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Forsaken (2018)

Posted: 02/01/24 19:30
by bunniefuu
Often, looking back,

one is faced with
a single question.

Was it all worth it?

Ship to Earth, over.

All onboard systems are
operating in the green.

Were our discoveries
worth those efforts,

those sacrifices, all
for the sake of victory?

descent 12 meters.

What pushed
us to need this victory?

The thirst for knowledge?

Our natural curiosity?

Or perhaps our vanity?

Report your status.

Earth, we're
ready for landing.

Ladies and gentlemen,
your pilot thanks

you for choosing Air Mars.

It's been a lovely
256 days of flight.

Please bring all
seats and tray tables

to their full up-right
and locked position

and remain in your seats
until your spaceship

comes to a complete stop.

All telemetry is normal and
landing process is a go.

Pitching 45 degrees.

Copy, proceed.

Attention all crew,
beginning descent.

When there
was nowhere left

to discover on Earth,

man conquered the moon,
and then man wanted more.

There was an unbearable thirst
for new worlds to explore.

So man looked to the sky,

and man saw Mars, and we went.

And now we ask ourselves
that same question.

"Was it all worth it?"

Weather conditions
reading normal.

20,000 meters and closing.

We've entered
the upper layers

of the thermosphere.

New report.

19,000 meters,
continuing descent.

Earth, Earth, do you read me?

Detecting abnormal
movement on the surface

of the planet.

What is it?

Can you see it?

Do you hear me?

Come in.

It looks like a tornado.

We shouldn't get near that.

Postpone the drop.

Peter, Peter!
What the hell is going on?

Earth, come in.

Earth, can you hear me?

Get me an image from
the weather balloon.

Mars, answer me.

The funnel is
21 kilometers tall,

900 meters across.

Alert triggered from
the pressure sensor.

Abort the landing!

This is a direct order.

Get out of there.

Hold back?

Are you mad?

I've already made a statement.

We cannot fail this mission.

Earth, confirm
landing termination.

We're about out of time.

Activate stabilizers.

We've got to pull you out of
there and stop the descent.

We can't do anything
on our side.

Turn on those emergency engines.

Engines at full power.

We don't have
nearly enough pull.

50,000 feet and falling.

Controls not responding.

The signal won't go through.

They have to take
control manually.

Mars, Mars.

The system is failing
and we have to drop you

into manual control now.

Manual control
system is down.

Earth, do you read me?

Earth, awaiting orders.

Damn it.

Alexander, here.

Attention, attention,
all stations.

Launch the return
program right now.

Undocking main cabin.

Commencing the
release of main cabin.

7,500 Meters.

Undocking left module.

Your a*t*matic
undock is failing,

it's just too damaged.

You're going to have to
trigger it from there.

We can only
undock it from within

but that means someone
has to stay behind.


Ready commander.

You're in charge.

Max, I need you to listen to me.

As soon as I get
inside the module,

I'm going to block
the door behind me.


Listen, as soon as
I block the door

and undock the module you'll
have exactly four seconds.

No more.

Sasha, you have to be ready
to trigger the next step.

And there's no way back in.

If you don't, we'll
all die here.


Max, I know you can do this.

Get them home.


Commander, come in.

It's finally happened
and our brave astronauts

have reached the red planet
after 260 days of flight.

We're here at mission control
with the man in charge

of the entire operation
to shed some light

on the international
Mars mission.

The director of the
MCC Alexander Kovalev.

Sir, do you have any
words about the mission?

People of the world.

This is one of the most
joyful days in human history.

For soon, you will see,
man first set foot on Mars.

In just a few short hours,

our astronauts
will be setting up

their laboratory module on Mars.

This is only the first step

to installing a
permanent station

and presence on the
surface of the red planet.

After that we'll
bring the ship home

and prepare for
the next mission.

Of course, we have

some temporary
supplies in the module.

and I used to dream

of flying amongst the stars.

But even then, I couldn't
imagine that my friend

would be the first person
to set foot on Mars

and that it would be the worst
thing to ever happen to me.

Alexander, the
reporters are outside.

If you want me to...

That's okay.

Chapaev, earth to
Chapaev, confirm.

Chapaev, if you're
there, respond.

Come in.

Today at 5:30 PM Moscow time

during the first
stages of the landing,

unforeseen circumstances
caused a disaster.

Upon further review, our
scientists have attributed this

to an anomalous, dust tornado.

Mission commander
Alexander Chapaev,

in an effort to save his
ship and crew, made a call.

He entered the module
and manually unlocked it,

freeing it from the ship.

At the cost of his own life,

Alexander Chapaev saved
the lives of his crew.

In the aftermath of such a
catastrophe, I made a decision

to terminate the mission.

I must bring our people home.

Mars, Mars.

Please respond.

Earth to Mars, respond.

Mars, Mars.

Please respond.

Anyone, respond.

Russia has lost a great
son in Commander Chapaev.


What's wrong.

We have a connection.

Is this an
actual confirmation?


What's going on?

You're alive.


We thought we had lost you.

I can hardly believe it.

All right, we'll start
on a tight shot on me

and then zoom back
onto the screen.

Behind me on the news here.

Alexander Chapaev...

According to the data,

the module fell and exploded.

Some sort of miracle, but
we're all happy for it.

Indeed, all's well,
that ends well.

Not quite.

The main part of
the station is gone,

along with the residential
section as well.

Only the lab module
actually survived the crash.

The rest of the ship just
barely managed to stay in orbit.

Minister, we're
incredibly lucky.

The next planned mission
is about 30% ready.

If we pick up the pace we
could launch a year early.

You are personally responsible
for this expedition.

We can bring him home

but we're going to
need more funding.

His life is on the line and...

You want more funding?

Are you out of your mind?

Maybe you missed
the half a trillion

we just spent to send
a man mission to Mars.

What more do you
think we can spend,

another half trillion

to bring home one
single astronaut?

Roman hey, so this thing
is a complete disaster.

First, the ship explodes
then it didn't explode.

Now the astronaut is
alive, apparently.

It's too much.

How about a show
about an Astro dog?

We can
call it "Mating."

Gregory, my boy.

You just don't understand.

You've got to listen to me.

None of this is going to work.

It's going to be on
every news channel.

So no one's going to watch.

Keep fishing, Gregory.

You'll catch something.


Hello, Alexander.

Who is this?

My name is Roman A. Randolph.

I'm president of a
television corporation.

Congratulations on the
survival of your spaceman.

I must say, well done.

And why are you calling me?

have an idea I would like

to discuss with you, privately.

Alexander, take a seat.

The weather is just
delightful today.

What do you want?

All right.

Here's my thought.

I would like to create
a television show

around your astronaut, a live
broadcast from another world.

Nothing like this has
ever been done on TV.

Imagine the sensation.

Well, what do you think?

Mr. Randolph.

Maybe you don't realize
what happened out there.

Over 59 million miles away

on the planet Mars, a man
is fighting for his life.

Yes, yes, yes.

We don't know how
long he can survive.

Yes, yes, yes.

misunderstand me, sir.

I can assure you all
proceeds would go towards

the rescue of your
stranded friend.

And I would like for
you to explain this

to Chapaev personally.

This show is arranged for him.

I would never impose, Alexander.

The decision is,
of course, yours.

Now is your
chance to let the world know

we do not abandon our people.

Attention, all services,
recheck all module systems,

prepare and refit all timelines

for rescue mission preparations.

Operations group to my office.

All right.

What do we know?

Only two sections
remained intact

after the incident
with the module.

Of those only one
is functioning.

Pathfinder autonomous
robotic discovery system

has been activated.

How about the Rover?

The readings
say it's intact.

An extra pair
of eyes never hurt.

That's the best chance we have

of examining the
module's crash site.

We need to know the landscape

and climate conditions
of the region.

This has to be a top priority.

Moving on,

what's the status
on life support?

The oxygen argon
mixture should last 30 months.

10 tons of water that
should last 30 months, too

plus the closed loop
cleaning system.

How about food?

He doesn't have much
in the way of supplies,

but synthesis experts
are thinking...

Timeline, years, months.

What are we talking?

30 months, sir.

What about communications?

Yeah, uh.

We can try, but as a
result of the tornado,

the module ended up
thousands of miles off

from the intended
landing location.

We don't know much
about the area

save that it's plagued
by increased sandstorm

and tornado activity.

And there's no direct
visibility from our satellites.

We can't see anything.

We need absolute
certainty on this.

We'll do our best.

Our biggest problem
is energy supply.

The main nuclear reactor
was damaged in the crash

with our best estimates,

the energy reserve will
only last 13 months.

13 months to live.

When can we launch
a rescue mission?

We can have a new ship
ready to launch in 190 days.

That would be the
ideal time to launch

as the phases of Earth
and Mars will be in sync.

Plus seven and a half
months of flight.

We'll have to fly in parabola.

There's some current
research in America

and China we can use.

If we are able to use their tech

we can be there in 13 months

and have commander
Chapaev on his way home.

Will he survive?

It's possible,
though his reserves

will be incredibly sparse.

Of course he'll survive.

He's been in training
to handle this.

My only worry, we have to
warn him of the possibility

of psychological symptoms,

isolation and
sensory starvation.

Hallucinations could
begin any time.

Onset of delusion...

That's enough.

We need an idea to save him.

I don't care if it
takes a delusion

or a hallucination.

Now get back to work.

movement detected.

Unidentified object.



Do you mind if I ask
you a few questions?

How do you feel?

I feel... how I feel.

I'm fine, I guess.

As the psychologist
for this mission,

it's important for me to
monitor your condition.

It's important to talk.

You're afraid I'll lose
my mind, aren't you?

I'm really okay.

Don't worry.

Just a few words.

Sir, just a few words.

What are the
next steps for the program?

Can you comment on
your decision to...

I have no comment.

You can wait for the
press conference.

Have you talked to Chapaev?

I have.

Does he understand what
this show is asking of him?

In general terms.

Okay, I'll talk to him myself.

This is a great opportunity.

You'll be a celebrity.

Everyone will know you.

Sasha, people have long
dreamed of going to Mars.

And we did.

Hold on, son.

Think about this.

We're all with you.

We're in this together.


Well, That's fair enough.

I understand.

- Ladies and gentlemen.
- Excuse me, sir.

It is my pleasure to
say with full confidence

that the Martian expedition
was a complete success.

What do you say, Sasha?

Claim victory through giving in.

I'll get you home.

I know you will.

All of the tasks
that were assigned

to the crew have been completed.

The module that will become
our station has been installed.

And the ship, along with
its three crew members

is on the way home.

And what of Commander Chapaev?

Our astronaut is alive and well

and we will do
everything in our power

to bring him back home.

Other questions?

Did the commander
agree to this show?

Of course, as a matter of fact,

he's incredibly excited.

Hello, Roman?

Your people have completely
violated our agreement.

We weren't designed for this.

It's TV, darling.

I'm doing all I can for
the sake of the astronaut.

How are you?

I have to figure out where
to put all these people.

I'm sure you'll figure it out.

I hope that tomorrow
during the show,

your astronaut performs well.

Hey Alexander.

So are you ready for tonight?

What the hell is this?

Mr. Martian?

What's up?

You nervous? Of course you are.

Don't worry.

I get it.

It's a lot of attention.

So, let me give you
a piece of advice.

You want to make a good show
and get the people to watch?

Just do exactly as I say it

and don't try to
wing it, all right?

Do you have any idea
what you're going to say?

Oh yeah.

You betcha.

People want to
have fun and relax,

but they always
gotta be stimulated.

Things get old.

They want something
fresh and new.

And this little Mars thing
is just what they need.

But you got to talk
about what's going

on down here on Earth.

Endgame, just stick
to the script.

Hello, everybody!

Ready to hear a voice
from the edge of space?

Our man on Mars.

Over 59 million kilometers away.

The farthest the mortal
man has ever been.

Are you ready to make
television history?

Ladies and gentlemen,

it is my pleasure
to present to you,

the man at the edge
of the universe,

the Islander himself,

the Robinson Crusoe
of the 21st century,

Alexander Chapaev.

My friends, so you
will be the lucky first

to speak to the man on Mars?

Let me hear you.

Good morning, Earth.

Today's weather is fairly sunny.

Despite being minus 52.

Today on Mars, we
expect a sand storm

and possibly a hurricane.

The night will remain chilly,

sitting at a crisp minus 80.

Movement recorded.

It's partly cloudy.

I don't think it's
to rain anytime soon.

Movement recorded.

Now to the news here.

First up.

No political news.

No wars, no disasters,
'cept the hurricane.

No robberies or murders.

Believe it or not.

Mars is at peace.

Nobody tried to attack anyone,

no fighting or division
on the red planet.

The entire population
is alive and well,

and their representative
is in high spirits.


Are you all right?

Did you hear that?

What exactly did you hear?

Nothing, sorry.

Just some static.

Listen to me.

What the heck do
you see in this guy?

It's not working.

We gotta replace them
before it's too late.

How about that other
show I was pitching.

You do not understand, my dear.

Chapaev is not the
main character here.

The wonder is a character
between life and death.

what's fascinating.

That is what draws them in.

Life and death.

And the show is broadcast live.

Roman, I get it.

No, no, I totally get it.

Let him babble.

Let him babble all he wants.

As long as the
audience feels the pity.

Oh yeah.

The show Martian has become
an incredible success

and spread around the world.

People have believed for ages
that Mars could hold life.

It's my sincerest
hope to prove it.

It's much like...

Mars is, as you know,

the fourth planet that
orbits around our sun.

Hey, what's wrong
with the picture?

Put some more lights
up in that module.

It was named Mars...

He can't, that's energy.

He has to conserve it.

Someone needs to conserve it,

but I don't.

Go to commercial.

And this, my dear friends,

is a real Martian-made onion.

On Earth, I hated them, but here

it's still awful.

Even on Mars.


No, still bad.

Roman, you really got
to see these ratings.

They doubled.

Gloomy craters, red
lights and aliens with blasters.

That's how filmmakers
have seen Mars for ages.

But now there is
someone actually there.

Someone who can see of every
theory we've had is true

because he can see
it with his own eyes.

I see, you're really
getting into the spirit.

I wonder if I should start
worrying about my job, huh?

Uncle Sasha, why
do people exist?

In order to do something new,

to think new thoughts,

to make the world
a little better.

I'm gonna say new things
like Uncle Sasha says.

The constantly
increasing popularity

of the show Martians
is absolutely striking.

Hey, how 'bout a bite?

All right, Help me out, Kelly.

Do you spell schizophrenia
with an S or with a Z?

The polls are back

and it looks like
Alexander Chapaev

has joined his
predecessor, Yuri Gagarin

as one of the most
famous names on Earth.


Did I snore?


I can't wait for you
to finally come home.

Maybe that's enough for today?

I mean...

You can't work all the time.

Just another few minutes.


I'll head home in just a bit.


I'll just wait
outside for you then.



I think you've got to
watch out for that.

You see?

This is what I mean.

That's your wife?

Yeah, no, almost.


You know it's easy
to make a woman happy

but not cheap.


Three broadcasts
every day is insane.

The only chance he
has for survival

is if he uses his
resources sparingly.

Sir, this won't hold.

We have to do something.

More time is passing
by every day.

You think I don't know?

So what are we going to do then?

We do what we have been doing.

Chapaev is burning through
power at full capacity.

If this keeps up he'll
burn through it quickly.

I congratulate
you darling.

Our idea is a stunning success.

Yeah, yeah.

Every broadcast siphons away
three days he has to live.

There is nothing more
important than his survival.

We need to cut down the
number of broadcasts.

And I believe we should
increase the number.

The math here is very simple.

The more we broadcast, the
closer we come to a rescue.

It is now been two months
and the entire world

is working to save your friend.

But what of you?

There is no hope
in pity, Alexander.

You are in charge.

This is your decision, make it.

The show must go on.

Hey, Anna, someone told me
a great joke the other day.

So, Chapaev, he
gets to Mars, right?

And he hears this knock.

So he's scared,
of course, right.

And he, uh.

So he's all freaked out and
he goes to answer the door

and show he shouts out the

Can you help me, please?

Are you white?

No, I'm red.

Oh no, I got it wrong.


Not, not red.

Green, green.

You know like little
green man.

So there was this
foreign correspondent

and asks me.

Oh, who is Mr. Chapaev.

So I'm like, Mr. Chapaev, huh?

He's a, he's the hero
in a bunch of jokes.

So I told her the one, the one
with the, the, the green men.


Why did you stop?

Come on.

You were doing so great.

What do you think?

In order to increase
revenue from the show,

we'll have to
increase energy use.

That's the idea.

It's up to you.

What's there to think about?

We stay strong.

You hold on.

Put all of that back.

Don't touch anything.

- Put it down right now.
- Anna.

Everything's under control.

We're increasing the
number of broadcasts.

What are you saying?

Chapaev is already overworked.

He's on the brink.

It's my medical opinion at
this point that he can't...

I'm on the brink, too, Anna.

There is nothing else we can do.

So, calm down.

He's already agreed to it.

You don't get what
he's going through.

You can't possibly
understand Alexander.

I did understand
that Sasha needed a rest,

but we were so obsessed
with saving him

that we chose not
to notice his pain.

Tracking, now.

Seven dash two five.

Seven dash three four.

Eight dash one five...

Movement recorded.

Attempting source

Nope, nothing there.


Come home, Sasha.

Come home.



Look, friends.

This is our universe.

It is full of mysteries.

You can see giant
stars, frigid comets

and it flies in the vacuum
through eternity and space.

You know about Earth.

You know that it is one
of millions of planets

in the Milky Way Galaxy.

There is so much more,
so many unknown things.

Roman, you genius.

Your idea to grow and expand
the audience was brilliant.

I didn't believe
it until I saw it,

but Chapaev was 100% on
board with the kids show.

He actually was
excited about it.

Since the dawn of
time, man has looked up

into the stars in the night sky

to unravel the many
mysteries of the universe.

Everything out there
calls out to humankind

and it frightens us.

Isn't there anything
better to watch?

You see that's
exactly why we came to Mars.

We were searching, searching,

hoping to find the
answer somewhere

to that eternal question.

Who are we?

Where did we come from?

Where are we going?

To reveal the mystery
of our universe.

- Uncle Sasha.
- Are there any aliens on Mars?

From my very first day on Mars

I believe that I
heard some sounds.

A voice, as though
someone was trying

to communicate with me.

And what's happening to me now

is the greatest scientific
event of our time.

I know now that
we are not alone.

He hears voices?

Has he lost it?

My friends, I am not alone.

Yes, Alexander?

Is Sasha
doing all right?

I don't know.

Come to the MCC.

- I'll be there in 10.
- Okay.

Breaking news from Mars.

Alexander Chapaev has made
contact with extraterrestrials.

Of course,
all this contact

with alien
consciousness is insane.

And what's almost more insane
is that he believes it.

We'd always considered
ourselves rational scientists,

which could only mean our
Sasha had a mental break.

It's understandable
and predictable

and it confirmed
our worst fears.

Now we had to worry about

how far off the
edge he had fallen.

Drop us at the back.

How far indeed.

Never had the
mysteries of the red planet

seemed so close at hand.

It's a miracle.

What's he going on about?

What the hell is
he talking about?

I'm trying to work it out, too.

Alexander, please.

I need to speak with him.

In private.

These sounds it's like
they say what's inside me.

What I feel.

As though I'm the cause,
they're the consequence.

It's like, they were
a reflection of my,

of my state of mind.

Does that make any sense?

The truth is there's nothing.

There's no reality of time.

There's no Mars.

Like maybe we just
created all this.

Now we're just
struggling to comprehend.

We create universes.

We create planets.

We create harmony or we
purge it, we destroy.

And now I think I
may be the reason

this is happening here on Mars.

And I think it's possible
that humans are the cause

of so much on Earth.

It's said there are too
many of us on that planet

and I'm here alone.

Sasha, can you tell me

about the sounds you're hearing?

You said they're
like music, right?

Yeah, I can send
you a recording.

What kind of music?

What kind of music?

This music, it's... it's
inside of me, bound to me.

For example, if I'm angry...

So you hear this when you're
stressed or frustrated?

Oh, I see you think I'm crazy.

Sasha, that's
simply what happens

when you're alone
for a long time.

Don't worry.

- It's not serious.
- Wait.

How many hours have you slept?

That's not important.

There, do you hear it?

It's the music.

Do you hear it?


The music is just a
creation of your mind.

The only sound that is coming
through to us is your voice.

I only hear you Sasha
and nothing else.

I need you to trust me, okay?

Do you trust me?

Do you?

- Hey, Anna.
- Yes?

- Hey.
- Good morning.

Is he ready for today's show?

Peter, go to work.

Don't you have
anything else to do?

Oh yeah.

See you later.


Five dash five, four.
Five dash four seven,

Three dash
three dash nine.

Movement recorded.

Unknown source.

Movement recorded.

Commercials are
done, intro ready, now.

Three, two...

Welcome, my friends.

It's time to catch up
with our man on Mars.

Of course our intrepid hero
doesn't need an introduction,

but why not?

I bring live to you all the
way from the constellations,

Alexander Chapaev.

Alexander, I'm sure

you know how shocked we all were

to hear that you made contact
with an alien life form.

We need to know the truth.

So tell us, is
there life on Mars?

Nothing to say, huh?

All right, let's talk about you.

Alexander, if only you knew
how jealous we all are.

You're up there, no
traffic jams, no lines.

Fresh air, fresh planet,
the sun, the sand.

How do you feel, my friend?

How was it up there
in the new world?

Well, have you ever
been lost in the woods?

Think of it.

It's sudden when you realize
that you're truly lost.

You worry, you scream.

You try to find your way,
and then eventually...


because you're alone.

Think of what you would do
to see one person, one face.

Anyone in the world at
all, any face in the crowd.

Alexander, my friend.

Why are you so sad?

We're with you.

We're coming to get you.

Alexander, we believe in you.

We have hope.

We are waiting for
you to come home

with glorious stories
from the constellations.

Our own man from Mars.

Chapaev, come in.

I'm here.

Are you okay?

We scheduled the session
and you know the rules.

Take a minute and come back on.

I don't have time for this.

Chapaev had
tried to tell us time

and time again that
he had encountered

something strange on Mars,

but it was easier to
imagine he was insane

than to try to understand.

So, of course, he
considered us insane.

Earth was getting
farther away from him

and Mars was getting closer.

There's no way.

What in the?

If this is true.

Anna, it's about Chapaev.

We really need to talk.

Look, that's enough.

You realize that talking
to him is my job.

You do see that don't you.

And I'm going to keep
talking to him, all right?

No, I understand.

It's it's not about
that. It's, it's...

So what is it now?

About our relationship,
or you or me?

Do you realize that something
serious is going on up there?

That may be with him forever.

They think
I'm crazy, but I hear it.

I can hear the sounds.

something going on.

Something's wrong.

She's right.

It's just because I'm alone.

we can't hear you.

Maybe it's just a dream.

Maybe there's no Mars.

Alexander, my friend.

Why so sad?

We're with you.


It's all nothing.

It's just a hoax.

It's just a mind game.

No, no that's not true.

Mars, We're
coming for you.

It's okay, Sasha,
I'm coming for you.

Were we are, there
is the victory.

This is a great opportunity.

People have long waited
to see the red planet.

Maybe they're right,

maybe I have gone mental.

There are no sounds, Alexander.

Do you trust me?

Trust me.

I heard the sounds.

I know I heard them.

I understand.

I must see it for myself.

If I don't, I'll truly be mad.

All right, let's get
this up on screen.

What the heck's going on?

Hey, bring up the modular
feed on that screen.

How much does he have left?

Commercials are
ending, bumper is back.


And now camera.

Starting again in five.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the show must go on.

A man thrown 59
million kilometers

from anything he's ever known,

alone on an alien planet.

Our hero, Alexander Chapaev.

What's going on?



So you're playing hide and seek?

Not exactly a great time.

Your public is waiting.

I don't get it.

What's going on?

Are you there?

Please, Alexander,
we need to talk.

Good afternoon, Gregory.

Do you see that?

It looks like your goldfish
has gone belly up and drowned.

What are you talking
about, my darling?

He's even stopped taking
calls from the shrink.

Probably easier
to send me to Mars

than bring the show back.

That's a fantastic idea.

Just what we'll do.

Not good, Roman.

Looks like our lucky run with
Commander Chapaev is over.

My dear minister, I am
inclined to disagree.

All that we have done so far

was merely preparation
for the main act.

The true profits.

I'm intrigued.

come not in money,

but in power, limitless power.

And just how do
you figure that?

The world trusts Chapaev.

If he were to, say, support you,

the world itself would
be in your pocket.

Perhaps but,

he's a bit unhinged.

Minister, I assure you.

If you do as I tell you,

I'll be able to cut a deal.

This is only the beginning.

Only the beginning.

And I'm
here alone.

Sasha, can you tell me

about the sounds you're hearing?

You say they're similar
to music, right?

Yeah, I can
send you a recording.

What kind of music?

What kind of music?

This music, it's inside of me.

This music, it's
inside of me, bound to me.

For example, if I'm angry...

So you hear this

when you're stressed
or frustrated.

Oh, I see.

You think I'm crazy.

Looks like I'm
sleeping alone tonight.

Sasha, that's
simply what happens

when you're alone
for a long time.

Don't worry, it's not serious.

Trust me.

Do you trust me?

Do you trust me?

Ah, yeah?

Okay, I understand.

Looks like I'm not
sleeping at all tonight.

Attention, attention.

Movement recorded.

Non protein origin detected.

Hey Sasha.

Look, you need a shave.

What if you encounter
a pretty Martian girl?

Seems like nothing
I do is working.

We have something
we're going to try.

What are you going to do?

No need for you to
know the details.

What there's no need
for is your presence.

I make the decisions here.

Not anymore.

I do.

- Novokov.
- Yes?

Prepare the connection.


Movement recorded.

Anomalous phenomenon
registered in atmosphere.

Analysis beginning.

Analysis impossible.

Anomalous activity
registered in atmosphere.

It's ready.

All right, let's begin.

I want to talk to him.

Chapaev, can you hear me?

I have a little
proposal for you.

It would be best if you'd agree.

Mulder the alien it's inside me.

Don't worry, Scully.

It is mine.

- People have been asking.
- What's going on with him?

Is there life on Mars?

- I can tell you.
- I don't know.

- With absolute certainty,
- But it's good.

That yes, there is.

I haven't seen him
like this in a while.

I'd like to introduce
my Martian friend.

So, how's life on Mars.

Chapaev style.

Just you wait and see.

Chapaev style, it is your life.

Chapaev style, it
is your destiny.

Stop, now you be you.

Chapaev Style.

The new show from the most
popular man in the galaxy.

Where he will reveal the
secrets of his success.

You'll learn how to
look, how to move,

what to believe

and how... to... live.

Chapaev Style is your choice.

To be the man you
gotta be like the man.

Chapaev Style is your destiny.

Alexander Chapaev
is unbelievable.

Style is more than life.

It is the philosophy
of the universe.

Millions of fans can't be wrong.

The crew of the
first Mars expedition

has at last returned
to Earth today.

The Soyuz spacecraft
with its three astronauts

has landed on the
steppes of Kazakhstan.

Their arrival has
coincided with the release

of the new collection

from their commander
Alexander Chapaev.

Chapaev Style, know it, wear it.

Tell me everything.

Oh, Anna, wow.

Tell me what is going on.


Do you think I didn't know?

What are you talking...

I already know.

I just need you to
tell me the details.

The details of what?

Did you think I
wouldn't see the change?

What did you do?

Oh that.

You know, maybe you
and your patient

should both take the same
pills to relax and calm...

Shut up.

You coward.

For once in your life why
don't you act like a man?

Look at yourself.

You will tell me.

He wasn't delusional.

There were sounds
in the recording.


Listen, please

I have to talk to him.

I can't, they've blocked

all forms of communication.

Please, you
have to connect us.

That's not possible.

I don't exist.

I don't exist.

Anomalous phenomenon
registered in atmosphere.

Source identification.

Attention, danger.

Energy overload.

Radiation leak.

Come on, come on faster.

Tracking movement.

Zone seven dash two five seven

dash six seven dash three one.

Eight dash one four.

Anomaly cannot be identified.

Malfunction detected.



Path, no.

I'm listening.

It's about Chapaev.

I also wanted to
speak about him.

I have many exciting
ideas for our commander.

What sort of ideas?

And he's all mine.

The Chapaev brand belongs to me

and I'm free to do it
at whatever I please.

Oh, in this case, all
the responsibility

lies upon you.

As well as the rewards.

Of course, you shall
have everything.

The show must go on.

Mr. Minister.

We have to talk right now.

We need your
signature here, sir.

It's approvals for the
outdoor advertising campaign.

Are all my notes included?

Yes, sir.

Thank you, sir.
Thank you.

What do you want?

We've collected
plenty of revenue

from the show and we need

to start executing a
rescue mission immediately.

Alexander, I know you're no
fool, but you are truly naive.

That was never any chance of a
rescue for Commander Chapaev.

From the beginning,
you must have known.

No, wait listen.

You will listen
to me, Alexander.

What chance do we
have of a rescue crew

being any more successful
than this disaster was?

Chapaev is a
regrettable casualty.

The Mars program is shut down.

You're finished.

Everything we did to bring
him home has been in vain.

He, the minister has
sentenced Chapaev

to nothing but a slow death

and I don't know how to stop it.

Are you
asking me for help?

Rather cute.

Tell me, can you
wait until tomorrow?


Well, that's just lovely.

Tomorrow will be a better day.

You'll see.

Everyone to places.

Gregory, you ready?

- Stop screwing around.
- All right, let's do this.


Friends, Earthlings.

I want to speak to you today

about your
presidential candidate.

A man I infinitely
trust and honor.

Believe me.

From here, from Mars, I can see.

This is a man worthy of
leading our nation, our world.

He's changed not only
my life, but Mars.

And he will lead
you and you, you

to a bright,

you to a bright

The hell?

Get the bumper up right now.

Stay where you are.

Hands on the ground.

Get down now.

Get down, face down.

Nobody move.

More on our breaking story
of the hoax of Martian,

where today a computer generated
Chapaev was discovered.

The investigation
begins in earnest.

The MCC will remain
under heavy guard

and the staff detained
for further interrogation.

We'll keep you updated
as we discover more.

The president has
made his instructions

to the security
forces very clear.

They are to
investigate, identify,

ensure the monsters behind

this fraud are
brought to justice.

No crashed astronaut.

Who could have imagined
that this entire thing,

the show that brought
the world together

was nothing more than
an elaborate scam

meant to defraud the public.

Well somebody's going to
have to answer for this.

It's over.

Our hopes had vanished
into thin air.

I couldn't keep my word.

I couldn't save him.

And I had to be the
one to tell him.

Turn us around right now.

Out of the car!

What's going on here.

I have just received a call

and was given word that
the primary suspect

has been captured and detained.

Alexander Mikalavich.

I'm sorry.

Your pass is invalid.

Finally, The
truth of the expedition

to Mars has become clear.

Unexpected weather
during the initial stages

of the landing on Mars

led to the loss of the module

and the unfortunate death

of astronaut Commander
Alexander Chapaev.

MCC leadership in
charge of the expedition

was unwilling to
accept such failure

and made the decision
to falsify reports...

Your hands, sir.

Such a shame.

Only yesterday they
were so fond of Chapaev.

They marveled at
every word he said

and now they believe
that they hate him.

The question is why?

Because they do not exist.

Look at that man.

Working hard.

Does he know where he's going?

Why he lives?

Tell me, what if he doesn't?

Where does he turn to
find out who he loves?

Who he hates,

What to buy.

And as for Chapaev.

He doesn't exist.

He never did.

He never did.

Are you all right?


Hey there, Martian.

Please forgive me.

Back here on Earth,

we've lost our humanity.

You gave us a chance to see.

You don't exist.

There was no module, no
landing, no research on Mars.

Truth be told, you
died a few months ago.

Some training accident.

This is all smoke and mirrors.

You don't exist.

If you could give us
some sort of sign.

I'm so sorry.

There is nothing I can do.

I... exist.

Auto destruct sequence

has been enabled.

Awaiting passcode.

Passcode received.

Breaking news now in
from the surface of Mars.

Satellites have
detected an expl*si*n

in the area known as
the Cupid Plateau.

Many experts agree
that this is the module

that remained from the
international Mars mission.

Some are taking
it as a clear sign

that the astronaut
Alexander Chapaev

was still alive on Mars.

Despite it all,

I believe that
Chapaev did meet him,

the one who spoke to him,

the one he was searching for.

The one who changed him.

Only now do I
begin to understand

that we created this reality

and we're trying
to comprehend it.

We are more than human.

In a way, we are aliens

and we have come to
this world to change it.

We are a part of this universe

and we can destroy everything.

Or we can create.

We are the cause
of all our problems

just as each of us is the cause

of all that is
happening in our life.

And who, if not us,
could change this life,

this world...

and tell this universe

that I exist.