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His Master's Voice (2018)

Posted: 02/01/24 19:33
by bunniefuu
Day 13.252,

log entry 8761.

Nearly there.

Our goal is to establish a connection
with the emitter's civilization.

We've collected information,

but the strong background radiation
interferes with our observation.

It is now certain that the planet's
radio emissions are artificial.

There are no discharges
from the storms in the atmosphere.

What a time to be alive!

-Good morning!

We're landing.

-Where are we?
-That's Brooklyn.

-What are you doing?

-Sit down!

-Do you want to die?
-Are we going down?

-No. But still.
-Don't worry!

It is very beautiful.

He'll be glad to see it.


-What's the problem?

Nothing. The card is full.

-Go back!
-No, not now.

-Don't delete these.
-I've already saved those.


-Turn around?

You can come in me!

Should you take the pills again?



When did you want to tell me?


When did you want to tell me
that you'll have a baby?

-I won't have one.
-But you certainly would like one.

-Why? Don't you want one?

Look, we need to go.


-C'mon, please. Call me a taxi.


Wait, it's Zsolt.
I must answer.

Hello, little brother!

Hello, Peti! Have you
found out anything about Dad?

Look, I haven't known anything
about Father for 36 years.

-I haven't even had time to unpack.
-Péter, how is it?


What is this like?

-Or should I try another one?
-Wait, wait, no. What?

No, I was talking to Dóra.

Have you met
the documentary guy yet?

Listen, I've emailed him.

-He didn't answer yet.

-But did you talk to him?

I called,
but he didn't pick up.

He did get the picture, though?

-Yeah. Of course.

Didn't I cc you?

No, you didn't cc me at all!

-Of course, I did cc you.
-No, you didn't. Never mind.

-Put this on.
-OK, thanks.

Oh, and Mom says she pulled your fridge
out from the wall and cleaned it.

-What did she do that for?
-Ask her.

Did I defrost your fridge?
Shall I call her so you can ask?

I'll show you around.

We are in Queens now.
We got this flat from...

Not for free, though.
We pay for it.

Look at this! Cool, huh?

How do you like it?

Looks nice, right?

You did so much for it, indeed.

Listen, we rent a car,

drive down there, have a look around.
There and back, that's it.

We get married in Las Vegas
while we're there.

-Forget it!
-Down Route 66, baby.

Motels in the evening, tequila...

Las Vegas
isn't even in that direction!

There. Under Contacts.

Write them.

Yeah. Maybe I should take it easy.
Forget all this bullshit.

And we could go down
to Long Island over the weekend.

Or even better, Rob picked up
from Facebook that I'm here.

Rob... there was nothing more,

and he's married
and lives in Brooklyn Heights now.

He suggested
we go to Atlantic City.

Kim's band is playing
at the Knitting Factory--

Come in, Falcon!
Falcon, do you copy?

Have you found out anything about Dad?
Is it true about the explosions?

Oh, f*ck.

He might have disappeared
because he was recruited

at that conference in Sweden.

or the KGB
could have recruited him.

-Nothing. I was not talking to you.

What's going on?

Nothing, I'm just
letting the love of my life walk away.

Never mind,
but I've talked to a lady who--

Is it him? In the docu?

Was he part
of the mess in Colorado?

And what about the explosions?

What's true
in the story about the explosions?

Hang on a sec.

Hey! Péter!

What's up?
I was waiting for you for half an hour.

-Are you OK?
-Of course.

Are you sure you don't want any?

Yes, yes.

-No, thanks.
-Just a bite.

No, no, Dóra, please.

I said no. Don't do it, please!

-I'm not hungry.

Take it. No problem.

...go that way.
There's roadwork there,

but if you hurry,
you can be there in two days.

Take Route 76,

then 74 from Pittsburgh
to St. Louis.

There's roadwork there,

but if you hurry,
you can be there in two days.

-You should leave tomorrow--
-Zsolt, can you f*cking leave me alone?!

OK, listen, another thing...

Is it possible
that you don't mention to Dad

that I'm in a wheelchair
when you meet him?

You could just tell him
I was busy and couldn't come.

What do you think this is?
Some kind of f*cking competition?

I just wish you would
stand up for yourself for once

and not come running
whenever he whistles.

-So I should be a man, huh?
-Oh, give me a break.

And what if this is
what I feel like doing?

No. This is what Zsolt wants.

Yeah. Right.
While all I want is to get to know

all the guys
who ever looked at you.

Miles more exciting
than finding out who my father is.

Hi, Zsolt. Here we are.

Now, where did I bring you?
Beautiful, huh?

The visitor center
is 12 miles away from here.

Houston, Houston!
Can you hear me?

I hear you. Apollo here.

Hi, Apollo.

I was in the La Paloma Museum.

They've got exhibitions
on everything from the '50s,

but they know nothing
about what happened in the '70s.

But I won't give up.
Wait a minute.

Don't worry, though.
They won't get rid of me this easily.


The documentary guy?


Here we are, at the mysterious
La Paloma Research Institute.

We hope to find traces
of the famed Péter Horváth,

the scientist who left Hungary,
his wife

and two beautiful sons
in 1980.

I hope I won't have three heads
when I go home.

Zsolt, maybe they are
the descendants of the scientists.

If we look around,
maybe we'll find something interesting.

This is Prothero's office.


-Hello, Zsolt. Look where I am!

Got in. This is
Professor Prothero's office.

See? Look what I found.

A list with a shitload of names.

Look, can you see this oven?

That's probably
an old cryotron IBM.


-Who is this?
-My secretary, Zsolt.

Aren't you happy for her?
This is cool, no?

Yeah. Cool.
Although if you had asked me,

I'd have told you to start
with some kind of database.

Then it would've been absolutely clear
right from the beginning that--

Zsolt, take it easy.

-OK, I'm not--
-We are this close!

-I will find him.

I will find him. I promise!


I promise!


Miss Holliway,
call the president now!

Or I'll push the big red button.


What's up?

Where are you?

I'm in America.

But where?

I'm here,
I just went for the lighter.

OK, but what is it?
Is something wrong?

No. Nothing is wrong.

Everything is all right.
I like this country.

I've tasted the flavor of freedom.
I would say that.

You know, it's a family trait.

I might stay here.
Or maybe I'll blow up some kayaker.

-I haven't decided yet.
-Are you serious?

I may disappear for one or two days,
years. Or for a lifetime.

Listen, you haven't
picked up the phone for four days.

I didn't answer the phone

because I wasn't near it.
I wasn't there.

But Zsolt told me
that you were there.

What? Did you just call Zsolt?

Why? What the f*ck
should I have done instead?

I asked you to leave Zsolt alone.

-I'm worried about you.
-It's OK. I'm fine.

Otherwise, you don't need to worry.
I'm on my period.


I'm coming to you.

What? Do not!
Do not come here, Dóra!

-You are out of your mind.

-Dóra, don't you dare come here.
-I'm coming.

If you want to break up with me,
say it to my face!

-OK, I'm coming there.
-Everyone leave me the f*ck alone!

I'm coming!

Got you!



-Zsolt, I said Hogarth!
-What? Hello?

Everything is true.
All of it is in the library.

They have developed a w*apon.
And the army was in on it.

He just mixed up
Horváth with Hogarth.

What is this clicking, Zsolt?

You're here, Zsolt?

Are the strawberries good?

They're rarely good
this time of year.

The strawberries...

Don't you recognize me?

Dad, I'm Peter, your son.

Don't you recognize me?

Don't you recognize me?
Dad, I'm Peter.

Speak to them, Dad!
I just want to talk to you.


How is it?

Is this Dad?

What? What did you say?

It looks cool.


Watch carefully.
Does the gentleman look familiar?

Are you sure?

Hi, Dad! Say hello.

I'm sorry.

Oh, no, no.

That's not what I came for.

I just always wanted to ask...

Hi. This is me. I think you know me OK,
so I'll pass it on to Father.

Day 13.302, log entry 8788.

The radio interference
is the strangest thing.

About a hundred million satellites
circle around the planet.

They only transmit
chaotic white noise.

There is no sign
of a definable signal.

The worst thing is that the crew is
starting to divide into opposing groups.

I don't remember
who used it first and what for,

but they mentioned
demonstration of power.

Day 13.304, log entry 8790.

After 279 days,
there is still no signal.

We sent a scout rocket, but it had
no effect. It exploded before landing.

The tendency towards depression
changed into aggression in the crew.

Captain Vick can't wait anymore.
The counterattack is inevitable

even if we don't have any evidence
of an intentional firing.

Neither do we have one
for an accidental firing.

Apart from this palpable event,

we didn't get
any interpretable signal for 300 days.

Come in and tell him that
we've never gotten a single package.

We haven't? We never got any.

-Turn it off now!
-No, I won't!

-Stop shouting!
-You stop shouting!

Go away! Get out or I'll scream!
Do you hear me?

Turn it off!

Go away! Get out!
Get out or I'll scream.

All right, it's enough.

Oh, take it a little slower.

He doesn't have a scarf on.
He'll catch a sore throat.

It's 28 degrees Celsius.

That doesn't matter
if there's a draft.

-Mom, you interfere all the time.
-It's no good.

For once in my life,

I get to sit in a motorboat,
and that also gets f*cked up.

-It doesn't matter.

-It's f*cked now anyway.
-You don't usually talk like that.

-I don't--
-I don't like it when you speak like that.

I have sandwiches.

Zsolt, you should
at least put your hood on.


Is there salami in it?

You said you wanted one with paté.

-He wanted paté, right?
-I don't know, Mom. Maybe.

-I especially went out to buy paté.
-OK, OK. Just asking.

Can't I ask anything?

-Paté is fine.
-OK, just eat it.

All right, please.

-You see?

You asked for it.

What do you think?

The whole message thing is so ridiculous.
Do you think this is even possible?

Get your d*ck out of my face!

And the fuss about the packages.

Mom says he sent two tops.
Then nothing.

I thought so.

-You know what was in them?


He heard the voice of God,

so he went and sent underpants
with Disney patterns to his boys.

OK, fine,
he does have funny ideas...

but look on the bright side of it.

He isn't the mass m*rder*r
we thought he was.

Let's just wait and see.


Haven't you seen
the stuff I sent you?

He is innocent.
Totally. Innocent!

Do you know who I think
was f*cking innocent? Me.

And still I get to pay for it all.

I can't believe it!

All right, he dodged all the b*ll*ts
so far, took us down a notch.

Do you hear yourself at all?

It's easy for you because
you fell for the whole Muppet show,

because you could live in his house
and you got to drive his car

and f*cking eat with him
in the evenings

and swim...

You know what?

-f*ck yourself.
-You know what?

I'm already f*cked big-time.

Are you there?! I'll never
pick you up at the pool again.

Tell him I didn't want
to hurt Dad. Hear me?

I just wanted...

And Dad will never
speak to you ever again.

Tell him
I didn't want to hurt Dad.

I just wanted them to know
that nothing meets their expectations.

Hear me? Tell him
I didn't want to hurt Dad.

Ever again.
You screwed up, little brother.

Don't hang up the phone
when I'm talking with you.

Day 13.316, log entry 8814.

A message to the Galactic Council.

I didn't sign up for this.

At last we got it.

At last we found
who we had always been searching for.

I don't want to take part in this.

I came to establish a connection
with a foreign civilization.

Why should we use aggression
and destroy this planet

if we are able to explore it first?

Just because their reactions
are unsuitable to our values?

Somebody do something!

Because this is a genocide.

With empty contemplations.

There is no excuse for this.

Would you let me in?

Oh, you are so stupid!

It is good to see you.

I will miss you, Dad.