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Breach (2020)

Posted: 02/02/24 07:59
by bunniefuu
For a
century, they vowed to cure the planet

of the famine
ravaging our world.

While they made
their bold promises in public,

in secret,
they planned their escape.

And so today,
after years of unrest,

society has reached
its breaking point

as the last shuttle
departs for New Earth,

damning 19 billion people
to extinction.

We stick to the plan.

Hey! Hey!

Hey, watch it!

Departure for New Earth

to commence
in T-minus three minutes.

Positive. Take him in.

- Have your papers ready.
- Move. Move.

Stowaways will be
ex*cuted on sight.

No unauthorized personnel

- Hayley!
- Noah! Noah!

- Hayley!
- Hey! Hey!

- Noah!
- Hayley! Hayley!

- Noah!
- Hayley! Hayley!

- Come on!
- Noah! No!

Noah! Noah!


- She's plague-free.
- Get in.

No! I'm not leaving
without him!

No! No!

Hold them!
Don't let them through!

Stop them!

Boarding is now complete.

Departure for New Earth
in T-minus one minute.

All passengers
report to Cryo immediately!

How do I get off the ship?

Sir, we have stowaways
trying to breach the vents.

Just report to Cryo.

Come here.


Where's your mama?

We'll find your mama, okay?


You are the last
1,000 passengers to board.

The other passengers
are already in Cryo.

Please proceed to main hall
before reporting to Cryo.

I am Admiral Kiernan Adams.

Welcome to my home,
the U.S.S. Hercules.

The Herc is the last
quant-engine-enabled ship

capable of making
the journey to New Earth.

As to the 41 other shuttles

that have gone ahead
to New Earth,

well, I hope it's the paradise
they said it would be.

For the next six months,

we will blaze
across space and time.

For most of us in Cryo,

this journey
will be but a dream.

For our children, it will be
the journey that gave them life.

The worst is behind us.

All hands to their stations.


- Hayley.
- Noah?


- You okay? You okay?
- Yeah, I'm okay.

- We're fine. The baby's fine.
- Yeah.

- Hi.
- Hey.

- I thought I lost you.
- Me, too.

Hey. Hey, hey, hey.
You gotta go.

One second.

- Are you okay?
- I got her onboard,

so where's that ship
you promised me?

You're lucky you're
standing on this one.

- Hold on. You promised me...
- I expect you to f*cking move.

Go on.


You're late.

Hi, sir. I'm, uh, Noah.

Let me guess.
You are the dead man walking

that knocked up
my unmarried daughter

and made her drop out
of West Point.

No, this is not.
This man helped us.

He helped us get on the ship,
saved my life,

saved our lives.

Is that right?

I guess I owe you.

No, sir.

Glad you're safe.

All right.

I don't get
why you don't tell him.

Your dad's
gonna find out eventually.

I know. I can't wait
for him to know you.

I just want that
to be in an environment

where he can't
open a window and...

boot you into space.

- You excited for the mission?
- My "mission."


You mean
the custodial department?

Yeah. Man in overalls...

cleaning toilets,
so much responsibility.

It's gonna be fine.

We're gonna get to New Earth,

pop this sucker out,

and then we get
to be a family.

You promise?

I promise.


Six months from now,
it's you, me, and the little one

on a New Earth beach.



I love you.

50% of passengers in Cryo.

All remaining crew members
report immediately.

Cryo inducement complete.

Commencement of quantum jump
in T-minus one minute.

100% of passengers in Cryo.

Prepare for hyper-speed.

Powering reactor.

Oh, shit. Come on.

Yeah, Torpedo Clay.

Thought you were
in f*cking jail.

Oh, my God.
You made it, m*therf*cker.

- You all right?
- Clay Young,

you beautiful soul.
How long's it been?


Okay, all right. Fair enough.

- I probably deserve that.
- All right?

- Hi.
- Hi.

First jump?

Just a little friendly advice.

Would you get the f*ck
out of my seat?

Come on.

There you go. Okay.

All right.

Reactor at full power.

Quantum jump in 10, 9...

8, 7, 6...

5, 4, 3...

2, 1.

Hyper-speed commence.



Holy shit.

What happened?

About 30 years.

We're 30 years older?

No, meatball,
30 years on Earth.

It's quantum-release
time dilation.

So if 30 years
passed on Earth...

Everybody on Earth is dead.

Look on the bright side, though.

They're serving pancakes today.

Think we'll ever return?

We just left, and this
m*therf*cker wants to go back.

- Home is Earth.
- Yeah?

Well, we could wake the admiral,

and we could see if he'll
flip this bitch around.

Why are we even
going to New Earth?

Just gonna f*ck it up
like we did the last one.

Earth, we hardly knew you.

Maybe we're going 'cause we
don't wanna f*cking die.

Yeah, I thought
that was obvious.

You're right, you know.
It's not like we learned anything.

We're just a bunch
of intergalactic monkeys

setting fires
across the universe.

Clay telling
w*r stories again?

I love the one about the admiral

demoting his ass
for insubordination.

We leave 19 billion behind,

but this space n*zi,
he gets a seat.

"Oh, I don't know, Admiral.

I guess Clay just couldn't
cope with leaving Earth.

Drank himself stupid
and jumped. su1c1de."

A stowaway, sir, the last one.


this is what happens
to stowaways,

f*ck-ups, and anyone plotting
against the admiral!

- Take him away.
- f*ck you!

f*ck you!

All right! Listen up!

The Herc will hit New Earth
in 182 days.

Damn near all the ship,
including the admiral,

will be in Cryo,

which means I'm your commander,

your king, your God Almighty.

Your fellow crew members
will consist of six medics...

Where are my medics?

Six engineers...

Where are my monkeys?

Which leaves
five JAG officers and myself

to police your sorry asses

and five janitors to question
their lives' decisions.

Any problems come up,
you fix 'em your damn selves.


Breakfast is over.




Arrival to
New Earth, T-minus 171 days.


What are you doing?

I was just gonna ask you
the same thing.

The shift starts in 60.

Stanley will break your legs
if you're late.

Hey, so if we're
gonna be bunk buddies,

that mean we're working
the same shift?

- Well, what do you think?
- Hey, how 'bout...

- how 'bout we start over?
- Let's not.

Hi. I'm Noah.

Look, you want to get along,
do your job,

don't touch my stuff,
don't talk to me,

and do not snore.

How will I know I'm snoring
if I'm asleep?

Well, you'll know it
when I kick your teeth in.

We got 59 minutes. Papa Clay
needs his beauty sleep.

Start work tomorrow.

Only two bathrooms
for the entire crew,

so that's wonderful.

Also, um...

they say, 'cause of quant-speed,

that time moves differently
for us than it does on Earth...


your mom...

the plague probably got her...

along with everyone else.

I had a dream last night.

Yeah, I dreamt it was a girl.

What are you doing, rook?

You're late.
Let's go. Chop-chop.

I'm going.

Don't push me, rook.

I'm a real nice guy.

Just don't push me.

All right?
You know what you're doing?

Bathrooms, linens, mess hall.

Maybe there's hope
for you yet.

Not likely, but...


There's your mop.
Here's your bucket.

Time to rock-'n'-roll, kid.

Here we go.

Oh, no.

Three, two, one...

Arrival to
New Earth, T-minus 86 days.

Made it to the halfway mark.

We're almost home.

Access denied.

Access denied.

What the f*ck
is wrong with you guys?

Access denied.

Only the admiral
has access to the reactor!

Hey, son...

you snooping around
the reactor room?

No, sir.

I don't even know
where that is.

If you saw anyone
acting strange or...

messing with things
they shouldn't mess with,

you'd tell me, right?

Of course, sir.

Lot of people are upset
about us leaving Earth.

They think humankind
had its shot...

that it's unnatural for us

to be colonizing another planet.

They'd rather torpedo this ship
than see us start over.

So like I said...

you see anyone acting strange...

you'd tell me, right?

Yes, sir.



- What'd Stanley want?
- Nothing.

If it's not coming off,

you're not using
the strong stuff.

Like what?

Did you completely
d*ck off in training?

Moxacell. You got to be careful,
or that shit'll melt your face.

All I'm saying is the
Fermi paradox makes sense.

What if... What if they're
not hiding in space, huh?

Could they be hiding
in another time,

another dimension?

Well, everyone on the ship
is now a lot dumber

from listening
to that conversation.

Or could
another alien civilization

have been hit
with an extinction-level event?

I mean, we barely f*cking
survived the Nuclear Age.

The plague,
we still haven't cured...




"Extreme cleaning power."


Oh, shit.


"One drop per gallon of water."

Come on.

- Blue!
- Huh?

Hurry it up, will you?

What the f*ck is the rush?

Oh, God.

Oh, yeah.

We ain't
getting anything done.

Anyway, I'm so f*cking high,

I couldn't even think
about working right now.

f*ck that.

What's up, man?

I drank something earlier.

You're starting
to freak me out, brother.


you f*cking with me?

Whoa! What, what, what?

Oh, God! Ohh! Call Chambers!

What do you mean,
"Call Chambers?"

Call her now!

What? Whoa, whoa!
Just get it out!

- What the f*ck are you doing?
- Get it out!

Get what out?
You're f*cking freaking me out!

I'm burning! Agh!
Agh! It's burning!

- Drink this!
- It's burns!

Drink this!

Good. Drink it.

Oh, my God.

Are you all right? You okay?

Say something, bro.

Say something. Shady.


What do you know?



You f*cking idiot.


Clay, I finished the floors.

Clay, can I go?


Clay, you in there?

What are you doing?

- Uh...
- You following me?

- I...
- Let me ask you a question.

- Sit down.
- What is all this?

I said sit down!

No, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no!

- I just finished my shift. I...
- I saw Clay

stealing jet fuel,
and he had Moxacell.

- What? Spit it out.
- Clay's making a f*cking b*mb!

Is that true, Clay?

You got him?

Right. Let's go.

Come on! Stand up!

I didn't see anything.

Did you bring it?

Do you want to start,
or should I?

You know, he knows about you.

What exactly
does the commander know?

That you're
with the rebellion.

That you're trying
to blow up the ship,

trying to get revenge for all
those people you left behind.

He said all that, huh?

And if anything happens to me,

he's gonna go looking.

You guys should move back.
This could get messy.

Make it easy, kid.

Open your mouth.

No, please.
I'm not gonna say anything.

Open your mouth.

Please, I have a family.
I have a family.

What the f*ck?

Wait. So you're not making
a b*mb. You're making...


it's mostly acid cleaner.

So... So you're not trying
to blow up the ship?

What the hell
are you talking about?

I saw you stealing fuel cells.

Jet fuel,
gives it a good kick.

Torpedo Clay's special recipe.

So now that we know
and we know that you know,

we, uh, think it's best
that we keep this between us.

If Commander Stanley finds out,

we are all looking
at a court-martial,

all of us.

And if I don't?

Blackmailing me?

Got 84 days.

What do you say?

All right!

Let's have some fun.

What do you think?

- Oh, what was that?
- Hear, hear.

We can confiscate their booze.

So they paid an ad agency

to come up with
the phrase "New Earth."

I mean, shit,
I could come up with that.

New Earth.
We f*cked up the old,

so here's a new one.

My brother made it
on the first ship.

Who do you have
waiting for you?


Just your family?

I don't have a family.

I thought you told us
you had a family.

Um, back on Earth.

Just my mom,
and she had to stay behind.

So it's just me now.

There was a girl.

Ah, here we go.


A real lady.


She married my brother.

She married your brother?

Is he still breathing?

Clay's a lover, not a fighter.

Ain't that right?

One day, you're young, and...

you got the world at your feet.

And the next, you're, well...

whatever the f*ck we are.

I'm gonna go find me some Blue.

Where are those jackasses?

If it's gonna fail, why go?

Because I'm good
at failing up.

Where are you
getting reassigned?

- Reassigned?
- You know, the new job

we get when we land.

Oh. Um, butcher.

Just not too f*cking sharp.



Where are you?

Hey, where you been hiding?


You only get one chance at this.

Oh, jeez.

Locating New Earth assignment.


That's more like it.

- Clay.
- Should have known.

First jump.
You don't know your assignment.

Can't clean for shit.

Please. I-I can explain.

I'm giving you 10 seconds

before I call Stanley.

No, look,
you don't understand.

Five, four, three,
two, one.

Okay, I wasn't picked
for New Earth.

I'm technically a stowaway.

Do you know
what they do to stowaways?

Okay, I lied before, okay?

I do have a family,
and she's on the ship.

Her name is...

Hayley Adams.

You idiot.

You knocked up
the admiral's daughter.

Are you suicidal?

- I didn't know who her dad was.
- His face is everywhere!

I'm just trying to do
the right thing here, okay?

Clay, report.

- Please, Clay.
- You know the shit you just put me in?

Look, I'm just trying
to do right by them.

Clay, g*dd*mn it!
Where are you?

If you're gonna
tell him, just...

I don't know, give me
a head start, at least, okay?


Clay? Clay.


Oh, what is this?

Where's Blue?

It's, um... it's Shady.

What the hell
did you do to him?

Teek found him like this.

Shady is everywhere.

So where the f*ck
is Ensign Blucher?

Blue couldn't have done this.

I don't know
what could have done this.

Uh, decompression, maybe,

but, uh, if there
was a leak in the Herc,

- we'd all be dead.
- Ortega's also missing.

No, she's not.

She just went
looking for Blue.

Clay, we're calling up
the footage now,

trying to figure out what happened,
but it might take a minute.

We need to get
all the crew in on the search.

I worked with Blue
for 10 years.

He didn't do this.

Kid, just in case I'm wrong,

Blue's a big boy.

Give him some room.


Attention, all crew.

Engineer Blucher Macon and
Senior Doctor Isabella Ortega

have gone missing.

Report at once
to begin a sweep of the ship.

Nothing. You?


Is the feed
telling us anything yet?

Not yet.
We're still searching.

All right.
Well, I found Ortega.

- What'd she say?
- Nothing.

Blue bashed her head in.

What do you think
he wants with the admiral?

Blue, what the f*ck
are you doing?

We found Shady and Ortega.

Come on, buddy.

You want Stanley
to use his cannon?

Drop the cutter.

Turn around!

Oh, f*ck.
What happened to him?

I'm ordering you
to lay down your w*apon.

Put your w*apon down,
and surrender.

It's your final warning.

Lay down your f*cking w*apon!

I don't think
he's gonna listen.

g*dd*mn it, Blue.
He's gonna k*ll you.

sh**t him!

Jesus Christ,
how did he do that?

We need to stop the bleeding.

Can't find an artery.

Is he dead?

Is he dead?

Yeah, he's gone.

So is Xu.

That's not just cabin fever.

He ate Xu's neck.

He ate it.

We need to find out
what happened.

What's taking so long
with the feed?

I'm going as fast as I can.

It's one room, Teek.

Why does he look like that?

Something seems to be

dissolving him
from the inside out.

We have to do an autopsy.
You guys go.

I need to be alone.

You okay?

Arriving to
New Earth, T-minus 85 days.


Not yet.

g*dd*mn it.

Dr. Susan Chambers,

12:30 a.m., May 4th.

I am beginning the autopsy.

I will start collecting samples
for DNA sequencing.

What happened?

Stanley just locked us in.

More time is needed
to evaluate these results.

I will begin now
to make my first incision

and visual assessment.

Just get it out!

- What the f*ck are you doing?
- Get it out!

Get what out?

There's nothing inside him.

Drink that! Drink that!

What do you mean, nothing?


I know you can hear me!

How long
are we supposed to sit here?

Hey, do you think
something happened?

How the f*ck would I know?


Teek! Somebody!

Open the g*dd*mn door!

Let's go.

So you misplaced some organs?

No. I was alone
with Blue all night.

When I cut him open,
his spleen, his heart,

his nervous system, his blood

had basically
been eaten down to nothing.

Eaten? Like "eaten"?

Wait. So if Blue didn't
have anything inside him...

Then how could he still move?

It's 'cause he was being
controlled from the inside.

Let me show you something.

The strand on the left
belongs to Blue,

just like yours and mine...
proteins, lipids,

the building blocks
of all life in the universe.

Strand on the right, also Blue,

except it's
not even carbon-based.

It's not human.

If I'm guessing...

Blue picked up some sort
of virus or a parasite.

Invades the body of the host and
then wears it like a cheap suit.

So how did it get onboard?

I had the ship
do a head count

after you found Ortega,
just to make sure

that nobody else
had gone missing,

and I found this.

Noah's not in the system.

He's using forged papers.

Don't f*cking move!

Wait, wait, wait.
I can explain...

- I can explain.
- Hey, hey! Oh, whoa, whoa.

- What was the f*cking plan?
- No! I don't know!

Infect the crew?
Then eat our guts

while you sink the ship?

No! f*cking no!

He's not trying to k*ll us.

He's just a scared kid

trying to survive,
like the rest of us.

Any more secrets?

So if this assh*le
didn't let it in,

we need to find out who did
and what we're dealing with.

Show them.

They deserve to know.

Holy shit.

And look.

They're not alone.

So when you said parasite,
you meant...

Alien. And it might
still be out there.

If it's out there,
we k*ll it.

What is it?

- I don't know.
- Where did it come from?

Again, I don't know.

So how does a thing like that
sneak onboard without us knowing?

Because somebody
had to bring it onboard.

Do we know who did it?

What are you doing?

We have to wake up
the admiral.

- No, we don't.
- Something is on this ship

k*lling his men.
This is his responsibility.

Well, the paranoid bastard

made sure we couldn't
break into his quarters,

let alone wake him from Cryo.

And I don't trust
the stowaway,

so he goes out the air lock.

Stanley, let him go!



Clay, look up!

f*ck you, m*therf*cker!

Get to the arsenal.

Hey, the crew
are still locked in.

Cabin doors opening.

What's happening?

Someone's letting them out.

That's impossible.
Only Stanley can do that,

and he's dead.

Not anymore.

Move! Move!

- Did you find Blue yet?
- Run, you f*cking idiots!

Get inside! Lock the doors!

What the f*ck?

- Go.
- What is it?

I already told you I don't know.

Blue, Ortega, and Xu
were all dead,

so how the f*ck is it
still able to control them?

- I didn't bring it on the ship.
- Think! Try anything!

- I said I don't know!
- Everybody knock it off!

He doesn't know anything!

Look, I didn't
fight my way onto the ship

so I could k*ll anyone.

I'm here so I could
protect my family.

We won't have long
before they find us.

Okay. Then what are we
supposed to do?

- We need to get to security.
- What, and send a message?

There's no signal
with JAG command

until we're closer to New Earth.

All right, Doc,
how do we k*ll it?

I don't know.
b*ll*ts only slowed them down.

Brute force didn't work.

What about fire?

- Might work.
- Good enough for me.

You remember how to use
one of those things?

What do you think?

Where are you going?

- To get Hayley!
- Noah, stop!


What is that?

Get away from the door.

Jesus Christ.

They're all dead.

Don't let 'em
trap us below-deck.

We need to get
to the security bay.

Light 'em up!

Ahh! You f*ckers!

Stand back.

It's not working! Keep firing!

Fire alarm! Cover your eyes!

Okay, it looks
like they're gone.

We're sitting ducks in here.
We gotta move.

Let's get to the security bay.

- Can't see!
- Neither can they,

so shut the f*ck up.

Where are you?

I'll cover.

Hey, guys,
can somebody tell me

what the f*ck is going on?


I can't see him.

Cover me.


- Should we go after him?
- No. No, they're gone.


We have to get out of here.

- Just wait! Clay!
- Clay?

If you can hear us...


Something's coming.

- We gotta get off the ship.
- Escape pods are over there.

Where are we gonna go?
We're nowhere near New Earth.

All right, let's go
to the, uh, security bay.

- Okay. Okay, this way.
- Come on. Let's go.

Follow me. Follow me.

I'm outta here.
You coming, kid?

Good luck.

- Where's your access card?
- Top right pocket.

Got it.

We gotta patch him up.

I'm locking us in.

Jesus! You been
working out, Stanley?

Hey, Stanley.

Come on.

Arrival to
New Earth, T-minus 84 days.

We have
nowhere left to go,

and we have no one to call.
We need to be strategic.

So tired
of f*cking running.

We need to face
these bastards head-on.

We're all gonna die.

b*ll*ts won't work...


Can't be k*lled.

It's death.

Hey, guys...

come up with a plan?

I-I can't tell you
how to k*ll it

if I don't know what it is.

If someone brought it,
they had to have a reason.

Well, we had a good run.

Not bad for
a bunch of drunks.

So we're supposed to sit here and
wait for them to tear us apart?

No. We're gonna get drunk

and wait for them
to tear us apart.

- You think this is funny?
- You hear anyone laughing?

We are outmatched, outgunned,

and we need reinforcements.

Aren't you supposed to be
some sort of f*cking badass?

You just looking out
for yourself?

Yeah, so were you
when you snuck on the ship.

No, I'm looking out
for my family.

Who are you looking out for?

Wait. Where does that go?

The vent, where does it go?

Vents go a lot of places.

- Does it reach the admiral?
- Oh, shit.

All right, damn you.

Have it your way.
For the record,

this is a terrible idea.

But I'll give you a shot.

You wake the admiral.
He blows 'em all up.

You get your girl.

Yeah. Easy.

It's gonna be tight.

Just keep moving,
and do exactly what I say.

Aw, what are you
waiting for?

Up and at 'em, hero.

Which way do I go?

Clay, can you hear me?

Please stop doing that.

First turn's coming up.

After that, go 200 feet.

Take your next two lefts.

You wanna hurry it up, son?

Taking first left.

- Now where?
- Stop.

- They're coming.
- What?

They're all
around you. Move.

Taking second left. Now what?

Clay, what's happening?

Hope they eat you first.

I'm sorry.

God, please forgive me.

Don't start praying yet, Teek.

Kid might be onto something.


- Clay?
- I'll tell you when to stop.

Listen to me.

Xu and Ortega, they're here.

They didn't see you.
Keep moving.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Almost there, kid.

Keep going.

I have to tell you
something. I...

I did it. It was me.


What did you do?

Tell us.

I-I thought it would be quick.

I-I thought it would...

I thought it would
k*ll us fast.


tell me what you did.

- Teek.
- You're lying.

- You didn't do it.
- It was me!

They found me.


Left or right?
Left or right?

Take a right.

We're gonna die
because of you.

Get up!

Clay, what's going on?

I'll deal with you later.

Think I'm lost.

Where's Xu and Ortega?

Which way do I go?

There should be a vent
to your right.

What's the holdup?

You again.

Why would you
want to hurt us?

Everything's not about "us."

There are 300,000 souls
on this ship,

good people just trying
to make a fresh start

on a better planet.

Isn't that what you maniacs
preach about?

What about them?

Maybe mankind
had its chance.

See, we can't keep destroying
everything that we touch.

There's a lot of us who get it.

We see humanity
for the parasite that it is.

Shame on you.

We get what we deserve.

What is it?

You brought it here.

You don't know?

Where'd it come from?

Did you find it?
You cook it up in a lab?

Did it fall from the sky?
Where is it from?

The experiments.

So they made it.

No, we didn't make it.

We brought it back.

You brought it back
from where?

Another planet?
Another universe?

Maybe it was here
from before the universe.

And it's gonna k*ll us all,
even you,

because you told it to.


Because it wants to.

Because that's all it knows.

All right, all right,
I heard enough of this monster.

Are you sober enough to return
to active service, Captain?

Just like the old days.

Anything else I should know?

It's getting smarter.

We've already found it
targeting the reactor

and your bunker, sir.

And where is this horde now?

All right.

There's no need
to complicate things.

Let's k*ll 'em all,

flush 'em out the air-vac.
How's that sound?

Works for me, sir.

Ah, look here.

Wake 'em up. Strap up. Move out.

We, uh, graduated
from the same academy.

Majored in orbital warfare.

- Clay?
- Once upon a time...

he was a warrior.

He disobeyed orders
during the Eos uprising.

He refused to fire on
protestors during the riots.

He got blue falconed
back to rear detachment.

Wait a second.

Hey, what's the status
on Cryo?

Don't worry. She's fine.

Who's fine?



you're the father.

Whoa, sir.

He's an idiot,
but he's our idiot.

We might need him.

I'll deal with you later.


Orbital 1701,
ready to maim, m*rder,

and k*ll on your command, sir.

We are here to hunt.

We are here to k*ll.

We are here to survive.

Lead the way, son.

How much time do we have?

About two seconds longer
than him.

Here goes nothing.

Watch your six.

Safeties off.

My God.

Captain Stanley?

Is that you?

Okay. Have it your way.

Secondary positions!
Go! Go!

No, no, no!

- Get inside!
- I know how to k*ll it!

Little closer. Come on.

Hey, kid, you tell Hayley
I think she'll be all right.


He blew himself up.

That crazy m*therf*cker.

So I guess it's over now.

Hey! Where you going?

- Get Hayley!
- Who's gonna mop this up?

You gotta be
f*cking kidding me.

What is this thing?

We have to get out of here.

Come on! Let's go!

Where are we going?

To get Hayley
and get off the ship.

Go where? We're a billion
miles from everywhere.

What was that?

Something new.



I used it on Blue,
and it worked.

And you're
just now telling us?

You sure he was dead?

This thing
has tricked us before.

I watched him
melt away to nothing.

Wh-where is it?

That way.

Clay, what about your stash?

Where's the moonshine?

Down in the arsenal.

Access to reactor granted.

Welcome, Admiral.

Be advised.
High counts of radiation.

Do not expose skin.

We tried fire.

Yeah, but this, this'll
melt them to jelly. Trust me.

We just have to get close.

Are they coming?

What the f*ck was that?

The ship is shaking.

Estimated time
of arrival to New Earth

has been updated to
T-minus 80 days and counting.

Eighty days?
Does that sound right?

Arrival in T-minus
79 days and counting.

No, how is that possible?

Updated. Seventy-eight days
and counting.

What's happening?

They're hitting
the f*cking gas.

Reactor power
increased to 60%.

Reactor power increased to 67%.

They're overheating
the reactor.

We can't take much more of this.

- How did they even get inside?
- We let it.

It tried for the reactor
with Blue.

When that failed,
it went for the admiral,

the only person on this ship
with access to the reactor,

and when we stopped it,
it came for us,

because it knew we would find
some way to wake him up.

It's been playing us all along.

Get away from the door.

You gonna grab one of these?

Has the ship changed course?

- What?
- No.

And there's no aliens
trying to eat us?

- They've left us alone?
- What the f*ck?

So we're on a ship
headed to New Earth

at the speed of light
with an unstable reactor

- and an alien?
- Yeah, we got it.

So why k*ll 300,000 when you
can k*ll an entire planet?

You're talking
about 50 million people.

The last 50 million.

All right.

Who wants barbecue?

I guess that worked.

So that's it?

No, this is
just what it looks like

when everything's
been boiled in acid.

All right, Doc. Wrap it up.

Who in the hell
are these people?

It must have run out of crew.

It's infecting the passengers.


g*dd*mn it.

We need to get them
away from the reactor.

Come on!
We're right here!

- Hey! Over here!
- Over here!

They're not gonna stop.

Burn 'em.

It's working!

There are too many.
We won't be able to get through.

Get Hayley
to the escape pod.

We'll cover you.



Hayley. Hayley!

I'll get you out.


- Hey.
- We made it?

- You okay?
- Mm-hmm.


- What is this for?
- We have to go.

- Come on. Just trust me.
- What?

Just trust me, all right?
We have to go.

Right now, we have to go.

Wait. Where's Dad?

We gotta go.


Come on.

Where is he?

Look, he sacrificed himself
so we could have a chance.

I-I'm sorry,
but we have to go.

Otherwise, it'll be
for nothing. Please.


Watch out.

What the f*ck is that?

We have to go!

Clay, let's go!

Let's get the f*ck
off this ship!

Get to an escape pod.

- What are you gonna do?
- Improvise!

It's behind you!

That is an ugly m*therf*cker.

Clay. Clay, we've gotta go.

Clay, we have to go
right f*cking...

Watch out.

f*cking m*therf*cker.

Get into the escape pod.

Clay. Clay!


Noah, we have to go.

Noah, we have to go!


Arrival to New Earth updated,

T-minus 17 days and counting.

Arrival to New Earth updated,
T-minus 15 days and counting.


- Get inside. Let's go.
- What are you doing?

I have to hit the launchpad.
It's the only way to get us out of here.

Be right back, okay?

Come on.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. Okay.

How you doing, kid?

Clay, you're alive?

Well, I wouldn't go that far.

Can you get to us?

The chambers are overrun.

The ship's moving
too fast to stop it.

It's over.

Clay, there's 300,000
f*cking people onboard.

And you gotta save three.

If you stay onboard,
you're gonna die.

It'll talk a lot more
than aliens to k*ll me.

Adios, padre.

Clay, wait!


Trajectory change detected.
The Herc is no longer

on a collision course
with New Earth.

Hey, Stanley.

How you doing?

You're looking good.


Commencing reentry
to New Earth.

Is that a little kid?


We were on the ship from Earth!

We need help.

Noah, it's the baby.

What are we gonna do?

Burn 'em all.