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Intersect (2020)

Posted: 02/02/24 08:03
by bunniefuu

You still have it.

never taken it off.


You were the most
radiantly beautiful,

pig-tailed girl in all of
Shadowbrook Elementary.

Everything changed that year.

Why did you wait so long?

Why did we wait so long, Ryan?

I don't know.

I think I was afraid

that it might change things,

that I might

lose you

in the end.

I don't know if I
can do it, if I can

watch you go.


We have all the
time in the world.

Believe in me.

Yeah, hello?

Ryan, it's


You gotta hurry.

You gotta hurry.


Ryan, can you hear me?

Yeah, Geoff, I can hear you.

a b*mb at the lab.

There's some crazy guy.

He's got a b*mb inside
the event chamber.

A what?

Is Dr. Webb
with you?




Hi, this
is Dr. Caitlin Webb.

I'm not available to
take your call right now.



Hi, this
is Dr. Caitlin Webb...


Dr. Winrich, thank God.


Where is she?


Ryan, no.

- Hey, hey, sir, sir!
- Come back here.

- Ryan, you can't go in there!
- Ryan, wait!

I got a code 80,
Temporal Science building.

Come on.

He's goin' up.

Warning, warning.

Evacuation protocols
are now in effect.

Please proceed to
the emergency exits.

Dispatch we are
10-74 on that runner.


Hey, stop right there!


Terminal lock engaged.

It's never gonna
be the same now.

It's never gonna be the
same and it's our fault.

- Caitlin.
- No.

We let him go, Ryan.

We were selfish,
and now he's gone.

I can't do this.

Ryan, please don't!

You're not gonna stop, are you?

I can't stop.

Not now, not when
we're so close.

Nate would never
forgive us if we did.

He's gone, Ryan.

Don't you see where
this is going?

Bill and now Nate, I
can't lose you too.

You're all I have left.

It's not just
about us anymore.

Don't you see where this leads?

They don't have to die!

Once we figure this thing out,

there's nothing that says

- they have to die, Caitlin!
- Ryan,

stop and listen to yourself.

Our whole lives, everything,

everything has led up to this.

How can you ask me to
turn and walk away?

You think that Nate
would walk away, or Bill?

Think of what they sacrificed!

So are you doing this
for them, Ryan, or for you?

I don't know!

I don't know what
I'm doing anymore!

If I ask you to stop,

if I ask you to stop,

will you stop?


How can I?

How can I?

I can't lose you, Ryan.

You won't.

We're gonna be together.

I promise.

Once I finish this.

So that's it then?

That's your choice?



Power up the portal.

We have work to do.

Warning, warning,

accelerator activation
sequence initiated.

Nate gave us the clue.

Analysis of the portal
after the accident

showed a transport
over 75 years' time.

He solved the pulse
resonance problem

by altering the number of
dimensions in the equation.

So he was right all along.

Now all that's
left for us to do

is to stabilize the
carrier frequency

so the tissue samples
stay viable upon re-entry.

If we can do that...

What are you
standing around for?

Let's make it happen.

Emergence successful.

Cellular cohesion intact.

Quantum incoherence nominal.

Tachyon syncopation achieved.


did we do it?

We'll know in a moment.

It worked.

There's only
one thing left to do.

Good luck, Edward.

Warning, warning!

Biological organism detected.

Do you wish to override
safety protocols?

Here we go.

payload in five,

four, three, two, one.

Delivery successful.


Emergence in seven, six, five,

- four, three, two, one.
- Come on, damnit, come on.

cohesion intact.

Quantum incoherence nominal.

Tachyon syncopation achieved.

We did it.

He checks out, everything.

You really did it.

We did it.

All of us.

- Oh.
- Yeah.

They would be proud.



Dr. Webb, Dr. Winrich,

in honor of this
momentous occasion...


- Wow.
- That one's for you.

How did you sneak
this in here, you two?

I might have
hidden it in my lab coat.

A toast,
what are we toasting?

To Nobel Prizes
by the bucket loads.

- Nobel Prizes!
- Cheers.

To Nathan.

And to Nathan.

- To Nathan.
- To Nathan.

And to Edward, the
time-traveling mouse.

And to Edward, to Edward.

To Edward.

Wait, wait, hold on a second.

Yeah, no.

I think
you're a little young.

He is too young.

- Oh, no, no, no, no.
- Come on, drink it!

Look at you,
you're already wasted.

See that?

You're a sloppy drunk.

are we gonna say?

We are gonna
get in trouble, you guys.

We'll tell
them it's a celebration.

- Excuse me.
- I don't know, I don't know.

Can't believe this
little guy, what a journey!

Edward's my hero!

Aw, he's sleeping!

- Dr. Winrich!
- Dr. Winrich!

Dr. Winrich!

Tell us
about the discovery!

Dr. Winrich, is it true?

Is it true you sent
a living creature

through the time portal?

Dr. Winrich, will
you be the first man

to travel through time?

What does this mean for
the future of mankind?

Excuse me, excuse
me, excuse me.

Someone leaked it to the press.

No comment, no comment!

Over here, Dr. Winrich.

Ladies and gentlemen...

Are you ready, buddy?

It is with great pleasure

that I present to
you the Quantum 42.

The world's first temporal
manipulation portal.

Are we having fun yet?

I could get used to this.

And now,
if you would all take

your positions, we can
begin the demonstration.

activation sequence initiated.

Actuating reactor cores.

Spooling feedback generators.

The portal is now active.

The emergence timer
is set for 10 seconds,

meaning that we will
be sending the object

10 seconds into the future.

Then, 10 seconds after
entering the event horizon,

it will re-emerge
from the other side.

It's worth noting that only
non-conductive materials

can traverse the portal due to
the high energy requirements

of maintaining the field.

Any conductive metals
would cause the portal

to lose stability and collapse.

What would happen
to all of that energy

if the portal did
collapse, theoretically?

It would dissipate

which is why we have
taken the precaution

of sealing the event chamber.

This state-of-the-art
blast-proof facility

can withstand up
to 80 terajoules

of thermonuclear pressure,

the equivalent of
an atomic b*mb.

Atomic b*mb?

Good analogy.

cycle complete.

Delivering payload
in eight, seven, six,

five, four, three, two, one.

Delivery successful.

Awaiting tachyon
syncopation telemetry.


Emergence in seven, six, five,

four, three, two, one.

Moment of truth.

Ladies and gentlemen, you
have just witnessed time travel.

Here we go.

Dr. Winrich, Larry Fincher,
"Science Journal America."

Oh, hi, Larry.

Your previous experiments
in temporal physics

utilized much smaller
particle accelerators.

What are you boys using
to power this monster?

- Um...
- Well, Larry,

you know, that's a
damn good question.

Since I like damn
good questions,

I'm gonna let you in
on a little secret.

Follow me.

Poor Larry.

Okay, game face.

- Hi!
- Hi.

Larry, welcome to
J Lab E99117 Alpha,

also known as Big Bertha.

Now, this is what you might call

an atomic feedback generator.

Basically, it's a
big-ass nuclear battery

that can exponentially amplify
the atomic energy output

generated by the atom smashers.

Yeah, boys at NASA can't wait

to get their hands on this one.

And all the feedback here
is internal to the system,

and all the
load-bearing circuitry

feeds directly into
the event chamber.

So, in the case of any
unfortunate accident,

the discharge would
be completely pacified

by the gravimetric fields
generated by the portal.

Well, sounds like you guys
have taken every precaution.

So tell me, you don't think
there's any risk of, oh, say...

ripping a permanent hole in
space-time with this thing?

Because as I understand,

that would be the
inevitable outcome

if toying with Heisenberg's
uncertainty principle equations,

which, as far as I can tell,

is exactly what you
guys are doing here.

Larry, Larry, Larry, Larry.

As much
power as it takes

to create a sustained
temporary rift,

it's nothing compared
to what is required

to produce a permanent
self-sustaining black hole

in our universe, Lare.

Come on.

Trust me.

We're safe as bugs in rugs.

Now, Big Bertha's connected
solely to the event chamber.

The rest of the lab
runs on city power.


Is that really them?

Them they are, Lare,

the very first objects

ever successfully sent
through the portal

four years ago at
this very university.


You know, any time anyone
accuses me of losing my marbles,

I make sure I bring 'em in here.

Let's go check out those
sweet robot arms, eh?

- We're very grateful.
- Yeah, thank you.

You guys have been
just, just amazing.

It's so important
to have credible

science journalism these

Your piece on the Higgs
was almost prophetic.

We really can't
thank you enough.




You look like you've seen one.

No, I'm just tired, I guess.

Okay, well, this
probably isn't helping.


We can get out of
here if you want,

go get a piece of pie somewhere.

Nate'll cover for us.

It's all happening, the
way Bill said it would.

It's almost like
he knew, you know?

Well, he was right about you.

You're going to change
the world, Ryan Winrich.

I have a feeling about you.

What kind of feeling?

Hey, there you are,
my two favorite people

in time and space!

Did you miss me as much
as I missed me?

Well, it's highly

So, now for the big question,

how long till you guys send
a person through this thing?

Well, Larry,

we could tell you
that information,

but then we would
have to k*ll you,

and I don't wanna
k*ll you, Larry.

I like you, but I will let
you in on one more secret

we have here at the lab.

Here, come on.

No fillings.

Just sayin'.

All right, one more thing.

How does it feel to be
the top names in science

since Albert Einstein?

Um, well, actually,
Einstein once said

that it's strange
to be so well-known,

and yet, still be so lonely.

Yeah, well,
Dr. Nathan Beaumont once said,

"f*ck Einstein."

Yeah, and hold on to
the hair plugs, Lare,

'cause you ain't
seen nothin' yet.

Yeah, you
better drink that down.

How's your head?

I stole his
sunglasses as punishment

for his bad attempt
at karaoke last night.

Revenge is a cruel bitch.

I think you mean fate.

Yeah, I think I do.

faith! Choose faith!

Never, ever again.

So understand this.

Man does not have
dominion over time.

God has given man
dominion over the Earth...

That's right.

But time transcends man's
stewardship of this world.

Science has finally gone
too far and encroached

- where it does not not belong.
- Oh, encroached, well.

Hold on, you guys,
that's Abner Rosen.


That is the bully from
Shadowbrook Elementary School.

It's Abner Rosen, look!

- Holy shit!
- Hear me,

- brothers and sisters.
- Literally.

Ladies and gentlemen,

the disciples of Satan!

We should go.

- Yeah.
- Come on.

- Repent, sinners!
- Repent!


Repent, sinners!

I got some repentance for you

- right here, jackass!
- Nathan!


- Good morning, hi!
- Nate, don't!

Good morning, Dr. Nate
Beaumont, scientist.

Okay, what have we here?

Let me guess.

Science comes from
the devil, am I right?


- Yeah.
- That's right.

Yeah, evolution
is a lie, right?

Jesus rode a dinosaur
and the Earth is flat.

Is that about the gist
of the conversation

that we're having here today?

Science does come
from the devil, sir.

Ah, see.

And is meant to mislead us...

Just let it go.

- From our righteousness.
- Yeah, mm-hmm.

If you weren't so blinded by
your smug, elitist arrogance,

you would see just
how cleverly Satan

has pulled the wool
over your eyes.

- Okay, that's it.
- Hey.

I've heard enough.

Nate, come on.

I'm gonna go ahead and forget

my one ass kick
per customer rule,

just today, just
for you, douchebag.


- Huh?
- Come on!

The cowardice of science.

Do not tempt the
laws of providence!

Use what time you have left
and beg for his forgiveness!

Keep drinkin'
the Kool-Aid, Abby!

Do not give in to the
shadow demons of your science.

protein breakdown detected.


Code 46682.

Exit wave syncopation lost.

Molecular cohesion lost.

I don't get it.

I just don't get it.

The organic material should
retain stability now.

Just doesn't make any sense.

Take a break, bro. I'm
not the only one that had

more than a few
drinks last night.

Where is it breaking down?

I don't know,

somewhere in the
pulse resonance.

Okay, every atom in the universe
resonates at a frequency

specific to its time and place.

When we put matter
through the portal,

we're sending it out of
sync with the universe,

and that doesn't affect
inorganic material.

- Like the marbles.
- Exactly.

But living tissue can't survive

because of the strain of the
membranes on an atomic level.

Okay, okay.

So it's out of sync
with the flow of energy

from the new timeline
when it re-enters.

Exactly, but this equation
should correct for the change

in electromagnetic force.

So why isn't it working?

We've been running the
same experiment for hours.

not the same experiment.

Yeah, okay, well, virtually

same experiment.

I'm gonna switch
things up a little bit.

Hey, Nate, I thought
we agreed not to liquefy

any more mice until we'd
worked out the kinks.


You two aren't the only
geniuses in the room, you know.

Let's have a little faith.

- Interesting.
- What?

Instead of altering
the resonance on emergence...

We alter it upon
entry into the portal.

Then we can use exit
wave to re-adjust

and correct for
any discrepancies.

That's brilliant.

Timer set at 10 seconds.

Delivery in five, four,

three, two, one.

Delivery successful.


It'll work.

Emergence in
five, four, three, two, one.


cycle complete.

Way to go, Nate!

error detected.

Oh, no.


Sample stability in extremis.

Protein breakdown, quantum
coherence breakdown.

Molecular cohesion failure.

Unable to compensate.


We'll get there.

We'll look at the
numbers again and

maybe we'll find somethin'.


Claudia, let's
get that under a microscope

and see what we
can learn from it.

Sorry, Geoff.

Poor Geoffrey.

Poor Geoffrey?

Poor Bella.

You guys know they call them
lab rats for a reason, right?


All right then, a toast.

To Bella,

mouse of science.

Long may she dine on the
giant cheese wheel in the sky.


Aw, come on, guys!

We're gettin' there, all right?

Today was just another step,

on the pathway to
eventual success.

I think somebody needs
to lay off his euphemisms

for a while.

I think somebody's
got a pretty good hold

on his euphemisms,

You all right?

I was just
thinkin' about Bill.

I miss him, you know,
on days like today.

We all do.


You know, I actually kinda
envy Bill a little bit...

- Hey, hey, hey...
- You know?

I think someone's
reached their limit.

No, I'm serious, you guys.

Bill finally figured out

the answer to the
greatest mystery of all.

What lies beyond.

I guess we all figure that
one out sooner or later, huh?

Hey, a toast.

A toast to our friend and
our mentor, Bill Marshall.

I think he'd be proud.

To Bill.


And on that note, gentlemen,

I am going to take a
powder and hit the road.

- No, no, no, no, no, no.
- No, no.

We have an early
morning, I don't wanna...

Wait, wait, you
haven't ordered dessert.

- Dessert.
- Dessert!

- Come on, come on.
- If there's one thing

I've learned about
Dr. Caitlin Webb,

in the 16 years
since I've known her,

she never goes without dessert.

This is true.

- When she can order dessert.
- Mm-hmm.

Unless there's an annoying
drunk idiot at the table, so...

- Oh, Nate, come on!
- No, Nate!

- Nate, come on!
- I will take my leave,

- and I will hail a cab.
- Look, I'll take you home.

No, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.

You kids have fun, okay?

I'll see ya in the
morning, bright and early...

ish, you know.

Let me know what happens.

You call me if you
need anything, all right?

I will not call you.

Good old Nate.

Good old Nate.

Miskatonic University, driver.

Don't spare the whip.



I got nothin'.

You know what's funny

is I don't actually
think I can remember

the last time we
were alone together.

That'd be November 4th, 2004.

- Uh-huh.
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

It was election night,
and everybody went out

to down their sorrows.

And they left us
alone in the lab,

minding some experiment
or something,

and I remember sitting
there, watching you work,

and you were so meticulous,

so intense.

And then when you
finally did notice me,

I totally freaked and I dropped
the stack of test slides

- all over the floor...
- Oh!

- It shattered everywhere.
- You cut your finger on the...

Yeah, right there,
still have the scar.

Oh, my gosh.

Dr. Beaumont?

It's late.

It is late!

Very late, Geoffrey.

It's very late in the hour.

Hello, Dr. Beaumont.

Terminal encryption active.

Nate, is there anything
I can help you with or?


afraid not, Doogie.

Not tonight.

activation sequence initiated.

Oh, my God.

You know, Ryan,

this would change everything.

You know, Bill once told me

most people live life
between the moments,

never really seeing what's
right in front of them

until the moment is gone.

He said, "Ryan,

"it's easy to be afraid.

"But if you can face
your fear in the moment,

"everything else becomes clear."

It's the lab.


Yeah, this is Ryan.

Dr. Winrich?

We have a situation.

He won't unlock the door
and it's not responding.

It's frozen or locked, or...

What's he doing?

denied, access denied,

access denied, access denied.

Warning! Biological
organism detected.

I think it's high time for
human trials, boys and girls!

activation sequence complete.

Caution! Safety
protocols disengaged.

Nathan, Nathan,
get out of there!


For God's sake,
what are you doing?

Safety protocol
failure. Unable to override.

He's overridden the
doors from the mainframe.

I can't get it open.

Hey, let me try.


Hey, it's the lovebirds!

Hey, listen, listen, I
made some adjustments

to the signal resonator.

It's good! Perfectly safe now.

channel active.

Nathan, just come outta there

and we'll go over those
changes together, okay?

We'll think this thing through.

No, no, no, no, no, no,
no! I got this, brother!

I solved it, okay?

We're good, I figured this out!

And to prove it to you, and
to show you how sure I am,

I, Nathan Charles Beaumont, am
gonna step into the unknown,

and become the world's

first time traveler!

I'm sorry, Cate.

I beat you to it.

Nate, sweetie,
look at me, okay?

You had a lot to
drink tonight, okay,

and we're not gonna do this
now, not like this, okay?

It's not safe.

Nate, please don't
do this, Nate!

Ryan, do something!

Terminal encryption active.
Access denied.


Ryan, come on!

I'll see you soon.

- Nathan!
- No!

Delivery successful.

Emergence in seven, six, five,

four, three, two, one.

that's all he said?

That's all he said.

Had he ever
exhibited any behavior

that could be interpreted
as suicidal before this?


Do you think
he purposely intended

to end his life?

I don't know, no.

I don't know.

Detective, we have
some information.

Excuse me.

What was he thinking?

What were you thinking?

That was the lab.

The substance is human remains.

The blood type appears to
match that of Dr. Beaumont's.

I'm sorry.

I think I have enough
here for tonight.

We can get the rest
in the morning.

Dr. Winrich, if I
may for a moment.


Hang on, okay?



Just outta curiosity
and for the record,

how old was Dr. Beaumont?

He's 28.


The lab boys say the
cellular decay of the substance

in that room was
over 75 years old.

Any idea how that could be?

Transferring feed
to the resonator now.

All right, Caitlin, gently.

That's it, you got it.

Almost there.

Power's as
steady as she's gonna be.

Resonating at 22.5.

The portal should be active.

All right, Mr. Winrich,
it's in your hands now!

Three, two, one.

10 seconds exactly!

Yes, yes!

- Yes!
- Yes!

You did it, buddy!

- You did it, buddy!
- We did it!

- We made a time machine!
- We did it!

We put the marbles
through time!

Yeah, we built a time machine!

We built a time machine!

They went to the future.

Bill, Bill, we did it!

Bill, what's wrong?

What is it?

No, Bill!

Call 9-1-1.

- What happened?
- Call 9-1-1 now!


Finish it.

No, hang on, hang on.



- Nathan.
- They're on their way.

What do we do?

It's gonna be
okay, it's gonna be okay.

Shh. We got you.

We got you.

Channard. The new arrival is

awake and appears
very distressed.

I just keep thinking

how much I owe him.

I mean, I don't
even know who I'd be

if it weren't for him.

It's gonna be all
right, you guys.

Do you remember the
first time we met?

A bunch of nerdy misfit kids,
and he brought us together.

God, it seems like yesterday.

It's 13 years ago.

13 good years.


I'm sorry.

It was his heart.

I'm very sorry.


What is it, what's the matter?


Everything's okay, Mom.

Are you sure?

Yeah, just go back to sleep.



Bill was a rare individual.

He was a teacher,

a mentor,

and a good friend.

He was the kinda person that
made you want to be more

than you thought you could be.

And if you were lucky
enough to listen

when he spoke about the wonders
of this universe around us,

your entire perspective on life,

on everything, would
be forever changed.

I never knew my real father.

But I'd like to think,

I'd like to think that Bill knew

that I always wished
that it coulda been him.

He made me what I am today,

and I will always
thank him for that.

As from the heavens we came,

so to the heavens do we return.

From ashes to ashes,
from dust to dust.

I think Dad would
have really liked Bill.

Wherever he is, I'm sure
Dad's very proud, Ryan,

of all you've been able to do.

Come on.

Dean Foster's looking
for you at the house.

Hey, you all right, bro?

No, no.

I need to talk to you, Ryan.

Yeah, yeah, sure.

I have to talk to
the dean real quick.

No, now, Ryan.

I need to talk to you now, okay?

Charles Beaumont,

that was a beautiful eulogy.


I remember when you
were in the eighth grade.

You were terrified
of public speaking.

There was a particular
humanities class...

- Caitlin.
- Hey.

- Ryan.
- Dean Foster.

Good of you to come.

William was a
good friend, Ryan,

and you kids, you meant everything to
him, you know that.

Oh, he was the best.

William was a rare breed.

He taught school not
because he had to,

but because he loved it.

And when he talked
about you three,

you should have seen
the gleam in his eye.

It's a rare thing of joy,
that sense of accomplishment

a professor gets when he
realizes that one of his students

has truly surpassed him.

And with you three, well,

I know for a fact that he
thought of you as family.

What you may not know is that
Bill had a sizable savings.

Old money. But he didn't
touch a cent of it.

He was setting it aside
for your research,

and he left specific

It's true, isn't it,
about your recent success?


Then with your blessing,

we're going to
write a new chapter

in the history of
Miskatonic University,

starting with the construction

of the William Marshall
School of Temporal Sciences,

a new wing devoted to
your groundbreaking work,

and Bill's enduring legacy.

I don't know what to say.

Thank you.

Say Einstein!

Explain it again, Bill.

Yeah, why does the
current seem to jump up

when it reaches the
end of the line?

Well, we know that
when the spark fires,

it ionizes the air
around it, right?

And we know that
heated air rises,

which is what the spark follows
as it moves up the line.

So it follows the
ionized trail past the top

until it's dissipated
to the point

that it can't
maintain the spark.

Yes, good, good, Ryan.

Check out the arc
light over there.

It operates on the
same principal.

I'll be at my desk.

Hey, Ryan.

I finished all the
books you gave me.

All of 'em?

What else you got?


What else, huh?


Yes, yes, yes.

I think I have just the thing.

Some books are
very special, Ryan.

Some books can change your life.

You think you're ready for it?

I was about your age
when I first read Wells.

Opened my eyes to a whole
new world of possibilities.

I look forward to
hearing your thoughts

on that book, Mr. Winrich.

Thanks, Bill.


You're welcome.

Ryan, wait up!

Oh, hey.

You know, Ryan,
there's more to life

than just books and
science projects.

Uh-huh, such as?

Uh, such as a
certain total hottie

that we both know who
never stops staring at you.

Incoming hottie.

Hey, what's up?

We were just talkin' about you.

What about me?

Nothin', nothin' at all.

And how are you today?

Aced the geometry
quiz, I'm bettin'.

Hi, Ryan.


Oh, yeah, totally ignore
this prime specimen of manhood

and focus on the nerd.

I see how it is.

So I was talkin' to Howard
Phillips at lunch today,

and apparently, his little
sister got so mad at him

for trading in her Barbie
video game, she put dog shit

- in his lunchbox.
- Ew.

That is gross!

No, she actually put
it inside his Twinkie!

Can you believe that?

You know, it's
good to be an only child.

Do you have any
brothers or sisters, Ryan?

No, how 'bout you?

Sometimes I wish I
had a little sister,

someone to play
with or dress up,

or have a birthd..., uh.

What, what's wrong?

I left something
back at school.

I have to go back.

We're halfway home, just
leave it till tomorrow!

I can't, okay?

Ryan, tell me
you'll wait for me.

- We're not waiting.
- Tell me you'll wait.

Make him wait!



I thought only the
scum of the school

had to stay after class.

Wouldn't have pegged
Caity Webb for a bad girl.

What do you want?

Caity the bad girl
wants to know what I want.

What do you got?


What's this?

It's nothing!

If it's nothing
you won't miss it.

Give it!

What's going on?

Hey, hey, it's
my favorite dork!

Are you okay?

What do you care, dork?

She's not your girlfriend, dork.

Whatcha readin', dork?

Stop it!

What is going on in here?

Miss Webb?

Abner took my box.

Mr. Rosen, back
to detention now!

You two, head home.

What a jerk.

It's not that bad.


It's for you.

Bill told me it was
your birthday today.

Yeah, I wasn't really
gonna tell anyone.

I'm not that big of
a birthday person.

Open it.

You seem sad a lot.

Maybe this will help
you forget the bad times

and remember the good ones.

It's cool.

A-hem, what the hell
is this, the Love Boat?

I've been waitin' down at
the corner like a schmuck!

Come on, let's go, it's
gonna be dark soon.


I wanna hear all about
this later, okay, Romeo?

Where's Nate?

I don't know.

He'll catch up.



Do you want me to
carry your backpack

for you, or anything?

No, I got it.



It's quiet without Nate.

Yeah, it's different.

Yeah, it's kinda nice though.



How 'bout we go
through the park today?

Yeah, sounds good to me.

I got an idea.

Let's race!



Come on, this way!

Let me go!

Yeah, man!


Let go of me!

Stay there.

I still want my present, Caity.

You got a present
for me, bad girl?

'Cause I got a present for you.

How 'bout you give me my present

when I'm done with
your dork boyfriend?

How's that?

Get him up.

Come on, hit me,
come on, hit me!

- Hit me!
- k*ll him!

- Abner, hit him!
- Come on, man!

Come on! Hit me, p*ssy!

- Kick his ass!
- Come on, man!




Hey, assh*le!

I got this.

Come on.

You all right?



Are you okay?


I'm gonna get you.

One day.

Your friends won't
always be there!

Oh, I'll be there.

This was fun.

We should do it again some time.

You're crazy.

Well, this is me.

Thanks for walkin' me home.

Are you gonna be okay?


I'm gonna go scrub my
face with engine cleaner

to make sure I get all his
disgustingness off of me.

Don't forget about Bill's
surprise party on Sunday!

All right, see ya!

See ya!


Well, thanks.

- For what?
- For what?

I don't know, saving my life?

Abner Rosen's a douchebag.

Someone needed to
stick it to him.

Well, I owe you one.

Well, in that case,
you could hook me up

with one of Caitlin's
hot friends.

I'm seriously dyin' over here.

She likes you, you know?

I can sense these things.

We're just friends.

Okay, okay.

So you think Bill
suspects anything?

I don't know, I guess
we'll find out on Sunday.

Guess we will.

- Surprise!
- Oh, my!

Happy birthday, Bill!

What a nice surprise!

Thank you.

Sit down, sit down, we
have a present for you.

Okay, what is this?

- It's from all of us.
- Look at this!

We all built it...

But it
was Ryan's idea.

Oh, it's


That's just some notes I took

on those books you gave me.

You know, so maybe we
could build a time machine

of our own some day, a real one.

This is fantastic.

Thank you!

Thank you so much.

You are the most talented
and gifted students

I've ever had. I mean
that, and I thank you.

This is wonderful, a
wonderful surprise.

- Happy birthday!
- Birthday!

You gotta
make a wish now.

- Make a wish.
- Okay, okay.

Mm, what's my wish?

Gail: All right!

Very good!

You gotta tell
us your wish now.

Tell us your wish!

- Tell us your wish!
- Tell us your wish, tell us...

No, no, you don't
wanna know my wish.

- You gotta tell us.
- Please!

I can't, it won't come
true. Okay, okay, all right.

My wish,

my hope is that the three
of you stay together.

You're a great team,

and together, you can
accomplish anything.

So let's have some cake.

- Yeah, let's have some cake.
- Let's have cake!

- Let's eat some cake.
- Thank you!

- Happy birthday, Bill.
- Happy birthday.

Thank you, thank you so much.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

Okay, Ryan,
I got your favorite!

Ah, here,
it comes, man!

- Happy birthday, honey.
- All right!

Hang on, just a minute.

I know we wanna get
started and blow this out,

but you know, before this
happens, this is a special one.

Now you're 12, and it was
passed down from my dad,

you know, from his dad, okay?

It's a song, right?

♪ 12 years ago today ♪

♪ Ryan said, "Hi.
I'm here to stay" ♪

♪ Now I can... ♪

Don't t*rture him!

- I was just havin'...
- Let him blow out...

- Fun with you, bud.
- The candles.

All right,
here we go people.

Sweetheart, what are
you gonna wish for?

- I can't tell you.
- Why?

It's the whole
point of birthday wishes.

He's gettin'
smart, I'm proud of you.

♪ 12 years ago today ♪

You know, Ryan,

it's okay if you wanna
watch these old videos.

I don't mind.

And if you wanna talk about it,

we can talk about
anything you want.

I, uh,

I miss Dad.

You miss Dad?

Yeah, I wish he
was still here.

I miss him too, Ryan.

And you know that
wherever he is,

he's always watchin' out for us.

And I'm sure that he wouldn't
let anything bad happen to us,

as long as we keep
him in our hearts.

I think I'm gonna walk today.

You know, I could drive you.

It's okay.

But I like to drive you.

You can't always
protect me, Mom.

You just can't.

You remember last week,
we talked about the problem

of Achilles and the tortoise.

This was a problem that
arose around 450 B.C.,

with the Greek
philosopher Zeno of Elea.

Zeno developed these
thought experiments

as a way to show the
inherent problems

of Pythagorean philosophy.

So who can tell
me, what do we call

these types of logic problems?

Ryan Winrich.


What was the question?


I can see someone has his
head in the clouds this morning.

No, I was just, uh.

What a dork!

Here, go to the nurse.


Hey, Mom, did you open my...?

Ryan, you remember Dr.
Matheson from church.

how's school, Ryan?

It's fine.

Got a cut on your lip.

Is there some trouble
you wanna tell me about?

Not really.


I see.

Do you know why your mom
asked me to talk to you today?

Well, she's concerned about you.

She feels like you don't
communicate with her

the way you used to,

before the accident.

Got somethin' I'd like
to show you, if I could.

Seen that picture before?

It's my picture.

How do you feel when
you look at that picture?

I miss him.

Who? Who do you miss?

My dad.

Is he the only one you miss?

What do you mean?

In that photo.

Yeah, I guess.

Has there
been any word about the body?

Nothing. It
just disappeared,

and they can't explain it.

things take time.

The memories may come
back, they may not.

It was an incredibly
traumatic event,

and his mind is
young and fragile.

He may subconsciously choose
to block it out forever.

He doesn't
even remember his own...

Now, try not to worry.
Just be strong, Gail.

You and Ryan will be just fine.

Get off!

I asked you a question, dork!

Do you bring or buy?

Check it.


Perfect, I prefer cash.

Get off!

- Nice!
- Yeah!

Looks like we
got dork's lunches

for the whole week right here.

What's this?

"Have a good day at
school today, Ryan.

"Love, Mom."

- Aw!
- That's so cute.

You havin' a
good day, shithead?

'Cause I know I am.

Pleasure doin' business
with you, dumbass!

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, easy, easy!

They can't hurt you.

Don't worry.

You're safe now.


Is this the first
time you've seen 'em?

My name's Bill
Marshall. What's yours?


Ryan Winrich.

Well, Ryan, um,

I'm headed home, how 'bout you?

Maybe we should walk together
just to be safe, huh?

So what were
those things anyway?

Well, they're kinda
hard to explain.

There's a lot about
'em we don't know.

Mostly, they're just observers,

watchers, you know?

Lurkers, I call 'em.

They're from a different
place, different space,

and they check in on our
world from time to time.

Like in "Flatland."


Good Lord!

I didn't read Abbott till
I was in grad school.

Yeah, my dad gave it
to me before he died.

I see.

But yeah, yeah,
like in "Flatland,"

except they don't
interact directly.

They just observe
the natural events

in our time-space continuum.

At least, that's what we think.

Who's we?

Those of us who can see them

and want to understand them.

You know, Ryan, I
learned the hard way

that sometimes it's
best not to tell people

you can see something
that they can't.

You know what I'm saying?

I saw the item in
your pocket earlier,

and I know that we just met, but

is there anything you
want to talk to me about?

I just... I almost
made a mistake.

That's all.

Good man.

Ryan, where have you been?

The school called, I
have been worried sick!

Mrs. Winrich,
I'm Bill Marshall.

I'm a professor at
Miskatonic University,

and I'm a new friend
of your son's.

He's had a pretty rough day.

Are you okay?

Go inside and get cleaned up.

Thank you for your
help, Mr. Marshall.

Mrs. Winrich, may I
have a word, please?

Forgive me if I'm out
of line by saying this,

but you have a very gifted boy.

I wonder if you realize
how gifted he is?

He's also a very
troubled boy, Mr. Marshall.

I know, I know,
believe me, I understand.

I teach a class
at the university

for exceptionally bright
and troubled kids,

and I think Ryan
would be right at home

with the boys and
girls in my class.

I just want
what's best for him.

That's all I want, Mr. Marshall.


call me Bill.

Anyway, those are the questions
that I thought might work.

Okay, well, you know,

I think if you reduce
one or two of them,

then yeah, this first one
looks a little difficult.

I'd simplify a little bit.

Once simplified, they
should be able to do it,

- no problem.
- Okay.

- It shouldn't take any time.
- Thank you.

- Okay, sure.
- I'll talk to you soon.

- I'll see you later.
- Okay.

Hey, Ryan, good to see you, man.

You ready?

Come on in.

Take a deep breath.
It's gonna be good.

Come on!

Nathan, Caitlin, this is Ryan.

He's gonna be joining
us for a while.

Nice to meet you.

It's called the
Wimshurst machine.

It's an electrostatic generator.

Is it dangerous?

Don't touch the current,
but you can give it a try.

Just turn that
crank right there.

We were just about to
start a game before class.

You wanna join us?

Yeah, sure.

So this game's
called Cathedral.

This is the first piece
you start out with,

and you put all these
pieces around it.

You wanna get the most points.

Each piece is worth 10 points.

Person with the
most points wins.

I'll start.

Nice move!

I'll go here.

No fair!

I didn't know you
could do that move!

Okay, since you didn't know
about it, I'll take it back,

but next time I do it,
it's gonna be fair, okay?

Okay, thanks, Ryan!

Okay, Ryan, I want your
sister in bed at nine.


Emma, listen
to your big brother.

- He's in charge, okay?
- Kay.

Now, be
good, no wild parties.

I will, I won't.

Oh, and please don't
eat a ton of junk food.

I will know what's missing.

- Okay.
- See you in the morning!

- Good night, I love you, bye!
- Night, love you.


Here he comes now.

I'm getting out of here!



Help me, help!

What happened?

At the window -
someone's at the window!

Are you sure?

I saw him looking in.

I'm scared.

Emma, go upstairs.

Ryan, is that you?

Don't answer it, Ryan!

Who is it?

I said who is it?

A friend.

Pick up the phone
and dial 9-1-1.

I'm not gonna
hurt you, all right?

Just , just calm down!

Just calm down, okay!

No, no, Ryan!

Ryan, listen to me,
this is important, okay?

I have to talk to you, Ryan.

I have to tell you
what's going to happen.

Very soon, you're going
to invent something,

an incredible machine

that allows you to
travel through time.

But you can't let it
happen, you understand?

You can't make it,
that's what they want.

That's how they get in.

That's how it begins.

They're not watchers.

They want this
world for their own.

I've seen what
those things can do.

They get into your subconscious.

They manipulate everything!

You have to fight them, Ryan!

You have to resist!

I don't
have any time!

You gotta listen
to me, I'm jumping!

I'm jumping like the marbles!

I'm unstuck in time!

I've been trying to
find you for 13 years!

I've been trying to find you

for 13 years.

You have to remember what
I am saying to you, Ryan.

You have to stop them!


No, no.

No, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, God, no!


No, no, Ryan!

Ryan, I didn't,

I-I-I didn't know.



Ryan, wait!

Please, Ryan, listen to me!

It's okay.

I'll always

be here.


It's like there's
a hole in his mind.

have to remember

what I am saying to you, Ryan!

It was an
incredibly traumatic event.

He may subconsciously choose
to block it out forever.

He doesn't even
remember his own sister!

Have you
seen that picture before?

I miss him.

Who? Who do you miss?


Is he
the only one you miss?

What do you mean?

In that photo.

Happy birthday, Ryan!

they're just observers,

lurkers, they call 'em.

They don't interact directly.

They just observe
the natural events

in our time-space continuum.

They're not watchers.

They want this
world for their own.

I've seen what
those things can do.

They get into your subconscious,

they manipulate everything!

That's how they get in.

That's how it begins.

It's for you.

Maybe this will help
you forget the bad times

and remember the good ones.

You still have it.

never taken it off.

Some books
are very special, Ryan.

Some books can change your life.

Come on, hit me!

Come on! Hit me, p*ssy!

Our whole
lives, everything,

everything has led up to this!

How can you ask me to
turn and walk away?

Finish it.

There's a b*mb.

A what?

In the lab,
there's some crazy guy.

He's got a b*mb

- inside the event chamber.
- Caitlin.

You have
to fight them, Ryan!

You have to resist!

Warning! Warning!

Safety protocols disengaged.

Attention! Blast door lock
release sequence failure.

Unable to override.

It's time.

activation sequence enabled.

Portal activation
sequence initiated.

Danger! Danger!

Safety protocol failure.

Human life in extremis.

Hold on.

denied, access denied.

He picked me.

God picked me.

denied, terminal override,

unable to comply.

This is God's will,
and I am his messenger.

This is God's will.

This is God's will.

This is how it ends.

This is God's will and
I am his messenger.

This is how the world
is supposed to end!

This is how the world
is supposed to end!

This is how the world ends!

sequence complete.

Terminal override accepted.

Releasing blast
doors in five, four,

three, two, one..

Three, five,
three, four.

Remote activation
sequence enabled.

Override activation
sequence initiated.

- Surprise!
- This was fun.

We should do it again some time.

The world's
first temporal manipulation...

You're going to
change the world, Ryan Winrich.

- I have a feeling about you.
- What kind of feeling?

likes you, you know.

I can sense these things.

Your friends
won't always be there!

Oh, I'll be there!

I'll always be here.

It's for you.

Maybe this will help
you forget the bad times

and remember the good ones.

Any conductive
metals would cause the portal

to lose stability and collapse.

This is
how the world ends!

Most people live
life between the moments,

never truly seeing what's
right in front of them,

until the moment is gone.

It's easy to be afraid.

But if you can

face the moment,

everything else becomes clear.
