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Slayers Gorgeous (1998)

Posted: 02/05/24 22:36
by bunniefuu
Thank you now.

Thank you.

Oh, I'll throw this in for free!

Hey, come back here, come back!

This tastes pretty good.

They say that store came up
with this dish.

But how did you find out
about this place, Naga?


Rick, time to go.


Oh man, it's that time already?


See you later.

It's time again.

Huh? What's going on?

What is this?

I have no idea.

Why, what's a dragon doing
in a place like this?!

What's a civilian doing
in a place like this?!

Leave this to us and run now!

Did you think some puny arms
like that would hold up

against my mighty dragons?!

Do not attempt to resist
my march to the castle!

Do that and you will not be harmed!

Dedicated soldiers, aren't we?

Fine. You'll be scattered about
in no time!

Engage them.

Freeze b*llet!

Haven't you forgotten...

about someone here?


Very well. Zone Flare! Retreat!

I did not anticipate the likes of you
to be here!

Very well! I will retreat just this once.

But, it won't be so simple next time.

Just shut up already!

I have no intention to wait around
until the next time!

Supreme Thun...

Oh please don't! Wait!

Hey, what's the big idea?

Please, just listen to what
we have to say!

The soldiers told me about
the deed you performed.

You defeated the dragons, did you?

Yes, I guess so.

I thought there were two of you?

Oh, about that. Please don't
worry about her.

She does this kind of stuff all the time.

I see.

In any case, what might your
name be, fair one?

Lina. Lina Inverse.

So you are the Dragon...
Oh, nothing...

Well then, if that's the case,

you might be able to provide me
with a needed service.

If you will, please, come this way.

Behold that which is before you!


One thousand years ago, when the w*r
of Demonic Invasion was raging about,

this land was scarred by the invasion
of a demonic creature.

While that malicious entity spread
death and destruction about this land,

one courageous warrior
stood up against it.

After a fierce battle,

the proud warrior sealed the demonic
creature within this land.

The king of that period praised
the noble deeds of that warrior,

and offered to him lordship of
this land and reign over it.

That was the beginning
of the House of Culvert.

Enough boasting about ourselves.

Hey, wait a minute?!

All that important sounding
stuff you just said,

you were just bragging?!


But, in that fort you see before you,
an army of dragons have set up

a base and have been
molesting this town.

And my daughter's the one
that's behind all this.

Oh, destroy this all!

I see, so he hired some
sorceresses, did he?

Certainly they won't be a match
against my dragons.

Alas, if he seeks a fight such as this,

then I shall respond in kind
with all my forces.

Come forth, my loyal Tetrad Knights!

Black Knight Thornfort,
at your service.

Gaizno, here for you, my lady.

The time has come for you
to prove your worth.

Spare no effort so that victory
shall be ours.

All for the sake of our

Where did you...

Who art thou?

You are...

You are one of the sorceress pair!

Why are you here?!

Why else?

Your pompous laugh was so unrefined
and amateurish, I, Naga the Serpent,

could not stop myself from
giving you a lesson or two!

Blast it! Enough of this nonsense!

Wait, Thornfort!

You say my pompous laugh
is unrefined?


Your laughter is too tense and forced!

Impressive. No ordinary mortal would
so accurately discern such flaws.

I dare say, how would you like
to aid me in my efforts?

I am willing offer you a seat as
one of my Tetrad Knights.

Titles only in name have little appeal.

You would be paid a considerable
amount daily.

Well, if you insist so strongly!
All right then.

I'm willing to come around
to assist in your efforts!

But, tell me. Why are you picking
a fight with the lord here?

Why else?

Because dear father is not willing
to raise my allowance!

Just hold on one second here!

You two are engaged in
an over-exaggerated

family quarrel because of a
reason as stupid as that?!

You see, allowance amounts
started this,

but the real reason lies elsewhere.

What do you mean?

She's going through the adolescent
phase of being overly rebellious.

You're just calling this a phase?

So, why in heaven's name is a child,
just going through a "phase,"

marching around with dragons in tow?!

Marlene is gifted in the ability of
communicating with dragons.

We were planning on establishing
a dragoon force anew,

but she ran off with all
those dragons in tow!

So the idea is to bring back Marlene
without hurting the dragons...

Now I dare say, how rude of you
to walk off like that!

No way I'm gonna go along with
a family quarrel like that!

Please, you must!

Absolutely not.

How about 200 gold coins.

Make that 300!

But doing that without hurting
the dragons...

No worry! Just as with my
daughter Marlene,

I also have the ability to communicate
with dragons!

I will accompany you and
handle the dragons.

You see, not only do the dragons
follow Marlene around,

but there is also an accomplished
swordsman with her as well.

It's him that I'd like you
to take care of.

Marlene and the others will probably
attack tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow? Why not now?


Well, typically, she would get up late
in the morning, have her lunch,

and attack when she get bored
in the afternoon.

However, she was defeated, so she
won't have the grit to attack today,

but she will regain her nerves
to attack tomorrow morning.

I see.

Marlene-sama, Marlene-sama.

Let me have just one more slice
of that cake.

Marlene-sama! Marlene-sama!


What is it? You are making a scene.

It is time we launch our attack.

Yes, alright then.

The time is at hand for us to be of
service for our dear Marlene-sama.

With our all our strengths combined
together as one,

we shall deliver a noble blow upon
the unsympathetic tyrant!

Bark as loud as you like for now. In
the end, we will be the ones laughing.

Where did you come from?!

A rather moronic question, isn't that?

I was walking the hallways and
I heard an arrogant laugh.

So naturally I felt obligated
to compete against you.

I see...

They will probably take this route
to advance against us.

That fortress used to be our villa,

but before I knew it, Marlene
had remodeled the building.

Before you knew it?

Wouldn't someone notice major
construction like that pretty quickly?!

Well, I didn't notice it.

I see.

Your Highness!

Over a dozen dragons,
led by Thornfort,

are advancing toward this castle!


Here they come.

It was a little sooner than
I anticipated. Lina-san!

Ah hah! To think we would be
rewarded with the good fortune

of having you personally
receive us, Lord Culvert!

You wouldn't be planning
to engage us in battle

with so few forces, would you?

Or have you agreed to
raise the allowance

of our dear Marlene-sama?

Enough! I am an inheritor of
the Culvert family name!

What would I say to my ancestors
if they should learn that

I shamelessly caved in to the demands
of my own daughter!

Thornfort! I'm afraid I cannot allow
you to advance any further!

Well, this will be interesting.

I'll be curious to see how you
will defeat our dragons.

Please, oblige us, if you will.

Do not underestimate me, Thornfort.


Marlene can communicate
with the dragons.

Did you think I could
not do the same?

No, you couldn't...

Heed me, Red Dragon Zone Flare.

Heed the words with which
I speak in my heart.

Heed my voice that
I speak from within.

Knock it off! C'mon now!
Stop nibbling! Let go now!

Whoa, I thought I was a goner.

What the hell?!

You didn't even come close
to living up to all that

boastful talk you did before!

How rude!

I did communicate with him!

It was just that...

I failed to convince them.

What's the point then?!

All right, then I'll defeat those
dragons in one stroke.

No, I can't have you do that!

If you do that, I'll refuse to pay you!

Damn it, if I could just use
my Dragon sl*ve spell,

this would all be over in a heartbeat.

Are you done with your silly antics?

Time that you witness the powers of
Marlene-sama's Tetrad Knights.

I am Thornfort the Black Knight.

Sounds interesting.

Let's see what you can do.

You're supposed to be the one
they want me to fight.

Then you must be one of
the sorceresses that

Marlene-sama mentioned.

I'm impressed at the proud boasts you
speak while facing an awesome

dragon army ahead of you,
you little girl.

Very well. Reveal your name
before we fight!

I'm Lina. Lina Inverse!

Then prepare yourself, Lina Inverse!

Trample her, dragon army!

Impressive, very impressive, Lina-san.

Impressive? But I haven't
done anything.


Those dragons must have heard
elsewhere about you, Lina-san.

The dragons wanted to avoid evoking
the wrath of Lina-san,

for her reputation is of the one that
makes dragons run for their lives.

I'm not sure if I'm happy about this!

You fiend! But no matter. I can
handle this alone just fine!

Come, you may attack me
how ever you like!


Well, that was rather simple.

No, there is more.

Well, that was all flash
with no substance.

This is the final warning
from me to you.

Promise me that you
will spare my life.

If you do, I am willing to stop
fighting you, if you wish!

So, in other words, an
unconditional surrender?

If you want to say it like that,
so be it.

I will not deny it!


Well what? Well, of course it means...

Right, I see.

Impossible! Thornfort was defeated?!

My Lady, the dragons have come back,

but there is no sign of Thornfort
among them.

It would seem most likely that...



Didn't I mention this before? They
have Lina Inverse on their side.

No, I don't recall you mentioning this.

Oh dear, I didn't?

Wait a minute! It's that sorceress?!


If they have Lina with them,
defeating them won't be so simple.

Then this means we shall strike at
them with all our forces combined!

Gaizno! I will entrust you with the fort!

Yes, my lady!

Naga! Come. I need you
to fight with me!


Heed ye! The time for
action has come!

Accompany me into battle
and thrash thine enemy!

They are afraid? My dragons
are afraid?

I'd guess they were trounced royally
by Lina somehow!

The fiend! My dearest dragons!

You must regain your nerves!
Heed my bidding or else...

I'm not giving you any snacks.

Why, Thornfort?!

You were the captain of the palace
guards, and yet, you betrayed me?!

Need I spell it out in front of you?

On one hand, a dingy old fart.
On the other, a cute young girl.

If the pay is the same, as a
human being and as a man,

the proper duty dictates I should
serve the good-looking woman.

Wow, he sure is honest
about his motives.

I see. I suppose one can't blame you
for making a decision like that.

And this guy is actually buying this.

In any case, you mentioned Marlene's
"Tetrad Knights" before.

Who are the other members?

If you promised to rehire me as your
captain of the palace guards,

then I would not mind divulging
that information.

I'll tell you! Really I will!

Besides myself, there is Gaizno.

What?! He is with you?!

You know this guy?

Yes! He was a minister that served me
before Marlene started all this.

But I am not aware of him being
adept at fighting as such.

No matter. And who are the others?

Marlene-sama appointed
a new compatriot

as a member of the Tetrad
Knights yesterday.

Her name is Naga the Serpent.

What?! Naga?

Are you about done now?

Oh, yeah.

Okay, so who's the fourth and last?

That is all.

But you said it was
a tetrad knighthood.

How juvenile of you! Can you not see
that Marlene-sama

came to employ the name "Tetrad"
because it sounded cool?

We are in midst of recruiting
new members.

Oh, okay.

Oh man. I guess these guys aren't
even half as bad as I had imagined.

But wait, if Naga is with them...

Lord Culvert. We need to launch
an attack right now!

What?! Why all of a sudden?

If Naga is with them, that means
there's fear they could attack us

indiscriminately with a spell that
blows up this castle and all!

Is this Naga that type of person?

That's the type of person she is!

Understood. Then I will assemble
my soldiers at once.

All troops, forward march!

This isn't the usual time!

Father! The time has come where we
shall settle this once and for all!

Won't you be kind enough to
indulge us by showing your face,

if you are not afraid of us, of course!

Excuse me!

I'm sorry, but he's currently away.


Well, he just set off with his troops
headed toward you.

I take it you didn't come across him?

Then, I suppose you just missed
each other along the way.

What are we going to do?

What do we do?

It certainly looks like the complex was
left vacant with all of them gone.

We must have missed them somewhere.

Coming out swinging at full
strength like we did,

seems to make this missed opportunity
ever more disheartening.

How do two huge armies, one made
of that many dragons,

manage to miss each other somehow?

What to do? But perhaps...

Well we got this far, and
if there is no one here,

it might be good to destroy this place
so they can't use it anymore.

Oh well. If Lina and the others are
not here, then we'll take this

opportunity to demolish this castle
with some offensive spells!


Stop it!

What do you think you are doing?!

That's what I was about to say!

Eventually this castle will be mine!
What good will it be if you destroy it?!


My castle...

All forces about-face!
Proceed to our fortress!

Have a safe trip!

You waited for the castle to be vacant
before you att*cked it?

You display cowardice
beyond comparison!

To think you have fallen so low,
dear father!

What is that supposed to mean?!

You're the one that remodeled our villa
without my permission!

Then, you run off with a minister,
my royal palace guard captain,

and all the dragons and
started this huge mess!

It only proves how you lack charisma,
my dear father!

Thus further evidence,

that justice is with us!

A rebellion inspired by greed is
the basis for furthering justice?!

The nerve you have to make
such preposterous claims!

It seems no length of discussion can
bridge the chasm between us.

I would have to agree on that point.

Then with my victory over you,

I shall prove my justice for
all of heaven to see!

Attack, my dear dragons!

What is it! Go!

Did you not know, my dear Marlene?

This person's name is Lina Inverse!

The one renowned as
"The Dragon Frightener"

and humanity's greatest plague!

Wait a just a minute here!

The dragons must know what
Lina-san's name means.

After all, against Lina-san, the dragons'
breath has no effect and

furthermore, she eats dragon spawn
while they are still alive.

I do not!

What am I? A monster?

Who's the charlatan that's
spreading these rumors?!

But, that's exactly what I heard.

Well, don't believe such
baseless rumors!

No matter.

Then Naga and I will
handle that woman.

You dragons go after the soldiers!

It seems we're set to fight each
other again, Lina Inverse.

I guess so.

I swear, every time, you never fail
to make things

more complicated than
they ought to be.

Did it take you this long to realize
my true potential and powers?

Well, that's not what
I meant, actually.


Freeze Arrow!

Demon Wind!

I suppose we're not going to get
anywhere with stuff like this.

I agree. But I'm not about to let this
drag out any longer than it should.

My thoughts exactly.

Spiritual Curse!

There you go again,
creating golems like this.

They can't touch me at all!

Let's see about that!

Special Attack! Golem "Flipping
Table Top At You" Attack!

Vibration Shot!


Wouldn't you say it's rather
pointless to make it

even harder to evade the falling
debris, Lina Inverse?!

Enough already!

Vibration Shot!

If that's the game you're playing,
I'm not pulling any punches!

You wouldn't be planning on
running away, would you?!

Hey, a gold coin.

Huh? Where? Where?

I just wanna ask, did you really think
Naga would be of any help to you?

Look, if you want to make fun of me,
just go ahead and do it!

Besides, what about how the soldiers
on your side did against my dragons?

Did you think they had a chance?

Gods, they are completely useless.

Enough of this!

Let's get this over with
as fast as possible!

My sentiments exactly!

Prepare to become a blood stain
on my sword, the Ohaos Blade!

A sword that big certainly can do
damage, but it must weigh a ton.

Easy win!

En garde!

Freeze b*llet!

Awfully quick!

Flare Arrow!

Tricks like those will have
no effect on me!

What will it be? If you surrender now,
then I'm willing to spare your life.

Well, it seems to have had
an effect on the sword.

Wait a minute, that wouldn't be a...

En garde!

I wondered how you could swing
that sword about so remarkably.

It certainly is a light weight sword.

So, what wood is it made of?
Lawan or something?

That's right.

Trying to make it lighter eventually
led me to using Lawan.


Oh man, how could you seriously be
swinging around something

worthless like that?

I'm embarrassed that I was fighting
you like you were a real threat!

I knew it. The armor is a farce as well!

So, what will it be? You still want to
fight on with cardboard as your armor

and a broken twig for a sword?

I will not stand down!

Even though we may be defeated
today, we will fight on until we are

victorious so that the allowance rate
is justly increased!

Mega expl*si*n Array!

That really hurt.

I'm sure it did.

Ice Blast!

I figured you'd recover right
about now, Naga!

You certainly resorted to using
a vulgar trick to foil me back then.

I came near to being washed out
to the open sea.


With Naga the Serpent
back in the fray,

you won't get away with
your antics anymore!

Yes, but, let me tell you something.

I've already defeated Marlene,

so even if you fight, you won't get
paid a nickel more.

Not a nickel more?

On top of that, I don't know how much
she promised when she hired you,

but that money is probably coming
from her allowance.

And that allowance she receives
comes from Lord Culvert.

Isn't it clear who you should be
siding with?

To, to deceive the enemy, you
start with tricking your friends!

I infiltrated their organization in order
to sabotage their efforts.

It would seem that my tactics worked!

So Lina, I wouldn't be averse to
splitting the pay 50-50 with you.

Up yours!

Let's see now...


So, what now? I've defeated your
master. Do you want to fight more?

Remember, if you insist on fighting
more, I'm not going pull any punches.


Oh, so deplorable!

To witness such disgraceful behavior!


That's the voice of Gaizno?

In the sky?

Gaizno? What are you doing?

Saying "disgraceful" is going too far!

Shut up, you damn humans!

I am talking to my compatriots.

To think, you tremble in fear of some
human sorceress and heed her orders.

Do you have no pride?

Are you not of the bloodline of
the glorious tribe of dragons?!


Gaizno, what are you saying?!

You make it sound as if you are...


Have you already forgotten?

I was the one that suggested the
creation of the dragon regiment!

What is that supposed to mean?!

Can you not tell?

You were just being used by me so
that I could further my cause!


Do you not see the error
of this world?

For the puny feeble humans to yield
such sway over all others simply

because of their tyranny in numbers!

Do you not think that we, the tribe of
dragons, with our great strengths

and powers, are ideally suited to be
the hegemons of this world?!

We, the tribe of the dragons?

So you, you're actually a...

Prepare yourselves!

For I will unveil now my true identity!

I see.

So you used magic to disguise
yourself as a human.

Now let me ask you, did your plot
involve the creation of a dragon unit,

then biding your time disguised as a
human, until one day when you'd rise

up in an armed insurrection, and have
dragons reign over the world?

I can't think you'd do something cheap
and predictable like this, but...

Well, it seems you catch on quickly
for a human.

But if the result of such an upbringing
is compatriots with no grit

or honor, then I will have
to forgo this scheme.


I will not forgive how you besmirched
the pride of the dragons!


Don't make me laugh!

Having pride and being full of hot air
are two completely different things.

You're one to talk. Talk about the pot
calling the kettle black.

In any case, if you're my opponent I
guess I won't have to go easy on you.

Go easy?! No human can defeat me
no matter how much they try!

Oh really? Well then, wanna find out?

Heed ye thou that are
darker than dusk.

Thou that are more red than blood.

Does she know what she's doing?
Gaizno's starting a spell as well!

In the name of thee that hath been
buried in the passing of time.

I pray to the darkness,

To all those fools,
that stand in our way.

Merge your strength and mine, to
deliver doom to all of them equally!

Dragon sl*ve!

That spell, the name was
Dragon sl*ve, was it not?

But did you think we dragons
have no means to counter

crude spells that humans
lob against us?

Now then, next is my turn.

Fail to defend yourselves against it,
and you shall all turn to dust.

You fools! What do you
think you are doing?!

You call my plans stupid?

How dare you.

I am calling upon us dragons
to take reign over this world!

Rule by those that are superior!

What is unnatural about that?!

You call that foolish?! I am foolish?!

Fine then!

Your failure to understand underscores
how you are of limited capacity.

I have no use for dragons
that have been made

the slaves of humans
even in their hearts!

I will destroy you all equally!

Blast it! Evacuate the
townspeople immediately!

Just look at that mess he's creating.

You are the very fiend and culprit who
degraded the noble spirit of dragons

into nothing more than pandering
dogs on a leash!

You will pay for your transgressions
with your life.

Now then, you shall perish
as I destroy this town!


Why are you protecting them?!
They are mere humans!

What did they say?

Gaizno's full of himself,
and that pisses them off.

That's a reason?

What is this, a fight between kids?

Get down!

Have you been corrupted
to fall that low?!

I'd think twice before calling
someone corrupted.

What was that?!


Everyone, get back.
I'll handle him somehow!

Everyone, stand back!

Handle me?!

I've already proven how your most
powerful spell is no match against me!

What would you be planning
on doing now?

Well let me see.

I could summon a huge golem and...

Don't you dare. You'll just
complicate things!

Then what do we do? The Dragon
sl*ve doesn't work on him!

It'd work. Last time he merely
countered it.

All we have to do is not
let him counter it.

Well how did you think
I would handle you?!

By being a royal pain!

What was that?!

Freeze b*llet!

A royal pain? That?!

Don't make me laugh! How can a spell
that doesn't even hit...

You scum! What do you
think you're doing?!

Freeze b*llet!

Who in their right mind would
do something like this?!

Like I said before, I'm gonna be
a royal pain for you!

Freeze b*llet!

This looks like fun.

Let me join in!

Freeze b*llet!

Freeze b*llet!

Freeze b*llet!

Freeze b*llet!

Freeze b*llet!

Freeze b*llet!

Freeze b*llet!

Freeze b*llet!

Freeze b*llet!

This is unbearable!

Freeze b*llet!

Freeze b*llet!

I can deal with this just fine!

Freeze b*llet!
I can deal with this just fine!

I can deal with this just fine!

Freeze b*llet!

Freeze b*llet!

Fool. Did you think someone
that can counter a spell that

slays dragons could not counter
an elementary spell like that?!

Who is the fool here?


Listen carefully.

A shield can't be facing
two directions at once.

I suppose you weren't aware then,
that I wasn't the only one

that was attacking you when you
started your spell incantation!

What?! You weren't?!

Merge your strength and mine, to
deliver doom to all of them equally!

End of the line.

Dragon sl*ve!

Let me go! Damn you!
What are you doing?!

Wow, this guy was actually
pretty puny.

So this child dragon was
disguising himself as

a large dragon with
a transformation spell?

No wonder the damage done was
relatively small compared

against his previous huge size.

I said let go, damn it!

How dare worthless humans disgrace
a proud member of the dragon tribe.

Hey, what are you doing! Hey!

What did he say?

"We'll take personal responsibility
to make sure this little upstart

is raised to be a productive
member of our tribe."

I see.

Well now that that's all settled,

I'm sure my father will raise my
allowance to wrap everything up.

You still persist with that kind
of silly talk?!

Oh, come on, just give her that raise.

You should, most certainly.

It's better than having her lead the
dragons against you again, right?

You may say that, but she insists that

and that she wants 200
gold coins instead!

I'd say that's going a little too far.

From 50 gold coins...

to 200 gold coins?!


Hey, come back here!

Who wouldn't get angry over
something like that?

Give us that additional 150 coins
you are trying to get!

Gold coin!


Oh no it isn't, that's mine!

Naga, I earned it, so back off!