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One Piece Movie 5: Norowareta Seiken (2004)

Posted: 02/05/24 23:41
by bunniefuu

Boys! Finish them!

Escape to the forest! Run, Everyone!





The Seven Star Sword?
What's that?

Thats the most beautiful
legendary sword..

in the Grand Line.

Legend has it,
there was also a great treasure buried.

Its here, in this Asuka Island!

Delicious, Delicious!

Luffy, gimme back the meat!

Uncle, another one!


You finished it all,
there is no more.

This is no ordinary treasure!

Give me back the meat!!

Stop it, you guys!

Give it to Zoro & Usopp.
You almost used up the money, we need to buy supplies.

Its the greatest treasure of the Grand Line..

..its somewhere near here!

I cant believe this..

Its just a rumour..

It must be, maybe..

I'd rather eat!

I've checked up on the story of The Seven Star Sword before.


Long time ago...on this island..

A red moon occurs,
once every 100 years.

That is a bad omen, that leads to disaster for the people on the island

The Red Moon?

Hence the gods of Asuka

tried to save the people by granting their kings

an arrow, and the Seven Star Sword.

The holy sword from the god..

together with the gems!

I'm so excited!!

That was the past... the sword underwent an ironic fate


There is a festival whenever the red moon appear on the skies..

The sword will be able to absorb a great power from it...slowly the great power will swallowed the sword..

and take over the Seven Stars Sword.
That is the beginning of the master of darkness

The master of darkness?

Cut, cut..

Put this here..

Hey Zoro,
Bring the piece of wood over

At least answered me,
You fool..

All you do is sleep..

..all i

Hey Zoro~


Are you Ronoroa Zoro?


I've waited you for a long time..

Thanks for coming!

This way.. here..

I won't let you get away this time, Straw Hat Pirates!

Ignite the Cannon,
Blow them up!!

Where the heck is Zoro,

Aren't you watching the ship together!?

Didn't you hear me just now!??

I dunno where he went,
I was busy repairing the ship

Really, what a mess..

There must be a way..

That way..

Maybe he went..for a walk?

Would he abandon his watch?

Zoro is not like that

There must be some other reason..


Alrite! It's been decided!

Let's look for Zoro

Everyone! Let's go to that island over there!

I see..!!

Nami!? You are not the boss!

I'm the one that decides where the ship should go!

But, there is no way we can hide from the navy,
isn't that so?

I must look for Zoro, Back to port!

We can't do this now!!!

What.. From the front too!

Shit..Two-way attack..

Maybe we should listen to miss navigator

Luffy! Let's look for Zoro after we get out of this?



We must not let Straw Hat boy get away!

After them!!

Don't let them escape!

We're getting closer!!

It's dangerous..

Just go forward! Do not stop!

Hold on tight!



What are you doing?!


OH NO~!!

It can't be..

What happen..?!

Ship on the right..?!

You bunch of fools-!!

What are you doing!!!

Take that you nasty navy

It would be good if we keep flying..

But where do you plan to land, Captain?

Yes, where should we land?


This ship is falling~~!!!

and there are sharps,
and hard rocks below~!!

We..are saved..

It hurts..


What was that stone just now?

Where on earth is this place?

Its interesting, isnt it?


I brought the man you wanted,


This life of mine..
Shall be entrusted to you

Is this Zoro's beloved sword when he was young?

It's symbolises Sir's friendship with him

But this is so untimely..

Come to think of it,
he's now one of the navy's enemies

Yes, This is so shocking

Çan't believe a priate hunter,
can become a pirate, Zoro!

Since young, you've been on the quest for the sword of justice..

Enemies should not be pardoned!

I think you should forget about being a pirate..

You make it sound so easy

I too, have gone through many things, so..


Don't touch me!

Yes..yes sir..


What is it?!

There is something that i need you to help

Could you.. lend me your power..


Tell me what happened

Hey~ Zoro~!
Where did you go~!


What a big pond

The lake.. its so beautiful~


There are people over there!


Could it be Zoro?

It's a girl!!!

And she is very pretty and cute too!

Ask her if she knows Zoro's whereabout

Hey~~ You~~

Did you happened to see someone names Zoro?


Look this way, pretty lady~~

Why is she running away~?

Maybe she's scared of pirates..

Hey~!Don't do that, hey..

Wait, Luffy..

Luffy, Usopp?!

ask others to wait!??

Where are you?

My goodness.. Where did they both go..?

Cute lil girl.. Where are you..?

There..she's over there!


I've found her, found her!

There is something we want to ask!

Don't be afraid of us

We are not bad people~~

You..are suspicious enough..

How could you say that Nami-san..

Tell me your name~

Luffy & Usopp, where did they go!?

The must have lost their way in the forest

Now we have 3 guys missing..

They only know to cause trouble for others!!

She's gone..

Where are you~?

There's a village

Where, where??
Where is it?

Its true.. Look at that

Ah, Found it, found it!
Wait for me~


Everyone~~!! It's the pirates!!

Great Gods of the Seven Stars of Asuka

Please grant our wishes`

Please, with the great love and compassion~

Protect us from the harm

Great Gods of the Seven Stars of Asuka

the Seven Stars of Asuka­

Huh? What?
f the Seven Stars of Asuka­

Pirates.. Pirates coming!!

They are here again?!

It can't be true..

Pirates?! Damn, they can't come at the worst time..

Men! Get the weapons!

Lady Maya, please take care of granny!

I thought they won't come again..

What's going on..


No need to panic..

Hide the kids


Bring out the w*apon!

Give it to everyone

This way! This way!

There~ There!

Quick, You must hide into the forest!!

Protect the kids & the women!

Go to the North!


I won't let tragedy happen again

No way at all..!!

Granny, you must hide!

No, I must protect my village!


Oh, Good afternoon~


Lady Maya

Quick, please escape now!


So the name is Maya?
Its a nice name~

Huh, What happened?

You shouldn't be here!

Get lost!!

What..? I hate that tone

Looks like we are not welcome here..

However.. with all men armed, there must be something here..rite?

It's true.. they must have lots of interesting stuff


We won't follow pirates order..!


What a colorful words!!

I think something is wrong..

That deer talked..

I'm not a normal deer!! You brat!!

..It's cute..

Cute..I am not..

Look, here's the deal

We came to look for our friends

We have no intention of giving you trouble at all

This is..

Smelly pirates..

Don't use your filthy hand to touch that!!

What..did'ya say?

That words... i can't forgive you!

You must be up to something

This is bad!!

The Navy is coming..!

Damn it!!


What's going on here?

k*ll those who defy us!

Show them what they'll get for that!

Forward on!

We can't let them pass through!

I won't let you off,
You Navy rebels!

What is this?
Are they the bad guy? Nami

It's not that! We..


Our ancestor have been..

Hehehe.. What's that you're holding ?

Zoro, Come on!




Navy's Dog!
You Bastard~!!


Zo.. Zoro!

What, What are you doing?!

Why are you with them..


Is that the Jewel ball?



Leave this to us


That fool... is he..



Stop it!

Bastard... Wake up, Zoro..

I am awake

Heh, Don't joke me..

You think i would let you go..?

How dare you hit a girl!! I won't forgive you!

Zoro & Sanji are..!!

Stop it both of you! Zoro! Sanji-kun!!

You are blocking me..
You think I'm useless rite?

Bastard.. Do you know what are you doing?!


Let me give you a last warning

Never lose a focus
when battling a warrior

And let your opponent
steal a chance

Zoro.. You..




Why did you do that, Zoro!

That's too much, Sanji didn't even do anything to you

Granny, Lady Maya!!

Maya, Run!

You fools!!


Lady Maya!!

I'm taking this with me

Return it!
That is very important treasure to us!

It is also important to me..

We'll retreat now! Listen up everybody!

As long as this island is under the control of our Navy Dojo..

All ceremonies, gatherings & so on..
are banned!

Everybody should be clear about this

This is also to say what all of you doing now was considered rebellions

If you all dare to rebel, you shall be ex*cuted

Let's go back, Zoro

Why did you do that, Zoro!!

Why did he do that, Nami!

I want to know too..

Are you ok!?

I'm sorry, Lady Maya..
I'm not powerful enough..

Please don't.. say like that.. stop the revival of the Seven Star Sword..

Seven Star Sword?


I'm really sorry..

Hey~ Zoro~~

This is terrible..
Seems that this is a naval base..

This time we are seeking death ourselves...

We have to go immediately, Luffy

Hey, Have you seen Zoro?

His name Zoro,
that's dangerous!

Zoro, i say Zoro!!!

What are you..

It's Straw Hat Luffy..

Hi, Do you know Zoro?

Zoro-san? I think he will be back soon

Is it? Then let's wait for him here

Usopp! Isn't this great? We can see Zoro then

B-But why is Zoro at the Navy Dojo..?

It doesn't matter the reason.
Zoro will return soon

Is that rite?

Your head, is worth 100 million berry..

Yerp, that's rite.
Huh? So you're a swordsman too?

It's not only that.
He is Sir Saga, at this Navay Dase.

Owh.. Your name is Saga

Wow, you've got such a long sword.
Are you able to use such thing?

That's impressive~!

You really are interesting, Luffy-san


Sir, Can i test his ability?

I want to check the rumour whether this guy can..

Defeat the strongest guy of Kuro's g*ng could be true..


Huh? What?

You bastard! If you want to fight, say so!!


It's been a long time to see someone that..

who can actually avoid my slash

Stop fooling around


Zoro will not meet all of you

He is no longer a member of that childish pirate team

What nonsense are you talking about!?


Leaves us..


You wanna fight?

Alrity, Let's get it done!!

Gomu~ Gomu~ p*stol~!

Gomu~ Gomu~ Whip~!!

Nice going, Luffy!

Yahh, sorry, sorry..
It's all because he avoided



Huh? What's that..
It's disgusting.. What a weird sword you using!

It really does not suit you at all..

Do you understand this power..

Can you hear the sound..

It's longing for your bounty head!!

It can't be!!


Gomu~ Gomu~ Axe! Knife! p*stol!

Get him Luffy! Take him down!

So Luffy-san is the man with the ability of devil's fruit

That was an interesting move..

Interesting or not..

..those strokes have actually beaten out many powerful people!

Well! Your boss have to work harder to win him

Hehh~ Then you also must be very good


As I thought, something's wrong with the sword..

It's a joke that this kind of standard worth 100 million berry..

It seems that you are no different from those guys

You're wrong! I will be the King of Pirates!

Pirates King?

Well said~! That's so cool Captain!!

This is so boring.
What's the use of going for dreams that won't come true..?

Those dreams won't come true even if lives are sacrificed

That's the reality

I will become one!!


This is so sad..



If you have what it takes.. to survive from being the lives sacrificial..

..of this Seven Star Sword

I will let you live a bit longer..

But if you can't do it.. I'd k*ll you!

What rubbish are you mumbling about... bastard!

Gomu~ Gomu~ Sling!!

Gomu~ Gomu~ erk!?

You bastard...!!

That's disgusting..

..That..that guy is too strong..

What now? Want to stop?

Devil's Fury Chop!!


Luffy~ Luffy...


Ahh ahh~

I thought Sir will use more efforts to deal with him..

It's a pity..

Rite? Usopp-san

I..I'm the brave warrior of the sea, Captain Usopp!

I will not...

..forsake my companions!!!

Huh? He went down..

The last page of my life..

Ah..that's rite!

That new w*apon was designed for this..


I..I'am saved~

..just..just a minor upset!!

How can this be!!

This can't be happening~!!

Are you alright?


Mr Doctor, we need a lot of medicine

Leave it to me!

Maya's granny and the rest brought a lot of herbs back

Let's get some more~!

Hold on..hold on..

Take it like a man

Is he really a doctor?

I can guarantee my life on it

Ah Ah.. I won't be happy even if you praise me like that!

You.. fools..

Sanji-kun, you can still cook with that hand?


I'm a chef.. I can only relieve my boredom this way

It's all Zoro fault.
He took away Maya's precious possession


Do you really need that, that jewel ball..

Lady Maya, I can handle it from here


I can't believe it, that guy!

Moreover, Where is the Captain & the others?


I can't take this.. Where are those idiots..

Emm, Robin

Maya's granny seem to know something about the sword

Yes, and I'm thinking about the Navy involvement

Alrite! The soup is ready!

It'll help you get your strength back~

Take it

I think I misunderstood you all..

..I'm really sorry about that

Don't worry about that,
we are pirates afterall

It's normal to get scared of
most of the times

Granny, they may be pirates,
but they are not bad people

Not at all, not at all, what are you saying, you fools..

That's so you, Chopper..

I also think that way..

But you shouldn't waste your time here! You should get going


Pirates or not,
you should treasure your lives..

Huh.. I'm still alive!

Yahoo~! I'm a mighty warrior!

Even in the worst circumstances,I'm still luckier than others!

I'm the super hero, I'm the strong Captain Usopp!


Luffy!! Are you there? Luffy!

He should be somewhere nearby..

I should leave it here?

Yes, that's right
I should leave it here?

It's been hard on you, Zoro.. I must really thank you

You can obtain that even without me


If it weren't for you, we won't



You won't be so sick, if its not because of the treasure?

Then I get rid of them..

Stop it!

Right now I'm not dying..

I am trembling with happiness..

You'll understand it one day..

That way, Ronoroa Zoro will become our companions as well

The 3-sword fighting is really outstanding

I must find a chance to exchange skills with you

That's good~
I also want to learn from Zoro

Ah! That's right!

The Straw Hat Luffy-san,
has been k*lled of by Sir

But, he and Luffy-san doesn't related at all..


Where is this...
We end up in a strange place..

Huh? There's a hole here..

What, over here too??

Wahh, isn't it all holes..

Damn it, Lufffffyyy~~~

Tell me if you there~~

Hey~ Where have you gone~~



You fool..

Ohh! Usopp!

Tell me sooner if you are here, you idiot!

Thank You, Usopp!

What's so funny?

I've pulled a rope just now, and that thing come out


You stupid fool~!!

This is so interesting!

It's not the time to laugh! Think of something!!!

Gomu~ Gomu~ p*stol!

It's no fun anymore..

Why you...
Don't you think about others!

But.. It's great that you are fine..

How can i be k*lled with something like that!


Sheesh.. Made me so worried..

Anyway, just get out of here first

Is there any exit?

Hmm.. It must be here


Where is it..

This way!

You sure?

Heh, it's a rope~!

No, stop it!

Huh? It's broke..

Pheww.. I thought it is a trap...

It's really a trap!!

This is one dangerous cave, haha~!!

Danger, danger~!!

The priestess & the moon..

..and prayers..

What should.. I do..

Forgive me.. Saga..


No, it's not interesting!!

Huh? What is that?

What does it written?


Look, Usopp!

It's an exit~!!


Out at last!

There's a strange tower

We maybe out.. but where are we now!?

It'll be useless if we can't go back to everyone, Luffy!

We just have to go to the opposite way, rite?

That's it.. Alrite, come!


Wa..Wait for me, Luffy!!



We are out!

Another strange tower!?

Nami! Sanji! Can you guys hear me?

Looks like i have no choice but to backtrack

Ouch, My nose! My nose!

Where is this place..

Huh, a bad sign...


Another again¸ Usopp!

This is the third one

Just as i thought.. Why are you so happy..

I.. I'm so hungry..

Me too.......

Soon, what we wished for will come soon!

After that, I shall grant you all limitless power!

It's not Law & Order that decides upon this world

Not even a god has a say in this!

It's power that rule!!


One can become a god, by given the strength & power

Only then, can one rule the world

That's a true justice!!

My fellow warriors..

Together with this Seven Stars Sword.. for the sake of justice

Together with our power..

We shall rule the new world!!

I need your help, Zoro

To realize this dreams


That's right. On the night where the full red moon rules.. dreams shall be fulfilled!

Does it still hurt?

It's nothing, I'm really healthy now!

See!? See!?

Leave this island after the meal

I've already warned you yesterday

Until Luffy's return, we won't leaves here, isn't it rite?


Those two must have lost their way on the island..

It's always like that!

They have seen it as an adventure!

Then, leave once your companion return

Are they so anxious to get rid of us?

Is it because we are pirates?

No, that's not true!
We are doing it for your sake

Saying that is for our sake, you mean..

Tell me you guys..

You'll came here..
because the Seven Stars Sword, isn't that so?

Yess! That's because Nami loves treasure so much

Chopper!! You don't have to say it all!

Ah hehe..

I thought so...

The Seven Stars Sword is not as you think.
It's not an ordinary treasure..

Ah, Robin said the same thing too, right?


Tragedy will strike, the moment the red moon rules the sky

On that uneventful night..

..of Asuka and the 3 princes

They saw the beautiful priestess for the first time

They all fell in love with her

For her sake..

They took out the Seven Stars Sword as a pledge of their love

And started a fight

Those brother started an ugly fight

The earth and the ocean cried out from the thousands of souls that were sacrificed

Then.. the sword absorbed people's grievances

And brought upon sufferings & destruction

It's a deadly curse. In the end, because of the demonic curse, Asuka fell apart

A deadly curse eh?

Amazing.. you know so much

Robin is an archeologist, a very clever one!

But, I'm not sure about things after that

It's look like the avalanche then eliminated the water character

Let me... tell the rest..


Please, have a seat

The evil powers of the sword

Started one wars after another for blood sacrifices

Wars start almost everywhere

Our beautiful sea, became a darkness sl*ve

And then..

In order to save everyone

The priestess used her own life to wash away..

..all the hatred and evils that was absorbed by the sword

As a form of remembrance

The 3 princes prayed for her

They obtained 3 sacred jewel ball from the gods of Asuka

And sealed up the evil within the sword

Every once in 100 years, the evil in the sword will..

gain in strength because of the red moon,
and emits demonic power from it

Demonic power..?

That is why we must bring the sacred jewel ball..

..up to the 3 towers

We must perform the finishing ceremony

The night of the red moon..?

That's tonight


So the navy do not allowed you to carry out the ceremony

Their leader is a person called Saga
He's the one that stole away the Seven Stars Sword

Seven Stars Sword?

The finishing ceremony is a great obstacle to him as he want to revive the evil in the sword

He can achieve that by stealing the Jewel ball away

But those.. tainted by the evil of the sword

..can't go near the Jewel Ball

That's how you guys got into the picture

Wait a minute! Who is this Saga?

You mean Zoro did it for him?

Liar! Why would he do that!?

The two of them were mates..

..from the same Kendo school when they were young


When Saga used to stay here

He told me about their past

The promise, that both of them made

A promise?

Y..You are the pirate hunter, Zoro?!

I heard that you guys are the best..

They are just rumours after all

It's not over yet!!

He won't lose to something like that..

What the..?! Who are you!!

Long time no see!

Is it you Saga?!

I embarked on this journey,
in order to improve my sword skills

I always believed that I'll see you one day,

You still have it, don't you?

Huh? Of course..

This is your sword of promise!

Huh..? Have you forgotten of it?

Don't tell me that you forgot

The promise we made!

Your dream was to become the best swordsman in the world,
while I am aftering the sword of justice

Heh, How can I forget

Sheesh, You brat!

Slash them!!

k*ll them!!

Don't be a busybody

Who do you think,
is on this ship?


The dynamite has caught fire..!



Leave it to me!

It's impossible..


Zoro, there's an axe in this ship

Get it for me..

That can get this loose!

You fool! How can I leave you like that?!

I still can handle this

Go quick.. Zoro

Don't you die on me


I will definitely come back to save you!

You must live on too, Zoro



Saga who miraculously survived
the expl*si*n of the pirate ship

Was not able to use his left arm,
ever since

Just when he in despair,

He drifted to this island on the Grand Line

Zoro's saviour

The promise.......

The person you mentioned just now, Saga

He doesn't sounds like a bad guy..

When Saga came to this island..

He was depressed and lost, everyday

But, touched by Lady Maya
encouragement & courage

He slowly opened up his heart little by little
and once again has hope in his life

I hoped that they'll marry & live
together in this village forever

Maya-chan.. is that true...

However..a year ago

Pirates invaded this peaceful island

Together with us, Saga too
took up swords to defend against them

At that time,
Saga took the curse evil sword

That was kept in that castle.. The Seven Stars Sword



If I.. have the power...


Don't take that!!

I will save you..

Stop it, Saga!!







So that's how it was..

In order to protect Maya-chan
Saga took up the Seven Stars Sword..

If only I could protect Lady-Maya!!

Don't say that!
No one should blame themselves

No one should..

After that,
Saga's heart became completely

Controlled by that accursed sword

And then, Saga..

No..The Seven Stars Sword.. placed the Navy swordsman under it's control

In order to spill more blood

It was about to bring the world ruled by darkness once again

What did you say?!

People k*lling each other, and blood flows like river

A horrible dark world where everything is destroyed

I can't stand it.....

It's been like this since yesterday

Just when will we be able to get out of this place..?

Should be this way! It's decided, Let's go~

Wait, Luffy!!

If I listen to you,
no matter how many lives I have, they won't be enough

This way!

It's the wrong way!!


That's it! I give up!

Haha I can't move.. I'm hungry to me!

Haha I can't move.. I'm hungry

If only Zoro hadn't gone running off somewhere..

Huh? Water?

Oh, it's water

What is that?

Hey Usopp~ I found something weird.. huh~?

Is this a water storage?

Granny, is there any other way to stop the Seven Stars Sword from reviving ?

The 3 Jewel Ball placed in the 3 towers are all stolen..

We cannot perform the ceremony anymore

That was all Zoro's fault.. mean,
we can only watch it happen?


There's only way left


And that is!?

The legendary priestess
is my ancestor

If I too sacrifice my life, then..

Lady Maya!!
Maya going to sacrifice?!

What are you saying?!
That's only a legend!

It's something on the past, isn't it!

I don't believe in a ridiculous things like that

But, the Seven Stars Sword does exist!

That's why i said,
you people would rather believe in something that has yet to be proven

And helplessly watch your granddaughter die just like that, is that rite?!

How can I be alright about it!!

Sorry.. I said too much..

Forget it.
I too don't think this is the way to solve the problem

This is our destiny


Our clan inherited the priestess's blood for generations..

From what I know,
there's no one with such powers like Maya's

Not anyone?

The power of prayer


Now that we cannot borrow the power of the Jewel Ball..

We can only borrow Maya's power to perform the ceremony

To stop the revival of Seven Stars Sword

This is our destiny...

Forgive me..

I understand..

Lady Maya..

There'll be others way, rite?

There must be some other way, rite?

What is that sound!!

Can it be..!

The omen of the Seven Stars Sword reviving?!


Isn't it still too early for the moon to come out..?

You, Fool...





Let's go!

What are you guys doing??

Hey~ Hi everyone~!

You worried us, Luffy!

My bad, my bad

Finally get to see everybody again...

Look at the sorry sight of you two

Can't you say something nice?

So you guys are here?

This is Maya-chan village

You are called Maya..?


I'm Luffy!

I'm Usopp!

What have you guys been doing all the while!?

Well.. for that, it's a long story

We fell into some animal's tunnel,
and it was super long tunnel ever..

Since yesterday, the two of us were scrambling around in the tunnel

At this critical time, you guys are still taking it easy

Who's taking it easy!

Our ordeal was definitely not any less than yours

That's rite, Captain!

My, my..

Luffy, you had a fight with a guy,
called Saga in the Navy Dojo?

So that's how it was..

Zoro want to keep his promise, so he went to meet this guy..?

No doubt about it..

The sword in his hands is the Seven Stars Sword you guys mentioned

That's really no ordinary sword

Just a slash like this..

Its bring out a weird light from the sword

It gives bad feeling, and it'll be real bad if you touch it

But you,
Are you really going to become the sacrificial lamb?


Maya-chan has already set her heart on it..

What are you talking about? Sanji...

I'll be right back..



Just beat up the guy, and everything will be ok rite?

It's useless

Even we defeat Saga,
.the Seven Stars Sword can still possess other people..

Young man with straw hat,
just brute strength alone is useless

If you don't try it,
you won't know a thing, granny

What i do know, Luffy!

That it's impossible for you
to find the Navy Dojo now

And if you fall into that tunnel again, it'll be ages before you got out

What's that?!
Forget it..

I still want to!

I'm also afraid to die!!
I still want to!

But¸ everything that has happen was my fault

At that time.. Saga took up the Seven Stars Sword..

In order to protect me..

If I.. if I wasn't there

Saga would never
have taken that evil sword!!

The one who turned Saga into this..

It was all my fault...

I.. Saga....

You still love him, don't you.. Maya-chan..


I've decided..


Let me save Saga this time

Even i lose my life..

It's to protect everyone in this village..

To protect my beloved island!

Well said...


Lady Maya!!!

Why are you crying too much!?

Aren't you too?

Lemme give you some souvenirs to cheer you up!


Look! Such beautiful spheres

What is it?

Th.. That is!!!

That is the precious Jewel Ball stolen by those people..

Where..Where did you find this~?!

I found them when we were
scrambling around in that tunnel

Is these usefull? Granny

It doesn't matter if they're of any use or not..

Why were they in that tunnel..

What happening, Granny..

That was scary........

Granny! We can perform the ceremony now!


That's mean, Maya-chan doesn't need to sacrifice
herself anymore, isn't it!?

So Maya need not to die?

But, Saga and the rest definitely won't let down their guard

To perform the ceremony,
seems that we'll need to make a huge sacrifices

Just as I thought,
it's something I have to fight with my life for..

You believe in that guy Saga, rite?

Then believe in him till the end!

Destiny is not something that's decided by others

It's to be decided by yourself!


We will help too! Maya!

That's right. The Straw Hat pirate group

Leave it to me!

We will fight to the end!

Maya, we will give our very best!


You all....

Everybody, please then!

Everybody, please then!

Thanks, Luffy!

Well then, what should we do?

First..let's bring these precious Jewel Ball to the 3 towers ..

That is... Great Gate, Ravenous Wolf, and Broken Army..

It will create a barrier that reduce the power of the red moon

And thus, seal the Seven Stars Sword's power

Hey, me & Luffy both saw those 3 towers


You mean those?

That tunnels link to
the 3 towers..



Stop this..

Then it's decided..

It really is a man-made tunnel..

Seems like it was made very long ago

Ehmm.. I would never have thought there would be a shortcut like this

Good job! Young man with a long nose!

I thought you are going to be tall again..

Don't call me long nose!!

Looks like the night we spend here

Running around the tunnel like an idiot,
Wasn't a wasted effort, Luffy..

We did a great job, Usopp!

OHH! We might be geniuses after all~!!

We are geniuses, we are geniuses

They are really optimistic..
We are geniuses, we are geniuses

They're just two idiots who can't tell left from right..

You guys are geniuses!!

Its an idiot


The sun is almost setting..

Hurry up and change dress..

How beautiful...


She's really pretty..

Gods of Asuka, Great ancestors

The power of prayer..

Please bestow me the power


Thanks for the hard work, Maya..

Everyone, I'm counting on you!


Everyone, let's split up into teams and action


Let's go, big guy!!



Roger that


Leave it to me!

Granny, I can do anything!

You are the key


That Zoro.. wondering if he still together with Saga

Before Zoro falls under the control of Seven Stars Swords,
we must definitely find a way to destroy it


I wonder if he's alright.. Zoro..

Don't worry!

Zoro will definitely come back!


That's right

Zoro can't possibly be controlled by that sword

Because he's too Ret*rded

But you're are more Ret*rded...

No matter what happens,
we must put the Jewel Ball into the towers

Before the red moon rises fully


It's so quite

W..What is that...

What's the dream that Sir was talking about?

Will you tell me the truth?

Go ask him yourself

You're better not underestimated..

the power of Seven Stars Sword

Tonight the Seven Stars Sword,
shall be awaken from its long slumber

After which, the first prey,
will be the blood of the strong

That is to say, live sacrifice are needed

Do you mean me?

That's right.
And then Zoro's job will be completed

Hmph, so I'm going to be a sacrifice later on?

For me, Luffy-san is better suited for this job

He has really disappointed me

That guy is really unpredictable

If you are true swordsman,
you should starts new ways


What do you mean? Zoro-san

I handed my life over to him

That's all there I got

Is that so?

What kind of person, is Sir, really?

He's like the kind of man, you can believe in

No..He's a swordsman

Please wait!

I'm different from the rest

I still retain,
my own will although its little


Even these will be gone..

Even though this is my wish..
there still an unspeakable grief

I'm about to become someone that has lost my ownself

That's why.. before that..

Zoro-san.. can you do me a favor please?

Whenever you like

If I die while fighting you,
I will have no regrets!

After I met Sir, I did become much stronger than before

But, that strength is not my own power

It's not the sword of justice in my dreams!

At this rate,
I'll become a pure k*lling machine

I can't accept that!!

When you're in the midst of fight,
don't keep yakking away!

Just think of how to defeat the enemy!

What's wrong, is that all?

I'm coming...



Wait for me.

I'll definitely catch up with you.

For that sake,
I'll refine my sword skills, much more.

And you Zoro..

Your goal is to become number one swordsman..

And I'll fight for the strongest sword of justice.

And defeat the evil powers on this world!


Not bad, Toma.

Heh, I'm not done yet!

You seem pretty happy, Toma..


Having a friendly match with Zoro eh?


The match, ends here.


Don't you intefere or
Toma will die!!

Toma, go to where you're supposed to be


This way, you'll be able to
obtain your desired sword of justice.

Sword of justice...

Wait Toma, don't fall for it!!

I want the sword of justice..

Justice is power.. not right!!


Saga.. you bastard..!

That's power, that's justice, that's everything.

I only want to let this world
return to its original form.

Do you know
what have you've done to Toma, Saga!?

To him..
It's something worse than death itself..

What you've made him do..

Toma is too weak.

Be it sword skills or heart.

That's why he needs to borrow my power..

Weak?! There's no such thing!!

It's because he like the old you,

He has a heart that, desires strongly to..

..fulfill his dream..

So the evil sword you wield,
couldn't completely possess him.

Compared to you,
Toma has a much stronger heart!


You're no longer the Saga I know..

That's right, I'm no longer the old me.

And I'm about to emerge, become a newly born.

That's why I called you here.

In order to fulfill my dream!!

You can no longer return to your oldself???


Damn it..

Open your eyes, Saga!

Don't lose to that lousy evil sword!


To come to this, I'll destroy that evil sword!!

Tiger's Lair!!!

It's useless.

Ghost Slay!!!

I've told you it's useless,
don't you get it?

In this case,

Then let me show you the evil fire..

And have a taste of death.

Demon's Fire Slay!!

Fury Ghost Slay!!

He should have been knocked over!

I can see that you've become more skillfull, Zoro.

You just don't have that kind of power,
to defeat this Seven Stars Sword in my hand.


It's only an evil sword..
Why can't I subdue it?

I won't k*ll you so easily, Zoro.

I want this Seven Stars Sword to slowly suck away all your blood.

Devil Snake's Fang!!!

A moon, red like blood.
It gives people the creeps.

That's people from Navy Dojo..

Really.. there's no time to catch our breath.

Not bad, Granny!

Luffy, you are..

You ate the Devil's Fruit?

Yeah, That's right!

Oh no..

They were waiting there all along.

Maya, follow behind me!

This kind of thing.. it's useless!

Gomu~ Gpmu~ Whip!

Quick, bring Maya to the top of the castle..

Maya, let's go!

Here is enough.

Is it ok even not at the top?

It's fine.

Maya, start concentrating on praying now.


Go for it, Maya!

Soon, the sky will be overwhelmed by the red full moon.

Oh legendary priestess, please protect Maya.

All the Asuka Gods, dwelling in the Asuka Seven Stars.

Please bestow on me the power..
The power of prayer.

With you noble love,
save this Asuka island and sea..

Protect it from calamity.

Purify the evil powers..

And please, purge the evil spirit from Saga's body.

Asuka gods,

Please no matter what, please hear my pleas.

Please bestow on me the power!

That's a good prayer..
A good prayer, Maya!

I wonder if Nami & Usopp..
have reached the other towers?

My, my, seems like the guests have arrived first.

Heh, you guys came after all..

Stubborn bastards.

But you guys will die here today!!

Come on, you stupid navy swordsmen.

Against my indestructible armour,
such weak legs like yours can never make it!!

Is that so~?!

Well then, your head and face..

Should be protected by armour too!

Quick, place it there!

I've been waiting you for a long time..


What a.. dumbass.

I'm the brave sea warrior,
Master Usopp!

The rest I leave it to you, Robin.

S..Stop it..

Well done, Robin!
Allrite, let's go..

Geez, really..

You all don't dare to come near this, right?


I did something foolish..

So I lost the arms
that is very important to a swordsman.

However, the arm was replaced by this Seven Stars Sword.

Not only that, soon,
the sky will be covered by the red full moon.

When that happens, I'll become one with the Seven Stars Sword.
And all the powers will be in my hands.

Soon, the world of chaos
that I dream of will begin.

Rivers of blood, Chaos of hatred.

Yes, the world called Death,
and reigned by darkness.

And I will be the king of this world!


What about our dream..
the dream we both promised on?

That's not....

This, is it!!!!!


Devil Fireball!

Zoro.. you can't win me.

Before we started fighting, you should have known it would end like this.

Now, stand up, it wants your blood.

The blood of the strong..

That is..?

Can it be..


Put it here..


Light is sh**ting up!

It's to create the barrier to stop the Seven Stars Sword's revival.

Huh? What's that..

The barrier has expanded!

Then that means Nami & others are doing fine!

If the barrier can be completed before the full moon forms
The power of the red full moon will disappear.

Before that, Maya will continues to pray,
nothing should go wrong.


The moon has almost full risen..

Why did the barrier..

The Jewel Balls already been taken care of..

That bitch, Maya..



Don't mess up your pace!


Don't get in my way, Maya!!


Ouch ouch.. Maya, are you okay?!


Hang in there..huh?

Oh no.. the barrier is disappearing


Very soon I will..

Straw hat boy.
I thought you were k*lled long ago.

How will I ever lose to you!!!

Hopeless fool!!!!

Gomu~ Gomu~ p*stol!!

Gomu~ Gomu~ m*ssile!!!

Gomu~ Gomu~ SPEAR!!

Gomy~ Gomu~ AXE!!

Devil's Fire Slay!!

Gomu~ Gomu~~~




Become the live sacrifice for the Seven Stars Sword..

You will be after Zoro, straw hat boy!

Live sacrifice? He won't die so easily!

Zoro will,
become the number one swordsman in the world!!!

I did it!

Looks like I understand you a little bit.


Finally.. finally the time has come!!

Seven Stars Sword...

Don't do that, Saga..

Stop it!!!!

The power has already fully charged..

Nobody, can stop me anymore.

What is it?


My..My right arm..



What just happened?

An earthquake?

It's an earthquake.
An earthquake?

On the night of the red full moon..

A great power, shall possess this sword.

It's too late..

The seal on the Seven Stars Sword has been broken,
and Saga..

Now that the Seven Stars have been defeated,

This shall be the start of a world reigned by darkness.

When the Seven Stars is utterly defeated..

Hey! What nonsense are you mumbling about?

Straw hat boy!

Let me show you the true power of the Seven Stars Sword.

It's danger!

Saga.. Wake up.

This is my power.
Did you see it? Straw hat boy!!

You smug bastard.

I'm coming!

Gomu~ Gomu~ p*stol!


It seems that he's at his peak..


I'm not giving up.

I'll continue to pray..

Until the very end!

It's not over yet!

Gomu~ Gomu~ SPEAR ah..

The light has disappeared?!

What's happening over at Maya's side?

What happened?

Maya? ..Ball of Rainbow!!

What are you doing!!

Do you understand now?

What Devil's fruit..

You can't even touch
a single hair on my body

I won't stop at something small like touching your hairs..

If I give up like this,
then everything that everyone has done..

Will be wasted!!

Just for that reason.. you're going to go against the strongest sword?!

Heh, you've only depends on that power, rite?!

Heh, you've only depends on that power, rite?!

That's why I said, even if you don't use this weird sword,

You should still be strong!!

If that sword is the strongest, then I am!!

The strongest, strongest, strongest, strongest...

..the strongest!!!

King of Pirates!!!!

Gomu~ Gomu~ MACHINE g*n!!!

I.... I...

Saga.... I....

Saga... I...

Gods of the Asuka Seven Stars

Bestow me with the power..

The light has returned!

It's Luffy!
That guy is working very hard!

Lady Maya..

Don't worry..

Maya-chan has Luffy with her.

Powered Horns!!


Why can't I use any force..

Maya made the moon's power...

Gomu~ Gomu~ m*ssile!!!

Gomu~ Gomu~ SPEAR!!

The Seven Stars Sword has shattered?!


Yes, we did it!!

Is.. is it over already?

Did we already stop the Seven Stars Sword from reviving?

..Did we?

That is!!

All the power of the Seven Stars Sword,

Has entered into Saga's body..?!

What now?

Why is this happening...

The barrier has disappeared?!
Why is this happening...

Is..Is this, its real face..

Saga has completely become one with the Seven Stars Sword..

Barrier or not, its no used anymore..


Wh..What happened?!


Furry Ball!!

Vengeance of Thunder!!

Antlers' Victory!!

We did it!

Saga.. I always believe in you..

No matter what happened.

That's why I'll continue praying..

Until you return to your oldself.




Heh, the battle has only just started.

I'm coming!

Wait, Luffy!

You're late, Zoro!

Saga..Let me.. finish this.

Don't interfere our fight.

I'm your captain!

I'll watch you defeat this guy!

Saga.. You are a swordsman right?

Then, hold a sword!

I once had a promise with you.

I said I'll definitely come back to save you!

The Jewel Ball!!


I can hear it..

The voice of you calling for help..

Why did you call him here..

This, you know yourself the best..


Asuka's Seven Stars!!


You're a the person that's going to be world's number one swordsman!!

There is nothing you cannot cut down!!

Slash apart that moon too!!!

I'm going to slash, my friend!!

Saga.. because I still believe in you..


I'm.. I'm so hungry...

What made the Seven Stars Sword evil,
is the heart of the humans.

No matter the period or the country,

There will always be a cursed Seven Stars Sword.

However, in order to seal the sword, what's needed..

Is also the heart of humans.

I want to believe..

No, I strongly believe!

If you say there's darkness
in the heart of humans..

Then there must also be brightness
that can light up their heart.

Geez.. What an interesting bunch of people..

What a waste for them to be a pirates.

Don't say that Granny..

I'll definitely pursue the sword of justice
for the sake of everyone.

That's the only compensation,
that I can make..


I also swear to you.


It's not enough, Sanji!! Bring more food!!

You can have as much food as you want..

Maya-chan gave us
a huge pile of food.

Eat it.


Already partying in the middle of the day!?


You too, come over here and eat.

Join us, Zoro!

Hurry up or everything will be finished.

That dumbass must be feeling guilty
and not dare to join in.

That bastard actually dares to go against me?

There's no need to be afraid of seeing me.
Come on, Zoro!

Geez, you guys so damn irritating...

The Navy?!

It's a huge hippopotamus..

No its not.. that's a hippo-rhinoceros!


This ship saved my life, thank you very much.

I also fell in love with Going Merry
at the first sight.


When did we ever save a thing like this?

But, why did you attack
your life saviour?!

That's an expression showing its love..


In other words..
It's a proposal.


You mean to this ship?!

The ship will sink!

You guys.. while I'm not in the ship,
what did you guys do..!?


Let us head towards the next adventure.

Full speed ahead!!!!

Save the jargon!!

Whose fault is it

That our dreams are lost?

We lose ourselves in the sounds of sighs

Let us run a little faster

The sky is waiting for you and me

Open the window to your heart

Someday, we'll definitely reach

the other side of the clouds


No matter how strong the power in our hands

It's no use if you are alone

Everyone say I believe in you

Let's make our smile be even more brilliant

Full of indescribable thoughts

So what should we care

Even if we try?

Even if the storm is so strong

Tomorrow we'll surely fly

Fly away on our wings

No matter how strong the power in our hands

It's no use if you are along

Everyone say I believe in you

Let's make our smile even more brilliant

Go towards the place which we cannot see

The place painted in our dreams

Hold firmly the faith in our hands

And walk towards the dream

Run forward in big steps

No matter how fast we run

Life can never be all smooth sailing

Our voices together laughing so happily

Onwards to that one place

The place that we all yearn for

Unable to hide our own faith

As long as we go towards our dreams

Run forward in big steps

Run forward in big steps