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Jiu Jitsu (2020)

Posted: 02/02/24 08:09
by bunniefuu
Where am I?

Hey, hey. Whoa!

Hey, stop!
Stop right there!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hey, hey, hey. Whoa, stop.

Stop, stop, stop.


What the hell's
going on out here?



I'm just eating
some canned chili, Sarge.

You want some?

Get your ass out here and tell
me what this woman's saying.

Hey, woman,
what you saying?

She ain't saying
shit, Sarge.

Ask her who she is,

and what's with
that stiff in that cart?

Copy that.



What'd she say?

Um, I don't
really know, Sarge.

I... I think
she said...

I think she said,
um, they fixed him,

or something like neutered
him, or something.

She stitched
him up.

You're crap
for an interpreter.


this woman has very poor
communication skills.

Figure it out.

Sarge, he's not dead.


What's she saying?

I think she said
he got hit by a comet.

Jesus, Tex.


She said he has
a hole in his temple.

A hole in his temple?

Yup, I'm right about that.
I know that part.


Ah! No.

It's a Buddhist temple.

It has a hole in it.

And then some dead guy
comes through it.


Thought you knew
the g*dd*mn language.

Man, I thought
I did too, man.

That Burmese for Dummies
is just not working out.

Just one
of their myths?

You're making me look
real bad now.

You the plutonium mule?

Where am I?

We talking
nuclear facility?


You'll tell us.
What's your name?

You have a name?


while you're
working on it,

I'm working on it too.

I'm with
Army Intelligence.

And I'm good.

How did you wind up
with that injury?


Where did
you get the stitch job?

Good talk.

Well, in the meantime,

I'm running you through
facial recognition.

It's an international

Your fingerprints...

we've got those, too.

So we'll find out.
Or you can just tell me.

I can't remember.


What are you
doing in Burma?


I thought
it was Myanmar.

Very funny.

If what you're doing here
has anything to do

with what
I'm doing here...

I've got a problem
with that.

Are you a ronin?
Merc for hire?

Did you sneak in
the yellow cake,

or are you in it deeper?



We found this
in your outfit.

That yours?

Yeah. Thanks.

Hmm. You're welcome.

Where's the other stuff?

What stuff?

I'm not sure.

What do you use this for?

Uh, I don't know.
Locate radiation.

This is doable.
I just...

I need more time.

What about that
tattoo he's got?

You ask him
about that?

Not yet. I'm still trying
to get him to talk.

Well, let's
get on it, then.

It's too soon.

He's got a massive
head trauma.

we can cry about it later.

Can we do this now?

Come on.

It's a truth serum.

Who are you working for?

They call it the Valley
of the Temples, right?

You know what
I don't understand?

How the hell
are you still alive?

We already know
that there are

excessive levels
of plutonium there.

We know this.

We don't think the
Burmese know about it.

And the Chinese,
they'd be too smart

to try to sneak this by,
so they don't know.

But you know.

Who are you
working for?

Who are you working for?

Why are you here?

I'm here to do a job.



The fisherman's wife
brought me here.

She thought
you'd help me.

With what?

All right,
everybody out.

I can take it
from here.

You heard me.
Everybody out.



All right,
let's cut the crap,

because I already
know your deal.


they move so fast.

They move so fast.

You don't even
stand a chance.

You don't stand
a chance against what?

What was that about?

I think he's telling
the truth.

He really lost
his memory.

Or he's just
one hell of an operative.

Or we try
a softer approach.

I'll take him out
for some air.


Anything coming
back to you?

Just a headache.

I was hoping,
with some walking around,

visual stimuli...

we are classified,

and we needed to know
if you're on our side.

Against who?


Come on! Come on!


We got to go.

- Let's go!
- We need backup!

Hey. Hey

Where are we going?




Don't move, Jake.

Don't even think about
moving without all of us.

Jake, look at me.
Tell me you understand.

You know you're risking everybody's
life by being here, right?

You're supposed to be dead.

We got a plan. We don't
stick to it, everything goes to shit.

What happened to you?


Who are you?

Who are we?
What are you doing?

- Who wants to know?
- I do.

And who are you?

Are you really asking me
who I am?



You don't know them?

Son of a bitch.

What happened to you?

Hey. Hey, Jake.

Where'd you go?

Do not move.

Charlie 2-0,
this is Charlie 2-1.

Is anyone there?

Who the hell
were those Jedi Knights

that just took out
my entire unit?

I don't know.
But they knew me.

Called me Jake.

Huh. Well,
there's some progress.

Who are they?
Why are they here?

I'm pretty sure
I belong with them.

What did they want?

It's not important.
You have to leave the area.

You're asking all
the wrong questions.

He said
his name is Jake.

He's still foggy
from the shock,

but he did say that we have
to leave the area.

We? What do you mean, us?

He's just saying
we abort the whole mission?

He's insistent.

What are you not
telling me?

Let's just say it's not just
about plutonium levels anymore.

This is just
a cover story?

The story is,
you follow my orders.

What about Jake?

He's coming with us.

What, in that mental state?

I'm not
leaving him here.

Geiger counter's
going crazy.

It's not that kind
of radiation.

Well, what kind
of radiation is it?

You owe me.

Try to make a move,
I sh**t you.

Is that clear?

There's something
in there.

They don't know
what they're facing.

Shut up.

They'll get
themselves k*lled.

- Move.
- Two down.

We need backup.

Come on, hurry!

We're three down!

That's four down!

Chuck, get me out of here!

Aah! No!


What the hell is this?

We call in
an air strike

and tell them
we're being att*cked

by some dudes
from outer space.

You want a Section 8?

Yes! Yes!

If that means staying alive.

- No.
- Then call me crazy.

Call it in!

He's after me.

Oh, well, then,
everybody say bye to Jake.

Bye, Jake!

Let's go, come on! Oh!

- Shit.
- We have to get out of here.

You think?


Oh, my God.


We have to go back
for Captain Sand.

There's no time.


Did you hear that?


Wow! Man, you did it!

Whoo, you did it, man.

Come on.
Come on, give me some!

Man, you know how famous
you're gonna be, dawg?

You're gonna be so famous right now.
You know how big this is?

This is bigger than Bigfoot.




Who are you?

You don't know?


Forgot a few things, huh?

I'm you
in a few years

if you don't get
your shit together.

You know me?

I am you.

I don't get it.

No one ever gets
what I mean.

Now, someone in your situation
only has two choices.

Be like me,

or a warrior.

That's my
favorite chair.

I knew you'd
find it comfortable.


Get off my piano.

But it's
a pretty good life.

I mean, I've got
my hobbies.

I make hats
out of newspapers.

Look at this.

You see the attention
to detail?

It's an art. It's a craft.

But it takes time,
and I got plenty of time.

And if I get
a little hungry,

they usually throw me
some food down at the Valley.

The Valley?

The Valley of the Temples.

You don't even
remember that?


That's where
it all goes down.

You know, I'm going to
have to figure out a way

to smarten you up.

Must have been
a pretty bad fall.

He wanted you here.


The Poet Warrior
in the sci-fi sense.

The Space Man.

He's the one that
gave us Jiu Jitsu.

Jiu Jitsu?

You are, right this minute,

exactly where
he wants you to be,

and it is over.

Ball in mitt.

Game, match, set.



See, I can fly too.

Now you're going to face
Brax off right this time.


He respects that.

He plays fair.

But if you put
some bullshit soldiers

on the field
with him again,

he'll k*ll you
in the worst way.



We're talking.
Can't you see we're talking?

You're gonna want
to come with us, Jake.

No. His mind's
all messed up.

He's crazy,

like me.

We don't have
a lot of time, Jake.

You know what
this is, right?

You know us.

I don't think he does.

Jake, you come with us.

Come with us.
Come on.

Come on, you can
trust me. Come on.

Let them know
we found him.

Rendezvous at
the temple.

Hey, maybe I could
get something to eat.

Like a noodle
or a pickle.

Somebody give
Wylie some food.


he comes from there.

It's the comet you see
in the sky right now.

It passes over the earth
every six years,

and causes a portal
right here.

But when it's open,

we get a visitor
from a distant galaxy.

I mean, he actually
comes here from a place

millions of light years away
looking for a fight with you,

the chosen Jiu Jitsu.

And if he
doesn't get it,

he stays
and he kills everything.

He taught our ancestors
how to fight him.

Then you took an oath...

and that's how he did it.

That's how he gave you
Jiu Jitsu.

Yeah, I could eat.



Pay attention.

Keep your
head on straight.

I said, suit him up.


If you cover yourself
completely with this,

Brax can't see you.

Look at me.
Look at me.

I don't know
how much you forgot,

but it better not be this.

Look up.

You see it?
Twelve o'clock.

By the time it gets to those
trees, it'll be dark.

Fighting Brax in the
dark is not what we want.

We want to bring the
fight to him before then.

Thanks to you, we got to
climb up this hill

with the Geiger counters.

We got to find him,
we got to lure him out,

get the edge.

What happens after dark?

If Brax doesn't square off
and k*ll us by then,

the hole doesn't close
and he stays.

Everyone dies.


You used to say the fight
was worth dying for, Jake.

All the time.

I believed you.

Try to keep up.

A lot of us thought it would
be you who has the chance

to take Brax out.

You look puzzled.
Are you puzzled?

I mean, I get it. I'm puzzled.
I'm real puzzled.

There's a comet, there's a
portal, there's Brax.

Why don't I remember
any of this?

Don't worry so much about
what you don't remember.

Which is
pretty much everything.

The main thing
is to focus.

- You remember how to do that?
- Maybe.

You've been preparing

for this fight
your entire life.

That makes sense.
Fighting that son of a bitch

makes all the sense
in the world.

Yeah, you got
to fight him.

Even if it kills you,
you got to fight him.

You get your honor back.

Now, Brax fights
nine fighters.

Fight, fight, fight, fight,
fight, fight, fight, fight, fight,

and then he goes home.

But if any of the fighters
refuse to fight him,

he devours.

He devours anything that
walks, flies, crawls.

I mean, he destroys
entire towns and villages.

Now, you...
you, you, you, you, you.

You maybe might actually
have to die.

But as long
as you die bravely,

no one else will have to.

Not for another six years.

That is alien politics
five through fifteen.

You said
he fights nine.

Why is there
only eight of us?

Like I said,
don't worry so much

about what you
don't remember.

- I want to know.
- Keep moving.

- We lost a guy.
- What happened?

Brax happened.


Brax. You know
who that is, right?

Breathe. You got this.

You got this.

What are you doing?


I said,
stay together.

Don't lag behind.

You want to keep up
with this crowd,

you don't slack.

You don't think we should
go look for him?

This was your plan, Jake.

Your plan.

I had a plan?

Don't tell me.

You forgot the plan?

It was
your plan, Jake.

He'll get it.

Are you trying
to confuse him?

Hey, it's okay.
It's okay.

Remember what I said.
You're the rabbit.

You just follow me, okay?
Keep moving.

Don't get distracted.
This is all just noise.

Just rise above it.
Come on.

Split up here.

Victor, Franz, Forbes, Jake,
you take that road.

We'll meet you up
on the hill.

Wylie, it's time
for you to fall back.

You see Brax,
you send up a flare.

He'll be after Jake,
you put him on point.

We'll meet you up there.

We good?

- Hmm.
- Hmm.

Let's go.

Was that necessary?

You know it was.

Jake, I'm sorry, man.

It's not your fault.

Don't worry about it.

Keep moving.

What are you
talking about?

Just keep moving.


No, we're not leaving you.

Jake, you're the rabbit.

I got this.


It's my time.


Wake up.

I got a license to k*ll you.

No expiration date.

So you're gonna tell me
everything you know.

And I'll tell you
everything I know.


Nobody knows
the mission but me.

I've been clocking that thing
for 24 years

for Army Intelligence.

What's your procedure?

Your crew goes in
one by one?

That's pretty much
how it is, yeah.

That's not good enough.

I lost too many good men...

and women...

following orders.

You can do it different.

He can heal
from almost anything.

But it takes him
about five or six seconds

before he's whole again.

That's your window.

That's enough time
for you.

Get to it, soldier.

Do you ever ask
yourself the question,

"Why am I still alive?"

So you think
this is funny?

He's playing with his
food, don't you think?

He's like a k*ller whale

in the frozen waters
of the Arctic with a seal.

He fools with its head
and then he kills it.

It's horrible.
Pull up a chair.


You know something?

I know something
you don't know.

I know that the Space Man
actually likes you.

He likes you

because he's paying you
a very high honor.

And I hate to think
that's undeserved.

A high honor?

Oh, yeah. He's saving
the best for last

out of respect
for your skills.

It's an enormous honor.

And he bestows it upon you
in spite of what you did.

What did I do?

I was there.
I saw it firsthand.

What you're saying
is that I'm a coward.

Everyone's saying it.

Just not to my face.

The story will be told
for generations.

Just like with me,
six years ago.

I flinched when I faced
him, just like you.

Yeah, I begged for my life,

but he thinks I'm crazy.

There's no honor
in k*lling crazy.

You actually ran.

And by running,
you allowed him to come here

and k*ll the innocent.

That's on you.

But this time,

we have a plan.


So you're one of us?

So tell me this,
old man.

Will I end up
like you?

No, you won't live
long enough.

You won't make it
through the day.

Hmm. Or he won't.

That's more like it.
That's the spirit.

Brax has no use
for a coward.

He likes
brave fighters.

Once he has you pegged
as a coward,

you become like
a sporting hunt to him.

He's like Manolete,
the clownish bullfighter,

and you're the bull.

He'll want to make
an example out of you,

prove a point,
mess with your head first,

and then he'll k*ll you.

It's already started.

He's trying to vex you.

He can stop trying.

You okay?

You know, there is one other
way I failed to mention.

Be a way for you
to make up

for everything
that went before.

You could k*ll
the son of a bitch.

You're alive.

Son of a bitch.

I'm okay.

You're not okay.

We should get him
under the brush.

He may still
think he's dead.

What about you?
Where'd you come from?

He put me here.




Comet's moving.

We got to get
this done now.

We move.

Whatever happens...

You got
something to say?

...just remember
the one thing

you always have
with Jiu Jitsu...






He saved our lives.

I always knew he was faking
like he was crazy,

so he could help you.

What are you
talking about?

You really don't know?

He was your father.

He didn't
want me to know.

Hey, you're hurt.

Can you breathe?

Let's go.

No, no, no, slow down.
Slow down, you have a big wound.

Come here.

Oh, come on.

Don't tell me you two
are about to get on

in this tight-ass temple,
that's real unholy.

Not to mention we got a
g*dd*mn Martian on the loose.

She's hurt.

Oh, she's hurt.
My guys are all dead.

I've been driving around trying
to get a head count, I got nada.

I figured these two
might be of some use.

Not to mention
these bad boys right here.

She going to need a good stitch
job, or what?

Yeah, let's get her
to a safe place.

There's no safe place
around here.

Hey, so you guys are like
some ninja alien K*llers, huh?

Jiu Jitsu.

Ah, that's why you wear
those funky-ass outfits.

Well, come on, tell me.
You guys are part of some, like,

secret agency
government probe, right?

To take down
Martians and shit?

I've been reading
about that stuff, man.

Ever since I started
translating in the Army, man,

I'm finding all kind
of crazy stuff.

What is it?

He said something
about it kills the pain.

I don't need it.


This has been very traumatic for
me, okay?

I still have nightmares from
when I try to milk our pet bull.

You think I won't need
therapy from this shit?

How do you blow such
big holes in him with those arrows?

Blasting caps on the tips.

Here's a thought.

Get me wrapped.

What'd she say?

She says she's ready to go.


I think she said she needs
to stretch, run and exercise.





He was your father.

Come on.

But it takes him
about five or six seconds

before he's whole again.

That's your window.




Are we good?

Everything cool?

It's not another one,
is it?

You got to be safe
about these things.

You never know.

It'll be like Goldilocks
and the three aliens out here,

you know what I mean?

Mama alien, baby alien.


Who wants a drink?


Coming right up.

See you in six years.