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04x09 - The Devil You Know

Posted: 11/25/14 22:17
by bunniefuu
Martine: Of course, you want me to track her down.

Finch: Ms. Shaw, we had it all wrong. Mini isn't the guy taking orders, he's the one giving them.

Romeo: Please! I'm begging you, please! Dominic!

Shaw: Dominic.

Dominic: You want to take down Elias? You gotta play smarter.

Martine: Is target present? No worries. I found her.

Your counter could really use some love, hon. And maybe some disinfectant.

[Crowd shouting]

I'm guessing now would be a good time to ask for that raise, huh?

Get on.

Shaw: Nice parking job.

We're in a camera dead-zone.

I'm guessing the psycho blonde wasn't there for our free tote bag promotion.


Your cover's been blown.

That's the last of it.

[Truck engine starts]

You can let go now.

I've got her, Harry.

Oh, thank goodness.

And you're okay, Ms. Shaw?

If by "Okay," you mean, "Ready to kick some righteous ass."

I thought Samaritan couldn't see us.

It can't.

But it's operatives can.

Well, if I was about to be capped, shouldn't my number have come up?

Assuming that the machine saw the thr*at, yes.

But the fact that it didn't suggests that we're not the only ones who've learned how to operate in the shadows.

Finch: Samaritan's agents have, as well.

Look on the bright side, Sameen.

I'm pretty sure you just sold you last tube of luminizer.

Indeed. Ms. Shaw, you and Ms. Groves have to avoid all cameras and get back here as soon as you can.

Use the shadow map.

Well, that's gonna be tricky considering... we're in a truck with no clue where we're heading.

I have your location.

And I'm sending assistance.

So when we get back to the subway...

then what?

Then we'll keep you safe.

No, I mean, what if we get a new number?

Not to worry.

I'm sure Mr. Reese can handle anything that comes along.

Finch: Mr. Reese, have we located our old friend?

I have.

For a wanted fugitive whose life could be in danger, he seems pretty relaxed.

Perhaps we wouldn't be if he knew how much information Dominic has on him.

Those stolen NYPD files contain every member of Elias' organization, his business associates, and the structure of his operation.

Dominic wants to know his enemy before making a move on him.

Finch: I have more troubling news.

Samaritan's agents have discovered Ms. Shaw.

What? Is she okay?

Yes, she's with Ms. Groves.

I told them to come here.

Reese: Well, where are they now?

No, the ladies will have to manage on their own.

You need to stay on Elias.

He's proved to be a valuable ally during these uncertain times.

And a principle force keeping Dominic and The Brotherhood in check.

He's the devil we know.

Finch: Yes, and whether we like it or not, we need him.

It looks like he's taking a meeting.

[Camera clicks]

How are you, Bruce?

I recognize that man.

His name is Bruce Moran.

He's an investment advisor and CPA based out of Brooklyn.

Every mobster needs a money guy.

You should've let me meet you at your place.

Would've been considerably less visible.

I enjoy the fresh air.


Well, don't enjoy it too much.

Your concern is noted, Bruce.

So how we doing? How are the accounts?

Fine... for the most part.

Feds are sniffing around again.

Should I be concerned?

Only if you had somebody other than me handling it.

[Camera clicks]


I think we were right about Dominic's intentions.

Reese: The Brotherhood is tracking Elias, too.

Can't say I'm surprised.

Stay close to him, Mr. Reese.

[Engine decelerating]

We're stopping.

[Car door shuts]

Man: Something wrong, Officer?

Fusco: Stay in the cab, please.

[Truck door opening]

Come on, come on, come on.

Should I even ask?

Shaw: Really wanna know?

Honestly? No.

Shaw: Where are we on the shadow map?

We're clear to the end of this block.

Let's go.

[Whistles] You're all set.

John, again so soon.

You flatter me, Detective.

It's not a social call, Elias.

No, of course not.

Whose guardian angel are you this time?


We believe Dominic and The Brotherhood are coming for you.


Dominic stole a cache of NYPD files on you and your organization.

And his men have been following you.

So he's studying me.

Oh, he'll do more than that.

And you should know by now.

If I say you're in danger, you are.

Oh, I believe you, John.

Nevertheless, I think I'm capable of handling the young lion.

Like how the old Dons thought they could handle you?

Thanks for the warning, Detective.

Give Harold my best.

[Knock at door]

How you doing, Ricky?



[Death groan]

Guess the young lion's looking to be king.


Man: He's down here. Let's go.

Is there another way out?

If you know me at all, John, you know there's always another way out.

You'll need help getting him out of the city.

Out of the city?

It isn't safe for you here.

You can't expect me to run, John.

I do that, I send a message to my people that Dominic has won.

Well, I won't help you fight some g*ng w*r.

Well, I'm not asking you to.

But for as many times as you and Harold have asked for my assistance, a little reciprocation would be nice.

What do you call me saving your life back there?

A good start.

Now can we go?

Gino: Come in. Come in, please.

It's been too long.

Really good to see you, Elias.

You too, Gino.

I hear things are good.

Not bad.

Got a couple of high stakes poker games working.

And the bookmaking's rock steady.

Well, you've always been a good earner.

And a good friend.

So what brings you here?

Sadly, an attempt on my life by The Brotherhood.

My God, Elias.

You okay?

Mm. Thanks to the intervention of some friends.

But this action by Dominic, it requires a response.

Whatever you need.

You know I got your back.

Elias: I'm glad to hear you say that, Gino.

You okay?

You seem a little distracted.

I'm still just a little in shock that Dominic would try such a thing.

I'm not.

Nah, he's ambitious, intelligent, I get it.

I might even see how he could look like a good bet to some people.


Everyone, relax.

We're just talking.

So he got to you.

He didn't give me any choice.

And you've been out of the picture so long, people started talking.

Saying what?

You're vulnerable.

Well... if he was able to turn you, my dear Gino, I can only imagine that he's approached everyone.

Do you know if he's gotten to Bruce?

I don't.

How much time before he gets here?

Probably under a minute.

We're leaving now.

Elias, I was only protecting my business.

We'll be seeing you, Gino.

[Phone dialing]


Hello, my dear.

You have news?

I found Shaw but she escaped.

Yes, I assume with the help of Ms. Groves.

Something else.

When I located Shaw, Samaritan couldn't see her.

Like it was blind.


That would explain their ability to avoid detection.

The question is, how are they accomplishing such a thing?

I found the truck they were hiding in but they were already gone.

It was pulled over in a dead-zone by a detective.

I'm looking into it.

Keep me apprised.

Finch can't expect Reese to pick up all the numbers.

He's still got a day job.

I'm sure Harry will find a solution.

Well, I already have.

The machine needs to give me a new identity.

Sorry, Sam, it doesn't work like that.

Why not?

I mean, it works like that for you.

You go through identities like they're Dixie Cups.

But I'm one and done?

I don't make the rules.

She does.

Look, I get that you're frustrated, angry, and probably a little bit scared--

Oh, please. I'm not scared.

Well, maybe you should be.

Because you almost d*ed back there.

And Samaritan's operatives are just getting smarter and faster.

So while you may not be scared about what could happen to you the next time, other people are.

People who care for you.

Try to remember that.

We need to keep moving.

I tried to stall him, Dominic, but he had men with him.

Sounds like one of them is Detective Riley.

Just tell me what he said.

Asking about who you've been talking to.

If you had any dealings with Bruce.

Who's that?

His accountant.

Link: We got a file on him.

He was over there on the boardwalk with Elias.

Tell me about him.

Only met him a couple of times.

Guy's practically a ghost.

But he's tight with Elias.

Handles his money, advises him on his business.

That's all I know.


Don't worry so much, Gino.

You'll have more territory than you ever did under Elias.

That's not what I'm worried about.

What then?

Elias is still out there.

Not for long.

Our boys are all over Brooklyn looking for him.

Elias will turn up.

Why would Elias be so concerned about an accountant?

He's his money guy.

He's much more than that.

Elias took out the Russians, the Dons, busted out of prison, and went fugitive.

All that and he stayed on top.

The man's smart.

The man had help.

When Elias was inside, he had somebody pulling strings on the outside.


When he went underground, always had somebody above ground, handling business.

This accountant, we find him, and we find Elias.

Nice place.

It's my building. I bought it.

To become a slumlord?

To renovate it.

So far, only the penthouse has been completed.

We need to get you some place safe.

Lay low.

Why stop here?

My accountant has his office here.

And I need to pick something up.

Something valuable.

All right. It better be.

[Tires screeching]

It's The Brotherhood. They found us.

Take the rear exit. Go now.

They got the back door covered.

We need a way out of here.

What are we waiting for?

Does that go to a basement exit?

No. The penthouse.

We'll be cornered up there.

Well, it's either be cornered upstairs, or dead down here.

[Elevator bell dings]

I'm opting for the former.

Come on, John, have some faith.

Finch: Mr. Reese, I heard g*nf*re.

Are you all right?

We're okay, but The Brotherhood has us trapped in an apartment building and we're running out of floors.

Perhaps under the circumstances, you should call for police backup.

I would, but your chess partner here, he's a wanted man.

I call it in, he goes back to jail.

We'd be sending him to Dominic on a platter.

Then I'll alert Detective Fusco.

Hopefully, he'll be firepower enough.

[Elevator bell dings]

[Cell phone rings]

What is it now, Glasses?

Finch: Detective, I hope you're not busy.

Why, you need me to rescue Lucy and Ethel again?

No, but it's something equally urgent.

Martine: Detective Fusco?

Hang on.

Yeah, can I help you?

Charlene Jacobs, DEA.

My office heard about a drug stop you made.

A couple of movers in a truck?

Fusco: Yeah, what about them?

Oh, no.

Wanna tell me why a Homicide detective was making a drug stop?

The task force I'm in is authorized to stop trucks as part of a joint sting op with Narcotics.

Hmm. That sounds unconventional.

Local DEA was notified.

Who's the lead agent over there? Uh, Chambers?

Knows all about it.

You work with him, right?

He didn't read you in?



Interagency communication at its best.

I'll take care of that right now.

Martine: That's okay, Detective.

He probably just hasn't gotten around to it yet.

Thank you for your time.

You bet.

Hey, I was being questioned about our lady pals.

I know, I was listening and watching you from the camera on your desk.

I hate when you do that.

Never mind. That woman is not DEA.

Gee, you think?

So who is she?

She's an agent of sorts.

And one we should avoid.

When you called earlier, you need something?

Oh, never mind.

Nothing to worry about, Detective.

You just carry on with your normal work routine.

You bet. Hey, speaking of work, you haven't seen my so-called partner, have you?

John's working a case.

A homicide?

Let's hope not.

All clear.

Your accountant's not here.

Just as well, given the situation.

Sure beats the hell out of the lobby.

Thanks. I designed it myself.

[Buzzing and pulsating beeping]

Elias, we don't need money, we need a way out.

Yes, and what have I told you?


Always another way out.

A holdover from the previous owners.

I kept it for an occasion such as this.

We need to go now.

Not yet.

Forget it, there's no time. Elias!


Move! Now!

John, no, wait, wait!

Move! Move!

Take 'em out! Go!




No, you stay here.

It's too dangerous. Keep moving.

Samaritan operatives.

Any status updates, Ms. Shaw?

Yeah, one. We're still breathing.

Finch: Good. The sooner you get here, the better.

The operative that you encountered just questioned Detective Fusco. He may have thrown her off your scent, for now.

Attaboy, Lionel.

I'll be in touch when I can. But for the moment, I need to assist Mr. Reese.

Assist how? You mean with a number?

That's none of your concern, Ms. Shaw.

Well, is John in some kind of trouble? I mean, who's the number?


Carl Elias.

John's running with the mob?

I'm there. Where is he?

I'm sorry, that's out of the question.


Good-bye, Ms. Shaw.

What the hell does he think he's doing?

Trying to protect you.

I don't need protection, okay?

I do the protecting.

Now, do you know where John is?

Sameen, we already have a mission.

That means "Yes." Tell me.

Tell me. Root!


Cute, but-- If you don't tell me where John is right now, I'm not going any further. Samaritan's g*ons can just come and blast us into the next dimension.

Fine. But we use the shadow map to get there. And as soon as we help John, you promise to go underground.

Man: In here.

Take that room.

They're cutting us off.

This way.

Reese: Homey.

Anything but.

Dominic will have his men going floor by floor.

We can't stay hidden forever.

And we can't blast out way out of here.

We're gonna need an escape route.

Elias, I could use your help here.

They sh*t Anthony.

Dominic wanted my attention.

Well, now he has it.

[Phone buzzes]

Dominic: Elias... looks like you left in a hurry.

Left some things behind.

Is Anthony alive?

For the moment.

Elias: What do you want?

You should know.

You wanted all the same things once.

And you got it.

When you took out the Dons.

And now you want to do the same thing to me, is that it?

It's the natural order of things.

The old makes way for the new.

It's my time now.

All right, you called me for a reason.

What is it?

I'll show you the respect of talking to you straight.

We both know how this ends for you.

But if you give yourself up, your man and Detective Riley can walk out of here.

Deal seems pretty one-sided.

Only one you're gonna get.

You can take it, or no one leaves here alive.

You've still got some power, Elias.

Question is what are you gonna do with it?

[Transmission signals]

It's all clear, let's go.

You can't give yourself up.

He'll k*ll you.

I suspect he will.

But there's a chance he'll let you and Anthony go.

And a better chance he kills us all.

Dominic's smart.

He won't k*ll a detective if he doesn't have to.

And Anthony-- Anthony saved my life more than a few times over the years.

What kind of man would I be if I didn't try and return the favor.

A live one.

Now I'm gonna get you out of here.

And once I do, I'll come back for Anthony.

You are nothing if not magnanimous, John, but I'm afraid-- There's nothing to discuss here.

We tried it your way. Now we're doing it mine.

Dominic won't k*ll Anthony unless he has you. And I'm not gonna let that happen.

Do remember the last time you handed me a firearm?

You aimed it at my head.

Don't make me regret it again.

How much money you think is in there.

We're not looking for money, Link.

[Drill whirs]

Guy like Elias knows there's more to playing the game than just money.

There's the game within the game.

To play that, you need influence.



And not the kind you buy.

The kind you build.

Takes information.


Elias knew we were coming for him but he came here anyway. Why?

Because of this.

You wanna run the streets?

Hearts and minds.

You wanna run the whole city?

It's gonna take more than just money.

And I'm tired of waiting for it.

What's the combination?

I told you.

I don't know it.

Elias hasn't called back.

He's left you here to die.

But not die alone.

Die with me.

You're Italian, right?

Your ancestors were Romans.

You know what the Romans did when they marched on a country?

They gave the king a choice.

Join or die.

Those that joined, they flourished with the Empire.

Those that didn't...

Either way, the Romans took the country.

This isn't just about Elias.

This is about a regime change.

I can give you your own crew.

Your own territory.

You can flourish.

You smart enough to understand what I'm saying?


Guess not.


What's the smell?

Decades of rot beneath the floorboard combined with a broken ventilation system.

The previous owners never put any money into this place.

And you said, "I gotta have it."

I saw an opportunity.

Take a blight on the neighborhood and give it a new purpose.

Create a legacy of sorts.

Come on.


Man: Over here.

You okay?


Just don't like this room.

Reese: Finch, what's the story with Fusco?

The detective is unavailable.

You have me. I'm down the street.

What's your situation?

We're on the third floor here.

I need to know which exit we should try for.

I'm using the penthouse's wi-fi network as a sort of passive radar system to image the building floor by floor.

But I'm afraid none of the exits look very promising.

Just give me your best bad option then.

All right, the southeast side of the building.

It's further from the street and in all likelihood, least guarded.

We're heading that way now.

I'll met you there.

I'm done waiting on Elias.

His man's gotta know something.

Squeeze him hard enough, he'll leak.

You looking to get your licks in, too?

No need.

I think Dominic's wrong about you.

You don't know the combination.

If you did, you'd put a stop to all this.

You're his right hand man, yeah?

Yeah, something like that.

It's not easy being number two.

You better take Dominic's offer before it's too late.

You could be your own man. Have your own crew.

I already got a crew.

And a boss I'd lay down my life for.

You really ready to do that?

A question you better ask yourself.

'Cause someday, you might find yourself sitting in a chair looks a hell of a lot like this one.

John, I appreciate the risk you're taking for me and Anthony.


Always just thought of him as Scarface.

We go way back.



Group home.

Anthony transferred in from juvie, where he served the better part of his childhood for k*lling his father.

That's how he got his scar.

He got fed up with the old man b*ating on his mom.

Stepped in one night, slit his throat.

As you can imagine, we hit it right off.

I suppose it was inevitable this day would come.

It's coming for us all.

You ever wonder how much you're willing to take?

How much further you can go?


Right now I just want to get as far as the exit.

No cameras.

Remember our deal.

We do this, and then straight to the subway.

Yeah, yeah. You're k*lling the mood.

Are you sure this is the place?


Sorry, sweetie.

You didn't leave me any choice.


I will end you.

You can end me all you want.

Right after your nap.

Finch, we're at the southeast exit.

Finch: The guards will return shortly.

Hurry, Mr. Reese.

Come on, let's go.

Elias: John, I'm so sorry.

Damn it, Elias.

I'd prefer not to sh**t you, John.

We had a plan.

Two plans, actually.

Yours, where you save my life.

And mine, where I save yours.

Can't let you back in there.

Not even you can survive a building full of g*ns.

Though I know you'd try.

Do you really think Dominic's gonna let Anthony go?

We'll find out soon enough.

[Door locks]

Elias: Yes?

Mr. Elias, please. You can't just give yourself up.


Your persistence is commendable.

I understand your wanting to save your friend.

But you must know that there's more hanging in the balance here than just his life.

Perhaps, but his is the one that I care about.

There's no denying that your presence in this city has brought order to the chaos.

Without you, men like Dominic will thrive, and v*olence can claim many more lives.

The world is a violent place, Harold.

It always will be.

Best we can hope to do while we're here is protect those closest to us.

Good-bye, Harold.

[Transmission signals]

I'm back in Finch. Headed for the penthouse.

Finch: Wait, Mr. Reese.

I see people moving around in a large room at the west end of the third floor.

It could be Elias.

I have to say, I respect you for turning yourself over.

Running doesn't suit men like us.

Neither does breaking your word.

You have what you want.

Now let Anthony go.

Just one more thing.

Gonna need the code to the vault.

Oh, that wasn't part of the deal.

Deal's been amended.

Standard rider.

To the victor goes the spoils.

Is Anthony even still alive?

[Phone beeps]


Dominic: Put him on.

[Speaker phone beeps]


How you doing, Anthony?

I've seen worse.

They want inside the vault.

Well, and I want them to release you.


Boss, I think we should just give them the code.

I want them to let you go first.

I don't think that's gonna happen.

Please, boss.

I just want it to be done.

Okay, Anthony.

That's enough.

Elias: You've gone far enough.

One... zero.. three... zero... seven... four.

Mr. Reese, there's something curious about that vault.

I gotta give you credit.

You studied your enemy, you infiltrated my organization, you identified my weakness, and you exploited it.

Sun Tzu would be impressed.



Oh, my--

But I've learned something over the years. While it's important to know your enemy's weakness, it's just as important to know your own.

Do you know yours, Dominic?


Dominic, what's up?

Dominic: The code.

Tell him to stop.

Hold up!

Scarface: As the Romans said...

morior invictus.

Get out!

[expl*sive booming]

You think that changes anything?

I still won.

Then why aren't you smiling?

[g*nshots ensue]

Elias, go!


[Transmission signals]

[Bear whimpers]

How much did Root give her?

Enough to stop a bull, apparently.

She's gonna be madder than one when she comes to.

Finch: I'm afraid we can no choice.

Ms. Shaw's cover is blown.

Our survival now depends on her seclusion.

So how do we proceed now, Harold?

With extreme caution, Mr. Reese.

The events of the past few days have made our world more dangerous than ever before.

Perhaps we should let her sleep.

Samaritan ran a diagnostic on itself.

No flaws were detected.

I don't understand.

How could it have missed her?

Any of them?

I believe the machine is blinding Samaritan by blocking all the relevant data on Mr. Finch and his associates.

How can we fix that?

Human intelligence.

You, Martine, must now be Samaritan's eyes.

So I'm expanding your capabilities.

Happy hunting.

Looks like Elias picked up stakes.

Could be on the run.

I'm not worried about Elias.

We lost a lot of good soldiers up in that building.

I'm not sure if we got something to show for it.

We can always find more soldiers.

Maybe I'm missing something.

Elias didn't just have people working for him.

He had people protecting him.

Detective Riley, bitch who pulled me out of the ambulance.

And whoever's bank rolling this.

They're not law enforcement, not criminals.

They're something else.

Need to figure it out.

But it's like I told you.

There's always a game within the game.


I heard about Anthony.

I saved this.

We look so young.

Now that's a real brotherhood.

Lucky to get out.

Surprised we made it this far.

Tell me, Bruce.

How are the accounts?

For real?

Principle assets offshore, untouchable.

Sometimes I wish we were, too.

You'll need to arrange for a new office.

Some place nice this time.

And we won't meet like this again.

I've lost one friend.

I don't want to lose another.

Speaking of friends, we need to catch up with some old ones.

I made a list.

Everybody that flipped.


Let's start with Gino.


Elias: Hello, Harold.

I didn't get a chance to thank you and John for saving me.

You're welcome.

I hope you understand why I didn't tell you about the b*mb.

You were playing the rope-a-dope on Dominic. You drew him in.

That building was a failsafe. In the inevitable event one of my enemies would move on me.

I looked into it's history. It used to be a group home.

Reese: The Wayland Home for boys.

Maybe you've heard of it.

I always hated that place.

Reese: And that room you didn't like.

Where bad behavior was corrected.

I'm sorry we couldn't save Anthony.

Anthony d*ed protecting me. It's up to me now to make sure his sacrifice wasn't in vain.

Finch: What will you do?

You told me you wouldn't help me fight a w*r, John. Well, sometimes a w*r comes to you. When it does, you can either fight or be vanquished. I'm gonna see that Dominic answers for Anthony. And when that day comes, you and Harold would be wise to stay out of my way.

Invictus maneo.

[Brooding orchestral music]