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Color Out of Space (2019)

Posted: 02/02/24 08:00
by bunniefuu
West of Arkham...

...the hills rise wild...

...and there are valleys
with deep woods

that no ax has ever cut.

There are dark, narrow glens

where the trees
slope fantastically...

...where thin brooklets trickle

without ever having caught
the glimpse of sunlight.

When I went into the hills
and vales

to survey
for the new reservoir,

they told me
the place was evil.

They told me this in Arkham,

and because
that is a very old town,

full of witch legends,

I thought the evil
must be something

which grandams
had whispered to children

through centuries.

Then I saw the dark
westward tangle of glens

and slopes for myself...

...and ceased
to wonder at anything

besides its own elder mystery.

Before me, Raphael.

Behind me, Gabriel.

To my left...


And to my right, Michael.

I call upon
the principalities of earth,

air, fire, water, and ether.

Be present with me now.

Spirit of fire,

continue to burn out

any trace of cancer

from the body
of Theresa Gardner, my mother.

Grant me your protection.

Grant me my freedom.

And last, not least,

get me out of here.

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry to intrude.

- I didn't see you.
- This is private property.

Oh, I was told
this is county land.

County land ends at the river.
You're trespassing.

Ah. They said the mayor notified
all the property owners.

- Uh, I apologize.
- First I've heard of it.

What now?

I'm, uh... I'm Ward Phillips.

I'm doing a survey of the valley
for Hydrolit.

The hydroelectric company.

Cool story.

Well, thanks for
ruining my ritual, Ward.

- Ritual?
- Yes, ritual.

You know, will, intent,
blessed be?

Is it Wiccan or Alexandrian?

Which do you think?

Definitely Alexandrian.

That's your
second mistake today.

Stick to the east bank
and you'll find your way back.

Yeah, I will.

Hey, uh,
I didn't get your name.

Lavinia Gardner.

I live out here.

- Let's go.
- Nice knowing you.

Come on, Comet.

Where were you?

Are you trying to give
your mother a heart attack?

I just thought I'd take Comet
around the trail before dinner.

It's not a big deal.

And I thought I told you
not to go without your helmet.

And where are your boots?
What happened to your boots?

Dad, Jesus, relax.
It's not like I'm trick riding.

Accidents happen, Lavinny.

I'll have kids of my own,
and I'll understand.

Exactly right. See?
Communication. Me and you, babe.

Now get Comet back into the barn
before your mother finds out.


Have you seen your brother?
He's been gone all afternoon.

He's supposed to be studying,
as are you.

How should I know?

He's probably listening
to NASA recordings with Ezra.

Do you mean to tell me that
your brother is smoking dope

with that hippie reprobate,
and you didn't do anything?

You didn't do anything?

- Let it go, sweetie.
- No.

It's fine. She's fine.
Everything is fine.

Benny, I can smell
your stoned ass from here.

- Busted.
- You're so obvious.


Benny's little
partner in crime.

Hey, I found some more
of Grandpa's old stuff.

- Oh, no way!
- Check this out.

Let me see.

Ooh! Heh.

- No fair!
- You already got his compass.

I need that compass.

Did you manage to curse us all?

I don't do curses.

They come back on you
times three.

Now go put Comet's tack away
so we're on time for dinner,

and Mom doesn't bust
any more blood vessels.

- I'm not your barn bitch.
- Actually, you are.

Witch. Sorceress.
Soul-sucking succubus.

Hey, I met some weird guy
down by the river.

Said he was doing a survey.

A survey of what?

The water table
or something.

Not sure.

He's kind of cute, though.


What are you looking at,

Dad said
if you look long enough,

you can see stars
down there.

I wouldn't hold my breath.

Dad took too much acid
back in the hippie days.

But I do see stars!

Your eyes are playing tricks.

W-What are you
doing out here, anyway?

Dad sent me for water,
but I can't untie the rope.


Why can't they just buy bottled
water like everyone else?

Thanks for cooking again,

Aw, you know I love cooking
for you guys.

Oh, by the smell

I can tell
it's really coming a long way.

- I miss Mom's pancakes.
- Okay.

So, uh, what is for dinner?


Oh, no.

It's a traditional French dish.

In other words, peasant food.

Jack, can you take the
lid off the veggies, please?

- Yeah.
- I think it smells great.

That's because you're high.

Shut up. We all know
you'd rather be eating

fast food right now,

I love mystery meat.

Well, this is not
mystery meat, dear.

It's a mélange of duck,
pork, regional spices,

and it just happens to be
your mother's favorite.

I love ducks!

Everybody loves ducks.

We are down four pips,
but we didn't get oversold.

The market came up.

No, we don't want to
be selling just yet.

Uh, when I took
the short position,

I was assuming that we'd get
two-to-one on it.

Dinner's ready!

Look, we have
a nice ratio confluence.

It's getting cold!

Just take a look
at the ratio strategy I sent,

and I'll call you
in an hour?


I'm coming.

You're not gonna
have it? Really?

Babe, can you do something
about that router?

I'm gonna start
losing clients.

It's probably the dish.
I'll take a look at it tomorrow.

Oh, thank you.


Sam, lie down.

Good boy.

- What's this?
- Cassoulet.

Although apparently our daughter
would rather have fast food.

Uh, and just
what kind of meat

do you think you're eating
at the Golden Arches?

I know
it's mechanically retrieved,

but it tastes like heaven.

Then just wait until you try
the alpaca meat next year.

Then you'll know
what heaven is.

No, I'm gonna puke.
No one eats alpacas.

They use them
to make sweaters.

I don't know why you bought them
in the first place.

Because they're the animal
of the future, remember?

Those Mayans knew
what they were about.

- That's why they went extinct.
- Lavinia, stop it.

Come on, eat up.

Nathan, do you think
that you could

go down to the basement and
choose us one of your finest?

I know just the thing.

Next time I'll cook.

- It's not that bad.
- Yeah.

There's a smell of
a conspiracy here.

What's the matter?

It's just...

I just don't think
I can handle this.

- Like, it's been...
- She's being moody.

...a year of really...

Guess what time it is?

- I mean...
- No. Don't say it. Please.

Guess what time it is.

- Dad.
- Time for you to do the dishes!

- You! You! You!
- No! Jack! Jack!

- No, it's you, Jack.
- No!

It's you, Jack.
You got to do it.

Now it's Lavinia!

No, it's not my turn.
That's not how this works.

We have a system in this house.
It's Jack's turn.

- Hey.
- Hi.

God, you know,
I hear myself with her.

I am turning into my mother.

Oh, God.

You couldn't be any more
different than your mother.

Believe me.

That's what everyone says
until they are.

What about me?

Living on
my father's old farm,

exactly like I said
I never would.

But it's the first thing
you've ever done

he would have approved of.

Yeah, I can still hear his
intellectually abusive voice

in my head.

"You're never gonna be
a painter, Nathan.

So you can just get the f*ck
out of my sight, Nathan."

Stop it.
It'll fade.

- Just look at this place, hmm?
- Yeah.

I mean, he wouldn't even
recognize it.

It's ours.

Nathan, I...


It's been six months.
Don't you think we should try?


I just...

I don't know how you can
still be interested in me.

You know I've always been
a leg man.

So if I have my legs cut off,
would you still love me then?

Bit kinky, but...


Could tuck you into
my carry-on luggage

and enjoy you
wherever I go.

Now, that is sexy.


And look at this.

Look at us.

All those years in the big city,
and we finally got out.


We're living the dream.

Maybe it is a dream.

Well, a dream you dream alone
is just a dream.

A dream you dream together
is reality.

You are even more beautiful
to me now than ever.

It's because you took
your glasses off.

It's true.

I feel, um...


Honey... will always be
my golden lady.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I love you.

Oh, hey, Sam.
Good boy.

Good boy, Sam.

Oh, you're not interested
in the black hole, Sam?



Oh, baby.

Oh, my God.
I've missed you.




What the hell is that?!

- Jack?
- Jack?


Look at Daddy.


Come here. Come here.
Come on up. Come on.

- Look at Daddy.
- Mom?

Look at Daddy.
What are you looking there?

- Dad?
- I know.

What the f*ck was that?
An earthquake?

Just watch your language.
Can you watch your language?

God, what is that smell?

Holy f*cking shit!

Benny, bring your phone.
Come on! Come on!

Smoking like crazy.

No, don't go near it.
Don't go near it.

Sam, get back inside.
Get back inside.

- I said go inside.
- What the hell is that?

Just go inside!

What a mess.

It smells.


There's something wrong
with Jack!

It's okay, baby.

You just had a bad dream.

No, I think...
I think he's in shock.

We should take him
to the hospital.

No, it's over an hour away.
Jack, can you talk to Daddy?

Why does it matter
how far away it is?

- Look at him!
- What the hell happened?

Did you guys hear it?

It sounded like a propeller
plane having an aneurysm.

No, it wasn't a plane.

That smell.

I don't know, like, funny.

You can still...

Still smell it now.

I thought it was
a nuclear strike.

The Russians and Chinese,

- End-of-the-world shit.
- You wish.

We'd be vaporized,
become part of the reaction,

and convert into pure energy.

Maybe the meteorite
sent an alien plague

infecting the entire
f*cking planet.

Seriously apocalyptic.

- Mommy?
- Yes, baby, I'm right here!

- My head hurts.
- Okay, honey.

Look, um,
let's get you upstairs.

I'll put you to bed,
and you'll be okay.

- I don't want to!
- Mm!

No, it's okay, baby.
There's nothing to be afraid of.

Oh, your son is sick, and this
is what you're gonna do, huh?

Well, under the circumstances,
I don't see what else I...

Come on.
Let's get you up.

You can sleep with me tonight.

In the morning
everything is gonna be okay.

Mayor Tooma.

Sheriff Pierce.
Thank you for coming.

This better be
worth my time.

I am so sorry
about the smell.

Can you smell it?

I don't smell anything.

Like somebody
lit a dog on fire.

Well, anyway,
that was my front yard.

It's still hot.

All right.

Something metallic
down here.

What the hell happened here?

Well, it was last night.

I was in bed with my wife.

It was the first time that we,
you know, since the operation,

and then there was this boom,

like... like a...
like a sonic boom,

and a big flash,
like a pink light.

Or, actually, I don't even know
what color it was.

It wasn't like any color
I'd ever seen before,

and then everything just blew up
or fell from the sky.

What are you doing here?

Think this is the result
of your little ritual yesterday?

If only.

Are you looking at my legs?

What? Oh. No. Um...
No, I was...

Yeah, sure you weren't.
Come on.

Who's this?

Oh, this is that
weird guy I met by the river.

what was your name again?

Ward Phillips.

Let me guess.

Providence, actually.

He's doing a survey
of the groundwater.

Um, isn't... isn't that what
you said yesterday?

Yeah, yeah.
I'm a... I'm a hydrologist.

Ward, do you have any idea
what's going on here?

Oh, excuse me.

- Hey, Ward.
- Hey.

- Hey.
- Hey, I'm Benny.

D-Don't get too close.

Uh, looks like a meteorite.

Usually they disintegrate
before they hit the ground,

but not always.

A meteorite?

Sheriff, we need to get
some photographs.

Nathan, would you mind
if I bring some press next time?

This can be great for tourism.

I'd just as soon
not publicize it.

Mayor, wait.

Is there a doctor around here
who's open on weekends?

My son isn't feeling well...

You can try the hospital
in Arkham.

They usually have somebody
on the emergency desk.

- Isn't there anywhere closer?
- Welcome to life in the sticks.

You know, you should have
sold this place to me

while you had the chance.


Isn't it insane?

Check it out.


Lavinia, can you go back inside
and check on your mother?


It's okay.
We got this covered.

Off you go.

- See you later.
- Yeah.

Why don't you
go check on her?

- Be careful.
- Okay.

It's cooling off
really fast now.

Is that normal?

Smoke coming out of it,
crazy color.

- It was so cool.
- Okay.

You ever seen anything
like this before?


Who's that guy?


Um, Ward something.

- He's a hydrologist.
- Oh.

- You like him, huh?
- What? No.

Why would you say that?

Oh, well, come on.
It was obvious.

You were practically
throwing yourself at him.

- I mean, honey...
- Mom.

Think... Look at the way
you're dressed.

Think of the signals
you're giving out.

Oh, God.

Do you think it's radioactive
like kryptonite?

Christ, I hope not.

Well, what about, like,
an alien virus?

I mean, it's from space,

Meteorites are generally
no more dangerous

than ordinary rocks.

Well, do you think
it could be valuable?

Now, that's something
I hadn't considered.

Well, if you don't mind,
it's time we milked the alpacas.

Milk the what?

It's not like
milking a goat.

You don't get a lot of milk
from an alpaca.

It takes great patience
and technique.

And, of course, you have to be
very gentle with the, uh, boobs.

But once you get them
warmed up...

Nice one, dad.

Yeah, I find mixing
a little fennel into their feed

increases the yield
and improves the flavor.

- Would you like a taste?
- Oh, no.

Um, lactose intolerant.

Your loss.


Can you open the door, please?

I'm so sorry.

I-I don't... I don't know
what came over me.

Lavinia, come on.
Please open the door.

Uh, is there anyone else
living on the property,

aside from your family?

There's Ezra, our squatter,
but he keeps to himself.

I haven't seen him in months.

Would it be okay
if I talk with him?

You can try. I mean,
Benny can show you the way.

Yeah, for sure.

But I can't promise
he's gonna talk to you.

He's, um, special.

Looks like
there's a storm coming in.


Are those cameras?

Yeah. Ezra used to be
an electrician back in the day.

He's got this whole place
wired up.


Where's his juice come from?

Totally off the grid.


You got a visitor!

It's the surveyor man!

I'm sorry.
I don't think we've met yet.

- I'm, uh...
- The hydrologist.


Pretty well informed.

Lot of little birdies flitting
around here in this ecosphere.

You just got to know
how to decode them.

Come on in.

We'll talk about
the space metal.

- Want a hit?
- Oh, no, thank you.

I didn't think so.

Hey, some java?

- Yeah.
- All right.

What's her name?

- G-spot.
- What?

What? Come on. That's
like the coolest name ever.

A p*ssy named G-spot?
It's totally hilarious.

Come here, lady.


All right.

Oh, yeah, you like this?
You like that?

Hey, my apologies
for the Adam's ale.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

Yeah, the H2O has gone
a little brackish.

Yeah, I can't...
I can't smell anything.

It's probably just rust
from the taps.

Have you tried running the
faucet, see if it runs clear?

Hey, that, my friend, is
straight from the mother's tit.

Yeah, we've had some
problems with the well before

but only in the summer.

Something about the aquifer.


That's to do with the level
of the water table, but...

I don't know. Shouldn't be
happening this time of year.

Freshest water
in the department.

That's what Dad always says.

I'm sure it's fine,

but if you want
I could run a test on a sample.

I have all my equipment
back up in the tent.

So, you know,
better safe than sorry.

Hey, knock yourself out.

All right!

Damn, that was close.

Tell it, baby.
Tell it, tell it!

It's so beautiful.

Lavinny, what are you doing?

Come on.
Let's go back inside.

It's drawing the lightning.

In my next term
as your mayor,

we will be undertaking the
largest infrastructure project

in our city's history
with the construction

of the freshwater reservoir
on the Miskatonic...

The economic impact alone...



Who is that?

What the hell?

How can something that big
just disappear?

I don't know, but I'm glad.

Did you plant those?

Maybe they're perennials.

Here comes the circus.


Could you please tell us
exactly what happened?

Well, there was a boom.

Uh, it was a couple nights ago.

A boom and a flash of light
and a vibration,

and we came out,
and we saw this large rock.

Horrible. Hideous.
Oh, my God.

Couldn't somebody have given me
a comb? Jesus!

I'm here with Arkham resident
Nathan Gardner,

who claims that
an unidentified flying object

landed in his front yard
last night.

"UFO witness"?

You said UFO!
I didn't say UFO!

Oh, for f*ck's sake.

Theresa, can you
get out here, please?

Did you see a UFO?
I didn't see any UFO.

Right, and, uh...

We had
a top hydrologist here...

not a geologist...

Yeah, I think
the freaked-out-abductee look

suits you pretty well.

Very good.

So the meteorite,

which happened to
mysteriously disappear

before the time
my team and I got here.

How does an object
of that size...

Theresa, can you please
get out here?

Mr. Gardner, were you sober

at the time
that this event happened?

Uh, well, I mean,
I like a bit of bourbon.

Um, uh,
it comes out of Texas.

Oh, for f*ck's sake.

I was... I was not...
The night before,

I had a few drinks,
but I wasn't...

I was sober when I came out.

- Oh, man.
- Jack, go get your mother.


What part of "meteorite"
do you not understand?


I wouldn't classify that
as mental illness.

WARK News.

Mommy's hurt!


Dinner's ready.

...calling the family's
claim into question.

God, why did I do that?

It's all right.

- Keep your hand elevated.
- Okay.

- Just keep it up.
- Yeah.

We'll call you
from the hospital.

you're man of the house.

And I want those alpacas
back in the barn by 10:00.

- You got it, Dad.
- 10:00!

What are we gonna do?

I don't know.
You're the man of the house.

Come on, Jack-Jack.
Time for bed.

Benny will look after us
because he's so responsible.

Race you upstairs.

Come on.
Come on.

Come on.


Benny, get your stupid ass
out here now!


You were supposed
to feed the alpacas.

I already did.

What are you talking about?
They're standing right there.

I already fed them.

- Well...
- What the...?

Get them into the barn, okay?

And lay off the weed,
all right?

I can't f*cking do this
on my own, okay?

- Go.
- Okay.

Just do it already!

Harpy. Harridan.
Hairy ax wound.

Maggot d*ck.


Hey, girl.

Come on, girl.


What are you doing?


It's talking
to me.

Who's talking to you?

The man in the well.






Is that you?

A weather report
for Arkham County,

Innsmouth, Aylesbury,
Dunwich, Kingsport...

Low temperature
around 54 degrees.

High near...

Don't puke.
Don't puke.


Lavinia, hey.

Um, this really isn't
a good time.

Are you guys okay?

Um, no,
I'm not feeling too well.

All right, well,

that's actually what I want to
talk to you about.

I think there's something wrong
with the water here,

some kind of contamination.

Sorry, what?

A contamination
with the... the water.

Um, I don't know exactly what.

But, um, we're sending a sample
back to the lab in Arkham.

In the meantime...

I believe it, science guy.

Hey, try not to drink
the water, okay?

Hey, kiddo.
What are you up to?

Playing with my friends.

Well, um, have fun, okay?




Hey, make yourself
comfortable, amigo.

What the hell
are you doing down there?

I'm reorganizing.

- Oh, want some java?
- Uh, no, thank you.

That's actually what I wanted
to talk to you about.

I don't think
you should be drinking that.

I found something in the water.
Just a trace, really.

Um... Hey, where's G-spot?

Who knows?

Caterwauling out there

Really haven't seen her
since it all started.

Since what all started?


You can hear them down there.

H-Hear them?
Hear who?

Yeah, I could hear them
while I slept,

shuffling around, chattering.

See, I knew no one would believe
me unless I got it on Memorex.

What exactly am I supposed to be
listening to?

The people under the floor,

The aliens.

They're there.

Well, yeah, it is strange.

But it's probably
geothermal activity

- or magnetic distortions.
- No, no.

Something like that.

They came on the rock.

Look, no offense, Ezra,
but that's pretty out there.

You don't get it, do you?

It's not out there.
It's in here.

It's in the static.
It's in the moisture.

Up is down.
Fast is slow.

What's in here is out there,

and what's out there
is in here now.


Um, look,

why don't you think about
getting out of here for a while?

I'm gonna be back tomorrow.

I'll have some more equipment
with me.

I'm sure it will all make
more sense in the morning.


Dude, it's already morning.

All right. Um, stick to
bottled water, okay?

Oh, hey, I will let you know
if I see G-spot.

You might see her, but I don't
think you'll recognize her.


Doing okay?
We're almost there.

I just feel so stupid.

I mean, I just don't even know
what I was thinking.

And I don't even want to
think about

how many clients I pissed off
by not getting back to them.

- Mm.
- The surgery was successful.

That's the important thing.

Look out!

- Christ, that was close.
- What... What...

Did you see that thing?
What was that thing?

- Did you see its eyes?
- Oh, my God.

What are you doing?

I-I want to call the kids,
just check that they're okay.

Honey, the kids are fine.

What are you doing
in my room?

- Where have you been?
- I was out in the back field.

I thought I heard Sam.
I was worried about him.

Look, I know it sounds weird,

but I kind of got lost
out there.

You know, like,
one second it was daytime,

then all of a sudden
it was so dark

I couldn't even
find the house.

What the hell is going on?

It's probably Dad.

At least I hope it's Dad.


Who was that?

I'm not sure.

Christ, now what?

Wait, where's Jack?

Baby, what are you doing
out here all by yourself?


- Jack.
- Jack!

Oh, my God.

What is wrong
with you two?

Why is your brother out here
by himself?

- No, it didn't happen that way.
- What is this?

While the cat's away,
the mice will play?

Isn't that right?

I'm seriously disappointed
in both of you.

No, there was this sound,
and I got sick,

and then you called
and yelled at me.

Honey, what are you
talking about?

We couldn't even get through,
and believe me, we tried.

She's telling the truth, Dad.
Something weird is going on.

I don't want to hear
your excuses either, Benny.

I'm gonna take him upstairs.

I'll leave you
to deal with these two.

Holy shit.

Holy shit.

They should have been put back
in the barn hours ago.

You haven't even fed them yet,
have you?

- Dad, I tried, but...
- What do you mean, you tried?

Do you have any idea
how much those animals cost us?

They are alpacas!



I mean, should we, like,
try to warn him.

Warn him about what?


Come on.
Come on.

Here, boy.

Stupid g*dd*mn dog.

You too, huh?

You know,
if I could just get

a little consideration
around here,

just a little support,

it would be
greatly f*cking appreciated.

Dad's acting weird, right?

You noticed?

Where's Sam?

T-They must have got him.


Uh, what the f*ck
are you talking about?

They, them, it.

That thing that has been
f*cking this place up.

I mean, come on, Dad.

Don't pretend that
you haven't noticed.

Nothing has been
f*cking this place up.

Why are you so in denial?

Okay, you know, I've had it
with your drama, Lavinia,

so do me a favor and get
the f*ck out of my sight, okay?

No, no, actually,
I'll save you the trouble

and get the f*ck
out of yours!

Look, he doesn't mean it.

Do you still have
that girlfriend in Aylesbury?

Well, she wasn't
my girlfriend,

and I haven't seen her
in months.


Because we need to get
the hell out of here.


Make him really scary.

Oh, yes.


Uh, are you okay?

No, I just blew up
at Lavinia.

I don't think I'll be winning
any "father of the year" awards.

Oh, she's that age.
She's just impossible.




No, baby.
No more.

We need to call a plumber
or an exterminator.

Drains got shit
growing in them.

So many crumbs on the bed.

Do you think
Sam is with Grandpa?

No, baby, Grandpa is in heaven,
and Sam just,

I don't know, he found a friend
or went for a walk.

But he was scared.
He was growling.

I could see all of his teeth
like this.

- Don't do that face.
- Oh, God. What is that smell?

What smell?
We washed everything.

What is it, like...
like damp or drains?

No, I-I've been smelling it

ever since the night
that thing hit the farm.

Maybe it's, like, the black mold
in the basement coming up.

It's exactly the same smell

as the cancer ward
where my father was.

You know, death, disinfectant.

The cancer smell. Rotting milk.
You know the smell.

You know the cancer smell
better than anybody.

And now the dog has vanished
off the face of the Earth,

so connect those dots.

I told you
Sam was with Grandpa!

No, he's not.
Oh, my God, I just...

Stop saying that!

No, no, no, Jack, Jack,
Sam is fine.

Is he really?

Honey, would you please
take it easy?

It's a miracle the hospital
even let you go home.

I just have to get online.
All right?

I have so much work
I have to do.

- Daddy?
- Yeah, I'll take care of...

Everything's gonna be A-OK.

Everything's gonna be A-OK.

Be careful not to
overwater all the plants.

Mount the spray to remind
you... it's easy to forget...

so try setting a timer to make
sure overwatering never occurs.

Even, steady watering is
every master gardener's secret

and the key to harvesting

those plump, juicy,
flavorful tomatoes

that last
throughout the season.

Just look at you beauties.
And a month early.

...makes for
a perfect arrangement.



Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

You do that very well,
Theresa Peach.

If we went to 143-9
and kept it under the 10 handle,

that could actually...

Not dollars.

Christ, uh, um...

Then there should be
at least a two-pip spread.

What? What?

Can you hear me?



You have got to do something
about that dish.

I am literally
hemorrhaging clients.

It should be working, sweetie.
I just checked it this morning.

No, it's garbling the f*ck
out of everything I say.


Nate, are you
listening to me?

You know, I did everything
I was supposed to do!

I followed every f*cking rule
in the book,

and they still f*cking taste
like shit, so you know what?!

f*ck that.

Coming up!

Okay, stop it!

Slam dunk!

You know what?! Just do
something about that dish.

All right.
Do you know what?

I'm gonna go and lie down.

But just fix that dish,

Yeah, I think
it's a good idea, sweetie.

I should have grown barley.

Ain't that right, Dad?

That is why,
in my next term as your mayor,

we will be undertaking the
largest infrastructure project

in our city's history
with the construction

of a freshwater reservoir
on the Miska...

Well, Katie,
you also have people

with different views on this.

You have scientists
who very much dispute it.

So is there climate change?

Will it go back?
Will it change back?

I believe so.

I mean men and women...


- Whoa.
- Mm.

Pretty beautiful, huh, buddy?

Help me.

Protect me.

Get me out of here.





What's happening to them?

Uh, I-I don't know.

Go. Go. Go!

- Go!
- Oh, my God!




Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.


...take them in the house.

Benny, call 911.
Call an ambulance.


Come on, hurry up.
Get the operator.

It's not working.
I can't get a dial tone.

What do you mean,
you can't get a dial tone?

Just give it to me.

All this static.

- f*ck!
- There's nothing there.

- I can't get a dial tone.
- How hard can it be to dial 911?

Yeah, I told you.
There's no one there!

- What are we gonna do?
- What are these sounds?


- Lavinny.
- Vinny.

Lavinia, what did you do
to yourself?


You cocksucker.
You f*cking cocksucker!

You cocksucker!
You cocksucker!

Aah! Aah! Aah!
Aah! Aah! Aah!

Aah! Aah! Aah!
Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah!

Aah! Aah! Aah!
Aah! Aah!

Aah! Aah! Aah!

Looks like she's absorbing him.

Trying to reassimilate him
into her body.

Don't say that.

Shh, it's okay.

I'm here, Mom.

I'm right here.

I mean, how can any of this
even be possible?

That thing from
the meteorite happened to them.

It changes
everything around it.

Not just matter.

Time as well.

it stretches around it,

like when you're approaching
a black hole, right?

I mean... I mean, how long
have we been sitting here?

How long has it been since Dad
went out to the car?

God, I think she's trying
to talk to us.

What was that, Mom?

No, this is useless.

- We've got to get help.
- No, wait.

We're gonna die
in this f*cking place.

The, uh,

car is not happening.

What do you mean,
the car is not happening?

What does that mean?

Something sucked the charge
out of the battery overnight.

Probably the same thing

that's screwing with the cells
and the computers.

It's like
an electromagnetic field.

And you believe me now?

I don't know
what I believe anymore.

Why do they keep making
that sound?!

I don't think they like
the sunlight, Dad.

- I think it's hurting them.
- We've got to do something.

Help me get them
up the stairs.

Easy does it.

You got her?
You got her?


put the mattress down.


Uh, we're here, Mom.

It's gonna be okay.


You want me to get you
some water?

Something's happening
to the alpacas.

You two stay here with Jack
and your mother.

Everything's under control.


You son of a bitch.

You're gonna
leave my family alone now.

You're gonna
leave my family alone.

Haven't we been through

Haven't we?







sh**ting stopped.

I hope he's okay.


And are we okay?
Is any of this okay?

I can't take this.

Make it stop.

We've got to get
off this farm.



Go downstairs, both of you.

- But...
- Just do as I say, please.

What are you gonna do?

Handle it.

Like you handled
the alpacas?

Get out.

Come on.

You've done all you could.

I'm sorry, Mom.

Sorry, Jack.

- Love you, Dad.
- I love you too.

Theresa baby,

I'm really trying
to do my best.


You will always be
my golden lady.

Now, you want to know
what I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna go outside, and I'm
gonna find you some help.

I promise.

And then we're gonna take that
trip we've been talking about.

Okay, baby?

Oh, yeah.

That's what we're gonna do.

Holy shit,
that's what we're gonna do.

That's what
we're gonna do.

I don't care about
someone identifying

f*cking contamination
in the groundwater!

The contracts have already
been signed.

- Do you think those...
- If you'll follow me.

Would you like
a glass of water?

No, thank you.

That's actually
why I'm here.

...half the drinking
water for the East Coast!


Can you come here for a sec?

You know Jake.

Tell him.

Found these
by the Gardner place.

Oh, my God.

What happened to them?
They look burned.

I don't know.

Jake said he found them
bunched up

like they were
running from something.

Got a couple birds in there,
a white-tail, rabbit.

Got a f*cking cat.

It looks like
radiation burns.

Shut up!

What's your problem?
Come on.

Go get the tack.

Well, I, uh...

It's real dark
back there, so...


I'll just
go get the tack, then.

Benny, just be careful.

I don't want to
lose you too.

Come on.
Shh, shh, shh.

Leech. Nightmare.
Leprous spellcaster.



Don't look.

Don't look.

Steady, boy. Steady.

Comet, steady.
Be steady.


Jesus, Benny, you nearly
gave me a heart attack.

Com, steady.
Come on.

- Comet...
- What's wrong with the horse?

There's nothing wrong
with the horse.

Right now Comet is the last
thing you need to be afraid of.

No, Comet.


Looks like we're gonna
have to walk out of here.

In the dark?

Through 12 miles
of ancient woodland?



What are you doing?
We have to get out of here.

Sam, is that you?



He sounds hurt.

Hold on, boy!

- What are you doing?
- We can't just leave him.

Are you out of
your f*cking mind?

I have to, all right?

I'll put him in the bucket,
and then you can pull him up.

No, Benny...

- Whoa! Whoa.
- f*ck this.

No, give me your hand.
It is just a dog.

- Please give me your hand.
- It's gonna take two minutes.

- Come back up, please.
- It's gonna take two minutes.



God, jeez.

Smells like something died
down here.


Come on!

I-I can see him moving.

What is it?
What do you see?

No, no, no!






I have been looking all over
for you!

You expect me to do
everything on my own, huh?

The both of you.

I mean, whatever happened

to the good old-fashioned
concept of teamwork?!

If we could all just
pull together

just once
for the sake of your mother.

You're hurting me!

Honey, I'm not that.

No, I'm not a monster.

I know I'm not my dad.
I know.

Please don't make me
go in there.

I promise.
I'll do whatever you want.

I'll... I'll...
I'll clean up my language.

I'll even
clean up my room.

Well, it's like I said,

- We're a family.
- No.

Now, if there's one thing that
families do, they stay together.

Now feed your mother.




But, Dad!

You seeing this?

is that Lavinia's horse?

I put
your favorite movie on.

I know this one by heart.

You have a little something
in your eyes, you know?


I think
after Roman Colosseum...

...we should go Corsica,

Malta, Greek Isles.

Greek Isles are the best.






You never know.

Mr. Gardner?


- Oh, shit.
- What?

It's you.

I'm the hydrologist, sir,

Um, we came to make sure
you're okay.

That's very kind of you.

We've been having a hard time,
you know?

The car and telephone
and Wi-Fi.

Life in the sticks.

Come in.

Theresa will be happy
to see you.

I'm hungry!

I'm hungry.

Mom. Mom.

- Mommy!
- I'm hungry.

What happened to your arms?

It's just a rash.

Where's your wife?

She's right there.

And the rest
of your family?

Everybody's here.
We all stick together.


Theresa says,
"Except for Benny.

Benny lives
in the well now."

I'm having one.

- Lavinia!
- Mom!


Mom, stop!


Out of the way.


Please, Mommy!

No, no!


They're not my family.


Lavinia! Lavinia.

Come here.

All right.
It's gonna be okay, all right?

You're gonna be okay.
I mean...

I'm gonna carry you.

I'm gonna carry you outside
in the patrol car, okay?

I got you.
Oh, God.

You're okay.

Okay, we're almost there.

The color.




You shot my dad! Look!

Look what you did!



Like a flower.

It's gonna be okay, Dad, now.

You can help us.

Three Charlie one seven.
I've got a code 33.



Please don't leave me.



I'm not getting anything.
We've got to get out of here.

We're not
getting out of here.

None of us are.

That thing won't let us.

Come on, look, that...
that's silly.

There's nothing stopping us
from getting up and leav...

What the hell was that?

It sounded like it came
from Ezra's cabin.

We can't leave him out there
on his own.

Ward, give me a hand.


I'm not going with you.

We've got to go.

I'm sorry, we've got to go.
You... You can't stay here.

I live here.

I'm gonna come back for you.

I'll be back.




- Ezra?
- Cold and wet.

You in there?

But it burns.

I'm going in.

Sucking the life
out of everything.

It came down in the rock.


It lives in the well.

It grew down there.


Poisoning everything.

Changing everything

into something like the world
it came from.

Into what it knows.

We all know it's coming,
but we can't get away.

It's got everything
that lives.

They all drunk the water.

It got strong.


Fed itself on them.

It came from the stars...

Skin's all...

...where things
ain't like they are here.

It's just a color.

But it burns.

It sucks, and it burns.

No! Sheriff!

It burns.




It's so beautiful.


No, Jack!

It's you, Jack.

Now it's Lavinia.

There's something wrong
with Jack!

Why does it matter how far away
it is? Look at him.

Are you looking
at my legs?

You're dead, Nathan!

It's no big deal.

Don't make... Stay away.


No! No!

I hope the dammed water
that covers this place

will be very deep.

But even then...

...I will never drink it.

There are only a few of us that
remember the strange days now.

What touched this place
cannot be quantified

or understood
by human science.

It was just a color
out of space...

...a messenger from realms
whose existence stuns the brain

and numbs us with the gulfs

that it throws open
before our frenzied eyes.