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Son of Godzilla (1967)

Posted: 02/02/24 09:55
by bunniefuu

The radio's not working!

What's wrong with it?

Some kind of interference.

Probably just a magnetic storm.

No, it's like a guidance signal,
but with brain waves.

Brain waves?
How could that jam our radio?

What's that?

lt's Godzilla!

Change course!

The interference stopped.

What happened?

Probably because we changed course.

Think it was Godzilla?

No, it was coming from seven o'clock.

Seven o'clock?

There's nothing there.

No, wait. There's an island.

"Sollgel lsland."

Sollgel lsland?

Never heard of it, but look.
Godzilla's headed there.

Something's calling him there.

But what?


Produced by

Screenplay by

Cinematography by KAZUO YAMADA

Production Design by TAKEO KlTA

Edited by RYOHEl FUJll

ln Cooperation With








Special Effects Supervisor

Director of Special Effects

Directed by

Shall we get started?


Yeah, go ahead.

This is the inspection team.

Just arrived at Tower No. 2.

Ready to inspect Tower 2. Over.

HQ here.
Proceed with inspection. Over.

The time is 08:36 hours.

Temperature and humidity
same as at Tower 1 .

Battery parameters are normal.
Same with the silver iodide.

Morio, you're just going
through the motions!

lt's the head honcho!

Yes, Professor!

Every inspection is important.

l'll have to double-check your figures!

l understand, sir.

That guy really gets on my nerves.

You know what gets on mine?

This tropical heat and humidity.

l don't know
how much more l can take.

Damn it! lt's back.

lt's gone.

This place isn't fit for humans.

An anomaly in the tracking device?

- Yes.
- The reason?

The bearing was off.

Then replace it.

Everything must be perfect
for the experiment.

- Why'd l even come here?
- You volunteered.


Working for the great Professor Kusumi

is the chance of a lifetime.

Then don't complain.

But he's such a sl*ve driver.

l'm gonna turn neurotic
like a certain someone.

l miss the food back home.
- You'll have your fill when we're done.

More interference.


Locate the source.

Damn it! lt's gone.

Where'd it come from?

Around seven o'clock.

What could cause interference like that?

No idea.

- What is it?

- Must be a care package!
- Don't be stupid.

Only the World Food Planning
Organization knows of our experiment.

Then it must be one of their planes.

Hello there!

Thanks for the welcome committee.
There's my luggage.

You mind grabbing it?

Who are you?

Goro Maki, freelance reporter.

Go home.

- Are you crazy?
- No, but you are.

l'm not going anywhere
till l have a story!

You won't get one here.

- Not ready to give up yet?
- That's right.

We don't need any PR here.

Who said anything about PR?

l'm fueling my fire.

- Fueling your fire?
- That's right.

The scent of a story
fans my creative flames.

lt's up to the public
whether they want to read it.

l merely report what l see.

Just like you, Professor.

You'd do anything for your research.

You're full of it!

How about this?

We can't just send him
swimming back home.

Why don't we have him help us?
We are shorthanded, after all.

Having him cook and clean
would take a load off us.

- Hold on!
- Would you rather swim home?

How about it?

How long do you plan
on wearing that life jacket?

You're one of us now.

l hope you're a good cook.

- What's that sound?
- You'll see.

lt's a huge mantis.

Are you crazy?
The jungle's too dangerous at night!

Almost got a great shot.

Mr. Fujisaki!

Did you find that mantis?

- Mantis?
- Yes.

Forget about your story.
Focus on your cooking.

Anything interesting going on?

There's nothing interesting
about this damn island!

Furukawa's sure in a bad mood.

He really is.

But honestly everyone here is on edge.


We've been on this creepy island
for over a month.


l'd like to hear
some of your creepy stories.

- What's that?
- l'm rehydrating vegetables.

That's the bath water!

No one's used it yet.

Morio washed his boxers
in that this morning.

What's for dinner tonight?

Dehydrated vegetables again?

They've been specially seasoned.

- How about fresh vegetables?
- Are there any around?

Sure. We call it Sollgel parsley.

Not much left around camp,
but there's a ton in the jungle.

l see.

Weather conditions are turning favorable

for our experiment, sir.

This low-pressure front
has me worried.

lt shouldn't be a problem.

The high-pressure front
will push it north.

So tomorrow may be perfect
for our experiment.

Professor, are you trying
to freeze the whole island?

This isn't a press conference.

- What about that native girl?
- Native girl?

We're the only ones on this island.

But l saw her with my own eyes.

We conducted a thorough search.

What if you missed her?
You have to make sure she's safe.


Don't interfere with our work!

l want to get this experiment over with

and get out of here!

Professor, is this experiment
really that important?


Mankind's future depends on it.

The world population
will reach its limit in 1 00 years.

You know what imposes that limit?

The food supply.

There won't be enough
to feed everyone.

So we have to start thinking
about exploiting uncultivated land.

Siberian tundra, African deserts,
South American jungles -

they're useless now, of course.

But if we make them fertile
by controlling the weather,

we can prevent mass starvation.

But is that really possible?

ln theory, yes.

That's what our experiment is about.

l have one question.

Why must the experiment
be conducted in secret?

Don't you see?

ln the wrong hands,
our system could freeze the entire planet.

The end result would be
just like a nuclear winter.

We'll conduct the experiment tomorrow.
See that you're ready.

Trace wind, and the sky is clear.

Temperature 34° Celsius,
humidity 60 percent.

Twenty minutes to launch!

- Five minutes to launch.
- Where's that journalist?

- Maki? He was just here.
- Activate the warning system.

Two minutes to launch.

Maki, return to camp immediately.

Hey! Come out of the water!

Get out of the water quick!

Thirty seconds to launch!

Ten seconds...

nine, eight...

seven, six...

five, four, three...

two, one. Launch!

Launch cryo probe.

Cryo probe internal temperature
minus 1 1 5° Celsius


350 meters...


Detonate it at 800.






- Detonate!

Updraft detected!

lt's drawing warm air upward!

Activate tower system.

Release silver iodide.

Damn it!

Temperature has dropped

to 29° Celsius.

So far, so good.
Just as we calculated.

- Has Maki returned?
- He'll come back shivering.

Temperature falling rapidly.
Currently 25° Celsius.

Shut down indoor A/C.
Prepare to switch on heater.

Launch solar-heat-absorbing
radiation unit.

The radiation unit isn't responding.


We can't control the towers either!

What's going on?

Some sort of interference
from the center of the island.

- Can we retrieve the unit?
- No, sir.

lf it explodes too soon -

We'll get a reverse reaction.

The upper atmosphere will magnify
the sunlight, causing extreme heat.

You regain control yet?
- No.

From that moment on,
Sollgel lsland sweltered

under the highest
outdoor temperature ever recorded:

70° Celsius.

At night came the thunderstorms.

Scalding downpours lashed the island.

Four days later...

it finally cooled down to 37° Celsius.

make an announcement to the men.

lt finally cooled down a bit.

lf not for the A/C,
we'd have baked alive!

So the experiment is over.

l doubt it.

l know the professor well.

Setbacks only steel his resolve.

Everyone, over here!

Orders from the professor.

He wants a systems check
and damage report immediately.

- l told you.
- ls the experiment still on?

He didn't say.
He only ordered a systems check.

- lt was at the inlet over there.
- What was?

Where the girl was swimming.

But there's no way
she survived that heat.

You don't believe me?

lt was probably just a mirage.


Professor, how did it get that big?

The heat and radiation
must have caused a mutation.

We better get back.

Damn it!

Tower 1 is over there.
We'll call for help there.

lt's out!

Get inside!


Professor, what are they doing?

The interference earlier
came from that area.

An egg!

According to the reports,

we can finish the repairs in 1 0 days.

ln addition -
- l object!

l object. We can't continue.

All those opposed to continuing?


you should continue your work.

You're not part of this team!

Says who?
l was recruited as a cook.

Fighting won't do any good.


we can't get off this island.

The heat destroyed our radio.

We can't even call for help.

How soon can you fix it?

l won't know till l have a closer look.

We'll commence
emergency repairs in the morning.

Meeting adjourned.

You're quite an actor.

l know you broke the radio.

You got me!

lt's the kitchen!

What's going on?

- Hey!
- What is it?

My shirt's gone.

Tashiro, there's something
up in the tree behind us.

Shine your flashlight up there.


You saw her, right? That's the girl!

l can't believe she survived!


The mutant mantises.
Maki named them last night.

Just like a journalist to come up
with an interesting name!

What kind of egg you think that is?

Not a clue!

lt's cracking!

lt broke open!

A baby Godzilla!

Pick on someone your own size!

Watch out!

- What's going on?
- He insists on going home.

Furukawa, have you gone mad?

What's wrong with you?

What's gotten into you?


Come on!

Run, everyone! Godzilla's coming!

Over there!

ln there!

- Godzilla came to help!
- Now l get it.

The interference was
Baby Godzilla calling his dad.

That'll show him!

We're not watching wrestling.
Let's run while we can!


That way!

Come here.

This will pep you up.

lt's you!



You're Japanese?

Anyway, l'm not a thief.
- You meant to steal this book!

You're the thief.

This is my shirt.

Liar! Men don't wear red shirts like this.
Or are you a girl?

l'm a boy. My name's Goro.
What's yours?


Saeko, huh?

l'm with the scientists.

l'm not a thief.

l'm not either. Here.

You can keep it.

Really? You mean it?

But what are you doing
all alone on this island?

Now the radio's really out of order.

Let's check the other equipment.

Listen, everyone.

From now on -

- Maki! You all right?
- You had us worried.


Professor, l want you to meet someone.

Come on.

This is Miss Saeko Matsumiya.


Look at this.
Her father was an archaeologist.

"1 955, Sollgel lsland.

Tadashi Matsumiya."

- Ever heard of him?
- No.

But 20 years ago,
when Japan pulled out of the Pacific,

an archaeologist stayed behind
on one of the islands.

That was Dr. Matsumiya!

He died here seven years ago.
- And your mother?

She died when l was born.

l see.

l can't believe you survived here all alone.

A Kamacuras!

lt'll destroy the equipment!
Lead it back into the jungle!

This way!

Let's get back.

lt's too dangerous to stay here.

Why don't we move
the equipment into her cave?

Her cave?

lt's safer and cooler there.

That's how she survived
that intense heat.

- All right. Let's go.
- Hurry, men!

Goro, you big baby!
l thought you were a man!

Are you kidding?

Not a man in Tokyo could outrun you.

Tokyo? What's it like?

What's it like?

Well, it's a man-made jungle.

A jungle?

Are you going back there?

- And you'll come too.
- Really?

- lt was your father's home.
- l'm so happy!

Saeko! lt's Godzilla!


lt's okay. He's just a baby.
And we're friends.

Come back!

lt's okay, l tell you.


Saeko! lt's his old man!

Fujisaki, what's a Kumonga?


The name keeps popping up
in Dr. Matsumiya's notes.

Kumonga? l have no clue.


l'm so hot!
My body's burning up!

He has a high fever.

Everyone does. They're all outside.

- Tashiro, what's wrong?
- l'm burning up.

Furukawa, what happened?

They all have high fevers.
- Let's get them inside.

Come on.

We're out of medicine.

lt's some kind of tropical fever.

What do we do?

We may get it too.

l know something to make them better.

- What?
- The warm red water.

- Warm red water?
- Yes.

Drinking it makes fevers go away.

- l'll go get some.
- No!

That's where Godzilla is.

And it means passing
through Kumonga's valley.

Saeko, what's this Kumonga?

lt's a giant spider.

Godzilla and son,
Kamacuras, Kumonga -

this should be called
"Monster lsland"!

But Kumonga is asleep now.

lf l don't wake him, l'll be fine.

l won't be long.


You can't go out there alone.

- Don't worry.
- l'm going too.

Maki, according
to Dr. Matsumiya's notes,

Kumonga's webs
are susceptible to heat.


- Remember that.
- Will do.

We're counting on you.

Maki, take a g*n with you.

Careful! This is Kumonga's valley.

Kumonga's valley?

- Where is Kumonga?
- Asleep underground.


This is kind of risky.

Damn it! We've been spotted.

No, he's teaching his son.

Teaching him?

Reminds me
of some Japanese parents!

What are they like?

They never let their kids play.

That's so sad.


The baby spit radioactive fire?

That's right.

He's growing fast.


- Careful!
- l'm going home!

Stop it!

Give me the g*n!

Professor, are you all right?

l'm fine. lt just grazed me.

- Does it hurt?
- No.

l'll get some herbs for it tomorrow.

Thank you.

Fujisaki, you'd better hurry
and repair the radio.

Professor, you mean...?

Given the situation,
we have to abandon the experiment.

That red water really worked.

Everyone is cured.

They're still a little weak,
but their fevers are gone.

That's a relief.

Furukawa too?
- Yes.

He feels bad about what he did.

Where's Saeko?

She went off to find
some herbs for me.


Saeko, wake up!

Let's run for it!

Let's go.

lt's Kumonga!


l almost forgot!

Run! Between those rocks!

Saeko, climb up!

Don't make a sound.

lt's the professor.

What are you up to, Professor?

Oh, it's you two.

l'm replacing damaged cables,
but it's harder than l expected.

Have you given up on your experiment?

Would you loaf around
if there were no story to cover?

No, l like to keep busy.

Same here.

We're a pretty sad pair.

Get down!

- ls that Kumonga?
- Yes. That was close.

Dinner's almost ready.


- Bad news!
- What's wrong?

We can't get out!

Kumonga's spinning a web outside!

Professor, you think it's given up?


it's waiting for us to come out.

l fixed the radio. lt's working again!

Can you send an SOS?

- l'm afraid not.
- Why not?

- The antenna has to be outside.
- Damn it!

There's another way out.

- Really?
- Yes.

This tunnel leads to the sea.

We can swim out.

So that's how
you disappeared that time.

l'll go.
- Me too.

Okay, but be careful.


Let's hurry!

- Keep away!
- Go back!

Come on.

Watch out!

Morio, watch out!

Move over there where it's safe.



What's going on?
- lt's bad.

Kumonga and Godzilla's son
are fighting!

lf the old man shows up,
this cave is history!

Let's resume the experiment.

We're stuck here anyway.
- Yes, but -

Our only chance
is to freeze the monsters.

How about it?

Will it work?

We won't know till we try.

My calculations indicate
there's enough power left.

l made contact!

They were worried about us.
They've sent out a rescue vessel.

Shall we do it?

Let's do it!

Let's give it our best, everyone!

To your posts, quickly!

Let's get started.

What should we do?

Let's get the lifeboat ready.

One, two, three!

Cryo probe ready.

Start electric generators.

How's the weather?

Beggars can't be choosers,
but it doesn't look too bad.

Here we go.

Starting countdown.

1 80 seconds to launch.

Sixty seconds.

Ten seconds.

Nine, eight, seven, six...

five, four, three...

two, one.

Launch cryo probe!







Release silver iodide.

Launch radiation unit.

More interference!

- Not again!
- Damn it!

How's the radiation unit?

So far, so good.

The interference is gone.

Either Godzilla's son is dead
or he gave up trying to call his dad.

Detonate at 1 ,000 meters.
- Roger.

- Current altitude?
- 650...


Altitude 900 meters...


1 ,000 meters!


Saeko! Looks like a success!

Temperature has dropped three degrees.

No, five degrees.

lt's dropping fast.

lt's working!


The monsters have moved
away from the cave.

Now's our chance!

Temperature is minus 5°.

- Switch to a*t*matic control.
- Roger.

Let's get to the beach.


lt's snowing!

lt's snow!
- We did it!


We did it!

Let's move further out.

The poor thing.

They won't die.
They'll just hibernate.


They'll sleep till the snow melts.

Any sign of the ship?

What's that?

Here it comes!

They could've said it was a submarine!
Scared me half to death!

Row faster!

Father and son will live there
in peace once the snow melts.

Let's go below.
