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Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975)

Posted: 02/02/24 09:58
by bunniefuu
Chief lnspector Kusakari,
we're approaching the target area.

Start searching as soon as we arrive.

Yes, sir.

Dive to 800 feet.

Diving to 800 feet.

The wreckage of Mechagodzilla
should be strewn around this area.

Recovering the head
is of the utmost importance.


Depth, 800 feet.

Switch to deep-sea lights.


Commence search.

That's strange.

No response to the detection system?

lt should react to any space titanium
within 500 yards,

even a piece as small as four inches.

You're sure the location is correct?

l'm positive.

The wreckage of Mechagodzilla is gone.

Surface! Blow the main ballast!

lt's no use!

Headquarters, come in!

Our group, the Ocean Development Lab,
designed the Akatsuki sub.

Though it was still
in the experimental phase,

no design or engineering defect
could have caused

such a sudden and catastrophic failure.

What did you discover
from the wreckage?

lt looks like it was torn apart
by some tremendous force.

Torn apart?

lt didn't explode?

Here's the report.

Chief, there's something
fishy about this.

Look at these.

A flying saucer?

We can't say for sure.

The photographer says
he saw several.

They flew out of the water
where the Akatsuki was destroyed.

lt's not conclusive evidence,
but we should look into it.

lchinose from the Ocean
Development Laboratory.



So they sent you, huh?

You know each other?

Yes, college buddies.

l see. Have a seat.

We've been waiting for you.

We'd like you to listen

to the voice recorder
recovered from the Akatsuki.

Come in! Come in, please!

Headquarters! Come in!

lt's a fish!

A giant fish!

No, not a fish!

lt's a dinosaur!

A dinosaur?

Once again.

No, not a fish!

lt's a dinosaur!

He clearly said "dinosaur."

As a marine biologist...

what do you think?

l can't believe it.

No, not a fish!

lt's a dinosaur!

Commander, you're here at last.

How was your flight?

The state of transportation
on Earth is abysmal.

A one-hour flight here
is more exhausting

than thousands of hours in space.

l couldn't agree more.

But that's what makes us
the superior species.

So this is Tokyo.

lt's just like the brains
of these earthlings...

polluted and chaotic.

lmposing order has always
been an afterthought.

When all is said and done,

they don't even know
what they're creating.

We will rebuild Tokyo.

Then we'll be able
to restore our physical forms.

Are we making progress?
- All according to plan.

The final days of our home planet,
Black Hole Planet 3, are approaching.

Earth is vital to our survival.
We must succeed.

Sir, l found an earthling
who will prove useful.

An earthling?

Dr. Shinzo Mafune.

He's unusually intelligent for his kind.

But can we trust him?

We saved his daughter's life.

Dr. Mafune hates his own species.

Really? Why?

Twenty years ago...

he was one of Earth's
most promising young scientists.

But his mind was
too advanced for his time.

Dr. Mafune was
a researcher here at our lab.

His specialty was biology.

ln his early 30s...

he published his theory
of undersea development.

His plans for aquaculture
garnered attention worldwide.

Then he began experiments

on gaining complete control
over animals,

but they didn't always end in success.

One day he announced

he'd discovered a dinosaur

on the ocean floor
off the Ogasawara lslands.

He named it Titanosaurus

and claimed he would control it.

lt cost him his career.

That was exactly 1 5 years ago.

He quit our laboratory.

Or rather... he was fired.

Mr. Ota, what are your thoughts
on Dr. Mafune's work?

The complete control of animals...

Should humankind even seek
such great power?

l'm still firmly opposed.

Where does Dr. Mafune live?

He lived in Manazuru back then.
l don't know about now.

l see.

Thank you very much.

Dr. Mafune?

Oh, that haunted house!

That's right.

The last house in the woods.

No one's been seen there lately.

The locals are too scared to go near.


l guess he doesn't live here anymore.

ls this Dr. Mafune's residence?

Just a -

Hello. Does Dr. Mafune live here?

May l see him? l'm -

He passed away.

Passed away?

Five years ago.



l'm Agent Murakoshi from lnterpol.

Mr. lchinose is a biologist
at the Ocean Development Laboratory.

Nice to meet you.

We heard that Dr. Mafune
had been researching dinosaurs.

We just have a few questions.


There was
a mysterious accident recently -

l'm sorry.

l can't help you.

Were my father alive,
he might have been of assistance.

Could you show us anything at all?

Perhaps some of your father's
research material?

l b*rned it all...

when he passed away.

You b*rned it all?

Do you remember anything
you could tell us?

Forgive me.

l'd rather not dredge up the past.

Something's not right.
She's hiding something.

Congratulations, Doctor.
Let's drink a toast.


The Titanosaurus controller
is complete.

As your financial backers,
we're quite pleased.


you helped me prove my theory.

l'm in your debt.

- Cheers, Doctor.
- Thank you.

Father, an lnterpol agent came by.



He wanted to ask you

about dinosaurs.

They had their chance to learn
about my ideas 1 5 years ago.

Now they'll pay for their scorn!

l'll exact vengeance upon those fools
who treated me like a madman

and drove me into the shadows!


Katsura, don't worry.


there's something l'd like to show you.

Show me?

Something that will
ensure your vengeance.

What's that?



Then you people are -
- That's right.

We're from Black Hole Planet 3.

Godzilla nearly destroyed
the first Mechagodzilla,

but we salvaged it from the ocean floor

and built a new and improved version.


allow me to introduce
Commander Mugar.

l've looked forward to meeting you.

What do you think of our technology?

What a magnificent machine!

l'm pleased you think so.

Doctor, l have a favor to ask.

We need your controller technology.

Your Titanosaurus
and our Mechagodzilla...

seem to have the same aim.

A prisoner has escaped!

l'll see to this!

Don't worry.

No earthling has ever
evaded our security.

There's no escape.

sh**t him!

Rather than weighing down
the sub with weaponry,

can we extend the sonar range

from 1 ,600 feet to one mile?

That would make it much easier
to evade the dinosaur.

lt says here
Titanosaurus is gentle by nature

and rarely att*cks unless provoked.

Mr. lchinose and l found this
in the archives yesterday.

Dr. Mafune's notes.

How about it, Wakayama?
Can you extend the range?

l'll try, sir.

Gentle by nature...

Hi there! Thanks for coming!

Sorry to call you out of the blue.

That's all right.

l was afraid you wouldn't come.

We found a notebook belonging
to Dr. Mafune in the archives.

Here it is.

After reading it, l've come to believe
your father was right.

Mr. lchinose...

please forget about Titanosaurus.


As a marine biologist...

l feel that someone should
continue your father's work.


Miss Katsura, we're dispatching
another research sub.

A research sub?

They're building the Akatsuki2 now.

To look for the dinosaur?


l was hoping you'd come along.

Let's prove that the Titanosaurus
your father discovered actually exists.

l'm sure your father would be pleased.

Please don't do this!

You'll be proud
of your father one day.


Come over here.

Katsura, have you forgotten?

No, l haven't.

l told you not to speak to outsiders.

But Father...

Mr. lchinose believes in your theory.

Katsura, don't forget:

Your mother never complained.

She sacrificed everything...

so l could complete my work.

But she passed away

after enduring years of poverty and scorn.


there's no turning back

for you and me.

They're sending out a research sub.


This is Mr. Yamashita from Shizuoka.

Someone handed this to him
while he was on Mount Amagi.

This is space titanium.

l suspect you're right.
Have it analyzed at once.

Where did you get it?

l was fixing a sewer line
when a guy burst out of the bushes

and handed it to me.

There was a big scar on his neck,
and he couldn't talk.

He traced "lnterpol" on his palm...

then pushed me down
into the manhole and ran off.

Some guys came running after him.

From his description,
it sounds like Kusakari.

The chief inspector is in Amagi?

Go look for him.

Could Kusakari really be alive?

At least he was
when he gave this to Mr. Yamashita.

Give me that.

lt's complete at last.

With your technology...

Mechagodzilla will be reborn
as the perfect robot monster.

Not quite.

To be truly perfect...

it requires living brain tissue
of superior quality.

l see.

By the way...

l heard a research sub is setting out
to look for Titanosaurus.

Katsura can handle that.

She knows more
about Titanosaurus than l do.

Are you sure?

Commander, are you...?

No, don't worry.

l have every faith in your daughter.

The research sub leaves today at 1 :00.

That's right. Please join us.

Why not?

l see.

l understand.

We'll find it.
l know you're hoping we do.

l'll be in touch.

Hello? The submarine -

So the research sub is leaving?

Why shouldn't we send out
a research sub?

Don't go! lt's dangerous!


l thought you were smarter than that.

Remember what lies beneath your flesh.

And don't forget
who brought you back to life.

lt's done!

Katsura, it's finished!

Time for the final test.

You transmit the first signal.

All right.

l'm going to flip the switch.



Who are you?
What's the meaning of this?

Your heart is as cold as ice.

Who could care for someone like you?

Forget humankind.

Remember what has brought you
and your father this far.

What is it that drives you both?

Vengeance and hatred.

That's right.

Now, awaken Titanosaurus
and att*ck the research sub.

Please forget about Titanosaurus!

Cabin temperature: 64°.

How's it look?


What's going on?

The instruments are going haywire!

lt's some powerful electromagnetic force.


That's it!


- Titanosaurus is in distress!
- Hard to port!


Damn those earthlings!

So the dinosaur is vulnerable
to supersonic waves?

That's right.

As the sub rocked...

we flipped switches left and right

in an attempt to contact HQ.

One of them
must have been for the sonar.

- So if we expanded on that idea...?
- Right.

We could use sonar
to temporarily stun the monster.


l'd like to build a powerful supersonic
wave generator immediately.

l'm sure it will work.

Very well.
l'll submit a proposal to the task force.

You took the bait.

Now you die!


Letting the earthling escape
is punishable by death!

To the execution chamber!
- On your feet!

- Father.
- What is it?

lt's Titanosaurus.

What about Titanosaurus?

lt suddenly cried out in pain
while pursuing the submarine.


l don't believe it!


As for the directionality
of supersonic waves...

they have
the same properties as light.

lnstalling a parabolic lens

to focus supersonic beams
on a single point

would greatly improve
transmission and reception.

We were att*cked on Mount Amagi
by unidentified assailants.

Their silencers were unlike
anything we've ever seen.

Space aliens?

We can't be sure...

but we must tighten our security.

Try to determine their identify.

l'll report this
to Defense Headquarters.

You wanted to see me?

These are my father's research notes.

l found them
at my grandparents' home in Kanazawa.


You went all the way there for me?

l thought l might help you
in some small way.

Thank you.

l'm sure l'll learn something new.

How about some tea?

So the dinosaur is real after all?


Your father was right.

l wish he'd been wrong.

l don't want to see anyone else hurt.

Don't worry.

The dinosaur has a weakness.

lt's vulnerable to supersonic waves.

Supersonic waves?

We'll have a powerful
supersonic transmitter ready soon.

Then we'll sail from Yokosuka.

A supersonic wave transmitter?

Just you wait.

l'll show them what Titanosaurus
is really capable of!


We're going to betray our own kind
to the aliens, aren't we?

Those other monsters that have
claimed so many innocent lives -

King Ghidorah, Rodan, Manda -

Titanosaurus will now join their ranks.

l'm not unleashing Titanosaurus

for Commander Mugar.

l don't take orders from aliens!

Their Mechagodzilla is no match
for my Titanosaurus.

l want to test the limits of my ability!

l'll show those
who banished me from academia...

that l was right!

Go forth, Titanosaurus!

Okay, let's install it.

This is the Public Affairs Office.

The first and second companies
have been deployed.

An emergency evacuation order
has been issued.

lt's a complete mess!

What's wrong?

All the wires have been cut!

Damn it!

Who could have done this?

Take it back
to headquarters for repair.

Mr. Wakayama!

Titanosaurus has come ashore.

Agent Murakoshi, the supersonic
transmitter was sabotaged.

What? Sabotaged?

Damn it!

Mr. Wakayama,
we have to consider an air att*ck.

Search over there!

The doctor unleashed Titanosaurus
without our orders.

l can see that.

l'll contact him immediately
or our plan will -

Hold on.

Look here.

A super Geiger counter!

Who is Mechagodzilla's greatest enemy?

- Godzilla
- That's right.


Godzilla is headed
in Titanosaurus's direction.

Even if he defeats Titanosaurus...

all his strength will be spent.

That's when we launch
our att*ck on Tokyo.

Mechagodzilla will strike back at last!

Residents of
the Third Ward and Fourth Ward...

please evacuate to the sports complex.

Please evacuate
in a calm and orderly fashion.



But Miss Katsura found
her father's research notes for me.

she was the only outsider...

who knew about
the supersonic wave transmitter.

lf that makes her a suspect,
what about you and me?

She'd never do such a thing.
- lchinose!

Forget about her. She's dead now.

l still believe her
no matter what you say.

Mr. lchinose!

Ms. Yamamoto.

You're right...

but leave him alone for now.

Why didn't you await my orders?

Well, never mind that.

lt forced them to show their hand.

But from now on...

you must follow our instructions.


This makes twice now...

that you've saved my daughter's life.

l'll do as you say.

How long will it take to fix?

At least two full days.

Two days?

This is the first lookout.
Here's the second.

l'll handle surveillance and evacuation.

But we have no weapons

to defeat Titanosaurus.

We need that transmitter now!

Wakayama, please fix it in a day.

- But Chief -
- You have one day!

l wish it could be one hour!

Chief, l'll head to Amagi.


This time l know where to look.

Very well.


we're installing Mechagodzilla's
controller inside Miss Katsura.

They're closing in.

They'll soon find this base.

But l'll blow it up
after we unleash Mechagodzilla.

From then on, Miss Katsura
will be Mechagodzilla's base.

Even lnterpol won't figure that out.


you said it yourself.

We need live brain tissue
to perfect Mechagodzilla.

With Miss Katsura's brain
and Mechagodzilla's body,

we'll have the ultimate robot monster.

Their hatred will become one,
unleashing an orgy of v*olence.


if we win this w*r...

you'll live happily ever after
with your daughter.

We'll build you a grand mansion

in a prime location in New Tokyo.


Please forgive me!

Forgive me!

Miss Katsura...

l promise you
l will finish your father's work.

l promise!

Miss Katsura?

Miss Katsura! Are you...?

l've been told...

you're the one
who searched for Titanosaurus.

So you're...?

Dr. Mafune.

Dr. Mafune?

Let me go, you bastards!

Now sit back and watch
how w*r should be waged.

Who are you people?

The Earth's saviors.

We will cure this planet

of the disease of human pollution.

Doctor, surely you're not...?

l believe in you!
l'm proud of what you've done!

lt's too late.

The die is cast.
- Doctor!

Prepare to att*ck.

Katsura, launch Mechagodzilla.

Miss Katsura!

Damn it! We're too late!

Help us! Please help!

Out of the way! Get back!

Calm down! What happened?

Explo... expl*si*n!

expl*si*n? Okay, run for it!


Katsura, activate Titanosaurus.

Titanosaurus and Mechagodzilla,
both under alien control,

are now striking at the heart of the city.

Go, Mechagodzilla!
Go, Titanosaurus!

Crush the earthlings!

Rotational missiles.
Mechagodzilla's latest w*apon.

How can Godzilla fight that?

Evacuate at once.

Ken, don't! lt's dangerous!

lf you won't come, l'll go alone.

Okay, l'm coming too.

Godzilla, help!

- ls it ready yet?
- This is the last circuit.

- We're off.
- We're counting on you.

All set.

Good luck.

Now l get it!

Dr. Mafune perfected his controller.

That's why the normally gentle
Titanosaurus is -

Headquarters, Murakoshi here.

We're headed for
Dr. Mafune's residence in Manazuru.

Requesting backup!

Go, Titanosaurus!

Destroy Godzilla!
Pound him to a pulp!

Miss Katsura!

This isn't who you are.


What's that?

Prepare to fire.


Go, Titanosaurus!

What's going on?


Mechagodzilla, finish him off!

- Commander.
- What is it?

- Defense Forces are approaching.
- What?

Mechagodzilla! Damn it!



- Miss Katsura!
- Don't come any closer.

- Don't do it!
- Stay where you are!

You wouldn't sh**t me.

You're wrong.

l'm not who you think l am.

- Katsura!
- Freeze!

lchinose, are you all right?

Miss Katsura!




- Save your strength!

lt's all right.

You may be a cyborg...

but l still love you.

lt's not your fault!


You're a human being.

No one has a heart warmer than yours.


destroy me!

They planted...

Mechagodzilla's controller inside me.

So if you destroy me -

Are you crazy?

l can't do that!

Miss Katsura!

Go on and sh**t.

l won't be defeated so easily
by the likes of you.


We did it!