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Digimon Adventure Tri. 3: Confession (2016)

Posted: 02/05/24 22:48
by bunniefuu
APP Switch, on.

APP Switch, on.

There's no response.

Auto-pilot acting strange. APP off.
Will land manually.

Roger that.

The instruments are all malfunctioning!

Is it possible to go around?

Not anymore!

Let's eyeball it and continue landing.

Flight JAM502 from West Chitose Airport
made an emergency landing at New Haneda...

...due to an instrument malfunction.

The passengers and crew are safe.

There is no threat of fire
on Flight JAM502.

It seems a computer shutdown
during landing.

There was an instrument malfunction
around the airport.

Hereafter all flights shall land
at the airports they are redirected to.

Instrument failure on Flight ANW460...

Is Meicoomon causing all of this?

That's likely.

Why didn't you tell me sooner that the
one they were aiming for was Meicoomon?


Understood. I'm on my way.

Professor Mochizuki has arrived.

If we had heard about Meicoomon,

we might have been able to give
different support at school!

Our priority now is to discuss

All of the school festival
events are now over.

Thank you everyone
for the last two days.

The closing ceremony will be held at
Ground 2 at 6 o'clock.

Hey, are you going to
the closing ceremony?

Yeah, I'm going.

Great job!

The dance was popular with our guests.
That's thanks to you, Tachikawa-San!

No, it wasn't just me...

It was through
everyone's hard work, right?

Man! I wish I had worn
that costume, too.

We definitely have to
dress up next year!

I want to wear one, too.

I want to do this next year, too!

Thank you.

Hey, what happened to Mochizuki-San?

She went to the dumpster earlier...

That was a while ago!

She looked down all day today,
so I got worried and reached out,

but she said she was fine.

I'll go look for her!

Hey, that zone became off-limits
yesterday. What happened?

No idea. I haven't heard anything.


Are you okay?


Meimei! Hey, wait up!



Mei-Chan... Leomon-San...

Mei-Chan did...!


We're here for you.

We're together with you!


Seems no one's home.

Did you get a response from anyone?

No, not yet.


I'm sure it'll be fine.

Let's properly investigate more.


Let's go.

Takeru-kun's grown up.





They said no one's home.


Still no snacks?

I'm starving!

Hurry up! Hurry!

Okay, okay. Just wait a bit.

One, two, three, four...

Hmm. Meicoomon isn't here,
so we'll do eight snacks.

Hurry up and give us the snacks!

Huh? Did I say something bad?

Like stepping on a landmine.

Listen up.

Don't come out from there
for a while.

Okay already!

I want a rice cr*cker!

Sorry to keep you Waitin'!

We quickly have to pin down
the cause of the infections... prevent any secondary damage.

Secondary damage?

The infections are no longer
just occurring in the Digital World.


How could such a gentle Digimon...

Did you notice that before?

I think it happened suddenly,
without any symptoms.

The term "infected."

We used it lightly, but...

It totally exceeded anything
we could have imagined.

Sorry! I was cleaning up.

Are you alright?

Oh... yes.

I'm sorry for making you worry.

Anyway, we need to quickly
iron out a plan.

There are a lot of things
I want to ask Mochizuki-San.


If Meicoomon is infected,
I want to find out why.

Were there any symptoms?

When on earth did the infection occur?

Please remember! We need your information
to pin down the cause of infection.

Even small details will help!

Hold on, Koshiro-kun!
This isn't some police interrogation.

Take Meimei's feelings
into consideration a bit more!

There's no time
to go about this leisurely!

I'm saying you're being too insensitive!

The infection may be
spreading at this rate!

We don't have time
to focus on trivial things!

Trivial?! What?!

Stop it, you two!


It's all my fault...



I'm sorry...!




Ultimate evolution, huh?

Yeah, those two did.

Koshiro said this could be
a prophecy of that.

"Those who desire true power
must know the darkness, and go beyond."

Huh? What does that mean?

I don't really know, but...

If more Digimons easily achieve
ultimate evolutions...

...we won't need to rely on Omegamon.

That'd be easier for you too, right?


I'm home...

Ah! Welcome back, Meiko.

Good job at the school festival.

Today is your favorite...

Ta-da! Tempura!

Where's Dad?

He might not come home today, either.

He has a lot of meetings.

It's about Mei-Chan, isn't it?

Management Officer Himekawa,
reporting damage.

Now 13 places within the city
and 52 places country-wide...

...are having trouble
with electronic devices.

This is causing considerable
communication issues.

However, the biggest problem is that
it also occurs around the airport...

...which affects the planes
that take off and land.

There were four emergency landings
at New Haneda alone.

In one case, an airplane nearly
collided with another.

It's under investigation
with certain air lanes closed.

What do you think, Professor Mochizuki?

Just before this all occurred...

...there was a report of an unconfirmed
Digimon at Tsukishima High School.

Do you think that is
related to this crisis?

I can't say conclusively for now.

But in light of these escalations,
it is conceivable they may be related.

This is more dire than expected.

At this rate, it will happen again...

There'll be victims again.

I don't want them to
have that harsh experience.


Professor Mochizuki!


Um... it's about your daughter...


I think she's extremely upset...


I'm sorry for making you worry.

I'll speak to her when I go home.


What's wrong?

I need to know more.

We're in a tough situation... I need as much
information as possible.


All right.

You're also involved.

You have a right to
know, to some extent.


You saw what occurred in the shadow of
the school festival, right?

This is the result.

We haven't reported it to the media.

And we're not going to.

Sooner or later, it'll become
an uproar, though.

What about Ken Ichijouji?

We're always checking
the welfare of the Digidestined.

Don't worry.

I was worried because
I couldn't contact him.

Go tell everyone,

"The Meicoomon investigation
will begin ASAP...

...and we will cooperate
as much as possible."


I'll tell you as soon as
anything new comes up.

We're okay, right?

Thank you very much.

See you tomorrow, right?

You went overboard!

How so?

By deceiving the kids!

Should I have been honest
about everything?


I can't, right?

To say that those people
are all missing...

I don't want to burden
those kids anymore.

It's part of our duty
to deceive them well.

How about the fact that
Meicoomon caused all this?

If we tell them, what will it do to
Meiko and their relationship?

They'll know sooner or later.

No need to tell them,
Koshiro Izumi will figure it out.

But still...!

Why keep things from me, too?!

Am I that untrustworthy?!

Some things are better not knowing.



Here's some clothes.

Thank you.

Please tell Mom
I won't be home for a while.


Go home safely.

Um... about Mei-Chan...

Sorry... my meeting's starting.


I'm sorry.

Just leave the rest to us.

"From Mimi-San: Are you okay?"



It's no good...

I don't know...

Your friend is here!

I came to bring you
our summer vacation homework.

Sorry about that.

Are you eating?

You can't cheer up if you don't!

You have to eat and sleep lots!!

You're like a mom.

Taichi said that, too!

Man, you two are so rude!

I'm sorry.

No, it's okay!

In the past, Taichi...


...let Agumon do a Dark Evolution.

But Agumon is fine now, right?


We and our partner Digimons
are exceptional.

We're always connected... matter what happens.

That's what I believe.

It's okay to cry.

That's why I came.

Ah! This is way worse than
my room during exam prep.

Oolong tea...



How long haven't you slept?

Since after the school festival.

That's not good!

You'll just stop being productive
if you stay up!

Gotta keep your life in order
when prepping for an exam, too!

Joe-San, you seem somehow lively.

Oh... you can tell?

What do you call it...
An unmasking? An upgrade?

A surge? An evolution?

I guess I realized
I'm actually a capable guy.

An ultimate evolution, to say the least!

Anyway, how are Gomamon and everyone?

They're in the server room.

It's the safest way to
prevent the infection.


To be honest, I found data errors from
the infection in this room's PC, too.

I dealt with it quickly,
so it's fine now.

That's good, then. But...

When I parsed the error...

...I saw it matches the time when
Meicoomon was infected at the festival.

So the cause is the same?

Once we research more...

...we might know the cause
and countermeasures.

How about sleeping first?
You look terrible.

At least take a shower,
or the ladies will hate you.

Yeah! Please tell him more, Joe-San!

He won't listen, no matter what I say.

You'll never get a girlfriend
if you're like that.


Hey, Takeru.

Where's Koshiro-San?

He's sleeping.

Just got him to take a nap.

He's reckless,
bringing it all on himself.

Maybe he feels responsible?

Well, I get how he feels.

Just look at what
the infected Meicoomon did.

It was just like the worst thing ever.

It's okay.

Surely the others won't
get infected so easily.

I hope so, but...

It really will turn out that way
if we're too pessimistic.




Ah, I finally got out!

How unfair!
I'm coming too!

Ah, wait a sec!

Me too!

Have you been in there the whole time?


Koshiro-San is getting neurotic.

We were trying not to
interfere with his work.

It's okay now, right?

I want to eat snacks.

It really is lonely without you!


That tickles!


What's wrong?



Takeru, you're squishing me.

Ah, sorry.

What are you doing?

It's been a while, so I'm happy.

Don't go too crazy.

It'll be bad for Koshiro
if you break stuff.



It's nothing.

Takeru, I'm ticklish!

Joe-San, If... If...

Patamon and them are infected,
what'll we do?

"What will we do?"

I mean, if they are.

It's likely we'd have to fight them.

We're asking Koshiro to research
so we don't have to, right?


Joe-San, I'm going home.

Ah, okay.

Oh, what?
You're taking Patamon?

Oh, I shouldn't?

Of course not!

But isn't it risky to gather
the Digimons all in one place?

In case something happened.

Like you say, worst case scenario...

There could be a mass infection...



No, I mean...

I just wanna be with
Patamon, to be blunt.

Everyone feels that way.

I wanna be with Takeru!


I wanna be with Takeru!
I wanna go home with you!

I'm going home!

No, you can't!

No, no, no!
I'm going home with Takeru!

I'm definitely going home with you!

This is great, Takeru!


I did good, right?

You looked really troubled, so
I definitely wanted to go home with you!

Let's go.


Are you okay?


See you later.

See you.

Meiko-Chan, good morning!

Good... morning...

Um... my breakfast...

I ate enough!


Mornin', Meimei!

G-Good morning.

Um... sorry for making you...

Ah, forget about it.


Don't make us worry so much.

My apologies.

It's okay! What Yamato really
wants to say is he was worried!

He's quite conflicted.

You're such a tundra.

No! You can't speak Japanese.



About Koshiro...

He's investigating this
with all his heart...

He says it's all he can do.


Okay already!

Meimei totally gets it.
You're just bothering her!

Ah... sorry...

No, it's on me, too.

I have to apologize to Koshiro-San.

I don't think you need to.

You're making things more complicated.

No way! Seriously?!

That's not true at all!

I'm sure he'll find something!

And a way to save Mei-Chan, too!


You took Patamon home?

Koshiro was mad!

Well, Patamon said
he hates being without me.

Stop being selfish!

It's really fine!

If anything happens,
I'll take him back ASAP.


I'm glad.

Isn't it unfair that only
Takeru-kun can do that?

Everyone wants to be with the Digimons!


Well, they all started complaining that
they want to get out, not just Patamon.

So, Koshiro asked me to
hear everyone's opinion.

Well, I also want to
be with Biyomon, but...

It's risky.

What if they get infected?

We'd have to defeat them.

Don't talk like that!

Defeat... Aren't they our partners?


It's okay.

Takeru, that's why we shouldn't
just go and take them out.

What's wrong, Takeru?

Nothing. It's okay.


Patamon and them will
definitely be fine.

I want to be with them as much as I can.


It's unfair if only
Patamon gets out, right?

So, how about we let
everyone out just this once?

They'll stay at Koshiro's during school,
and we can go pick them up after.

Yeah, we won't take our eyes
off them when we're together,

and we'll get in touch immediately
if something's wrong.

It's like a kid going to preschool!

We're basically their parents now.

Sora's becoming more motherly.

It's not a joke, we should
take care at least that much.

Right! Let's go pick them up!

Pick them up?!
You won't have them forwarded?

They could get infected
if they went through the net.

It's a pain, but let's
try to lower the risk.

Haste makes knock on wood, right?

You're really mixing things up.

Yamato-San, what'll you do?

Nothing, since it's high risk?

Gabumon'll have a grudge
if he's the only one left!

Right, you say it like
you have no choice.

But you're actually happy, right?

You tundra!

I said that's not Japanese!

Then let's strike while the iron is hot!


I'm sorry, Meimei...

We got too carried away...

Ah... Don't worry about me.

Please go to pick them up.

The Digimons will be so happy!


Okay, for now let's pick them up today
and see how it goes.


This is because I took Patamon out.

It's okay.

Well, I'm going home.



Patamon is...?!

I'm the worst...

I lied when I said
Patamon and them are fine.

But... I really couldn't say
the honest truth...

The honest... truth...

What should I do?

I might not be able to save Patamon...

At this rate...

What if Patamon...

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...

Everything... is my fault...

No... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...

It's not your fault.

I'm sorry. And everyone was
doing their best to cheer you up.

I... I...


I'm sorry...

I'm back.

Welcome back, Takeru!


I didn't bring any gifts.

No, I don't need any.

I'm just happy to be near you!

That's been randomly happening today.

Weird, right?

Hey! Takeru.

I'm infected, aren't I?

Just like I thought!

Patamon... You...

That's why you took me out, right?

Just like Meicoomon, I'll...

It's okay!
It'll definitely be okay!

Hey, Takeru...

If I get violent...

...finish me off.

Don't say that!

I don't want to make everyone sad.

No way I can do that...

I'm at peace with it.

Because I have the memory of
being able to meet you!

I'm not afraid.

Sorry... I know it'll make you sad.


Don't cry.



Someone's here.



We're home!

What happened?

Huh? What do you mean?

The lights aren't on...

Ah, you're right! I didn't notice.

What made you turn up?

Oh... well...

You fought with Taichi-San again?

I didn't fight with him.

With Sora-San, then?

Why would I fight with her?

With Joe-San? Mimi-San?

Why do you think I must
have fought with someone?

Isn't that your way?

I kinda agree.

You shut up.

It's not about me.


You're the troubled one.


I'm worried...

...that you might break up
your band again...


You little!

Don't say "again"!
We're fine this time!!

Oh, this time?

Hey, you!



Not picking up?


Yeah... Yeah!

I'm fine if you're fine.

I was just a bit worried.

Sorry. Bye, then!

Who's next?


Ah, Koshiro-kun?

Thanks for before.


Not going home today, either?

Are you eating?

Yeah... Yeah...

Call me, if anything happens.

Okay, bye!

Sora, you always put
your friends before yourself.

Do I?


Well, when so much is happening,
I get worried.

Well, I like that you're so obliging.


I'm the mom of the group!

What about you?

Please take care of yourself more.

Take care... of myself?

Not possible, huh.

But, that's one of your good points.

But you're the number one
person I care about!

Thank you, Biyomon.


The power's out!

Switch to the backup power!

I can't. It won't switch!

No, the power is coming!

"The time for destruction has come."

The time for destruction has come.

Digimons shall be released again.

Your world completely relies on
digital infrastructures...

...which are so fragile.

It is merely a house of cards.

It's time to play the prelude
to the catastrophe.

Power outages all over Odaiba
occurred at 7:52 PM yesterday.

The power has been recovered,
but the cause is still unknown.

It is thought the mysterious messages
shown in some areas may be related.

People everywhere are buying
emergency supplies due to these outages.

Digimons shall be... released again...

You two are still here?

You'll be late for school.


Oh, and can you get eggs
on your way back?

Oh, and milk, too!

Got it.

This is becoming a big
issue in society...

...but Mom's the same as always.

I'm hungry...

Didn't you just eat?

You haven't changed, either.

What's wrong, Koshiro?

He's a bit scary.

Okay, have a seat.

I'll serve tea.

And snacks!

He got startled.

Like a shrimp.

Koshiro-San hasn't been sleeping.

And it seems the news this morning
strained his nerves even more.


The Digimons exited
Koshiro Izumi's office.

Shall we take them into custody?

Follow them.


Ah! I'm hungry!

Anyone going to buy pastries?

How did you fare with the outages?

We're all panicking at my house.

There should be no school.

Like, start summer vacation early?

If I get violent...

...finish me off!

I turned this off...


The time...

is coming...

Was it really okay?
Leaving Koshiro's without asking...

Mimi said to never come out...

We shoulda brought snacks.

Yeah, but I didn't want to
interfere with Koshiro-San.

Should we go back home?

That'd be better than
hanging outside.

Right. It'll be a waste if we get
infected by carelessly being out.



Well, I...

Seems I'm infected.


Really, you are?


What's it like, being infected?

Um, I'm really not sure.

Does... Takeru know?

Yeah, but he didn't tell anyone else.

So, keep it a secret!

Shouldn't we tell everybody?

Keep it quiet! Please!

No point being in Koshiro's
office, then.

We should at least tell Koshiro
so he can think of something.

That might be good.

Please don't! I'm going somewhere else
so I don't infect everyone.

Where's "somewhere"?!

Adding to the worries
will just trouble Sora.


But, if you really are infected...

Please, if I am...


Please take me down!


I don't want to!

You guys are all I have!

I don't want anyone else to...

No way.



Hikari, what about school?!

Ah, uh.. We came outside
for a lot of reasons!


Isn't something off with Hikari?


That's... not Hikari.

Who is it, then?!

I am...

...the one who desires stability.

I borrowed this body to speak with you.

Yagami... Hikari...

The Digital World and the human world...

...are currently in grave danger.

You know there are Digimons...

...which are infected.

They are disrupting the continuity
of the quantized world.



The digital devices of the human world and
the network borne from them developed...

...and as if intertwining with that, the
Digital World arose from the quantum sea.

Every possible world has
emerged in a multi-layered way...

...and the worlds quite similar yet
different to one another lie side-by-side.

If the "Infected Digimons,"
as you call them,

...destroy the quantized world,

the Digital World will
likely cease to exist.

Additionally, the human world will
lose the benefit of electronics.

I don't get it, but...

Are you saying
the world will be destroyed?

Yes, indeed.

You will all also perish
along with the Digital World.

I don't want that!

Can't we prevent it?

There is only one way to
avoid that fate.

That is...

What is it?!

A great sacrifice.

The next time Meicoomon appears...

...time will... stop.



It's okay. She just blacked out.

It's not okay!
What on Earth happened to Hikari?!

I'm not exactly sure, but...

It seems like someone else
borrowed her body to speak through her.

What did they mean
by "a great sacrifice"?!


A reboot.

"A reboot"?

Are reboots tasty?

Agumon! Be quiet a sec!

The Digital World is
one of the possible worlds...

...that exist side-by-side with ours.

As long as our world remains,
it's possible to start over.

That's "rebooting".

And if we do that?

Infected Digimons didn't originally
exist in the Digital World.

So, they would disappear by rebooting.

Then... Then why haven't you done that?!

Rebooting is the last resort.

"The last resort"?

The quantum sea has created other worlds
besides the Digital World.

The quantum sea is different from
our world and any possible world.

It is the primordial world.

Carelessly rebooting could
produce gaps in phases...

...causing the Digital World to be
engulfed in the quantum sea.


Are we out of time?


All the worlds will be destroyed
if we just stand by and watch.

So we'll reboot before
we lose the chance.

If we reboot, will this world...
Yamato and everyone's world be okay?

If all traces of the infection
are totally gone from this world... shouldn't affect anything here.

How do you know this?

Because I'm a high-level
person at the bureau.

In short, a "great sacrifice" means that
time turns back in the Digital World?

Well... That sums it up.

How does a reboot occur?

I don't know.

Whether to invoke a reboot depends on...

...the will of Homeostasis,
who desires universal stability.


Probably the one who spoke
using Hikari-chan's mouth.

Would you get it if I say
it's the God of the Digital World?

The one who decides
whether to reboot?

Considering the situation now,

the next time Meicoomon appears
it may bring a reboot on.

In any case,
we can't leave her like this.

I'll drive her to the hospital.

What will you all do?

Wah! Let me get in!


Can we rely on you to take care of her?

What's wrong, Gatomon?

I have something to say.


What do you have to say?

The reboot Himekawa mentioned...

We can save a lot of worlds
with it, right?

Do you get what it means
if we rewind time in the Digital World?

We don't get it.

We will be rebooted too,
along with the Digital World.



We'll lose all our
memories up until now.


Are those tasty?

Agumon, please hush a bit.

You mean
we'll forget everything up till now?



Then, I'll forget Mimi, too?!

No way...

I don't want that!

Me neither!

Being erased isn't scary,

but I definitely don't
want to forget Takeru!

I'd hate that!

No one would be okay with that!

Losing memories would be tough.

The scariest part is that we can't
even realize we forgot our past.

Himekawa-San said...

...a reboot will probably occur
if Meicoomon appears.

So a reboot won't happen
if we catch Mei-Chan?!

Yeah! We can definitely
do it if we all try!

And if we can't?

If we want...

If we want to protect their world,

we have to be prepared.

That's how it is.


Guys, don't give up hope.

Koshiro-san's doing his best.

But if he can't find even a clue...

Surely he can do it.

Koshiro-San is desperate now.

He's desperate...

That's why...!


Koshiro-San can definitely do it.

But before that,

if we all end up infected...

That's a relief.
You're just a little anemic.

Um... what was I doing?

I remember being in
the school hallway,

then I ended up in a hospital bed.

Not sure. I found you
after you'd already collapsed.

Maybe you're tired from
all that's been happening recently?

And, it's hot.


I'll take you home.

No, I'm already fine!

And my bag is there,
so I'll go back to school.

Right. Well, take care.

Thank you very much.

There's... no more time.



What's wrong?!
You should be in Koshiro-san's office...

It's okay.

"It's okay"?

Let's go shopping before going home!

And, you wanna make a stop?
What's wrong?

We can't?

Sure, we can.

What're you doing outside?

Nothing much.


Please... play the harmonica.

The harmonica?


What are you saying?
I'm practicing now.

Is something wrong?

Ah... No... Sorry.


Please keep practicing.

What's wrong?


I just want a little change of pace.


Nothing. Hey... Sora.

What's your dream for the future?

Why the sudden question?

I suddenly wanted to ask!

I'm too occupied with things now
to think about the future.

Like, worrying about
Koshiro-kun's health.

I want to hear about you!

Oh, I'll pass.
Talking about the future at this age?

Talk about it!

Hmm, should I talk about it?


Actually, I'll pass.


You want to introduce your girlfriend?

Yeah! You're my partner, so I want to
properly bring you two together.


Well, she might become
my lifelong partner!

I have to introduce
my partners to each other.

Joe! What should I wear? A suit?

You dummy, no need to be so stiff!

Everyday clothes are fine.

Just for the record,
there's one thing I want to ask.

What? Wanna know
how we fell in love? How we met?

Or maybe about my first
impression of her?

Is she a real live person?

Watch your mouth.


Ice cream.

Wanna have some?




Let's take some!

Why, all of a sudden?

We can't?

We totally can.

The girl next to me
received pretty flowers.

And she's been watering them,
but they're fake!

That was so funny!

The story wasn't funny?

It-It was! It tickled my funny bone!

It hit mine, too!

So, what story?

You're so funny!
Nice, Palmon!


Taichi! Let's play soccer!


And then, your favorite video games!

Then, let's go eat
yakisoba and takoyaki!

Why, all of a sudden?

Let's play! Hey, let's play!

Wait! You're asking so suddenly...

Anywhere is fine! Let's just go out.

What's wrong, Agumon?

Because... I wanna be with you...


I'm okay! We can go tomorrow!

Agumon, you're acting weird.

Weird? I'm not weird.

You're weird.

I'm not!

What're you hiding?
Did you break something of mine?

I-I didn't...



A reboot?

Don't tell everyone.


It's okay!
We'll definitely stop Meicoomon!

What are you thinking about?

I wanna go back to that time...

I've never thought like that, but...

I wonder if it'd change.

Would it all become just a memory?

All of it.

And sooner or later...
would my memories change too?

When I become an adult...

It wouldn't change.

They won't change.

Yes, Meicoomon is still missing.

I don't think it's back
in the Digital World.

Yes, understood.

We'll keep searching.

I see... this is what
caused the PC errors.

The root of the distortion.

Did you find anything out?

Our world's digital devices... in binary, or in other systems
which are convertible to binary.

But it was all overwritten
into an unknown numeration system.

So PCs all over the world
are getting bugs.

It's not binary, decimal
or even hexadecimal.

Digital data does not use
this numeration system.

That's the "distortion"!

That's why you can see it
with the goggles.

I could have made a plan
if I realized that sooner.

No... If I don't know
the base of the numbers...

If I compare the converted data
with the originals...

But processing the converted data
might make my PC unusable.

And even if I know the base,
how do I change them back...?

Even my mechanically installed OS
got overwritten!

I can't do anything...

I'm ignorant and incompetent...

It's no use, staring at this crap!

I'm ignorant! Ignorant!

I can't do anything!

I can't... I can't, I can't!

Um, Koshiro-San.

Is not knowing something that shameful?

Of course it is.

I can't do anything if I'm ignorant.

And so you give it your all to achieve.

Isn't that what you've been doing?

Koshiro-San, you probably
haven't noticed, but...

When you're doing research
or learning something new,

you truly look happy,
like you're enjoying it.

But, you're different now.

Seems rough.

Of course! Think of our situation!


I don't want to see you like this.

It's painful.


There's only one thing to do.

A reboot?

We can't do that on our own.

But if that's what it comes to...

We Digimons are already prepared.

A reboot will fix all the issues?

If there's hope...

Then I can make a plan!

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

I have to do it!

Indeed, Koshiro-San.

There's hope. There's a chance!

Always reaching for hope and chances,
frantically learning...

That's the Koshiro-San I know!


A sign of the distortion.

The data pool density is
exponentially increasing.

It's coming.

This is...!

The distortion is...!

From Anti-extraordinary Disaster
Intelligence Corps to Headquarters

The harbinger of extraordinary disaster
was captured with a point mic.

Requesting an emergency dispatch.

This is Odaiba-06.

Arrived at the place where
abnormal oscillations occurred.

Blockading area.



Let's go, Taichi!


Wait! Meiko!

I have to... I have to go!


Agumon evolution!

Gomamon evolution!



This area will be devastated again.

Greymon! Push Meicoomon back
into the distortion!

"From Taichi:
It's Meicoomon! Odaiba Messe."

Mei-Chan... Mei-Chan!

Meteor Wing!

Needle Spray!


How strong...

Togemon! Go for it!

Stop Meicoomon!


Don't be reckless!


Don't go!

Mei-Chan! Stop, Mei-Chan!


Meicoomon evolved?!


Watch out!


Are you okay?


You want to die, dummy?!

Please let go!
I have to stop Mei-Chan!

Garurumon and them are
desperately trying to stop Meicoomon.

But, what'll happen if you get hurt?!

Meicoomon may become shocked
and get more violent!

Fall back!



Wait! I'm going too!


Gatomon super evolution!


Yeah, that's great!

Don't let her out!

But even if they put Meicoomon back in
the distortion, what comes next?

It's no good?

Takeru, let me go!

No way!


If... If you go now...
you too will...

No way, is Patamon...


Don't go...
Don't go, Patamon!

We have to do it!

We have to protect your world!


That's why I came here, Takeru!

I... I...

It's okay!

I'm off!


Patamon evolution!



I'm here!
I'm right here!

Can you hear me?!

It's no use...?

Can't I... anymore...?

This base change...

I can't compare it to the other
appearances of Infected Digimons.

Why did it occur
when Meicoomon appeared?

No way!

What is it?

The Infected Digimon issue
and the distortion...

...all started when Meiko-San
and Meicoomon came to Tokyo!

So you mean...

Meicoomon didn't get infected,
rather it was all caused by...

Meicoo-San?! No way!

I'm not confident about it,

but it all makes sense
if you assume that.

I'm going, Koshiro-San!

Wait! There's just a bit more.

Transfering this data to a laptop...



You can't!


Angemon is...


No way...


As I thought, Angemon's infected...


Angemon and Angewomon are...

How could this happen between comrades?!

Hey, what will happen at this rate?

No way, Togemon too?!

No! They can't be!





Where's Meicoomon?!

Getting pushed back into the distortion!

Meteor Wing!




Everyone's getting infected...


The infection got stronger?

At this rate, way more Digimons
will get infected at once.

If that happens...

Greymon super evolution!


This is...

What are those numbers...?

No way... is this a reboot?!

A reboot?

What the heck's a reboot?!

Why didn't Gatomon and
them say anything?!

Even the Digimon's
memories will be lost?!

They'll forget us, too?!


No way... I don't want that!

I made a counter plan.

I'm going too!


I can get everyone's backup data
if you all go in that.

"Backup data"?

If I have the original data,
even if you're infected...

...I should be able to
filter out unusual data!

Tentomon, cooperate with MetalGreymon
to put everyone in the backup field!

Roger that!

Tentomon evolution!


Kabuterimon! MetalGreymon!

Please, save everyone!



Tentomon! Enter the backup field!

Even if you're alone!

I can't!


I can't.

MetalGreymon-San and them are risking
their lives to stop Meicoo-San!

No way I can go in the field alone
and just watch!


Koshiro-San... You know, I...

I didn't know anything about you
when I first met you, right?

Getting to know you more and more...

...was really, really fun.

Knowing nothing is just a chance
to learn new things, right?


Please keep learning more
new things, and enjoying it.


Forgive me for not telling you before.


Koshiro-San... farewell!

Kabuterimon super evolution!


I'm not letting you go!

I'm definitely not letting you go!


MegaKabuterimon ultimate evolution!


Is it okay?
To part ways in this form...

Everyone will be sad...

Open your eyes!

Thank you...

Please don't forget me.

Patamon was the first one
infected among them...

But I couldn't say so...

Because I was afraid...

Good morning!

Summer vacation begins with
bustling resorts and amusement parks.

Here in Odaiba, students and families
have been pouring in since morning.

There are blue skies across the nation.

It's warmer than usual,
and it should be a refreshing day.

Have a great day!

See you tomorrow!

It's been a week...

The quantum sea still hasn't materialized
in the Digital world as of now.

Is that so?

There was a massive trade-off...

I know.

Those kids just have to move on.

Move forward.

In the blink of an eye.

New buildings will be up
within six months, and...

...Odaiba will be just like before.

In a year, everyone will forget
what happened there.

No one in the world will even mention
Digimon anymore.

Those kids, too?

That's a part of becoming an adult.

To the Digital World?

Did Takeru-kun's D-3 revert?

If the Digital World rebooted... should restore back to
before the distortion emerged.

Would've been great if the D-3 reverted.

We'll have to find another way.

What do we do then?

"What do we do?"

Even if we meet them,
they won't remember us.

What should I say to them?


I couldn't protect Patamon.

I couldn't do anything!

So you'll just stand by and forget?

It's not about what you couldn't do.

It's about what you will do.


"From: Mimi-San
Subject: Suddenly"

"Rain! I got wet."

Don't you want to see them?!

I wanna see them...

Agumon and the rest!




If we wait...

If we wait for "someday,"

we'll end up becoming adults!


Let's go!


You're serious, right?


We have just one chance.

Even if we open the gate,
it'll be unstable.

There's no guarantee you can come back.

The risk is too great!

Guys, you should
discuss this more first...

I'm going.


What's the point saying that now...

...when we did this
in elementary school.


It's better than before,
we're determined now.

I'll go prepare. Go wait
where the reboot occurred.


Nishijima-kun, please take them there.

I'll contact security
and pull them away.

Is this... really okay?

I can't go.

Why not?

I have no right to go.

What do you mean?

Everything was Mei-chan's...

It was all our fault.

It was Meicoomon's fault?

The infection came from Mei-Chan.


Mei... ko...

That was how Mei-Chan and I met.

My father was a member of
a research facility.

He told me that Mei-Chan
was a special Digimon.

I heard that Mei-Chan had
some special powers.

But... I had no idea things
would turn out like this.

Takeru-kun, I'm so sorry!

I tried to tell you,

but I couldn't...

I... I...

I don't want to...

...make everyone sad.

You had a hard time too.

It's not about whose fault it is.

It's about what we do now!

And what we should do is
go to meet Patamon and them!

Quit with the kind words!

I'd rather be told it's my fault,
be cursed at and blamed...

I'll feel more at ease!


I'm sorry... I'm so sorry!

This is really, really hard...

But, at the same time, I'm kind of
relieved because everything is over now...

Now that I've confessed everything,
I feel relieved...

I have no right to see them...

Just... leave me alone.

I can't do that!

You are Meicoomon's partner...

And... you are our comrade.

We're waiting for you.

The origin of the infection...

...was Meicoomon?!

Did you know?

I'm sorry I haven't told you...

It's hard for Meimei, isn't it?

If she told us sooner...

Could you have?

I couldn't...

I mean...

I couldn't say anything
about Patamon's infection.

That's true...

Are the coordinates for
the Digital World accurate?

I got all the available data
and also advice from Himekawa-San.


We independently proceeded
with the analysis.

Though the analysis
still isn't complete,

if D-3 can synchronize with your power,
the "gate" can probably open.

"Our power"?

Using the power of your Crests.

You going?


Take care, everyone!

What's wrong?

It's a bit scary...

I've been thinking about this
since Gomamon disappeared.

That I should work hard so he can't
laugh at me next time I see him.

It's all right.


Mei, I'm sorry.

Ah! Don't touch the glass!

It'll be bad if you cut your finger.

Mei! You got hurt!

It's fine. Just a scratch.

See? I'm fine now.

Does it hurt?

No, not at all.

Mei... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

You got hurt because of me...

It's okay, I'm strong.

Mei! I love you!


How nostalgic.

Seriously! It's just like before!

Even if it has been rebooted... doesn't mean the structure of
the Digital World has changed.



Well, something feels off...


I can't say exactly
what has changed...


You too, Hikari?

Something feels weird...



I've never seen that Digimon!

Looks like we survived...

Besides, I'm curious
about that Digimon.

They just start fighting suddenly.

That's not what I'm saying... there!


What's on your mind?

Those two must be in ultimate evolution.


Shouldn't the Digimons be back at
Digi-Egg or Baby I if there was a reboot?

Did those guys evade the reboot?

Or did something make them
rapidly evolve?

Forget that! What should we do
if we meet other Digimons like that?!

Palmon and them aren't here!

What, Hikari?

I can hear...

The sound of a whistle!

Over there!



Who are you?

Give it back! Give it back!

I want to play more!
I want to play more!

What a nice sound.

What's with the whistle?

It's mine! It's mine!

It makes such pretty sounds!


Who are you?


I don't know much about... guys, or this world.

Would you teach me?

A deeply emotional reunion.


We were able to meet you again.


I know different things,
I'm perplexed by them

And the sky I see above

Feels higher than ever,
but I don't feel alone

I wanna get stronger, protect you

I said it with a small voice and laughed

And I still felt all right

Don't say good bye

You're the only one for me

You say good bye

Even if that may be

You're the one

The one irreplaceable to me

That promise between us

Will always be right here