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Skylines (2020)

Posted: 02/02/24 08:19
by bunniefuu
The first thing you need
to know about Rose is, uh...

she ain't exactly human.

Her parents were,
at least until the lights fell.

From there,
it gets complicated.


They harvested
her father's mind.

They couldn't erase his will.

He sacrificed his life
to save Rose.

But there was another.

A father
in search of his son...

...took her in as his own.

Something in that blue light
made little Rose grow fast.

Too fast.

Blood transfusions
helped slow it down.

But that's not all
she inherited.

Her powers freed every pilot
on Earth,

reuniting families...

and creating new ones.

Over the next 10 years,
Rose and her brother turned the tide...


...until the Harvesters unveiled
their ultimate w*apon, the Armada Vessel.

Said to harvest all life on
our planet with a single blast.

We had one chance
left to stop it.

The Red Fleet cleared a path
and Rose had her shot.

But she froze.

No one knows why.

But it was just long enough
for everything to fall apart.

One of our ships got caught
in the crossfire.

To save all mankind,

she had to k*ll
thousands of her own men.

The price of victory
was too much for her to bear.

Rose turned her back
on it all.

It's been five years.

We haven't seen
the Harvesters since.

What about Rose?
Where is she?

Excuse me, love.

I'm looking for Rose Corley.
Have you seen her?

Popular question these days.

Evening, ladies and gentlemen.
Sorry to break up story time.

I'm looking for this lady,
Rose Corley.

Have you seen her?

Hiya, what's your name?

- Kate.
- Hi, Kate.

You haven't seen her around,
have you?

She might look a little bit older.
Maybe a lot.

- No, not lately...
- Not ever.

I wasn't
talking to you, Popeye.

So which is it,
not lately or not ever?

You know, reward's up
to a million.

More than enough to
get out of this sh*thole.

Find yourself
a nice little gated complex.

Just keep your eye open,
eh, old man?


Anyone seen Rose Corley,
this girl here?

- Kev, have you checked these guys?
- On it.

All right, mate.
I'm looking for this girl.


Rose Corley?

- Caught anything?
- No, nothing.

I just need a refill, Doc.
Then I'm gone.

Jesus, what the hell.
You couldn't have chosen a worse time.

You owe me one.

Get in here.

You weren't kidding.

Nasty bug
going around.

Dublin's already
been quarantined.

I know it's only a band-aid,
but the hyper-oxygenated blood seems

to have slowed down
your cell replication.

Except, this shit
keeps getting worse.

Your firing hand.

Concentrated exposure increases
the effects of ageing, I'm afraid.

I can always replace it,
like Huana's.

How is the old Chief
holding up?

He's not doing
too well, either.

His transplants got
infected by this new virus.

Had to replace his leg again,
poor old bugger.

Well, I'd like to keep
my cuticles if I can.

Don't knock it till you try it,
young lady.

Sure, Doc.

Let me show you something.

Ray, here,
was our first case.

What are the symptoms?

Thyroxine levels are way up. And the bodies
are eating themselves from the inside.

I'm working on an anti-viral,
but it's unlike anything I've seen before.

What you doing that for?
Where's the girl? Where is she?



Come for your monthly

Stand down.


We gotta stop meeting
like this.

Rose Corley...

Ray, stop!

Don't sh**t!

Rose Corley...

you're under arrest.

- Rose?
- Out the way, or I'll arrest you too.

What charges? What the hell
is going on here?

Whole city's under quarantine.

We have another
blue shell contained in the infirmary.

We've locked down
the whole sector.

Did he find you?

Your dad.

- You don't think I know who Mark Corley is?
- You don't.

Well, I know he's the famous
founder of the Resistance.

And I know he'd probably still be
alive today... if you hadn't run away.

Let's go.

Welcome back.

Home sweet home.

Right here.

Gotta hand it to you, Corporal.
Job well done. Drinks are on me.

Don't forget your wallet
this time, huh?

I never
forget anything.

Except when
it's your turn to pay.

- Careful.
- I don't take orders from you.

And you are?

Colonel Owens.

But save your salute.
You don't have any rank here anymore.

You're our best
w*apon, Rose.

Do you really think I would
let you just walk away?

I thought the w*r was over.

I won it for you at too high
of a price.

There is only one thing
harder than winning a w*r.

Keeping the peace.

Wise beyond your years.

You remember Violet.

Yeah. 'Sup, Vi?

Nice ink.

This is approximately every
human being alive on Earth.

And this is every freed Pilot.

For the past five years we've
coexisted, more or less, peacefully.

Until now.

The Pilots are dying, Rose.

What you saw today
is only the beginning.

Soon they'll all revert
to their base biology,

triggering a brutal hunt
for resources,

which means they'll go back to
ripping our bloody brains out.

How do you know that for sure?

A few isolated cases
doesn't make a pandemic.

We've already lost thousands
in Dublin.

If we don't find a solution in the
next 72 hours, London will be next.

However, we may have one.

The Armada?

Harvester ships have resilient core
drives which repair their tech.

But every one of them we've converted
put together won't be able to stem

the tide of three billion
Pilots. The Armadas can.

Its core drive is powerful enough to
restore every Pilot on Earth for 100 years.

But I destroyed it
five years ago.

Take a closer look.

Its core warped out.
Right before impact.

And you know where it went?

We cracked their entire
navigational database.

All the way back to this world.

We're calling it Cobalt One.

Every question we've ever
asked... Where are they from?

Who are they? What do
they really want?

All the answers lie on
that shiny, blue rock.

The only way that we can
defend our hard-fought peace,

ensure a secure future
for all humanity,

hybrid or otherwise,
is to get there.

We're embarking on the first
manned mission to Cobalt One,

and I want you to join us.

I've assembled a team.
The very best our planet has to offer.

You already know Leon.
Our hunter.

As of now, he is your personal escort.

Zhi, here, cracked
their navigation network.

Thanks to him, we can travel
five light years in a single day.

Colonel Owens. Former Navy Seals.
sn*per by trade.

He can be a bit of a prick sometimes.

But there isn't anyone I'd
rather have covering my six.

Who's she?

Alexi ran a counterstrike
unit in Eastern Europe,

specializing in target tracking,
search and destroy.

She could find a needle
in the proverbial haystack.

And execute it with
extreme prejudice.

So, what exactly
is my role in all this?

We need your powers
to detach the core drive.

I've never done that before.

Well, it's the first manned
mission to an alien planet.

There's a lot of new
for everybody.

But you'll have all the blood
transfusions you need

to keep your powers
at full strength.

What, are you keeping them
separate now?

They seem
to prefer it this way.

But we have found you
a roommate.


I'll leave you to it.

Nice to see you, too.

Jesus. It smells like
a Pilot brothel in here.

Yeah? Well, I haven't showered
in, like, a year.

What's your excuse?

What are you working on?

Need a hand?

I brought thumbs.

You name it,
I've been there.

Yeah, L.A. was all right,
I guess.

Well, you could have come.

Don't act like
you weren't invited.

Reminded me of you and dad,

Trent, I looked everywhere
for him, but I...

I can't. It's my fault
he's missing.

I can't just give up on him.

You work for the people
who are hunting me.

I can't just stop in
and say hi.

Shit. I'm sorry.

I can't even imagine
what this is all like for you.

And you actually think Redford's
mission is going to work?

It's not that
I don't wanna help...

I don't know if I can anymore.

Every time I use this...
I pay the price.

Or worse,
someone else does.

Maybe you're just
better off without me.

Why are they always wet?

Rose, always knew.
It's Rose.

'Cause I made a promise.
You know what that means?

That means, that no matter what happens,
I'm not going to let anything hurt you.


Yeah, kid. I promise.

Morning, sleeping beauty.

- General wants to see you.
- Why? Wh... Where's Trent?

He's with the others.
Waiting for you.


Let them. I gotta shower.

- Leave.
- I'll be outside, then.


So are you supposed
to just follow me around?

That's what I volunteered for.

Wow. Mom and dad
must be proud.

Ah, can't all be as special
as you, can we?

What happened
to all the Tankers?

Need to conserve power.

Can't afford to carry
all that extra weight.

Still, you never know when a 40
foot tall bulldozer could come in handy.

The General wants to
brief you on the bridge.

Just keeps getting
better and better.

For those of you haven't served with
her, or have been living under a rock,

Rose, here, had been blessed with the
ability to interact with alien tech,

counteract their programming.

And having faced
the Armada already,

she has an intimate
knowledge of our target.

So, let's get her up to speed with the
mission as quickly as possible. Zhi?

First things first. How many times have
you actually travelled by wormhole?

Well, we've travelled
to the Moon. Mars...

That's a walk in the park
compared to this.

No one said
it would be easy, honey.

Well, no one's talking
to you, honey.

What about probes?

Any successful unmanned
missions to Cobalt?

No. We've sent them, but it'll be five
years before we receive a signal back...

So, aside from our nav
holograms, we have no real intel

what this planet's
actually like?

As we exit the wormhole, we'll launch a
satellite probe and do a full planetary scan.

Mmm. And what happens
when we run into Harvesters?

We blend in.

We change the ship back to its old
blue color. Along with our Pilots.

Trent and Violet will pose as
a derelict ship returning home.

Okay, relax.

Once we touch down, your team
will infiltrate the Armada Vessel,

under the radar, locate and
commandeer the core drive and then...

get the hell out of dodge.

That's it?

That's all you got?

- Oh, so you have half a plan.
- Yeah, at best.

But it's a really
good half, though.

We've simulated this mission,
roughly, 500 times with 90%...

Simulations are nothing
compared to the real thing.

That's why we need you.

I can't take on
an entire planet.

This is no w*r.
This is a heist.

We're not going there
for any hero bullshit.

Let them harvest another
10 planets, for all we care.

We go there for one thing
and one thing only.

- That drive.
- You're the only one who has the power to retrieve it.


Colonel, give us the bridge.

Sir. Let's go.

There has to be
an easier way.


You are the only way.

I know this is far from ideal,
but we face extermination.

We all have to push
beyond our limits.

And what if I can't?

You saved us all before.
And when the time comes,

I know that you will
make us proud.

When do you embark?

As soon as you say yes.

So what the hell
are we waiting for?

Wormhole travel
is extremely dangerous.

From the pressure, to the revolving
walls, its safest if you stay

in here at the center
of the ship.

Or what?

Get too close to the outer
walls, you become part of them.


Doors open in 24 hours.
So, try to get some rest.

And Rose, as long as we get the job
done, you and I will get along just fine.

Oh, hell, no.


Yeah, we're on lockdown for 24 hours,
so I'm afraid you're stuck with me.

This is a huge mistake.

- You all right?
- Mmm, no. No, not really.

Yeah, well, this ain't exactly
my idea of a good time either.

Wait... Were you
watching me change?

What? No, I was having a piss.

Yeah. Yep.

Soldiers said to leave
before dark.

Well, better get going.

I'm not leaving without you.

I've spent 10 years hiding
underground, living in shit.

I'd just as soon see the end
up here, sun shining on my face.

Thought I'd told you
to quit.

Hey, Doc. They kick you
out as well?

Managed to sneak Huana,
here, in past quarantine. Just.

Why? Is he sick or something?

Get him inside. Come on.

So what's with
all the blood?

Some kinda Dracula or...

Oh, no, wait.
Vampires don't age.

Whereas you're more of a...
Like a kid alien

in Tom Hanks' body,
kinda deal, right?

What, you've never seen Big?
It's a classic.

I have no idea what
you're talking about.

You don't remember what
it was like before they came?

I was born
on a spaceship, genius.

Oh, yeah. Right. Of course.

How old were you
when they came?


I was in high school.

The night before, my mum caught
me and my sister smoking a joint.

Grounded us for life.

I don't know how you all survived
that many years as teenagers.

That was the one time in my life I
was glad I grew up freakishly fast.

I'd give anything to go back.

Never even saw my mum again.

My sister, Izzy, and me,
we ended up in a train station.

Worked our way to the
underground like most folks.

Not much food.

Even less info.

I just remember the fear.

Being scared.

Thinking they'd
find us any day.

Until my sister told me
about this strange

little girl with
glowing red eyes.

The one who could fight back.

And your sister? Where's she?

She's, uh...

She was a bit
older than me,

so, when the Resistance
started, she signed up.

She wasn't anyone special.
Not like you.

But she did her part.

Paid the price.

As far as I'm concerned, they don't
come any more special than that.

How was the honeymoon suite?

Hey, did you get any sleep?

None at all.

I thought you might
like to see this.

We're just coming into orbit.

Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to Cobalt One.

Zhi, Alexi,
initiate the drone launch.

Let's get some hard data
on this place.

The rest of us
head for the subdeck.

Pilots only on the bridge
from now on.


Don't die, okay?

You might wanna strap in.

Launching drone.

We've got incoming.

- We're not picking anything up.
- Whatever it is, it's big and closing fast.

- Status?
- Heavy damage to our central system.

Trent, have you got
eyes on the ship?

Is it pursuing us?

What the hell is going on?

No one's driving the ship.

It's just stuck in orbit.

The core drive
is stalling out.

We have to land.

Focus, people.

Brace for impact.


Everyone all right?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Core drive is dead on arrival.

Backup generators will power
our comms for the next 24 hours.

After that...

Half a plan.

At best.

Only one way to get home now.
The Armada's core drive.

Alexi, what's our position?

Ten clicks from the Armada.
No signs of life yet.

Surface gravity is slightly
heavier than Earth.

Should take us six hours
round trip.

- Get your team ready, Colonel.
- Yes, sir.

Let's go. Come on!

We're up.

I've been working on a cure
since this bug showed up.

I just need a little more
time to test my serum.

So you can stop all of this?


if I can save Huana,

there's a possibility
I can save them all.

They're attacking
the quarantine.

We have less time
than I thought.

How much more time
do you need?

Hey, this is no place
for you, kid.

I know you have weapons, Grant.

Not enough for this.

We're in the middle of the
largest Pilot Sprawl on Earth.

There's no point in running.

If you can hold them off
till morning...

I might just have a shot.

What weapons
are we talking about?

Their bodies are armor-plated.

Aim for the eyes.

If they move, k*ll them.

Are you guys serious
about these suits?

Trust me.
You're gonna need it.

s*ab first.
Questions later.

You got a license for those?

Wait... Is this...

Special mod. Custom made
by this big guy.

Now you can fire on the go.

All right, let's lock and load,
Alpha Team.

It's going to be fine.

It's go time.


Violet will remain here
and guard the bridge.

Zhi and I will monitor
you all from the subdeck.

Cobalt's atmosphere is roughly
analogous to their ships,

meaning we can breathe here,
but it's low on O2,

so you better pace yourselves.
But not too slow.

If you're not back
in 12 hours,

London will be wiped
off the map.

So, no pressure.


no pressure.

Guess we're really
doing this, huh?

Death or glory, Corporal.

See you soon, Zhi.

Please, I insist.

All clear.

How's our signal, Zhi?

Loud and clear, Alpha Team.

Still no signs of life.

Music to my ears.

Pretty trippy.

But not entirely unpleasant.

Keep the comms clear.

What is it?

Just a healthy
fear of the dark.

How can this entire
place be empty?

Maybe they left.

Then why is
the Armada still here?

Perhaps you damaged it
more than we thought?

Well, if that's the case, then how
the hell are we supposed to get home?

How many times
do I have to remind everyone?

We're on a g*dd*mn
stealth mission, here.

So shut your...

Free to engage?

Anything moves...
burn it.

So much for
your stealth mission.

And what if...

nothing's moving?

No rush.

Just the end of the world.

Nav points to that cavern.

Another three clicks
to the Armada.

All right.

Let's go.

Watch your backs.

How's our signal?

Owens, there's interference.


- Owens?
- Yeah?

I think I know why
this place is empty.

It's a tomb.


I've got movement.
North wall. Two signatures.


What are you talking about?

Trent. Trent, no!

Trent, wait!

- Stay in formation!
- Where the hell is he going?

- I don't know.
- Well, what did he just say to you?

These aren't Harvesters.

Two signatures. South wall!

Whatever they are,
they're surrounding us.

Zhi, talk to me?

Zhi! Damn.

Wait! You could hit Trent.

He should've stayed
in formation, God damn it!



Christ's sake.

I'm gonna
k*ll you, Trent.

You hit something...

What is it?

I don't know.

What's going on, guys?

Some kind of camouflage.



Go again, Zhi.

What's up?

- Zhi?
- It's gone.

Where'd it go?

What d'you mean
it's gone?

It's still alive.

Go back to backs.

Stay in formation.

We're cut off.

No visual, no comm.

What, everything?

Did you hear that?


- Owens!
- Take the shot!

I'm all right. I'm okay.

Look out!

What the...

It can't see.

You see that? D'you see
what they are now?

Bloody shells.



Go get Rose! I'll cover you!



Could use that gift
of yours right about now.

Shit, something's wrong.

Well, that's just terrific.

Oh, you gotta be kidding me!

Alexi, wait!


Get up!

Alexi! Hold on! Hold on!

My leg...

Okay, just breathe.

- Son of a bitch.
- Come on. Trent will carry you.

We're gonna pick you up, okay?

Alexi, come on.
Now, you've got this.

Tell Zhi I'll be
waiting for him.

- Wha...
- We will.

We gotta go.

- No! Owens, we're not leaving her here.
- We gotta go.

- We're not leaving her here.
- You don't get to make that decision.



Alexi, I'm sorry.

You're worth it.

Go on.

Go for it.


- Come on, Rose. Go! Let's move! Move it!
- Go!


Take cover!

Something's happened to her.

Well, we don't know what
it is yet. It could be anything.

What about the drone?

Uh, we lost our comm link
to it in the crash.

But, I should be able
to reboot it from the launch bay.

Well, get on it.

Yeah, I'm okay.

Thanks to you.
You good?

Let's go.
Okay, come on.

Care to explain yourselves?

You wanna do this right now?

I have one dead solider,

a second who disobeyed
a direct order,

and a third who's either unable or
unwilling to do her g*dd*mn job.

Hey, shut it shell!

You're the one who ran off!

Hey, he was trying
to protect us.

Yeah, no thanks to you!

You had one job
and once again you froze up.

And a good soldier died.

She doesn't know, does she?

Know what?

His sister was on that ship
you destroyed.

Now I'm gonna
ask you this only once.

Can you do your job or not?


When was the last time you really used your powers?

A month?

A year?

The Armada?

Ever since we've been here,
things have just been off.

Off? What do you mean off?

- Christ. If you can't do this...
- I know what's at stake, Owens. Okay?

And I'm not afraid
to die for it.



has been k*lling me
my whole life.

Figured I got one last shot.

So let's make it count.

Elbows down and in.

I was never much of
a fan of these, either.

No choice without your cure.

We'll see.

I've injected half into Huana.

Now all we can do is wait.

You try.



Get back!

Hey! Over here!

Eat this!

Grant, no!

Doc! Come and get it!

Shit. I need a stronger dose.

Grant! No, no, no.
Grant, Grant, Grant. Please, please.

Sun's on my face, ain't it?

Let him go.

We have to move. Now.

Get under.

There she is.

The Armada Vessel.

Hey, where do you
think you're going?

Just give me a minute.

Cover her.

What is it?

Looks human.

Maybe from one of our probes.

Scan it back at the ship.

- Leon, I... I... I can't.
- Just forget it. All right?

I can't.

Look, I wish I could explain
why it happened.


I meant what I said
about your sister.



Run to that light shaft!

- Run, run.
- Now, run!

Get into the light.
Don't move.

Trust me.

Hurry, Trent!

They can't see through the light...
I think.

You think or you know?

I think.

It's working.
It's working.

Son of a bitch.
It must be sundown.

Well, that was short-lived.

Lock and load, Corporal.

Oh, shit. Oh, shit.

Our eye in the sky.

Let's go!
Run for it! Let's go.

What are those things?


Maybe a new species.

A mutation.

Wipe them out.

That's for Alexi.

Open the door.

Go. Go. Go. Go!


Careful, Trent.

Looks like nobody's home.

If all the Pilots turned rabid, then
what the hell happened to the Harvesters?

You think they got sick, too?

This way. Let's go.

There it is.


You're up.

Hey, big ugly.

If I'm...

If I'm gone,
promise me you'll finish this.

No matter what.

What the hell is going on?


You all right?

What the hell happened to her?

She went native.

Doesn't matter.

The core drive is down there.

Relax, Trent. Finding the drive gives
us the best chance of finding Rose.

And what if she tries to
stop us again, huh?

You made a promise. Remember?

Go get her.

They're off the grid.

I knew we couldn't trust them.

Well, we haven't exactly
been forthcoming, have we?

Stop. You're breaking my heart.

I'm just saying this is their world.
Let them do the dirty work.

No one's gonna get out
of this one clean, kid.


I promise.

All this time.

All the doubt.

All the fear.

It was you.

You know what? You're right.

I didn't come here
to destroy you.

But I will.

You okay?

Let's go.


Holy shit.

How did you do that?

I finally stopped
fighting my nature.

But you're feeling
okay now, right?

'Cause, you know, because, like,
I mean, y-y-you look, uh... great.

Where's the core drive?

It's right there.

You hit like a girl.

You did it.

We did it.

Save the group hug
for later. Let's go!

Come on, move it.

Cover us.

Time to get your hands dirty.

Payback's a bitch.

Come on.

Wrong choice, Corporal.


Trent! Get down!

He blew the hatch!

Probably hostiles
at his back.

And the others?

Well, we can only
pray for them now.

But thank God
he's got the core drive.

Clear his path home.

You knew...

Rose, I'm sor...

Don't even...

Grant's dead. Your serum is a bust.
And we're completely surrounded.

What the hell
are we gonna do?

We're gonna fight to the end.

Just like Grant did.

Now let's get to Huana
before they do.


All right, go.

- Hey, ladies. What are you up to?
- Shh.



So the serum actually works?

Trust me, I'm just as
surprised as you are.

Cover the entrance.

Get what we need.

This'll do.

Get the hell out of here.

No respect for science.

How's he doing?

You don't look so good
either, Rose.

Please, just let me help you.

I know you need it.

And Trent?

What did he inject him with?

All I know is that
they want that core drive.

And they're gonna do everything
they can to get it.


And don't you bullshit me.

It's some kind of w*apon.

Powerful enough to wipe every
Pilot off the face of the Earth.

Then why are you helping us?

'Cause, I knew...

I knew deep down...
why you froze up.

Why my sister died that day.

I knew that you couldn't destroy
them because they're a part of you.

And I hated you for that.

But that feeling, that feeling's
simple, it's... It's easy.

And now that I know
who you really are...

Now it's complicated.


Yes, it is.

If we don't get to the ship before
Owens, we're gonna be stranded here.

Yeah, what d'you want me
to do? Fly?

Oh, can you?

I'm serious, Rose.

We've gotta pick up the pace,
otherwise we're gonna be...

Wait. You see that?

That's the same
as our ships.

Don't move.

We'll just...
Just wait here for you.

You know, that sister of yours really
needs to work on her communication skills.

You're k*lling me.


Rose, we've got company!


I guess this is it, then.

Hey, come on!
Come back over here! Over here!


Not bad for a human.

Oh, finally she's impressed.

Got one in my size?


Hold tight in there, Trent.

- What about me?
- I'm coming.

This shit's exhausting.

That's exhausting?
What, d'you wanna swap places?

Hmm. Cheeky.

Whoa! Wow. Okay.

Whoo! Um, d'you want me to...

Just hold on to something.

Okay... Sorry...

Not anything.

You did good, soldier.

Hell, you did the impossible.

What about the others?


Zhi, make sure
this man gets some rest.

I've got it from here.

Does this thing go
any faster?


This wasn't a probe.

This was a b*mb.

The shadow creatures...

Pilots back home.


It's all connected.

They aren't just dying...

Payback's a bitch!

They've been poisoned.


That son of a bitch.

Let's go get him.


We need to install this now.

Just need to scan
for any contamination.

I'm all right. I feel fine.

It's protocol, Owens.

Take us to firing altitude.

We're too late.

Let's give them a taste
of their own medicine.


Not a harvest.

An extermination.

Well, it's been nice
knowing you, Rose.

Brace yourself.

Hold on!

Now I am become death.

Destroyer of worlds.

Plot a course for home.

Engage the drive as soon
as we're clear of the rings.

Hold on!

I'm holding on!

Rose... we're in space.

I know.

There it is.

What are you gonna do?

It's working.
We're getting closer!

What about Trent?

How did he die?

What's this about?

Just trying to figure out why
there's traces of a high thyroxine

pilot blood on your body.

Same as on the diseased pilots
on Earth.


If I didn't know any better, I'd think
they derived from the same source.

Everything you've got.
This is it!

Get us back
on this ship, Rose!

Get us back!



Get you to the med lab.
We've got some blood there.

I really like what you've done
with your hair.

Obviously, it wasn't supposed
to be like this.



Can't you see
they've been compromised?

He's not the sharpest.
Just look at her.

Don't listen to him, Zhi.

He's been lying
from the beginning.

He bombed Cobalt
before we got here.

And then he unleashed the same
virus on the Pilots back home.

I know.

And I have the proof.

sh**t them and I send it to
every military base on Earth.

Be my guest.

Half of them will probably thank me.
Call me a hero.

Or a piece of shit.

Well, now, that's just rude.


Damn it!

You chose the wrong side, Rose.

Of what? Genocide?

The virus was meant to euthanize
the Pilots peacefully.


And you thought it worked, too.

So you let it loose
in your own backyard.

But you had no g*dd*mn clue what
you did until it was too late.

Well, thanks to you,
I can mop up that error,

eradicate every last one
of them, and save London.

All in time for tea.

Now I can give the Earth
back to mankind.

The real mankind.

You know what?

You're gonna have to
fight for it.

What's the matter, General?

Afraid to fight for yourself?

Not if I don't have to.

- Head for the main road?
- Brace yourself.

We're not in Kansas anymore.

Trent, no!

Trent! Stop.

Fight it.


Come back to me.

You can't fight
their nature, Rose.

That was never Trent.

Or Violet.

They're abominations!

Something your father and I
could never agree on.

So he had to go.

As do you.

You cheap bastard.

Time to pay, Corporal.

Get the f*ck out of my way.

I can't let her
leave this room.

Go! Now!





Open the g*dd*mn door!
That's an order!



- We've got to go, Rose. Come on.
- No!

If she gets to the core drive,
she'll k*ll everyone on Earth.


Fine. If you're staying,
I'm staying.

Violet's taking us
into the wormhole.

Go get Trent
and get out of here. Now!

What about you?

I have to finish this myself.

Easy, now, big guy. Easy.

Trent, wait! It's not you.

No! No!

Trent! You need to snap
out of this!

Trent! I know you're in there!

Come on, get your
shit together, mate!

Trent! Trent!

Hold on!


Don't let go!



Stay with me.

You'll be okay.
You'll be okay.

All right. Good as new.

It sounds bad, but...

I never really saw them
as human.

Just the enemy.

A reminder of everything
I've lost.

But now?

Now all I see is a brother willing
to give his life for his sister...

and a dickhead like me.

Yeah, well,
I think he likes you.

You reckon?

You're still alive, aren't you?

Good point.

- How far are we from London?
- Violet?

Let's get there
as fast as we can.

- It's too late.
- What are we gonna do now?

How are we supposed
to stop them all?

Leave that to me.

- How the hell did you to that?
- Which part?

All of it.

Let's just say,
between your serum and my ship,

we have more than enough power
now to cure everyone.

Well, I guess
we're finally even.

I guess we are.

Look at you, all grown up.


Where's Grant?

Wish he could have been here
to see this.

The stories he'd have told.

I guess now it's your turn.

Come on. I'm double-parked.


Doc says it's gonna take
a couple of weeks

to get used to the new body, but introducing
the new and improved Trent Corley.

Nah, you look good, man.
You look great.

How'd you get uglier?

Hey, guys.

Have a look at this.

I hacked Radford's
personal files.

What is it?

A prison.

Where he kept
all his enemies of the state.

Including your father.

Violet. Set a new course.

I told you so.

I'll go out again.


Whoa. Oh, yes.
It's quite fun, actually.

Watch your step.


- Cut!
- Cha! Cha! Cha!

I run fast, despite what they...

All right, I do!

Got him!

- Catch!
- Whoa!




That's sweet.
It's just great that it's you.

Check! Sorry!

The leg fell off the table!

No, come on!
Don't give up on me, Rose!

Do not give up on me.
You got this. Come on.

Come on, yes. Yes!
It's working...

f*ck you, Liam.
What the f*ck!

Okay, cut.
Thank you.