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Invasion (2020)

Posted: 02/02/24 08:06
by bunniefuu
[digital whirring]

[menacing theme music]


- The worst tragedies
in human history

occurred when we
faced something unknown,


- Today we are going
to witness

a unique astronomical

- An unidentified flying object
was detected.

- 477, at ten o'clock.
- Roger that. I have a visual.

- No pressure,

but it's going to be
another fifty years

till a meteor shower
hits again.

- It's big, 650.
I have a visual.

- The object entered the
atmosphere from the west.

It has moved further north.

- People are watching
the meteor shower.

- Sveta is all alone up there.

- 477, repeat!
- It's huge!

- Humans waited
thousands of years

to make contact with an
extraterrestrial intelligence.

- Disaster in Moscow's
Chertanovo residential area.

An unidentified object crashed

into several apartment

The death toll has yet
to be confirmed.

Experts are still reluctant
to confirm eyewitness accounts

that the incident was an alien
invasion. Nevertheless...

- This means w*r, right?

- It depends on
what they do next.

- Who are "they"?

- We can't just sit and wait
after what they've done.

- They are to blame.

Otherwise Sveta
would still be alive.

- Leave it! Yulia!
- What do you mean?

- Left!


- Don't be afraid.

- We don't know
what they are going to do.

Right now our main task is
to avoid a direct conflict.

- This is a unique opportunity
for humanity.

- He saved me.
I owe him.

- It's a chance to find out
more about ourselves.

To know who we are.

- I always knew
you were special.

- Transfer complete.

- This is a transmitter
of kinetic material.

You will never be able
to remove it.

- Got it.

- We are not allowed
to make contact.

We can't let you
get hold of our technology.

- Gratitude.



- Love and hate help you
fight the fear of death.

Without death there is no need
for love or hate.

- You love him, right?
- I do.

- You dumped me
because of him.

- They're not what we thought!
They're better than us!

- This is our Earth!

- If you come close,
it will all be over.

Sol will blow up
the spacecraft.

- We will all die.
You and us. Understand?

- What are you doing with her?

[g*n sh*ts]

- I love you.

- Yulia!

- What are you doing
with her?

What are you doing
with her?!

- Hakon could have
lived forever,

but he gave up his life
for her.

Now I have to review
the results of the mission.

They will affect
the future of our worlds.

- People say they can't go on
living like this.

And me?

No way.

- Azimuth adjustment.
Five degrees right.

- Roger that.

- Sustainer engine, stop.
- Roger.

- 314, you are on the
calculated flight path now.

- Check.
- Positive.

- The country's leading
research institutes

are decoding the technologies
left by the aliens.

Scientists are expecting
a breakthrough any time now,

potentially leading to advances
not only in military capability,

but also providing us
with advanced tools

in such diverse
fields as medicine,

energy production
and ship building.

- The country's leading
research institutes

are carefully working
on decoding the tech--

- Despite UN recommendations,

Russia has refused
to let foreign experts

examine the site.

This was the impetus
for the extension

of economic sanctions
against Russia.

[speaking foreign languages]

In an attempt to avoid
making the same mistakes again,

a special unit
has been created

to monitor so-called
"deep space."

Russian Aerospace Forces
have dedicated

satellites to support this.

The newly appointed Head
of the Extraterrestrial

Threat Prevention Unit

is the deputy commander of
the Russian Aerospace Forces,

Lieutenant General Valentin

During the Shanghai Summit,
a fundamental decision was made

to allow countries
to destroy alien objects

which could potentially
thr*aten Planet Earth.

Those countries capable
of attacking

an enemy in outer space,

namely Russia,
the United States and China,

adopted the required
response protocols.

Details of the events in Moscow
two years ago are still murky,

but government agencies
assure the public

that efforts are being made
to guarantee that no spacecraft

will ever be able to arrive
at our planet unnoticed again.

[theme music]


[digital whirring]

[digital beeping/whirring]

[workers shouting]

- Usko!
You seeing sharks again?

- Not a whole one.
Just a fin.

- [yells]

- What an idiot.

What the hell is going on?


[upbeat pop music]


[dog barking]

- Chara!

Where are you going?


Chara, where are you?

Chara, where are you?



[pop music continues]

Chara, where are you?

- Essentially there is almost
no difference

between human
and artificial intelligence.

With the exception,
of course,

of our individual
empathetic abilities,

which we deem
our personality.

And when we claim,
"I feel something,"

what we mean in reality is

we're aware
of a potential solution

without grasping
the algorithm

that leads us
to the solution.

But here's the thing:

We don't have to understand

- Any news from the lab?
Make any headway yet?

- That is classified

If I tell you, then my guards
are going to have to sh**t you.

- Intuition is not a miracle.

It is a carefully planned

Vitalik here is quite lucky

because there are many things
he doesn't understand.

- Why'd you call him Vitalik?

- We would have
maybe honored you, Maxim,

if you'd demonstrated a bit
more vitality in the seminars

and by age 19
had invented Ethereum.

[students laughing]

Thank you, Vitalik.

[students gasp]

I know what you are thinking
about me right now.

- Chara would've bit his
leg off for that.

- I hope you find Chara.

- Vitalik has been programmed

to believe that
any physical contact

is a sign of approval,

whether you pet him
or hit him.

This is what we call
"limited perception."

Let me repeat.

No artificial intelligence
can surpass human intelligence

because we are the perfect
artificial intelligence.

For now.

They are our future.

However, unlike us
they will be almost immortal.

It is very likely that
they will even grow

to be emotional
because emotions are

inevitable after-effects

due to the complexity
of the system.

We should however
be able to

nullify their unwanted emotions
through certain protocols.

- How about us?
- What about us?

- Can you nullify
our unwanted emotions?

So we'll wag our tails

even though we just got
hit in the face?

- Theoretically, yes.

By stimulating or inhibiting
certain parts of the brain.

Don't fool yourself, Yulia.

The truth is we're not that
much different from them.


Soon enough

the machines will learn
to feel sympathy

and aversion,
hatred and love.

- We need love and hate

to save us from
the fear of death.

If you're immortal,
then why love somebody?

[school bell ringing]

- Jeez, don't they get
on your nerves?

- Who?
- Them.

- Oh. You mean the guys
who follow me in formation 24/7?

Of course not.

- Look, Yulia, I...

There's something I should have
told you a long time ago.

But I couldn't.

- What is it?
- Wait a second!

I can't go on like this.

I can see how bad you're feeling
and it's not fair to you.

What I'm trying to say...

- Google, I know.

- You do?
- Of course I do.

But it's safer for you
if we just remain friends.

- I think I better head off.
- I can give you a ride.

Thank you.

Hi, Dad.
- Hi, there.

- Good afternoon, sir!
- Hello, there.

You applying for the draft?
- Me?

Well, in theory...

It's a good thing.
As an option.

- No, it's not.

- Got it. Thank you.

- Going to the train station?
Visiting your grandma?

- No, I'm going to work.

- Are you working now?

- Rostelecom.

- Could they be trolling you?

- What do you mean?

- What I mean?
Google working for Rostelecom...

- Could you turn right here?

- Want me to turn right?


Is that okay for you?
- Yes, thank you.

- See you.
- See you.

- See you!

- See you tomorrow,
comrade general.

Thanks for the ride.

[car horn barring]

- Young man.

Your ID.

- Here it is.
- Go on.


- If you want to escape,
I can offer you a plan.

First, we take out the guards.
Then you get plastic surgery.

We shave your head.
- Stop here.

- Then you dress up as a nun
and we smuggle you to Mongolia.

Then you ride
a tiny horse to Tibet

and from there you sail across
the Sea of Japan to Kamchatka.

No access to social networks
for a while.

But nature is simply
amazing there.

- Thanks for the offer, Dad.
Sounds interesting.

But we'll have to suffer
a bit longer.

I don't want to get you

[digital whirring]

- Motion test complete.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Combat Course 1 passed.

Maximum acceleration
for Combat Course 2.

- Good. Carry on.

What do you think?
Impressive, huh?

- Did you find out
what it is made of?

- Water, in fact.

The exoskeleton
absorbs carbon dioxide

to create energy
for regeneration.

We are dealing with
biotechnology here.

Some sort of photosynthesis.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Hello.

How long is he
going to jump around?

- Ten more minutes,
comrade general.

- Can he hear us?

- Our engineers installed a
radio headset in the helmet.

- A Russian-Extraterrestrial

- Hello, Yulia.

Shall we begin?

- I'm ready.

- What did you feel

when you found out that the
spacecraft crashed in the city?

- Nothing.
I blacked out.

They rescued me.

- Okay. And then?

When you found out that
your friend had been k*lled?

- What do you usually feel
when someone close to you dies?

- Yulia, please,
keep still.

We don't want to compromise
the experiment.

And then you wanted
to take revenge.

Is that right?

- I can't remember.

[water rippling]

- And then?

Why did you decide
to help the creature?

- I've told you
a thousand times.

You want to hear it again?

- Her negative emotions
generate a significant upsurge.


Yulia, what about
your boyfriend Artyom?

What happened
between you two?

- Nothing.
We broke up.

- Can you tell me why?

Did you do it
because of the alien?

At what point

did you start
having feelings for him?

- Do I have to answer?

- All of us have been hoping
for a breakthrough.

Sorry to keep reminding you,
but Yulia is all we have.

If we were given free rein...

- What? Do you want me
to let you

treat her like a lab rat?

- She is our only key
to these technologies.

[tense music]

- Yulia, if you don't mind,

somebody wants to talk to you.

[breathes deeply]
- Mm-hmm.

- Hi.

[computer beeping]
- I have her reaction!

[water rippling]

- That's it!
We're done here!

- Keep talking!

- I... I don't really know
what to say.

- Get me out of here!

- I'm sorry.
- You k*lled me!

- No.
I didn't mean to k*ll you.

I was sh**ting at him.

I wanted us all
to die there.

But I survived.

And I had a CVA.

A cerebrovascular accident.

A stroke.

[Yulia screaming]

But it was you who initially
wanted to k*ll him.

- Go on!

- Nothing would
have happened if...

- Dad!

[distant thud]
[alarms sounding]

- General Lebedev!

Please, don't jump
to conclusions!

- Where is she?

- General Lebedev...

- Call for backup!

- Easy, easy!

- Hello, General Lebedev.

- What the hell are you doing

- Serving my country.

- Take him away!
- Why do they keep me in prison?

Your daughter is okay.

You are doing well, too.

Why me?
Why do you keep me locked up?


[door opening]
[footsteps approaching]

- What happened there,

No more research.

I will make sure they stop.
You believe me?

- You can do anything.

- I'll wait in the car.
- No.

[breathing heavily]

Can I go unescorted for once?
Without the guards?

Can I just be alone
by myself?

I'm begging you, Dad.


- Just this once.

- [sobbing]

[door closes]

- Where is Karabanov?
- On his way, comrade general.

- Hello, sir.
- Ivan.

You can't go back
to your family today.

- They've forgotten me anyway,
no problem.

- One more thing.
Put on some other clothes.

- Like what?

- Like that.

- Yes, sir.

[upbeat pop music]

- Shitty day?

- Shitty life
is more like it.


- Someone bought you a drink.

- She's had enough.
Thank you.

- My little brother.

He never lets me go
anywhere alone.

My name is Yulia.
- I know. I'm Ivan.

- I know you can't stand me.

You follow me
everywhere I go.

Keeping an eye on
my boring life.

Annoying job, isn't it?

You have absolutely
no idea...

why I'm so important.

- My last assignment
was to protect

the chieftain of a small
and proud tribe.

Every week somebody
tried to finish him off,

usually sn*per sh*ts
or homemade land mines.

One day they even blew up
our convoy.

When it was quiet,

he would buy underage girls
from another tribe

and took advantage of them.

I was put in charge
of protecting him because

he was a mediator in talks

with even more abhorrent

who could exchange prisoners.

So, no,

this job is not annoying.

I don't think that
you deserve less protection

than the bearded pedophile
I told you about.

- Damn.
That's not fair.

I thought I would win
the Saddest Story Award.

- Yulia, I am very grateful
to your father,

and I promised to get you
home before midnight.

Let's go.

- Let's drink to my dad.

[glasses clink]

- We have to go.

- Ivan.

I think I've had enough.

- I am Hariton.

We have to go.

- The girl is not alone,

- She doesn't want
to stay with you.

- But she is going with me.

Hit on somebody else.

- You think you can go
against her will

because you are
authorized to use force

and carry a concealed w*apon?

But you are wrong.
Please, don't resist

or I will be forced
to hurt you.

Yulia, let's go.

- What's going on here?
- Someone call the cops!

- Cut it out!

- [grunting in pain]

[glass breaking]
[woman screaming]

- All right...

[car engine revs]
[car computer dings]

- Technology!
- [woman laughs]

[tense music]


- Take your phone
and dial a number.


- What number?
- Any number.

[cellphone dialing]

Sol, do it!

[digital beeping]

Sol, do it!

- Route calculated.

[car engine revving]

- Get in!
- Hey! What the hell is this?

- What's the big idea?

- Sol, we're ready.

- [Sol] Very good.

Unauthorized passengers
may exit the car now.

- What the hell?
Get out of here!

- [Sol] Fasten seatbelts

to improve your chances
of survival.

- Hold it!

[honking horn]
- Are you nuts?

[honking horn]
Get out of here!

- Stay!

Stop the car!

- I'm not driving it!
Can't you see that?

[car engine racing]

[crowd screaming]

- Watch out!

[woman screaming]

- General!

She is in a car with
a dark-haired man in his 30s.

- Introduced himself as Hariton.
- Do not sh**t!

Updates every three minutes.

Evacuate the facility
to the Ministry of Defense.

- What do you mean?
We have equipment--

- Contact m*ssile
and Space Defense.

[tense music]


- With all due respect.

Can you tell me why?

- They're back.

- What's wrong with my car?

- Sol controls the satellites
and the internet.

He will help us out.

[digital whirring]

Yulia, you're in danger.

You went too far
with your research.

We need to fly away.
Right now.

- What is this bullshit?
Fly away where?

- There are a lot of habitable
planets in the universe.

[car engine racing]
[cars honking]

[muted rap music]

[woman screaming]

[horn honking]

- [Sol] Now is a good time

for unauthorized passengers
to exit if they wish.

- Sol!
- [Sol] Updating the route.

- I see them.
I am in pursuit.

[tense music]


[g*n shot]

[car horns sounding]

[digital whirring]


- [Sol] No passengers were
harmed during the trip.

New route calculated.

[car horns sounding]
[siren wailing]

- General Lebedev.

I lost them.

- Let me ask you again.
Were you driving the car?

- Technically, yes.

But the car was out
of my control.

Hold on.
It was driving itself.

[cellphone ringing]
Do you understand?

[cellphone ringing]
Another fine!

[dog whimpers]

[dog barking]

- Chara!

- Chara!

- I feel you are suffering.

- I buried you.

I was sure you were dead.

But you...

You never... even...


Why didn't you come back

- Last time
everything went wrong.

Careful, threshold.

- How long...
have you been here?

- 123 days.

[Yulia sighs]

- Holy shit!

Wait, but how could you...
You don't have...

Did Sol print you money?

- No. I have a job.

I have a house.
I have a vegetable garden.

- A vegetable garden...

You survived here all alone?

- A human being can
adapt to any condition.

[dog barking]

- I wanted to tell...


I'll come back tomorrow.


- Google helped me.
- I see.

Stop doing that.
I hate traitors.

- Chara, go away.

- I mean, all of you here,
by the way.

- You feel hurt thinking
that you suffered more than me?

- No.

I don't know.

- I spent a week
of my time in space

which is equal
to two years here.

Sol stayed in your system

because I never would have
survived the transition.

- And then what?

Were you supposed to leave?

- Yes, I was.

I violated the protocol.

[light dramatic music]


[theme music building]


[cellphone ringing]

- Yes?

- Dad.
Hi, it's me.

- Where are you?

- With him.

Can you turn on the camera?

- I can.

- I just wanted to see
your face.

If mom were alive,
I would call her

to say that I love her.

I love you, too.

Just like her.

I don't tell you that
very often.

I have to fly away.

- Far away?

- Far away.

Dad, don't say anything.

You know
I don't belong here.

Everything is going
to be okay.

I promise you.

You trust me?

- Of course.

[call ends]

[Yulia sighs]

Track the signal and deploy
the response unit.

- Be careful.
Don't use any force.

- Yes, sir.

- You can even smoke here.

- First of all,
you don't smoke when you eat.

And then I quit smoking
when my boyfriend was k*lled.

- You didn't have to.

This thing nullifies
the damage to your health.

- What if I don't want
to pollute the planet?

I like it here.



What if we don't fly away?

Maybe settle down a bit closer?
Like Kamchatka.

I don't even have
a passport.

How are we going to cross
the border?

- You will.

But... we'll have to
cook up a corruption scam.

- [scoffs]

Oh my God!

You have a sense
of humor now!

Okay. Tell your...

intergalactic government
that I agree to everything.

But if you ever...

dump me for some
Martian girl...

Promise you never will.

- A promise is an illusion
based on

the assertion
of absolute probability

of your wish in the future.

But considering there are
no competitive

life forms on Mars,

[dog barking]

[dog panting]

How can I make that animal
understand that that is my bed?

- No chance.

Even your technology
can't help you there.

I won't go anywhere
without Chara.

End of discussion.

- Attention lab workers.

All personnel and equipment
are to be evacuated immediately.

- Easy! Don't tilt it!
Keep it even!

- Where is the response unit?
- Arriving shortly.

- General Lebedev!

They are about to break off
the manipulator arm...

- What about the prisoner?

- Put him in the car.
- Let's go!

- Put him in the LMV.
- Where are you taking me?

- We'll see.
Waiting for an order.

- Can you give me a smoke?

Or do you need an order
for that, too?

He will deceive you.

It runs in their family.

- What are you waiting for?

Take him to the car.

- Yes, sir.

- Target located.

- It's the response unit,
comrade general.

- Report.

- I see a man and a girl.
No cause for alarm.

No reason to use weapons.

- Then lower your g*ns, major!
Do you hear me?

- I repeat.
They are unarmed.

No cause for alarm.
- Lower your g*ns, I tell you!

Lower your g*ns!

- [Sol] sh**t to k*ll!

- Repeat the order.

- Are you deaf?
Hold your fire!

Do not use any force
unless necessary!

- Center 2.0 here.

Order the response unit
to stand down.

- Eliminating targets.
- Make way!

- Open the gates!

[dog barking]

- We have to go!

[glass breaking]

- We're going in!

[grunting in pain]

He is resisting!

[Yulia screaming]
[grunts in pain]

[dog barking]
- To the river!

[water rumbling]

[tense music]

[grunts in effort]

- They're getting away!
Open fire!

- Chara!

[g*n shot]

[g*n fire]

- Alpha, Center 2.0 here.

- 42. Airspace intruder

Eliminate the target!

- Copy that.
Eliminate the target.

- Attention.
Target One.


- Air Defense launched
a m*ssile.

[digital beeping]

- Target eliminated.
- They shot them down.

- It's off the radar.

- Call the tactical unit!

Any channel!
I don't care!

[digital whirring]

- Where should I take him?
- What do I know?

Take a scooter, anything!
I've got enough problems here!

- Your hands!

[handcuffs clicking]

- Can you give me a smoke?

- That's not allowed.
- Come on, bro. For the road.

[grunts in pain]

- Freeze!

[g*n fire]

[digital whirring]

- Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t!

[g*n fire]

- Sol! Sol!

- [Sol] Sol has been

You can come back.
But she must be eliminated.

- What's going on?

- We're too late.
Manual override.

- [Sol] Then you will be
eliminated, as well.

[helicopter whirring]

- The Aerospace Forces
are now in.

- Engage combat mode.

- Who gave the order?
Who is in command there?

- Switch to combat mode.
- Roger.

[dramatic music]

[helicopters swooshing]

[drone buzzing]

- Petya, it's my turn.
- Just a second.

- Please.


- [grunts]

Hey, there.

[boys screaming]

- I have a visual.

Object is heading down
the Moskva river

towards the city center.

- Target is believed
to be alone.

sh**t to destroy.

- 965. Let's box him in.

- Target locked.
Permission to open fire.

[wincing in pain]

[tense music]

[alarm sounding]


[light eerie music]


[both panting]

- That was you.

- A lot of civilians down there.
Confirm the order.

- [Sol] sh**t to destroy.

- Roger that.

[g*n fire]

[glass breaking]

[horn blaring]

[distant sirens wailing]

[radio chatter]

- Out of the way!

- Step aside!
No one move!

Lower your weapons!

You wait here!

[horn blaring]

[siren wailing]

[Yulia gasping]

- I'll get a doctor.
- Wait. She needs water.

A lot of water.

[rap music]

[honking horn]

- What the hell?

What are you doing?

Are you high or something?

[car door closes]



Where are you going?


Where are you going?

- Call in Air Defense
and Home Affairs.

Got it. On my way.

- What about that?

- Take it to the Ministry
of Defense.

- Yes, sir.

[tense music]

- [groaning in pain]

- What do they want
from her?

- It's not the military.
Ra is in control now.

- Ra?
- A spaceship.

It uses protocols to amend
the development

of other civilizations.

You call that w*r.

- How can it do that?

- You yourselves have given it
all the necessary data.

What you look like,
personal information,

voice samples.

Almost nothing is safe.

Ra can access all of it.

And it can manipulate
the flow of information.

The military doesn't know
who is giving the orders.

Any more questions?

- Yes.

What does it want?

- It wants the one thing
you failed to do:

k*ll Yulia.

- Have I been
correctly informed

that no one
has been k*lled yet?

Only injured?
- For the moment, yes.

- Comrade officers!

- The President
and the Minister of Defense

have been briefed.

They are on their way home
from the summit.

It is a 12-hour flight.

Please, be seated.

- Who authorized the attack?

- You are out of line,
comrade general!

- That was my daughter!

Who gave the order to attack?
What's going on?

- Easy, Valentin.
Sit down.

Sit down, General Lebedev!

Who is here
from the Aerospace Forces?

Who gave the order
to the pilots?

- I did.

- Who ordered a m*ssile launch
in the center of Moscow?

- You did, comrade general.

- I ordered you to sh**t
at my own daughter?

- We can retrieve
the recording.

It was given via
an internal channel.

- Do it right now!

- Krylov,
send two K-52 choppers

to the Moskvoretskaya

Right away.
The target is underwater.

sh**t to destroy.

- Downtown, comrade general?
- Copy that.

- Do I have to repeat myself?
- No, sir. I'll give the order.

- You need to take a look
at the news.

- Put the news
up on the big screens.

To recap,
Yulia Lebedeva is wanted

on suspicion
of a terror attack.

She may be responsible
for bombing

a Moscow apartment block.

The final death toll
is still unknown.

At the moment, 24 people
have been declared dead.

We have received a video

which one could call
"The Lebedev Manifesto."

We believe it was made
right after

or just before the bombing.

- Can you hear me?
Then pay attention.

Three years ago,
a UFO crashed in Chertanovo.

You claimed it was
an alien act of aggression.

That is a lie.
We att*cked them.

And then I was treated
like a lab rat.

My father personally
led the tests.

I demand that all
classified information

sealed by the Ministry
of Defense

be made public.

The military stole
alien technologies

and has used them to
secretly develop new weapons.

I know you think that
no one can stop you.

That is not true.

- Now what?

- She desperately needs
pure water.

Go and get some.

- Water?
- Yes.

Go to the store,
grab some bottles

and give money
to the cashier.

- Look, I know how
shopping works.

You spent three years
away from society.

You may have lost
some skills.

- You go to the store.
- No. You go to the store.

- [Yulia] Can one of you go
or else I'll have to do it.

- You are the only one
not on the wanted list.

Got any cash?
- I have a job...

- [Yulia] Just go!

I thought you would understand
how dangerous it was.

To no avail.

Now I will do whatever
it takes to...

[Yulia] Is w*r the only
language you speak?

Then w*r it is.

Be ready
for more explosions.

This earth is no longer
solely yours.

- The question remains:

Why was the public
not told earlier

that the young woman
not only had contact

with the alien

but also received
an object from him.

Its purpose still remains

- Where is the broadcast
coming from?

- From you. You're live.

- We're not on the air!
Mute the audio!

- What's wrong?
Who's on the air?

- ...Ministry of Defense.

No real progress
has been made...

- My, my!

- The broadcast center
is being bypassed.

It's all over the Internet,

- What's going on?
- Is it a cyber attack?

- Unfortunately not.
At least not from this planet.

- Not from this planet?

Do you mean to say that...

- If it is within our means
to locate the intruder,

we will find him.

And retaliate according
to our defense protocols.

- Before I initiate
any protocols,

I'll need evidence.

Rock-solid, consistent,
indisputable facts.

- We'll get the facts.
But first...

We must disarm them.

No more cell phones.

No digital technology.

We have to put analog services
back in operation.

We use nothing
but landline phones

and couriers.

I agree. Go ahead!


[printing press whirring]


- A special edition.


That's what comes of
all this high-tech crap!

- Hey! Young man!

- [sniffs]



- Got a dry mouth?
- That's right.

[cellphone ringing]

- Yes, Mom?

- Who, Misha?
Say again.

- Hello?
- Who is Yulia?

[all cellphones ringing

- Hello.

- Do you collect stickers?
- No.

- Have you got our loyalty card?
- No card.

- Would you like one?
- I don't want a loyalty card.

- It won't take long.
- Yulia?

- You can register it
via the app.

- I get it.
No loyalty card.

No stickers.
I want pure water.

- You can go
to our website...

- Enough!

- Calm down.
Explain it to me again.

Which Yulia?
What apartment block?

- A terror attack?
Are you okay?

- The incident is interesting.

Yulia Lebedeva is wanted
on suspicion of extremism.

- Zora, are these your friends
doing this on the screen now?

- My parents said
it was up to me.

I've made up my mind.

I want to do cybersport.
- An excellent decision.

Especially if you compare it to
studying math or physics.

Cybersport is the in-thing
right now.

But your top priority now
is to locate Yulia Lebedeva,

who is charged with
several crimes.

- Yes, it's okay.

- Mom, are you calling me?
- I'm talking with your dad.

Who is Yulia?
Why are you telling me?

[cellphones ringing]

- Yulia Lebedeva is
still on the wanted list.

Any information of her

- Attention all units.
APB on Yulia Lebedeva.

Last seen...

- Why so much water?
- Water is the basis of life.

- An ID is the basis of life.
Got one?

- No ID.

- Where are you from?

- From here.
I live in Kushelevo.

- What is your full address?
- My full address is

Virgo Supercluster, Local Group,
the Milky Way, the Orion Arm,

the Solar System,
Planet Earth,

Eurasia, Russia,
Moscow Region,

Kushelevo Village,

I have a job, a house,
and a vegetable garden.

- You can go.
Orion Arm...

- Okay, and what did she do?

- She blew up
an apartment block.

- Oh, my God.

- The whole city is up in arms.
You hear me, Lena?

- I'll call you back.

- Attention all units.
Searching for a gray Volvo...

- Hello. I'd like to report
Yulia Lebedeva.

[engine revving]
- Come on!

[police siren sounding]

- Driver of the gray Volvo.
Stop the car now!

[cellphone vibrating]


- I can't talk now.
I'll call you back.

- Roma is in the hospital!
- What?

- Our building was blown up.

I went out for a minute
and then...

- I don't get it.
- What don't you get?

- Lena, calm down.
Where are you?

- Your son was almost k*lled.

- I don't get it.
Why are you panicking?

- What don't you get?
We have to find her.

- Mom, is that Dad calling?

- Roma, do your homework
or I'll call the cops!

- Lena, listen to me.

If you see her,
call me right away.

- I'm listening but what have
we got to do with any of this?

I thought you were
coming home earlier

to spend time with Roma.

He has a concussion.

We're in hospital.
I'll put him on.

- Hey, Dad.
- Roma!

- Did you watch the news?
That's Yulia Lebedeva.

She's all over the internet,

- Roma, what...
- She blew up our house.

- Why... How are you?
- I can't talk now.

The doctor is here.
I'll forward you a link.

- ...partially destroyed
a housing block...

We can't confirm
the death toll.

It's being updated continuously,
but the numbers are growing.

A hotline was established

which you can call to find out
if anyone in your family is,

God forbid,
one of the victims.




[doorbell ringing]

- [exhales sharply]

- Local Police Officer,
Senior Lieutenant Fillipov.

- Hello.
- Hello.

A classmate of yours?
- Yes.

- Where and when
was the last time you saw her?

- At university.
- Who's at the door?

You're here!

I've been waiting for you
for two years.

When are you going to shut down
the disco on the ground floor?

- We will look into the matter.
- Please, do.

- Let me know if you hear
anything about your friend.

- We will.
We certainly will.

- Grandma,
what are you doing?

Have a rest.
- How can I rest?

Either I'm all alone, or it's
Grand Central Station here.

Where did you hide
your friends?

- Hello.
My name is Hariton.

- So, is it helping?

- Yes, she'll survive.

But she is no longer
one of you.

[water trickling]

The pain is changing her.

She's getting stronger
because of it.

But the force that's growing
inside of her

could become a risk
for us all.

- Is that why Ra
wants to k*ll her?

- Ra is an artificial

It does not want anything.

It analyzes event probabilities
and follows a defense protocol.

- A protocol?

- A mathematical one.

One death is better
than multiple deaths.

[bell dings]

- All law enforcement agencies
continue to search

for Yulia Lebedeva.

Authorities are doing
their best...

- What did she do?

- Nothing much.

- They're false accusations.

- I see. Is she a political

- Something like that.
- What about you?

- He's not from around here.
- I have a job, a house and...

- He's trying to get her out...
of the country.

And I'm just helping a bit.

- That'll get you eight years
in prison.

We can share a cell.

- Is he also...

- No, he is--

- I am the only one here
to suffer for no reason.

Nothing but stress since then.

You have anything
to whet my palate?

- Let me see.

- What's the deal with her?

Will she rat on us?

- Let's drink to our meeting.

Here you are.

- So, your people...

Can't they just strike us
with a death ray?

- You have something like that,

- Even you don't do that.

There are more effective

- We've got missiles, too.

And we can strike back.
- Oh yes, we can!

- That is a bad option and
could aggravate the situation.

- So the idea
of annihilation is bad.

But hiding for the rest
of one's life...

Is a good one?

- I will not do anything
that could hurt her.

- Me neither.

- To love!

To love!

- To love.

[glasses clink]

- How was that?
You okay?

So you think
we should hide in the woods

for the rest of our lives?
- We have no other choice.

This stuff inhibits
your reflexes

and impedes vital functions.

- That's the point.

So let's drink!

To the intergalactic union.

- Firstly, I'm from the same

What's more,
there is no connection

between drinking alcohol

and the probability
of the realization

of the words you just
spoke aloud.

- Smartass!

This is just...


[glasses clink]

Now a chaser!

- [gulping]


That's not vodka!
- It's even better.


Let's hand him over.

- To whom?
- The authorities.

You have no choice.

Or you will go to jail...
as an accomplice.

It's either him...

Or us.

What planet
are you fighting for?

- He's heavy.
- Make an effort.

No one will believe us

if we don't bring
the alien in alive.

Put your hat on his head!

Are you free, boss?

- In a minute.

- Thank you. Bye.
- Bye.

- Hi there.
- Are you guys partying?

- Our friend here is going
to serve in the army.

"Spade and g*n
make a soldier's life fun."

Where do you want to go?
- Ministry of Defense.

- What branch
will he be joining?

- The Aerospace Forces.

- Don't sh**t.

It's pointless.
- Shut up.

- You do, you don't.
They make you.

It's not that bad.

You get to know life,
breathing in gunpowder.

- I am Sergei Brilyov.

You are watching
Vesti breaking news.

At the moment we
are broadcasting live

via the EMERCOM
mobile stations.

We are in the midst
of truly inexplicable acts

of enemy sabotage.

We don't know details yet,
but we are under attack.

The enemy has taken control

of all digital communication

Be prudent.

Trust only information that
comes directly from the police,

military officials,
and/or members of EMERCOM.

Avoid using modern

when talking to family
or friends.

And above all:

Do not react to any


- Where is she?
- In a safe place.

I will have you shot
right here!

No judge, no trial.
- She's at my place.

- Google, you idiot.

- What's going on
with the internet and TV?

Was that your lot?
- Ra is after Yulia.

It decided to k*ll her
in order to keep peace.

- Keep peace... n*zi style.

- And I am going to
destroy this Ra of yours!

Where is it?

Where? In orbit?

- You don't stand a chance.

You don't know
what it's capable of.

- We didn't start this,

we're following
our defense protocol.

- Ra thinks the same way.

- Get these two out of here.


Help me.

Only you know the exact
coordinates of his location.

Make your choice now.

What means more to you?

Your world?

Or my daughter?

- Please leave a message
after the tone.

- Call the Barnaul

I want them to confirm
the coordinates.

With special emphasis on
the satellite Jamal-410.

Should be close by.
- Yes, sir!

- Walk with me.

- General, permission
to leave for 30 minutes.

- Is that a mobile phone?
I ordered you not to use it!

Pick up Yulia and bring her
to me personally.

Not a word to anyone.
Here's the address.

Got it?

- Yes, sir!

[dramatic music]

- 23 hours, 50 minutes,

- Take a look.

- An unidentified object
was located in sector 5032.

It maneuvered
and came to a halt.

...came to a halt at Alpha...
- ...23 hours, 38 minutes...

- 322, come in.

- The Security Council
is on the phone, general.

Comrade officers!

- Yes, Valentin?
What's the word?

- We can confirm
it's an invasion.

We have the coordinates.
Do we engage the protocol?

- What do you think,

- If this thing
really has the entire

information network
under control,

including NATO m*ssile unit

and we want to destroy it,

then we have to assume
it will intercept our missiles.

- Our plan is to briefly disable
the satellites it controls.

- How will you do that?

- Right now, all satellites
are linked together.

If we take out one of them,

control will be lost
for a short time.

- Pardon my lack of wit,

but losing our military

would render us defenseless.

- Who said anything about

- This way.



They're with me.

- We rolled back
the entire system.

And they're still getting in.
- Hello!

This is a raid!
Everyone remain seated!

I have good news
and bad news.

The bad news is
an alien spaceship

has hacked your system.

No reason to be ashamed.
Shit happens.

The good news is that
we are going to kick their ass!

The only thing
we need to do is...

Zap your satellite.

- Where are you going?
I'm telling you.

You can wait for them here,
they'll be back soon.

- Did they take him
to the military?

Ministry of Defense?

- Oh lord!

- Can you unlock this door,

- They told me
to keep you inside.

- Can you please
open the door?!

[doorbell ringing]

- Let's go.

- I'm sorry.

- [chuckles]

It was the only right decision
I could make.

- You think you're
protecting her.

But the truth is
you destroy everything

that reminds you
of the mistake you made.

- Did you take courses
in psychotherapy

out there on Sirius?

- Put me on speakerphone.
- Yes, sir.

- Judging by the speed
of the space ship's signal,

we'll only have
a few seconds

before this Ra
restores the link.

That's why we k*ll the satellite
when the m*ssile is airborne.

- Got it. But what can we do
in just a few seconds?

- Speaker off.

Take out the ship.

- With what?

- Echelon-2.

- Comrade general,

you and I both know
that we don't have that.

- You and I both know
that we do have it.

- You're...

All so...



And we here...

Are savages.

And we can be...


As long as everything
follows the protocol, right?

It is due to people like you
that such a protocol exists.

- That sounds plausible,
yet I'm against it.

There are too many risks,

- You know me.

sh**ting is the last option
I would ever suggest.

But now...
We don't have much of a choice.

- I never thought
I would say this,

but I am glad to see you.


Are you okay?

- My wife and son
were in that building.

- She was...

Safe with me.


If you hadn't flown here,

she wouldn't be in danger.

- You...

You mean the expl*si*n?

You know
I had nothing to do with that.

- The boy is seven years old.

He's in a hospital,
but there's no connection.

But if I find out
that he's doing worse,

then I'll come after you.


And daddy
won't be able to help you.

- Sooner or later...

She will be k*lled.

Because of you.

[grunts in pain]



You're a real human being now,

Welcome to Planet Earth.

[dramatic music]

You think I never
gave any thought

about how to make up
for it all?

Every single day.

Every day.



Every day.

[m*ssile hissing]

- Give the command
to Rostelecom.

- You're good to go.
Do it.

- Go for it.

[keyboard clicking]

[digital whirring]

- Come on.


[all cheering]

- We did it, sir!

- Lebedev?

- For you, comrade general.
- Go ahead.

- Good job, my friend.
Thank you.

We did the right thing.

- It's too early to tell.
Sorry, I can't talk now.

I want a complete report
of all satellites in the area.

Call the observatories and ISS.
I want a visual confirmation.

- Let's go.
Both of you.

- A huge crowd
has gathered in front

of the National
Defense Center.

They're demanding the
extradition of Yulia Lebedeva

over her suspected involvement

in an arson attack
of a residential building.

Some suggest that
General Lebedev

is covering for his daughter

and that he should be
held accountable

for shielding her
from criminal prosecution.

- Please remain calm.

- [crowd] Put her away!

Put her away!

- I don't know
what happened to your family.

But it's not my fault,
you hear me?

- Let us through!

- There she is!

- Ivan!

I am not to blame.
I was framed. Really.

- That's her!

- Get down!

Back off!

[g*n shot]

[car horn blaring]

- This is bullshit!

Thank you for believing me.

- I don't believe you.

- Did you destroy it?

- We destroyed it.

- Thank you, Ivan.

- I never thought it would
end like this.

At least not with you.

- She didn't do it.
You should know that.

- I owe you nothing!

Goodbye, sir!

[cellphone vibrating]

- I'm okay.
We can't use phones now.

How are you?

- Did you hear about
the t*rror1st attack?

All because of Julia Lebedeva.
She must be totally nuts.

- I am listening now.

I know you survived.

- [Sol] I tried to minimize
the damage.

I am forced
to be more aggressive now.

This is not an accurate

But you don't
have to stay there.

You can come back.

- I will not be flying away.

Your assessment
is not correct.

humans do make mistakes,

because they have something
more than intelligence.

They listen to a voice
inside them.

Which makes them better.

- {Sol] You will be

Human beings only hear
the things they are told.

I warned you.

I asked you to stop,

but you didn't want
to listen to me.

You made me do it.

I understand that the death
of a foreign people

from a far-away place

is not particularly

Then you should start
worrying about yourselves.

[cellphone ringing]
- Lena, pick up the phone!

[birds chirping]

- We didn't want this.

But a lot of people
are going to die today.

[dramatic music]

You tried to turn me
into a w*apon.

Now I am one.

[cellphone ringing]

- Hello?
Where are you?

- I called you
but you didn't answer.

- Roma is dead.

He's dead, Ivan.

[ground rumbling]

[people screaming]

- It looks like a water dome.

Chemists tell us
it is made of plain water.

The diameter is
about three kilometers.

The Ministry of Defense
is also inside the dome.

No chance of communication.

- Who is in charge there?
- General Lebedev.

- What about the water level?

- It does not look good,
Mr. President.


[car horn blaring]

- Daddy, where were you?
- Come on! Run!

Let's go!

- Daddy!


[water erupting]

- Smart Home.
Water leak detected.

[alarm beeping]

Smart Home.
Water leak detected.

- The dome is about

The object itself remains
hidden within the water.

We do not yet know
how to destroy it.

We could deploy the air force
and sh**t through the dome.

But our chances are slim.

- Try it.
- Yes, sir.

- Excuse me.
You need to take a look at this.

- There is no communication
with the people inside the dome.

Keep calm.

Everything is under control.

[crowd clamoring]


- My mother is in there.
I have to get to her.

- May I?
Thank you.

Excuse me!

[fighter jets swooshing]

- 358 ready for combat,

- Fire at will.

- 358. Launching missiles.

Object has not been destroyed.

All missiles have been fired.
Object has not been destroyed.

- EMERCOM reports
an influx of over

of water per second.

The water is flowing from above.
We can't explain it.

- This place will be
flooded in 20 minutes.

- We have a chopper
on the roof.

Grab Yulia
and get the hell out of here.

- What about you?

- I'll catch up.
- Dad...



- Are Civil Defense
communications operational?

[alarm sounding]

- Please leave your houses


If flotation devices
are available,

have them at the ready.

Do not stay indoors.

We were unable to
penetrate the dome,

but that does not mean
we are giving up.

- If the influx of water
continues at it's current pace,

the upper and lower
levels of water

will merge 30 meters
above ground.

- We are cut off
from the outside world.

- Uncle Kolya, out of the way!

- If you can hear this,

please approach the nearest
EMERCOM member,

national guardsman
or police officer

for instructions on evacuation.

If you are unable to do so,

please make your way
to any building

nine stories or taller.

[people clamoring]

- To the roof!


- We are doing all we can.

But without your help we will
be unable to rescue everyone.

Please assist your neighbors.

I know I don't
have to tell you that.

[thunder rumbling]

- Come on!
Hurry up!

[helicopters whirring]

- Hariton!



[somber music]

- Do not panic.

Leave no one behind.

Every life counts.

We are humans.

And we must try to save
each other while we can.

- Excuse me,
I know how to destroy it.

- I told you,
the chopper is waiting!

- Where is my capsule?

I want to utilize
an upward flowing current.

The capsule will
circle around,

and with a bit of luck

it will be tossed up
against the spacecraft.

If the impact is strong enough,
it could destroy it.

- In other words
a one-way ticket?

- Yes.

- Tell me how you
start this thing.

If it works,

then tell Yulia
I love her.

Not too often I said that.

- You'll have to tell her

Only I can control
the capsule.

Ra will not detect it
if I use the manual mode.

I'll need your help
with navigation.

Can you help me
stay on course?

- Comrade officers,
I ordered you all

to vacate the premises!

Emergency evacuation!
- And what about you, sir?

- Do I have to tell you again,

Get out of here
and close the door!

Better yet, seal it off!

[alarm sounding]

[water swooshing]

Do you read me, Hariton?

Move ten degrees
to the right.

- Got it!

- Attention all units,
maintain proximity to the dome.

Sadovo-Karetnaya Street.

Water is five meters high.

I can't see any further.
But the water level is rising.

- 127. There are seven or
eight people on the roof

of the Circus Building.

They have to be picked up.

In ten minutes they'll be

It's the same
at Petrovka Street.

Can you rescue them?

- 129. Roger that.
Flying to Petrovka now.

I'll land on the roof
of the police department.

- 129. Has anyone spotted
a flash of light?

- 123. Not yet.

- 129. Fuel is running low.
I have about 15 minutes left.

Tried to lift a group
off the hotel roof,

but I was too close
to the dome.

Any smaller choppers
out there?

- I'll tell EMERCOM
to send boats there.

- 127. Water is closing in.

I have maybe two minutes,

then I'll have to land

- Remain airborne
for as long as you can.

- We are!
What else can we do?

Come on, men!

- 127. Permission to land
on Sandunovskiy Boulevard.

My wife is over there.
- Permission granted, 127.

- 123. Just flew over
the Garden Ring.

Not a dry spot in sight.

Fuel is depleted.
There's a building ahead.

I'm going for it.
Losing altitude.

- 326. The water level has
almost reached our altitude.

- Easy!
Look out for the cables!

- Damn it!
We're coming down!

- Hold on!

- I've lost control!
- [Yulia] Artyom!

- Yulia! Jump!

[Yulia screaming]


[Yulia gasping]

Swim to the roof!

- I can see four people
on the roof

of a building
on Suchovka Street.

How many available seats
have you got?

- 605, we've got seven more
seats. We'll pick them up.

[people screaming]

- The water is dragging me down,

I can't stay afloat!

- Give me your hand!

There you go!

Are you okay?

- Come on!

- The water level has risen
to at least nine stories high.

- Come on, come on.
Further right.

You should reach the wall
in about a kilometer.

I wish you the best of luck.

- My chances are slim,
but I will try my best.

Did you evacuate?

- Sure did.

- You are probably lying.

Considering the high probability
of your death,

I should make something clear.

Would you mind if
Yulia and I live together?

- Your timing is perfect,

If you're worried
about our future,

then I need to
inform you that...

- I know. You have a job,
a house, and a vegetable garden.

Considering that your death
is also highly probable...

I grant you permission.

Careful! A little to the left
or you'll hit a tower.

[dramatic music]

- Basya!

- Yulia!

Put this on!
- It's me.

He wants me dead.
- Yulia! Forget about that!

Yulia! Calm down!
- Get away from me!

Have you all decided that
this is what's best for me?

Surviving at any cost?

Do you think
that's all I want?

Who gave you the right
to decide for me?

Who gave you the right
to decide?

Who gave you the right?
- No, don't do it!

- Here I am!

- Yulia, don't even
think about it!

- This is all because of me!
- Don't do it!

- That's Lebedeva!
- You have to k*ll me!

If you k*ll me, then all of
this will come to an end.

What are you waiting for?
People are drowning!

k*ll me and this will be over
and that thing will fly away.

- [Sol] k*ll her!

- You can't do that!

- k*ll me and all of this
will come to an end!

[people screaming]

- How much time?

- Say again?

- Till the waves close in.

[distant rumbling]

How much time do we have?

- Do it, Hariton.

I can't help you any longer.

[water whooshing]

- 127. An unidentified object
on the edge of the dome.

It's moving fast.

- What is that thing?
Is it one of ours?

- Yes?

[dramatic music]

- I blew up the building.

I'm guilty of everything
they say.

- k*ll her!
- What are you waiting for?

- k*ll me!
- [Sol] Yulia Lebedeva.

k*ll her!
- Ivan!

- [Sol] k*ll her!

It's her fault!
- Ivan!

Ivan, over here!

- [Sol] Yulia Lebedeva.
- Ivan!

- Out of the way!

- Look, I know how you feel!
I totally get it.

I went through the same
thing myself.

- Ivan! You know that
this is all my fault, right?

- Of course.
Out of the way!

Out of the way!

- No!

- I have nowhere to go.

- Artyom!
Please get out of the way!

[g*n shot]
- Come on!

- No!


[crowd yelling]



Do it!

- [gasping for breath]

- 237. Observing turbulence
in the water.

Somewhere deep.

Can't locate the source.
But it's growing stronger.

- Attention all choppers!

Pull back one kilometer
from the dome.

- We are pulling back
one kilometer from the dome.

Water could spew upward

Do not come closer!

- 226. Departing scene.
Confirm report.

Upper part of target
just emerged from water.

Target is rising fast.

- 237. Confirmed.
Target is below me.

Top part is visible.

- Target locked.
It's moving upwards!

- 226. Confirm.
I have visual. I could hit it.

- Fire at will!

- 237. Unit proceed
to fire upon object.

Engage fire!

- 237. Missiles fired.
Exit 22 hundred.

- 226. Missiles fired.
Moving out. Target hit.

Target is not down.

- Roger. Return to base.

What's going on in there?
Did the water close in?

- 226. I'm not sure.
I see light flashes, pulsating.

The water is pushing
the target out.

- Have Blackjack
go for the target.



- Target hit!
Confirmed! Target hit!

- 226. Water is receding.
Permission to return to base.

- Water is receding.

- 237. Water level sinking

Dome is still present.

Is that evaporation?
I can see people!

- [gasping]

- Yulia?

[dramatic music]

[distant rumbling]

- [sobbing]

[dramatic music]

[birds chirping]

- Come on.

Goodbye, General Lebedev.



[soft dramatic music]

[helicopter whirring]

- Straight ahead.

Head down when
you see the crater.

Got it? Goodbye!

- Alternative route calculated.

You are 500 meters
from your destination.

- Chara!

- Where do you
want to go now?

- To a place where
no one will ever find her.

[water lapping]

[dog whimpering]

[water lapping]

[dramatic music]

["I Love You"
by Billie Eilish]


¶ It's not true ¶

¶ Tell me I've been lied to ¶

¶ Crying isn't like you ¶

¶ Ooh-ooh-ooh ¶

¶ What the hell did I do ¶

¶ Never been the type to ¶

¶ Let someone
see right through ¶

¶ Ooh-ooh-ooh ¶

¶ Maybe won't
you take it back ¶

¶ Say you were tryna
make me laugh ¶

¶ And nothing needs
to change today ¶

¶ You didn't mean to say
"I love you" ¶

¶ I love you ¶

¶ And I don't want to ¶

¶ Ooh-ooh-ooh ¶

¶ Up all night ¶

¶ On another red eye ¶

¶ I wish we never learned
to fly ¶

¶ I-I-I ¶

¶ Maybe we should just try ¶

¶ To tell ourselves
a good lie ¶

¶ I didn't mean to
make you cry ¶

¶ I-I-I ¶

¶ Maybe won't you
take it back ¶

¶ Say you were tryna
make me laugh ¶

¶ And nothing has
to change today ¶

¶ You didn't mean to say
"I love you" ¶

¶ I love you ¶

¶ And I don't want to ¶

¶ Ooh-ooh-ooh ¶

¶ The smile that you gave me ¶

¶ Even when
you felt like dying ¶

¶ We fall apart
as it gets dark ¶

¶ I'm in your arms
in Central Park ¶

¶ There's nothing you
could do or say ¶

¶ I can't escape the way,
I love you ¶

¶ I don't want to ¶

¶ But I love you ¶

¶ Ooh-ooh-ooh ¶

¶ Ooh-ooh-ooh ¶

¶ Ooh-ooh-ooh ¶

¶ Ooh-ooh-ooh ¶

¶ Ooh-ooh-ooh ¶

[upbeat dramatic music]
