence

Why not answer reporters' questions
Do not you know

Lincoln was born in Kentucky in 1809

Brooklyn Bridge a total length of 1486 meters high and 84 m

Did you know

You do not know

The square root of this combination of numbers
Will be subject to the existence of the collection of impact in the 13th root of

Obviously 8192 13th root is equal to?


Lisa Everton


Good evening, first of all, I want to thank ...

Thriving ah
She can be so beautiful

I see our tastes almost Well

Everything here is for you


Well, Little Miss, stepped down to wait for it
She'll be back

Here are invited

A very powerful player

Brown Dollé

They are in slightly

Worse than a dozen

I said that five people, Jinbo

Oh, that five people

I took them apart to the competition

I was afraid they advance to meet

Unspoken rules, you know.

Yes, you said that these five will qualify

Sami, Jill, Justin, Gregory


In fact these five gifts do not exist

I said, after confirmation

Awesome, but I kind of foreboding!

If there are five individuals
They must here

Yes, they will

Is so!

We will continue, not bad!
So, start it!

Do you have any troubles you, my dear

Did not, and Melanie
On tonight's program to assess

And so on, Jinbo

- Honey
- How the

Our innate creativity has been limited

I want to thank you for appearing in my life

I have only one or two cried opportunities

How dear, you scared me

You with me tonight?

- I also want to, but I made an appointment with Melanie
- I pregnant

I love you

I was afraid you were not there

When I saw that scene

If I had the first
Really want to see if you look at my face

That is what we all want to see the scene

We should never separate
I do not want to return to my mother

- I do not want to return to my father that
- I

Adults are n*zi
They do not understand anything

In addition to his, he and others

I hope he can come

I think he did not trust me

Not the case, because he put us together

Thanks to his efforts
We can together

Who are you?

Should is Jinbo

- Is not it?
- Yes

Who is this guy?

Look at the pairs of legs.

You grow can be really beautiful.

And so on, buy one get one free!

Do not touch me

Do not be afraid, we just want to on Hello


Come on baby, a pro-father

- Let me go
- Do not be afraid A

You are my


Stop, now let go of her

What did you say?


No, Lisa, do not

Release them

What do you want


Hey, you want to go

Jill, to


Gill faster

I want to break her

United States genius

Where is she?

Do not ah

A smile

You do not have anything to say

Should not be so


To save people ah, anyone?

Is anyone there, help me!

I can not stand


Do not ah!

f*ck how is it

Come on, flash, fast!


Prize money of one million dollars from the

Do not worry, see if I can recognize them that they

Is his

- Are you sure?
- Yes

Well, my child

You are willing to testify in court?

He does not have to do to qualify for the preparation

If you want to testify in court on the die

Do not let us be so loss

- You get this police
- Understand

- Police officers, Mr.
- What happened?

I can talk to you?

Your son is really good

- A genius
- I'm really proud of you

- Hello
- Hello, Miss Ji Lian

Will look at it

- Hello
- Hello, Harry

Want to testify prisoners showed a lot of courage

I am proud of you

Thank you very much to say these

If you recognize the offender, which is good

We should find a lawyer
Do you have a lawyer, ma'am?

Are you not in need?

There will be the process of questioning, hearings, judgments, etc.
Criminals will be punished

Only with good judgment is the most important

Not in danger under the premise

- What
- Made in favor of

Your family a better life and more favorable

Foundation will have all the talent responsible for the

Harry, consider all your future

Without you appear in court
Do you think criminals will go unpunished?

Want to become a victim?

Your family can count on you

Do you want me to do what

I'm so pleased

You made a right decision

Those who do not k*ll our people
Makes us stronger

You good

Well, do not think this nightmarish experience

There is also a champion to bring it

I wish you good luck

And so on, Ji Lian Miss

Thank you for your Harley done

He was just very upright, or very good

I am sorry to inform you that bad news

Last night, when our athletes
Photographs to Central Park

Driving a stolen car driver
Hit them after the accident escape

Sami and Harry was seriously injured

Lisa Everton are still in a coma

The police are not yet confirm the identity of the driver's

But I assure you that the criminals will be brought to justice
Their crimes will be duly punished

At the same time, the "American genius" program will continue

And so on, slowly

I get out of the way

- Melanie
- What?

- Calm down!
- Children are so you can continue the program?

Come in, Jenkins

Then how do you think

Do you really think I was in the use of their

I do not know how you see
But things have passed

If you feel accepted, then that can not
Then you do not come


Let alone to be will

You can also go out

You think I'm a bitch

If you had not snatched away from me that my father's heart
I may be more tenderly

Jenkins, to accompany him out
From now on, he is no longer part of the company

Please hurry up go

Seize the time

I'm sorry

The first time I came here
Similar to your age

Like you, I live in a nightmare
So I can understand you

I know you all feel today

I make a commitment to you

I will keep this commitment

I will not let anyone hurt you

So, we have a total of six individuals

Come on, Jinbo, gotta go


Are you in?

Do not blame yourself

This is not your fault, man.

No, I should have with them the
I go

Responsible for the case officers
Not the case closed

Their crimes should be punished

- Should not be so
- Why

Everyone involved in the punishment of criminals

Why do you do nothing

I do not want to Melanie said revenge for them
This and the offender is no difference

- Then you are abandoning them
- What do you want me to do

Conducting fair
Fairness and justice comes from the Latin word

- Well
- Is comply with the law, act in accordance with the order

- Fairness and justice also contains the appropriate response to the evil
- Fox, shut up

[Security lifting]

They are archived and all students of the Foundation

Well, we again
Kim, you know why they will be here

I said to the police
I k*lled William and Elizabeth Farah

"He is a very clever boy."

"To understand everything he says is impossible."

I do not know how to tell you
You did not k*ll your parents, it is not true

I just want to leave this evil world

This makes you shocked.

No, not at

One day, you need to accept the reality

Shame on you by your parents

Well, shut up!

Like everyone else, you do not understand me

And you do not, I is a special case

Can I use part of the ordinary brain can not use

I can also control other people's congresses brain region

I can control you, if I want to
Or even k*ll you.

We can eradicate all those who want to harm our people

"We"? There are other people like you

Yes, I'm sure

Somewhere, there must be the same people and I

They will be together like brothers and sisters as

They will understand me

Once we combine
They will pay a price for everything they do

Jinbo, you still there?



Are you afraid

Yes, I do not like


This morning, feeling out of control

Two decades, this is the first time

That you are afraid of what


- How you going
- I do not know




What are you doing

Your mother, how is it

Stop it, I'm sorry okay?
Give me a break

Do not ah

Do not ah

Listen, Anna
Relations have been strained and Jinbo

Father's death and the recent children's accidents


Jinbo has always been very fragile

Before him had a similar crisis

My father would appease him.

There really so many cases.

Yes, I also understand that

You know just mature Jinbo

Whether he needs what kind of help
Can come to me

Anna, I like love to own brother did love him.

Even though I sometimes have a very bad mood

If I do, call me please

I will convey to him, thank you, Melanie


Conflict and Melanie?

Honey, do not worry, will get better

I know

Let me take care of you!

Night Well, my dear

I have good news

I closed

You can call me Jacques Sergeant

You've been promoted?

Yes, wages also rose

- Congratulations to you
- Thank you, my darling

From now on, everything will be alright

- Listen
- Honey, What the hell

- I can not
- The g*n is loaded, and quickly put down

Ladies and gentlemen,

With a very happy mood announced
Lisa Everton out of coma

Her state of optimistic
She can be said to laugh, move

Concerned about the information you sent
She said that is very touching

Now, let's renewed focus on our events.

Ji Lian Miss May I ask ...

[United States genius]

Five competitors

They all get in the White House for the final
Achieved the highest honor efforts

Only 3 weeks


One of them will be facing demotion

Because he will be leaving our stage

Please Lee, Thomas, Justin, Judy and Jill

Pay attention to each of you has the opportunity of promotion to the final five places

Continue to compete in the remaining three weeks

We will phase out the players

This means that you

Man, I from the New York Police Station
Get some new news

Five o'clock this morning, police officer Jacques
Home by his wife shot and k*lled


You see TV

- Look, Kim, Lisa, she
- Yes, I know

Do not you think this is very encouraging.
She will recover

Please, stop

- First some medication
- Anna, shut up!

Shut up

Why? Why is this reaction

Obviously you did not know the truth

At least, you have to explain exactly what happened.

Never what a car accident

They are att*cked
To hide the truth in order to let the game continue

You are saying that five people
Is that right

Anna is not, you did not listen to me in

They do not exist, gold

You said it yourself

You should accept the reality

You need to accept the reality

- What
- You should see a psychiatrist

- Melanie to tell you the
- Not

She said I had a spiritual crisis
But not the first time

Look for God's sake, wake up Anna
We were manipulated

We use, you do not understand.

Do not touch me

- Anna
- Stay away from me



Beg you Do not

No quick stop

- All your fault
- Not!

As the criminals still at large
On the admissibility of the case will continue in the case of the attendance of witnesses


- Jinbo?
- What happened

I can control you, or even k*ll you.
By their own willingness to instigate

We can eradicate all those who want to harm our people

"We"? There are other people like you

Yes, I'm sure

Somewhere, there must be the same people and I

We will together like brothers and sisters as

They will understand me

Good evening, I first want to thank Xiejilian Foundation gave me the opportunity to

Good evening, I first want to thank Xiejilian Foundation gave me the opportunity to
I am very pleased to come here to thank all of you

Good evening, I first want to thank Xiejilian Foundation gave me the opportunity to
I am very pleased to come here to thank all of you

Good evening ...

You came here to do

Twenty years ago you said that we will converge here

Your prophecy

So, so what

We have prepared a gift for you
To celebrate this event

Here are invited to our guest of honor
Ebullient Mr. Jenkins

Thank you very much, my friends
To see him dance more than stick

Ladies and gentlemen,
Roulette has already begun to bet

Cast it or give up.

- Stop
- You do not like this gift.

Do so, I had enough of you

This is what you mean

Is not that what you want we are facing it

Out of this evil world, no longer worried about

Without leaving any traces

Ah, help me

Jill, are you talking about

You should be very clear, Jinbo

This is ridiculous, I never said to do a bad thing

Why do you want to choose their camp
Those who have been torturing us

Lee said that the right
Can not fail to punish them

I beg you, Jill
Should not be so

You k*ll him, Jinbo

Do not

- Defense, Jinbo
- Stop

- k*ll him, Jinbo
- No

I may not want to k*ll each other

You live in the camp of another world

Fast counterattack ah

Do not abandon us
We trust you

- k*ll him, Jinbo
- No!

k*ll him

Help me

k*ll him

I do not want to leave you

We should be a combination of six people

Gill, fast stop

k*ll him! I do not want to separate us

k*ll him, Jinbo

We have been six individuals

Do not ah

Are you listening, Jinbo

Jinbo, answer me

Jinbo, answer me

We had to trust you, Farah, Mr.

Here, this leave

Other deleted

- Are you sure you want to do this
- Yes, now he has become an obstacle to

Lee said


I know what your allegations
I did not do anything

I am innocent

Farah President, if you are innocent

Then you are not video
We see the man

That the guilty who

I am referring to is the real sinner

- You will not believe me
- That should tell us

Well, those crazy people than I do.

I was the only person that can stop them
You treat me locked up in here

Prevent them from
Who are they? Farah, Mr.

Listen up, has never been a car accident

Was a rogue att*cks in Central Park
All this was Melanie masked

And your colleagues

Sit down


Well, you say who those people

The four to the genius of the candidates in the United States

They want to invade the White House security system

And you did not stop them

I'm sorry, Mr. Farah

I would like to properly explain to you
The four rookie invasion of the world's most stringent security system

They use their abilities

Able to control the ability of all

You have betrayed us

How do you know

Farah, Mr.

They have been with such capabilities
You can not understand

- You also have this ability?
- Yes

That our little show under slightly

k*ll him, since such a request

No, do not


k*ll him

Like a one to k*ll them as


His wife

There Jenkins

Farah President, you said it all did not make any sense

No one has the ability to

Do not ah

Do so, my father, find you

I can not stand

They do not know what this will lead to

When a person's life is all in your control

Are you referring to Jenkins, Mr.

Gold, listen to me, it is very important

You have assured me, never use this ability

You have severe schizophrenia, Mr. Farah

The age of 13 paranoia hospital treatment

You always say "magical juvenile

Have the impression, Mr. Farah

To the genius of the time in the United States
We have decided at four of the five places in the final participation in the final

Justin, who know the history of gifted students

Li, accurate human brain calculator

At the same time there are two strategies genius
Harry and Sami

This is what we look forward to the moment a year

Now we have to decide the winner and the last one of those places
Jill or Thomas.

Your question is

Our White House

- What did he say
- He said, "I came here in order to receive the gallows."

The final victory by the birth of a genius!

Yes, he is Jill!

Lisa, hello

I know who you are

Lisa, Mr. Farah in trouble

I think you can help him

He was bad, you know

He kept that you personal matter

That sets you apart, and contact each other

- If you can help me
- I do not want to talk to you

Please, listen to me.

Only you can help him

I only rely on you

I'm pregnant, Lisa

Listen, I am sorry Mr. Farah
You leave here, or I called the nurse to

Get out of here



What you do to my baby

I am sorry

- How?
- Please, quick to take me out of here

She needs help, she was pregnant

In the evening, they will get the U.S. President met

Farah President, your phone

Now all return to the cells

To, you have a minute

- Terrible
- Anna

Anna you have to trust me

I have not k*lled Jenkins

She has hurt our children

- What
- Lisa

She has hurt our children

No, how would

I hope the children survived


Speak ah, tell me something

I am afraid

You give me corpuscles point

Farah, calm

I want to say that these and Melanie

- Do not say, Anna
- I should have told her

Do not do this
Listen to me, Anna

Wait for me, I'll go back

We left Washington




Calm down

Do not ah

Witness the historic moment on in front of

Genius to!

Our five candidates

Ladies and gentlemen, first of all is Justin

Good Well

New York Police Department is still not an arrest

Ji Lian Group of senior professors

Ji Lian new person in charge had just been dismissed

He is considered to be of the most outstanding scientific talent

He also as the principal adviser of the United States genius

- Mother?
- Do not worry, I did not hurt her.

I have been waiting for you

Lisa, you attack my wife and children

Not the case, and we are not the same

I knew you would like to join us
But you are afraid to accept the fact that

Miss Everton, the car door for you

Lisa, I need your help to enter the White House

We have to stop them

Can ...

I think they have reached the destination

Lisa, you should help them


- Melanie
- Anna

- They go
- We need to talk

OK, the president inside, come on

Welcome, welcome the arrival of all of you

Nice to meet you

Good evening

Welcome to the White House

Now our most lovely Lisa Everton

Do not worry, everything will be alright

Welcome, Miss Everton
This way, please

Please accept checks

North Gate Security

Anomalies reflect the implementation of the intervention

To stop, do not move
Do not continue to move forward

I order you to stop,

Implementation of defending

- Mr. President, a g*n battle in the north lawn
- What

We escort you to the underground bunker

- The children also came to
- To, fast

He said to do, young people
Go ...


Come on, we go


Them closer, to protect the President

Advanced, the president, other people aside

Hello, I order you to wait here

To keep Do not move, this is the last warning

Stop, or fire


I would like for you from our first draft

First look at the candidates who

Ji Lian Miss or Mr. President

Or the wife of the traitor

Our winner is

Ji Lian Miss

Do not be like this!


God ah






Congratulations, Mr. Farah

Without your help, we can never meet here

We quite understand each other

I'm sorry, Jinbo

I still can not inform you in advance

What you do to him

We are also considered here regrets the death

Careful Gill

She was pregnant with the child may also be a magical teenager

We live in all

Everyone in the use of our

You treat us as exhibition show on like

Let us become victims

Hello, Harry

Tonight everything will be the end of

Nuclear strike system startup

Tonight, it's their turn a crime victim

Completion of the identification of nuclear weapons systems

You are wrong, Gill

I do not need you to educate me


I am sorry

In order to support such children
Do you really ready

Risked their lives

Pupil identification

For his

In order you have done it

You will pay a painful price

Thank you very much, Mr. President

Formal activation of a nuclear strike systems

First, to destroy
Your most precious Ji Lian Foundation Building

Jill, stop

You still believe that the world is there to save

Come on, save it

Stop, Do not

Anna, withstood

k*ll her

I can not do, Gill

They and others are the same, k*ll her


Fast stop

To stand up

Close hand, Gill

Anna, and with me

Do not do unnecessary resistance, Mr. Farah

One b*mb, target Ji Lian Foundation Building
Countdown to 110 seconds

Escape quickly, do not!


Stop it!

Jill, do you think I abandoned you
Is that right

Is that you abandoned us, Jinbo

Listen to me, Gill

When I went to your

In order to take care of you

Charles Ji Lian taught me to control anger

I also want to teach you to do the same thing

I have failed


Forgive me

Stop all this, I beg you



Shut down the system

- The abolition of all
- Do not so, Lisa, he betrayed us.

You see what he had just done.

Jill, after you from time longer so, man.

The Jinbo want help us

He loves us all

Yes, Lisa said, on the

Do not ah, Harry

- Stop
- 5,4

Nuclear weapons blasting cancel

- Anna
- I

Everything will be fine

You can do

I love you

Do not


Today's headlines
Three months after the disappearance of Jill Bates

Survived four other young people in the White House event

Lee Seao Na, Harry Backus, Sammy Cole Bot
Lisa Everton

Bizarre loss of comprehensive psychiatric hospital

They did not leave any clues

Search the investigation is nationwide

Financial aspects, Ji Lian shares rise
Group's current economic situation and there is no real help.

Hello, Anna


The kids left me a very worrying information
I have to take a look

Before you leave, I would like to say a few words to you

I can not find other opportunities

For me is the most important, Anna

I can be this man
All because you are here to support my

Without you, I will lose

You will be a good mother

If I was in any accident

You know, I love you

I will always love you


Her name is Audrey, 13-year-old
Score is 75

Her parents put her up
She needs our help

What are we waiting for that

[Where are you? ]

[Dedicated to Bernal • Wright Rick [adapted from the original author]

[Antoine Xiarui Long-director work]