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Jonathan (2018)

Posted: 02/01/24 19:40
by bunniefuu

Work was good.

I left on time.

I think the new woman, Allison,
might like me.

I don't know.

She keeps trying to talk to me.

They started me on plans
for a new house in Greenwich.

Ten thousand square feet.

Can you imagine?

No one needs
that much living space.

He, she, it. Remember

Let's see what else.

Oh, I ran into Sarah
in the lobby

and I helped her
with her groceries.

So, in case you see her,

that's why she loves you
so much.

I made the rest of the chicken.
I hope you aren't sick of it.

It was gonna go bad soon

and we can't keep
throwing out food

and stay on budget.

So I'm not really sure
what's going on,

but I've been feeling
a little tired lately.

Have you?

Yo, what's up, J?

Uh, thanks for the heads-up
about Sarah.

So the new girl, huh?
What's she like? Is she pretty?

Work was okay.

Uh, I had to type up
this long deposition.

And then I got
a slice of pizza with Tom.

He wanted to vent about his...


Apparently, she cheated on him,

but he had cheated on her
all the time.

So, I just listened
and didn't comment

about all his contradictions
like you told me to.

Biked through the park after,
which was fun.

There's like some kind of tree
this time of year

that smells really good.


Come to think of it,
I have been a little tired.

I don't know what it is.

I've been getting
my four hours.

Actually, I was in bed
a few minutes early last night.

Yeah, right.

Anyway, I'm playing basketball
with the boys from the gym,

and then work.

Seriously, Jonathan?

Would it be so bad
if you like this girl back?

You're allowed
to be attracted to somebody

and have some fun.

All right, man, peace.
Have a good day.

Is everything okay?

There was a slight drift.

Just a few seconds,

when you were switching

Perez fixed it.

I know you're feeling

You're getting older.

You each have busy lives.

It's natural
that you're feeling tired.

Don't worry.

I just got off the phone
with the Huntleys.

They are very happy
with the renovations.

The house does make
a lot more sense now.

So, I don't wanna be callous,
but, uh,

how are things
with your sick relative

- Uh, about the same.
- That's a shame.

I was hoping to put you
on the West Side Tower project,

but, uh, means working
a lot more hours.

Yeah, I'm sorry, I can't.

You are a fine draftsman.

You know, I was happy
to hire you

as a favor to Leslie,

even though I knew
the time constraints.

But if you want to be
an architect,

you're gonna have
to figure something out.

Hans asked me to work
on the West Side Tower project.

I obviously can't.

After work, I got some...

chocolate gelato
from that place you like.

I picked up some extra for you.

It's in the freezer.

Hey, J.

Listen, man, I'm sorry.

I know how much you wanted
to work on that project.

I understand you're frustrated.
I get frustrated, too.

You know, it's like what you
and Dr. Nari talk about.

We have our limitations, but...

I guess if things
were different,

you know, you'd have a career,

I could hike the Rockies.

But if you think about it,

if you combined what each of us
do in our lifetimes,

put them together,

we'll accomplish a lot
more than most people.


Thanks for this by the way.
This is really good.

Grazie for this gelato,

Feel better, man.
Don't worry about it.

- C'est à droite.
- C'est droite.

- C'est à gauche.
- C'est gauche.

C'est à deuxime à gauche.

C'est la...

C'est à deuxime à droite.

A bird.

Un oiseau.

An orange.

Une orange.

I did the laundry.

Uh, it was your turn,
but it was piling up.

And your gym clothes stink.

Are you using that deodorant
I got you?

The guy with the gold chain
from the second floor was there.

I didn't talk to him.

I also...

I found this in your pocket.

I'm just wondering because...

You didn't mention
that you went to a bar.

Is that why we're tired?

Have you been staying up late
and going to bars?

Jonathan, really?

Not everything
is a f*cking clue, okay?

I told you. Tom's girlfriend
broke up with him.

We went to a bar.
Yeah, one time.

And I sat and had a soda.
I forgot to mention it.

Stop being so paranoid.

Anyway, I got eggs, I got milk,

I got bread we like
from that place, um...

I forgot to get the McCann's
and we're practically out.

So you can get that.

Have a good one.

Hey, John.

She's not in until five today.

Want a beer?

No, thanks. I'm good.

I'll let her know
you stopped by.


I mean, that's fine.
I wanted to surprise her.

Got it.

Oh, John.

Forgetting something?

The game.

Yeah, I'll be there.

No, last night's.

I told you
the Giants were gonna win.

Right. Yeah, awesome game.

Jonathan. Hey.

- Mr. Crane.
- Call me Ross.

Can I get a coffee?

Thank you.

Are you good?

Yes, thanks.

A tea drinker, huh?
I missed that in the report.

Oh, I... It's all right.

Relax, man.
It's just a little PI humor.

When they told me you were both
the client and the mark,

I was like, so what.

I've seen lots weirder, but...

Thank you.

But what are you?

A somnambulist or something?

- Can I see the report?
- You're the customer.

But you lead one boring life.

Up at what, 7:00? 7:15?

Out the door
like clockwork

at 7:30 for a run.

Everybody has a routine.

Yeah, well, you run yours
like a German train.

Ah, let's see.

"At 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday,
subject, you.

Left your building.
Walked three blocks.

Picked up a deli coffee,
regular, no sugar.

Got on the train and proceeded
to Madison and 56th

where you work part-time
as a temp for the law firm

of Crawford, Rubin, and DeNisio.

In addition to working part-time

in the architecture office
of Hans Lieber during the day.

Uh, you left work at 1:37 a.m.,
came straight home.

You didn't leave again
until your run at 7:30

the following morning."

Are there any nights
that I did anything different?

Yeah, yeah. "On, uh, on Friday,

you left work
a few minutes early,

at, uh, 1:26 a.m.

Instead of heading home
like you usually do,

you went to The Rialto bar

where you sat, and had two beers
until your girlfriend finished

- her shift."
- Girlfriend?

Well, if she's your sister,
I'm calling the cops.

Or maybe a priest.

Yeah, your girlfriend.

Elena Kaminsky.

"You stayed until after
the bar closed

while she cleaned up,
and then went to her place,

where, presumably,
you and she..."

And how long did I stay
at her place?

"You left at 5:50 a.m.
and ran home."

I mean, you literally ran.

What was the hurry?

Do you have photos?

Do you think
she's cheating on you, or...

I still don't get this.

I can keep an eye on her,

but to me, she seems like
a good egg.

How much do I owe you?

Hey, J.

Work was slow tonight,
I mostly just talked to Tom.

I took the subway
'cause it was raining.

I helped a woman carry
her stroller down the stairs.

Where she was going
with a baby at 2:00 a.m.?

I don't know.

Oh, we were running low
on dish soap,

so I picked some up.

You got any plans
for the weekend?

I went
to the Guggenheim

to see the Le Corbusier exhibit.

You should go.
It's open late on Saturdays.

I came straight home.

I finished the game you started,
and I doubled your score.




Never seen you
in the daylight before.

Not sure how I feel about this.



What are you up to?

I was headed
to the dry cleaners.

How about you?

I was on my way to yoga,
but my aunt just called.

She lost her keys again, so...

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm just running late.

To the dry cleaners?

It's okay.

You don't have to tell me.

I'll see you tonight.

Thanks for the heads-up
about Elena, assh*le.

You think she wouldn't mention
that she ran into you?

You know,
this whole routine thing

and telling each other exactly
who we run into is your idea.

I like her, yeah,
and I had to lie to her.

I assume you aren't
a total assh*le

and know you're the one
who's been lying to me.

Why didn't you tell me
about her?

It just happened.

We met that night I went
to the bar with Tom.

I didn't tell you because
I knew you'd disapprove.

Yeah, of course I disapprove.

Having a girlfriend
is against the rules.

I know, but what
am I supposed to do?

I'm not like you, I can't just
turn off my emotions.

You know how serious this is.

You have to do something
about her.

You have to break up with her.

I'm not gonna do that.

This girl's different.
I really like her.

That isn't the point.

If you're not
gonna break up with her,

then you at least have
to tell her about us.

And if you won't, then I will.

Don't do that.

I'll tell her tonight.

I tried to tell her
about us.

I couldn't.

Anyways, it's over.

I hope you're happy now.

I mean, what the f*ck, John?

Look, I don't know
what John told you,

but knowing him,
it wasn't clear.

What do you mean,
"Knowing him, it wasn't clear"?

I'm not John, I'm his brother.

You left my house,
like, two hours ago

wearing the same clothes.

Can you just leave, please?

He doesn't wanna see you

It's his phone.

What's going on?

Can you just leave?


John and I are brothers,
but we share the same body.

Right now, he's asleep.

Inside of me.

Very funny.

It's extremely rare,
but it exists.

We take shifts.

I'm conscious
from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

John's conscious
from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.

You know what, I've heard some
really crazy shit in my time,

but this has to be
the f*cking lamest!


How much did you drink
last night?

I was sitting here, sick,
from your hangover.

And there was a knock
at the door.

Why does she think she has
carte blanche to come over here?

How does she even know
where we live?

Jesus! Do, do you know
how many rules you've broken?

She's gone now.
I took care of it.

She won't be coming back
here anymore.

Can we get back
to normal, please?

She won't be coming back
here anymore.

Can we get back
to normal, please?

It's been four days.

I know.

He's upset.

Why is he upset?
He knows the rules.

You're missing your brother.

You can't grab him
by the shoulders

and straighten him out.

All you can do
is give him time.

I, I don't understand.

Why would he need time
away from me?

You're different people,
he reacts to things differently.

How are you? How's work?

They want me to work full time.

They like you, that's good.

Uh, it's not good,

because, obviously,
I can't work full time.

They recognize your talent.

I warned you, pursuing a career
would be difficult.

You're just gonna have
to hold the whole firm

to the hours you already keep.

All set.

Most siblings move on
and lead separate lives.

In a sense,

distance from him
is a, a rite of passage.

Think of it less
as this turmoil

and perhaps more
as an opportunity.

An opportunity for what?

To explore your life
away from his.

I paid the Con Ed bill.

And the laundry
is piling up again.

I guess I can do it.

I saw Dr. Nari.

She said that distance
is a rite of passage.

I don't know what she means,
we don't have that luxury.

You and I have to communicate.

You can't just leave me
in the dark.

Some guy on Long Island
got fried playing golf.

It's Jonathan.

What's this?

Open it to page 37.

"Single body,

The author is our doctor.

You want me to read
this all right now? I...

I'm working.

Just listen to me for a second.

When we were a baby,
we wouldn't stop crying.

And our mother abandoned us
at a hospital.

Can you please...

That's where we grew up.

Strapped to a gurney
or heavily sedated

because nobody could figure out
what was wrong with us,

until Dr. Nariman came.

She studied us 24/7,

and she realized
what looked like chaos

was actually two people
in one body.

So she began to treat us.

Therapy, hypnosis. medication,
and finally... this.

I don't know
what John told you that was,

but that... that's what
keeps us separated.

It's like a timer for the brain.

Why are you telling me this?

Because I haven't... I haven't
heard from John in a week.

I was wondering if
you'd make a recording for him.

He won't listen to me.

And, uh...

He cared about you,
so maybe he'll listen to you.

Just, um, just ask him
to come back.

I'm, um...

I'm looking at someone

who my eyes think I knew
and cared about,

who's looking at me
like I'm a total stranger.


I was just about
to get some lunch.

Have you eaten yet?

No, but I... have to go home.

Right, you have, um...

is it your dad
that you take care of?


What's going on? I...

You seem... I don't know,
upset about something.

It's my brother.

He's being an assh*le.

Yeah, I know.
I have two sisters.

You know,
Paula who's four.

We're close, but we can also
fight like nobody's business.

Where are you?

You've gotta talk to me.

How long is this going
to go on?

I'm your brother.

You can't keep holding
a grudge like this.

The supermarket
was packed today.

I'm not really sure why,
maybe a storm is coming.

I still managed to find
some nice vegetables.

I did my usual Saturday.

I went for a run,

and I went to the Met
to see the European paintings.

On my way home,
I rode the elevator

with the guy with gold chain.

I bought some new
running shoes.

They were on sale.

I don't love the color,
but the support is amazing.

If you'd like,
you can try them out.

I am going to keep
leaving you messages

even if I don't hear from you.

I miss you.

And I'm lonely without you.

A woman was
on the sidewalk today

with a kid who was screaming.

And she was screaming at him,
which did not help.

The two of them just kept
getting louder and louder.

I ran into one of your friends
from the gym.

I didn't know what to say.
So, I just...

You've stopped making my bed

and doing your half
of the chores...

I'm thinking about getting
a tattoo. I'm doing
all the cleaning

and laundry every day.

Remember how awkward it is
if we're caught off-guard...

I don't know what today

because I haven't heard
from you.

She is tall.
Elle est grande.

Ils est beau. He is handsome.

- Ils est beau.
- Hello?

It's Elena.

I didn't have your number,
or I would have texted.

I wanted to give this back.

That day, when I bumped
into John on the street.

It was you.

You were following me.

No, I wasn't.

It was daytime.

Are you hungry?

How did you and John meet?

He didn't tell you?


He came into the bar
with a friend.

John started telling a story.

I think to cheer the guy up.

And he became so...


that he had everyone around him
listening and laughing.

Anyway, his friend
got real messy drunk.

And the next day,
John came in to apologize.

But... I knew he'd be back.

I was following you that day.

We have a rule.

No girlfriends.

How can you have
a rule like that?

We share a body.

The only way we can survive
is if we have

total responsibility
to each other and no one else.

What about sex?

We can do that.


You've given each other
the perfect male fantasy.

Sex without
emotional attachment.

John used to talk about
going away for the weekend.

How would that have worked?

It wouldn't.

Why didn't he just tell me
about you?

He didn't wanna scare you away.

Can I have your number?

Just in case.

In case of what?

In case I have to reach you.

This is Hans's office.

I've met two geniuses
in my life.

Hans and Dr. Nari.

This is what I want to show you.

You made this?

It's beautiful.

There was a hawk's nest
up there,

on that ledge.

But, it's gone now.

What are we doing here?

I wanted to show you my model.

New Entry


Because I've never
done that before.

We shouldn't stay here too long.

I went to the office today.

I had to finish up some things.

No run-ins to report.

Except Ruben.

He was putting up
the sign-up sheet

for the exterminator.

I haven't seen any roaches
since last summer.

Have you?

What have you been doing?

Talk to me.

How did you find this place?

I wanted
to bring John here,

but he always had an excuse.

I come here
to figure out my future.

And what have you figured out?

I think I might go back
to school.

For art therapy.


I know I can come off
as a bartender

who doesn't know
what to do with her life.

My family see me that way
and sometimes I do, too.

The universe doesn't move
toward chaos.

It moves toward order.

Things have a way
of working themselves out.

You're really
not him, are you?

My aunt and uncle
own the building.

They're giving me a good deal.

She's got dementia
and I help take care of her.

You have a lot of DVDs.

Can we watch this one?


What time is it?

Uh, it's almost 4:30.

- You'll be fine.
- I know, um...

I'm never out this late.

Hey, J.

You okay?

You, uh,
didn't make a recording,

so I got worried about you.

Uh, after work I've wandered
around downtown,

listening to music.

I was crossing the street

and I felt this hand
on my shoulder,

and it pulled me back,
and this taxi zoomed by.

It was this tourist lady
from, like, Texas or something,

you know, when they have
their hair all done up.

And she said, "Oh, I'm sorry,

my maternal instinct
just kicked in."

I mean, I was more embarrassed
than she was.

I know you know
what I was thinking.

Could have been her.

Remember when we used
to make those drawings?

Imagining what she looked like?

I went around the corner and...

leaned against the building.

I felt the wind
just knocked out of me.

I'm not mad at you anymore.

I'm sorry, man.

John's back.

That's good, isn't it?

I'm glad he's back.

But I think I'll miss you.

Are you shaking?

I've never done this before.

I know I said we're allowed to,

but I haven't.

Take your shoes off.

And your socks.

What does it feel like
when you switch?

Does it hurt?


It's like falling asleep.

After work I was hungry,

so I got a sandwich
in the park with Allison.

Remember her? The new girl?

We were talking,
and then she kissed me.

Long story short,
we went back to her place.

And, um...

Now I know
what all the fuss is about.

Better late than never, man.

No, seriously, Jon,
I'm happy for you.

That's great. Sex is...

sex is great.

Anyway, I, um, talked
to this guy at the gym

who told me about
the security job

on, uh, 28th and Broadway.

I had a call with them

and it looks like it's a go,
so, yeah.

I think it'll be good for me.
I need a change.

And, uh, just me
for four hours.

No distractions.

We got a unique situation here,

so I think it's time
that I embrace it.

- Do you have a minute?
- Sure. Come in.

The West Side Tower
is a big opportunity for me.

I can extend my day by an hour
if I come in at nine

and leave at two.

I can take my work home,
I'll work on weekends.

And when I work, I really work.

That's just not enough.

You need to be
physically present

throughout the day.

I... I can do this.

And Josh will be
against it, but...

I'd like you
on the project, so...

let's give it a try.

What do you think?

I really like it.

Oh, good.

I wasn't sure
and I wanted to be.

You seem...


I don't know.

Uh, different, more relaxed.

I, I'm on a new project at work.

The design is amazing.

Uh, it actually
might be Hans's best.

I shaved 16 seconds off my mile.

And I'm thinking about taking
a life drawing class.

How are things
between you and John?

They're good.

We're back to the routine.

I'm glad to hear that.

I don't like it when the two
of you aren't getting along.

I let things slip before,
and that can't happen again.

It's not safe.

I heard from Tom.

Uh, he's getting married
to that...

girl, you know,
the one he broke up with.

He invited me to the wedding,
but it's at two o'clock.

Work was all right.

The only guy I saw
was this Chinese delivery guy.

He didn't speak any English.

So, I, uh, had no one
to talk to.

I told Ruben about the clog
in the sink.


he should be by tomorrow
to fix it.

- How's it looking?
- Good.

I need another two hours.
I'll finish from home.

What time are the clients here?

- Uh, nine.
- Great.

Have you told him yet?

I don't want him
to disappear again.

I just wanna know
that this is genuine.

That this isn't just about John.

It's genuine.


For me, too.

I guess, in the meantime,
we're safe.

It's not like he can
walk in on us.

So, I'm walking home
from work,

and I run into this guy
on the sidewalk

who seems to know me.

And he asked me,

how things worked out
between me and that girl.

And I say, "What girl?"

And he says,


And I say,
"How do you know Elena?"

Suddenly, he's evasive,
he starts walking away,

and I grab him.

And I ask him again,
how he knows Elena.

And he gets angry, and he says,
"You're crazy. Let go of me."

And I don't let go of him,

and he punches me in the face.

You hired a g*dd*mn detective?

And you had me followed?

What the f*ck
is wrong with you?

Miriam, David.
This is Jonathan.

Our newest addition to the team.

Let's get back into this,
shall we?

Excuse me.

I need to get something
from my desk.

Be right back.


What's going on?

I left my drive at home.

What happened to your eye?

I... I fell.

Okay, I'm just trying
to be your friend.

I got punched in the face.
It's complicated.

Go home.

I... I'll cover for you.

Thank you.

I was worried John
was enjoying his life too much.

What are you talking about?

What does that even mean?

There used to be three of us,

but he was keeping us
from functioning properly,

so Dr. Nari had him removed.

When we were nine years old.

I was concerned that...

if you and John continued
seeing each other,

that he would resent me
and wanna have me removed.

Removed is?


She can do that?

Yeah, she did do it.

I'm sorry.

About the detective.

I knew you were seeing
somebody, and...

I guess I wanted to take control
of the situation.

The truth is...


was jealous.

It's always been easier for you.

And I was afraid...

that you wouldn't
be able to love

somebody else

and me

at the same time.

What you did
was really messed up, man.

You're my brother.

No one can replace you.

I wish you'd just asked
about Elena in the first place.

Then again,
I should have told you.

The truth seems like

it's so easy, but it's not.

He's depressed?

But why wouldn't anyone tell me?

He was supposed to.

Your eye looks better.

How... How are these pills
gonna affect me?

They generally have no effect
on someone who isn't depressed.

Maybe it's his new job.

You know John.
He needs to be around people.

That could be part of it.

Have I done anything
to upset him?

Well, he hasn't said anything.
Have you?

I've been seeing
his old girlfriend, Elena.

You told me to explore my life
outside of his.

We've talked about this,

You've always been fascinated
by the women John sleeps with.

And now you're
actually seeing one of them?

I love her.

John's women
cannot represent John

no matter how much
you want them to.

You're leading her on.

You have to tell him.

There's something
I need to tell you.


Uh, busy day.

We're moving into phase two
of the tower.

I skipped my run this morning
to go in early.

But I'll run longer tomorrow.

I can explain.

We just watched
the security footage.

You told him?

- Excuse me, Isabel.
- It's okay.

It's all right. Come with me.

- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.

I don't mind you
seeing someone, in theory.

But we can't have secrecy
between you two.

He broke in
and destroyed my office.

Oh, god. Is he all right?

Is he all right?

The fired me.

Oh, my god. Of course,
that's all you cared about!

You were seeing
his ex-girlfriend.

- I was gonna tell him.
- But you didn't!

- You didn't!
- You always take his side!

I take the side
of the one who's right.

Then I guess I'm always wrong.

I already called her.

Hey, it's me.

I heard from her
and I know it's over.

I think she's right.

You disappeared.

And I was lonely.

So I started hanging out
with Elena.

I'm sorry.

Anyways, that is over now.

I hope you got your anger out.

You are an assh*le.

You got me fired.

What are we gonna do now?


Listen, John cut his wrist.

He cut our wrist?

But he called.

So it's a cry for help.

I want you to come to the house.

John can't be alone.

Do you remember
that trip to Vermont?

Yes, of course.

But this isn't me, it's John.

It is?

It was evening.

But it was summer.
John loves the summer.

He can see the sun
for at least an hour every day.

Plus, look at the shirt
he's wearing.

He used to make you promise

that the two of you would move
to Scandinavia.

He loved that he could have
a full day of sun there.

Is Marshall still in Palo Alto?


And still in the seminary.

Probably just to get back at me.

Religion isn't all bad.

I never said it was.
Just the...

parts that interfere

with science
or empirical evidence.


we're not speaking much
these days.

You gave us our first home here.

Have I ever thanked you
for that?

Everything's gonna work out,

Welcome to the suburbs.

It's been a while, huh?

At least, you wouldn't
have to cook,

for a change.

And it'll be strange
to sleep in our old bed.

Remember when we were 13,

and you figured out
how to jerk off?

You were so excited to teach me.

I'm sorry you're unhappy.

I'm sorry for everything.

Do what she says.

And feel better, okay?


- Morning.
- Morning.

There's toast
and a hard-boiled extra egg

if you want it.

No, thanks.

I'm fine.

- Good morning.
- Morning.

- D'you sleep well?
- Yeah, I took a pill.


- D'you get any sleep?
- No, not really.

How did it go with John?

He wants to be removed.

That's because he's depressed.

You have to fix him.

He's not a clock, Jonathan.

It's complicated. It takes time.

It used to be
you had the career goals

and he had his fun.

Then he met Elena
and he fell in love.

He can't be removed.

Let me finish.

He tried to become like you

and embrace your routine, but...

But I'm not enough for him.

It's not in John's nature
to be like you.

He can't have a girlfriend

and he can't have you.

He feels so alone.

I woke up this morning at 7:03.

The timer's drifting again.

- Are you sure?
- Yes, I'm sure.

I'll take a look.

Hey, J.

It was a beautiful night.

You could actually see stars.

I wish you could have seen it.

What are you doing up?

I couldn't sleep.

What are you making?


It smells good.

There'll be leftovers
for you tomorrow.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

You always say that.

I used to worry about John.

Because he...

he had the night.

And as I got to know him,
I realized...

he is the night.

I found myself
staying up later and later...

just to keep him company

and talk.

You should get back upstairs.
It's almost seven.

I know you and Dr. Nari
are trying to help,

but there's no other way out
for me.

I don't wanna be here anymore.

Have me removed.

Or a week, a month, a year
from now I'm gonna...

I'm gonna go off this bridge.

I don't wanna take you with me.

You'll be fine.

You'll be more than fine.

Do it.

Jonathan, where are you?

Call me.

I need to know
you're all right.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.


You're okay.
I'm just running some tests.

You didn't remove him, did you?

Nobody is getting removed.

How... how's he doing?

He wants you to know he's fine

and not to worry.

No. We replaced it.

The device isn't the problem.

John is, is still pushing
through into your shifts.

But I'm not pushing through
into his?


He's not doing it on purpose.

It's just...



I thought you were thriving

and John was withering.

But I was wrong.

John is the one who's thriving.

That's why the timer
has been drifting.

But he was depressed.
He wanted to die.

John's demons are as intense
as his passions.

I don't think
he truly wanted to die.

If he's the one
that's thriving...

then I'm withering?

John's shifts
are getting longer,

yours are getting
progressively shorter.

Your body can't support
both of you.

I'm trying to reverse it.

He's taking over.

I'm dying.

Does John know?

I'm gonna keep working.

No, stop.

Stop it. Stop it. Stop it!

I wanna go home.

I just wanna be with John.

Um, I'm supposed
to tell you not to worry.


where are we going?

You really don't remember, huh?

You said JFK.

Hey. Hey, pull... pull over.


Pull over.


Hey, what's wrong with you, man?

Are you gonna get sick?

My meter's running.

I'm supposed to ask you...

if you're in pain. If it hurts.


Just tell him I feel tired.

He says he's glad
you're not in pain.

Tell him I say goodbye.

You and I were happier

than two people
ever could have been.

I'm supposed to say to you,

And you two were happy.

What's your name?


I'm John.

Can you turn it up?

Do you speak French?