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One Piece Movie 3: Chinjuu-jima no Chopper Oukoku (2001)

Posted: 02/05/24 23:39
by bunniefuu
The island where the Crowning Treasure sleeps?

Right, the island Is called Crown Island.

It's just like Nami-san to find such a great map!

I bet it's a super-cool treasure!

Let's check it out!

I'm getting all pumped up!

Let's not.


What're you talking about, Chopper?

There's a treasure there just waiting for us.

What kind of idiot would pass up a chance like this?

But there might be scary pirates trying to get it!

You're a pirate too.

Ah! I forgot.

Gimme a break...

But listen, I get seasick. And it'd be bad If anyone got injured!

If someone does get injured, we've.
got a doctor on hand, don't we?

We do, but...

Goes to show how new you still are to all this.

You can never predict the kind of monsters we'll face!



Maybe a One-Ton Vampire Penguin!
Or a Man-Eating Scallopl

Or a ferocious Giant Takoyaki, or a k*ller Shrimp Gyoua!

How can he believe that?

Ah! Sorry!


Hey, that's rude! Who're you calling a monster!?

If you get scared this easily, you're not fit to be our nakama.

I'm not afraid! If it comes to it, I'll fght bravely with you guysl

Brave words, it'll look bad If you chicken out when the going gets tough.

I-I've become a full-fledged pirate!

I'm not gonna run away!

W-W-Wha-? What's goin' on?

Hey, an island.

Did an underwater volcano erupt!?

Look! Down there.

The smoke clouds are forming a ring!

A ring!?

Do you think... it could be...

Yes. No doubt about it.



What a pretty island!

Oi... This Is no time to be enjoying the view!



Oi... Guys... You alright?

Well... Kinda...

Ah, Nami-san~

I just can't resist-chu~



Hey, you there.

Why have you come to this island?


The bird's talking!

It's a Parrot. Of course it can talk.

Still, they don't normally talk like that!

Comprehending the human tongue is a trivial task for one such as I.

Though honestly, the only animals on this island who can talk...

...are myself and Karasuke the crow.

Cool! This Is a Mystery Island!

W-Who are you?

Good timing! Do you know Chopper?



Kirin Lion...


The King lived out his life, it was his time to die.

You can't stay In mourning forever.

I know that, Karasuke...

"When the island bears a crown,"

"The Heavens shall bestow upon us a new Animal King."

But Is that true? That so-called legend...

Will performing the ceremony really summon a new king?

Yeah, probably.

The elders always had faith In it.

A new Animal King from the Heavens...

No matter how you look at it, it's hard to believe...


"OU"? Did he say "King"!?

He fell rom the Heavens! Could he be...?


It's the Animal King!

A new Animal King has appeared!

Animal King...?

A King? Where?

This Is great! Human speech!

He can speak Human!

Who're you? What's this "Animal King"?

Don't be silly! You are the new King!

So the legend was true.

You're our new Animal King!



Ah, I'm hungry~!

There's nothing but grassland and jungle everywhere we turn...

Finding Chopper In all this isn't gonna be easy.

But really, why are you guys following us?

Silence, human!

I don't know the intentions of you outsiders.

I'm honestly keeping my eye on you.

We're no one you need to worry about.

We're not gonna eat you.



I wanna sink my teeth into some meat!

I'm so hungry!

Honestly suspicious...

What's that weird pig doing?

A weird pig~!

It's the Trumpet Pig! It seems that a new Animal King has appeared!

Animal King? What's that?

Whoa, it's an animal stampede!

Where were they all hiding?

This Is honestly worth celebrating!
The birth of a new Animal King!

What are these? I thought they were just rocks!

They're Square Rhinos.


Why am I the Animal King?

Because you fell from the Heavens just like the legend said.

And where the heck did these clothes come from?

Well, a long time ago, I...

That's not Important...

H-Hey! Where are you going?

Horne! To my nakama's ship.

What're you saying? If our King leaves, who'll protect the island?

I'm no freakin' King! I'm Tony Tony Chopper!

So you're Chopper? That's a nice name!

I'm Mobambi.


I have a nice name? You really think so?

The man who taught me medicine, the greatest
doctor In the world gave me that name.

Eh? You're a doctor? That's great!

Actually, quite a few of our nakama are injured right now!

You really are amazing!

Am I... that great?

Of course! If the going gets tough,
you'll be a great help!

Well, it's nothing that great...

You're probably brave and really strong tooi!



No matter how much you praise me,
it won't make me happy!


You look pretty happy...

- assh*le!
You look pretty happy...

Alright, everyone!

As part of our newly crowned Animal King celebration,

Let's all hear his coronation speech.

Hold on, I never agreed to be your King...

You can't?

Sorry, I'm...


He announced, "OU"="KING"

You'll really be our King, won't you?

What a marvelous coronation speech!

What Is this place?

It's cool~!

He takes his playtime way too seriously.


Oi, what's wrong?

After all the trouble I went through to make us these
camouflage costumes, you're not gonna join us?

Nah, we'll pass...

This island sure is fun!

What're those?

They're the Horn Eaters!

Horn Eaters?

They blindly attack horned animals.

They've caused the deaths of all the island's elders.

Yosh! Then lemme kick their asses!

O-Oi, forget it! It's too risky!

We're getting outta here.

Why the hell are they following ME!?

Those horns! They prey on animals with horns!




Go that way!

Why did you throw them in front of you!?

Everyone will be fine now.

You'll be able to run again soon.

You're great, Chopper! Everyone's overjoyed!

We're glad to have you as our King.

Still, I can only be King while I'm here on this island.

What do you mean?

I have to return... my nakama's pirate ship.

Pirate ship? So your nakama are...



Isn't it funny?

You're human, but you live with animals.

And, I'm a reindeer, but I travel with humans.

I wonder what they're all doing...

They should've noticed the smoke and come to look for me by now.

Forget them!

You're our King now!
You can't leave!

What're you doing?

You've made so many friends here! You have to stay!

From now on, we'll be your nakama.

Quit being a pirate, and live with us here!


Do you... hate pirates?

My papa... was k*lled by a pirate.

What Is all this?

Remnants of Papa's ship.

Papa was a zoologist on his way to this island...



What can you do?

If you don't want to get k*lled, sit there and shut up!


Then I washed ashore on this island.

The former Animal King, the Kirin Lion, took
me in as his nakama and raised me.

That's why, any talk about pirates...

But, my nakama are good pirates.

How the hell can there be a GOOD pirate!?

Well... Once you meet them you'll understand...

I know! I'll ask Luffy If he'll give you a ride on our ship!

You've gotta be kidding! Who'd want to ride with pirates!?


You can't stay with them!
You're an animal, right?

It's obviously better for you to live among your fellow animals!

Have you seen Chopper?

He looks like this.

Maybe this isn't quite him.

Like this! Like this!

So, have you seen him?

C'mon, there's nothing that looks like that.

Huh? What's that sound?

Let's check it out. We might find so ne clues.


A grand catch indeed!

With this many horns, I'm bound to find it!

Butler-sama, here's your mayonnaise and ketchup.


Where's the mustard!?

Yes, here you are.

How do you feel, Butler-sama?

Any unusual reactions In your body?!

No. Nothing at all.


Hey, you're eating some strange stuff. ls it tasty?

"Omae," you say!? Who the hell are you!?

We're looking for someone who looks like this. Seen him?

Foul-mouthed whelp! Do you know who
you're addressing using such slander!?

You'd better be more careful with your choice of wordsl

Else, prepare for the consequences!

Butler-sama! Butler-sama!

Butler-sama, please use this!

You moron! What will putting mustard on it do!?

- How about this!?
You moron! What will putting mustard on it do!?

Ketchup won't do any good either!

You must realize how fearsome I am now.

I bet you're curious as to how great I really am, right?

No, not at all.

Oh really? You're that curious, eh?
Then allow me to enlighten you.

We never asked.

I am a genius inventor, a genius zoologist,

Not to mention a genius at treasure hunting.

I call myself, The World's Ultra Super Genius, Count Butler!

The world's greatest genius!?


And I pride myself as the world's strongest man, General Hotdog!

World's strongest?

Pirates are humbled whenever they hear the name of Mad Dog Hotdog!

And I am the world's handsomest man, President Snake...

Huh? World's handsomest man?

Once I choose my prey, be it foe or woman, it shall not escape.

All grovel in fear before Snake the Poison Snake!


Hey, you guys...

Would you happen to be here seeking the Crowning Treasure...?

Why of course, my fair lady.

Oh, how wonderful.

Could you give me some leads to he treasure~?

It would be my pleasure.
But under one condition.


If you want to hear the secrets to the treasure,
you must become one of my henchmen.

Oh, Is that all?

I'll be your henchman or whatever you want me to be!



Hey, what're you doing, Luffy?

This is our chance to get closer to the secret of the treasure, y'know?

But this guy's evil!

How dare you make such accusations!
What makes you think I'm evil!?

Nothing, just a gut feeling.



W-What are you doing, Nami?

Idiot! What good will pissing them off do?

They were just about to tell me the secret of the Crowning Treasure!

But why did you hit me!?

Oh, zip it! I just felt like it!

You people...

Butler-sama, these freaks have a distinct stench of stupidity.

And they're low class at that.

Oh, a bunch of morons? Now that just won't do.

I'll not tell you anything about the secret to the treasure.

Oh, pretty please!

Tell us, pretty please~!


He who obtains the Crowning Treasure will receive
the power to shake the very universe!

But of course, I'll never tell you that.

I he fact that the Crownin
s ac,
t g Treasure
ually a mysterious power...

Furthermore, the fact that the Crowning Treasure
is actually a mysterious power...

...hidden within the horns of a special animal will never leave my lips.

And look, after hypnotizing the wild Horn Eaters
with this Wild Animal Violin I invented.

I brought them to this very island.

But that Is a secret I will never tell you...

...even If the universe ceases to EXIST!

Oh shit! I told 'em! I told 'em everything!

You runts are rather crafty to extract such
secret information from Butler-sama!

No, he straight-out told us himself.


Butler-sama's personality prevents him from concealing a secret!


Now that you all know the secret, I cannot let you live!

Oi, what kind of reasoning is that!?


Trample these fools to death!

Luffy, why the hell were you hypnotized too!?


His brain waves must be on the same level as a wild animal.

Oh! That must be it!

I should tell you, that's not a compliment.



Looks like it.

Do something!

You're responsible for this Luffy!



Well, I never imagined the Crowning Treasure
would be the horns of an animal...

Come to think of it,
I heard that in some country in West Blue,

There's an animal horn which can be used to
make a powerful stamina-enhancing drug.

It's supposed to be more valuable than any amount of gold or gems.

Kinda sounds like a Devil's Fruit.

Yeah, you could say that...

This must be their doing.

This is horrible...

At times like this,
we really need Chopper's medical skills.

Hey, If they're after animals with horns...

She's right! Chopper's In danger too!

He'll be fine.

He's pretty strong, not to mention brave.

You think so?

He wouldn't be our nakama if he was some weakling, now would he?

Right? Sanji, Zoro?

That's a given.

Got that right.

Oi, oi, be serious now. Are you certain he'll be alright?

Won't he be in danger unless we find him soon?

But, where should we start...?

Ah, that's it! We'll ask the Animal King!
He might know where Chopper is!

Great idea!

Yosh! Let's go meet the Animal King!

Yeah, let's go!

H-Hey you...!

Sorry about this, but we're looking for an important nakama of ours.

Could you take us to the Animal King's place?


There, there!

If you take me to meet the Animal King.
I'll let you eat this lovely piece of paper~!


You're terribly heavy! Go easy on my back!

Those fools appear to have survived.

But thanks to them, we've overheard some wonderful information.

Ah-ha! I never knew there was an Animal King on this island.

Following them could lead us to the truth behind the Crowning Treasure.

What did you say?

There are evil humans manipulating the Horn Eaters...

...and attacking animals all over the island?

It'll be alright!

It'll be alright!

It'll be alright!

It'll be alright!

We have a new King to lead us!

He'll be termninate them for us in the blink of an eye!


What If I got hurt fighting them!?

You won't help us?

Help you...?


We've got trouble! Humans are headed this way!


That's them...

That must be them!


Hey, you're strong aren't you, Chopper?

You're the King, after all.

Are you going to chicken out when we need you the most?

Of course not.

I'll... fight bravely when it's called for!

But what's this Animal King like?

To be called the Animal King, he's gotta be pretty impressive, right?

He must be 10 meters... no, make that 50 meters tall!

Yes, they're wicked villains!

They must be coming to slaughter us for our pelts.

They must be coming to slaughter us for our pelts.

Yeah, yeah! No mistaking it!

I bet he even has tens... no, HUNDREDS of horns!

What!? For real!?

I'm sure of itl They're here to slaughter and devour every one of us!

N-No... That's too cruel!

No, no, no, no. Not just that!

He's probably made up of bears and elephants
and lions and tigers and herrings and a COD!


WHOA! He's that awesome, eh!?





Oh! Chopper!


So you're safe!

What's with that outfit?

Did you guys come just for me?

Man, you had us worried.

What're you doing!?

Hurry up and exterminate these fiends, Your Majesty!

"Your Majesty"!?

Could it be... that you're...?

Yeahl He's our KING!

Be afraid, humans!

Soon you will be crushed at the hands of our great King!

Chopper, you're the Animal King?

Hey Chopper, recognize this guy?

He's like 1000 meters tall, and he's got horns, and fangs,

and he's made up of bears, and lions, and whales, and...

- That's Chopper, idiot!
and he's made up of bears, and lions, and whales, and...

WHAT!? When did you get to be that cool!?

Don't you get it yet, moron?

Everyone! There's nothing to worry about!

They're my nakama!


Yeah! Aren't they something?

Man, I'm hungry...

Chopper, there anything to eat around here?

Eh? Oh, I'll go get something right now!

You mean it?

That's the Animal King for you!

It's great! This is great food you've got here.

You sure were hungry.
I'll go get you some more.

We're pretty lucky, huh?

We found Chopper, and then he turns out to be the Animal King.

I kinda envy him.

I could get used to being a king.

Although, I'd rather be a prince than a king.

I'd rescue beautiful damsels in distress and...

Are you some kind of moron?


You talk too much. Just use your trap to eat, Prince.

That's rich, coming from someone who does
nothing but sculpt his body all day.


You piece of shit! Why don't I shut foul mouth of yours!?

Shut up! You're not much better with yours!

What's so good about THESE PEOPLE!?

Hey, Shorty.

I'm not "Shorty"! I'm Mobambi!

Fruits are good and all,
but don't you have any meat? Meat?


They all ran away!

Be careful with what you freakin' say!

Listen, all of you.

Once you're done with that, leave this island!

And don't you ever come back!

But, before that, would you tell us something?

ls there such a thing as the Crowning Treasure, or...?

Crowning Treasure? What's that?

It seems you came here believing a tall tale,
but it honestly was a waste of your time.

Please don't say that. Not even a little hint?

Let's just forget about that treasure.

We've found Chopper.
Let's just take him and get out of here.

You can't do that!
Chopper is our king!

He'll remain here and protect this island!

Quit it already, will ya?

That cowardly reindeer hasn't got what it
takes to protect this island by himself.

Are you mocking our King?

ThaI kinda sucks.

You guys like Chopper too, eh Mombran?

I'm Mobambi!

Sorry, but he's an important nakama to us.

Shut up, you pirate!

He's a much, closer nakama to me!

Now and forever, he'll stay with us on this island!!

That direction Is...

This is bad! That's Papa's cabin!

Oi! What's going on!?

What? What?

Hey! We can't get out!

You ate too much, you pig!


It must be them!

They've come looking for the secret of the treasure!

What the...!?

They're the ones controlling the Horn Eaters?

Found it~!

This is it! The answer to our search for the Crowning Treasure!

Crowning Treasure? In Papa's logbook?

Does that treasure really exist?

What? You guys really haven't heard of it?

None of the details, I'm afraid...

The elders who did know of it have all become victims of the Horn Eaters.

"The Crowning Treasure..."

"...dwells within the gilded horns upon the head of the Animal King."

The Animal King's horns?

"The horns possess the mysterious power to
bring out an animal's greatest strength."

"After the Animal King's life span has ended,"

"A new Animal King will inherit the power and protect the island."

"It seems that is how this island continues
to flourish as a paradise of animals."

Oh, I see! So that's what it is!

You fiendsl

You've managed to steal secrets from us yet again!

Your boss was saying it straight-out again.

His personality prevents him from being able to keep a secret!

You whelps...

Where's the Animal King? Where is he?

Tell me! If you tell me, I'll take only his life and let the rest of you live!

Refuse my offer and you shall all fall victim to my Horn Eaters!

This is bad! The Horn Eaters are coming!

They're gonna k*ll everybody!

Oi, Chopper!

Who the hell are you?

I am...

...the Animal King! Tony Tony Chopper!

You're the Animal King!?

This little runt can't be the Animal King.

He's not lying!

He'll take out the likes of you in the blink of an eye!


If you're satisfed, stop your Horn Eaters and fight me!

I'll consider your challenge once you defeat my Horn Eaters.


If you live through it that is!

Oi, put some more power into it!

We'll never get out of here at this rate!

Shut up! What about you? Push with a little more spirit!

Dammit! Who in their right mind would eat until they're this bloated?

Well, this is nothing!
I can still eat more!


They're here! The Horn Eaters!

Okay! In a pinch like this,
my special sure-k*ll w*apon will come in handy!


Surrender! Once I throw this, there's no turning back!

What's wrong with it? It din't come back!

Like I said!

There's no turning back!

You meant THAT!?


He's charging the by himself! What's he planning to do!?


He's running away?

Don't let him escape!


Eh? Where's Chopper?

He ran away...

Hey, is Chopper really a coward?
Isn't supposed to be strong?

What are you talking about?

In any case, let's go help him.

Will Chopper... get k*lled?

If you're that worried about him, why don't you go too?


You'd better not, even If you went,
you'd honestly only be k*lled as well.

And it won't be a mere scratch you'll get this time.

So you're not going?

If only I was stronger, then I'd go help him!


What can you do?

If you don't want to get k*lled, sit there and shut up!

I can't beat them!

I'm just...

Hey! So what if you're not strong?

I'm not strong either, but I'm not the least bit scared!

Your legs are trembling.

If you set yourself to it, you might be strong.


That's stupid!

Okay. I getcha, Shorty.

But just being with someone doesn't make you nakama, y'know?

My name's not "Shorty"...

My name...


I can't let them hurt the others.

Hey, guys...


Maybe If we all fought together,
we might be able to help.

You plan to follow that outsider who isn't even the Animal King?

You heard them.

The true Animal King is the one who inherits the gilded horns.

He is no longer our concern.

We shall select a new King amongst ourselves...

...and bestow upon him the Kirin Lion's horns.

Now, let's be off.


They're crumbling! They're all crumbling!




I-Insolent cur!

Who the hell are you!?

The Prince!



jeez, what a poser.

Run for it, Chopper.
This guy's mine.

Sounds like fun.

Now face the steel-breaking strongest kick In the world!

You're not going anywhere!





Yo guys came for me!

Now that yours truly, Usopp-sama is here, there's nothing to fear!


Yosh, go Luffy! I'm here now!

Why don't you go?

D-D-Don't be ridiculous!

My new move should only be revealed In the final moments!

What drivel are you spouting...


Come on now!

All of you are about to all into Hell!

This is bad! The Horn Eaters are gonna come!


This doesn't look good.

Oh shit!

Kirin Lion, I hope you'll forgive me.

Hey! What do you think you're doing?

But... Chopper will get k*lled if I don't...!

If you do that, you'll be exiled from the island!

But they're after Chopper because they think his antlers
are the treasure that they've been looking for!

If I show them the real treasure...

Forget about that reindeer.

Honestly, just what do you think the likes of us can accomplish?

We must entrust everything to the new Animal King.

You're just going to abandon Chopper?

But we begged Chopper so dearly...

...and then he even pretended to be the King!

You're all safe now because of that, right?

The secret power belongs to the Animal King.

Humans must never wield it.


Don't you guys worry.

It's Mobambi we're talking about here, he'll understand.

Don't you guys fret about it.

I'll leave this with you, Karasuke.

Karasuke, are you going to abandon Chopper too?

Idiot! Don't you care If you're exiled from the island!?


That bastard...

Now this is a surprise.

You're still standing after tasting the world's strongest kick...

But I wonder how long you can last.


Nami! Where the hell have you been!?

Come on! get over here, quick!

Alright, gotcha!


Oi, you alright?





Hey wait, what do you plan on doing with that?

just watch.

Usopp! You're going to...

Hey, Horn Eaters!
Catch me if you can!

He's so reckless!


Usopp, that rock!

Listen! Target an expl*si*n on that twig 15cm below that rock! Hurry!

Oh, that one? Are you sure?

I'm sure! Provided my calculations are accurate,

Even the slightest bit of gunpowder should do the trick!


Hurry, Usopp!


The Horn Eaters are trapped!
They won't be going anywhere!

We did it, dammit!

Hey, where's Chopper?

Found you!


Damn it! Where is he?

It's him.

Oi, you guys! Oi!

You're a slick one.

Now, the Crowning Treasure is mine.


The Crowning Treasure is right here!


These are the former King, the Kirin Lion's horns!

The real Crowning Treasure!

What? So those are...

The shining gilded horns which carry the crown!?

Are those really them!?

If you want them, come and fight for 'em!

I've won this fght already!

Wait! Stop!

Hey, you sure this is gonna work?

This Crowning Treasure is a treasure that protects this island!

We'll manage somehow!

But If it doesn't work, you'll be...

Wait there, you...!

Why are you trembling?

If you're that scared,
why don't you just hand me those horns?

I'm not afrai of the likes of you!

Then I won't hold back!

You'll be the one to perish!

What you're saying and what you're doing seem a bit different!

The horns are mine!


You devil!

You shitty brat!

Dammit, you fool!

We're falling!

Mobambi! He...

Whew, that was close!

Why the hell did you do that?


I want to be one of Chopper's nakama who he can depend on, too...

just being together doesn't make us nakama, right?

I see!


T-They're gone!

The Crowning Treasure Horns are gone!

The Crowning Treasure...!

It's fnally mine! The supreme power!

Dead, are we?

Heh, shithead.


With all those cuts, you still intend on fighting?

Oh, I get it.

It's all for that girl, eh?

You'd be worthless If you weren't strong enough, eh?

You've got it all wrong.


As a man, as long as there is someone I must protect...

...I'll risk my life in battle!

Oh, for your nakama?
Don't make me laugh.

How can someone as pathetic as you protect anyone?

You cur!

Who's pathetic!?

I can't protect anybody!?


I should've already done enough damage with my sword...

Heh? What a load.

Compared to his, your sword...

Compared to his, your sword...

...Is just a piece of shit.

You're utterly helpless.

You've done well to withstand the world's strongest kick.

Now, to put you to rest!

Hmph! Easy prey.

You bastard! How did you...?

A kick that can even break steel, eh?

You were a bit careless with your ability, pal.

Now why don't you just show me...

...what you call the strongest In the world!

I knew it was strange for you to still be standing
after receiving all those lethal kicks.

Your nakama should have all perished by now.

Heh, them?

They're not dead.


They're strong.

More than you could ever hope to be!

Watch your mouth!

Being strong isn't just about having power or moves.

It's about heart!

Shit... I am...






My kicks are supposed to be the strongest!

There's another man In this world...

...who kicks with more amazing power than you'd ever be able to.

He's a pain In the ass though.

Straw Hat!




Is that all?

Not even the least bit entertaining.

I-I'm not done yet!

You intend to continue like that?

You're damn right!

You took their precious treasure!

The great species of man can take what it wills from the animals!

Why are you fghting for these lowly beasts?


I know someone named "Chopper".

He's a precious nakama of mine!


This can't be happening.


I guess there's no cure for stupidity!

Doctor... I...

You're next!



What now? I have no more interest In you.

I won't forgive you!

Won't forgive me, eh?

You're only good at running away. What can you do...?

I wasn't running away.

I just didn't want the Horn Eaters or the other animals to get hurt.


Why you...!


Not a scratch.



He did it!

Yeahl You're great, Chopper!

How dare...

How dare you damage the head of a great genius!

Take thisl And this! And this!

Vile whelp!



Chopper! Hang on!



I get it! I remember you now, you're his son.

I wondered why a human child was on this island, but now it all makes sense.

You knew Papa?

He was an old colleague of mine.

Your father made an unwise decision to protect the animals here...

...and kept the secret of the Crowning Treasure from me.

So I was forced to attack his ship and k*ll him with this!

You're the one who k*lled Papa...?

You filthy pirate!


Who are you calling a pirate?

What do you mean!?

I wouldn't be caugh dead as a lowlife pirate!

You've got it all wrong, you hope ess idiot!

So you're... not a pirate?

Now rejoice! I'll let you rejoin your father!

Along with that stupid reindeer!

I'll protect Chopper!

What can you do?

What can you do?

If you don't want to get kllled, sit there and shut up!

Even I...

If I set myself to it...

I might be strong!

Why you...


Mobambi! Are you alright?

W-What are they planning?

You imbeciles! Are you all here to die?

You are truly pitiful!

What can you trash do to me?

Why you...

You persistent fool!


Worthless! Worthless!

You think you'll win that way?

The Crowning Power Is absolute!

Have you realized it yet?
I am now King of this island!

You're no king!


They're willing to risk their lives for the sake of their nakama!

That determination is what brought them here...

...and you dare belittle them!?

I'm gonna kick your ass!


Straw Hat...

Thank you.

Thanks to you, I feel that I've become a little stronger.

That so?

Even If I'm forced to leave his island, I'll be able to survive!

Leave the island? What are you talking about?

'Cause... I... I lost the island's precious treasure.

Well, I'm not too sure about that.

The whole island will have to attest to it.

You guys just got here? Slowpokes!

Shut up.


I'm sorry!

It's all my fault that the Crowning Treasure is gone...

I'm really sorry!

What's this for?

What're you talking about?

They were astounded by all the courage you showed back there.

Everyone wants to protect the island with you.

Then I can stay... here on the island?

Of course you can! Stop talking silly.

Thank goodness...


Hey, Chopper, why don't you join us here?

How about it? We're nakama, aren't we?

This Is a great island! I bet you'll love this place!


Right, Chopper?

We're nakama, right?


I'm... a pirate.

You hate pirates, don't you?

No, that was...

I know someone named "Chopper".

He's a precious nakama of mine!

That's right! I hate 'em!
Pirates? I detest them!

Go where you please! Stupid!


W-What now!?

More eruptions!

O-Oi! Isn't this bad?

Calm down!

It's beautiful!

Well, well...

"When the island bears a crown,"

"The Heavens shall bestow upon us a new Animal King."

The Heavens have acknowledged Mobambi!


Mobambi has been chosen as our true Animal King!


Even If we go separate ways, we can still be friends!

Man, I'm beat!

Last night sure tired me out.

Even if it was a festival, it was nothing to have an all-night party for.

In the end, we couldn't get ahold of the Crowning Treasure ourselves.

Instead, we got ahold of a different treasure. Isn't that good enough?

What? What other treasure?

Did we get some other kind of treasure?

Chopper, he's talking about you.

Huh? Me?

Oh! The wind's finally picked up.

A-Are we gonna be okay?

Pirates can't get scared just because of this!

From now on, we'll be encountering
Man-Eating Goldfish, Human-Faced Whales...

...k*ller Crabs and ferocious Squid Noodles!

Okay! I'll stick through it!


Full speed ahead! Let's GO!