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Archive (2020)

Posted: 02/01/24 21:03
by bunniefuu
Passing tower 8.
You copy?

Look at that. It's...
it's like an empty vegetable.

It grows in the forest.

I don't know maybe,

maybe... maybe I should just...

give it a go,
set up my own shop.

Take your own team.

Yeah. I would need
my whole team

but that would
gut the whole department.

What do you think,
they'd come?

Welcome to engineering.

Please beware
of your surroundings.

Come in.

Coming up on your 40.
Can you see me?

Welcome back
employee George Almore.

Have a safe and productive day.

Did you pick me up on anything?

Area 19 through 22,

and the infrared grid
was showing some heat in places.


All right let's get this power
rerouted. I got stuff running.

All right, on my count.

Three, two, one, now.

Power rerouted.

You now, if anyone asks you to
reactivate a mothball facility

by yourself, you say no.

You say no and then
you go get a burger.

Come on.

I'd like to try a burger.

All right.

Today's review is gonna be
same as always, just...

stay out of sight while we have
a conference call, okay?


Want the TV?

I had that dream
again last night.


Is it the same as last time?

We were in a car driving.

We were in car?

Where were we going?

I don't know.

Just driving.

Okay, well...
Was it nice driving or...

or not nice driving.

Just driving.

Was there anything else you might remember?
Anything at all?


Just sitting in the car
watching the things go past.

It was pretty,
but when I woke up,

- I felt sad.
- Yeah, well...

dreams can do that, you know.

She wants to talk to you.


- She wants to talk to you.
- I know, I know.

I know she does, it's okay.
Thank you though.

Okay, can you get her
ready for the evaluation?



Hey. I'm here.


How's my man?

You know, missing you, a bit...

a lot.

Same as usual.

Missing you too.

So, not going out?

All work no play, huh?

You know me.

Yeah. I do know you.

Hey, hey, Jules?

Jules can you hear me?

- Hello?
- I'm here.

I really hope
you're happy there.

You know, it's beautiful here.

I've always...

Hey, don't...

- I just can't do this anymore.
- Don't say that.

Talk like this it,

it's just too hard.

Jules, listen to me.

I'm sorry.

Goodbye, George.

- Hey, don't, don't...
- I love you.

- Come on, tell me.
- What?

- Give them back.
- No.

- No, come on.
- No.

Give them back.

No. No, babe I'm fine.
Once they're on, they are mine.

Come on,
just put it in auto.

I don't want to.
It's my car. It's our car.

I'm gonna drive it, not a robot.

But what's the point of having this
car if you're just going to drive it.

Because it's being driven
by something I didn't design.

Mmm. For someone who likes
robots so much...

I like robots,

just my own, you know.
That's why I build them.

Are you hearing me?

Yeah, yeah. I'm hearing you.

Where is everybody?

- I thought we were supposed to be doing a review.
- Cancelled.

Very busy over here.
Big security review.

Just file what you're doing
and get it over.

If I stop to file
everything I'm doing

I'm never gonna get
any work done.

How are you doing getting those
security systems back up?

Well, no great.

There's still lot to do.

You really let this place
go to seed.

Oh, just get it done.

Is this really necessary?
I don't have time...

Very necessary.

Things are getting hot
with Otaku.

We got a few of them
in custody.

Off the record of course.

So we're kidnapping people now.

It's the cost of
doing business.

They'd do the same to us.

We're assigning armed response
details to all our facilities

Nobody even knows
where this place is.

I don't need
an armed response unit.

Don't worry, George.
I've got some good news.

Hollins is out.


I'm the new V.P.
of internal development.

We are thinking of folding
everything into my program.

No, no, no.
I have a three-year contract.

You can't just shut me down.

Two and a half and we haven't
really seen anything yet,

except for that ugly thing.

But it would be such a pity
if you couldn't deliver.

How's, uh... How's your
pet project going, Simone?

My pet project will define
the future of robotics

for at least the next 20 years.

Artisan robotics research isn't
really the future of this company.

- Oh.
- Oh, come on, George.

My prototype sailed through
the Halderman tests.

I mean that thing doesn't even speak.

Congratulations, Simone.
That's great.

Uh, is that it?
I'm trying to conserve energy.

Oh no,
we're not doing this again.

There is no way
you're getting a new line.

Out of the question.

I'm talking about my own energy.

This is a waste of my time.

Get those security systems
back up.

I want this place secure.


- Call terminated.
- I don't like her

She's a bitch.

Yeah, you're right.

She is a very smug lady

and she loves herself very much.

The less she knows
about you two the better.

If she knew about you,
she would pull your brain out

and take it apart
piece by piece.

She'd realize what and idiot she'd
been for marginalizing my research.

Because she wouldn't be able to
put you back together, would she?

You're not ugly.

Take your own team.

Yeah. I would need
my whole team,

and that would gut
their whole department.

What do you think,
they'd come?

Well, I'm pretty sure I could
appeal to their sensibilities.

I know
what they're getting paid.

Oh, screw this
boundary line thing.

Stop filming me.
Come on, come on.

Come on. Stop.

Come on. Let's go have a drink.

I swear this thing's
got ghosts in it.

You okay?

You're being very quiet.

This about you dream?


I know it's just a dream.

Do you have the ten?

You're welcome.

Why haven't you asked me to help
you in your workshop lately?

Is that it? Are you getting
bored out here with me?

- I thought we were a team.
- Yeah, of course we are.

I know what
you're doing in there.

We talked about this, okay?

I'm not replacing you.

You made another like me...

but better.

- Different.
- Better.

Just like I'm better
than my sister.

Different, okay?

Look, can you get back to
the house? You're getting wet.

I need to check this module
see if she triggered the system.

I know you can hear me.

I put you into
a hibernation state, okay?

Just... It's just like sleeping.

You'll be fine,
and when you wake,

I'm gonna be here
to take care of you.

Everything's gonna be fine.

Subject J1 showing me where
she could win an egg and spoon race.

I'm kidding...

Get you running in no time.

Why don't you
stop filming me?

I'm documenting
your career trajectory

and by the sounds of it we're
going to need this in court...

to vehicle storage.

Have a safe and productive day.

It's okay.

What're you doing in here, boy?

Go, go. Come on. Go. Go, go.

House, close the door.

- Unable to execute command.
- Close it.

- Did you open the door?
- Security system error

identified in vehicle storage.

Have you been into
the security systems?


What's happening?

Get the orange bag,
meet me outside.


Can you check the shutters?
I think the runners are jammed.

Hey, I'm gonna need your help
again soon. Is that okay?

What is it?

Uh, I just wanna take
a look at your legs.


Um, check the wear.

- They're fine.
- Yeah, I know they're fine.

But I'm gonna have to build
another pair soon,

and I want the diagnostics
driving the design.

Do you understand?

Do you know anything about this?

Somebody's been in here and
changed components. What is this?

- It wasn't me.
- Don't lie to me.

We only have a few of these spare and
we need them for the security cameras.

Look, what we're doing here,

is very, very important,
all right?

Limited resources.
Don't second guess me.

- I didn't do anything.
- You didn't do anything. Yeah.

Vehicle approaching.

Two vehicles are
requesting entry.

House, put 'em on speaker.

Mr. Almore.

My name is Vincent Sinclair

and this is my associate,
Mr. J.P. Melvin.

We're here to see your wife.

Girls, listen up.

Back in your base. All right,
back in your base. Come on.

Come on,
there's some people here,

and I need you to play dead
until they're gone, all right?

You too. All right, come on.
Back up, back up.

It is very, very important.

Come on, there you go,
there you go.

Very important you do not move
until I come and get you,

do you understand?

Thank you, Mr. Almore.

We received the notifications of
your wife's transition to Somnolence.

She's not ready to go yet.

Of course.

Do please excuse our machines.

It's just standard
company procedure.

We need to check the conditions are
optimal for your remaining usage.

Mmm-hmm, sure.

Mr. Melvin will run a few tests.


Subject is Almore, Julie Alice.

Term time so far two years,
eight months, four days.

That's right.

Any problems with the line?

Uh, well, um,

I can't connect with her
when I call.

She can call me,
but I can't call out.

- The line is clear when she call you?
- Yeah.

It's clear enough,
but it's getting weaker.

Well, that's to be expected
near somnolence

No cut outs though?

No, she, uh...

She has no idea
what's happening to her.

It's always a shame when we
lose a client that way.


It's getting worse.
A lot of static,

is that supposed to

Well, the archive experience

often ends with audio calls

only as the signal
begins to fade.

Mind you, you know all about
these units, don't you?

We're working on
some new technologies

but they're not available
to the public yet.

Beautiful view.

Yeah, well, uh...

it's one of the benefits of
being out of the way, you know

And you live here on your own?

Yeah, that's right.

So very peaceful.


The security seals
in this unit have been broken.

The environmental system's
been patched.

What're you talking about?

Right here, on my system.

Well, it's wrong.
Check it again.

Home use of the archive

legally constitutes storage
of the deceased user's remains.

If it is opened in any way
we have a legal obligation

to remove that unit
and prepare it for burial.

f*ck you,
she's not going anywhere.

- I gonna have to ask you to calm down.
- Don't tell me to calm down.

We are deputized.

and obliged to act

under the Post Death
Internment Act... with force.

If necessary.

You know, you're standing on
corporate sovereign territory.

This would be considered
an armed incursion

by Archive Systems Incorporated.

Are you sure you wanna start that?

This simple misunderstanding
is completely my fault.

I failed to give Mr. Melvin...

the relevant information.


Get out.


How are you feeling?


Yeah, I bet.

Look, I'm sorry I haven't been
here to explain any of this to you.

Well explain it to me now,

You remember me?

It's pretty confusing actually.

Well it, is any of it, uh,
any of it real?

Any of it feel solid?

Some of it feels...
Some of it feels very real. I...

- Hold on.
- No. No!


- All right, it's okay.
- Please.

When I did it before it was just
for your own good, okay?

I just need you
to relax into it, okay?

I'm trying to minimize your trauma
before I bring you fully online.


it's easily reversible.

Don't do it again.


How, uh, how did you...

Ah, it's okay, it's okay.
It's all right, it's all right.

Look at me, it's okay.
It's all right.

It's all right.

It's okay, it's okay.

How does your skin feel?
It... It's a prototype.

Why can't I remember things?

It's, uh... It's just your consciousness,
uh, rebuilding itself, that's all.

I hate being like this.

These machines...
It's, it's just...

It's alright. Look you need to calm down.
You need to trust me.

Just relax. Calm down.

It's your software.
It's finding patterns,

trying to piece things together.

It's not a tidy process
but it is working.

It's working.


I don't even know
how I got here.

I don't even know
what here is...

I want to go home.

This is home.

It hurts, George.

Being like this.

Now, for taste.


Do you like it?

- Who doesn't like vanilla?
- Hmm.

Number two.


Good. And finally?


- Lime.
- All right. Sorry about that.


This might feel...
a little weird.

How does that feel?

- Fine.
- Yep. Any pain?

- No.
- Good.

Okay, give me the words again.

Change. Control.

- Partner. Lives.
- Good.

All right.

Next up.

What's that?


This is Hello Puppy.

What do I do?

You take it, you look through
it and then you play with him.

You'll do stuff together.
Puzzles, things like that.

What's the point
of these tests?

They're pretty basic. How are they
meant to test my intelligence?

They're not.
That's an empathy test.

You can tell a lot about a person by
the way they interact with animals.

He's asking me if I want to
watch him dance.

I like it.

This isn't the right component.
Where's the other one?

It's not ready yet.

No. I need the RK4.

Come on.

What was that machine?

Oh, that's J2, my second prototype.

She loves that thing.

We'll, uh,
pick this up tomorrow, okay?

So there are three of us.

What happened to you face?

Uh, it was an accident.

How's you, uh...
How's your throat feeling?

Tight. Sort of numb.

Okay. You'll get used to it.

You just have to keep talking
while it beds in.

You sleep last night?


I've been dreaming a lot.

Last night I...

Well I don't know if
I'm dreaming or remembering.

Dreams do that, don't they?

Hmm. Dreams do do that.

Your AI is doing everything
it can to understand the world.

To give it context.

Gelling things together.

Rough with the smooth, right?


You know I can hear you.

Come on,
come in, come say hi.

Meet our new house guest.

Come on, come in.
Come say hello.

I have to
help her out sometimes.

She has problems
with her mobility.

This is is J1.



No, don't say sorry.
It's my fault.

Uh, work's been progressing so quickly I
didn't have time to fabricate her any arms.

But I don't think you mind,
do you, girl?

Are you going to
finish building me?

Yeah, of course I am.

- When?
- Well, um...

I'm working on something.

So, just give a couple of days,

and hopefully you'll be
fully independent.

No tethers, no battery, nothing.


Yeah, days. I promise.

I wanna show you something.

They are not like normal
robots, are they?

They move differently.

Yeah. Well, you're all
an attempt at the same thing.

Deep tiered machine learning.

Artificial intelligence.
Human equivalent to the holy grail.

Now J1,

she stopped developing
around here.

Age five, maybe six max.

And I took that,

used it as a template
for version two, which is J2,

who you already met.

And this is her here.

She stopped developing

around 15, maybe 16 at most.

And finally, this...

This is you.

This is me.

Jesus f*cking Christ.

You scared the shit out of me.

- Sorry.
- Hi.

I thought you were out.

Yeah, well,
I was out and then I came back.

And, uh, you were snoring,
by the way.

I only had three hours sleep,
so. And I don't snore.

Yeah, you do.


Ugh, if that's Fabian,
I'm gonna k*ll myself.

Ah, smiling today.

It's not his fault he's new and
he just doesn't know the systems.

Just please don't do my section.
It's my favorite color.

I won't.

Hey, when you're done with
the man-baby, let's make our own baby.

I'll be outside. You can get
ahold of me on this if you me.

The security systems aren't
going to fix themselves.

- You've got the day off.
- But I want to come with you.

I don't need
your help today, okay?

I just need you to stay home,
look after your sister

and make sure she doesn't
get into any trouble, okay?

George, can you hear me?

Yeah, I can hear you.

The lights
keep cutting out in here.

Is that you?

Hang on.

I tried that.
I do it every time something trips.

Power supply interrupted.

How is it now?

Backup systems online.

I don't know what's going on but
it's not good. Can you get back here?

George, get back here, please.

Okay, I'm coming.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight...

15, 16, 17. Okay, it's 17.

I'm in bay three. Trip it...

One, two, three, four...

- I can help you count the modules.
- What?

I know I did it wrong last time,
but let me try again.

You just... You just made me
loose count, all right?

Look, can you please
take this, recharge it, okay?

All right, thank you.

This place is falling apart.

System failure.
Emergency power.

How old is this site?

Uh... I don't know.

Older than me.

System online.

All right, bed time.
No more cartoon, all right?

Yeah, I know. Okay, come on.

That's all right.

Good girl. Good girl.

Here you go, good girl.
That's it.

Now, I gotta go out
to a meeting, okay?

It's fine, I'll be straight
back, right back.

Hey do you know
where your sister is by the way?

Central resources have
dispatched a risk assessor to see you.

A Mr. Tagg.

He's got new security procedures for
you, needs a face to face.

I don't care
what he wants.

This is my research environment.
He's not coming here.


Meet him at that
disgusting place you like.

This is important,
9:00 tonight.


Hi, I'm George Almore.

Take a seat.

So, what am I doing here?

I'm a risk assessor.

I assess risk.

And you...
You are a risk.

I'm sorry, sir.
You cannot smoke in here.


I hope, for your sake,

I don't need to use this
in the next couple of minutes.

Ah, I keep forgetting.

You're new to all this.

Did you hear about Black Mesa?

No, I didn't.

Well, you should
read your circulars.

Two k*lled, one missing.

All research staff.

Knew exactly what
they were doing.

How to get in, who to target,

what to take.

So, we're escalating.

And we get to be best friends.

Well, I don't have time
for friends.

You're being watched.

- Yeah, I go that part.
- This involves her.


Two night ago.

You were in my house?

- It was sent to me.
- Well, who took it then?

Who took the f*cking picture?

If I knew that

I would be talking to them
instead of you.

So what? This is some...
some kind of message?

Your new procedures.

Emergency use only.

- Do you understand?
- Mmm-hmm.

Sleep tight, Mr. Almore.

Oh, and, uh,
stay away from the tuna fish.

Oh, you're doing it?

Oh, wow. Oh, shit.


That is very ladylike.

Thank you.

It is so good.

Tell me how it went.

It went, um...
It went, um...

Three years of solid research with a
deliverable prototype at the end of it.

What? Whoa, what?

- Yes, they gave it to me.
- Oh, my God.

- They... It happened.
- Oh, my God.

- Babe, that's amazing. Congratulations.
- Thank you, thank you.

Oh, my God.
Okay, so, tell me everything.

Are they
expanding your workshop?


Yeah, I mean, kinda.
It's off-site.

They gave you a shop at Mesa?

No. I wish. No.

It's the Yaminashi prefecture.

- The what?
- The Yaminashi,

I think that's how you say it.


- Yaminashi.
- Yaminashi.

- Yaminashi.
- Yaminashi.

What is that?

It's Japan.

Come on.

It's Japan.

Look, it's thus, uh...
It's an amazing site.

It's this
old moth balled facility,

in the middle
of the forest. Beautiful.

I mean it has this
huge house attached to it,

with amazing view
and everything I need.

And they're just gonna
leave us to it for three years.






I know it's a lot.

No, no. Honestly, it's...

It's great.

I'm really proud of you.

Thank you.

I mean, I can say no
if you want me to.

Breach in residential area.

Breach in residential area.

House, lights.

House, k*ll the alarm.

System reset.

House abort.

Unable to comply.

Mr. Almore, what's going on?

Is this you?

We received notification that
your case has been opened.

Yes, I opened it. I just
wanted to see what's inside.

Everything's fine,
open the doors.

So there's no emergency
situation, is that correct?

No, there is no
emergency situation.

Open the doors. I've got
welding equipment running.

Open the f*cking doors.

If you open that case again,

it'd better be
a real emergency.

Next time,
it's a response team.

House launch the search drones,
I want a full area scan.

Launch failure,
magnetic interference.

Drones will not launch
inside security perimeter.

I can't quite get my head
around it though.

Once you're gone,
you're gone, right?

Right. I mean you're dead,
but you're not gone, gone.

Listen to this,

archived clients can expect
up to 200 hours of

face to face interaction
with the deceased.

But then it must be some sort of
download or something, surely.

If there's a way of saving
consciousness after death?

Right, but it's analogue,
not digital.

That's why you only get
a certain amount of time.

I know it's new
technology and everything,

but it's just weird
as shit to me.

Yeah, it's weird, but
it's also kind of amazing.

I mean, you get
to wrap up your affairs

after you're dead.

You get to say
goodbye properly.

Rough with
the smooth, right?

Why would you want to talk
to me if I was dead?

I would miss you.


I'd miss you too,
I guess.

You know I wouldn't
know I was dead, right?

How do you know
you would anyway?

- Fine, fine.
- Fine?

- Fine.
- Fine?

No, I don't want it,
I don't want it.

Jesus Christ.

I don't really understand why
you're so fixated about this.

Because I don't
want it, George.

All right,
you don't want it.

You hate it that much.

Can we just think
about it? Can we...

No. I don't want
to think about it, George.

I don't want it.
It's as simple as that.

Look why don't you
just think about it a little...

I don't want
to think about it!

Look, think about it.
It's free!

I don't want to, George.

I don't want to be trapped
in a box being dead.

It's not like I went
behind your back to do it okay?

Well, it feels like it.

Well, I didn't.

Are you gonna cancel it?

Sure, I'll cancel it.

No, no, no.

Come on. I told you
to stay inside.

Come on.
Inside, inside, inside.

Jesus Christ.

Come on. Here you go.
All right.

All right.

Keep walking.

Is she okay?

You know you're not
supposed to get wet.

She wouldn't
come inside.

Did you find anything?

No. I didn't.
I need my night kit.

I'm going to have
to go back out.

I'm sorry,
I'm not enough like her.

Hey, hey, hey,
don't talk like that, okay?

We're family and I'm gonna
look after you. Both of you.

But right now,
I need you to help, okay?

Now firstly,
do not let her outside

under any circumstances.

I don't want anything
to happen to her

or to you, all right?
Secondly, look at me,

if anyone tries
to get into the house,

and I mean anyone,

I want you to contact me
on the radio.

Channel 12,
same as always, okay?

All right, good.

Out, come on, out.

Let's go. Come on,
you too, let's go. Let's go.

I haven't got time
for this right now.


You okay?
Can you hear me?

You sick bastard!

- I know about her.
- It's all right. It's okay.

- I know about her!
- Calm down. Calm down.

- I know what you've done.
- Listen.

I know she's in that box
and she's not coming back.

Wait, wait, calm down.

- Why have you done this to me?
- Listen to me.

It's okay. It's all right.

Okay? It's okay.

I'm sorry, okay?
I'm sorry.

I just couldn't be
without her.

Why didn't you tell me?

I wanted to,
but I couldn't.

I couldn't.

If you want me to trust you,

you have to be
straight with me.

Yeah. What do you need
to know?



this is the data that
the computer has managed

to pull out of the archives.

They've never managed to connect
a computer to one before.

So just save her onto
a hard drive.


Jesus, I wish
it were that simple.

Strictly speaking, your brain
is not a computer.

There's a bio-chemical
element to it.

And the technology in,
in the archive and your brain

is extremely complex.

There's a lot of valves,
transistors, a lot of glass.

But you did it.


I did it.

One time I was
able to extract a...

a form of analogue signal
from it.

And I tried to reconnect,
but I couldn't.

I thought it was
some kind of fluke so I,

I dumped the data
and put it into a piece of

pattern recognition software.

I waited a long time,

over a year,

and then, I saw something.

It was her.

So, I used that to create
a personality template

and then, I started creating
a physical version.


And with each one, it got
exponentially better.

J2, and...

finally you.

What was she like?

She was perfect... for me.

Do you think we'd get along?

Well, you tell me.

You know her
better than anyone.

I feel like
she's my sister.

Yeah. You all took on that
relationship to some extent.

Are you going
to build a J4?


Now, I need you to tell me
what happened.

She took me
to the archive.

She was holding me
and had me pinned,

so I struggled.

She must have
overbalanced and...

I don't remember anything
after that.


- What the hell did you do?
- It was an accident.

What do you mean it was
an accident? Why?

I wanted to tell her
the truth.

You wanted to tell her
the truth.

- You got jealous?
- Why do you need her?

Why can't you keep
working on me?

I want to be better.

Did you do anything
to the archive?

- Did you touch it?
- No.

I'd never hurt her.
It was an accident.

Well, you went
too far this time.

You're staying here.

Secure channel.

What's this all about?
I'm really busy.

We had a visit.
from the archive company.

They wanted to talk to you
about your wife.

That's got nothing
to do with you.

Well, the company
is paying for the service,

so actually, it does.

They seem to think
your robots

might somehow be based around
their archive technology.

They're talking
patent infringement.

They want to take
a good, close look at them.

Of course, I told them

all our research
is confidential.

They're threatening
legal action against us.

Big league stuff.

Is there anything
I should know?


Well, the lawyers
are looking into it.

There might be consequences.

We're good.

I mean, against you.

You breached your
confidentiality agreement

by letting them
into the house.

It might be grounds
for termination,

but I'll be sure
to let you know.

Have a nice day, George.

Hey there.

How're you feeling?

How long
have I been gone?

Oh, not that long.
Couple of days.

Can I come out?


Yeah, you can
come out, but, uh...

I want to come out.



Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You okay?

You all right?

Where are my legs?

What have you done to me?

Well, uh, I needed them
for work.

You've given them to her,
haven't you?

No, no, no. I haven't
given them to her.

There was,

there was some technology
in them that was very important

and I needed it, okay?

I want my legs back.

You can build her
some new ones.

Well, what I'm gonna do

is I'm gonna build you
some new ones very soon.


Uh, soon, okay?

I don't have a lot of time
right now, but very soon.

Do you need my help?

Leave me alone.

Low power. Warning.

Low power.

Failure imminent.

Failure imminent.
Failure imminent.

Failure. Shutdown.

Good morning, madame.

- Monsieur.
- Oh, monsieur.

Avec le grande baguette.
Oh, oh, oh.

T'es con.

Couldn't speak
French yesterday.

so comforting

about a nice hot cup of tea.

Even if I can't drink it.

I miss the cheese.

- The bacon.
- Oh, yeah.


Try it.

It's a simulation.

You don't need it, but

you can have all
the fun of enjoying it.


- Mmm.
- Yum?


This might be a Nobel prize
or something.

Can we have a minute?

Sure. Come on.

You scared me.

You okay?

- No.
- Well, I don't see any damage.

Doesn't mean I'm okay.

Tell you what,

why don't you come and talk to me when
you're feeling a bit less dramatic.


- Hi.
- Hi.

- It's such a good song.
- Mmm-hmm.

Come on. Dance with me.

- Come on.
- No, no. I'm good.


It's alright.

Get out.

- I...
- Get out!

Vital signals failing.

Mr. Max has kindly graced us
with his presence.


Hello, I'm
bearer of good news.


- I am your protector.
- Yes.

It's great. Honestly.
I'm so proud of you.

No, it's not
what I'm saying.

It's not what I'm saying.
I said it's fine.

Echo mike one.

Echo Mike one, Mike one.

Echo Mike
one, go ahead.

We need a box over here.
Priority one.

Roger Mike
one, stand by.

You okay?

I remember the crash.

I was pregnant.

Synchronization with archived
subject cannot be established.

Please try again later.

Mr. Almore.
My name is Hans Elson.

What can I do
for you today?

Yeah, hi. I'm having a problem
with my archive unit.

Our diagnostic line
has notified us

that your wife's unit
has become somnolent.

Are you preparing
for your final call?

Yeah, well, that's the thing.
I can't get through.

I'm sorry sir,
but at this late stage,

there's not really much
we can do.

Well, I don't understand.

you had a team that came out and
checked the unit. They said it was fine.

Excuse me, sir.
A team?

Yes. Their names were...

Melvin and Sinclair.

I'm sorry, Mr. Almore,

but we have no record
of a sight visit.

What did you say
their names were?

Melvin and Sinclair.

I'm sorry sir,

but we don't have
anybody by those names.

Mr. Almore,

are you preparing
for your final call?

My name is Hans Elson.

What can I do
for you, today?

Welcome to engineering.

Have a safe
and productive day.

Don't touch that, please.

I need you to trust me
right now, okay?

Incoming transmission.

What the f*ck!

You have been busy,
you piece of shit.

The archive company got hold
of the prototype

you lost.

Fished it out
the f*cking lake.

They're threatening
legal action that could

finish this entire company.

I'm shutting
you down immediately.

Stay exactly...


They're coming for us, now.


I'm going to cut the power
to the bridge.

I'll be back.

- Hello?
- Who are you?

Where's George?

It's nice to finally
talk to you.

Where's George?

George can't come
to the phone right now.

What's happened to him?

You don't need to worry
about George.

I'll take care of him
once you're gone.


When your archive expires.

Which won't be long now.

What did you say
to her?

Jules, can you hear me?

George, who was that?

I can't really explain
right now, but, um,

you have to trust me, okay?

Your signal's really weak.

And I have to do this.

I'll see you very soon.

See you very soon?

You're going to
put her in me...

aren't you?

Just overwrite me.

Like some sort of
software update.

I built you to hold her, yeah.

I had to be absolutely sure

that you could feel
the same emotions,

same feelings that she had.

I'm sorry,
but it's the only way.

She's dead.

Jules is f*cking dead!

Vehicle approaching.

Emergency alert.

House, close the door.

Access denied.

Close the f*cking doors!

Unable to comply.

You are not
getting out of this, George.

System failure.


Base security
has been compromised.

Security door one
has been breached.

Let her go, George.


I have to try
and get her back.

She's gone.

Just put the g*n down, okay?

Area breached.

Who are they?
What do they want?

They want you.


Area breached.

Hey, hey, hey,
don't do that. Come on.

Come on. It's all right.

It's okay.

Come on. Come on.
Hey, hey, hey.

It's all right. It's okay.

I'm sorry,
it won't work with you.

I couldn't build you
well enough.

I know. I know.


Security door two
has been breached.

I never stood a chance...

did I?

It's my fault.

I k*lled her.

It was nobody's fault.

Yes, it was.

I was driving.

It wouldn't have made
any difference.

No, no, no, that's...

See, I wanted
to fix it, you know?

I wanted to make things right.

so that we could have a life
like we were supposed to have.

So that we could have
a future, together.

I'm sorry.


Come on. Come on. f*ck.

Come on.

No, no, no. f*ck.

Security door two
has been breached.

It's okay, it's okay,
it's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay.


Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah, it's me.

Don't answer it.


don't answer it.


this is the last time

I'll be able to speak.

They're telling me
your system's going to expire.

I'm sorry.

I couldn't
tell you everything.

But I want you to know
that I love you.

I miss you.

I have to say goodbye.

There's something
I need you to hear.


Mummy says we can't come
and see you anymore.

I love you.



Thank you, Mrs. Almore.

I'm so sorry
for your loss.