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Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz (1998)

Posted: 02/05/24 22:32
by bunniefuu
The year After Colony .

A group of Colony citizens hostile toward the Alliance…

…sent young men to Earth on five Gundams.

The project name was Operation Meteor.

At the end of an involved battle…

…the sole revolutionary leader, Treize Khushrenada…

…took on the task of closing the curtain on an era…

…and died in battle.

That gave way to the birth…

…of the Earth Sphere Unified Nation.
After Colony .

No military weapons remain in the Earth Sphere.

However, as long as mankind exists…

…there will always be battles.
Gundam Wing

Special Edition

Special Edition

This is Water.

I’ve confirmed our target.

I’ve locked on.

How did this get here?

As long as peace continues, there’s no need for Gundams.

It’s tough parting with them.

No, it’s okay.
Let’s hurry and send them into the sun…

…with this disposal block.


Good-bye, my Sandrock.

See ya later, old pal.
Wufei didn’t bring his after all.

No, he didn’t.

Heero and Trowa sent their Gundams to me right away.

I wonder how everyone’s doing.

At the natural resources satellite MO-II…

…a ceremony was being held…

…to mark the first anniversary of the w*r’s end.

One year ago…

…people didn’t have the peace of mind to enjoy Christmas.
Things have sure changed.

We are here to remember the many lives lost…

…as a result of a foolish w*r.

However, those lives were not lost in vain.

That’s because the many departed souls…

…left us with valuable lessons and tools for reflection.

So finally, we’ve been able to attain peace.

Those many precious lives have become the foundation…

The president doesn’t get it.

It’s harder to maintain peace than it is to attain it.

He understands that.

Otherwise, the government…
…wouldn’t financially back us “Preventers”.

He’s pretty smart for a person elected democratically.

Sure you can miss the rest of the ceremony?

Preventers only put out fires.

These ceremonies don’t suit us.


There’s a possibility that the Neo-titanium…
…is from the thirteenth constellation.

You mean it’s a new mobile suit model?

I’m using various sources…

…to determine where it’s from.

We’ve gotta put out this fire while it’s still small.

This isn’t going to be quite as simple…

…as our last few missions.

I agree.

As you’re aware…

…it’s been only seven years…

…since Colony L X- was completed.
We’ve invited people from Earth to come live here…

…but our unstable economy…

…is preventing the population from growing.

The problem is whether the citizens understand…

…that they’re members of the Earth Sphere Unified Nation.
One can’t expect a stable lifestyle…

…if one’s own colony alone is prospering.

But we’ve been told that many citizens here…

…hope for a strong leader to rise up and guide them.
Someone like yourself, Vice Foreign Minister Darlian.

That’s a shame.

Finally, true peace and freedom has been attained…

…and yet…

Be gentle with her.
Understood, sir.

Our scheme is complete now.

That’s right.

Those lacking leadership should make way…

…for those possessing it.

It is our sincere wish that peace will last forever.
Nothing wrong with wishing for peace.

The real question is whether mankind is ready for it.

We’ll just have to teach them how to deal with it.

Right, Dekim?
Correct, Miss Mariemaia.

My father entrusted me with these Christmas presents.

I must deliver them to the people.

I can’t believe how small the crowd is today.
It looks like this colony has other forms of entertainment.

Other forms of entertainment?

What do you mean?

I’m gonna check it out.


The Barton Foundation?

I guess he hasn’t given up yet.

Or maybe it’s Leia’s daughter.

I think her name was Mariemaia.

Hey, No-Name…
I’ll show you something I’ve never shown anyone.

Her name is Mariemaia; she’s my sister’s daughter.

She’ll be Earth’s leader after we conquer it.

Mariemaia Barton.

Born in After Colony .

Deceased two years after her birth.

Father: Unknown.

It’s Christmas.
But someone always gets stuck working.

Didn’t know Trowa had a niece.

So the records say.

But the Trowa we know isn’t the real Trowa Barton.
Right, I almost forgot.

You going?

Relena’s been kidnapped.

Anything for the one you love.


The time has come to stand up for Miss Mariemaia.
We thank you all for your efforts…

…to tolerate the intolerable…

…and bear the unbearable over this past year.

Today you are starting on the road to glory!

The awakening of a new humanity…

…will be triggered by the soldiers of Mariemaia…

…and we shall be the symbol of hope for the people.
But first…

…we must eliminate all threatening elements.

Trowa Barton, to the front!

Hold it.

This is Water.

Respond on secret lines D to R.

This is Fire.

Line is secured; go ahead.

I found out where the fire started.
Is it L?

Your instincts still amaze me.

It wasn’t hard to figure out, considering the areas searched.
Did you determine which colony it is?

The new colony, X-.

Who’s the leader?

Mariemaia Barton.

As I feared, we’re too late.

I expect they’ll declare independence or w*r…

…against Earth within a few hours.

And the bad news doesn’t end there.

What else?

Vice Foreign Minister Darlian has been missing…
…since her last official visit to X-.


I think we’d better hurry.

We’ll change our rendezvous point.

So, you’re awake.

Who are you?

Have you been kidnapped too?

I’m the one that ordered you brought here.

What are you talking about?

My name is Mariemaia Khushrenada.

Daughter of Treize Khushrenada.
You’re joking.

It’s no joke.

It’s been proven through DNA testing.


I hear there’s a so-called adult world…
…that kids don’t understand.

So I can’t begin to explain…

…how I’ve come to live in this world.

But the facts are the facts.

And I intend to carry out my father’s wishes.
I don’t know who’s been telling you these stories.

But you’re mistaken.


That’s enough.

I’ve been chosen to lead the Earth Sphere Unified Nation.
I won’t allow such rude talk!

It’s nothing.

Leave the room.

This room is under surveillance.

So don’t try anything funny.

I am meeting you like this out of respect…

…for the fact that you were once Queen Relena.
Be more careful in the future.

Let me ask you this.

What do you plan to do with me now?
You’ll find out soon enough.

What do you plan on doing?

I’m supposed to be going to X- with Heero.

I’m sure we’re gonna have a blast of a party there.

Without the Gundams?

Have you forgotten we don’t have our Gundams anymore?!

Heero says that really makes no difference.

B-But still…

Don’t worry!

We don’t even know who the enemy is yet.

And there might not even be a need for our Gundams.
Even if it does become a mobile suit battle…

…we could steal a couple of their suits and fight back.

If you leave him alone…

…Quatre always takes the blame himself for everything.

One day he’ll say that his lack of effort…
…is the reason there’s no air in outer space.

We’re faced with great danger and I’ve taken the only means

…to counter this situation…

Duo, I’m going out to get our Gundams back.

But we’ve already disposed of them into the sun!

If I left now, I’d still be able to get them in time.


Good luck!

It’s going to be impossible to communicate in real time…
…so let’s contact each other regularly by mail.

Have a safe trip.

That goes for you, too.

Are we done?

The docking is complete.
But the direction controls are extremely delicate.

You pilot the spacecraft.

Yeah, no problem.
I’m grateful to have you guys accompany me, Rashid.

Don’t mention it, Master Quatre.

It’s all my fault to begin with.

If I hadn’t mentioned sending the Gundams into the sun…

…this wouldn’t have happened.
No one could have predicted this would happen.

Let’s just concentrate on the immediate problem.

Yes, you’re right.

Do you think we can still catch up…

…to the Gundam disposal block?

The block is over fifty days away from Venus’ orbit.
With this Interplanetary Transport Ship…

…we should barely catch up to it.

Don’t worry, everything will work out fine.

We wouldn’t want to return to find the Earth gone.

It all depends on us.
I’m back to being the God of Death.

So long… buddy.

What happened?!

Why won’t it explode?!

What did I do wrong?!


Deathscythe is a superb piece of art!

Think of a better way, rather than destroying it.
I won’t let my buddy be used for mass destruction!

So you were planning to k*ll me…

…after you destroyed Deathscythe.

I was gonna k*ll everyone here.

Including myself.

If it meant peace for this colony…
…I’d be the God of Death any day.

If you’d go that far, then try and outwit me.


Duo, steal Deathscythe!

Forget Operation Meteor!

Take it to the Earth now.

There’s a man called Howard on the Pacific Ocean.

You can rely on him.

Of course, go as the God of Death.

The God of Death.

It’s a lot better than being the hero of a m*ssacre.

We went to all that trouble just to obtain peace.
Now someone’s gotta help maintain it, right?


If you wanted to sleep, why didn’t you say so?

Are you lost?

I said, are you lost?

I’ve been lost ever since I was born.

Oh, that’s so sad.

Well, I’m not lost.

I’m taking Mary out for a walk.


I’ll give you this flower.
Wait for me, Mary!


Mission complete.
That’s ludicrous!

You mean use the Gundam as a tool of carnage?!

This is a w*r!

Sacrificing the general public is of no relevance.

Got it?
Now retrain him at once!

Our w*apon has no use for human kindness!

You’re right.
But do you really believe…

…Heero Yuy would be pleased if we obliterated mankind?

Heero! Hey, Heero!

Wake up!

What is it?
The little girl is about to issue a statement.

We, at Colony L X- hereby wish to announce…

…our independence from the Earth Sphere Unified Nation…

…and declare w*r!

I am a legitimate heir of the World Nation Sovereign.
My name is Mariemaia Khushrenada…

…daughter of Treize Khushrenada.

Treize’s daughter?!

I’m carrying out my father’s will.

It’s in human nature to fight!

How could this happen?!
Why couldn’t you have prevented this?!

I reported this matter the other day.

I know that!

But your department receives sufficient funds…

…to prevent these situations!

I understand that.
We’re doing everything to stop this from progressing.

But it seems they’d prepared for this…

…even before our department was ever formed.

I can stand here and make excuses all day.
But the question remains…

…whether or not we can stop their aggression without help.

Who’re you?
Excuse me.


I’ve come to ask for a code name.

I’d like the name Wind…

…appropriate for one who puts out fires.

We’re almost in the L Area.

So how do you suggest we get in?
We could take over a couple mobile suits.

But we’d probably be targeted while boarding.

Then we’ll have to fly straight through.

It’s the only way.

How about using your head?

You too.

Unidentified shuttle ahead!

It’s flying into the troop of mobile suits!
Attention, approaching shuttle!

This is a danger zone!


Yo! Long time no see!

And Heero?!

Seems they’re gonna have quite a Christmas party.

Thought we’d give them a little present.

Not without your Gundams!

You have no way to retaliate!
I’m sure we’ll think of something.

That’s if we can get to the colony.

Duo, Heero.

Why don’t you join forces with us once more?

I’ll think about it when the time comes.
See ya!

We don’t want to be late for the party!

Oh, yeah.

Don’t blame us if they run out of food.

They haven’t changed.

Sally, we’ll have to contain the Tauruses ourselves.

Let’s divert their attention to us.


So we’re backing them up, after all.

But right now, we’ve gotta depend on them.

That’s what’s so reassuring!

How’s this for some shuttle maneuvering?!

I was counting on those skills right from the beginning.

That’s good to hear!

Hold on tight!
We’re going in!

Outta my way!

I’m surprised they kept this many mobile suits intact!

Staying here will only work to our disadvantage!

Destroy all you can, then escape.

Proceed at your own discretion.

It’s a new model!

He’s pretty good.

Hey, I know this…

I know this style of combat!

No question!

Trowa’s in that suit!

Take this!

Damn it!
I’ve always wanted to fight you like this!

What’s going on, Wufei?!

Are you guys doing the right thing?


I’m asking if you guys are doing the right thing!!

Hit the self-detonation switch!

I repeat…

Hit the switch.


Why have you betrayed us?!
Got the wrong guy.

I’m not Trowa.

You’re not serious!?

So this’ll end everything?!

I am not Trowa.

I’m a nameless soldier who’s been on the b*ttlefield…

…for as long as I remember.
The first time I met the man called Trowa…

…I was helping with adjustments to Heavyarms.

What’s this all about?
Why are we limiting all our att*cks to OZ?!

If we proceeded with Operation Meteor…

…two billion people will die.

Don’t you think this is going too far for revenge…

…for Heero Yuy, Trowa?

The purpose of this plan is not revenge!
The plan is for the colonies to conquer Earth…

…for the awakening of a “new mankind”!

That sounds like something…

…Dekim of the Barton Foundation would dream up.

I see.
You guys have something against that?

You’re jealous that my father and the Barton Foundation…

…will rule the Earth Sphere.

Where are you going, Trowa?!
To tell this to my father.

Just watch me.

I’ll proceed with Operation Meteor by myself, if I must.

Now you’ve done it.
I’m sorry.

But I have family on Earth…

Who’s there?!

I have no name.
If you like, call me “No-Name”.

You saw us?!

I’ll understand if you want to k*ll me.

But I might retaliate.

They’ll find out about this sooner or later.

There’s no use trying to hide the facts.

You’re giving up too easily.


I was feeling insecure without a name.
I wouldn’t mind taking on his name.

What are you talking about?

I seem to be best suited for the battlefields.

Are you saying you’ll pilot this suit, Heavyarms?

I like this suit.
But I have no interest in conquering Earth.

All right.

As of this moment, your name is Trowa Barton.

You are now in charge of Operation Meteor!

I understand.

Couldn’t he have taken things a little easier?

At this rate, it’ll take us five more days to rendezvous…

…with the resources disposal satellite.
We could reduce the time…

…by up to eighty hours on this route.

Then, let’s take that route!

But considering the fuel needed to accelerate now…
…and decelerate at the rendezvous point…

…we’d have no propulsion by the time we got there.

Then there’s no way to get back?

No, there’s a way to get back.
If we detonated the power generator…

…and used the expl*si*n as our propulsion…

…we could return to Earth in no time.

We’d fly the ship to Venus…
…and use the catapult effect of its gravity to get to Earth.

Our main problem is the time we have at the rendezvous point.

According to calculations…

…this ship’ll run alongside the satellite for only five seconds!

How many people can we get on in five seconds?
Some danger can’t be avoided.

Since Duo’s scheduled message hasn’t arrived…

…it’s likely that things are getting more difficult there.

Then it’s decided.
Our satellite team will consist of Abdul, myself, and…

No, I’ll be going alone.

Master Quatre!
Please, take us with you!

Rashid, start the booster one last time.

Each of us is ready to give up his life for you, anytime!

In this universe, nothing is more precious than life.

Sandrock made that clear to me.
The Taurus troops ahead…

…are heading toward the relay station.

They’re taking a roundabout route.
But their destination is still Earth.

A Preventer cruiser will arrive from the Lunar Base shortly.

I’m sure we can buy some time when they arrive.
Any word from Heero and Duo?



Did you confirm any new suit models in the last battle?

Come to think of it, they were all Taurus and Space Leos.

We’ve underestimated them.

Just as I thought.

The heat detector shows nothing.

So those troops consisted primarily of mobile dolls!

That means the main troops with the new mobile suits…

…are deployed elsewhere.

Quite an elaborate operation.

Then where could the main troops be?
In any case, we’ll leave this area!

Contact Earth at once!


These people have no idea what Mariemaia will do to them.

But with the world’s lack of strength to retaliate…

…she won’t need five minutes to take political control.

What would you do in this situation, Treize?

We found the resources disposal satellite.
We’ve got about three hours before we reach the satellite.
I’m almost there, Sandrock.

Self-detonation device?

That’s right.

It’s been installed in Sandrock.

For confidentiality?

No, that’s not why.

It’s because those with power must be prepared…

…to lose their lives.
I don’t quite understand.

I guess not.

You don’t need to understand just yet.

An order from the organization?

But forget this thing!


Fight as your heart tells you.
And use the self-detonation device…

…only when you feel you must.


I can’t take away his kindness and purity.

Although this may end up being a crueler destiny for him…

…than Operation Meteor.

My calculations are accurate.
Unlike those of Quinze.

So what if you rule the Earth Sphere?
Are you sure you’d be carrying on Treize’s…

…I mean, your father’s will by doing this?

You’ve got it wrong.

I just want to be victorious.
Then you’ll have to decide…

…on your own, the deeper meaning of fighting.


Don’t make me repeat myself.

I won’t allow such rude comments.
We can’t catch that.

They’re heading toward the Space Port.

They seem to be in a rush for people going to Earth.

That’s because they’re gonna escape.

Then why did they bother to take over this place?

Come on!

Remember, she is Treize’s daughter after all.

I’m more concerned about the man known as Dekim.

The name Dekim Barton rings a bell…

They can’t be serious!
They’re planning to go ahead with Operation Meteor?


But I’ll do everything I can to stop them.

Master Quatre.

We’ll reach the resources disposal satellite…
…in twenty seconds.

All right.

If it looks too dangerous, return to the ship at once.

It’s here!

Commencing countdown!

Seven, six, five…

four… three… two…
one… zero!

Master Quatre!

I’m… I’m okay.

I’ve managed to arrive on the satellite.
Take care, everyone.

Say hi to the Goddess on Venus.

The air remaining on the ship…
…has minimized the rise in temperatures.

But it’s still hotter than a desert in here.


So we meet again.

The Preventer cruiser has changed course.
They’ve realized what’s happening.

But it’s too late!

By the time they arrive at this natural resources satellite…
…the ruler of Earth Sphere will have changed already.

Send out the Serpent troops, at once!

Yes, sir.

Open the gate on Earth’s side!
Unidentified mobile suit ahead!

Checking the model of the mobile suit.

It’s the Tallgeese!


It must be Zechs.

The Tallgeese is coming for us!

My hunch was correct.

I guess there’s still a place…
…for a man who can’t get used to peace.

The Serpent suits can’t fight back…

…wearing their atmosphere shielding devices!
Should they remove them?

No need.

This is Preventer Wind.

Zechs Marquise!
I thought you were dead.

I was.
But, I find that I can’t sleep in my grave…

…while Treize’s spirit is still roaming about.

I heard about you from Quinze…

…Dekim Barton.

Surrender and disarm yourselves at once!
sh**t us if you dare.


If you fire at us, you’ll quickly realize…
…that these Serpents aren’t our last resort.

Damn you!

Didn’t Quinze tell you?

I was the one who created Operation Meteor.

That’s right.

We can drop that colony any time we wish.

If you continue to insist on interfering…

…we will drop X- onto Earth!

Drop your weapons and surrender!
Unlike Quinze…

…I have no intention of inviting you to be our leader.

But I’ll consider you as a soldier under Mariemaia.

Now, Earth.

Show me what your true idea of justice is.

Drop the colony onto Earth?!
Stop this at once!

There’s no reason to do that!


Please calm down.

I won’t need to do this.

So long as all of mankind bows before me.
Do you really believe the people will bow before you?

Yes, because in your role as the former Queen Relena…

…you entrusted me with the highest position…

…of the Earth Sphere.

You must be joking!
As the Vice Foreign Minister…

…you’re trusted by the colonies.

You have a much greater level of influential power…

…over the people than even you realize yourself.

And that’s why you abducted me.
Now you’ve got the picture.

The temperature in here is above eighty degrees.

I’ll just think of it as a big sauna.

This better work.
Five… four…

This angle should take it straight in Earth’s direction.

It should get a bit cooler now.

Operation Meteor.

That’s what they called Gundams’ descent to Earth.
But it was initially something completely different.

The rotation of a colony is increased…

…causing its stability in the Lagrange Point to fail…{Then the balancing mechanism is destroyed at La Grange…}

…hurling the colony toward Earth.

As this causes chaos on Earth…

…the Gundams are sent to take over.
That’s the general outline of the original Operation Meteor.

What took you?

How about that.

Our objectives ended up being the same after all.

Give me a hand.
They’ve got a complex lock on the system.

It’s taking time to re-establish the colony’s stability control.

We’d better hurry.

Looks like they’ve started sending in troops to Earth.

I can’t seem to break the final lock.

We’ll have to reconnect the lines directly.
Many friends that I worked with are on this colony.

When I realized Dekim’s plans…

…were really the original Operation Meteor…

…this is the only way I could think of to stop him.

But it’s taken me way too long to get here.

How about Wufei?
Did he become Mariemaia’s soldier just to get their plans?

No, he hates roundabout approaches.

Okay, we’re done.

This is Duo.
Are you absolutely sure?!

You guys stopped Operation Meteor?!

This is Wind.

I’m destroying MO-III!

You were late!

See you again!
We were too late.

Don’t worry about it.

At least we were able to save the colony.

We have you completely surrounded.

Come out with your hands up.
It’s over.

Not necessarily.

I got some mail from Quatre.

Quatre here.

I’ve just redirected the resources disposal satellite toward Earth.
It should reach the Earth’s orbit within twenty-four hours.

Duo, send Quatre a message.

Tell him to send Wing Zero in the HES- direction.

You kidding?!

I’ll pick up Wing Zero in space.
It’ll save time that way.

Open the door!

Open up!

You can take the shuttle in the fourth hangar.

Duo, I have another favor.
That’s not like you.

Suddenly asking me all these favors.

Hit me!

Have you gone crazy?!

Never mind!
Tear down the door!

Hurry up!

Well, you asked for it.

I’ll give you my best punch!
Why in the…

For our own good.

That’s one for one.

He’s all yours.

Don’t worry.

I’ve taken care of them.

But they prevented the colony’s instability.


Freeze! Wait!

Is that you, Noin?

I’ve come to pick you up.

Noin, how have you been?


Zechs, it’s been one year and two days.

After Colony , Christmas.

Mariemaia’s army has captured the Presidential Residence…
…of the Earth Sphere United Nation.

As snow continues to fall…

…peace on Earth has ended after one short year.

And the Preventers, currently the only means of retaliation…

…were just too powerless to make a difference.

As long as we can look each other in the eye and understand

People will go on freely and without hesitation

When we’ve overcome our mistakes we can be truly kind

You and I have discovered
A great strength that we know as love

I believe your love, shivering

With a kiss I make a silent wish

Promise me this, please never forget

You exist in me, and I in you
I believe your dreams, my growing feelings for you

I change this longing to prayers for you

It’s here.

If only you could hear this heartbeat of mine
Beating strong and hard so far away

Nothing is gained, and no one stays

Let me offer to the baby’s small hand

This genuine throbbing of my heart
We all want to be held in the priceless warmth forever

Like the warmth of the sunlight as it shines through the forest

I believe your love, the will to never give up
As you spread out those scarred and battered wings

You soar through the skies and portray an endless dream


Closing Gate , closing Gate .
Closing Gates and .

Closing Gates and .

Brussels Presidential Residence blockade complete!

My castle is now completely protected.

Don’t you find it strange?

Why should a shelter such as this…
…be necessary in a peaceful world with no weapons?

History is much like an endless waltz.

The three beats of w*r, peace and revolution…

…continue on forever.

However, history will change with my coronation.

The instant the year After Colony ends…
…I will be on the top of the Earth Sphere.

And a new age will arrive.
You’re dropping this colony onto Earth?!

You’re nuts!

I’m piloting Nataku to wipe out the evils of the universe!

The Alliance has already decided to dispose of this colony.
Rather than just watch…

…it’d be better to go ahead with Operation Meteor.
All we need to do is defeat the necessary enemies!

I’ll destroy all the evil, fair and square!

There he is.
I won’t let you go to Earth.

Is this what you interpret as justice?

I need to determine myself…

…whether or not peace at the expense of people’s lives…

…can be defined as peace!
And I will become evil itself to find out!

Humanity didn’t change.
All enemies were defeated, but Earth didn’t change one bit!


What’s wrong?
Hey, what’s this smoke?!

What is it?

I’m sorry.

I need to put you to sleep just for a bit.

I can see you’re all okay.

Well, now.
Quatre should be here any time.

What the?

You could’ve at least come to help me!

There’s nothing wrong with helping out a friend in need.

I wasn’t waiting for you.

But for someone else.

Sorry to keep you!

All hostages on this colony have been rescued!

Okay, let’s go.
I see.

So this is who you meant.

Thank you, Duo.

You were kind enough to leave me plenty of good treats.

If you’re joking, that’s cruel.
But if you’re being sarcastic, that’s even worse!

The more you fight…

…the more sacrifices for peace become a waste.

You must’ve realized that!

The w*r we fought is over!
So we don’t need warriors?

Do soldiers who know nothing but battle get tossed aside?

Soldiers have fought to attain a sense of peace!

Believe in the world we live in!

I’m acting for the people who were used as weapons!

I’m fighting for all soldiers, including you!

You and I are fighting like this.

Don’t you feel fulfilled as I do, when you’re fighting?

You and I are the same!

We can only acknowledge our existence on the b*ttlefield!
Just remember, Wufei, Treize is dead!

You’ve already defeated him!

You’re wrong!

I still fight him, even now!


The Brussels Presidential Residence is shielded!
We can’t get to it!

I realize that!

But unless I do what I can, no one will stand against them!

Who are you waiting for?
For those who hope for peace.

If people allow Mariemaia to do as she wishes…

…they’ll create a second Milliardo Peacecraft.

You don’t have to stick by me.


I told you a year ago that I’ll never leave your side.
I’ve waited all this time.

I don’t want to wait any more.


I do not consent to Relena Peacecraft’s ways.
Her belief that peace comes from discarding weapons…

…and confining soldiers is wrong!

So that’s why you’re allowing Mariemaia’s autocracy?!

That’s where the souls of soldiers are congregated!

That may be okay for now.
But Mariemaia will end up repeating history!

A history full of miserable wars.

Unless we stop this process now…
…more soldiers like ourselves will become necessary.

If that happens…

…a history of tragedy will keep repeating itself.

Wufei, tell me.
How many more people must we k*ll?

How many more times must I k*ll that girl and her dog?

Zero won’t tell me anything.

Tell me, Wufei!

Would an event like that have to be repeated?

Are you both ready to go?

Yeah, anytime you are!

This is what Operation Meteor should be.
Let’s go!

Tallgeese and Taurus are past our point D number defenses!

What can they do with only two suits?!
Send our remaining as*ault troops to point D.

Yes, sir!

Looks like a sibling reunion will be difficult this time.

We are facing fools…

…that are hopelessly rebelling against the new order.

Consider the significance of the lives that will be lost.

I thought there wouldn’t be any more wars.

That’s right.

Then, why are those people still having a w*r?

…not everyone in the world is as sensible as you.

But in fact people are too sensible.

Too few people are retaliating against Mariemaia.

Does she believe this is Treize’s ideal?

She doesn’t realize she’s merely Dekim’s puppet.
This is it.

I’m not saying any good-byes yet, Zechs!

Of course not!

I’m glad we weren’t too late.

You two are truly impressive.

You’ve fought this many without k*lling one soldier.

I’d be glad if we could teach these people something.

Let’s take the weapons and w*r itself with us to hell!

About two hundred fifty left.

That’s fifty suits each.
If that’s all, then we should be able to manage.


How much longer will those punks retaliate against me?!

Even if they did destroy the mobile suits…

…there’s no way they can break into this shelter.
What they’re doing is meaningless.

I’ve been…

What’s wrong, Relena?

I’ve been…
I’ve been running from the truth!


Do not fear the broadcast you’re watching!

Peace is not something that is handed to you.
Each person must…

Hey, wasn’t that!

That was Queen Relena!
It’s still much too early for your appearance to the people…

…Former Queen.

Are you guiding the public to battle?

Doesn’t that go against your Total Peace Policies?!

I am no longer a Peacecraft.

What’s needed now is not a principle or an assertion.

But the heart to hope for peace.
Are you people just going keep sitting on your butts?


Mariemaia is the master you have all been waiting for.
Come on, wag your tails and run to her.


Are you comparing us to dogs?!

Oh, I beg your pardon.

Let me correct myself.
You’re not dogs that wag their tail in front of their master.

You’re the tail that is wagged!

Shut your mouth, lady!

You’re looking at a man…
…who shot down five mobile suits in the w*r a year ago!

That’s funny.

I see no men around here.

The only men I know are either buried…

…or are broadcast on that screen!
Peace is not something that is just handed to us…

I think we might have been mistaken.

You’re right.

We should be the ones fighting.

Of course, we won’t use any weapons to fight.
Is that the responsibility given to us survivors?

We must prove that we deserve this peace…

…that we have worked so hard to obtain.

We must confirm that we are worthy of this freedom.

Okay, I’m going!
I’m going to the Presidential Palace—to Relena!

You mean now?


But how?

We’ll find a way!
I’m going too!

I can’t just wait around and not do anything!

Count me in, too!

Anyone else, just follow us!

Right, I’m joining you!
I’m going too!

Me too!

It’s time that we stood up for something!

Will we get there in time?!

I guess I’ve got no choice.
Let me give you all a ride in my vehicle.

Take this!


They just keep coming, all at once!

Here I go!!

Looks like we’re fighting another losing battle.


Can you move?

This’ll be your final fight.

Gundam pilots…

…that’s enough!

Leave us and retreat.

If we were fighting to k*ll, we’d be done long ago.

But then coming back here would be meaningless!

At this rate, you’d die in vain!
If we’d planned on retreating, we would’ve been gone.

I know it’ll be tough to keep fighting, though.

We used to be just like them.

Dekim coaxed them into believing…

…their reason for living is to fight.

Hey, don’t worry about it.

We’ve gotten pretty good at these losing battles!

That’s why we could always be true to ourselves.

I didn’t go back to being a Darlian…
…to get revenge for my father.

Nothing can be achieved through revenge.

Hatred will only result in breeding more hatred!

You only think that way because you lost your battle.
But I’m different.

I will truly be victorious.

Told you.

I’ve got nothing left.

Self-detonating could take out about half the suits left.
What do you think?


Detonation should be done away from them.

Limit the casualties to just ourselves.
Guess you’re right.


Above us!

Wing Zero!
Locked onto target!

Another Gundam confirmed!


Mr. Dekim!

We’re online with one of the Gundam pilots!

Let me confirm.

Your shelter shield’s activated?

What are you planning?!

Your shelter is secure?
Of course it is.

Admit to yourselves just how powerless you are!


Gather all the Serpents here!
sh**t down Wing Zero!

What a miserable person.

He’s not going to prove anything.

Are you afraid, Mariemaia?
That’s impossible!

How could this be happening?!

The shield’s lost half its strength!
Wing Zero’s aim is accurate to one hundredth of a unit!

This shelter will collapse if it’s hit again in the same place!
Stop it!

Relena Peacecraft is in here!



Are you okay?

Who are you?

Even though you may be mistaken…

…I can’t allow the daughter of His Excellency, Treize, to die.
Mr. Dekim!

Another Gundam has arrived at defense line number point E!


There is no way we’d obey you!

We don’t want any more wars!
We want to protect the peace here ourselves!

Battles like these are not decided by the soldiers.

Thanks to them, I can give up fighting!

This is goodbye, Treize.

This is good.

We don’t have to abandon hope just yet.

The detonating device missed its chance again.

Who the hell are they?!

While His Excellency fought losing battles…
…he truly loved people who weren’t afraid to fight.

And that’s why people can accept the Gundams.

It is not the victor that moves the heart of the people.

This is crazy!
We cannot be defeated!

We, the Barton family…

…are the true rulers of the Earth Sphere!

Miss Mariemaia!
Assume your position as head of the Earth Sphere!

I am… victorious…

I’m carrying out my father’s desires…

Forgive me!
Excuse me.

But it’s time you opened your eyes, Mariemaia.


You have learned what real fear is.
So I’m sure you can see all the mistakes you’ve made.

Stop right there, Relena Peacecraft.

I can’t allow you to brainwash my Mariemaia with such trash!

If you wish to sh**t me, go right ahead!
I’m prepared to die!

Then I’ll tell you the truth before you die!

The public must obey the victor!

We can always create a replacement for Mariemaia!

I made her after all!

I’ve ex*cuted the rebel.

I express my apologies for betraying His Excellency, Treize.

Mariemaia, hold on!
Relena, I was mistaken.

I’m sorry.

I’ll put you of your misery.


Thank you.

I’ve k*lled Mariemaia.
I… I…

I will never k*ll again.

I don’t have to k*ll any more.


There’s still hope for her!

Take her to the doctor!

Yes, Ma’am!
Finally it’s over.

This time it’s good-bye for real, buddy.

I’ve become nameless again.
Trowa sounds fine to me.

Why not keep it, Trowa?

Names are given to you by others.

No point wasting time worrying about it.

What’s important is having a place we can call home.

Yeah, you’re right.
Nataku, may you rest in peace.

Noin and Zechs have disappeared somewhere.

What do you say? Wanna come work with me?

As a Preventer?

Why not?

Are you sure?

The Terra Formation Project hasn’t officially started yet.

Relena is working on it, and it won’t be easy.

That’s why a dead person would be perfect for the job.
Noin, are you sure you…

Don’t make me repeat myself, Zechs.

After Colony .

Peace has returned to the people.

And from this point on…

…weapons known as mobile suits, including the Gundams…

…were never seen again.
As long as we can look each other in the eye and understand

People will go on freely and without hesitation

When we’ve overcome our mistakes we can be truly kind

You and I have discovered

A great strength that we know as love
I believe your love, shivering

With a kiss I make a silent wish

Promise me this, please never forget

You exist in me, and I in you
I believe your dreams, my growing feelings for you

I change this longing to prayers for you

If only you could hear this heartbeat of mine

Beating strong and hard so far away

Mission Complete

Nothing is gained, and no one stays
Let me offer to the baby’s small hand

This genuine throbbing of my heart

We all want to be held in the priceless warmth forever

Like the warmth of the sunlight as it shines through the forest

I believe your love, the will to never give up
As you spread out those scarred and battered wings

You soar through the skies and portray an endless dream

I believe your dreams, please show me a smile

Even in times of unbearable pain

So that someday we can be proud
And boast of our precious world so far away

When we’ve overcome our mistakes we can be truly kind

You and I have discovered

A great strength that we know as love

I believe your love, shivering

With a kiss I make a silent wish
Promise me this, please never forget

You exist in me, and I in you

I believe your dreams, my growing feelings for you
I change this longing to prayers for you

If only you could hear this heartbeat of mine
Beating strong and hard so far away

My streaming tears and pain for the one I love

Are ripping through us and soaking the ground

I would give anything to stop this sadness
I believe your love, the will to never give up

As you spread out those scarred and battered wings

You soar through the skies and portray an endless dream
I believe your dreams, please show me a smile

Even in times of unbearable pain

So that someday we can be proud
And boast of our precious world

I believe your love, shivering

With a kiss I make a silent wish

Promise me this, please never forget
You exist in me, and I in you

I believe your dreams, my growing feelings for you

I change this longing to prayers for you

If only you could hear this heartbeat of mine

Beating strong and hard so far away