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One Piece Film Gold (2016)

Posted: 02/05/24 23:34
by bunniefuu
One, two, three, it's about to start

The delightful show

Five, six, seven, are you all set?
It's waiting for you

Just beyond the door

There are traps
That devils and angels whisper about

Listen closely and you'll begin to see

That's right, life is a roulette!
And it's waiting for you

Gran Tesoro

"There's nothing money can't buy!"

Someone argues

"Being a goody-two-shoes
Will get you played like a fool!"

Then a s*ab in the back

What the heck is that?!

It's huge!

Gold and jive

Forget everything and just have fun


Is this really a ship?!


It's the world's
biggest entertainment city!

The casino town
where anyone can strike it rich.

Gran Tesoro!

It's pretty much an island if you ask me!

All right, guys! Next stop: casino!

Something's shining.

I think it's...

Gold dust?

It really is gold!

All right, guys! Load up all you can!

This rain is giving me golden bones!


Oh, even the water is gold!

Interesting, isn't it?

Gold and jive, forget everything...

There's the entrance! Franky!

I'm on it! Coup de Burst!




What is all this?!


Who's that?

What the...?!

We're the Long Long Pirates!

Hand over all your valuables!

We lost at the casino! We need money!

That's crazy talk!

Take this!

- They're sh**ting at us!
- What the heck?!


Pirates are causing trouble!

It's all right.

The crowd's loving it.

Is that...?

Yes. I believe it's the Straw Hats.

The Straw Hats?

What a surprise.

This'll be fun.

What the...?

Hand over your valuables!

Talk about rude.
I was trying to sleep here.

I don't know who you are,
but you drew your sword first.

You're going down.

Bring it on!

Three-Sword Style...

Ogre Cutter!

Come on, now.
You'll make me spill her drink.


Damn pest.

Robin! Sorry for the wait!

Thank you, Sanji.

Where's your money, girl?!

Here's a news flash for you.

We don't have any money.

Sacrifice your flesh

to break your opponent's bones!

Not that I have flesh, though!

sh**t him! sh**t him!

Radical Beam!

Now we're getting flashy!

Shark-Arrow Devils!



Are you okay?! Pull yourself together!


Now I remember! These guys are...

Long head!

Quit messing



Wha... "Long head"?!

I'll have you know

that I'm the heinous, despicable...

captain of the Long Long Pirates,

Alexander Alex Kent Paul
Harris Hendricks Award...

Rudolph Eccentric...

b*ll*ts don't work!


I'm made of rubber!


- Jet...
- Wait, I'm not done.


They took out our captain!


Gold and jive, forget everything...

The gold!

Gold and jive

Forget everything and just have fun




Gold Splash!

I welcome you to the world's
largest entertainment city...

Welcome to Gran Tesoro.


This place looks neat!


Even its port is super-fancy!

Wow! Amazing!

Might you be the Straw Hat crew?

It's a pleasure to meet you.

The pleasure's mine, mademoiselle.

I'm Sanji, the ship's cook.

It must be destiny that brought me to you!

Oh, what a nice compliment.
It's an honor to meet you.

My name is Baccarat.
I'm a concierge for VIP guests.

You know us?

Of course!

All government heads, Marine leaders,
and famous pirates are on our VIP list.


Guess that means we've hit the big time!

Yes! If you need anything,
feel free to ask me!

Please, this way!

- Cool! What is this thing?!
- Is it a vehicle?!

Yes, it's known as a "turtlemobile."

It's a chief form of transportation here.

Wow! It's powered by turtles?

Yes. Eight rare muscle turtles,
to be exact.

Please, get in.

It's so fluffy!

There's a drink bar here!

Drink anything you like.

There's alcohol too!

Any cola?

Okay! Let's go!

Yes. City of Gran Tesoro, here we come!

This is one smooth ride!


Turtle-Royces are equipped

with the company's
finest and gentlest turtles.

First up is the downtown area.

Wow! I feel like we're in a dreamland!

No, no.
This is still a plain area of town.

This ship
is approximately ten kilometers long.

Ten kilometers?!


It's fully equipped with hotels,
a shopping mall and casino,

pools, an aquarium,
a theater and a golf course.

This giant ship itself
is its own independent country,

officially recognized
by the World Government.

The front of the ship
is equipped with giant turtles,

allowing it to travel
to anywhere in the world,

regardless of any sea or wind currents.

The luxurious area is coming up next!

So cool!

The entire city is filled with gold.

Yes. Gild Tesoro,
Gran Tesoro's king, just loves gold.

He gathered gold from all over the world

to build this dreamlike ship-city.

So he's really rich?


Tesoro is known around the world
as the "Casino King."

He's also a top-class entertainer
and an actual king of a country.

He's so fantastic!

Hey! I bet swiping just one of those
could get us a ton of money!

You read my mind! I've been itching
to steal since we got here!

That's no good. I'd advise against it.


Look up there.

Video transponder snails?!


They've been installed all over the city.

As per city law, anyone
caught stealing or causing destruction

will be thrown
into the underground prison.

So do behave yourselves.

Come on! Let's go to the casino already!

Yes, of course.

But first...

Wow! You all look
like top-class, dignified pirates!

We can really put this on credit?!

Yes, of course. You're famous VIPs.

This is a gambling city.
You can just win the money to pay it off.

Yeah! Good point!

No, you don't understand at all!
What if we lose?!

This building sure is tall!

Pay attention!

So this is a casino!

Welcome to Gran Tesoro's pride and joy,

and the world's only eight-star hotel,

the Reoro!

Awesome! It's so gold and shiny!

It's built entirely out of gold.
It's gorgeous!

- What's with you kids?!
- Buy a flower!

- Please!
- You're VIPs, right?!

- Flowers?
- Come on! Buy one!

Come on, man! Just buy one!

Okay, okay!

How much?

- Five thousand berries!
- That much?!

We need money for our freedom!

Come on! We said "please"!

What does he mean?

Come now, children.
Quit pestering my guests.

You know you don't belong here.

Now go.


We're sorry.

Let's go!

Wait for me!


Sorry about that!

Come. The casino awaits!

You sang wonderfully again tonight,

Good work today!

I was nothing compared to you, Tesoro.


Baccarat has made contact
with the Straw Hats.


What a nuisance they caused
by taking out Doflamingo.

I wonder
how much entertainment they can provide.

That name!

I've heard of him before!

He's always spouting crap
about being king of the pirates.


- Whoa! You're too drunk!
- Yeah!


Tell me.

Who said you could laugh first?

Only one person decides
what's funny in this city.

Do you know who?

You, of course!

Tesoro! Please forgive me!

I promise not to laugh anymore!

Oh, so you do understand?

Then that'll be all.


Did you see that? The way he wriggled?

Now that's entertainment!

What shall we do with the Straw Hats?

Ah, yes. Our usual "deal" will do.


This should be a truly entertaining show.

So this is a casino! It's so big!

Yes. This casino features
a wide variety of games and attractions.

Feel free to ask any questions you have.
I'll be your guide.


For now, we'll lend you
twenty million berries' worth of chips.

Twenty million?!

We can really borrow this?!

Yes. Go right ahead.

Thanks! I'm gonna go play!


We're coming too!

Hey, now!

- Let's go!
- Yeah!

Get back here!

Those selfish jerks!

What game is this?

Yes, this is a hands-on turtlemobile race!

A race?

Yes! It costs one million berries
to participate!

What?! One million?!

It's time for the anything-goes
turtlemobile race, Hot Shell!

If you guys lose,
you're in for some serious trouble!

We got this!

All we gotta do is win, right?

Six cars! Customization allowed!
Obstruction allowed!

whoever completes a full lap first wins

and earns ten times the participation fee!

- The moment of truth is upon us!
- Ready... go!

They all start together!

Who will break ahead of the pack first?!

Oh, Jimmy Myers jumps into the lead!

"Profit unnoticed"
is Jimmy's motto as a CEO.

But he transforms
when in the driver's seat!

Outta my way!

He widens his lead!


Oh, no! Jimmy's out of the race!

In the lead now is...


...Sergeant Straight,
hater of all that is twisted!

The pool area is up next!

They're nearing the first curve!


We can't make this turn!

Don't be stupid!

The word "turn" isn't in my vocabulary!

Aye, aye, sir!

Oh, my! He's fallen off the course!

Four vehicles remain!

Wow! Rushing up from behind is...

Straw Hat Luffy's team
in a rental turtlemobile!

They're closing in
on Whitejack the Quack in first place!

You ain't getting past me!

- Killco!
- You got it!

See you!

Oh, crap!

Oh, they've really slipped up!

They're getting passed left and right!

Hurry, Usopp!

I know!

Halfway through the race,
Whitejack is in first

with the three other cars in hot pursuit!


Oh, my! Whitejack
is knocked out of the race, literally!

Kent Beef Jr., the South Blue's
rancher king, packs a real punch!

What's this?!

The newspaper king, Count Times,
breaks ahead! Impressive!




Get them, Pork!

A dirt course lies beyond the tunnel!

Can they make the turn?!

Oh! They've left the course!

Nice shot!




Let's get married!

Those guys!

Oh, my! What's this?!


Team Straw Hat is back on track!

- No way!
- Not bad.


They're in the home stretch!

They're locked in a dead heat!

Who will be the winner?!


- Team Straw Hat wins!
- Yes!

All right! Let's keep this roll going
and win, win, win!

- Yeah!
- All right!

Come on! Yeah!

Awesome! It just keeps pouring out!

Thank you.

Wha... You won again?!

We won!

Way to go!


We just made 30 million berries!

Oh, man!

Nicely done, everyone!

Perhaps you'd like
to visit the VIP room next?

What's that?

It's high-risk, high-return.

Win and you're a billionaire.

Are you game for some special gambling?

Hey, what do you think?

We accept the challenge head-on,
of course!


Are we here?

One moment.

Who is he?!

This is Tanaka,
head of the casino's security.


He has the power
of the through-through fruit.

He can pass through any non-living object.

Take my hand, if you would.

Wow! We passed through it!

This is the VIP room?

What kind of place is this?!

I bet on even!

I bet on odd!

So your "special gambling"
is a plain old dice game?


Hold on! The Marine's here too?!

Crap, they are!

Never fear.

The World Government
recognizes Gran Tesoro

as a special neutral area.

The Marine can't go after pirates.

That's the rule here.

Makes sense.

Everyone ready? Let's begin!

Who is that?

That's Dice.

He's the undefeated champion

of the underworld's
ultimate death match show.

He's so dominant
that he's run out of opponents.

These days,
he's in charge here as a dealer.

Wow, he's strong!

He's going to break it with that axe!

Here we go!

He's in the air!

Now he's spinning!

The axe was meaningless!

Feels so good!

What do you think?

Exciting, isn't it?

None of that made any sense.

Okay! We'll start
by lending you 300 million in chips!

This is our chance
to suddenly become billionaires!

- Yeah, but...
- We really must be cautious!

Okay! All on even!

Wait, you!


Feels so good!

Snake eyes! Even!

All right!


You doubled our money!

Well done, Luffy.

You're remarkably lucky!

We can do it!
We really are gonna be billionaires!

Calm down!

- Tesoro!
- It's Tesoro!

What a pleasant surprise.

Welcome to Gran Tesoro.
Are you having a splendid time?

Who are you?

Allow me to introduce myself.

I own this ship. My name is Gild Tesoro.

Oh! You're the Casino King guy!

I'm gonna be king of the pirates!

What are you being competitive for?!

A visit
from the future king of the pirates...

I'm truly honored.

I know! What do you say
you and I make a little bet?

A bet?

This is such a rare occasion.
How do these rules sound?

If you win, I'll make a special allowance
and pay you ten times your wager.

Ten times?!

Of course, you won't need
to pay tenfold if you lose.

I already have more money
than I know what to do with.

This is the only way
to make it exciting for me.

So, what do you say?

You're on! I won't lose!

Is this really a good idea?

We're on a good winning streak!
I trust Luffy's luck!

All right! I've decided!

All on odd!

A brilliant max bet!
I'd expect no less of Luffy.

Luffy! Wait!

You've been most impressive.

Here we go!

Well?! What is it?!


Yikes. I lost.

No way! Luffy lost?!

Nice work.

That was quite the thrilling show,

Show? What does he mean?!

You have powers, don't you?

Yeah. I do.

I have the powers of the luck-luck fruit.

I can remove the luck from anyone I touch.

- Their luck?!
- So you took Luffy's?!

All my luck's gone now?

- That's right.
- But I feel normal.

What's going on?!

My stomach hurts!

- No way!
- Luffy has a stomachache?!


A banana peel?!

The luck-luck fruit is powerful all right!

You guys cheated!


Sounds like you guys need a quick lesson...

on this city's unbendable rules.

Here, whoever falls for ruses,


We've been had?!

Now, please repay the 320 million berries
you borrowed, if you would.

You know we can't pay you anything!

Then I guess
you'll just have to work your debt off.


The people who work here are
debt-ridden slaves who lost at the casino.

If you refuse, I'll just have to collect
on your debt by force.

Is that so?

Like to see you try.

I twisted my ankle...

What?! Are you okay, Baccarat?!

Touched you.


- She's formidable!
- You moron!

Through Illusion!

He vanished!

Not again!

Damn! What's his deal?!

Strong Right!


Feels so good!

Nice punch!

Give me more!

What's with this guy?!

I'll handle him.

Taking out the boss
is the quickest way to end a fight.

What a bold statement.

You think you can beat me?

In this city?


What the...?!


Don't fight, you guys!

Very astute of you.

They'd all be golden statues
by now if they had tried anything.

What power is this?!


I have the powers of the gold-gold fruit.

I can fully control
any gold that I've touched!

What did you do to Zoro?!

When you entered the city,
you were showered in a gold dust.

That was my way of infusing your bodies

with gold that I can manipulate.

Everyone who comes here

is under my control
from the moment they arrive.


Now, then.
Maybe there's a way to pay off your debt.

With his 320 million berry bounty.

You planned this from the start!

No one can defy me!

We'll see about...

- Stop right there.
- Who are you?!

Just do what he says.


All right! We'll get your money!

Give us some time!


I'll wait until tomorrow at midnight.

But if you're late,

we'll make a big show
out of his public execution.


- All right! Do we have a deal?!
- Hey, now!

Yes, of course.

This is the ultimate bet, after all.

Can you gather the money
by tomorrow night,

or will you live
the rest of your lives as slaves?

Make it nice and entertaining.

I expect great things from you.

I'm starving!

Never mind that!
Zoro is more important right now!

- Obviously! That's why food comes first!
- That makes no sense!

But it is better to think
on a full stomach!

Yeah, I guess you have a point.

All right! Let's eat!

Meat! I smell meat!

Oh, Luffy!

Sheesh. Let's let him cool down.

Oh, I'm sorry!

Hold it!

What's going on?

Oh. I see your skill hasn't faded,
Cat Burglar.

Wish I could say the same about you,

I knew it was you, Carina.

It's been a while, Nami!

You work for Tesoro!

You guys know each other?


Nami and I
are like long-time burglar buddies.

- Right?
- No.

We fought over treasure a lot when I
was a thief in the East Blue.

That's all.

'Cause you were so greedy.

You're way greedier than me!

Say what, Cat Burglar?!

Greedy Hellcat!

Let's just eat already!

Sorry about my behavior at the casino.

I had no choice. I'm casing the place
by working for Tesoro.

That's okay. Don't worry about it.

Wait, are you after the Tesoro Stash?!

Tesoro Stash?

It's said 20% of the world's berry supply
lies hidden in this city.

People call it the "Tesoro Stash."

Stealing it would be
the greatest feat a thief could achieve.

Many famous thieves and burglars
have attempted to steal it,

but not a single one has ever succeeded.

I finally got close enough
to Tesoro to make a spare.

A key?

It opens a giant vault
at the top of the tower.

So you really are...?!

Yep. I'm going
for the 500 billion berries in the vault!

Five hundred billion?!

Is that a lot?!

It's more than enough
to purchase a small nation.

A country?!

Tesoro regularly gives a portion of it
to the Celestial Dragons.

A Heavenly Tribute?

He uses his monetary influence
to control the Celestial Dragons.

So that's why the Marine
and the World Government

turn a blind eye to Tesoro.

Makes sense.

The Tesoro Stash flows to pirates too.

A golden emperor
who rules the underworld with money.

That's who he really is.

Say, wanna team up?

You could buy your friend back
with the money we steal.

Why bother?
We can just take him back by force!

You saw it yourself.

Gold imbued with Tesoro's power
is inside us all.

He could solidify us any time he wanted.

Our only option

is to win by this city's rule
of "deceive and steal"!

All right, then.

Nami! Can we really trust her?!

What other choice do we have?

So we can save Zoro?

If we succeed.

Okay! It's a deal!

Now we're talking!


Our target is 500 billion berries!

We're going to steal
the untouchable Tesoro Stash.

This is a life-or-death gamble!

But only on the condition
that we split it 70-30.

Get real!
I'm the one who prepared the key!

So? There's more of us than you!

So what?!
You're totally helpless without me!

Come again?!

Don't give me that!

- You okay, Tempo?!
- Hey, now.

Did you do that on purpose
'cause we work for Tesoro?

We're sorry! Please, forgive us!


Your debt just went up by 20,000!

Oh, no.

It's those kids!

They're being forced
to work off their family's debt

as lifelong slaves for Tesoro.

What? You got a problem with me?!

Please stop.

Have these children done something?

Listen, ex-soldier!

Do you have a problem
teaching kids respect or something?!

I beg for your forgiveness.

Have you forgotten what happens
if you defy Tesoro?!

You're supposed
to smile for your customers!

C'mon! Smile!

That attitude's
gonna get your family k*lled!

Smile more!

- I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
- What's that? I can't hear you!

Those creeps!

You know what happens if you defy us!
Don't forget it!

Don't blame us. Blame yourself
for getting tricked like an idiot!

- Mister!
- Boss!

I'm fine, Ricca.

Okay. Back to work.


Why didn't you fight?!

There's no point in fighting.

Why not?!

Without money, we can never be free!


Cipher Pol member whose name I forget.

You can count on me, Spandam of CP-0,

to protect the Celestial Dragons
and your Heavenly Tribute!

Yeah. Good to hear it.

As appreciation...

What the...?!

For you.

This guy.

What's the matter? Don't want it?

Well, I suppose I can take it for now!

That reminds me,
the Straw Hat crew is aboard our ship.


I hear they caused you
a great deal of trouble before.

Should we really let him handle this?

Tell the head of Cipher Pol
to send someone more helpful.

And to send ten Marine battleships.


Just as we thought.

So, any word from Max?

No, he's been completely out of contact.

Knowing him,
he's probably at the casino non-stop.

Oh, that reminds me, I heard they're here!


The Straw Hats.


Ten battleships?


That's a laugh.

Tesoro is an ex-pirate.

Why should the Marine lend him a hand?

Tell me. When exactly did CP-0
become Tesoro's lapdog?

This is for our mission. Not Tesoro.

I'll take command.

You will send ten ships, without argument.

You mongrel.
Do you know who you're talking to?!

You sure think highly of yourself,

Rob Lucci.

Man. They're already handing out
loads of fliers.

Hey, Luffy! Get some shut-eye!

We got disguises to prep in the morning.


We're all set.


Where were you?

I had an errand to take care of.

I thought you had ditched me again.

When did I ever ditch you?!

Don't pretend you don't remember.

It was when we locked horns trying
to steal the Treasure Pirates' plunder.

Oh, yeah.

we both got captured and tortured.

So, who wants to die first?


I'll give it back!

I'll even give you all
the money I've saved up!

Just, please, spare these two lives!


All right, then.

Be back by sunset, or she dies.

Trust me.

I will come back.

But you never did.

Time's up. Some friend she was.

She wasn't my friend, or anything else.

Say, let's make a deal.

My treasure's hidden at the west cove.

It's all yours, if you let me live.

A girl's gotta survive on her wits,
you know? He he.


What a pity.

She not only ditched you,
she stole your treasure too.

That was a long time ago.

I could've been k*lled, you know!

We both would've been k*lled
if I'd given the treasure back.

I had no other choice at the time.

You're unbelievable!

Backstab me this time

and you'll regret it, Hellcat.

I know, Cat Burglar.

All right! Just as we planned!


What was the plan again?

What?! I just explained it!

The giant vault is here,
in the Hyper-Suite area.

The 500 billion berries are there,
inside the golden sky dome!

It's impossible to break in.

The floor, walls, and ceiling
are all made of thick gold.

Can't we bust through it?

No. Tesoro has "awakened" abilities.

He's connected
to all of the gold in this city.

He'll immediately notice
if we hit the gold with strong impacts.

Hold on!
Then how do we get inside the dome?!

Here. A spiral staircase
that leads inside.

This is our only way in.

But the place is filled
with video transponder snails.

They'd normally spot us immediately.

But there's a flaw.
That's why I asked for your help.

Team A will scale the hotel's exterior
to reach the upper area,

sneak inside through the clock,

and head for the control room.

The team will then operate
the host transponder snail above

and temporarily cut
the video feeds from the staircase.

Meanwhile, a second team, Team B,

will take the elevator
from the casino floor to the VIP casino.

The team
will slip past Tanaka's checkpoint

and head for the Hyper-Suite area.

The entrance to the spiral staircase
is at the rear.

Past the security guards,
it's a straight shot to the staircase.

While the transponder snail video feeds
are off,

the team will race up the stairs

and use this key
to open the vault at the top!

We'll stuff the wads of cash
into the hotel's laundry carts

and leave right through the front door.

Then, it's "mission complete"!



Still only halfway.

This is way too slippery to climb!

Not a problem!

This calls for the spy tool
Usopp and I made!

Spy tool?!

Just watch!


Snapping Turtle...


Awesome! It's so spy-like!


I just remembered. Can't you fly, Sanji?

Not with anyone that heavy.

Besides, I have the important task
of protecting these ladies!

They're coming!


What handsome hunks!


Say, where are you taking that?

To the VIP area.

Dice demolishes them,
so we always bring him replacements.

Wow! Let me see it!


It's so big!

Yes! Very big!

It's so impressive!

Yes! Very impressive!

Thank you!

Keep up the good work!

We will!


Three of Dice's men...

May I help you?

Carina. Please, come right in.

What a great view!


Don't let any customers see you!


All right.

The security area is up there,
where the clock is.

Got it!


You okay?!

I'm in trouble too!

Grab on!

Coup de Boo!


We made it.

- We're in!
- Let's go!

The security area is in the back!

The entrance to the staircase is up ahead!

We need to get through there.

I'll handle this.

Nice work, big sis!

Let's go.

This is as far as I've been.
There's no telling what to expect now.

These are...!

Red-eyed owls...

- What are they?!
- They're natural traps.

They hoot loudly
if their eyes shine on anything alive!


I thought so!

What is it?!

They're saying the directions
their heads move!

These ones say, "Up. Down. Up."

Wow! You can understand animals?!

You don't have to praise me!
It's not that it makes me happy...

Just focus!



Now's our chance!

Let's go!


Brook! Hurry!

I know! It's hard to run in this!

Oh, no!



It seems you're okay
'cause you're not alive.

I feel so left out!

We've managed to reach
the spiral staircase.

Franky! How are things on your end?

Almost there!

All right!

There it is!
A humongous transponder snail!

It's the host snail. It's in charge
of all the surveillance feeds.

Cable three
is the one tied to the staircase feeds.

There it is!

You can cut the video feeds
by putting this white snail there!

Okay! Got it!

Whatever you do, don't get spotted!

Okay! Now!

That was close!

- Be more careful!
- All right!

Okay! Now you just gotta attach the snail!

What the...?!




Did they screw up?!

This is bad!


There they are!

- Let's retreat for now, Luffy!
- Yeah!


I never thought
you'd try to break your way in here.

Unbelievable. Do you not care
what happens to your pal?


Wonderful, wouldn't you agree?

I can't think of a more perfect stage
for a public execution.

This is entertainment!

Go on, Straw Hat.



I'm going to kick your butt!

Gold Bomba!

It's no use.

In this city, I'm unbeatable!

Can't move!

This is a lesson for you.

In this world,
those without gold are powerless!

They'll always be ruled by money instead.

Shut up!

I won't let that crap rule me!

"That crap"?

All right, then...

Let's see you overcome it!

Assuming you'll ever get a chance.

Bottomless Hell!

I hope you relished
the taste of true entertainment!

Please, continue to enjoy
your time here at Gran Tesoro!


See? It really is pointless to fight!

Shall I go down and finish them off?

Don't bother.
Go check the spiral staircase instead.


Oh, no! He's coming this way!

We'll be trapped like rats!

We need to get out of here!

There they are!

- Sanji!
- Leave it to me!


Diable Jambe...

Poêle à Frire, Spectre!

Overkill much?!

- Get them!
- That way!

What is this place?

These are the Hyper-Suites,
where the Celestial Dragons stay.

Celestial Dragons?!


Oh, man. Now what do we do?!

Running won't get us anywhere.

We have to take a gamble!


Don't be stupid! That's someone else!


What? Where are we?

Everything is gold!

Looks like everything here
is made out of gold.


We need water...


We need food...

What's going on?

Please... We'll give you
all the money you want!

We don't have any food or water.

- You can't be serious...
- Damn!

Man, you guys are super-rich!

It's pointless.

Gold ain't worth nothing.

At least not here,
in the vile Gold Prison.

Gold Prison?


Tesoro gathered gold
from all over the world

to build a golden city
and a golden prison beneath it.

Ironic, isn't it?

A bunch of fortune hunters,
surrounded by gold as they die.

There's plenty of gold here, but no food.

Tesoro enjoys
watching us suffer down here.

Who are you?!


I'm just a no-good loser.

Whoa, I can't believe it!

Are you Raise Max?!

- Who's that?
- You never heard of him?!

Raise Max, the legendary gambler
who's never lost a single bet!

He was my hero when I was a kid!
He's a huge star!

Rumor had it he joined
the Revolutionary Army, I believe.

Yes, I am Raise Max,
the undefeated gambler.

Except for two times.

You lost the game of life?

I gave up that name long ago.

And not because of the Revolutionary Army!

I took a big gamble in this casino
and lost terribly.

The moment I lost that bet

was the moment Raise Max died.

Damn! We need to hurry and save Zoro!

Hey! How do we get out?!

- There is no way out!
- Death is all we got now!

Damn... All right!
I'll break a wall! Gum-Gum...

Wait! Stop! Tesoro will notice
if you demolish any gold!

Besides, your arms can't break anything!

Then I'll use my head! Gum-Gum...


Listen, straw-hat kid!

Just give it up!

No matter what you do,
you can never beat Tesoro

while his gold is infused in your body!

Then I'll get rid of it!
There's gotta be some way, right?!


Sounds like it's not impossible.

Tesoro can't control gold
that's soaked in seawater.

Washing the gold off your body
with seawater should fix things.

Okay! Then let's go get seawater!

It's no use!
There's no seawater on this ship!

Tesoro would never allow that, obviously!

There's only one possible place
to find it: the pump room.

This place is encased in gold,
but there is one air duct leading out.

It connects to a giant pump room
on the bottom of the ship,

where seawater
is converted into fresh water.

But the duct
is filled with vicious golden bats.

Many people have ventured in,
but not a single one has survived.


This is a gamble you'll never win.
Just give it up.

No! I refuse to!

- I'm going!
- Hey!

Franky! Hurry up!


I have no doubt
he'll get out of here and thrash Tesoro!

When the going gets tough,
he always gets tougher!

You're a gambler, right?
This is worth staking our lives on.

You're that sure, huh?

I like this bet!

I really must thank you, Roronoa Zoro.

Tickets to your public execution
have smashed all sales records.

How does that make you feel?

On top of the world.

I welcome your bravado.
It'll make for an exciting execution!

They can't possibly get the money in time.

Yet you still believe in them?

What else should I believe in?

The moment your hope turns to despair

is going to be a true delight.

I heard what happened!

Saint Camael!

What is this meaning of this?!

Is it true
that thieves have come for my money?!

Why aren't you stopping them?!

This is why I despise commoners!

Our apologies!

Have no fear! We've increased
the security around the vault!


I can't trust any of you!

Everyone is to leave the vault
right this minute!

You can't be serious!

You dare talk back?!

You must be working with the thieves too,

Or do you dare suggest that we're wrong?

- Not at all!
- Nothing of the sort!

I wouldn't defy the Celestial Dragons
if I were you!

You know what'll happen if you do.

Don't you?!

Yes! Right away!

We're in some serious trouble
if they ever find out about this!

For sure. But we had no choice!

Zoro's execution is going to start soon!

There's a whole flock of them!

Oh, no!


- You okay?!
- Yeah!

Let's go!


Straw-hat kid.

That sound!

What the...?!

That's one huge ventilation fan.

The pump room is below it.

But there's no getting through here.

That's one of Tesoro's traps.

It's made of sea prism stone,

which blocks hakis,
weapons, and special powers!

Just give it up.

No! I'm gonna stop it!


You idiot!

- Luffy!
- It's impossible! Stop!

It's not impossible!

I won't give up!

Darn it!




Straw-hat kid...

Enough already!

Let's fall back for now!

No! I'm not done yet!

I refuse to give up!

I refuse!

Yeah, I know.

I'll stop this fan.

I've been reduced to a pathetic loser.

But I feel like betting one last time...

on you.

Old guy!

What are you planning?

This is just another type of gamble.

And I'm gonna take it.



Old guy!


No! I won't give up!

I won't give up!

I won't give up!

- He did it!
- Max!

Stop, damn you!

It's no use. He's just not strong enough!


Our families are toiling
because of our debts!

We've had enough of this cruelty!

We wanna be free!


They actually stopped it!

Straw-hat kid!

Go and pulverize Tesoro!


I will!

We did it!

It's the pump room!

We did it!

We made it!

This is the vault door!

Once we open it with this key,

we win.


What the heck?!

What is this?

Surprised, I bet! This is the Sky Theater!

Sky Theater?


It's the perfect stage
for Roronoa Zoro's execution, isn't it?



A superb view, isn't it?

There is neither an enormous vault
nor 500 billion berries here!

The Heavenly Tribute
is already on the Celestial Dragon's ship.

You've been had!

By my loyal servant,


Carina! You mean...?!

It's like we told you at the start.

Here in Gran Tesoro,
falling for a ruse means you lose.


Damn it!

- Nice!
- This is great!

We've been watching you this whole time.

This is a popular gambling event.

"How close can they get to the vault?"

We always play this game
when infamous pirates show up.

Thanks for the fun.

Fools risking their lives for money,
only to be duped in the end...

There's no greater show than this!


The excitement you've brought
is simply wonderful.

As a reward,

here's a nice little show for you.

This one's at its climax too.


Okay, Luffy!

Now let's bust this
and get us some seawater!

Got it!



I forgot I can't handle seawater...

The gold in us is washing away!

Yes! We did it!

We're free now! Free!

What's going on?!

Not good!

We've been tricked?!




The moment
when hope transforms into despair.

Now this is the ultimate entertainment!

Money is power! Money is everything!

Those without money, have nothing!

No love.

No dreams.

No strength.

No freedom.

Not even hope.

We've come so far, too!


You're gonna pay for this.

- You bastard!
- Sanji!

Now! On to the finale!

Looking nice!


Now you can watch from your VIP seats

as Roronoa Zoro's head comes off!

Ladies and gentlemen,

let's give a big round of applause
for these people about to die!

Gold Splash!

Farewell, Straw Hats.

I win!

Now this is entertainment!

What the...?!

What's going on?!

What's happened?!

What's so funny?!

Who tricked whom, I wonder.

This is... seawater.



This way!



It's raining seawater!

Tesoro can't solidify us anymore!

We're free!

We're finally free!



- Franky!
- Looks like we're just in time.

What did you do?!

We knew you'd make it rain gold dust
at the end of the show.

We had some inside knowledge

thanks to Carina.

So sorry.

I was actually working
with the Straw Hats all along.


Everything you guys "saw"
was an act we put on.

We never gave a crap
about the vault or your money!

All we needed was this seawater.

One shower and we're immune to your power.

Falling to the bottom
was part of the plan too.

It's how I managed to route the seawater
into the fountain pipe.

Luffy knew nothing about the plan,
of course.

We're not on your terms anymore.

Now we can fight!

It's your turn to play by our rules.

We're pirates, you know!

We take what we want by force!

We'll be taking our crewmate back now!



Nice work, Luffy!

The plan worked!

- Plan?
- Yeah.

All that's left now
is to beat him senseless!

Insolent cretins!

Oh, did we make you angry?

But this is Gran Tesoro.

It's your fault if you get tricked here.

This is the perfect show

for the world's No. 1 casino,
wouldn't you agree?

- This is...
- ...The ultimate entertainment!

And now I'm gonna...

kick your butt!

So, how does it feel?

The moment hope turns to despair.

You call this hope?

You call this despair?

I'm gonna be a star!

Stop that stupid singing!

Stupid! Shut up, Tesoro!

If only I had money...

How much? This makes us buddies.

You scum! You can't pay up?!

That's a nice song.

Someone's going to buy me someday.


But they'll never buy my heart.

I can make it happen!
I'm gonna buy you myself!

Money can buy anything!


Thank you.

- I was just happy that you cared so much.
- Stella!

I felt joy...

- from the bottom of my heart!
- Stella!

Who gave you permission to laugh?

Don't you dare...

Don't you dare...

Don't you dare...!


Don't you dare laugh in my face!

So what if you've broken free of my spell?

I can just cast it again!

Crap! Hold on!

Coup de Boo!

Everything in this city obeys my will!

And I'm the one who decides what's funny!

You gotta be kidding me!

I can't keep going.

This guy is insane.

What's that?!

Now! Let's restart the show!

Now do you get it, Straw Hat?!

I reign supreme
over everything in the world.

And you're nothing but trash,
destined to be ruled over.

You are seeing a god!

You're annoying!

I already told you!
Nobody is gonna rule me!

Third Gear!


Elephant g*n!

Don't get cocky!

Is he...?!





Very nice!

Two Gorilla Slash!

Feels so good!

Give me some more!

That armor...!

It's no ordinary armor, actually.

This gold armor
was created using Tesoro's abilities!

Gold Armor?!

In other words,

we've powered up a whole lot more!

So, you guys want money, right?

I'll give a large sum to anyone
who takes the head of one of my enemies!

Really get this show going!

As my pawns!

What? I'm feeling weak...

You let your guard down!

That's a custom-order spike chain
made of sea prism stone!

Straw Hat!

It's finally payback time
for what happened at Enies Lobby!


who, again?!

If you've forgotten who I am,

then I'll just have to remind you!

Who's this brat?!


I've made up my mind!

I won't give up anymore!

I've decided to fight.

I've decided...

freedom is great!

It sure is!


What nonsense is that?! Just look!

There's no way
you can beat this many people!

Listen up!

This world is rigged
for the people in power to win!

I wouldn't be so sure.


Old guy!

Hey, kid!

Deal me in!

This bet is a sure thing! Trust me!

I'm the legendary gambler, Raise Max!


All right! Let's win us some freedom!


These lowlifes...!


Out of the way!

Ultra Tiger Trap!

So good!

One Thousand and Eighty Pound Phoenix!

Can't get enough!

More! More! Hurt me more!

Damn him!

Do you know
the surefire trick to gambling?

You bet with coins
stolen from your opponent!


All right! Here it goes!

Go on! Catch me if you can!

You're missing on purpose,
you slippery creep!

Well, this is a show, after all.

Of course I'm going to play with you.

- Before I slaughter you!
- Shut up!



What is she doing?!

She's turning her allies unlucky!

Well, this is our chance!

Green Star: Skull Bombgrass!


Oh, lucky me!

The luck-luck fruit can do more
than remove luck from others.

It can also convert
others' luck into your own.

In other words,

I'm unstoppable now!

In fact,

this single coin is all I need
to beat the lot of you!

Yeah, right! That'd never stop us!

Are you sure about that?

This'll be a blast!

No way!

Oh, lucky me!

What can we do against that?!

We keep attacking.
Her luck has to run out sometime...

Will you last that long, though?

It's our only option!

Wash tubs?!



Oh, done already?

I still have plenty of luck, you know.

Darn it! What do we do?!

I have an idea!

Special Attack...

Usopp Dash!


Oh, my. Running away?

What a pathetic crewmate you have.



Done already?!

Just getting started!



That's rousing!

It's no wonder you're worth 500 million!



Please wait!

Even if you are in charge
of this Heavenly Tribute defense plan,

we can't just unleash salvos at them!

There'll be civilian casualties!


Hurry! Tesoro is running amok!
My life is in danger!

Give me that!

What are you doing?!

Use any means necessary!
Rescue us at once!


Inform all ships.

Your orders for this mission
are to destroy Tesoro.

All ships, prepare for bombardment!

Target Gild Tesoro!


Fire Fist!

What are you doing here, Revolutionary?

What, you expect me to ignore this?

No more needless casualties, CP-0.

this is my little brother's fight.

I'd appreciate you staying out of it.

Feeble Marine.

I'll show you what happens
when you defy a god!

Gold Fuoco di Dio!

This is what you call justice?

No. I call it freedom.


Fear me!

This is the power of a god!



Red Hawk!

Crumble before my might!

Gold Inferno!

Straw-hat kid!


That's a nice look on your face, Carina.

I'm disappointed in you!



Why did you risk yourself for me?

Because I owe you.

That day... You really did save me.

I fooled you all!


Your treasure

belongs to me, the great Carina!


So screw you!

That's when I realized it.

After her!

You risked your life and acted as a decoy

so that we could both survive.



You worked with us earlier.
So believe in us!

They absolutely won't lose!

We're a team, aren't we?



Believing in your "team"
will get you nowhere.

Despair, and bow down to me!

Then I'll end this show!

I don't care.

I still believe in them!


Let her go!

Laugh, Straw Hat.

This girl still believes in you.

You people are nothing but scum
that lost a bet to me!

I've bought your lives!

All the losers on this ship

are my property!

You're just like some other guys I hate!

Let her go!

I told you to laugh, so laugh.

She's my property!
I'm free to do whatever I want!


Isn't that right, Carina?!



Spider Net!

My friends aren't things!

Fourth Gear!


Kong g*n!



I didn't want to reveal
my trump card so soon,

but I had to answer my captain's call.

You can only pass
through non-living objects, yes?

Robin. Are you hurt?

I'm fine.

That's good.

Sorry for the trouble.

He's on fire!

Diable Jambe! Première Haché!

Damn this cook
for putting a lady in harm's way!

This is the end!

Sorry for the wait, guys!

Hey! Why did you come back?



To save my friends, of course!

You know you can't hit me.

He hit her!


I should...

have had...

plenty of luck left.

It couldn't be!

Way to go, lucky girl!

You hit the miraculous jackpot!


You'll have to do better than that
to cut me down.

No-Sword Style,
Black Rope, Great Dragon Twister!

Don't underestimate me!

Black Sword...

Death Lion Song!

What's the matter? Did that feel so good

that you're speechless?!

No way!

They took out our bosses!


Gran Tesoro is done for!

To hell with money!


Where do you think you're going?

You're my property!

- What?!
- What's happening?!



Behold the beauty of gold.

I'm going to drown everything in it
and swallow it up!

I'm sinking!

I give people happiness.

Because of me, they rejoice,

become obsessed,


get ripped apart

and despair!



Feel anger, Straw Hat!

Everyone you held dear
and tried to protect

is about to be swallowed by my power!

That's the way of this world!


rules over all!


rule over this!

Gold L'Ira di Dio!


Leo Rex Bazooka!

How do you like that?! I've become a god!

Gold Splash!

You're no god!

You're nothing but a monster!

Get him!

I'm the man
who's gonna be king of the pirates!

I felt joy...

from the bottom of my heart!



Straw-hat kid!

He did it!

He beat Tesoro!

What the...?


He went out beautifully.

I almost thought a god had descended.

Actually, his nickname is...


Take Tesoro into custody!


What's that sound?!

What is that?!

Guys! Run for your lives!

Tesoro intends to sink the ship!

Get to the ship, guys! We gotta leave!

The road is blocked!

Come on!

A robot!

Hurry! You too, Carina!

Go without me.

I'm going to move this ship away.

Even if you leave now,
you'll get caught in the expl*si*n.

But I can reduce the casualties

if I move the ship away.

Don't be crazy!

You have a good crew.

I'm glad my final job was with you guys.



Get her to safety.

Got it!


Hey! Where is she?!

It's gonna explode!

What the heck?!

Why are there fireworks?

There she is!

"Phantom Thief Carina strikes again"?!

She pulled one over on us!

She stole the whole dang ship!

She was after all the gold all along.

She used us like fools.

Oh, she tricked us?

I forgot the Marine was here!

Okay, guys! Let's run for it!

What is this?

That Hellcat.

I'll act like a dumbass for you

So come on, engage

A girl's gotta survive on her wits,
you know? He he.

Say something crappy to fire up my rage

It's only when I feel pushed to the limit

That instinct kicks in

And a new me awakens

I know you get what I mean

When I say this fight you picked

Ain't worth it yet

Give me more rage!

I wanna get serious

This ain't cutting it!

Come on, piss me off!

We idiots can only chase idiotic dreams

No matter how many times we triumph

Let's never let it be enough

Hey, you "not my business" wimps
Who never wanna rock the boat

Where do you get off
Jeering from the sidelines?

You're the ones
Who are gonna get laughed at

A moping heart's the worst kind
Of unburnable trash

Give me more rage!

Rationality only gets in my way

'Cause what I want, I can only get
By going past my limit

Let the sparks fly till we're both blind

Let's go at each other body and soul,

So we can shine

This world is full of problems

And there ain't any answers

So those of us who have enough fun
Are the winners

Give me more rage!

I wanna get serious

This ain't cutting it!

Come on, piss me off!

We idiots can only chase idiotic dreams

No matter how many times we triumph

Let's never let it be enough