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One Piece: Protect! The Last Great Stage (2003)

Posted: 02/05/24 23:27
by bunniefuu
Have you heard of the awesome
treasure at the end of this sea?

The guy who claims it will be the Pirate King!

Are you as psyched as I am?

There's unbelievable adventures just waiting for us!

Bon Voyage!
I spread a bit of courage,

and caught a glimpse of the tail of tomorrow.

At first, we all drew our own horizons,

but now, we can gaze through the same spyglass.
Your heart stirred the salty compass of destiny,

so I'll take the helm with a backhand grip.

Bon Voyage!
We may cast off our bonds and our pasts,

but we'll still be smiling.

If those tears help our dreams come true, we won't regret them.

Precious in my life.
We've caught a glimpse of the tail of tomorrow.

Ye who commit the most inhuman of deeds...

Ye who seek to turn this world into Hell..


You shall never be forgiven.

As long as there is life in my bones, i will fight.

Until every pirate here lies dead at my feet.


You shall never be forgiven.

As long as there is life in my bones, I will fight.


You shall never be forgiven!

As long as there is life in my bones, I will fight!

Until every pirate here lies dead at my feet!

As long as there is life in my bones, I will fight!

Until every pirate here lies dead at my feet!



The Last Great


Come one, come all!

The most popular play of the age!

Presented by Randolph's troupe!

Fight on, great hero of the sea!

From the hands of cutthroat fiends,

He saves the suffering people!

A romance of burning passion!

Come watch this great adventure!

Come, come! The modern-day hero, Randolph...

...will finally retire today!

Today is your chance to see his farewell performance!


You guys haven't heard of Randolph?

This old man's performing his final play?

Randolph's troupe is the best!

It's been 10 years since they last visited our island!

I've been waiting for them to come back!

So have we! It's like an answered prayer!

Bravo, Randolph!

Hey, that sounds like fun!

What's a play?

They use their ship as a theater.

That's pretty original.

Hey, What's a play?

We still have time before they raise the curtain.

I suppose we can afford the tickets.


Oi, don't go gettin' big, Chopper.

You'll see when we get there. Let's go!

This is pretty cool!

Hey, wait! We aren't supposed to go in yet!

They aren't listening.

Hey! Wait, guys!

This looks like a fun theater!

Oi! There's something over here!

What, what?
Oi! There's something over here!

Oi! You guys!

Where are you going?

That's not the entrance!

Look... Look at this!

Hey, now look-

That man was the hero Usopp, savior of the world!

The story of the Bandits and the bride will now begin!

Oh, I give up.

Get them to stop, Sanji-kun.

Yeah, you're right.

I'd like to stop them....

But I just can't.


k*ll 'im! k*ll 'im!!

What's going on?

What's happening!? Shouldn't we stop them!?

Be quiet.

That's a play.

Your lucky days are at an end!

Prepare yourselves!

Ye who commit the most inhuman of deeds...

Ye who seek to turn this world into Hell...


You shall never be forgiven!

As long as there is life in my bones, I will fight!

Until every pirate here lies dead at my feet!

Yes, good!

Let's stop there.

You shouldn't push yourself so hard before the show.

You're taking things too fast. Way too fast.

Let's take a break.


We'll put our lives into making this show a success.

After all, this is your farewell performance, Randolph-san.

Let's make it an unforgettable performance, everyone!

For Randolph-san!

Just give it your best.

I'm retiring today,

But you're all going to continue performing.

After tomorrow,

We'll be performing without you, Randolph-san.

Don't look at me like that.

Is that the face of a great pirate?

Sorry to be the bearer of bad new, but...

I've decided to leave this ship.

I'm quitting this troupe as of today.

What!? You're quitting!?

You're a shabby, worn-out troupe.
You cross stormy seas to perform...

...without giving any thought to making
money or the dangers you face!

How can a great actress such as myself work like that?

I've put up with it long enough!

Y-You've got to be kidding!

We're raising the curtain in 30 minutes!

If you leave, what will happen to today's performance!?

I'm not the only one who's dissatisfied
with your third-rate troupe.

All of you?

Good-bye, Randolph.

W-W-Wait, please!

Let's talk about this!

Come back!

Let them go.

People run out on us every day.

How can you be so calm about this!?

With three people gone, how can
we hold the performance!?

Who will play the princess?

We don't have any other female performers!

If we don't bring her back, we'll
have to cancel the performance!

In that case, what if I take her place?

But, my performance fee is 100,000 Berries.

Well? A bargain, I'd say.

You're looking for a great actress, right?

100,000 Berries.

How about it?

W-We'll pay it!

Me too, me too!

Let me play too!

Me too!

Three people quit, right? So you must
have a role fotr me too, right?

I've always wanted to perform on stage!

I wanna try it too!

Who the hell are you guys?

Don't worry! They're my nakama!

That's not what I asked!

Thank you! You are the Goddess of Mercy!

Now the show can go on!

Is that the script?

I'm highlighting your lines and cues so
you can remember them quickly!

I'll have you guys help with the lighting, props, et cetera!

We're counting on you!

In that case, give me plenty of lines!

Me too!

What're you gonna do?

There's no way I'm getting on stage.

This sounds like fun.

Don't tell me you're...

Oh, but I excel at acting.

You're going to perform!?


We could play a couple!

Oh, but then Nami-san would be jealous...

In that case, maybe we could...



Long, long ago, or even before,

In the distant South Sea,

There was a quiet and peaceful island!

Oi! You've said your lines, now get off the stage!

There was quiet and peaceful island.

See ya.

There was a quiet and peaceful-

Let me go!

Why do I only get...

They told me to turn this when
they give the signal, but...

What is this thing?

Oh, it's the Princess!

The Princess has arrived!



I trust that there are no problems here.

Welcome to our island.

Oh, what beauty divine!

Even the rising sun pales before our Princess!

What kind of play do you think this is, Robin?

That... That can't be right.

Oi, oi!

Welcome, oh Princess!

I am the leader of this island, Captain-

No, I am not someone worthy of introducing himself.

Then who ARE you!?


Pirates are here!

It's not a lie!

And then, tragedy struck the
village like a bolt of lightning!

Great Pirate Baron appeared!

Hey, hurry up!

C-Candy... R-R-Red...

I'm a villainous and heartless great pirate.

The name's Baron!

Steal everything of value!

k*ll everything that lives!



Here you attack the Princess...

Princess, say your prayers!

Princess, are you hurt?

What are you doing!?

Ahhh! Help me!

Wait, you!

H-Hey, what are you doing!?

k*ll 'em! k*ll 'em!

Huh? I suddenly die here?

Was there a rewrite?

Hey, bastard! What did you do to Nami-san!?

This world is-

Hey, you, you're overacting!

But isn't this how a play is supposed to be?

Only when it's a musical!

Is that so?

My mistake.

The flood od tragedy continues to
ravage the village without mercy.

The beginning of a blood-drenched tradition!
The strangling of sincerity!

Has this world ever seen such sadness?

Oh, God!

I don't see the point of performing a regular play.

I'm sorry.

Hey! Where are you going!?

I don't have a part!

Hey! What are you doing!?

There's no monkey in the script!

Well, I found it lying around, so...


Oh, you like it?



Is that the signal?


The dead babe's running!

And the village sank into the waves of tragedy!

This is a disaster.

Calm yourselves!

Calm yourselves!

Besieged villagers, calm yourselves!

I am Navy Captain Marine!

Oh, there he is!


You fiendish pirates!

So you've dragged this beautiful island
into the depths of sadness, have you?


Stand with me, villagers!

Even if your family and friends
have been slain, you must live!

These pirates...

...cannot steal your courage to live!

I will defeat them!

In the name of justice!

Just as you'd expect from Randolph.

When I see him perform, I can feel
courage welling up inside me.

The second act is coming up.

I guess it'll all be over after that.

What's wrong?

Whose ships are those?

Damn. That was one crazy performance.

But I kinda had fun.

Why don't I have any more scenes?

So, how does the second act end?

It ends with Randolph-san defeating the pirates.

Huh? The pirates all die and that's The End?

Oh, so the navy gets all the good parts, huh?

Isn't that last scene a little cliche?

Yeah, I don't like it.

It can't be helped.

Randolph-san is an ex-Marine Lieutenant.

Marine Lieutenant?

There was a reason why he joined the Marines.

His entire family was k*lled by pirates when he was a kid.

By pirates?

Randolph-san had been performing
with his family as a troupe.

Apparently, a g*ng of pirates att*cked their town...

...and they were m*rder*d.

They only survivor, Randolph-san, enlisted in the Marines.

After meritorious service, he earned the
rank of lieutenant at a young age...

...and was finally able to arrest the pirates responsible.

Then he returned to the theater.

Since then, he's been performing to give courage
to people who have lost their families to pirates.

Give courage to people who have
lost their families to pirates?

"We'll go from island to island and
give those people courage!"

"Even people suffering with mental anguish will find the
courage to live on after watching our plays," he says.

Randolph-san's words moved us so
deeply, we decided to follow him.

We weren't scared even while crossing dangerous seas.

But, ironically, when those pirates att*cked him,

He received a serious wound to his chest.

That old injury has led to the deterioration of his health.

He's begun to lose his voice over the years.

He performs well enough that the audience
doesn't realize what's happening.

But he can't go on anymore.

He may lose his voice at any time.

His body just can't hold up.

So that's why he's retiring.

R-Randolph, this is terrible!

They're pirates!


They're the Straw Hat Pirates!

The guy with straw hat is
their boss, Monkey D. Luffy!

Hey, Ossan.

Are there any more bentou?

This stuff is delicious!

What are you plotting?


Pirates k*ll people like wild beasts!

They betray even their own nakama
and steal hope from the people!

They're scum whose lives have no value to this world!


O-Oi, not all pirates are like that.

Like us. We're adventurers sailing
the sea for our dreams-

Scum like you can't talk of the sea.



Don't touch that Ossan.

I'll beat you down.

If you intend to fight me,

Prepare yourself for the consequences.

D-Don't do it, Randolph!

You'll die!

There's a bounty of 100,000,000 Berries on his head!

1-100,000,000 Berries?

A big bounty, huh?

That isn't enough to prove his strength.

Come on!

The old man's pretty good.

A Marine Lieutenant to the last.

But, his body...

Such spirit...

He's like a completely different person.

Go, Randolph-san!



Landing one blow is nothing to celebrate.

I'm not celebrating.

That's not nearly enough to surpass your spirit, Ossan.

Let's go!

Wow, a bentou!

Y-You call that fair!?

That was a cheap shot!


Now I'm mad!

GOMU GOMU NO p*stol!
The power of the Devil's Fruit?

Just like I planned.




I-I'm fine.

Nothing I can't handle.

Can you stand on stage?


We don't have time for this.

The intermission's almost over.

Yeah! The audience is waiting.

Kid, wait till the play is over.

Our fight isn't over yet!

Once the play is over...

...we'll settle this fight.


Fine by me.

What are you guys doing!?

Repair the sets!

We're raising the curtain!


I just got a little dizzy.

It's not a problem.

Hey, how much longer before the last act?

They're running late.

I wonder if Randolph-san will really be all right...

What if we have to cancel the performance?

Don't say that!

Today is Randolph-san's farewell performance!

It's your fault.

If he can't get up on stage, Luffy...'s 250% your fault!

You idiot!

Nami, you're taking his side?

He said that pirates...

Pirates are scum who k*ll people.

I used to think that too.

Pirates betray even their own nakama...

...and steal hope from the people.


I believed that.

Just like Randolph, whose parents
and nakama were m*rder*d.


The only difference... that Randolph has never met the Straw Hat Piartes.

What a dumb line.

She still thinks she's an actress.

What was that!?

Nami-san is gfreat as an actress too!

That's all you say, isn't it?

Mellorine~! Mellorine~! Mellorine~!

Shut up!

It's the Marines.

The Marines?

Stop the warning sh*ts.


It's time for some fun.

Are you Randolph?

I am.

You're under arrest.

Under arrest!?

You have been selling stolen Marine weapons... pirates for many years.

Your so-called traveling performances are a camouflage!

What the blazes are you talking about!?

You can't be serious.

We have the evidence.

This was found in a store room.

There are other weapons that look like
they were stolen from the Marines.


Why would those be here!?

Cuff him!

What does this mean?

Come on.

The Commander is waiting.

We are going to interrogate you.


W-What about the play!?

It's his farewell performance!

Why does this have to happen now!?

That is not our concern.

Oi! Hold it, Marines!

Don't take that Ossan away.

He needs to finish the play.

And once that's over, he needs to settle things with me.

Who are you?

I'm a pirate!



Oh, no, no, no, no!

He's just an actor pl-ay-ing a pirate.

What? That's just stupid!

Huh? What was that?

You guys want me to kick your asses?

Stay out of this!

I'm going to meet the Commander,
prove my innocence, and come back.

The show will go on!

The audience is here to see it!

Bring him aboard.

You think you'll be able to come back?

No one can prove an innocent man guilty.


Randolph, you couldn't have done anything wrong!

We all know that!

Come back, please!

I want to see the end of the play!

The part where Randolph beats the bad guys!

Seeing your plays makes my heart
feel warm and full of energy...

Like I can face life, no matter how harsh it may seem!

We all feel the same way!

Please come back, Randolph!


It's been a long time, ex-Marine Lieutenant Randolph.


So this was your doing.

Once, I was merely your subordinate, just another soldier.

But as you can see, I'm now a Marine Commander.

I've finally surpassed the rank you once held.




Governor, aren't these amazing?

I swear that one day,

I'll have the glory to surpass them all.

I'll climb up the ranks so high that it'll make
you dizzy-to the very top of the Marines.

And to do that, I need to gather funds.

My intellect can handle that.


The brass are impressed by money.

I'll buy a position of power.

There's nothing that money can't buy.

That's the way of the world.


Did you call for me, Lieutenant Randolph?

Your friend has been missing for 10 days.

Sir... what about it?

Governor, you k*lled him.

You have been stealing large numbers of Marine
weapons and selling them to pirates...

...using a perfect modus operandi.

And it was on more than one occasion.

W-What evidence do you have!?

All my inquiries failed to produce
even one scrap of evidence.

It's laudable.


Is your reaction not evidence enough?

I am sending you in for court-martial.

W-Without any evidence!?

You think you can do this without any evidence!?

Randolph, remember this!

No one can prove me guilty!

I'll have my revenge on you!

Some day, I swear...

...I'll send you to the very depths of Hell!

I swear!

Thus, 30 years ago, I was court-martialed.

After a drawn-out trial, the court found
me not guilty. And rightly so.

After all, there wasn't a scrap of evidence against me.


Due to the long court-martial,

I suffered a severe drawback which
would haunt me long after.

Even with my superior intellect,

Every step of the stairwell that
I could have climbed easily...

...took me very long to ascend, indeed.

It took me 30 years to reach the post of Commander.

At this rate, it will take me many more
years to reach the very top.

Randolph, it's all thanks to you!

All of it!

It's probably just because you're incompetent.

W-Who the hell are you?

How did you get in here!?

Do you know who I am!?

I'm a Marine Commander!

You look like an idiot.

That idiot.

You little twerp!

Now then...

This time, I've prepared plenty of evidence.

You three?

There's no mistake.

Randolph-san has been smuggling arms for years.

He was the troupe leader... we couldn't refuse when he ordered us to help.

You were his accomplices from the
very beginning, weren't you?

You were the ones who brought
the weapons onto the ship!

How are you going to prove that
it was not under your orders?

You created this diabolical plan to satisfy a grudge
you bore over something in the distant past?

Didn't I swear that I'd have my revenge?

Now, Randolph...

Why don't we drink to this?

Today was your farewell performance, I believe.

A very important day for you.


You knew that and purposely chose this day!?


The play you dedicated your life to performing...

...had to be destroyed!

As you are an ex-Marine Lieutenant,
I will send you in for court-martial.

I've already made the necessary arrangements.

I will enjoy this farce play out.

Please do remember my face at
the moment of your execution.

Curse me and plead for your life.

That is when my revenge will be truly complete.

I have to return to the ship.

I have to get on stage.

I don't have time to fight with that scum of a man.

My audience...

My nakama...

They're all waiting for my performance.

I'm going back.


Return to the ship!

To your nakama!

I haven't fallen so low as to accept help from a pirate.

I can get out of here by myself.

You there!

What are you doing!?

Hey! Put me down!

He's escaping! Catch him!

Move! Move! Move!

What's happening!?

There he is!

As expected.

Why does he always have to do these things?

He probably feels responsible for it in his own way.

You think so?

What do we do?

Things look pretty rough over there!

Yeah, it's starting to get interesting.

Yep, can't be helped.

You're just itching to get out there, aren't you!?


Randolph escaped!?


What were the guards doing!?

Capture him immediately!

Well, it's proving harder than expected...

That's absurd!

If he gets away, just wait and see!

I'll send you ALL in for court-martial!

Can't you do things more delicately!?

Fire! Fire!

Sink both the pirate ship and Randolph's ship!

When he's drowned, fish him out!

We send his corpse in for court-martial!

Start the play!

Perform to the very end!

We'll protect your performance!


Oh shit!


You think I'd lose to that wimp?

I'm the man who's going to become the Pirate king!

I won't let the Marines land a single shot on your ship!

Finish the play, Ossan!

There are people waiting for your
farewell performance, right?

Trust me!

Once I decide to do something,
I'll stake my life on finishing it!

That's what a pirate does!


Mouthing off like that...

Okay, you guys. Let's start the play!


The preparations are complete, Randolph-san.

Yosh, raise the curtain!

This is my farewell performance.

Let's give it all we have!


Surround them.

Sink Randolph's ship along with the pirates'.

But that ship has civilians aboard!

Randolph's escape makes anything
that happens his fault.

Blow that ship to smithereens!

But, Sir...

Since you let him escape, until you sink his ship,

You can consider your lives forfeit.

All ships, prepare to fire!

A-All ships, prepare to fire!

Zoro and Sanji-kun, take the approaching ships!


Leave it to me!

Don't let a single shot through!

Hurry up! They're about to open fire!


Who was that!?

He bounched it back!

Hey, stay with me!

I... I cannot go on...

What tragedy...

Just when you had found a clue to the
whereabouts of your surviving sister...

I-It's all Pirate Baron's fault.

He stole our money, our homes... Everything.

Even our beautiful Princess fell to his cruelty.

This island is...

Stay with me!

Don't die!

Against a cannon, I'll use...

...another cannon.




Fire! Fire! Fire!

Right, 15 degrees!

Aye, Sir!

Forget about Randolph's ship!

Concentrate all fire on the pirates!

Useless bugger.

Here's another!


We're at a disadvantage while we're defending.

Damn, there's no end to this!

Let's close in!

We have the advantage in speed!

Robin, can we do something about that barrage?

It's a little far, but...

OK. Leave it to me.

Chew on this.



We're coming alongside!

Stand strong! Charge!

The flagship is under attack!

Okay! We have to back them up!

There's no need for that.

"Keep away from open flame."

"One cigarette can lead to a fire."

Here's an example.

Littering with cigarettes really is dangerous.

Let's be careful.

What happened?

It's that guy from before.

Either way, we have to finish off Randolph's ship!

Once that's done, we'll back them up!

Aye, Sir!

Whar was that!?

It can't be! He's...

It's him...

Terror of East Blue, the infamous
Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro!

In the flesh.

Don't move!

They're certainly having a hard time.

This is my final performance.

Even if I lose my voice,

I have to see this to the end!


Navy Captain Marine!

This battle shall be your last!

Prepare yourself!

S-Stop! Please spare us.

We have no reason to fight you.

All you have to do is stop the attack.

But, you see...

If we were to oppose Commander Governor,
our lives would be forfeit.


This is insane. They're too strong?

Who the hell are they?

I guess he really is Straw Hat Luffy.

W-Who's that?

A bounty of 100,000,000 Berries!?

Why didn't you notice we were
fighting someone so strong!?

I asked you to investigate whether
or not he was Straw Hat Luffy.

What evidence do you have of that?

I'll send you in for court-martial!

Then do it.

I'll tell them the truth.

About how all you ever cared
about was advancing in rank...

About how you showed no interest
in the list of wanted criminals...

About how you've taken advantage of your position
as Commander to satisfy your own ambitions...

And about how...

Your lucky days are at an end!

Prepare yourselves!

Ye who commit the most inhuman of deeds...

Ye who seek to turn this world into Hell...


You shall never be forgiven!

As long as there is life in my bones, I will fight!

Until every pirate here-

Huh? What happened?

What happened?

What are you doing? Your lines!

"Until every pirate here lies dead at my feet!"

He's lost his voice.

Is it all over?

And at a time like this!

Randolph, what's wrong?

"Lies dead at my feet!"

I will fight against those who are despicable!


Pirates are not our enemy

It is someone else.

The truly unforgivable enemies...

...are those who possess rotten souls...

...and hearts drenched in their own repulsive desires!

For many years, the political affairs on this island...

...have been controlled by a greedy princess.

It was Pirate Baron and his crew who saved them.

Oi! What are you saying?

That's not our story!

My nakama...

My dear people...

Even if your loved ones are slain
and you are bereft hope...

You have to believe in the power to live!

Forge ahead, bearing your conviction!

That way of life will open up all doors to you!


Like those brave souls!

Come back! Come back here!
Come back and protect me!

What are you doing!?

If you don't come back, I'll sned you in for court-martial!

Protect a guy like that!?

Even when we fight with our lives on the line,

Come back! Come back here!

He always takes all the credit!

Don't you dare abandon your posts!

He has no right to call himself a Marine Commander.

As long as I live...

As long as I live, I'll be able to figure something out!

I can manipulate any number of reports!

I won't hand it over!

This is everything to me!


I'm gonna kick your ass!

Move ahead, together with your nakama!

Go forth!

Keep a flame burning within your heart!

With a strong conviction,

Bear your pride upon the sea!

Go forth.

We are...



This was your final performance.

And it's finally over.

Thank you...


I wonder if he finished his performance.

I'm sure he did.

I really wanted to see his last performance.

I wanted to at least say good-bye.

We would have only been a bother.

There were too many Marines around.

We can't let them think the troupe
members were nakama with pirates.

Pirates are pirates.

In the end, we can't walk along the same path.

At least they can remember their last
great performance with warm hearts.

Oi, Ossan!

I'll be back someday to settle things!

Remember it!

You'd better not forget either, Kid.

An eye that sees real, huge dreams...

...will never see anything but.

Only extraordinary dreamers...

...are allowed on our mother ship!

Forget about being sentimental...

All you need is a smile!

The word Family...

...doesn't have just one meaning!

For food and for tears, you can count on our mother ship!

If you're strong nakama, then you'll be strong together!

We're not acquaintances...

We're not friends...

We are family! Never be alone!

We're not relatives... We're not even siblings!

We are family!