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Proximity (2020)

Posted: 02/02/24 08:18
by bunniefuu
got it again.

This is 17 seven.

Confirm, the
object appears stationary.

It's 2.5
miles off my nose right now.

17,000 feet.

Copy that, Tom,

I could not make out
what it was.

didn't see it?


All right,
I'm gonna circle back around.


I'll follow you guys.

I'll see you in town.

You're buying.

We're detecting
activity in the outer rim.

Lot's cleared.

Move to co-op.

We're picking up three, sir.

trucks respond?

Permission to send recourse.

Permission granted.

Dispatching backup to
sector three,

units approaching fast.

God, you guys okay?!

You guys okay?

Confirming, heavy activity
is now within range.

Standby on all below
line systems,

go on all above.

It's okay.

We need to move!

I repeat, move on all
above line systems

to sector three!

Hey, it's your turn.

It may or may not be encrypted.

Never stopped me before.

836, 14.5.

Nope, that's Jupiter.

It's not in Leo.

Found it.


That is way too fast.

185442.8 by negative
21.2 and 20.2.

It was right in front of Pluto.

That is awesome.

Except it's not me.


Hold on.

What are you guys doing?

It's that signal from Canada.


That's not you?

Yeah, that's that signal

I've been telling you
about from Canada.

You know, we keep getting it

but there's no grounded
satellites over there.

Oh, it's this game we have going

where I made an audio
file and I send it

and he tries to find it.

He made one, vice versa.

We're tied.

I'm ahead by one.

Using our satellites?


Yeah I don't see
anything there either.

Should we send it from Cassini?


Paging ET, please phone home.

ET, will you phone home?

Paging Beck and Isaac.




I remember learning in
science class

that it takes 10
muscles to smile

but only six to frown.

Why don't you
take it back?

I can't take it back.

It's never too late.

It's too early maybe.

What do you mean by that?

I mean I probably just
need some time.

I think I'll come around
to him eventually

but right now I have
other things in my mind.

Like what?


You seem to be
healing physically.

I want you to try something

since you enjoy using
your camera.

I think it would be
healthy for you

to try a video diary.

You know, just five
minutes a day

when it's just you
and your camera.

You can say anything you
want, anything you feel.

A diary?

I know, it sounds silly.

But studies have shown
that it's got

practical benefits for

It's just another way to get

your personal feelings out,
you know,

kind of clear your mind.

Hi everybody, this is
Isaac Cypress

log number 46.

30 more light years to go.

I mean who knows if
we'll find anything

but I'm just really
proud to represent Earth

and humanity out here.

And I never know what
to say in these things.

Like I don't know who
I'm talking to.

If anyone will ever see this.

What's out there.

Mom, I love you.

Darryl, I'm sorry.

You know, six
billion light years

really changes your
perspective about things.

Hey Dad, you know I
was wondering

if we'd break into another
dimension out here.

One where you're still alive.

I was thinking about
what I would say to you

if I ever saw you again.

If you would even
know who I was,

if that version of you
would know who I was.

It's weird not
having you around.

So check it out, I made
it to the top.

Took me like two hours

so I'll probably gonna
hitchhike back down.

Hopefully there's some
cute girls going down

and not any creepers.

So I guess if there's
any pickup trucks

I'll just put my thumb down.

Presentation is
going to be given by...

So we've been making a
lot of progress

on our Millennium II project.

I don't wanna brag but
it's kind of like

the biggest thing since
sliced bread,

if sliced bread could
actually carry humans to Mars,

so I'm so excited about that.

A meteorite with
smoke trailing behind it

appeared over the skies
of Los Angeles yesterday

and California State Professor
Gary Ballmer believes

the origin of the space rock

came from the asteroid belt
between Mars and Jupiter.

No word on the exact
location of impact

as scientist are...

All right guys, all
hands on deck.

We got two days to collect
as many samples as,

where's Isaac?

I don't know, we
haven't seen him all day.

Meteorologists from UCLA

say an occurrence like
this is extremely rare.

You are exhibiting
symptoms of dehydration

so I recommend resting
for a few days

and drinking lots of water.

However, the x-ray of your arms

reveals something very strange.

Your arm appears to
have a fracture.

Perfectly straight, hair thin.

And at an almost perfect right
angle all the way through.

Now this is a normal fracture.

You see, it's imperfect.

Very much unlike yours.

You said you've never
broken your arm before?


It appears as
though your arm was

perfectly cut all the
way through.

Let me see.


Absolutely no sign of
scar tissue.

It's perfectly healed.

Tell you what.

We're going to review
the x-rays a bit more

and give you a call
within the next week.

Hey Beck, are you busy?


Whoah, whoah whoah.

Isaac, what's up, man?

Where you been?

Mark was looking all
over for you.

You got a minute?

I wanna show you something.



Look, it's gone.

What, the cup?

Yeah, the cup.

This cup?

Are you okay?

You didn't see that?

See what?

You stared at it for
five minutes

and then, I don't know
what that was.

No, I mean it disappeared.

You didn't see that?

Are you serious?

All right.

I have something else I
wanna show you.

What was that?

That was Saturday.

I went for a hike.

You're saying this is real.

You believe me, right?

I mean, that's pretty crazy.

With everything going on
right now, with the meteor.

Where have you been for
the last few days?


Yeah yesterday,
the day before.

I went for a hike.


That was Saturday.

Dude, it's Wednesday.

You've been gone from
work all week.

I got more information out
of the samples last night.

Oh, hey Isaac.


Soil pH level is at a
neutral seven.

So still no signs?

No, not yet.

I mean there's gotta be pieces
of it in the crater somewhere.

It just doesn't make any sense.

No traceable iron
nickel in the soil either.

Unless it had native elements

with more chemical complexity,

there's no evidence
of a meteorite.

There should have been
debris or something else.

I mean the surveillance
footage we have

is not good.

No, debris
would have burned up.

You know the best
footage out there

is actually from
someone's cellphone.

Barelli's footage?

No, someone else
posted it on Science Magazine.

Oh, really?

Yeah, let
me pull it up.

- We should show it to her.
- We can't show it now.

I have been trying to get them
to post our couple photos.

Their site gets millions
of views a day.

Yeah, it's only been a day

and they're already at
a million with this one.

I know.

Where is he going?

I don't know.

Did you get the
link I sent you?

Uh, no.

You should watch the video.

Guy says he got abducted
by aliens, has footage.

Funny but it looks legit.


Hi, is this Isaac Cypress?

Yeah this is him.

Hi, this is Christine
Schafer from KFLA.

Hi, Christine.

I saw your video that
you posted online

and I was very intrigued by it.

I was wondering if
you'd be available

to stop by the station in person

so we can do a story about it.


Hello, is this Isaac?


Isaac, my name
is Darren Meyers

from an online media blog.

We'd like to do an interview
if you're available.

Oh, sure, yeah. I have to go,
I'm late for work.

Can I call you back later?

Sure, let me
give you my information

to reach me.

Hi, Isaac.

Vince Price here with
the Daily Band.

I saw your video and
wanted to know

if you'd be interested
to run a story, let me...

Okay so when we go
live I'll introduce you

and it'll be just like
we talked about.

Five, five, four three,

Good afternoon.

I'm here with local
resident Isaac Cypress

whose story came to us yesterday

through a viral video of
an actual alien abduction.

Now Isaac claims to
have been abducted

and here is the video
he says is proof

of that incident.

So Isaac, can you tell us
what happened that afternoon?

So I was just
finishing a hike and

I was off the road a ways.

And I heard this noise on
my right side.

I looked over and I
saw something

coming out of the bushes.

And that's when it just
stared at me.

And I just stood there,
I didn't know what to do.

I felt paralyzed.

When it left, I felt like
I was able to move again.

First thing that crossed
my mind was run.

So I ran as fast as I could
in the opposite direction.

And as I was running I
heard this noise,

it was like a machine.

But there wasn't anything there,

all of a sudden my body
just instantly jolted.

I felt like I got hit by a car.

And I could tell
something was wrong

but I couldn't move my body

and I started to black out.

And the next thing I remember

I woke up in a completely
different location.


So you don't think it's
rather convenient

that you had a camera with you?

You know, that you happened
to catch this on camera?

Well no, I was
documenting myself at first.

Is that really something
that people do?

I mean why, why were you
documenting yourself?

I was starting to do that.

It was therapeutic
and it was sort

of an experiment for me.

That's something that
isn't normal,

I wanted to do that.

It's interesting.

So now you have a bachelor's
degree in mathematics.

And you currently work
as a computer engineer

for JPL, right?

So is it possible that
you created this video

on your computer?

I'm not making this up.

This really happened to me.

This is not fake.

This really happened to me.


Well I mean it is, it's
definitely an interesting story.

Thank you Isaac for your time.

Now could this be a
legitimate abduction story

or just another hoax?

We'll let you decide.

and tell us what you think.

Yup, wrapped, awesome.

Great, thank you so much.

What are we doing next?

Do you have my pages?

So this thing blew
up overnight.

Some guy posted a video claiming

that he's been
abducted by aliens.

Now I personally don't
see any legitimate proof

that this thing is real.

I mean yeah, it could
easily be a fake.

But it's making
headlines for a reason.

It's really well made.

There are a few things
we need to look for.

The biggest proponent is
that it coincides

with the meteor crash that
happened on the same day.

There is simply no
way a normal human being

could mimic this
movement pattern.

In fact we've done several
analytical passes on it.

Oh come on.

In this case, there's
no way to know

and so it's not viable evidence.

This is just a kid
seeking attention

and that's all!

Isaac, can you possibly
tell me anything

that's going on?

Could you describe what
you saw on the spacecraft?

Why did you have a
camera with you?

How does it feel
knowing that people

are saying you're a fake?

Meet the man who
says he helped

Isaac Cypress create the
infamous abduction video.

Yeah, we knew each other
back in college

and there's
different 3D programs

that we learned back then
to make the alien look real.

People have taken to
the attention

of top Hollywood visual
effect supervisors

for their input on the video.

Well it looks very real.

I mean if it is fake, it's
remarkably sophisticated

and very well done.

It's shoddy homemade CGI,

You can make something like
that with a cheap laptop.

The rumor looks like
amateurish animation to me.

It looks fake.

Can I get you anything?

Yeah, coffee,
black please.




Can I get
you anything?

I'm okay for right now.

All right.

Let me know if you guys
need anything else.

Thank you for coming.

I know it's really weird
meeting a stranger.

So you said you've had
an encounter, right?


That's what you think
happened with your arm.

I'm not saying anything
like that happened.

Didn't anything
strange happen to you

before you noticed it?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

The thing with your arm.

The same thing I have.

I didn't notice this
until after the,


I saw that.

But that's real?

You really...

It's real.

I know it's hard for
people to believe me.

I don't really blame them.

That's why I reached out to you.

This stuff really happens?

Have you seen these paintings?

This was painted in the
15th century.

I mean you look at some
of these paintings,

these are some of the earliest
accounts ever recorded.

This was painted in
1710 by Eric de Gelder.


I mean it's like they've
been around forever.

In 1899 Nikola Tesla
built this giant

radio tower in his
home in Colorado

and he got these signals,
this sequence of numbers.

And he was convinced they
were alien communication

thinking that numbers would be

a universal
communicative method.

1927, Norwegian
engineer Jurgen Hawes,

he was doing experiments
with radio signals

and some of the experiments,

the signals were
echoing back to him

seconds after the
transmission ended.

He could never explain why.

On the Apollo 11, 1969,

astronaut Buzz Aldrin
said in secret

that they observed this
object out the window

just hovering right
alongside them.

It was never identified.

1977, city telescope picked
up this unusual signal.

It had the signature of
interstellar transmission.

They couldn't figure
out where it came from

or who sent it.

1998, NASA Space
shuttle The Endeavor,

the astronauts photographed
this black object

right above earth.

I mean, it's all there.

Did you hear about
that abduction in 1979?

No, what happened?

I'll have to find
out the details

but that guy was
abducted in the woods.

I think it was Alaska?

And there were three
witnesses with him

who all passed lie
detector tests.

I think his name is
Carl or Clark.

I can't remember, I'll
have to look it up but,

after he came out
with his story,

he went missing.

I know I have it saved
in my computer somewhere.

This is my phone number.

If you wanna, I don't know,

talk or anything, you know.



I better go.




Hello, is this Isaac?

Hey, yeah.

Hi, it's Sara.

Oh hey, how are you?

I'm okay.

Hey I found that story
I was telling you about.

The guy's name is Carl Miessner.

Says he was abducted in
1979 in Wrangell, Alaska.

Him and three of his coworkers

were lumbering in
Alaskan wilderness

about 30 minutes from
the nearest town.

What was his name?

Carl Miessner.

On their way back
after a day's work

they encountered a large
hovering disc.

They witnessed a bluish
green light hit Carl

and draw him into the craft.

I don't see anything on him.

Yeah I found a news
article in the library.

I couldn't find anything
online either.

But I scanned the pages.

Can you
send them to me?


Isaac Cypress,
the man whose abduction story

has spread internationally
is being debunked a hoax.

Hey send me that
story, I'll check it out.



Yeah I don't see how anyone
could take this seriously.

I mean I really
honestly don't know

how this guy's gotten
this video out so far.

More and more we're just
seeing the normalization of,

Hey, let me give you a hand.

Thanks, dude.

Yeah, no sweat.

Looks like you put a
lot of work into these.

You got a lot of them.

Hey don't I?

Don't I recognize you
from somewhere?

Yeah, you're that guy
in the news,

the one with the
abduction story.

I thought I recognized you.

Yeah, that's me.



Hey, wait a second.

I know you've been
getting a lot of attention

around your story.

I don't wanna bother you,
I just,

I'm a writer.

I wrote my own online blog.

I'd love to help you get your
story out there, you know?

I mean I've seen how the
press is twisting it.

It's really not fair.

I mean I'd just love to
help, get your side out.

Anyway, yeah just think
about it, no pressure at all.

Oh hey, you know what,
let me give you my card.

Here you go.

Yeah, just think about it.

I'd love to help.

Anyways, have a good day.


I just don't see any
reason to think of it

as a legitimate case.

I don't even know why
this is still a question.

It's way too coincidental

and he doesn't even report
this to anyone,

he just posts the video online?

There's no record of
his disappearance

and that's why I just
don't see any reason

to think of it as a
legitimate case.

All right,

- Hi.
- Hi.

I'm looking for Keith Oberman?


What's your name?

Isaac Cypress.

Hi Keith.

I have an Isaac Cypress
here to see you.


Sure thing.

I'll bring him up now.


Mr. Cypress, right this way.

Here you go.

Hey, thank you.

Isaac, good to see you.

Come on in.

I'm really glad you
decided to stop by.

Please, have a seat.

So, man.

The media is going crazy
with this, huh?

I mean do you think after
seeing your tape

they'd ease off a little.

Yeah I guess not.

Right, how much proof
do they want?

You know I was thinking
how to get your story out

and it'd be like solid
and undeniable, right?

This might sound a little crazy

but I was thinking,

have you ever had a lie
detector test?

Lie detector?

Yeah, a lie detector.

A polygraph test.

You see, if you can
pass a lie detector test

and we publish that article,

man you're sitting on
solid ground.

Okay, yeah.

Yeah, you wanna take one?



You can do that?


I mean it's pretty
easy actually.

It's small, plugs
right in a laptop.

So what do you think?


Great, great.

Okay, I'll be right back,
stay here.


Here we go.

So, what we're gonna do

is take the lie detector test

and base our story around that,

giving proof to the article.

And after that point,
it'll be undeniable.

I'd like to see the
big media counter that.

Okay, you're gonna put
these on your fingertips.

One on the index finger.

Yeah, and the other one
on your ring finger.

Now I'm just gonna ask
you a series of questions

and you just answer yes or no.


And the first few will
be pretty easy.

I just need to
calibrate the test.



Well first off,

is your name Isaac Cypress?


Is today Friday?


Are we in Los
Angeles right now?


Do you
intend to answer

these questions truthfully?


Have you appeared on
the news recently?


Are you human?



Did you ever run away from home?

Yes, when I was little.

It's just a yes
or no question, Isaac.


Did you recently
post a video on the internet?


Does this
video make false claims

about your disappearance?



Do you remember where you were

on Wednesday the 6th and
Thursday the 7th of last week?


Did you have an encounter
with an extraterrestrial being?


Give me a second.


You need to come with us.

- Wait, what?
- Sir!

Let me go.

Let me go.

Get off of me!

Get off of me!

IO174R to holding block C,

room number 284 ready.

Admission granted.


Detecting still humanoid
to alien patient IO174.

Main entrance to
control unit access granted.

Patient T0175 to
holding block C,

room number 285 ready.

Admission granted.

patient arrival.

Patient secured.

Hi, Isaac.

My name is Agent Graves.

We have detained you
against your will

because we believe you
have information

that may be valuable to
the future of our society.

You're not the only one
in these circumstances.

There have been many
others in your situation

that we have evaluated.

You have nothing to
be afraid of.

We will need to
perform some tests

in order to determine how
potent your exposure was.

We just ask that you
remain compliant

and this will go
smoothly for everyone.

Run detection for tracker.


Internal detection affirmative.


Set T1.


Isaac, I need you to
focus on the scale

in the other room.


Not yet.

Done, go T2.

Isaac, I need you to
focus on the water.

Where's Sara?

I need you to
focus on the water right now.

Where are we?

We'll discuss that further
when we are finished.

There you go.

All right.


All right, T3.

What's that?

The needle will hit one

if an outside electrical
current is detected.

It's nothing.

Clear the room.

What do you know about
Carl Miessner?

I have no idea who that is.

We know you're
familiar with Carl.

I need you to tell me
what you know about him.

Where's Sara?

Isaac, I'm
gonna ask you politely.

And you need to cooperate

or this could end very,
very badly.

Where are we?

What are you suggesting?

We wander around British
Columbia aimlessly

until we accidentally find him?


Isaac, I'm not gonna
ask you again.

Have you been in
contact with Carl?

Tell me where I am.

Keep an eye on him.

IO174, assistance.

Breach room 284 block C.

breach in block C, room 284.

Repeat, security breach
in block C, room 284.

Engage full security lockdown.

What are you doing?

I don't know.

We're gonna get caught!

Come on.

security to block C.

This way.

Breach in
rooms 184 and 185.

IO174, desist.

breach in block C.

Facility on full
security lockdown.

Security breach in block C.

Facility on full
security lockdown.

Go, go, go, go, go!

Facility on
full security lockdown.

What are you doing?

I don't know!

Trying to open your door.

breach in block C.

Facility on full
security lockdown.


access request.

Access granted.

Access is
not granted.

Emergency access request.

What happened?

Sir, there's been a breach.

Then why the hell are
you still standing here?!

I want air and land vehicles

patrolling the area immediately.

Both subjects have AT devices.

I suspect they're on their
way to British Columbia.

It is imperative that
we track them.

But more importantly,
we need to follow them.

We find them, we find Carl.

All personnel,
report to dispatch.

Come on, let's try in here.

I'll see if anybody's

- here.
- Okay.



Is anyone there?

There's nobody there.

Where are we?

I think we're in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica?

How many days were we gone?

I don't even know
what day it is.

Who was Agent Graves?

Who was that guy?

We have to talk to Carl.


I don't know.

If I could just get
some internet,

maybe I can find a way.




Do you know if there's
internet anywhere nearby?

Internet, computer?

That way?

Uh huh, that way.

A man named Zed?

That way?

Uh huh, that way.

We're looking for Zed.

Thank you.

Zed, right?

You're Zed?

We're looking for
information on someone

and the woman at the last
town gave us your name.

She said you could help us.

What's your name?

My name is Isaac,
this is Sara.

Your full name.

Isaac Cypress.

Look, I need to let
you know up front

that you need to be 100
percent honest with me.

If you tell me one wrong thing

I can't help you.

So here's a second chance.

What's your real name?

I'm being honest with you.

My real name is Isaac Cypress.


Have a seat.

So we're looking for
this guy named Carl.

Oh no, we have to go.


They're outside.

Caught the attention of
ISRP cops, huh?

Wait, you know
about those guys?

Yeah they're part of
the International

Space Research Program.

They're an agency that
works for the UN.

Top secret stuff.
They take residency in

facilities around here.

No one knows about them.

Not your average
civilian anyway.

You could say I have privileged
access to their network.

What'd you do to get
on their radar?

Still trying to
figure that out.

They kidnapped us.

That's why I have an
untraceable connection.

Do you live back here?

I move around a lot.

But I've been here for
the last six months or so.

No place like Costa Rica.

All right.

This is it.

Up there?


Watch your step.

Okay his name is Carl.

What's his last name?


Meissner, Carl Meissner.

Hey, brain man, relax.

Right, okay.

No one can trace us here

so just chill out for a minute

while I set this up.

If we weren't fugitives

this would be a pretty
place to live.

Wow, yeah.

It's amazing.

I knew who you were before
I met you at the cafe.

I saw your story on the news.

It was kind of refreshing.

You never told me your story.

I don't really talk to
anyone about that anymore.

It has to do with my
aunt and uncle

and their cabin in the mountain.

They went to friends
in the evening

so I was in the cabin by myself.

I was tired,

lying down about to take a nap

when I heard this noise outside.

I thought it was a truck
pulling up at first

so I went to go check it out but

the sound went away and,

out of the window I saw
something in the sky.

It looked like an airplane
that wasn't moving.

I didn't know what it was

and I didn't really make
too much of it

so I went back and fell asleep.

When I woke up it was two
in the morning

and I thought I, you know,
just slept late

but I felt so weird.

I felt strange.

I didn't feel the same.

And when I saw my aunt and
my uncle the next morning

they were panicked.

They said I'd been
missing for two days

and that there were
search and rescue teams

out there looking for me.

I have no memory of
what happened, but

I remember seeing that
strange object in the sky.

But when I researched it

I actually did find people
who had similar experiences.

But then when I told people

they immediately
thought I was crazy.

I know that feeling.

What made you post your video?

I figured if I posted it

more people would see it

and someone would believe me.

I guess that plan
backfired though.


People said the same
thing about me.

They said I just ran away

and was looking for attention.

Yeah we'd make up crazy
alien stories to get attention.

Yeah, 'cause that's the
kind of attention we want.

Hey, how's it going?

No records on this guy
for the last 30 years.

He knows how to stay
off the grid.

You looking for the right guy?

Yeah I think I got it.

Sure you spelled
his name right?

Claims to have been
abducted by a UFO?

That's him.

What else did you find?

Well I know you work for NASA,
you live at 3413 Bettinger Way,

you recently totaled a '97 Volvo

and you like to collect
puppy dog statues.

What, no I don't.

I don't, no, I don't do that.

When they were questioning me

they said something about
British Columbia

when they were
talking about Carl.

Did that article ever say
anything about Canada?

No I don't think so.

It just said Alaska where
he was abducted.

And you checked everything,

phone data, postal records,



Pull up the Xavier
satellite JPL.


Just do it.

What does that mean?

Hang on.

There, stop.


That's it.

Use those GPS coordinates.

That it?

British Columbia, Canada.

Middle of nowhere though,

like 60 miles from the
nearest town.

That's where the
coordinates are pointing.

The wifi signal is
pretty strong.

Can I talk to him?

Yeah I can try and set
up a video chat.

Gimme a sec.

All right, it's going through.


Carl Meissner?

What happened?

He logged out.

That was him.

Can you get back in?

If his computer's still on

I can try to force us in, but

we may only get one more shot.

If he shuts down, we're screwed.


Do it.

Carl, my name is
Isaac Cypress.

I'm contacting you
because seven days ago

I was abducted.

When my story got out, no
one believed me.

I was taken against my will

by some very secret
people who worked

for a very secret agency.

They say they know who you are.

I'm not sure what they want

but I think that they
still might be after me.

At this point, you
are my only hope

in making any sense of
what's going on right now.

I work for the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory

in Pasadena California.

A few months back, we
received audio signals

on one of our satellites

from this remote
location in Canada.

That's how I found you.

I intercepted your frequency

and sent it from one of
our satellites

not knowing what it was.

That same night I got
a signal back.

I think that might be why
I was abducted.


What are you saying?

You got a signal back?


You need to send me that
data right now.


We can try to download
it and send it to you.

We'll be back online shortly.

Can you get back into
the NASA server?


That one?


Why does he want that data?

Well, at first I was
thinking it was a glitch

or a error in the satellite,

like a non-read error.

But something tells me it
might be more than that.

Like what?

Like them.

Hey it looks like the
download finished.

All right.

Ready to patch back in?

Hi Carl, we
downloaded the signal.

Can you send it?

Okay we just sent it.

What is he doing?

We are coming,
Thursday, October 21st,

four a.m., 48.454709
degrees latitude.

Negative 123.780212
degrees longitude.

It worked.

They're coming here.

That's in five days.

I suggest you lay low.

The agency's not gonna
stop until they find you.

Get rid of your cellphones,

talk to no one, just
stay off the grid.

I got to go now, good luck.

Wait, Carl.

He logged out again.

We have to get back in.

Can you get back in?

Nope, he shut down, it's over.

Well that's weird, now what?

We need to go to Canada
and find Carl.

We have to be there
when they come.


We know where he is and
they're coming in five days,

we have to go.


That's a bad idea,
that's way too dangerous.

He's the only one
that can help us.

And if what just
happened is real

do we really have
another choice?

I remember
what it was like

and I'm not going
through that again.

Please, Sara.

This has been gnawing at
me night and day.

I can't eat, I can't sleep,

I can't think about
anything else.

I can only imagine what
you've been through.

I can't stop.

I have way too many questions.

And the thing that
terrified me the most,

this thought I keep dwelling on,

that I may never be able
to move on from this.

So I have to go.

But I need your help.

Please, come.


Can I come?

All right, when we get
there, let me do the talking.

He'll be cool with you guys,

he owes me a favor.

But trust me, the less you
know about him, the better.

And he's looking right at us,
so move.

Okay we're good to go.

Hang on to your seatbelts.

These things are kind of rough.

And Jose here's a student.

Pilot in training.

Next stop, BC!

Over the Pacific,
they got out.

They're going to Canada.

I need all northern units

out in search of
EO175 and IO174.

They're headed into
District Territory

including all agents
and androids.

We also have a trail on
primary subject IO35.

Please standby, over.

Find anything?

Yeah, it looks like
there's a train

that leads into his
nearest town.

It's 30 miles from his cabin

but it's the closest we can get.

Let's do it.

Yeah it feels like it's fine.

I can make a fist and
it feels fine.

It's just when I twist it...

Twist your wrist?


Where did you get that ring?


My uncle got it for me.

It stands for love.

He wanted me to remember that

no matter the
circumstances I was in

that I was always loved.

It's a good reminder.

Sometimes I forget.

No but you can't launch
a rocket from out there.

It takes years.

So you're literally
a rocket scientist.

actually satellites

are what's really tricky to do.

You're such a dork.

Whatever man, I'm not.

Computer engineering,
it takes a lot of focus,

precise calculation and
you have to be

really good at math and it's,

yeah maybe it's a little dorky.


But barely though.



They're following us.


ISRP cops, they're
tracking us.

Trackers located.

Here, put these on!


The androids are programmed

to use facial
recognition for IDs.

The masks will confuse
their cameras.

I don't think
this is working!

Don't move.

Go, go, go, go!

Come on, we have to climb!

IDs not found.

Pursue all
tracking devices.

Trackers located.

Subjects on roof.

Come on, keep running!

Don't stop!

pursuing subjects.

Come on, we have
to jump a car.


Bot unit I4 down.

pursuing tracking devices.

Come on!

All right, let's go!

Trackers located.


Didn't see that coming.


There it is.

Who are you?

Carl, Carl, it's Isaac!

From the video chat.

I'm the one that gave
you the signal.

Who are they?

This is Sara.

She was abducted too.

And that's Zed, he helped
us contact you.

Have you been deactivated?

What do you mean?

Is anybody
following you?

No it's just us.

Hey, what's the matter?

Wait, what are you doing?

Wait, what is that?

Who else?

- Move!
- What is that?


They're offline.

Someone deactivated them.

Tracking devices.

It's what's in your arms.

It's not the agents'.


You guys are early.

They arrive in two days.

After I got out of the
hands of the ISRP

I needed to find a way
to make contact.

I knew that there were
research facilities

trying to do what I wanted to do

so I bought up some of
their equipment.

I've been accumulating
this stuff for 20 years.

Some of my early tests

was able to pick up
signals, strange noises.

Stuff you don't hear.

What I got back was rare.

Throughout the years
I was able to

discover a way to decode
the signals to audio.

And audio to language.

Here's some of what I picked up.

And this is what that
translates to.

solar system.

Orbiting Earth.

Human origin positive.


This is just some
of what I have.

There's more that
I'm working on.

But the signal that
you sent back,

that's the most
descriptive I have.

It's the only response
I've ever received.

I've been trying to
contact them for years.

So if you were able to get

a direct audio signal from them,

like if you made contact again

you could potentially,


You could talk to aliens, man!


So if you don't
mind me asking,

how did it happen?

I mean how did it...

How was I abducted?

Boy, it's been a while.

It was a Thursday.

1979, November 7th.

Sun started going down.

In the Alaskan backwoods,
that's where we were working.

The day was finished,

we packed up the timber lorry

to head back into town.

Three of my colleagues,
the Haskell brothers,

they went ahead of me
in their truck.

And I got in mine to
follow them.

A bright blue light came down

and hit the brothers'
truck right in front of me

and I slammed on the brakes.

Tried to start my truck,
it wouldn't turn over,

I ran into the forest.

I wasn't fast enough.

It hit me.

Hit me like a freight train.

My whole body went stiff.

I was paralyzed.

I tried kicking, I
tried resisting.

But I couldn't move.

My body went numb, weightless.

Like I was connected to the air.

That's the
last thing I remember.

What was that noise?

Sounds like thunder.

Does this work?

It does.

You know that was Franklin
Roosevelt's old turntable.


Can I?

Of course.

Upload the coordinates
to facility control.

This is Agent Graves with
the facility override.

I need a dispatch on
all bounty units.

Warrant on subject
I035 reactivated.

Coordinates are being
transferred to facility control.

We rendezvous at the location
at 1600 hours Thursday.

All forces necessary.

Interested in something?

You've got an Avalon VT737SP.

David Bowie used one of these.

How were you able to
decrypt the radio signals?

Short wave radio
scanners or what?

USRP device,
decrypts language.

But it's open source so the
possibilities are endless.

Runs off receivers,

It's all daisy chained to him,

the only way to pick up
long distance.

Low rate, complex
baseband signals.

And you figured out all
this yourself?

Just about.

Weren't you a lumberjack?

That's right.

Like Paul Bunyan?



You know what they say.

Necessity is the mother
of invention.

Can I pull that lever?



Are you feeling nervous?

No, not really.

I've been nervous.

It always gets worse the
closer you get

to the thing you're
nervous about

but I don't feel it about
this for some reason.

I mean we got away, right?

Do you remember what
happened back at the facility?

How you got me out of my room?

Or how you opened that
door that we left through?

It's like something changed us.

I felt different ever since.

Do you think that
they were right?

The agents?

Do you think that we
were exposed

to something that could
have changed us?

I don't know.


I've felt it too.

I know something's different.

Something is different for sure.

And then when Carl describes

you know, time slowing down

or this feeling of us all
being connected,

like I seriously felt that

there was something
wrong with me.

Like who could I tell?

I know.

Well maybe they'll
have answers.

Give it to me here!

That was nothing!

I understand.

I want you to be ready for
whatever happens tomorrow.

It could go either way.

There's no guarantee for
anyone's safety.

I know.

That's why we need
to be on the same page.

When they come, we
get one chance.

That's why I need to
talk to you about a plan.


You should be asleep.

I can't fall asleep.

My mind's racing.

I haven't really had
time to think

about everything until now.

It's a lot
to think about.

It's so strange that
this happened to us.

Seems like a dream.

I know.

Do you think everything
happens for a reason?

Or is everything just
completely random,

there's no meaning and
purpose or anything?

It's just so strange how life

brings people together.

I mean we were
complete strangers.

If it weren't for this

we wouldn't even know
each other existed.

I know that sounds crazy

but I think about that
stuff sometimes.

Anyway I'm just glad
that I met someone

like you who understands.

Me too.

Good night.

Good night.


You feel that?

You feel that?

They're close.


Isaac, stop!

Where's he going?

Dammit, Isaac.

Let him go.

What do you want?

Why did you take us?

We have conquered
science, medicine,

technology and the
physical world.

We search for something greater

beyond our understanding.

We've searched for the
origin of the universe,

the greatest
conceivable existent.

Why us?

I mean, why us?

We study humans
because they have measurable

amounts of this aura
living within them.

We would like to ask
you a question.

Who is this?

Why are you looking for him?

He is a link to
the origin of everything.

In our observations he
is the greatest

common factor in humans
with strong amounts

of this aura.

Who is it?


This answers
our question.

Have we answered your questions?

Why do our arms hurt?

Ever since we were taken,

our arms felt strange.


You were implanted with
tracking devices

for our records.

Isaac, your struggle for proof

is impossible in the world
where seeing is believing.

We have come to understand
that believing is seeing.

motion detector.

They tracked us!

We're surrounded!

Carl, I need you to
come out front please.

The cabin is surrounded,
come outside.



We can make this a lot easier.

All I need is for you to tell me

what happened to Ronald Graves.

I'm giving you one chance

to come outside and
talk about this.


Have it your way.

You have one minute to
exit the cabin!


You need to take your
guys and leave.

I told you before I
don't know what happened

to your father.

I've got nothing to tell you!

You're gonna play
that card again?

'Cause I've heard that before.

You're looking for
answers nobody has!

Nobody saw what happened!

I told you the truth.

No, you know what
happened to him.

You're the only one who
failed the test.

Why didn't he return?

This was nothing anybody
could have predicted!

They were all in the truck

when I checked on them.


It's the last I saw
of your father.

Carl, just come back inside.

Carl, come inside.

Mothers and if you
can't accept it,

I've got nothing more to say.

That's a lie.

sh**t him.



No, Sara!


Ah, there are the others.


Sara, what are you
doing, get back in here!


Sara, get back inside!

See what happens when
you don't comply?

It's real easy for us.

What's wrong with you?


Okay, her too.


Stop, hurry up!

Isaac, you need to come out,

it's not looking good for you.

Your plan is falling apart.


Use your senses.



Where'd they go?


What just happened?

What happened?

The way we
escaped the cabin that day,

it's not really something
you can explain

that makes sense to a
normal person.

I'm still learning myself.

Sara was right though.

Something did change us.

What I can say though is
at the end of all this

I met a girl who I fell
in love with.

Have you ever
broken a bone?

I have, yeah.

Yeah, which one?

We moved far away.

Took up normal lives.

Well at least as normal
as it could be.

Zed teamed up with Carl

and they work for Zuma now,

a new underground Tech
Intelligence Agency.

They're able to work remotely.

They're pretty much starting
the new agency themselves

and having fun.

We found out through
the grapevine

that Graves ended up
getting fired.

I guess there's a line in
his field and he crossed it.

I doubt anybody will see this

but that's my story.

So far anyway.
