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01x09 - The Mystery of the Dysfunctional Dynasty

Posted: 11/20/14 03:50
by bunniefuu
(Dog barking)

Bella. Bella, get back here. Bella. (Dog barking) Bella.

Woman: (Faintly) Daniel.

Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Mikorski.

Bella got in it again, sorry.

Woman: (Faintly) Daniel.


Hey, dudes. We leave for grandpa Leo's in 10 minutes. Clothes on, underwear on the inside.


Stop doing that.

There is a bell out front.

Where are the ninjas? We're gonna be late for school.

So, you forgot too.

No school. Teacher training.

On a school day? What they do all summer?

Not training, apparently.

So, I'm taking the boys over to my dad's.

I thought they we're gonna have hot lunch at school, so I've got nothing to make them.

Just have Leo whip something up.

His sciatica is acting up. And he's not exactly the whip-it-up kind of guy.

Yeah, I'm sure you were able to come up with something.

Jar of olives.

And a jar of olives.

Lot of nutrients in olives.


Aka, alien eyeballs. That's how I convince them to eat it.

Could just throw in a fifth of vodka and they could make Martinis.

(Chuckles sarcastically) Not helping.

Actually, I am helping.

You remember Chris Hernandez, my old desk sergeant? Chest hair up to his neck?

Oh, Chewbacca, great guy.

Actually, even greater nanny.

Oh, wait a minute, you can't poach someone's nanny, that's like a felony in mommy world.

The Hernandez kids are older.

Turns out Alicia is available. She's a former teacher, CPR trained, thoroughly background checked, I spoke to her last night. (Doorbell rings) She's stopping by right now.

Now? Are you insane?

I can't interview a nanny without any notice.

Hi, I am Alicia. Excuse me.

Both: What?

Your children are urinating on each other.

Okay? You need to do something about that, 'cause that's just nasty.

Oh, hell no! I do want a job, but not with folks who can't keep their kids from whipping out their little ding-a-lings for the whole wide world to see.

That was a one-time ding-a-ling situation. You know men and their ding-a-lings.

Oh, yes, I do.

Could you just try it for a week, starting today? See how it goes, you'd be a real life saver.

I need to know the house rules. What's bed time?



Between 8:00 and 9:00.

I work full time. So, if they're up on the later side, I get to spend some time with them, ask them about their day.

I've worked every day of my life. My kids were down at 7:00. You know, there's a study that says children who don't get at least 12 hours of sleep were more likely to grow up stupid.

I'd like to see that study.

What about chores?

Well, they have to clean up after themselves.

Mmm-hmm. Where is the chore wheel?

We're between chore wheels.


(Objects clattering)

Nicholas: Sorry.

(Cell phone ringing)



Homicide, lower east side.

What are you looking at me for?

I didn't do it.

Double homicide.

Your victims are Jack and Evelyn Mikorski.

Cause of death?

Examiner: Both sustained blunt force trauma to the head and body.

Based on the wounds and the cast off blood on the walls, I'd say your m*rder w*apon is probably a long metallic object.

Both were hit multiple times.

Sounds personal.

Next of kin?

Not yet, but check this out.

Dust circles on the mantelpiece.

Some item is missing. Burglary?

I noticed a tan line on the husband's wrist.

No watch found in his belongings.

Check out smiley face.

Why is he front and center?

I snapped the picture of it, already forwarded it to Max.

Hopefully, if we're lucky, we get an ID.

April Hottiger.

She lives next door, followed her dog in, heard the wife's last words.

Which were?

One word.


Where are the parents?

On their way home from work.

Did she say anything?

No, too upset.

Hi, April, I'm Laura.

What a sweet little dog you have.

I know you don't feel like talking right now.

Is it okay if I talk to, um, Bella?

Dogs can't talk.

Sure they can. I've seen it on YouTube.

Bella, have you seen anyone around here, anyone that you haven't noticed before?

You have a rude dog.

She says there was a man with a box and a big ladder.

What did the man look like?

She thinks he was dressed in white.

He was here yesterday.

I heard that Mrs. Mikorski said "Daniel" when you two came in.

Do you know who she was talking about?

Well, thank you, April.

And, thank you, Bella.

Take care of April for me, okay?

Hey, girl, your phaser is obviously set to stun.

Tell him 1995 wants its slang back.

That is some weak-ass game.

"A", boundaries. Do not read my texts.

And "B", Bhavesh is not weak-ass, he is a sweet, successful man that I went out with who happens to be a bit text challenged.

You think?

Smiley cat emoji with the hearts in his eyes?

Where did you meet this guy? Band camp?


My mother set us up.

I rest my case.

Guess what this is.

I think you know where I stand on guessing games.

A lead on a suspect.

Okay, what is it?

So, I talked to the super, who said the Mikorskis recently had a painter redo their kitchen.

Name is Matthew Sanchez.

Guy has got a record as long as Ariana Grande's extensions.

She's a pop star, she's like...

She's always like...

Um, he's at a job right now, Laura said she'd meet you there.

All right, got it.

And you can go back to your nerd sexting.


Laura: (Shouting) Excuse me. Matthew.

Billy: (Shouting) Hey, yo, Matthew. Yo!

Go get him.

Hell no, you go.

I'm more afraid of heights than you are.

So, now you wanna quantify my fear?


You always pick rock.

Bye-bye, spiderman.

Damn it.

What the hell?


Wow, nice watch.

You don't strike me as a Rolex kind of guy.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that if I check the serial numbers on that watch, it would be registered to Jack Mikorski.

Billy: Yo, I'd listen to my partner.

I do not like being up here.

If you make me pull my g*n, I'm using it.

Good boy.

Talk to me.

All right. I stole Mikorski's stuff.

Pocketed the old man's watch last week while he was in the shower, but I didn't k*ll them.

Okay, then, where were you last night?

Hooters. I took my mom. It was her birthday.

That's touching.

And your mom would never lie for you.

I can give you like 20 people who saw us there.

Let me guess, 40 Hooters?

All right, I'm gonna need names.

And what about the Mikorskis?

You seen anybody visiting? Seen them go anywhere?

Gave them a ride over to the senior center, the one on Hudson, last week when it was raining.

You're a real good Samaritan.

Good luck at Rikers.

What? Hey, come on, I just hooked you up!

You stole from old people. Rikers is better than you deserve.

Three hots and a cot.


It is not gross, it's stew.

Sit up.

I knew a boy who sat like that.

He died of scoliosis when he was 10.


We only eat alien eyeballs.

No, no, no. Olives are green.

Today you're eating brown.

I have all day.

And I am being paid.

(Dance music playing)

Rosaline: Move those arms. Swing, swing.

Swing, swing, swing.

Yikes. Welcome to our not-so-distant future.

Fine by me.

Get low, low, low, low.

Watch your knees.

Again, swing, swing, swing.

Okay, keep going. Freestyle.

You're the detectives who called?

Laura Diamond. This is Billy Soto.

We were told you were the activities director here.


I was so sorry to hear about Evelyn and Jack.

Such wonderful people.

Did they get along with everyone here?

Staff? Other members?

Oh, absolutely.

Did you ever notice anything suspicious?

Well, there was one guy, a sleaze bag lawyer who used to come here looking for clients.

He was always bringing the Mikorskis papers to sign, confusing them.

You got a name on that lawyer?

I may have his card in my office.

Oh, I'll go with you.

Of course, you will.

Oh, can you keep them moving?


Keep them moving, keep them moving.


Let's just... Let's slow it down.

You know what, if you have functional hips, why don't we go one, two, three, four.

Let's go around the world.

Let's pelvic thrust. That's it.

Oh, you know how to do that, girl.

I see you, mmm-hmm.

Now can we do a little tushy?

One and two and three and four.

Double time, one, two, three, four...

I have no idea what you're talking about.

So, you're saying you don't troll the senior center on Hudson looking for old folks to fleece?

I don't troll.

I may have met a client or two down there.

Excuse the burrito, my one vice, aside from the booze and the cigarettes.

And my coffee, gotta have my coffee.

That why you so fidgety?

I'm fine. So, how can I help?

What legal work were you doing for the Mikorskis?

Handling their will.

Um, I was surprised.

I didn't think it would be relevant so soon.

Stop! Mosquito bites, right?

Wow, you got nasty ones on that neck.

It's driving me nuts.

My boys have been bitten by everything known to man.

Don't scratch. It will get infected.

Come here. Come here.

Come here.


Oh, that's good.

First aid over?


All right, this will is three weeks old.

Right around the time you were at the senior center arguing with the Mikorskis.

I wasn't arguing, the client is always right. My motto.


Uh, 10 minutes, Darius.

I'm talking to these detectives here.

Looks familiar.

Sadly, a number of my clients have had brushes with the law.

I should thank you for the business. (Chuckles)

You were saying that you were not arguing with the Mikorskis.

They were arguing. There was an earlier will.

Mr. Mikorski wanted to change it, the missus wasn't convinced.

Who is the beneficiary of the first will?

The son was gonna inherit everything.

There was a son? We hadn't heard anything about children.

Not surprising. They disowned him.

And there is no national database for next of kin.

Don't blame yourselves.

Thank you for the pep talk.

Don't scratch.

I think I know the name of the son.


How did you know?

Maybe he found out he was disinherited.

Mrs. Mikorski was trying to tell that little girl that the k*ller was her son.

Looks like Daniel packed up in a hurry.

He even left one shoe. Who forgets one shoe?

Actually, you did last week.

No, I wore two different shoes by mistake.

Not the same thing.


Billy: Empty box.

Closet's empty too.


Kung Pao chicken.

What does Kung Pao chicken tell you?

That I'm starving.

Check the trash.

Righteous Life Church, your one true path to salvation.

Looks like Daniel had an issue with them.


Smiley face.

From the crime scene.

Pastor Bob. Must be his parents' church.

That's where we are going.

Pastor: And then, God called Moses to the top of the mountain.

Remember the name?

Mount Sinai.

And God gave Moses rules to live by, which became, say it with me now, the Ten Commandments.

Let's name them. All together now, shall we?

Oh, let's not.

Don't be a heathen.

Pastor: First commandment...

I'm all for Bible study, just not boring Bible teachers.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Oh, someone's gotta stop this.

Do you have to take charge of everything?

Yeah, who am I talking to?

Of course, she does.

Can I help you?

Pastor, we need to talk. It can't wait.

A m*rder investigation.

I'm in the middle of lessons.

No disrespect, but at the rate you're going, it could be another 90 minutes.

If you think you can do it faster...


We all know the rest, right, kids?

No idols, not even American.

Honor your father and mother, especially your mother.

m*rder. Don't get me started.

Adultery. Seriously, don't get me started.

Lying, stealing, coveting, no, no, no.

Back to class!


That was fast.

Come on, guys. Let's go.



What can you tell us about Daniel Mikorski.

He's a troubled young man.

Wish I could say he's not capable of that kind of v*olence.

Daniel's disturbed.

His parents tried counseling, prayer, nothing worked.

Disturbed how?

Let's just say that Daniel preferred the company of men.

You all were trying to pray away the gay?

Which is, of course, impossible.

So that's why the Mikorskis disinherited their son and left their money to you.

Not to me, to my church.

Is there a difference?

All right, any idea where we can find Daniel?

The last time he was here, he had a companion.

A swarthy gentleman.

Do you notice every time he pauses, he's about to say something bigoted?

That's funny, I did notice that.

Where do we find this guy?

I think I have his name and address in my files.

This swarthy gay gentleman?


T. Al Wazir.

(Intercom ringing)

Nobody's home.

Try the super.

Hold on.

I'm starving. Did you order the extra duck sauce?

Daniel Mikorski?

Tariq Al wazir?

Run, Daniel.

I got him.

as*ault with a deadly egg roll? Really?


Try to resist, k*ller. I'm begging ya.

I haven't had any contact with my parents in almost two years.

When they rejected you for being gay.

I can't imagine how hurtful that must have been.

It was, but I've since found a new church that accepts me and I forgave my parents, okay?

I swear, I didn't k*ll them.

Where were you the night of the m*rder?

At the Giants game, I was on TV, my friends saw.

Was Daniel with you?

I'm not a sports fan.

I was at Pizotes on 39th and 1st.

You can ask the bartender. I was there till closing.

Any theories on your parents' m*rder?

Daniel: Yeah, we both have a theory.

Where I come from, certain traditions that may seem archaic, even backwards, are a way of life.

You just described my childhood.

And adulthood.

There is a woman back home, Amina.

I am supposed to marry her. It's an arranged marriage.

It is beyond bad, okay? Tariq can't call it off.

But, let me guess, you tried.

But somebody wasn't happy about it.

My older brother Kasib. He can't be reasoned with.

Where is Kasib now?

He's here.

He comes every three months to play golf, screw hookers and attend the quarterly meeting of one of his companies.

Do you think Kasib is capable of m*rder?

Wouldn't surprise me.

He nearly k*lled a guy back home last year, but the family paid someone off and it just went away.

And he threatened to have one of his bodyguards kidnap Tariq.

Kasib told you this?

My mother did. We met for tea.

She had to sneak out of the hotel.

She said Kasib is furious.

That he'll do anything to make me go home and fulfill my family obligation.


Including k*lling Daniel's family?

With Kasib, anything is possible.

Max just handed me a message. You wanna know what it says?


"The boys called.

"They said Alicia was making them sit in silence."

Which made me realize I neglected to ask, is she a Buddhist monk?

No, not to my knowledge.

Alicia was your hire. You deal with it.

I'm happy to deal with it, doomsdayer.

I'm sure it's just some simple misunderstanding.

Let's hope so.

(Phone ringing)


Alicia, hey. It's Jake Broderick.


I heard something about no talking.

That's right. It was silent reading time.

Ah! Well, that makes perfect sense.

I didn't know about the reading.

You know what? While we are on that subject, if I were you, I'd work on that out loud reading time, too.

Uh, what does that mean?

I mean your two little princes over there are a little bit behind the eight ball on their basic reading skills.

When my kids were young, I worked 60 hours a week and I read all the Harry Potter books to them, out loud.

They read a page, I read a page.

Hogwarts, Hagrid, the whole nine yards.

And I hate Harry Potter.

Thank you for the suggestion.

Oh, no, no, no. See, that was more than a suggestion.

This situation is at a DEFCON 2.

Alicia, can I give you a little feedback?


You might want to lighten up a bit.

Oh, how does that work? Am I supposed to just flash my pearly white smile and give your borderline illiterate children whatever they want?

That sounds a little like sarcasm.

Oh, you got me. You must be a detective.

Listen, I gotta go.

Who hates Harry Potter?
Concierge says scary brother Kasib should be pulling up any minute.

I hope so.


From Max, Daniel's alibi checks out. So does Tariq's.

He's all over the jumbotron at the Giants game.

I can't believe these guys get arranged marriages. I mean that's some medieval parenting, right there.

My parents had an arranged marriage. They're totally happy.

Well, I meant medieval in a good way. You know, like knights and dragons and stuff that you and your boy Bhavesh are into.

At least my boy Bhavesh doesn't put ham on his hotdog. What is that?

Oh, now you're gonna come after traditions.

Cubans put ham on everything.

It's good.

To be clear, our parents set us up.

It's not like I chose him.

Okay. So what's stopping you from asking the guy out that you're actually interested in dating?

It just doesn't work like that in my family.


Let's see here. Grown woman, New Yorker, cop.

Still under mommy and daddy's thumb?

You wouldn't understand.

Anyway, it's not like I'm into one particular guy, so...

All right.

Kasib Al Wazir?

Get your hand off that thing, man.

Easy, jackass, NYPD.

What can I help you with?

We're investigating a double homicide.

I understand murders happen all the time in New York.

Part of why I avoid coming here.

And what do we owe the pleasure of your company?

My mother likes to shop.

I like golfing in Sands Point.

But thankfully, this time tomorrow, I will be out of your country.

You're not gonna visit your brother while you're here?

Hey, the lady asked you a question.

I noticed.

I suggest you answer it, unless you...

Unless, what?

If you were going to bring me in, you would've done it.

If you'll excuse me, I have a conference call with my London office.

Son of a bitch.

That man needs a lesson in manners.

Not that, the Mikorskis were k*lled by blunt force trauma.

Billy: Long metallic objects. The golf clubs.

We don't exactly have grounds for warrant to get into his hotel room.

Not now, I suppose he'll be halfway around the world by then.

Oh, my God!

I can literally feel the adrenaline.

It's pumping through my body.

Okay, you got to lower your expectations.

We are just tracking a witness.

Second time in the field.

It's the first time in the field with you.

A-team. Whoo!

Boy, a man has not been that excited to be with me since my wedding night.

Oh, don't get any ideas.

Okay, I still don't understand why you were so sure that Tariq's mother is gonna be at that store?

Elementary. Okay, so Sahar likes shopping, right?

So, I just checked her Instagram.

She is on Instagram?

Who isn't?


Oh, please! I've been posting for you for months.

Your pics are hilarious, actually.

Troubling. What about Sahar?

So she loves Hermes, Naturellement,

Prada and Bulgari and they happen to sell all of those right here.


I just need this just for a few minutes, thank you.

I'm the store manager, Val.

And you're my stylist.

Oh, great. Okay, well, I first think we should just say goodbye to those shoes.

I mean, if someone asks who you are.

Copy that.

Oh, I'm looking for a gift for my mother.

Oh, that's so sweet of you.

No, I'd like to know what you recommend.

Oh, oh!

Yes, of course!

Well, we have a sea of...


Sea of scarves.

Or, if you prefer, there's a beautiful...

A bust.

I accidentally touched hers.

It doesn't seem to wanna...

It's a scarf mannequin.

It's 'cause she's a scarf mannequin.

That's why she's not moving at all. She's a scarf mannequin.

Just throw it around.

Oh, see that!

Now, I get it. It's just like...


It's like Barbie.


Does your mother look like her?

She's 70.

This is it!

This says 70.

She'll love it.


Hello. Madame?

We have a lovely new collection of lingerie.

It's over in intimate apparel.

I'm not interested in lingerie today. Thank you.

If I may, our line is conservative with just a touch of naughty.

We call it the Judi Fench collection.

Very well, I'll take a look.

Sahar loves Judi Dench, per Instagram.

I'm sorry, gentlemen, the intimate apparel section is ladies only.

I will be fine.

Question, who needs cashmere socks?

Oh, the answer, both of you.

Who are you?

Not the lingerie sales clerk.

No, of course not!

No fashionable woman would be caught dead in this store with those shoes.

Why does have everyone have a problem with these shoes?

I'm Detective Laura Diamond, NYPD.

We are concerned about your son, Tariq.

Why? What is he done?

Tariq hasn't done anything.

We believe he may be in danger.

His boyfriend's parents have been m*rder*d.

Well, then, wh... Shouldn't you be out there looking for the k*ller?

We think the k*ller maybe his brother Kasib, your son.

Kasib would not do anything to bring dishonor to his family.


Respectfully, ma'am, we are talking about something much more than honor.

This is cold-blooded m*rder.

Where was Kasib last night?

I don't know. I...

I know your instinct is to protect your children.

You love them unconditionally.

But now, you have to choose.

Protect one who has done nothing more than fall in love.

Or protect your other son who may have committed a terrible crime.

To get to bottom of this, I need your help.

They're only $100.

Well, $100 per sock, so they're $200.

They are real soft. So you just...

(Moans) Oh, God, it's good.

It's like you're floating, you know.

Oh, there I go, I'm floating away.

It's fun! Socks are fun.

Please. You can't...

Do you understand what you're asking me to do?

I do understand. I'm a mother. I have sons too.

And if anyone ever asked me to choose one over the other, I couldn't bear it.

But I'm trying to catch a m*rder*r.

A m*rder*r who may k*ll again.

Next time, it could be Tariq lying in the morgue with his head crushed.

And that time, the blood will be on your hands.

What do you need from me?

Okay, let's light this candle.

You're sure Sahar is gonna leave the door open for us?

She's a mom. She'll defend her son's life even if it means putting her other son in prison.

Okay, Billy is camera one, Meredith is camera two, camera three, hotel entrance.

Billy, Kasib should be heading out to the gym any minute.

Meredith, you know what to do.

Copy that.

Not the same guards that were on the street.

So plan B is now in effect.

Plan B?

B is for booze.

You're gonna short out your camera there.

Don't worry about me, gawker.

Good to go, Diamond.

Jake: Okay, ladies and gentlemen, Kasib has left the building.

Remember, we gotta be careful here.

We are operating without a warrant.

Laura: Just stay in the common areas.

It's Kasib's mother's suite, too. She gave us consent.

Excuse me, miss. You're on the wrong floor.

I am?

Ugh! 1,200 bucks a night for a room and they don't even tell you where the ice machine is.

I can't help you.

Can you at least open this for me?

Like, just open it with your hands.

Pop it, like, "whoo!" Pop, pop.

Yeah! happy new year!

Don't waste it. Drink, drink, drink.

No, no, don't waste it. don't waste it.

You should drink that. Yes, you should drink that.

And now you have to have some.


Do you have to chew so loud?


Billy's in.

This isn't just rich. This is stupid rich.

Laura: Perfect for stupid rich men.

If I were an arrogant, narcissistic womanizer, where would I hide my clubs?

Jake kept his in the garage.

Jake is sitting right here.

I see you.

Hey, crazy idea.

Have you ever played strip charades?

Apparently, you have.

Whoa! Do you work out?

Very much, actually.


Miss, miss, no.

Oh, my God! You are so strong.

God, men are suckers!

Wow, look who's evolving!


Billy: I'm in closet number two, with some expensive clothes...

Boom, there it is. Golf clubs.

What do we have here?

Pitching wedge looks like it has blood on it.

Laura: Bingo!

Okay, all we need is a sample and then we're good.

We're not good.

Laura: Back from the gym already?

That wasn't much of a workout.

Kasib is on his way back up.

Billy, you gotta hurry and get that sample.

I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying.

Hurry faster!

All right. Got the sample. I'm heading out.

Does this hotel have a hot tub?

I wouldn't know.

I love hot tubs. You know who else does?

My friend Laura. Should I call her? (Sighs)

I do love a hot tub.

Can you be honest? Am I showing too much bra?

Good, 'cause I'm classy.

Kasib's got to be almost there, guys.

I have to pee.

Oh! I have to go, right now.

Shh! This never happened.

(Elevator bell dings)

Any time now, Ronaldo.

How long does it take to test a blood sample?

Hopefully, long enough for me to down this ham and Sauerkraut sandwich.



Hmm, Sauerkraut?


More for me.

Oh! And props on how committed you were with those two meatheads.

It was sounding like you wanted to hot tub those guys.

So, you're jealous of the meatheads I was fake hitting on.

I wasn't jealous.

I was just, you know, thinking about your boy Bhavesh.


(Cell phone ringing)


Thank you, Ronaldo. I owe you a beer.

The blood is a match to both Mikorskis.

Kasib is going down.

Where were you last night, Kasib?

I'd like to speak to the man in charge.

You are...

That would be me.

You are right. He's a misogynist a-hole.

Not to mention a k*ller.

I didn't k*ll anyone. I never even met these people.

But you know your brother and you know he's gay and you know that he's in love with Daniel.

You figured you'd send a message to Tariq by k*lling Daniel's parents.

Honor k*lling?

Except that's not how an honor k*lling works.

You're supposed to k*ll the family member.

Not the family member's boyfriend's family.

Not that I'm advocating any of this.

I've known Tariq was gay since we were teenagers.

I don't care. Tariq was to marry Amina.

Because there is a billion dollar merger at stake.

As far as the rest of it is concerned, his attachment to this man...

So much for tradition, this is all about capitalism.

Capitalism in my family is tradition.

It's also a motive for m*rder.

Look, give me a polygraph if you don't believe me.

Polygraphs aren't admissible. But you know, what is?

The Mikorskis' DNA on your pitching wedge.

I left my golf bag at the country club in Sands Point overnight.

Anyone could've gotten to them.

Why does this room smell like my boys after a cub scout camping trip?

What cologne are you wearing?

It's not cologne, bug spray.

On top of everything else that is wrong with your country, you can't even manage to have a decent golf course that is not infested with mosquitoes.

There were mosquitoes on the golf course that you played?

If I did not cover myself in bug repellent, I would've been...

Bitten from head to toe.

I know someone else who was bitten head to toe.

Take him to holding.

What's going on?

Daniel Mikorski called me, said you brought him in for questioning.

Oh, we do that kind of stuff from time to time.

Textbook harassment.

I'm not the kind of lawyer who likes to sue the police.

But I have a few dozen times and I'm prepared to do it again.

No need. The second he said he wanted to talk to you, we stopped questioning.

Before I allow Daniel to say anything, there are ground rules.


He just confessed.

I thought you stopped questioning when he invoked his right to counsel.

He just blurted it out.

How are your mosquito bites?

Infected, I'm afraid.

I should've taken your no scratching advice.


(Clears throat) If Daniel confessed to m*rder before I had a chance...

He's not being charged with m*rder.

He confessed to conspiring to defraud his parents by sabotaging their will with your help.

No, you're being charged with m*rder.


This is crazy talk.

Sit down, counselor.

What did you do, Russell?

Shut up! These people aren't your friends.

And you are his friend?

Well, you certainly weren't the Mikorskis' friend.

You put a bogus clause in their will so that when they died, it would become invalid.

Daniel agreed to pay you a cut down the line when his parents ultimately died.

But you couldn't wait.

You were in debt up to your eyeballs.

I knew I recognized that guy in your office.

Uh, 10 minutes, Darius.

Billy: Darius Cole, loan shark.

Guess what? I ran him. No pending charges.

Which means the loan shark wasn't there as a client.

You were his client.

You knew from Daniel that Kasib was coming.

So you followed him to Sands Point for his golf game.

Which is where you got all the mosquito bites.

You took Kasib's club, k*lled Daniel's parents, then snuck the club back into his bag before the next morning.


A third-year law student could get that kicked.

And I've been out of a law school a long time.

When I first came to you, all I wanted was to keep that money from the church.

Pastor Bob, what he put me through...

What else you got?

Well, for starters, the next time you frame someone, don't stop for a burrito.

That was taken at a quickie mart a mile down the road from Sands Point two hours before the m*rder.

We also spoke to Nelson Avila, a caddie who saw you at hole number 19, where the golf clubs were stored the morning after the m*rder.

When you were returning the k*ller club.

If, hypothetically, you had a case, what kind of deal are we talking about?

If I were you, Russell, I'd get a lawyer.

A real one.

Way to close, tough guy.

That's what they call me.

I'll come to the house with you.

Alicia is not gonna work out.

You're gonna fire her after one day?

Quick trigger finger.

She took a shot at the boys' reading ability.

Oh, no.

She's toast.

I told you I was innocent.

Of m*rder maybe.

Of being misogynist ass, not so much.

Just so you know, bug spray, two women saved your ass.

Billy: Nice job.


Do you want to get a beer?

Hell, no!

My mom would k*ll me if I was socializing with a non-Cuban chick.

Of course, I wanna get a beer. I'm kidding.

(Chuckles) You jerk!

Dutch obviously, I'm not gonna actually buy you a beer.


(Door closes)

Oh, my God!

Hey, guys.

Hello, daddy.

You look nice, mommy.

Alicia showed us how to draw 3-D stuff.

Who are these two angels?

How's everything going?

The way it's supposed to. Homework is done, they've taken their baths. They brushed their teeth, they even flossed.

Look, Alicia, after you get the kids down for the bed...

Uh, you know what? Just... would you just...

One second?


What? So, we're just... we're gonna fire her.

She said the boys...

Can't read? They can't. They'll learn.

Einstein didn't talk till he was four, but look at them.

So we are not firing her?

Not if you value your life.

I'm going, I have a date.

Tender, was there something you wanted to say to me?

Just have a nice date. And we'll see you tomorrow.

Uh... I'm gonna think about that. I'm gonna think about it. Yeah, I'm gonna think...

Told you she was great.

The best.